Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 19, 1919, Page 17, Image 17

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    Want Medical
Courses Shortened
to Release Students
By Atsociattd Prtu.
Pliiladtlphia, Sept. 19. Because
of the scarcity of physicians, espe
cially in the rural districts, the
Pennsylvania Homeopathic Medical
Society, at the final sessions of its
annual convention hero yesterday,
adopted a resolution appealing to
the National Federation of State
Medical Boards to shorten the medi
cal course In colleges from seven to
six years.
Speakers declared the expense of
the seven-year courso and the
jength of time necessary has dls-
Horlick's the Original
Malted Milk—Avoid
Imitations & Substitutes
Charming furs that strike joy into the hearts of ad
miring visitors you'll find in luxurious profusion amid
our Early Fall Exhibit.
Besides, buying Furs now is an investment rather
than an expenditure, for Furs—good furs—depreciate
very slowly in value. Furs really increase rather than
decrease in worth.
"Another thing, prices will soon make a considerable
advance. The wise buyer buys now!
Sets, Neckpieces and Muffs may be had In Skunk, Black
Lynx,. Taupe or Lucille shade Fox and Wolf, natural Mink,
Squirrel or Raccoon, prices ranging from $l2 to $125.
There are Coats of Hudson Seal, with collar and cuffs of
soft Squirrel, natural Nutria, Australian Opossum or Skunk.
Ooats of Beaver, with sweeping cape collar of Beaver or lovely
Gray Squirrel. Natural Muskrat Coats, knee length, with
large shawl collar and cuffs. And, so on, In glorious variety,
ranging In price from $9B to $550.
We've also repair and remodel department, where
Fhirs, Fur Coats, Coatees and Scarfs are remodeled and
made to look like new pieces at very reasonable charges.
All work is guaranteed.
VJ'Co.t.FURSscf, J
440 Market Street.
11 Our Advice to You 1|
| J LAN your Fall clothes needs with care. j||
Jn Good clothes—the kind you ought to buy, j||
and the kind THE GLOBE sells—will not j||
I be any too plentiful.
1 \LL clothes good and otherwise are si
-t \ rather high priced generally.
■\7OU'RE going to pay enough for good clothes so why not
Y come to THE GLOBE and make your satisfaction doubly
sure, and you know you'll get what you're paying for. j|d
MART style is something you see when you buy; but you
ought to be sure it's good style as well as smart; —there's
2 difference that's too important to slight.
rp HE newest thing is the revival of the Double-Breast
Suit —some with belts; some half-belts; with some the W3H
I belt is detachable—wear without it at will. Young j?®?
jjjj men are taking them fast. Then, there are hosts of very smart Sill
single-breast models, too., of course; very snappy or more dig- Gig
nified in details. A specially worthy showing in variety and ||lj
1 $3O $33 $4O $43 |§
ftlfn "J n ' niißrnimwuiikii.^i. M^Mlr i
couraged the younger generation
from (entering the profession.
R. "L. Piper, Tyrone, -was elected
president of the society; J. N. Ken
worthy, Philadelphia, secretary, and
Ella D. Goft, Pittsburgh, treasurer.
Labor Conference Is
in Hands of Baruch
Washington, Sept. 19.—Bernard M.
Baruch, formerly chairman of the war
Industries board and more recently
Industrial adviser of the American
peace delegation, will play an Im
portant part In President Wilson's In
dustrial conference to bo held here
October 6. Not only will Mr. Baruch
be a delegate to the conforonce, as an
nonuco.l by the President in San
Francisco last night, but he Is now
In chargo of the arrangements for the
conference and the President Is being
guided largely by Mr. Baruch's Judg
No One Having an Insurance
1 License Can Work For
the State Fund Now
Workmen's In -
V\.W JL&C/ sura nc e Fund
v\Vv\A board has an
f nounced that no
person holding
either a broker's
license or an in-
I] CGHWMWU suranee agent's
flffl n State Insurance
any other de
partment can be employed by the
State Fund.
Thin action was taken by the
Board as the result of complaint by
Insurance Commissioner Thomas B.
Donaldson that persons connected
with the Board's service were en
gaged in the insurance business as
well. It was charged that in one
Instance rebating had been dis
covered and the license revoked.
In others It was alleged that per
sons had been Interesting them
selves In Insurance work.
The effect of the order, says In
surance Commissioner Donaldson,
will be to compel a man under sal
ary to attend to the business of the
State Fund.
Many WiU Hunt—Reports re
ceived at the office of the State
Game Commission indicate that
issuances of hunters' licenses this
year is being made at a rate which
will run ahead of last year. The
Told by Herself. Her Sincerity
Should Convince Others.
Christopher, 111.—"For four years
I suffered from irregularities, weak
f__im|(lM -—, nesai nervousness,
NUIUMU and was In a run
iiJfwjl.'flm down condition.
Two of our best
doctors failed to
rSf v* do mo any K° od -
I * heard so much
i rffo-T about what Lydla
|| • ! J E. Plnkham'i
| V jfiwr Vegetable Com-
I I rsl^ivllN^A pound had dono
ifor others, I tried
f and was cured.
: i am no longer
. nervous, am reg
i ular, and in ex-
I cellent health. I believe the Com-
I pound will cure any female trouble."
| —Mrs. ALICE HELLER, Christo
| pher. 111.
j Nervousness Is often a symptom
lof weakness or some functional
! derangement, which may be over
come by this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound, as thousands of
women have found by experience.
If complications exist, write Lydla
E. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for suggestions In regard to
your ailment. The result of its long
experience Is at your service.
With the American Forces in Ger
many, Sept. 19. Sale of a reproduc
tion of the Lusttania medal, which
for a time was being peddled in the
occupied areas, has been forbidden
in the Rhine province by the ober
president. Hundreds of the medals
were bought by American soldiers as
souvenirs. Writing to Colonel I. L.
Hunt, officer In charge of civil af
fairs in the American area, regard
ing the sale of the medal by Ger
mans, the oberpresident says:
"I wish to inform you that such
tr medal has, of course, never been
coined or caused to be coined by
anl German government. The medal
is simply the outcome of misguided
thrift and greediness on the part of
certain private dealers who. In a
most unwarrantable manner, pub
lished this tasteless reproduction and
aggregate Issued last season was
311,000. Some of the counties have
reported issuing licenses in greater
number than usual at this period.
Inspections of lands for auxiliary
game preserves are to be made
shortly in three counties.
To Hear Argument September
30 has been fixed by the Dauphin
County Court as the date for hear
ing argument on the demurrer filed
by the Attorney General to the action
in equity to restrain State fiscal of
ficers from paying appropriations to
certain charitable institutions al
leged to be sectarian. The argu
ment will not touch upon anything
but the demurrer.
Schaffer to Investigate—Attorney
General William I. Schaffer will
study the charges preferred before
the Governor by a committee of
Philadelphia tenants to the effect
that rent profiteering is going on in
that city. The Governor to-day
handed the data submitted to him
to the Attorney General with a re
quest for an early opinion as to the
powers of the Commonwealth in
such a contingency. Investigation
will be made and if necessary the
State Banking Department will take
a hand in the inquiry into the
building and loan association end
of it.
To Consider Valuation—Questions
relative to the valuation of proper
ties of the Bell Telephone company
in Pennsylvania asked by L. H.
Kinnard, vice president at Wednes
day's hearing will be considered by
the Public Service Commission when
It meets in executive session on
Monday. The Commission's account
ants have been at work for some
time on an inquiry Into the com
pany's business as a basis for in
vestigation of the telephone rates
on the Commission's own initiative.
Welfare Commission—ln all prob
ability the State Welfare Commis
sion will meet here next Tuesday
or Wednesday to consider division
of some of the war-time activities
among various State departments.
The Philadelphia idle house situa
tion may also be brought to atten
tion of the commission. *
Seven-Cent Faro The Public
Service Commission has dismissed
compalnts filed by the city of Mead
ville and Leon F. Markham against
the seven-cent fare of the North
western Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany in that city. The decision says
that uncontradicted testimony does
not show that the fare will provide
revenue much in excess of operating
costs increased because of abnormal
conditions due to war and that seven
cents is not unjust or unreasonable.
Chairman W. D. B. Alney gives the
complainants right to renew the
complaints after July 1, 1920, when
if conditions warrant orders for a
change may be made. The com
pany is called upon to file monthly
statements of revenue, costs, etc., so
that the Commission "may be ad
vised of the actual experience of the
company whereby the patronß may
be relieved of these higher rates
when the cost of producing the serv
ice which they enjoy is lowered suf
ficiently to permit it."
Differential Once
More to the Front
Whether the 10 per cent differen
tial in favor of the State Workmen's
Insurance Fund in writing compen
sation liability insurance will be
abolished on January 1, 1920, or
whether it will be continued until
some future date is a question which
is interesting Capitol Hill. Insur
ance Commissioner Thomas B. Don
aldson, who holds in his letter to the
State Board in charge of the fund
that the matter of abolishing the dif
ferential is wholly within his discre
tion, will be asked to submit the
question to the board. Mr. Donald
son is opposed to the differential and
believes that all compensation insur
ance should be on a parity, State
fund or not. He has held that view
for years.
Governor William C. Sproul, who
was not advised as to the Donaldson
plan until after the action had been
made public, said to-night: "I think
that the State fund's side of this
matter should be gone into. To my
mind the State fund should have a
hearing, too." Further than that the
Governor would not comment. H. M.
Kephart, State Treasurer, the chair
man of the board in charge of the
fund, and C. B. Connelley, Commis
sioner of Labor and Industry, also
a member of the board, spent some
with the Governor discussing the
matter of abolition of the differen
tial, but would not comment. Mr.
Donaldson is attending an insurance
meeting lit Virginia and the Gov
ernor will see him as soon as he
returns. Mr. Donaldson replied a
few days ago to the Governor's re
quest that the matter be held in
abeyance with a letter which said
that action had already been taken
by him under the act of 1919.
Judging from the Governor's re
mark, the matter will be taken up
by the board, whose members in years
gone by held that they had advisory
powers at least on rates. Whether
Mr. Donaldson will insist on the dif
ferential abolition or decide to make
a trial a while longer is the inter
esting question here.
Poles in Russia
Drive Bolsheviki;
Take Korohtenehtop
London, Sept. 19.—The Polish
forces In Rtfssia have driven the
Bolsheviki to the northern bank of
the Dvina river as far as Disna and
have occupied Korohtenehtop. on
the Ukrainian front, the Bolsheviki
have forced General Patlura out of
Radomysl, but apparently are not
attempting yet to recapture Kiev
This represents an advance north
ward by the Poles of approximately
100 miles from the town of Borisoft,
on the east bank of the Berepln.i
river, 60 mi'es northeast of Minsk,
[ eported on September 16.
have hawked it about, without con
sidering for one moment, that by so
doing, they stimulate the animosity
against Germany."
The story generally current with
the sale of this issue of the medals
was that they were made in Munich
by the manufacturer of the orig
inal which was issued In 1915 after
the sinking of the Lusltania and
from the same dies on which the
original Issue was cast. These dies,
according to the story, was ordered
destroyed by the German govern
ment after but twenty-eight medals
had been Struck off but were sur
reptitiously saved by Karl Guerts,
who is reported to have been the
designer. The German government
has several times denied that any
Lusitanla medal was ever issued with
consent of any government officials.
Relief For Poland
Needed Immediately,
Morgenthau Says
Paris, Sept. 19. —Henry Morgen
thau, who headed the United States
Investlrail ~n Commission, which has
been at work In Poland since late
in July, has returned to Paris and
gives a stirring description of the
distress which is reigning in Poland
and the small nations of Central Eu
rope. He says hundreds of persons
are suffering from hunger and are
half clad, and expresses the fear
that they will die by thousands dur
ing the coming winter if not given
immediate assistance.
"The only remedy I can see is the
League of Nations," he says. "The
League must operate immediately to
decide disputes, determine frontiers
and restore order In Central Europe,
which is threatened with anarchy."
George and Tittoni
Agree on the Frame
Question, It Is Said
Rome, Tuesday, Sept. 16.—The
Messaggero says David Lloyd George,
the British prime minister; M.
Clemenceau, the French premier,
and Signor Tittoni, the Italian for
eign minister, are in perfect accord
over a definite solution of the Flume
question insuring the Italian nation
ality of the town, and are only
awaiting President Wilson's decision
on the subject.
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
| If you want to keep your hair In
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair
brittle, and is very harmful. Mulsl
fied cocoanut oil shampoo (which is
pure and entirely greaseless) is
much better than anything else you
can use for shampooing, as this
can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two
teaspoonfuls will make an abun
dance of rich, creamy lather, and
cleanses the hair and scalp thor
oughly. The lather rinses out eas
ily, and removes every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive
I oil. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and it leaves it fine and
silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man
You can get Mulslfied cocoanut
oil shampoo at most any drug store.
It is very cheap, and a few ounces
is enough to last everyone in the
family for months.
Simple Home Remedy
Advised For Rose
And Hay Fever
- I
Anyone Can Make a Pint For
Trifling Sun) and Used In
Time May Prevent
Annual Attack
"No matter how severe your yearly
attack be,
No matter how distressing or h>
Its Intensity can be reduced to a harm
less, mildness,"
says a Kentucky druggist who bellevea
from what he has seen that this simple
home made remedy Is a most Im
portant discovery.
He has seen the most severe and
apparently unconquerable cases re
duced to what might be called a mild
cold in twenty-four hours.
In many cases where the patient
started treatment a week or ten days
before the expected attack the unwel
come yearly visitor failed to appear
with anything like Its usual Intensity,
People who want to try this new
treatment can make a pint In a few
Pour one ounce of Menthollsed Ar
cine Into a pint bottle then fill the
bottle with water that has been boiled.
Gargle dally as directed and snuff or
spray the nostrils twice daily.
That's all there Is to the treatment
which so many sufferers have found te
be a true friend.
Menthollzed Arclne In one onnee
vials Is dispensed by all the better
How Every Woman Can Quick*
ly Charm Her Friends With
Lovely Teeth,
Clean, White and Brilliant
If you want trra cleanest of white
teeth and healthy gums free from die
ease, an easy and quick way to get
both Is to use a tooth paste so effective
and perfect that astonishing results
usually come in a week's time.
And the cost Is so little. Just go to
any drug or department store, and get
a large tube of SENHECO TOOTH
PASTE for 35 cents.
Not only will It make your teeth
clean and white, but It will at once
remove any filmy coating, help to
check the ravages of Pyorrhea and
banish acidity In the mouth.
It Is used by thousands of dentists
Rnv. Its snle has been remarkable.
When you visit your dentist, which
you should do at least twice a year,
nsk him about SENItECO. It's a most
delightful and refreshing tooth paste.
Reports From Twelve
States Indicate Drop
in the Food Prices
By Aisotiatti Prut.
Washing**,, Spt. 19.—Reports to
the Department of Justice from 12
I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I
I "Be Sure of Your I
Stetson Hats j
I This is the "Live Store" where
you can fully satisfy your wish regarding
your New Fall Hat—We received the largest as
sortment and greatest number of Stetson Hats
ever shipped into this territory. The fact is, we
have the biggest display of Stetsons in Pennsyl- 1
vania. Then, besides, an unequaled collection of
handsome Mallory
Velours j
9 The fastest selling Hat that has ever ij
been put on the market—ask the manufacturers who
popularized Velours throughout Central Pennsylvania, and I
they'll tell you it was Doutrichs—Have you seen the beautiful
I colorings displayed in our mammoth windows?
Every shade that men would wear is [;
g represented, they're the talk of the town. There's •
I I always a group of people inspecting and admiring this splen- \
did display of Velours. Browns; Greens, Gray, Black, Fawn,
Castor and' what Hats will be more popular than
ever this year—Be sure to get yours early.
The Best Hat Display You've ;
Ever Seen—Come In
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
SEPTEMBER '19,1919. '
states indicate there has been a de
cline of 10 to 16 per cent in food
prices since the time the fair price
committees began their work.
From four states have come re
ports on wholesale prices indicating
a decline of 2 to 6 per cent. Virtually
j no reductions in clothing prices have
I been noted.
B Fot head or throat
catarrh 1 try the /WHTOL
vapor traatmant — Jrpttrt
VICKS vaporiik"