CENTRAL PA .NEWS Mifflin County to Hold Show of ItsPoiiltry Lewistown, Pa., Sept. 17. The Mifflin County Poultry Association has unanimously decided to hold a poultry show the coming winter, and if the enthusiasm displayed at the meeting Is to be taken as a criterion Ijewistown and Mifflin county will see <pie of the largest and best shows held here. The dates selected were from De cember SO to January 2. The place was not decided upon as there are several good locations in view and the association could not fully make a decision. CATARRH For bead of throat catarrh try the /"Mfc vapor treatment — /ffMi yick's vaporuM* "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f. 60vUO l l ■ - ! New Fall Rugs Are Here ! Our Assortments Embrace the Newest Designs in Extensive Variety and the Prices Are Exceptonally Low We were fortunate in being able Sff\ " to lay in our stock of rugs at early rT" 1 \ prices and thereby save a consider n iPi ft abl e amount of money for our cus- A s !| 1 tomers. There is a scarcity of rugs I i! K' and especially of rugs in desirable II \ jjE designs. These prices are based on early purchasing and should inter- CSt P erson ' s buying Axminster Rugs $49 Wilton Rugs SBO * 1 These rugs are in very attractive de- These rugs will give life time of ser signs In a large variety in the usual vice and are in the richest colors to be 19x12 room size. had, in size 8.3x10.6. Axminster Rugs $45 Wilton Rugs $l2O There is a big assortment in conven- th V®l7 "if 1 QUa ,'' ty Wel : I tional and Oriental designs in size 'n" ff£ erb P atterns > 01(5 moßt 8 3xlo 6 alluring colorings. Brussels Rugs $27 ' Fiber Rugs s2l j ~~ — Various attractive designs, very heavy A very fine assortment of rich Orlen- quality, 9x12 size, tal patterns in the 9x12 size. These rugs jS Jap Rugs 840 , Brussels Rugs 833 These are 9x12 size, in extra heavy ~ high pile quality. * This is a better quality brussels rug . _ _ _ In a variety of Medallion, Oriental and Extra SpeCial Rag RugS all over patterns In the popular 9x12 i o o size. ——— ——— $2.70 Brussels Rugs $32 These are ln ' a T7^T wel(rh , aultehl(> for bed rooms. Size 27x54 Inches. f A splendid variety in rich colorings and patterns in 8.6x11 ft. size. . Extra Special Matting I Velvet Rugs 834 Rugs 53 . 95 | These rugs are in size 8.6x11 and are good wearing rugs in very attractive de- These rugs are suitable for a variety signs and rich colorings. of purposes. In a good size, 6x9 ft. Put a Vacuette Suction Sweeper in Your Home 3l§nl The vacuette iSraiiiHMK i T -- N Buc 11 on sweeper I •! ' JH "1 853 has proven to be LaJSLk •„ y! V !■ m one of the most pm IjSJgIpSF popular sweepers ft~"l % \—//A the market. ' \ t I _/ The fact that It \m \ costs you on4y sls \l \ one the \ attractive features. J JV* is easy t9 handle. jraJgClj does the work jC HH thoroughly and costs absolutely 'L nothing to operate. $2 Down and $1 a Week Take the Chill 1 . Have You Plenty of Off the Room i 1 Comforts & Blankets j For This Winter Heater The oil heater has We purchased our blankets and comforts a come to be one of the long time ago. We arc still of the opinion that most popular methods j prices will be higher. We are able to mark of heating the home in these blankets at very low prices, in fact we the Fall. It costs very believe, lower than you will find for the same little to operate, heats nlity elsewhere. Our complete Fall and Win- the room thoroughly ter lines are now ready. Better lay in your and quickly and is very supply. clean, $6.25 to $lO I > / WEDNESDAY EVENING. Lebanon Soldiers Ask For $360 Extra War Pay Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 17.—A peti tion asking Congress to pass a bill giving soldiers $360 extra pay made its appearance in Lebanon to-day and has already been signed by sev eral hundred discharged service men. The movement is in line with the Nation-wide effort being made by soldier organisations to force favorable action in Congress on the Gronnon-Baer bill now before the national legislative body. It is ex pected the petition will be endorsed by Fuhrman Post, No. 24, Veterans I of Foreign Wars, and also the Leb anon post of the American Legion at their next regular meetings. WILL BE IN PARADE RANKS. New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 17. On Thursday evening, a meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty will be held to make arrangements to go to Manchester, York county, on Saturday evening, where they will participate in the home com ing parade at 6.30 o'clock. Town Lawmaker Down With Blood Poisoning Elisabeth town, Sept. 17. H. H. Good, the North Poplar street butcher, met with an accident while doing chores about the place. His hand came In contact with a rusty nail causing u painful wound. Blood poison set in and he was in a serious condition. He is one of the borough councilmen. Society of Friends to Hold Yearly Meeting WcllsviUc, Pa., Sept. 17. The yearly meeting of the Sbciety of Friends will be held next Sunday morning in the Warrington Friends meeting house. This service usually attracts hundreds of persons. it was postponed from last May to the present time. TURNS STUDENTS AWAY. Chambcrsburg, Pa., Sept. 17.—- Principal F. S. Magill announced yesterday that he had turned down the 100 th student seeking admis sion to Penn Hail for the term that opens next week. All dormitory space is filled and many applicants have been placed on the waiting list. / BABRIBBUZUIIAIImSQRXPS Personal and Social News of Towns Along West Shore Mrs. H. M. Rupp entertained these guests at her residence at Shiremanstown over the week end: Mrs. Esther Miller, of Mechanics burg; Mrs. Mary Wise and daugh-! ter, the Misses Anna and Martha j Wise, sons Chester and Jacob Wise, ; and Mr. Jacob Kester of Newberry \ York county. Mr. and Mrs. George Knupp, of j Goldsboro. were entertained Sunday [ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ! i Starr at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Armstrong j ! have returned to their home at J I Seattle, Washington, after spending j sometime with relatives at Carlisle and Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Wolfe and I daughter, Janet Louise Wolfe; Mrs. | D. W. Miller and Robert Miller, of j Shiremanstown, motored to Sterrets" Gap, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rouben L. Darr, of' Steelton, Mrs. Florence Cromleigh j and children, Harold and Violet' Cromleigh, of Mechanicsburg, spent I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Braught at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Raymon E. Eberly, | lof Shiremanstown, visited friends in Mechanicsburg on Monday. ' Arthur Sponsler, of Mechanics- I | burg, visited his sister, Mrs. J. Howard Beamer, at Shiremanstown recently. Mrs. Robert W*.nts, spent several days recently with her mother, Mrs. Anderson, at Lisburn. Mrs. Lizzie Bentz, Mr. and Mrs. I Lloyd Bentz, and daughter Eliza beth Bentz. of Dillsburg. visited Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nebinger at Shir emanstown, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Small, son Harold and daughter Margaret, of Penbrook, and Mrs. Charles Hain. of Halnton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Starr at Shiremanstown on Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Smith, of Shiremans town, is home after spending some time with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fegle in New York City. Mrs. Jennie Kline, of Third street New Cumberland, has been ill for j several days. Mrs. Earl Filby, of Marietta, is | visiting her mother. Mrs. Jennie Sipe, in Water street. New Cumber- | land. Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Smith have | returned from a wedding trip to | Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Hefflefinger and j family, of Akron. Ohio, were guests | of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hefflefinger at j New Cumberland yesterday. Miss Irma Moore, of Bridge street. New Cumberland entertained R. R. Kohrs Sunday school class, of which she is a member, last evening. The Rev. Mr. Taylor, and Dr. and Mrs. George Cohean and son, of Gettysburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Echinger, at New Cum berland on Monday. Woman Wills Proceeds of Farm to Her Church Hanover, Pa., Sept. 17. —By the will of the late Miss Mary Strick ler, who died last week, a 140-acre farm located near Thomasville, owned by heirs, will be sold, and the proceeds will be divided between the Mennonite church, this place, and Hostetter's meeting house, Union township, Adams county. Miss Strickler was a staunch member of the congregation. Stricken Woman Falls on Table; Breaks Neck New Freedom. Pa., Sept. 17. Mrs. Adam C. Nonemaker, aged 65, | died suddenly yesterday morning of paralysis and a broken neck, sus tained when she fell on the floor in her home when stricken ill. The aged woman was sitting in a chair mending clothing, when the stroke came upon her. She fell over upon the floor. As she did so her head struck the edge of the table. Truck Overturns and Driver Is in Hospital i Lancaster. Pa., Sept. 17. —Striking j a rock on the Lincoln Highway, about eight miles from this city, a large automobile truck, driven by Harry Smith, of Philadelphia, was overturned. Smith was pinned be neath the truck and had to be ex tricated. He was brought to the St. Joseph's Hospital, this city. Named District Leader in Jewish Welfare Workj Cliambersburg. Pa., Sept. 17.—! Herman Socks, of this place, has been appointed chairman of the Jewish relief fund in this section for welfare work among the strick en peoples of Europe and the Near East. Mr. Socks and L. G. Lyons have been in conference at Harris burg with Nathan Straus at the Penn-Harris. Says Game Will Be Plenty in Big Preserve lewistown, Pa., Sept. 17. —R. E. McCoy, game protector In the Lick ing: Creek preserve, is authority for the statement that prospects are bright for the big and little game hunters this season, as more cub bear, fawn deer, "peep" turkeys, pheasants and other birds have been seen than at any time in years. Two French Girls Students at Dickinson College Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 17. Two French young ladles will bo students at Dickinson College. The home of one is in Paris where she was a teacher and the other is from Sedan. The latter was within the German lines for eight months. Her father is in the French army. WILL HAVE "CLEANUP DAY." Shlrcmaiistown, Pa., Sept. 17. "Cleanup Day" will be observed by this borough on the first day of October. Teams will be provided to haul away all rubbish and all per sons have been requested to have what they want hauled away in readiness and placed at a conven ient place for collection. MINISTERS IN SESSION Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 17.—Ministers from the Harrisburg district of the Methodist church are in session here, the meetings starting last evening. Discussion at the various sessions has been confined mainly to prob lems of detail work in church and Sunday school activity. Among the features considered is the forma tion of a new type of district organi zation. | [Other State News on Page 2.] i "Harrisburg's Dependable Store" j i 'i Three Weeks Ago— Wm. Strouse announced two new revolutionary features in his Boys' Clothing Department—lNSUßED CLOTHES and LEATHERIZED CLOTHES--His ORIGINAL plan for the remarkable pocketbook protec ting INSURANCE POLICY has retailers throughout the United States "sit up and take notice" and has been pronounced "wonderful" by clothing experts— So wonderful that some firms have even copied it. But Do Not Let This Deceive You For here is our ORIGINAL POLICY pictured here 3 weeks ago and which we reprint again for the benefit of the clear thinking-not to be deceived Mothers and Fathers of Harrisburg. j PAT. APPUE.D FOR I PAT. APPCICD POA > GUARANTEED /g; ™ ,„ tfi <, |S J GUARANTEED n J SUITS for BOYS Off $ fi { SUITS/brBOYS C LEATHER LINED J f| I I ' WHERE THE WBAR COMES. 3 BJ| TT r q, p | VHERB THE WEAR GGKE9 I Wm. Dtrouse cr Co. | H "Harrisburg's Dependable Store" B . j j i JISSUf tljiH snliry, insuring to the purchaser of this jf FtefflefflbeT ; nememoer f p garment absolute satisfaction in the quality of the fabric HI and the workmanship thereof H "Leather- Wm. I | & M this Suit nr ffiurrraat should prove unsatisfactory through I ized" SfmilSP Si ' au ' t y wor ' t ' T,ans bip or defective fabric, return the garment to us with H fit this policy and we will adjust to your entire satisfaction. H n' ' m 1 Clothes Uriginaiea K IDr SSrlirUC that the purchaser of any merchandise is entitled to the 1 I B utmost consideration it is possible for the merchant to give, and it is m Are Sold YXSlir e d N W V ' CW t ' lal We ' naugura,e written guarantee. Clothes m Strousr & (Co. S Boys' clothing is dependably made, of excel- |j lent wearing fabrics, and the consumer gets full value received for 5 Hgi each dollar expended. 02 W TTI 1 1 r fp | * IU/lirrrfnrr. we issue this policy, warranting complete satisfaction. fjj StTOllSe I : iTfni. Slrnusc & (fa. I & Co. Lot No. 11 \ 1 GUARANTEED r 1 g 2 ■J { ( LEATHER LINED ' s VHERE THE wear COMES., The wonder of the clothing business is LEATHERIZED CLOTHING —They wear out—But 100 per cent slower than the ordinary kind and they cost no more—We are the exclusive distributors for Harrisburg. Remember—OßlGlNAL INSURED and LEATHERIZED CLOTHES for Boys are found ONLY at Wm. Strouse & Co. 310 Market St. SEPTEMBER 17, 1919. 7
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