6 Injured Passengers Have All Resumed Journey B ~ " Altoona, Sept. 17. All passengers ■who were injured in the wreck near Tyrone yesterday, mqiuding those . treated at the local hospital, have returned home. Most of the injured received slight cuts from flying glass. | All the window on the one side of a coach was broken and sev eral Pullman cars were similarly ■ damaged and several passengers slightly injured, when passenger train No. 20, known as Keystone Express, leaving Altoona for the east at 6.08 o'clock, was scraped by tlio debris of the wreck of a freight train one-half mile east of Birming ham station at 8.37 o'clock yester day morning. Extra engine No. 3572, running west on No. 3 track, had three empty cars wrecked, blocking Nos. J, 2 and 3 track, at the same time that the express train was speed ing eastward on No. 1 track. Tne sides of the second coach was pciaped and engine 3407, hauling the passenger train, was disabled but not derailed. The accident caused a panic among the passengers aboard the train and several, of them wero slightly cut by the flying pieces of glass. /. B. Dickinson MEMORIALS Cemetery Lettering Granite, Marble, Bronze. Tiling, Interior Marble 505 N. THIRTEENTH ST. Harrisburg, Pa. C In my Harrisburg Office, suite 1, Spooner Bldg., 9N. i % Market Square, second floor. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., I C Wed. and Sat. to 8 P M. All this week, Sept. 15 to 20. X It ia Just one year ago that I hare opened my Harrisburg branch | K office, during that time with my high grade service, my scientific w methods of examining the eyes, and square dealings, I have fitted and M satisfied hundreds of people with my glasses. Now to further adver- i tise my Harrisburg office and the high grade eye work I do, I offer • M you an extraordinary opportunity to have your eyesight adjusted at | K a very low price, at the same time receive the benefit of my high ( MY OFFER 1 M during this sale—l offer you a very fine pair of glasses with guaran- K teed gold-filled frame, first quality clear-sight crystal lenses, elegant | M case, and my scienti o eye examination, all for % I $1.50 COMPLETE ( M Beautiful Shell CTarscs as low as $2.00 ■ m Special ground jnsos, invisible bifocals, two pairs in one. No S M lines, no cement —las for years at greatly reduced prices. - ■ YOU SAVE durin.; this sale form $3.00 to $3.00 on every pair of . M Broken lenses promptly duplicated also at the reduced pricea rK Careful attention to children's eyes. | j J NOTICE I i J Do not fail to take advantage of this liberal offer, as my regular ' # prices will go into effect after this offer expires. | I H. OSCAR ULRICH f ij~i i~i Goldsmith Cretonnes | Are More Beautiful . | Than Ever I g' Beautiful cretonnes add a touch of attractive- K ness to the home, especially so when selected E5 with that discriminating taste as only a woman p knows how to select them. In our large and gj l varied assortments you will find just the pat terns and colors you are looking for to har monize with your rug—wall paper or general tef color scheme. We know it will be a pleasure == for you to select them here. I 50C P a"/„ d p I Draperies and drapery fabrics of every de § scription in our daylight drapery department— second floor. I GOLDSMITH'S 1 Central Penncts Best Furniture Store g NORTH MARKET SQUARE j WEDNESDAY EVENING, RAILROAD NEWS WALTER D. HINES POINTS OUT BETTER CAR SERVICE WITH SHORTAGE DECREASE Walker D. Hines, Director Gen eral of Railroads, to-day authorized the following statement relative to the freight car situation: Current discussion or car shor tages and related questions makes it important to bring to the atten tion of the public the fact that, con trary to what seems to be the pub lic assumption, conditions in this respect are substantially more fa vorable than hey were in recent years prior to the war. On August 1, 1917, the total car surpluses reported throughout the country were 43,481 cars, whereas on August 1, 1919, the total car sur pluses were 107,900. The total num ber of unfilled car requisitions on August 1, 1917, was 77,257, whereas the total number of unfilled car re quisitions on August 1, 1919, was only 19,271. The number of freight cars in service and not withdrawn for re pairs on July 1, 1917, was 1,983,000. The number of freight cars in ser vice and not withdrawn for repairs on J\ily 1. 1919, was 2,063,000. July Was Good Month. The very fact of unified control of all the railroads has tended to concentrate the comments upon any inability to perform one hundred per cent of the transportation re quired, but the foregoing figures show that the situation during and IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzxing ~ noise's in your ears, are getting hard of hearing and fear Ca tarrhal Deafness, go to your ■ druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to it a Vi-pint of hot " water and a little granulated ' sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop drop- , ping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has Catarrhal trouble of the ears, is hard of hearing or has head noises should give this 11 prescription a trial. _ 1 at the end of July, 1919, was very much -better than in the corres ponding period in 1917. It is be lieved this fact ought to be borne in mind by the public in appraising the existing car rervice conditions. The extent to which freight cars have been repaired in recent months has been the subject of some comment. The number of freight cars repaired and returned to service by months during the present calendar year has been as follows: January 2,027,992 February 1,747,146 March 1,955,225 April 1,897,698 May 2,039,887 June 2,013,897 July 1,790,097 On account of the fact that the Fourth of July came on Friday this year and 6f the proportionately small amount of work done on the following day. the falling off in the number of cars repaired in July as compared with June is clearly ex plainable. The number of cars re paired per month in May and June kept fully up to the number repair ed in January, although in May and June many shops were still working on shorter hours than in January. Much stress has been laid on the increase in the percentage of cars withdrawn for repairs in the recent I months up to and including July. ! The fact is that this increase in the j number of cars withdrawn for re < pairs has not been due to a falling ! off in the number*of cars repaired but has been due to a number of j com pie* factors which have arisen from the conditions resulting from the war. The number of cars ac tually in service, not Including had order cars, increased from 1,983,600 on July 1, 1917, to 2,065.000 on July 1, 1919. Explains Conditions. The Railroad Administration, „KiT. Ver : is not con tent with its ability to point to the fact that transportation service is more fa vorable than it was two years ago. On the contrary, extraordinary ef forts are being put forth to secure Ai, Kre S fi Poßßlh, ° improvement. IJ 1 ® numbe r of cars re paired in May and June. 1919, was rully up to the normal number of cars repaired, the Railroad Admln -20 instructions on June 20, 1919, that all car forces be in creased to the full standard mea- S, l™ of *B-hours per week and that additional shifts be worked where tne additional employes could be obtained and where they could be ecnomically used. The showing na tn, r .n' ly to be expected from the putting into effect of these instruc tions was hampered in July by the intervention of practically a double holiday and, of course, was tempor arily prevented in August by the strikes of a large number of shop employes. Conditions having now been resored to normal, it is ex pected that these instructions will promptly show a most favorable re sult. Further than this, the Rail road Administration instructed on August 16, 1919. that all car forces be put on a basis of 54-hours per week. It is believed that this in struction will result in a marked improvement, also in the monthly repair of a much greater number of cars than the normal number and will seadily increase the num ber of cars actually available for service as compared with preceding years. In addition to this, the Railroad Administration is rapidly getting the benefit of the service of a large number of new cars constructed during Federal control but whose introduction into service was post poned on account of inability to agree with the railroad corporations as to the acceptance of the cars. This inability has been overcome. Between August 1 and September 1 23,564, of these cars have been I put into service, and they are now I coming into service under the spur of recent instructions at the rate of | over 900 per day. ! Standing of the Crews HARR'ilBt R(i SIDE ' Middle Division. —The 241 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 227, 243, 219, 240, 238. 244, 249, 51, 233. Engineers up: Klstler, McMurtrie, Brink, Leib, Kreiger, Loper, Letter, Fisher, Sweger, E. R. Snyder, Kreps. Firemen up: Elinger, Schmidt, Ku blca, Gilbert, Sweltzer, Qingrlch, Burik helmer, Isenburg, C. H. Myers, De lancey, Kyle. Conductors up: Hoffnagle. Brakemen up: Cassatt, C. M. Hawk, Shearer. Hemmlnger, Zimmerman, Lentz, Long, Hlldebrand. ENOLA SIDE Middle Division. —The 280 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 222, 246, 232, and 2!f . Fifteen Altoona crews to come In. Laid off—ll2, 114, 101. Engineers for 11\, 114. Firemen for 114. Conductors for 114, 101. Brakemen for 101. Yard Board. —Engineers for 137, Ist 102, 3rd 126. Firemen for 137, 2nd 102, 2nd 126, and 118. Engineers up: R. H. Fortenbaugh, Qulgley, Balr, Fenlcle, Hanlon, Barn hart, Zelders, Brown. Shuey, Myers, Geib, D. K. Hinkle, Holland. Firemen up: Eichelberger, Sanders, Copp, Garlin, Handiboe, Rider, Sny der, Bish, Connelly, Huber, Steffee Albright, Kiff, CampbelL PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. — Engineers up: J. Criminal, H. B. Fleck, L. H. Rtcedorf, C. D. Hollenbaugh, H. F. Stuart, J. W. Burd, H. F. Grnninger, G. W. Len ig, 8. H. Alexander, T. B. Heffner, F. F. Schreck, H. E. Cook. W. C. Black, | H. M. Kuhn. J. E. Arndt, W. Q. Jami son, W. E. Turbett. I Engineers wanted for 2nd 25, 2nd | 33. 31. 13, 41. I Firemen up: J. I. Beisel, A. L. Reed er, J. M. Stephens, P. E. Gross, S. H. Zelders, R. A. Arnold, R. Simmons, A. H. Kuntz, 8. H. Wright. R. D. Porter. H. C. Bender, H. W. Snyder, J. R. Weibley, O. W. Musser. Firemen wanted for 25, 29. 88. 81 6293, 36, 16. Philadelphia Division. —E. C. Snow. V. C. Gibbons, C. H. Beltz. R. B. Welsh; J. C. Davis, M. Pleam. Engineers wanted for 94. Firemen u/,: W. E. Aulthouse, F. H. Young, H. Stoner, J. M. Piatt. W. F. Keffney, W. E. Bees, A. L. Floyd. Firemen wanted for 44, 98. 22 40 628. 20. WILSONS SIGNS LEGION HILL On Board President Wllsoa'a Spec ial Trala, Hornbrook, Calif., Sept. 17. j —President Wilson has signed an act I of Congress incorporating the Amer ican Legion, an organization of vet-1 erans of the World War. l ...afpwafpp Senator Johnson Charges Wilson With Planning New U. S. Government Sioux Falls, 8. D., Sept. 17.—1n au endeavor to accommodate the crowd which came last night to hear Sena tor Johnson all chairs were removed from the main floor of the big hull and the audience stood during the nddress. President Wilson spoke from the same platform eight days ago. Senator Johnson charged that President Wilson seeks to establish substantially a new government for the United States by the provisions of the League of Nations Covenant. Senator Johnson's appeal for the radical amendment of the peace pact was enthusiastically received by the crowd. Upon his arrival hero htwas met at the train by a baud and a committee of citizens and later rode in an automobile parade. Pastor Fails to Cut Thistles; Must Pay Reading, Pa.. Sept. 17.—Because he failed to cut Canada thistles on his if/ ... ' J Announce Their Formal 111 | Fall and Winter Opening 'j I Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 18th, 19th and 20th An Authoritative Presentation o£ Newest Modes in j % Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses |