Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 18, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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BY 1,713 VOTES
JPattcrson's Supporters Say
They Will Await the
Official Count
By Associated Press,
Philadelphia, Sept. 18.—Complete
but unofficial returns from Tues
day's primary election give Con
•gressman J. Hampton Moore a
plurality of 1,713 over Judge John
M. Patterson for the Republican
nomination for mayor. With the
vote from all of the 1,356 divisions
revised and corrected the figures
Moore, 150,807; Patterson, 149,-
Reading. Pa., Sept. 18. A serious
freight wreck on the Reading Rail
way in which 15 cars heavily loaded
were involved and two men injured
occurred north of Port Kennedy be
low Norristown late last night.
; i
I Girls! Make beauty lotion for I
a few cents —Try it!
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
Into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle and tan iotion, and com
plexion beautifier, at very, very
small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of orehard white
for a few cents. Massage this sweet
ly fragran-t lotion Into the face,
neck, arms and hands each day and
see how freckles and blemishes dis
appear and how clear, soft and rosy
white the skin 'iecomes. Yes!
It is harmless and never irritates.
Says His Prescription
Has Powerful Influence
Over Rheumatism
ItlnroTerer Tells Druggists Not to
Tnke n Cent ol Anyone's Money
Unless Allenrliu Completely Ban
ishes All Hheuniiitlc I'ulns nnil
Tn luges.
Mr. James H. Allen suffered for
years with rheumatism. Many times
this terrible disease left him helpless
and unable to work.
He finally decided, after years of
ceaseless study, that no one can be
free from rheumatism until the ac
cumulated impurities, commonly call
ed uric acid deposits, were dissolved
in the joints and muscles and ex
pelled from the body.
With this idea in mind he consult
ed physicians, made experiments and
finally compounded a Iprescription
that quickly and completely banish
ed every sign and symptom of rheu
matism from his system.
He freely gave his discovery to
others who took it, with what might
be called marvelous success. After
years of urging he decided to let suf
ferers everywhere know about his
discovery through the newspapers.
George A. Gorgas has been appoint
ed agent for Allenrhu in this vicin
ity with the understanding that he
will freely leturn the purchase
money to all who state they received
no benefit.
/i ' K
Heal Skin Diseases
" "
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes
and similar skin troubles. A little zemo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
SI.OO for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not greasy,
is easily applied and costs little. Get
it today and save all further distress.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O.
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed as represented.
Look for the name Gold Medal on every box
end accept DO imitation
Jiffy-Jell desserts carry
real fruit flavors in es
sence form, in vials.
A wealth of fruit juice
is condensed for each des
sert. So you get a fresh
fruit dainty, healthful and
This is the new-type
quick gelatine dessert
Ave times as good as the
old kinds.
Loganberry and Pine
apple are two of the best
flavors. Try them.
They're found only in
to Flavor , of Your Grocer's
2 Packages for 25 Centa a
Vice-President Kinnard An
nounces Extensive Plans
For Company at Hearing
Hearing on the Bell Telephone
Company's application to continue
the Federal telephone rates in Penn
sylvania after December 1 before
the Public Service Commission de
veloped the interesting information
late yesterday afternoon that the
Bell company had placed orders for
| automatic telephones, but that it
i would be a couple of years before
they could be installed. This came
out during examination of L. H.
Kinnard, vice-president and general
manager of the company, the wit
ness the company presented to in
form the Commission regarding the
reasons for the continuance.
Mr. Kinnard asked the Commis
sion to make a fair valuation of the
company's properties and then fix a
reasonable rate of return. He sug
gested $90,000,000 as a valuation and
8 per cent as the return. Commis
sioner James S. Benn contended that
from some of the figures submitted
the company was now asking about
17 per cent, but this was not agreed
to by the company official who point
ed to changes in valuations. During
questions on the reasons for the mil
lions set aside for the next three or
four years the fact that the com
pany intended to install automatics
was developed.
These facts and sheets of carefully
i prepared estimates and figures show
ing that the traffic cost of the Bell
Telephone Company's service in
Pennsylvania had advanced from
17% cents to 35 cents out of every
dollar expended between 1914 and
1919 and that cost of supplies had
gone up over 62 per cent in the
same period together with a declara
tion that further wage increases
were to be looked for either this fall
or next winter were the salient fea
tures of the testimony.
Three-Fourths of Returns
Show Leslie Forces
Ahead in Allegheny
Pittsburgh. Sept. 18. —Returns
from more than three-fourths of the
districts in Allegheny county yester
day indicate that the 1. lie candi
dates, rivals of the anti-Leslie fac
tion in the Republican party, are in
the majority in receiving nomina
tions for county offices at yesterday's
primary election. Indications were
that A. C. Gumbert and Captain
Robert S. Cain, both Leslie men,
were assured of the Republican
nominations for county commission
er. Other indicated nominations
For register of wills, William Con
ner, (incumbent): clerk of courts,
John Douglas, Jr., anti-Leslie; county
treasurer, Joseph G. Armstrong, Les
lie; county recorder, John D. Gra
ham, Leslie; prothonotary, John
Vogt; county controller John P.
Great Eve! Girls Wear
, Too Much, Says Doctor
New York, Sept. 18—The modern
women are "cocoon women." declared
Miss Eatclle Bertine, of New York,
specialist In gymnastics, before the
international conference of women
physicians here.
Far from being thinly clad as many
critics of the modern women would
have the public believe, the girl of to
day wraps herself in superfluous
clothing and activities and will not
"come out of the cocoon" for fear of
losing the friendship of her men
friends. Miss Bertine said.
"The American women are lazy," Miss
Bertine told the conference: "slothful,
too vain to be sensible, and neglectful
of their own health.
"But tli c worst of it is," she added,
"that they don't want exercise. They
are afraid that if they become ath
letic they will lose their popularity
with the men and they are afraid
that if they wear clothes in which
they could exercise they will look
mannish. They are too vain."
John C. Soutter Making
Important Changes to Store
John C. Soutter, owner of Soutter's
Twenty-live Cent Department Store,
has closed negotiations with the own
ers of the Hotel Carlton, whereby he
has secured possession of the old
passageway from Court street to the
hotel, which has divided the building
occupied by the store, about midway
between Market street and Blackberry
This passageway, which for years
has p.ovided an ont.'tn .a to what was j
formerly the old White Hall Hotel,
and in more recent years the Carlton
has beep a malt-sr of inconvenience
and a handicap to those who have
done business in the building. Its
removal, providing a continuous store
room from front to rear of the store
will mean much not only to the store
but to patrons as well.
Contractors are busy now on alter
ations to the store involving the re
moval of this passageway, which will
provide additional room for various
first floor departments and increased
facilities for the comfort of the shop
ping public. The central stairway to
the upper floors will be removed,
elevator service will be installed, and
other alterations carried out which
will completely change the interior
appearance of the store and add to
its attractiveness and advantages.
Boy Scouts of City
v to Study First Aid
Harrisburg Boy Scouts will attend
the first aid meets of the Bethlehem
Steel Company at .Steelton on Sat
urday. Scout Commissioner William
G. German to-day received a letter
from Frank A. Robbins, general
manager of the Steelton plant, ex
tending an invitation to city Scouts
that may care to attend.
A good attendance of members
of the 35 city troops is expected.
The Woman's Home Missionary
Society of the Market Square Pres
byterian Church will meet to-mor.
row afternoon at 3 o'clock in tl.e
church parlor. "Plans For the Fu
ture" will be discussed by Miss
Laura George, Mrs. .Margaret P.
Segelbaum and Mrs. Todd. The
hostesses will be Mrs. Segelbaum
and Mrs. Frank R. Oyster. A meet
ing of the executive officers will be
held at 2.15 o'clock on the same
Road materials and other com
modities requiring open car serv
ice will receive their fair share of
such equipment, according to a rul
ing of Regional Director Markham,
as announced to-day by C. H. Mor
gan, division freight agent of the
Philadelphia and Reading Railway
881.1. 1001—23SA UNITED
Demonstration and Sale
Vacvum Electric Washer
Washes by air pres
rilHjf sure suction. No
IjJjgL friction to wear clothes.
>—L eaves woolens soft and
■lfll 1 1| I fabrics, as well
|; -- MLf n ]r ! ' ! I as heavy blankets. San
fi'lt if Ftl J . \ itary and easy to oper-
gjjjrJj atC " a^es washday
Jfgy ][ Equipped co m p lete
with swinging wringer.
Entire machine does not
t a k e U p an y m ore rooni
than the ordinary wash tub. Has a capacity of
ten sheets. Very light and easy running.
Sold on Bowman Club Plan —furniture depart
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor.
36-inch cretonne, in
all new Fall patterns;
heavy weight; Friday
Bargains, yd.,
36-inch white and ecru
scrim, with rose, blue
and gold floral borders;
Friday Bargains, yd.,
Blue, green and brown
Sunfast madras curt'ain,
with valance; Friday
Bargains, pair,
White and ecru fig
ured madras; 36 inches
wide; makes beautiful
curtains; Friday Bar
gains, vd.,
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor
Four-sewed; good
corn broom; Friday
About 1000 Yards
Drummers Samples In
Printed Silks Plain Satins Figured Georgette
All these materials are of the finest grades and
in many cases the lengths can be matched, as
they run from to l] 4 yards. Many a waist
can be made, also trimming and fancy works;
Friday Bargains, each
50c, $1.50 and $2.00
Silk Remnants
Many weaves and colors right from our very
active stocks. 2 to 6 yards in lengths. Crepes,
Satins, Taffetas, Foulards and Fancies; Friday
Bargains, yard,
Wash Goods Remnants
Remnants of voiles, plain, fancy and bordered.
Mostly in lengths sufficient for dress patterns,
quantity limited; Friday Bargains, yard,
36-inch silk mixed habutine; plain grounds
with overshop tiny figures and checks; immense
color assortment; Friday Bargains, yd.,
Dress Goods Remnants
Remnants of dress goods arid coatings, at a
double reduction. 20% deducted from Remnant
40-inch dark-tone plaids in a big range of styles
and combinations; big favorites for children's
wear; Friday Bargains, yard,
BOWMAN—Main Floor.
Women's Stockings
Women's Burson's
cotton stockings with
white split soles; sec
onds; Friday Bargains,
A strong, lustrous
fibre silk stocking, elas
tic lisle top with rein
forced heel and toe;
Friday Bargains,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Window Shades
A lot of best quality
oil shades; mostly light
tan colors, some Duplex;
slightly imperfect; Fri
day Bargains, 3x6 ft.,
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor.
Tapestry Rugs
Made of printed Jute
carpets, mitred corners;
two colors; Friday Bar
gains, 9x12 ft.,
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor
Glass Wash Board
The most sanitary
wash board. No metal
to tear clothes or hands;
Friday Bargains,
Serving Tray
Oval serving tray,
made of steel, nicely
decorated; Friday Bar
Nickel plated frame,
ebonized handles; three
cast feet with fire proof
lining; Friday Bargains,
Parlor Oil Lamp
Tall shape, decorated
glass with brass fount
and center draft burner;
Friday Bargains,
White Goods
Mercerized table da
mask; 58 inches wide;
good, serviceable qual
ity; several patterns;
Friday Bargains, yd.,
Hemmed crochet bed
spreads; bleached snow
white; double bed size;
Friday Bargains, each
Heavy cotton crash;
18 inches wide. A good,
strong toweling espe
cially adqpted for gen
eral kitchen use; Friday
Bargains, yd.,
Huck towels with red
borders; 18x36. Note the
size; Friday Bargains,
. 25c
English longcloth; 36
inches wide; 10 yards to
a piece; Friday Bar
gains, per piece,
White nainsook; 39
inches wide; Friday
Bargains, yard,
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
Minerva Yarns
New Fall Shades
Just Received
Knitting Worsted Thistledown
Germantown Shetland Floss
Minerva yarns are always uniform in quality.
This is made possible by the large wool pur
chases necessary to supply the mill with enough
wool to keep pace with their enormous output.
Minerva: The Bali-Bearing Yarn.
The new Minerva Knitting Manual.....
Wooden Needles; two sizes, . .251 and
A competent instructor in the department
every day.
BOWMAN—Second Floor.
Men's Union Suits
Men's Spartan union
suits, in athletic style;
also short sleeves and
three-quarter length leg.
This garment is of a
good quality lisle thread,
cut full and made to
wear well; sizes,* 34 to
48; Friday Bargains,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Canfield's dress
shields; Friday Bar
gains, per pair,
Canfield's adjustable
stockinet diaper; Friday
Bropk's cotton thread;
Friday Bargains, per
American Maid and Jap
Silk in assorted sizes
and colors; Friday Bar
6 balls 49c
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
36-inch percales, in
light patterns; Friday
Bargains, yard,
31-inch wide art tick
ing, in good patterns, in
blue and pink striped
and floral designs; Fri
day Bargains, yard,
Plaid dress gingham,
in good patterns; Fri
day Bargains, yard,
Unbleached sheeting;
39 inches wide. Smooth,
even round, fine thread,
will bleach easily. Fri
day Bargains, yard,
Apron gingham, in
blue patterns only; Fri
day Bargains, yard,
36-inch outing flannel
in light patterns in blue
and pink stripes; Friday
Bargains, yard,
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
SEPTEMBER 18, 1919.
Have Your Hair a
Different Shade
Without the Use of Dye
For faded, streaked or gray hair there is noth
ing which answers the same purpose as
JViavy Hair Transformations
Completely covers your own hair, is easily
adjusted and can he arranged in ever so many
pretty and becoming ways. Our expert will
gladly show you how.
Wavy Hair Transformations, in all desirable
shades, from $2.45 up.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Voile and dimity
waists, in all white and
white with colored col
lars and cuffs; some
with dainty embroidery,
lace edgings and tucks.
Fri. Bargains,
Special sale of crepe
de chine blouses in semi
tailored and tailored
styles, with tucked bos
om ; some large collars
and Tuxedo in flesh and
white. Fri. Bargains,
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor
Water Bucket
White enameled water
bucket; about 10-qt. ca
pacity; Friday Bargains,
Women's pure linen
handkerchiefs with fine
rolled edge border; full
size; Friday Bargains,
19c or 6 for $1.05
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Two-clasp chamoi
sette gloves. These
gloves are perfect fit
ting and when worn
look like kid. They look
as nice after washed as
before. Some have
slight imperfections
while others are discon
tinued numbers. From
one of the best makers in
America. Friday Bar
gains, pair,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Cut Glass Vase
Exquisitely cut, 12
inches high, artistic
shape; Friday Bargains,
Tuxedo sweaters, in
light wool; sash styles,
in turquoise, salmon,
buff and Copen. Fri.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor
Electric Lamp
Electric boudoir lamp;
mahogany finish, with
artistic silk shades;
many designs to select
from; Friday Bargains,
BOWMAN'S— Basoment
Oil Heater
Excellent heater, oil
capacity of 1 gallon.
Nickel trimmed; Friday
BOWMAN'S—Basement '*"■
Women's Vests
A choice lot of wo
men's white vests, made
from fine quality yarns,
low neck, sleeveless. Ex
ceptional Friday Bar
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Tapestry Carpet
Made of Jute. Printed
patterns with borders
for stairs or hall run
ners; 27 inches wide;
Friday Bargains, yd.,
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor
Brassieres in bandeau
styles of flesh and white;
front-and back closing;
good range of sizes.
These brassieres are
made of brocade, poplin
and novelty materials.
Friday only.
' BOWMAN'S—Second Floor