Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 19, 1919, Page 21, Image 21

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Bunching hits oft Strieker, West
End's star moundsman, in the eighth
Inning of the fourth game of the
championship series on the old Tri-
Btate groundh on Island Park yes
terday, Marysville, Dauphin-Perry
League champs, scored one lone
tally, which later proved enough to
swing the score in Marysvllle's fa
By virtue of her victory of yester
day, Marysville now has the edge on
the series with two victories and one
defeat. The fifth game and what
may be the deciding one of the
series, will be staged on the Island
Park grounds to-morrow afternoon
at 5.15.
Yesterday's crowd was fully the
equal of the one which thronged the
field last Saturday to see the two
teams perform. Both bleachers were
packed, the grandstand was filled
and fans lined the fence in both
right and left field, both in and
outside. The returns of the game
of yesterday was approximately the
same as in the third game.
Bievcr Is Big Star
Harry Biever, Marysville's veteran
hurler, opposed Strieker for the
fourth time in the series, and again
outpitched his more youthful op
ponent. Fourteen West End bats
men whiffed the air on his slants,
one of them getting to first when
Hippensteel dropped the third
strike. Not a single runner got to
third and but one to second. Three
ndditional men died on first. Shafer,
the only West End batsman to reach
second, did so on successive singles
by himself and Embick in the
seventh, but was anchored on the
keystone sack when Palmer fanned
and Tim Euker flied to Herman at
first. Not a single batsman was
passed by Biever and but five hits
were collected off his delivery.
Strieker pitched a sterling game
for West End. But five bingles were
made off his delivery, two of these
being bunched in the eighth when
the single Marysville tally was scor
ed. He was not quite as steady as
Biever and issued one pass, the
fourth of the series, to "Chick" But
ter, Marysville's third sacker, who
has worked Strieker for each of
the Marysville passes. Nine bats
men fanned the air.
Both pitchers were accorded good
♦support, with the Marysville outfit
playing the steadier game. West
End made its first error of the series
in the fourth inning when "Bill"
Factory to You Stores Coast to Coast
Third and Market Streets
$3.50 QUALITY $4.00
• Our Better Grades, $5.00, $6.00
Why Pay More Elsewhere
See Our Genuine Velours
The Best at $7.00, $9.00
A Large Variety—The Nobbiest and Best
What Has Happened
Previous Results
Marysville, 0; West End, 0,
(11 innings).
West End, 1; Marysville, 0,
(7 innings).
Marysville, 3; West End, 0,
(9 innings).
Last Night's Result
Marysville, 1; West End, 0,
(9 innings).
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
Marysville 2 1 .667
West End 1 2 .333
Next Game
To-morrow at E A. C. Field,
Island Park, 5.15 p. m.
Shafer muffed Gerdes' drive and af
ter that two other misplays were
recorded against tho West End con
tingent. But one misplay was scored
against Marysville, an error being
recorded against Hippensteel when
he dropped a third strike and allow
ed a man to get to third.
Sensational Fielding
Sensational fielding marked the
contest. "Monk" Gerdes, whose hit
drove in Marysville's inning run,
likewise featured in the field. Five
chances, several of them of an es
pecially difficult variety, were field
ed faultlessly by the clever short
Tim Euker. West End's center
fielder , brought down the crowd on
two occasions by spearing drives
which appeared to be labeled for
hits and which would have meant
more Marysville runs. In the eighth
he caught a high fly off Rutter's bat
in deep left center and in the ninth
he made a spectacular catch off
Biever's fly, just over the infield.
Joe Lightner, Marysville's hard
hitting center fielder who had not
been hitting the ball in the series,
apparently recovered his batting eye
yesterday and drove out two of
Marysville's five hits. "Bill" Shafer,
West End's hard working third
sacker, secured three of the up
town contingent's five hits.
Prior to the start of the game,
Marysville was presented with a sil
ver loving cup from the A. J. Reach
Company through Shenk and Tittle,
of this city. The presentation speech
was made by President E. E. Knauss.
The cup was accepted In behalf of
the Marysville outfit by tho Rev.
Ralph E. Hartman, pastor of tho
Marysville Trinity Reformed Chuch,
a former star football and baseball
SNOODLES By Hungerford
f VvHfcr traits m/ cufti&Srry f SW6IL CHANCE OF !
\ is -rue way voo SToPPtp / I /mc giving him My ( i? / f DaiuT 1 ! j !
player at Franklin and Marshall
The lineup and summary of yes
terday's game:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
W. Euker, ss ~ 4 0 0 2 3 0
McCord, 2b ... 4 0 0 2 5 0
Shafer, 3b 4 0 3 2 2 1
Wagner, rf ... • 2 0 0 0 0 0
Embick, rf,,.. 2 0 1 0 0 0
Palmer, lb .. . 3 0 0 10 0 1
T. Euker, cf ... 3 0 1 2 0 0
McKeever, If . . 1 0 0 0 0 0
Challenger, If . 2 0 0 0 0 0
Kline, c 3 0 0 8 1 1
Strieker, p... . 3 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 31 0 5 26 13 3
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Rutter, 3b .... 3 0 1 0 1 0
Moore, 2b .... 4 1 1 3 0 0
J. Lightner, cf . 4 0 2 0 0 0
Gerdes, ss .... 4 0 1 1 4 0
Hippensteel, c. 4 0 013 2 1
Herman, 1b... 4 0 0 7 0 0
H. Biever, y ... 4 0 0 0 1 0
Ellenberger, rf . 4 0 0 0 0 0
Stees, If 4 0 0 3 0 0
Totals 35 1 5 27 8 1
Stees out, hit by batted ball.
Marysville .. 00000001 o—l
West End ..00000000 o—o
Struck out, by Strieker, 9; Biever,
14. Base on balls, off Strieker, 1.
Left on bases, West End. 4; Marys
ville, 8. Stolen bases, Moore, Gerdes.
Ddropped third strike, Kline, Hip
pensteel. Time, 1.35. Umpires,
White and Shickley.
Notes of the Game
Base running figured largely In the
scoring of Marysville's lone tally. Af
ter Rutter had gone out on a hard
chance to left center, Moore singled
into left. Moore pilfered second and
went to third when Kline threw out
Joe Lightner drove a short hit into
center field.
But two stolen bases were recorded
yesterday, both of those going to
Marysville. Both were recorded In
the eighth when Moore and Gerdes
went down to second.
Shafer, the lone West End inan
who had not whiffed in the series,
fanned in the fourth inning yester
day. He reached first, however, when
Hippensteel dropped the third strike. j
Harry Wagner, star Newport out
fielder who was with the Engineers
and Firemen in the West End league,
but has been used by West End in
both of the post-season series, was
benched in the sixth yesterday, after
fanning twice. Embick was used in
his stead.
"Leger" Stees of Marysville robbed
himself of a hit in the fifth. After
hitting a slow bounder down the first
base line, he ran into the ball when
half way between home and first.
Rutter, Marysville's third sacker,
whose fielding has featured the series
had but one chance yesterday. Inci
dentally he drew another pass oft
Strieker, his fourth of the series, he
being the only Marysville batsman to
get a pass in tho series.
W. Euker drew the sole pass issued
by Harry Biever in the series. He
was granted free transportation as
the first West End batsman in the
first game of the series.
Herzog Barnstormers Will
Tour Eastern Maryland
Seaford, Del., Sept. 19. Charles
L. Herzog, the Ridgely, Md., second
baseman of the Chicago Cubs, is
arranging a three-day tour of an all
star National League team to visit
this peninsula. The first game will
be played at Easton, Md., Thursday,
October 16; second game at Seaford,
October 17, and third game at Salis
bury, October 18. The team will be
made up as follows: Miller and
Krueger, Brooklyn Nationals batch
ers; Mamaux, Brooklyn Nationals,
and Barnes, New York Nationals,
pitchers; Chase, New York Na
tionals, first base; Herzog, Chicago
Nationals, second base; Olson,
Brooklyn Nationals, shortstop; Zim
merman, New York Nationals, third
base; Robertson, Chicago Nationals,
right field; Kauff, New York Na
tionals, center field; Burns, New
York Nationals, left field; Hickman,
Brooklyn Nationals, utility man.
Walnut A. C. Is Winner
in One-Sided Grid Contest
The Walnut A. C. defeated the 1
Keystone A. C. yesterday, score 36
to 0. Rosen, Levi, A. Michlovltz,
Klavans and Sprout all starred for
the Walnuts. The Walnuts will play
the Keystone A. C. to-morrow.
The lineup follows:
M. Michlovltz.. R. E. .. .M. Klavans
Chenowith R. T C. Hursh
E.Thompson.. R. G D.Nurick
Furber C Levin
Towsen L. T Solavitz
Goverbaum.... L. G G. Nurick
G. Thompson.. L. E Sprout
Cohen Q. B. .A. Michlovltz
Townsend.... L. H. B Levi
Sniedman.... R. 11. B Graham
M. Marcus F. B A. Rosen
Albright College Squad
Is Getting Hard Drills
Myers town, Sept. 19. Coach
Benfer of Albright College, has been
putting his football candidates
through . hard work each evening
this week. He has been drilling a
number of the men in backfleld
work, line plunging and end run
He is arranging to give all the
candidates a series of blackboard
talks, beginning next week, and
these are to be followed up by reg
ular scrimmages.
Manager H. F. Kreidler reports i
the schedule as nearing completion,
and promises to have a good season
for the Red and White boys.
[Other Sport News o n Page 4.]
West End Schedule Has
Six Games on Home Field
Manager E. J. Flickinger an
nounced this schedule for the West
End football team. Othor games are
Six of the scheduled games will be
played on the West End gridiron
at Fourth and Seneca streets. By
no means the least of these will be
the game on November 22 with the
Eighth Ward team of Lancaster.
This eleven has been undefeated in
the past three seasons. West End
was the only team to score against
the Lancaster eleven last year, and
the Eighth Ward outfit stands in fair
light this season to maintain its
| claim for the Eastern championship.
Two new candidates have joined
the West End squad. Bill Euker,
captain of the baseball team, and
former St. Mary's College star, and
Eggie Fetrow are the new additions.
Sixteen candidates now form the
squad, and all 'will report for prac
tice this evening at 6.30 o'clock. The
schedule as announced by Manager
Flickinger is as follows:
October 4, Oberlin at home.
October 11, Mercersburg away.
October 18, Enhaut at homo.
October 25, Belmont at home.
November 1, Columbia Y. M. C. A.
November 8, Penbrook at home.
November 15, Oberlin away.
November 22, Eighth Ward, Lan
caster, at home.
November 27, Commonwealth at
P. R. R. Elects to Play
Final Game at Liverpool
Liverpool, Pa., Sept, 19. —The P.
R. R. Electrics of liarrisburg will
play their third game with 'the
Liverpool baseball team to-morrow
on the home diamond. Liverpool
defeated the Harrisburg team the
first game, 2 to 1; the second, a twi
light game played on the Harris
burg grounds, was called at the end
of the sixth inning on account of
darkness, Bcore 0-0.
The home team and the Harris
burg team are evenlr matched and
the question now is which of the two
teams will win out.
Liverpool teapn defeated Dan
ville's strong team this week with
a score 5 to 2. The game was excit
ing from start to finish.
Last night Liverpool defeated
Halifax on the home diamond in a
twilight game by a score of 7 to 0.
Rain ended the game at the end of
the fifth inning.
. * -
Flows Freely in Zero Weather
ATLANTIC Motor Oils are the mili-
STL tary police of motoring. They
quell engine-disorders with certitude
and dispatch. They guard your rights
to 100-percent motor-operation and have
a genuine reverence for your purse.
Ask your garageman whether you should
use Atlantic Polarine, Atlantic Light.
Medium or Heavy.
Keep Upkeep Down.
y~W~\ Sn appy
K jg ] Styles
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Bhf' I Haberdashery
iBLEx Hats
Soft Hats, latest Fall Underwear,
styles and shades, Special at $1.75 a
$2.69 to $7.50 if- ° the " "p to
• Shirts, fine qual- * UU *
ity, neat designs. Neckties, in new
89c to $7.00 <X u .! ar slyles
The Uptown Gents' Furnishing Store
1117 North Third Street
Baseball Summary
For Big League Battles
Yesterday's Results
Pittsburgh, 7; New York, 0.
Cincinnati, 2; Brooklyn, 0.
Only games scheduled.
Standing of tho Clubs
W. L. Pet
Cincinnati 93 41 .694
New York 80 50 ,615
Chicago 70 60 ,538
Pittsburgh 69 65 .514
Brooklyn 64 69 .480
Boston 53 76 .410
St. Louis 50 80 .384
Philadelphia 45 84 .348
Schedule For To-day
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
New York at Pittsburgh.
Boston at Chicago.
Yesterday's Results
New York, 6; Chicago, 4.
Cleveland, 4; Philadelphia, 1.
Washington, 12; St. Louis, 3 (first
Washington, 7; St Lculs, 0, (sec
ond game).
Detroit 8; Boston, 2.
Standing of tlio Clubs
W. L. Pet.
Chicago 86 46 ,652
Cleveland 79 52 .603
Detroit 75 57 .568
New York 71 58 .550
Boston 63 66 .489
St. Louis 64 68 .469
Washington 53 80 .399
Philadelphia 34 97 .259
Schedule For To-day
Chicago at Boston.
Cleveland at Washington.
Detroit at New York.
St Louis at Philadelphia.
Pitchers Walk Babe Ruth;
Fear Home-Run Hitter
Boston, Sept 19. Babe Ruth,
much against his will, will set up &
new record for American League
pitchers in walking this season, be
ing due to draw more than one hun
dred passes. He already has been
the recipient of eighty-two and al
most every one of them was handed
to him with malice aforethought.
The gents off whom the Bostonlan '
made his homers probably wish they
had adopted safety first tactics when
they were pitching to him, though
not all of George Herman's four
baggers have come in games that
were Red Sox triumphs.
Some baseball editors have been
besieged with queries as to how
many times Ruth has been purposely
walked this year, the answer being
easy, because mighty few of the
gifts he has received came to him
because of lack of aim on the part
of the artillerists.
It can be put down as a positive
certainty that seventy of the bases
on balls awarded to Ruth during
the current campaign have been is- I
sued under instructions.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Clothes Fashions For Young
Men $3O, $35, $4O and $45
A Fall Suit Assemblage of Unexampled
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t There is a special appeal to these
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To be able to show superfine
suits at these prices today speaks elo-
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Stewart clothing organization.
The variety of colors and pat
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The New Sampeck Suits
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Suits of such quality that they are uni
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New waist line and belted models in blue
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Weather-proof Corduroy Suits, pleated and
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Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. r" '
SEPTEMBER 19,1919. 1
I For Social Organization. Give Description of Act, With Price, toT
kP. 0. Box 581, Harrisburg, PaA