Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 19, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Gunboats Searching '
For Missing Steamer
Havana, Sept. 19. Two Cuban
ftunboets are searching along the
Borthem shore of the island and in
tkre Bahamas for some trace of the
Spanish steamship Valbanera, which
The Best Coal
For Cold Weather
A long, cold Winter with
little snow is the prediction.
The snow makes little differ
ence it is the intensity and
length of the cold weather that
must be guarded against.
Kelley's "Blue Ribbon"
Coal—highest in heat units
by actual test —is the Coal
to look to for comfort. It
has the smallest percentage
of impurities of any fuel
\What 'you want this Winter
f high living costs is more heat
and less waste.
Try Kelley's "Blue Ribbon"
Coal—but get it now while the
supply is in the yards.
1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts.
To the Man
Who Pays—
I $5O, $6O and More
I To a Tailor
We want you to see these wonderful super-
I line of double-service, exquisite workman-
I ship and materials used in
AX +<
s7oios77Jo $00.50
We'll let you decide
I whether you are missing
I anything found in SUITS
I and OVERCOATS tailor-
I ed, at $5O, $6O and more.
a Suits and Overcoats are Mg|f j s fl |\
I exact duplicates of those 1 X gfl-" |L
I worn on Fifth Ave., N. Y., \
R and you know that sth
| Ave. styles set the fash- Jj
No. matter. "HOW \|MWls \
I FIT" we'll guarantee to OjMB 1 MJj /
I sell you a Suit or Over- /Ml Mi, Vjj J
I coat that is absolutely fW l| | f J
I form-fitting or refund j |
Come and SEE these SHJ|MV
I You'll be convinced we P|S| h\J
I can save you at least $lO J H
■ From Our Factories
I Direct to You With
I YOU Rs"and W& ° specUdt y of
I YOURS and OURS fa fi rst i ong p ants Suits
I No Middleman's for Junior Men
I The Wonder Store
211 Market Street
Is nine days overdue and for the
eafety of which grave fears are en
tertained. The steamer, with sev
eral hundred passengers on hoard,
arrived oft Morro Castle, on Septem
ber 9, when a great tropical hurri
cane was raging, and, being unable
to enter port put out to sea to watt
for the storm to abate. Faint wire
less calls supposed to come from the
Valbanara have several times been
picked up here and at Key West.
While those who have hoped the
ship was safe are beginning to be
pessimistic over her fate, It is
pointed out that on one former oc
casion she rode out a storm fully
as violent as the one of last week,
reaching port 14 days overdue and
with her upper works virtually
stripped away by mountainous
waves. They say the ship was equip
ped with watertight compartments
and was supposed to be unsinkable.
It is suggested that If other means
of finding the ship prove fruitless
seaplanes may be seat out from Key
West to search for her.
to put off today's duty
until tomorrow. If
your stomach is acid*
disturbed take
the new aid to digestion
comfort today. A
pleasant relief from
the discomfort of acid
Superintendent Finegan An
nounces Formation of
Four New Bureaus
Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, the new
State superintendent of public in
strucUon, to-day announced the first
steps in the reorganization of the
Pennsylvania department in charge
of education. Appointment of Dr.
j William D. Lewis, of Philadelphia,
I to be second deputy was formally
' announced and four new bureaus
j established. Further moves in the
comprehensive plans for the reor
! ganization will be announced later
together with various projects for
i the rejuvenation of his branch of
| the State government.
The reorganization plans an
i nounced were the result of a study
I of the department and a series of
conferences with Governor William
! C. Sproul, who has given the new
| superintendent cordial support in
. the work.
Dr. Lewis, who will'have charge
j of secondary education in Pennsyl
] vania, is a graduate of Syracuse
| university and has been at the head
of the William Penn High school
in Philadelphia for several years.
Dr. J. George Becht, for several
years secretary of the State Board
of Education, was appointed first
deputy some time ago.
Dr. Finegan's new bureaus are as
Administration —W hlch will
handle all fiscal and statistical af
fairs and be in charge of Major
Fred Englehardt, a graduate of
Penn Charter school, Philadelphia,
and Yale university who has done
post graduate work at Columbia
and Harvard. He recently returned
from army service. Major Engle
hardt will be known as director and
I several members of the present
| staff whose duties relate to financial
and statistical work will be placed
in the bureau.
Attendance—Which will be in
I charge of Reed B. Tietrick, of Jef-
I ferson county, deputy State superin
| tendent for several years, and will
have charge of enforcement of
compulsory attendance as Dr. Fine
gan has received information that
this law Is not being closely enforc
ed In some parts of the State and
it will be taken up and vigorously
carried out, he announces.
Health Instruction—Which will
be under Dr. Clinton P. McCord, a
native of Chester county, graduate
of West Chester State Normal
school and of the University of
Pennsylvania and a teacher of six
■ years experience in Pennsylvania
schools and of study in other
States. This bureau, which has
been established after consultation
with Col. Edward Martin. State
Commissioner of Health, will work
in conjunction with the Department
of Health and will organize instruc
tion for all the school children
regularly and systematically in
i health subjects, placing them on
the same plane as other branches
of instruction. There will also be
supervisors of physical training.
One of which will be directed by
Miss Jeanne M. Gray, of Pittsburgh,
a graduate of Pennsylvania College
for Women at Pittsburgh and oth
er institutions and who has resigned
a position in the University of Wis
consin to take this p(ace. Miss
Gray will have special charge of
physical training for girls. It is the
plan to establish a similar bureau
to supervise physical training and
athletics for boys.
Training and Certification of
Teachers—Which will be in charge
of Dr. Albert Lindsay Rowland,
superintendent of Radnor schools,
Delaware county, a former princi
pal of the school of pedagogy at
Philadelphia and a graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania. He will
be director and have charge of a
reorganization of work relating to
the training, examination and cer
tification of teachers.
Col. Martin has extended to Dr.
Fipegan co-operation of his depart
ment in preparation of courses of
study and services of specialists in
health instruction matters.
One Killed Three
Hurt When Automobile
Overturns Near Carlisle
Frank Pennell, aged 58, of Dun
cannon, teller in the Duncannon
First National Bank, was instantly
killed late yesterday afternoon
about nine miles from Carlisle,
when the automobile in which he
was riding with friends, overturned.
Three other persons were injured so
badly that they were taken to the
Carlisle Hospital for treatment.
The other injured are:
Mrs. Frank Pennell, of Duncan
non, badly bruised.
C. F. Haas, of Duncannon, badly
bruised about the head and knee.
Mrs. Frank Weightman, of Ho
boken, N. J., broken right arm and
severe bruises.
The accident occurred about 6
o'clock near the White Stone House
on the Walnut Bottom road. A
sharp turn of the heavy seven-pas
senger automobile wrenched one
wheel oft and it overturned over the
edge of a culvert.
The autmobile was owend by
Frank Weightman. of Hoboken, N
J., who, together with Mrs. C. F.
Haas, of Duncannon, were the only
uninjured persons in the automo
bile. The party was returning by
automobile from Pittsburgh to Dun
cannon at the time of the accident
The body was taken in charge by
Undertaker Lutz, of Carlisle, last
evening, and to-day was taken In
charge by H. J. Deckard, of Marya
ville and Duncannon.
Auto Crash at Crossing
Snuffs Out Five Lives
Riverside, N. J., Sept 19.—Five per
sons. two men and three women, were
instantly killed and a child critically
Injured last evening when the driver
of an automobile disregarded the
warning of a grade-crossing guard at
Taylor's Lane, on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, below Riverside, and ran his
car directly in front of an east-bound
passenger train. The dead are:
Mrs. Laura Davis, 49 years old, of
East Riverton.
Mrs. Laura Webb, 21 years old of
East Riverton, daughter of Mrs. Davis
Mrs. Gertie Tuber. No. 27 Federal
street, Camden, a friend of the Da
Thomas J. Neary, No. 1512 Shunk
street Philadelphia, driver of the ill
fated car.
Winfleld Chellew, No. 6 Stamper's
lane, South Philadelphia.
Unite Right.
"You say your son is a great stu
dent of history?"
"Yes. '
"But 1 never see him paying much
attention to books."
"No. He is willing to let bygones
>e bygones. Ho gets the really im
portant history fresh every day in
the newspapers."—Washington Star.
Death List Grows Rapidly;
Body Is Identified as
Bishop Nussbaum
By Associated Press.
Corpus Christi, Tex„ Sept. 19. —
Rapid growth of the death list re
sulting from the hurricane and
tidal wave that swept Corpus Christ!
and nearby points Sunday caused
the belief among the relief workers
and local officials that the total dead
would approximate five "hundred
persons. Estimates of the property
loss runs as high as $20,000,000.
Redouble Efforts
With a large amount of territory
still to be explored, searchers to
day redoubled their efforts to rdcover
bodies of persons who lost their
lives in the gulf hurricane.
That dozens of persons who lost
their lives probably never will be
identified was the belief expressed
as reports came in that burial par
ties were interring bodies as rap
idly as found for sanitary reasons.
To-day 284 bodies had been re
ported buried and of that number
only 82 identified. Fifty-seven bodies
had been buried here.
Relief Measures Under Way
Relief measures for relieving the
distress of the 3,000 or 4.000 per
sons made homeless by the storm
were reported to be progressing sat
A rescue party started to-day to
Mustang island, where 11 persons
who were on board the wrecked
launch Waldo are marooned.
Among the dead in Sunday's gulf
hurricane here. identified. was
Bishop Paul J. Nussbaum, of Corpus
San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 19.
Bishop Paul J. Nussbaum. of Corpus
Christi, reported among the identi
fied dead there, has been at Corpus
Christi since 1913 and has been a
member of the Paulist Order. He
served as missionary in Buenos
Aires and other points in the Argen
tine Republic, was stationed at
Rome for several years and for the
five preceding 1913 conducted mis
sions and retreats in eastern states.
He was born in Philadelphia and
was ordained a priest twenty-five
years ago.
New York, Sept. 19.—The American
11 Twenty-Five Cent Department Store p
| : Announces Its Formal ||
|j Fall Millinery Opening J|
f Saturday, September 20, 1919 j||
For years, this store's millinery department has been recognized not only as _y\ IE §f
a center for authoritative styles in the ne west millinery conceptions, but for prices 17 i \ r =
that offer more advantageous buying her e than elsewhere in Harrisburg. The j/%x [ \ flr ==
formal Fall opening for 1919 far surpasses anything that has yet ben attained in IX iL =
this department in a complete showing of distinctive an dexclusive models in L
trimmed and untrimmed hats for Fall wear. llr"
|H " Turbans Trimmings -I 1 1
= "* Small Turbans, draped turbans, Brand new arrivals embracing all 1 rEE
=; r sailors, chin chini side effects in the latest novelties in ostrich and r ;=
•= * wide range. ~ feather effects in black and colors. > L =
1 < Hatter's Plush and Beaver Hats 11
p* , ar^ C meC *' Um Sa^°r e^ects * ' n black an< l the lead- L
1 < WZfl Velour Hats Tam O'shanters fSS ||
=< $\ * Ty )J l A •> n latest tailored styles and em- in the choicest styles in black and jmjjr L|t
E •* bracing a complete color range. colors. £ p
| , Misses' New Fall Hats - El
£ * in a choice array of large sailors and new shapes in £ 3
E * drooping effects in all colors. |l 2
Legion Weekly, the official organ of I
the American Legion, publishes in its |
latest issue an attack on the Federal j
board for vocational training. Con-1
gress and the war risk insurance bu
reau. asserting that up to September
4 only 33 men of the 230.000 Ameri
ani disabled during the world war
had been completely trained and es
tablished in employment by the
"The history of this elaborately con -
stituted organization," the article |
says, "which with millions at its dls-1
posal has been charged with the task
of rehabilitating disabled soldiers and
by training and rc-education enabling
them to resume self-supporting sta
tions in society, is a black record. The
men who gave most have received
least from a grateful nation.
Referring to the war risk insur
ance bureau it says:
"Why It requires from three weeks
to six months for the bureau to act
on a man's case after he leaves the
hospital is a mystery that has never i
been explained."
To make flaky j
biscuits, delicious w"Trf
muffins and iHJulftlilfl ;
gems, rea/dough- 5*51*0 1 |
nuts and cake of
fine texture—
you must use
Go buy it today!
Pure as a Lily
Blush of
natural tint for
and cheeks, can
be detected, gives
Slow of youth, not
"least bit artificial
c, 25c per Battle
At all leaaing u'rugglsts or direct
from "
Cucumber Specialty - Co.
336 Heed Bid.. Philadelphia, Pa.
The New Fall Waists Are Here
In Dainty Inexpensive Variety
The new Fall waists in every conceivable pattern, color, design and material are here
in profusion. For the past week we have been busy unpacking our merchandise for your
approval. The waists arc the most beautiful you've ever seen. We know you'll delight
in their daintiness and beauty.
We Specialize in Extra Size Waists
Georgette Crepe models, in We do not specialize In T * *
the latest designs and colors. waists at any one particular .
We ve Just received a new assort-
Lace and embroidery trim- price. The stock offered ment of Filipino, crepe de chine and
satin undergarments. The styles
med. Navy, flesh, white, comprises waists ranging ir? are exquisite: quality extra good,
....... . „... and price very reasonable.
taupe, bisque and French price front $1.98 to $.15.00. Shown No. here Else
blue. Sizes from s49s The style you want is here navy^red^and*'bSk^AU
36 to 46 ••••••••• for you. sizes.
Not Connected With Any Other Waist Store
in Harrisburg
219 Market St. Opp* Courthouse.
i _
SEPTEMBER 19,1919.