Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 18, 1919, Image 1

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    Foreign Governments Cannot Order U. S. s Abroad, Wilson Declares in Explanation
LXXXVIII — NO. 218 16 PAGES Da Xue7 p a\ W&.T omce re at Ha S rris°bu d rr ass HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. ok %WKFS& w'SSSiffffic'So" si TVVO E CENT 3 es HOME EDITION
General Pershing Recipient of
Honors For Army, Extended
at Joint Session of Congress
Admirers Fill Galleries as
Speakers Laud Achieve
ments of Army in France
B.v Associated Press.
Washington, Sept. 18.— Standing
in the chamber of the House of Rep
resentatives with the full member
ship of the Senate and House about
him and with galleries crowded with
admirers, General John J. Pershing
received to-day the formal thanks
of Congress for the services he and
the officers and men he commanded
in France rendered during the great
Senator Cummins, as president pro
tern, of the Senate, sat with Speaker
Gillett and extended the first greet
ing. Speaker Gillett followed.
After paying tribute to the men
of the American Army, Speaker Gil
lett said, turning to General Per
"And, sir, I may add, that to those
of us who knew you it is refreshing
but not surprising to find that after
all the supreme power, the high sta
tion, the lordly associates and the
unstinted compliments to which you
have been accusVmed, you have de
veloped neither arrogance nor af
fection, but that you have come back
as you went away, modest, straight
forward, unspoiled."
Resolution of Thanks
The form resolution of thanks was
then presented to the General by
ex-Speaker Clark, who said:
"The resolution of thanks is
in these words:
•The thanks of the American
people and of the Congress of
the United States are due and
are hereby tendered, to Gen
eral John J. Pershing for his
highly distinguished services as
commander-in-chief of the
American Expeditionary Forces
in Europe and to the officers and
men under his command for
their duty and valor through
out the war.'"
Night Schools Will Be
Opened Next Month For
Business Classes and Aliens
Americanization and commercial
classes will be started October 2, Pro
fessor Clarence K. Zorger, supervisor
of speci-al activities in the city school
district, announced to-day.
Definite plans for the resumption
of lie night classes will be complet
ed next veelt when they will be nn
n .uneed. Mr. ZoPgT nas net decid'sl
about the evenings on which the
schools will be open.
The English classes for foreign
born residents of ti.e city will be held
in the Central High School and the
Harris building. The commercial
night school will be conducted at the
Central High building.
Because of requests for other
branches of educational subjects for
night school study Professor Zorger
has decided to .ail la mass meeting of
all persons interested in evening
school work, at which they will be
urged to tell what they think should
be provided for them.
It may be decided to open a school
in shop mechanics, shop mechanical
drawing and shop arithmetic, Air.
Zorger announcing that a number of
persons are i;i e * st ,l in these sub
jects and that classes In them would
be particularly helpful to workmen in
the city.
Smoke Nuisance to Be ....
Discussed Before C. of C.
Tickets for the evening meeting
in Fahnestock Hall to-morrow when
AV. 15. Porter, smoke regulator or
Pittsburgh, makes his address or.
"Smoke Regulation," will be dis
tributed at the offices of city news
papers and the Chamber of Com
The smoke abatement committee
of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com
merce secured the services of Mr.
Porter to discuss the smoke evil us
it affects Harrisburg.
At a noon meeting of the mem
bers of the Chamber, in the Penn-
Harris ballroom to-morrow, Mr.
Porter will make another address.
The members have been urged to
bring their wives, mothers and sis
ters to the meeting, as it is felt that
they come in for a big share of the
nuisance arising from superfluous
By Associated Press.
Paris, Sept. 18.—The situation in
the Baltic region, which recently has
been complicated by various factions,
including the difficulty over the
withdrawal of General Von Der
Oo'tz's German troops desired by
the Allies was taken up by the Su
preme Council, at its session to-day.
Hnrrisburg and Viclnltyi Fair nnd
unrmcr to-night, Friday cloudy,
proltnbly shower*.
Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to
night, wnrmer In north und
west portions. Friday eloudy,
probably showers) warmer in
east portion. Gentle shifting
winds heenming southeast.
Itiver. The Susquehnnnn river nnd
nil Its hrunebrs will fnll slowly
or rrmni-i stationary to-night
nnd probably Friday. A stage of
about 3.4 feet Is Indicated for
Hnrrlsburg Friday morning.
Failing to Obtain Conference With
Corporation Their Last Resort, Is
Walkout Monday, They Declare
By .dssociatcd Press. '
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 18.—Before
resuming their discussion to-day on
matters in connection with the steel
workers strike, called for next lion
day, the national committee for or
ganizing iron and steel workers is
sued a statement that having failed
to obtain a conference with the
United States Steel Corporation the
last and only hope is to strike until
such a time as the corporation will
meet the representatives of the
Answer Gary
The statement follows:
"In his letter of September 16 to
the presidents of the subsidiary
companies of the United States Steel
Corporation, Judge Gary avers that
he had two reasons in mind when
he refused to meet with the Amer
ican Federation of Labor committee,
which called upon him recently re
questing a conference for the pur
pose of presenting grievances of his
First, he did not believe that the
committee was authorized to speak
for large numbers of the employes.
Second, a conference with the
committee would have been treated
by them as a recognition of the
"closed shop" method of employ
"If these are the real reasons
actuating Judge Gary, surely they
are not sufficient to plunge the in
dustry into a great labor conflict.
Judge Gary presents a false promise
and then declares that he will stand
or fall upon this false ground.
Selected Delegates
"The committee that waited upon
Judge Gary were the selected repre
sentatives of the employes. And
they requested a conference for the
purpose of establishing the principle
of collective bargaining and some
practical method of redressing griev
"Judge Gary denied their author
ity to represent the employes and
refused to meet them in confer
ence. The only way left for the
employes to convince Judge Gary
that the committee does represent
the great body of the employes of
the United States Steel Corporation
is to cease work until the corpora
tion agrees to meet their represen
tatives in conference. This the em
ployes have decided to do on Mon
day morning. September 22.
"It is unfortunate that the em
ployes are compelled to resort to a
strike in order to prove the authority
of their selected representatives to
present their grievances. But as
there is no other way, the proof, in
the form of a strike, will effectually
remove all doubt in Judge Gary's
Closed Shop Bugaboo
"In the second place. Judge Gary
sets up the question of the 'closed
shop' which has absolutely no basis
whatsoever in the present contro
versy. It is simply dragged in here
by Judge Gary as a bugaboo to be
cloud the real issue.
There is one and only one ques
tion at issue and that is the question
of a conference. The employes have
exhausted every avenue of approach
to the corporation for the purpose of
securing a conference and every
avenue has been closed to them.
Their last and only hope is to strike,
and now the employes declare that
they will cease work on next Mon
day morning until such time as the
corporation will meet their repre
sentatives in conference for the pur
pose of establishing humane and
reasonable methods of dealing with
the very vital problems which affect
their lives, their homes and their
What f This! Overcoats
and Bobbing Straw Hats ?
Two ultra-fashionable overcoats
were seen ambling side by side down
the sunny side of Market street this
morning. On the other side of the
street many straw hats were seen
bobbing up and down. Frost is not
By Associated Press.
Cleveland, Ohio, .Sept. 18—The con
vention of the United Mine Workers
of American to-day voted down a res
olution endorsing the League of Na
t'ons and calling upon the Senate to
ratify it without amendment and
without further delay. The debate
showed a wide range of opinion for
and against indicating that the miner"
were sharply divided on this question.
By Associated Press.
Washington, Sept. 18.—President
Wilson, in a telegram sent from
Dunsmuir, Cal., and recaived to
day by the local city government,
said that organization of the police
forces of the country for the pur
pose of bringing pressure against
the public should not be "counten
anced or permitted."
John Homperley, 1222 Derry
street, a brakeman on the Philadel
phia and Reading Ruilway Company,
is in the Harrisburg Hospital as a
result of a fall from a box car in
the Rutherford yards early this
morning. His brake elub slipped and
knocked him from the car. His
buck and abdomen have been injured
and he may have internal Injuries.
No Picketing if Steel
Workers Go on Strike
Pittsburgh, Sept. 18. When
John Fitzputrick. chairman of
the Steel Workers Committee,
made the positive statement to
day that the strike would go into
effect next Monday morning, he
was asked if the strikers would
picket the steel plants.
"No. there will be no picket
ing; the men will go fishing," he
said. "We will leave the mill
guards and professional gunmen
to run the plants."
D'Annunzio in Address Ap
peals to "Hugo's France
and Lincoln's America"
Poet Aviator Carried Along
by Cheering Crowd Amid
Stirring Scenes
Rome, Sunday, Sept. 14.—"1, a war
volunteer and mutilated fighter, ap
peal to Victor Hugo's France, to Mil
ton's Kngland, and Lincoln's America,
and, speaking as an interpreter of the
valorous sentiments of the whole
Italian people, proclaim the annex
ation of Fiume to Italy," said Cap
tain Gabriele D'Annunzio, speaking to
an immense throng the day his "ir
regular" forces marched into Fiume,
according to reports reaching this
Captain D'Annunzio, who is report
ed to have teen quite ilf and suffering
a high fever when he reached Fiume,
went to the commander's palace, being
[Continued on Page 12.]
Former German Prince
Is Reported to Have
Escaped to Home Soil
By Associated Press.
Paris, Sept. 18.—A rumor has
again reached Paris byway of
Zurich that former Crown
ITinee Frederick William, of
Germany, lias returned to his
native country.
Reports that the former Crown
Prince of Germany had escaped
from Holland became current late
in June, it being rumored he had
managed to reach German soil, but
it was announced officially in a few
days that he was still in Holland.
There were many reports to the ef
fect he did spend at least some time
in Germany at that period, visiting
Potsdam among other places. On
July 9 another report became gen
eral to the effect that he had re
turned to Germany and was pre
paring for a monarchist coup d'etat.
At that time it was said that he
visited his wife, but hastened back
to Holland. This report, however,
was never confirmed.
200,000 Men Ordered to
Take a Strike Vote
By Associated Press.
Louisville, Ky., Sep. I.'.—Two hun
dred thousand railway and steamship
men, members of the Brotherhood of
Railway and Steamship Clerks,
Freight Handlers, Express and Station
Employes, have been ordered to take
a strike vote, it was announced here
to-day by J. J. Forrester, of Cin-in
ratl, president of the brotherhood. t<>
enforce demands made to the rail
road administration by the brother
hood Agust IS.
Orders have, gone forward to every
lodge in the country it was sai.i, to
take the strike, vote. Three of the
hve lodges in Louisville with a mem
bership of approximately 350u already
have vote], but the result lias been
withheld Members of the- organiza
tion of the Pennsylvani t Railroad sys
tem, it was declared, will act within
the next fev days.
By Associated Press.
Quebec, Sept. 18. —Five masked
men bound and gagged the mail
clerks on the ocean limited express
of the National Railway Line near
Harlaka, early to-day and robbed
the mail car of $75,000 in silver. The
money was being shipped front
Montreal to Halifax.
9y Associated Press.
New York. Sept. 18.—Thousands
of occupants of bungalows that were
built on the Rockuway Peninsula io,-
summer are preparing to solve the
shortage in housing accommodations
in this city by converting these fiaii
summer homes into winter quarters
®bc Stac-Jtt&epen&rtit.
Pennsylvania Railroad Offi
cials Have an Eye to Fu
ture in Regard to Tracks
New Building Expected to
Come When U. S. Surren
ders Rail Lines
Indications that the Pennsylvania
Railroad authorities are considering
the relation of a proposed Union
station to the new Memorial Bridge
to be erected liy the State and the
city came out to-day at the engin
eering conference on the bridge plans
at the Capitol, the railroad people
asking that piers and other parts
of the bridge be so located that when
a new station is built track changes
can be made without difficulty. No
intimation as to where the new sta
tion may be placed was given, al
though gossip has associated the pro
ject with Walnut and Cowden street,
North and Seventh and the present
location with a front on Market
street. The location of piers and
other matters will be agreed to
within a short time.
The conference was held at the
office of the Department of Public
Grounds and Buildings by George
A. Shreiner, J. E. Greiner and H.
G. Perring for the State; Superin
tendent William Elmer and Corpo
rate Engineer Horace Booz for the
railroad. ft seems to have been
pretty definitely established at the
Capitol that there will be no station
at State street as that would inter
fere with the bridge.
Itailroad property investments
along the south side of Market
street have made many people be
lieve that the new station may be
built over the tracks much as"was
done in Baltimore and other places.
The company, it was pointed out to
day, had very large holding between
Market street and the Mulberry
street bridge and with the Reading
could combine in a gigantic structure
covering all tracks with room for
freight tracks on the east side. Rail
road officials said frankly that the*-
had 110 location in mind, but were
preparing for eventualities, but no
one at the Capitol looks for any
thing to be done while the Gov
ernment runs the railroads.
For several years studies have
been made and it is said that there
have been tentative plans made for
three different locations. State of
ficials would be glad to have some
settlement of the question because
a new station would be an orna~
mental affair and fit in with the com
prehensive plans for the creation of
the civic center.
Central Claim Is
Deferred Three Weeks
The hearing of the claim of the
Central Iron and Steel Company
against the Pennsylvania and Reading
Railroads growing out of the termi
nal charges in South HarrisUurp. was
postponed until October !• to-d iv lie
fore the Public Set vl'.-. p mmlssi'on.
The contract between the city of
Harrisburg and the Western Union
for removal of polos was laid,before
the Commission for action to-day.
Preliminary was also held on the
Pnter berg-Hanover complaint which
involves electric rates for Hanover.
George H. Vwltl.-y, <hr new Suite
geologist had an extended discussion
of plans for the geological work of
the State wil u . Governor Sproul to
day. Dr. Ashley went over some of
therreques t for information which
had been recciv.i and went into the
coal situation, lie has spccU ized in
cjal investigations for years
The l'idlml>-!pl-i'.i Suburban tins una
Electric Company has filed notice
with the Public Service Commission
of an advance in gas rates for I'hoe
nixville, Spring City and other places;
Columbia ana Montour metric Com
pany. for changes In rates in Colum
bia and Montour counties; Lehigh
Navigation Electric Company fit
changes in service for ceinent oper
ations and the Sunbury and Su-q.lo
bar na RalJwry Company, for a s x
eont fare in its territmy.
Studies of market facilities tt 111 bo
started in October in behalf of a doz
en Eastern Pennsylvania cities by the
Bureau of Markets. Questions will be
sent to people to ascertain how their
needs are met and market houses in
spected while the standpoint of farm
ers in the neighborhood* will also be
A mass meeting for all who
served in the United States Army,
Navy or Marine Corps, between
April, 191 1, and November
11, 1918 will be held in the court
house to-night at 8 o'clock. There
is no distinction whatever, be
tween overseas men and those
who served in this country. The
committee in charge wishes to
dispel any feeling that may ex
ist that the local post is to be
run by any one group of ntcn
or by ex-officers of the Army. A
charter was secured several
months ago, but only within the
past few days have any steps
been taken toward- recruiting
The mass meeting has been
called to provide an opportunitv
for all ex-service men to get to
gether and organize, elect of
ficers and committees and dis
cuss plans. Adjutant-Genera!
Beury. Lieutenant-Governor ja
E. Beldleman. Havel Wright and
others wit' sneak. A large turn
out of soldiers and sailors is ex
J||<'. flraln, /'sgfcV
f iHBSI ■ J
jdflP" mff
This is George, the wife hunter.
All interested will send their appli
cations, enclosing photograph, waist
measure, bank balance, street ad
dress, color and age, which will be
delivered to George Unger, aged 52
years, white, and looking for a
housewife. She must own a house
where he can live. Mr. Unger is
from Chambersburg.
Incompetency of Leadership
Drives Voters From Polls;
Republicans Arc United
Official count of the returns from
the city and county districts will be
started at noon to-morrow by the
With unofficial returns from every
district showing that the leading
candidates who had been nominated
had safe majorities, it is not ex
pected that the count will change
the totals by more than a few votes.
Candidates have fifteen days from
the primary election to file expense
accounts at the office of Prothono
tary Charles E. Pass. Calder C.
Sharamo, one of the four Demo
cratic nominees for city council, was
the first to file, stating that he had
"spent less than $50."
Forecast of Victory
T. G. George, a Republican can
didate for nomination for director
of the poor, who lost at the pri
maries, made a statement to-day
that he would support the Repub
lican nominees at the November
General satisfaction was expressed
to-day with the outcome of the pri
maries, and Republicans generally
are talking now of a big victory m
November for the entire ticket. The
small Democratic vote is being dis
cussed as an indication of the dis
organization within the ranks of the
minority party, and with this ad
vantage at the start. Republican
workers declared they will bend
every effort to turn out an over
whelming majority of votes for the
Republican nominees-
Close Contests
A study of the returns from the
city nnd county show how com
plete was the victory for the organ
ization candidates over the so
called "Independent" list. The two
closest fights were for city treasurer
and county treasurer. In the former
Harry F. Oves won out by 261
votes, while in the latter Oliver C.
Bishop had a majority of about 1,-
His opponent, Joshua E. Ruther
ford, at present deputy county
treasurer, polled the highest num
ber of votes on the Independent
ticket. In the city Mr. Rutherford
carried two wards, taking two of
three precincts in the First and
three of four in the Tenth. In (lie
county Mr. Rutherford carried twen
ty-three of seventy-one districts, in
cluding his home district, Paxtar.g
borough. In one other county dis
trict he was tied with Mr. Bishop.
Wins Only Tlireo Preelnets
In the district attorney fight. Ed
ward F. Doehne. head of the Inde
dependents, carried only three of Die
fifty-three city precincts, the First
and Third of the Seventh ward, and
the Second of the Eleventh ward. In
the county he lost nil but eleven of
the seventy-one districts, and car
ried three by three votes each, and
one by a majority of one vote.
Many fr'ends of Philip S. Mover
and the other Republican nominees
met them to-dav and extended con
gratulations prortiising them sup
port in November.
Next to 'Mr. Rutherford. Lock
wood R. Wordon made the best In
dependent showing in the city,
enrrvlng one ward and a total of six
of flftv-three precincts. He had a
majority of one vote In the Tenth
ward, taking two of four precincts
there, polling 448 votes, while M.
Harvey Taylor, the Republican nom
inee. bad 447 votes. Mr. Worden
carried the hirst. Third and Sixth
of the Seventh ward, and the Second
of the Eleventh. In the county Mr.
Worden carried fourteen of seventy
one districts, three or four by m.i
jor't'os of two or ti ir „„ votes.
F'shorV Rig V„*o
In tbo sheriff fir*—* George \y
Kiirmn'ny, the Reniibllcen nominee,
lost only five precincts to Henry D
Koors. nnd In the county twenty
[CoutiiiucU oil Page o.]
Arc'hileet Brunner Pleased With Educational Program and
Hopes It Will Lead to Beautiful City
"I am happy to note that the Tele
graph has undertaken a tree planting
campaign in Harrisburg," said Arnold
W. Brunner, architect of the Capitol
Extension and City Memorial to a re
porter of this newspaper to-day.
"Harrisburg has many trees, but
it needs more. However, I would
caution against indiscriminate plant
ing. The whole plan af tree decora
tion should be carefully levised with
an Idea not only of harmony but of
permanency, it would be too bad if
you planted trees on some of the very
narrow streets, where they would
not have a chance of coming to ma
turity. Not every thoroughfare can
be so adorned, much as we might wish
to have it so.
"Anothei; matter that should not be
forgotten is that care and supervis
ion must be exercsied contiually to
preserve and develop the trees already
planted. Some, cities evidently be
lieve that they have performed their
full duty when thf plant a lot of
trees and then let them go, to ll\r or
die, survive or perish."
Mr. Brunner expressed the thought
that tree planting should not bo con
fined merely to the residential local
ities. "I know," he said "that many
merchants do not believe trees should
be planted in business districts, but
1 believe that if they fully understood
that an elm of slender trunk, which
does not throw out branches below
a height of 25 or 30 feet would not
obstruct the vision of pedestrians,
th<4- would change their minds. In
France where the merchants are as
thrifty as any in the world, they
plant trees in front of their stores in
order to make the thoroughfare
shady and cool. I suggest that you
give the idea of a treatment of trees
around the curbline of Market Square
some consideration. I believe it would
add greatly to the beauty of the
down-town district and I know that
the merchants instead of being in
jured. would be materially helped. I
earnestly hope that the Telegraph's
campaign will bear fruit. You are to
be congratulated for your enterprise
in getting it under way and for your
support of the efforts of the local
Owners Want Congress
to Buy Surplus Booze
Washington, D. C., Sept. 18.—The
Government will be asked to pay for
the present million gallons of
tilled spirits now in warehouses and
12,500,000 gallons in stock in this
country, if war-time prohibition con
tinues until January 16, when the
Federal amendment becomes oper
A bill to, that end will be intro
duced in Congress after it becomes
evident that the owners of this
liquor will not have an opportunity
to dispose of it.
The latest figures show that at
present millions of gallons of distill
ed spirits are held in bonded ware
houses. All except about one-fifth
is contro'led by people who never
engage in distilling business, but
took up warehouse receipts.
Rev. E. E. Kauffman Is
Retained by Congregation
I At a well attended congregational
| meeting held last evening at the
: Nagle Street Church of God, the Rev.
I Elmer E. Kauffman received the unan"
imeus vote o." tip- euurh lo return to
this congregation for the third year.
During the past two years of the Rev.
Mr. Kauffman's pastorate of this
church there has been a material in
crease in her various activities, espec
ially along missionary and financial
lines. W. H. Maxwell was elected
delegate to the East Pennsylvania
Eldership Meeting to oe held in i-ax
ton, Pa., October 2.
500 May Be Dead in
Storm and Tidal Wave
By Associated Press.
Corpus Christ!, Sept. 18. The
death toll in Corpus Christi and
vicinity as a result of Sunday's hur
ricane and tidal wave stood at 256
to-day according to reports from
burial squads. The generally ac
cepted estimate was that the final
figures would reach SSOO.
Chicago, Sept. 18. Charles A.
Comiskey, owner of the Chicago
Americans evidently is convinced his
club will win the American Eeague
pennant. He authorized the an
nouncement to-day that applica
tions for world's series tickets would
be accepted by mail. Reservations
will be limited to four tickets to
eaeh applicant and it will be neces
sary to purchase tickets for three
games. Box seats will sell for $5.50,
grand stand seats, $3.30, pavilian
seats $2.20 and the bleachers, sl.lO.
These prices include war tax.
Chicago, Sept. 18. The Sailors'
Union of the Great Lakes is voting
on a strike in sympathy with the
strike of steel workers of the coun
try called for September 22. It was
announced here to-day. Passage of
the strike proposal, according to
union officials, is practically as
sured. The walkout would involve
seamen, firemen and cooks, it was
By Associated Press.
New York, Sept. 18.—Opposition to
a general strike on October 1 In the
book and job printing shops of the
city is outlined In tno draft of -i
statement to be considered to-day by
the board of governors of the National
Printing Trades Unions. Arbitration
or councillation must b e tried before
a strike will be 'motioned.
Purls, ,S< pt. IS. itiavas)—The Cham
ber of Deputies Is expected to ratify
tl-.c Treaty with Uermuny to-morrow
night or Saturday at the latest. ' ,
Private James Bloomenthal,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving
Bloomenthal, 2347 l.ogan street,
is in the Walter Reed Hospital
at Washington, undergoing treat
ment which will replace his nose,
shot away in action. Through
the Harrisburg Chamber of
Commerce, he will be enabled to
participate in the welcome home
exercises a week from next Sun
day and Monday. It came about
through the following letter to
the Chamber of Commerce, from
his mother:
"My son who is in Walter Reed
Hospital is anxious to be present
at the welcome home celebration,
and through your invitation he
would be able to procure a leave.
Would you please help me get
him home for the occasion? We
shall be thankful."
Soldiers to Be Given Full Rec
ognition P"or Services
During War
A rollcall of the chairmen of the
subcommittees which will have
charge of the welcome-home selebra
tion in honor of the soldiers, sailors
and marines of the Harrisburg dis
trict a week from next Sunday ana
Monday, this morning disclosed the
fact that their preparations are
rapidly assuming completion. The
program will be carried through
without a hitch, their reports indi
[Continued on Page 2.]
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<4) David P. Ilohh*. Pnxtnng. ml Knthryn E. Slpe, Mechanlcsbarg: a i
r Kari .V Kirk and Blanche >l. Xlssley, Hnrrlshiirg) llaro>d D. Hllcr
eyt and Klslr E. Baurhman, stcclluu John C, Stewart and Mary A. Bolts,* >
4, Altoona; t'hniinery I'. Baldwin. I'ertli Amhoy, nnd Matilda W. llle*- „
1 ' r - Hnrrlshurgi EtHc K. Hcr< try ami Julia E. Washburn. Harris- '
-jfo lnirgi t'hnrlea J. Ko* and Irene E. Hoerner, Prnbrook) William H.
t I rider and llnry U, Holler, t'nmj Hill.
A j
In Reply to San Francisco De
clares England Cannot
Outvote United States
Asserts Foreign Government
Could Not Order Amer
ican Troops Abroad
By Associate:'. Press.
San Francisco, Sept. 18. — Reply
ing in a statement to a list of ques
tions put to him by a San Fran
cisco League of Nations organiza
tion, President Wilson declared
Great Britain could not outvote the
United States in the League; that
foreign governments could not un
der the Covenant order American
troops abroad; that the League
I would have a powerful influence to
ward restoration of Shantung to
China; that the United States would
not be obligated by Article Ten to
aid Great Britain in suppressing a
revolt in Ireland, and that under
Article 11, there would be created
a new forum for questions of self
Vote or U. S. Stronger
Mr. Wilson's statement containing
the questions and answers, follows:
I—Will you state the underlying
consideration which dictated an
awarding of six votes to the British
empire in the assembly and is it
true that Great Britain will out-
[Continued 011 Page 4.]
Judge's Wife Uses Ruling
He Made to Get His Money
Xew York, Sept. 18.—"A wife has a
right to go through her husband's
pockets for money," ruled Judge Goehl
of the West Side municipal court.
"But it's all wrong," as the judge
reminded a reporter.
"It was a mistake to print that, if
not to say it," said the saddened
judge, "for last night I left my money
on the dresser and this morning j.
found my wife helping herself. When
T protested, she read my own ruling
from your paper."