4 Needlework Guild Meets on Friday Afternoon The first fall meeting of the Needlework Guild of the Ladles' MISS STEEN'S KINDERGARTEN Will Reopen at 216 Woodbine St," Sept. 29 BELL PHONE 2687 t Coats—Dresses For girls 2 to 6, 6 to 17 You'll be delighted with the assort ment of girls' coats and dresses offered in this Girls' Apparel Shop. New coats and dresses for Fall and Winter are arriving daily. All styles, materials and sizes for girls to 17 years old will be found in the variety offered. And at prices that are most reason abb. . MARY ELIZABETH SHOP 109 North Second St. PENN-H ARRIS f GRILL ROOM OPEN ' 1 ' BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH l Weekdays, 751 \ < j Served 12 to 2 P. M. Y Evening Meal, $1.25 1 6 to 8 P. M. I Jl Dancing 9.30 to 12 midnight ' 5 Alterations— j : ? My Policy ? a Sometimes a customer seems surprised A • that I should charge for alterations. Here • 0 ane my reasons: 0 • • 1 0 Of-course, in any store the customer pays ) A for alterations, whether or not they're A • "free." But in cases where they are said • 0 to be "free" the expense is merely annexed 0 q to the original cost of the garment. This Q • means that the woman who buys a gar- • 0 ment which needs no alterations or very 0 n slight ones pays for them just the same. A • This is not fair. In my shop, if you need • 0 no alterations, you do not pay for some 0 A other woman's. a • V Q There's another reason, too. When alter- A • ations are offered "free" they're likely to ; V be slighted; that's human nature. When Q Q there's a direct charge they're done con- I • scientiously and thoroughly, so much so 0 that in my shop we often devote $5 or $6 A A worth of time to as 3 alteration. • J Frankly, Mrs. Patron, my policy regard- • • ing alterations reacts to your benefit. 0 0 Most emphatically. A 1 • | I • V ! fl STORE CLOSES SATURDAY A • y AT SIX O'CLOCK U ELECTRIC WASHERS FREE TRIAL In Your Own Home ELECTRIC CLEANERS ELECTRIC IRONERS L— - Sold on Easy Terms fyf U 10 Months to Pay Water Power Washers Four standard makes of waahcrs to select from. AH oar ma chines are positively guaranteed. Some have swinging wringers which enable you to wash and wring at the same time. See than in actual operation at our store or phone Bell 4554 for fall In formation. Deft Devices Company, Inc, 28 South Fourth St. Bell Phone 4554 WEDNESDAY EVENING, Auxiliary of tho Polyclinic Hospital will be held Friday afternoon, Sep tember 19, at 2 O'clock, at the home of Mrs. L. Vernon Fritz, 1848 Mar ket street. A special invitation Is extended to all members of the auxiliary to at tend these meetings as much work is to be done toward the bazar to be held during the winter. TO ENTERTAIN AT CARDS Mrs. Meade D. Detweller, 23 North Front street, will entertain at cards on Friday afternoon in com pliment to Miss Esther Mlnoli, of Italy, whose engagement to Meade D. Detweller, Jr., has been an nounced. INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL BICYCLE CLUB REORGANIZED Susquehanna Boys Form a Social Club From Their Old Organization Members of the popular Susque hanna Bicycle Club met at the home of H. Albert Taylor, 2307 North Fifth street effect a reorganiza tion to be known hereafter as the Susquehanna Social Club. The following officers were elect ed: President, B. Edward Taylor; vice-president, William B. McMor ria; secretary, Albert E. Zimmer man; treasurer, H. Albert Taylor. After, four years of club activities and social functions the same policy will be continued this season, and many pleasant gatherings are prom ised. Notices will be sent out announc ing the raising of dues and new members will be initiated at the next meeting to be held with Albert E. Zimmerman, 2234 North Fourth I street. At this time a tentative pro gram of the season's athletics will be outlined and it is expected that an orchestra and glee club will be formed soon. Mrs. Marlln E. Olmsted. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Hickok and Vance C. McCormfck, are enjoying an automo bile trip to Washington and Virginia. : ; * Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If it haa to do with Flowers or anything that "grows," consult u.'— THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second THE SEILER SCHOOL will reopen Thursday, September 23th, at 17 North Front Street. Sarah Jacobs, A. B. Katherine S. Andrews, A. B. Principals Telephone 440-J I Real Jumbo Peanuts 25e lb. Home Roasted Coffee, 40c, 48c, 50e lb. Imperial Tea Co., 213 Cheatavt Street Pianos Finest in their class. Make your selection from one of these makes: Hardman Hazelton Bros. Kranich & Bach Vosc & Sons Price & Teeple Harrington Steger Newby & Evans Schaeffer • Hensel Seeburg Lagonda Reproducing Pianos, Grands and Uprights CATALOGUES MAILED UPON REQUEST Yohn Bros. Always Reliable 13 N. Fourth St. f 1 Voss Electric Solves the clothes wash ing problem. Aside from high cost of laundry, your washing is done just as you want it. EASY PAYMENTS Neidig Bros., Ltd. 22 South Second St. HARRISBTJRG tUftl TELEGRXPH! BIBLE CLASS IN MONTHLY MEET Regular Business and Social Event Held at Home of Miss Bessie Poorman The Adult Bible Classes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion held their bi monthly business and social meeting at the home of Miss Poorman, of the Stgler Apartments on Tuesday evening. Herbert May presided. After a hymn, psalm and prayer the usual business was transacted and many encouraging remarks were made re garding the work of the church. The following program was enjoyed: In strumental solo, Mrs. J. E. Hamil ton; readings, by Mrs. J. H." Miller, Miss Poorman and Mrs. W. A. Ger nert; tenor solo, J. E. Hamilton. Tho pastor, the Rev. John Henry Miller opened a discussion on "Tho Lord's Day—Seventh or First?" Mr. Ensminger and Mr. Madsen took part in the debate. It was Bhown I from the Bible that Jesus arose from the dead on the first day of the week, John 20:1. He frequently ap peared to His disciples on tho first day of the week, John 20:19,26. The Christian Church was established through the Pentecostal Blessing on the first day of the week, Acts 2:1. The "Power of the Keys" was given to the Church on the first day of the week, John 20:23. Stephen suffered martyrdom because his foes said: "We have heard him say that this ffesus of Nazareth shall destroy this rlace, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us," Acts 6:14. Paul preached on the first day, Acts 20:7, and he advised the offerings to be brought to the church on the first day of the week, 1 Cor. 16:2. The Apostle John had his vision on the first day of the week. Ice cream and cake were served and the meeting closed with the hymn: "God Bless Our Native Land." Mrs. Ley Will Direct Moorhead Chorus Work Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley, musical director of the Moorhead Choral Society announces that the organization begnn the season's work last night. Later they will prepare for a musical shew to be presented on the opening of the new buii