2 The Days News in Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania Motorcyclist's Leels Broken in TwonPlaces When Auto Strikes Him Lewistown, Pa., Sept. 17.—Frank Retgle, 26 years old, is in the hos pital here suffering from a fracture of the right leg in two places anil probable internal Injuries sustained when he plunged head-on into aiii automobile on the State road east of here. Reigle is said to have been making sixty miles an hour when a woman driving a car shot to the wrong side of the road on a curve. Relglc's motorcycle is said to have leaped across the hood of the machine and into the old canal bed, a complete wreck. VOTE rv COUNCIL HA3LL. New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 17. The primary election was held at the Council chamber yesterday. TALK With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder Ksspt them fins. Prevents sore sums. White. Flavored. Antiseptic. Zf your dental plate is loose or drops, to get instant relief use Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beelcman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, 4 SI.OO. At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse imitations, Xhit is the original powder. For Men Union Suits $2 to sls if ft Dressing finfj fj 'j / Gowns iJj itsf slotos7s Forry's yy Penn-Harris if > Building i Say You'll be pleased, too If you visit our optical depart ment, where eye-service is the best. And our prices are very j reasonable. Expert eye exam- ' ination. Glasses fitted prop erly for as little $2.50 I P. J. Baumgardner Registered Optometrist With 206 Market Street i Beforeyou buy, call and hear 1 | "The Highest Class Talking | Machine in the World." TMt IMSTIMMtMT or QUALITY %onora\ CLEAN AS A BELL C~ " "OECAUSE the only jury i which heard and tested all I W&ffllMu Phonographs exhibited I"#!® at the Panama Pacific lnter | \[j i?§ national Exposition, recom | mended that the Sonora be * I given a marking for tone qual ity higher than that given to any other | phonograph or talking machine. S TJECAUSE it has MANY exclusive patented . . ■ 13 features of remarkable superiority. BECAUSE'it will be a pleasure and a proud I possession for you and yours for years. BECAUSE it is recognized as being the finest phonograph manufactured today. Price $50.00 to SIOOO.OO I Call and hear the Sonora and yon will he con vinced that it is the phorwg raph you want. I YOHN BROS. 13 North Fourth St. Sonora Is licensed and operates under BASIC PATENTS I of the phonograph industry ■ WEDNESDAY EVENING, MALTAS CONFER PRETTY DEGREE Interesting Meeting of Fra ternal Order Was Held I on Monday Evening Mrclinnlcsbtirg, Pa., Sept. 17.—0f unusual Interest was the session of St. Paul Commandery, No. 158, Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta, on Monday evening, at which time the degree from Malta to Priestly Pass, inclusive, was exempli fied. Following the program, re freshments were served. The staff includes: Sovereign com mander. John A. Kilmore; senior councillor. J. W. Wister; Junior coun cillor, Guy H. Lucas; high prelate, William A. Slgler; chancellor, Wil liam M. Kollcr; vice chancellor, James L. Young; bursar, D. Abner Crom leigh; pursuivant, Thomas J. Webb; herald, Mark B. Ibach; sword bearer, Calvin Weaver; standard bearer, J. M. Walters; fir3t guard, R. M. Sultza berger; second guard, G. K. Eshel man; warden, James R. Prowell; sen tinel, A. S. Hertsler; musical director, Mervin E. Anderson; master of cere monies, Harry B. Markley; scenic artist, Mervin O. Swanger. On Monday, September 22, a council of Red Cross and Sepulchre will be convened. Girl Takes Strychnine Tablets For Liver Pills; Mistake Leads to Death York, Pa., Sept. 17.—As the re sult of taking strychnine tablets for liver pills, Ethel A. Oreman, 16-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Oreman, near this city, is dead. Inability to secure a physician in time probably caused the girl's death. On Monday night before re tiring the girl went to a shelf where the family medicine is kept, to se cure liver pills. Her father had placed a box of strychnine tablets on the shelf. Two of these were swallowed in the dark by the girl. She died yesterday morning. Soldier Comes Home From War Service in England Annville, Pa., Sept. 17.—Earl R. Carmany, who two years ago en listed in the service at Allentown, returned Monday night from over seas and is spending some time with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ru fus Carmany, Sheridan avenue. He is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College and was a high school In structor when he enlisted. He was at first sent to Paris a year and ten months ago, but later to London, where he was discharged from the service. Mrs. A. S. Kreider and daughter, Elizabeth, spent several days at Philadelphia. The Rev. C. A. Mutch, of Eph rato. Is a visitor in town. Judge C. V. Henry, of Lebanon, appointed Alfred K. Mills, township commissioner to succeed Nathaniel Light, resigned. C. E. Roudabush, of Minersville, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Sure Relief I; gPSPllii RE LL-ANS UK# FOR INDIGESTION STATE PURCHASES SANATORIUM LAND I Health Commissioner Martin Buys Tract of 35 Acres Adjoin ing White Pine Camp From W. L. Forney, Who Would Not Negotiate With the Late Dr. Samuel G. Dixon Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 17. William L. Forney, of this place, yesterday closed the deal by which he sold to State Health Commis sioner Marten, his tract of 35 and more acres of land adjacent to the South Mountain Sanatorium above Mont Alto, for a price said to be about $25,000. On this land are White Pine Inn, garages, numerous cottages, frame houses and other buildings. The outfit is directly across the road I RABBI CALLED TO LEWISTOWN Congregation There Chooses Lancaster Minister to Serve For Two Years Lewistown, Pa., Sept. 17.—Hyman Levin, rabbi of a large Jewish con gregation In Lancaster for the past ten years, has been elected rabbi of Ohev Sholum Jewish congrega tion of Lewistown. The choice was made Saturday at the home of Jacob Hurwitz, by a vote of the local con gregation. During the past two or more years Lewistown Jews have been without the services of a rabbi and the congregation felt very much the need of a religious leader. Rabbi Levin was chosen to serve at Ohev Sholum for two years. The new synagogue in East Third street is steadily neurlng completion, and the cornerstone of the new re ligious edifice will be laid within the next few weeks. Dr. W. A. Hutchi son, city superintendent of schools, will deliver an address at the cor nerstone laying. Civil War Veteran and Railroader Passes Out Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 17. Simeon Purdy, a lieutenant in the Union Army during the Civil War and widely known resident of the county, died at his home Just west of Car lisle after a short illness. He was for many years a railroad employe. He served during .the Civil War with Companies C and I of the Ist Regiment, West Virginia Infantry, and later as a lieutenant in Com pany C of the 6th West Virginia Cavalry. He was a member of Cap tain Colwell Post 201 here. For over a quarter of & century he was engi neer on various western railroads and was master mechanic for one of the first railroads constructed in Mexico. Ira I* Purdy, Rutherford Heights, and Ralph E. Purdy, Har risburg, are sons. Believe Missing Man Will Be Found a Corpse Lewistown, Pa., Sept. 17. —The reservoirs of the Lewistown and Reedsville Water Company in Mine harts Gap have been drained with out finding the body of John Smith, who has been missing since August 17, when he was seen leaving a train returning from Harrisburg. Mountain men who came in from the lumber camps express the opin ion that the man's body would be found In some out-of-the-way place. They say he either fell over a preci pice or was overcome In some out of-the-way place and died. Deputy Sheriff and Son Go Up in Air 3,000 Feet l.culstown, Pa., Sept. 17.—C. D. Groce, a deputy sheriff of Mifflin county, took a spin with Pilot Gil bert Budwick, who has been taking the people on pleasure jaunts for the past three days. Groce was ac companied by his little son Robert, who is said to have been the first child of his age to attain an alti tude of 3,000 feet, doing the loop the-loop and other fancy stunts on the way back to old mother earth. "Bob" had to be spanked before he would leave the machine. WILL ERECT MEMORIAL Hngerstown, Md., Sept. 17. Henry P. Bridges, an attorney of Baltimore, plans the erection of a church in Hancock as a memorial to his father, the late Robert Bridges, who was an elder in the j Hancock Presbytery for many years. |He has purchased a site for the church on the old Bridges home stead, which will be razed. I No Boost In Price | but the same wholesome table drink of superior coffee-like flavor that so many thousands now use in place of coffee. INSTANT POSTUM Get this delicious, economi cal family beverage at gro- | cers and let all the family enjoy it. "There's a Reason" [ BtiuwßoiialMHbmnieKn from the main buildings of the State Sanatorium and had been run as a private enterprise for years, along about the same general plan as the State's free treatment. The late Dr. S. G. Dixon had more than once tried to buy the Forney place but always failed and the sale .Just made comes as a surprise to many interested people here. This purchase was made for the State Health Department The tract will at once be made a part of the South Mountain Sanatorium. TOTS WIN PRIZES AT ANNIVERSARY Pretty Function at Home of Baby Geraldine Cook in Mechanicsburg Nfekanlnfenn, Pa., Sept. 17.—T0 celebrate the flrst birthday anni versary of her daughter, Geraldine, , Mrs. L. W. Cook gave a party on Mon day afternoon, to which a number of little ones and their mothers wore invited. There was a contest for the mothers, but the prises went to the little ones. To Mhn Wilbur Diets was presented a gold ring, and to Morris Jefferson Mlchener, a solid silver baby spoon. The decorations in the dining room were pink and white. The single candle on the birthday cake was ex tinguished by the small hostess. The guests included William Miller, of Shippensburg; John W. Diets, Robert Diets, Morris J. Michener, Lloyd Latnason and Lincoln Miller, all of Mechaniscburg. Assisting Mrs. Cook in the entertainment of the guests were: Mrs. Joseph Miller, Misses Lovina Shelter, Olivia Baum, Edna Keller, Anna Zelgler and Dorothy Ulrlch. Wilson College Opens 50th Year This Morning Chnmbersburg, Pa., Sept. IT.—Wil son Cellege opened its fiftieth year this morning with the largest enroll ment of regular college students in its history. The college buildings are filled to capacity and there is a large enrollment of nonresident students. President Warfleld announced at the opening exercises the gift of $5,000 from the Tltusville, Pa.. Presbyterian church, toward the endowment of the Bible chair. Among the new faculty appoint ments are the following: Professor Esther Crane, Ph. D. (Chicago), pro fessor of psychology; Professor Patty Gurd, Ph. D. (University of Mich igan), professor of Romance Lan guages; Professor Alta Alleen Robin son, M. A. (University of Iowa), pro fessor of English; Miss Jessie Lind say, graduate of the Sargent School of Physical Education, Boston, director of physical education. Two students selected by the French government for the award of Ameri can scholarships arrived on the steamer La France in New York on Saturday last and entered Wilson Col lege at the opening of the year. Conference Chief Gives Six Authority to Preach Hagerstown, Md., Sept. 17.—Ac cording to a report made by the Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton, this city, superintendent of the Pennsylvania Conference of the United Brethren church, there is no dearth of candi dates for the ministry. On Sunday last he licensed six young men to preach in York county, Pa., one at Red Lion, three at Dallastown and two at Spry. The Rev. Dr. Statton said this is the largest number of young men ho has licensed to the ministry in a day. Annville Minister Gets Call From Columbus, 0. Annville, Pa., Sept. 17.—The Rev. Dr. S. F. Daugherty has received a call to the United Brethren church of Columbus, Ohio. He has accepted the call, much to the regret of his congregation. COMMITTEE WILL MEET. New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 17. The victory and memorial general committee will meet at the Hersn house to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock to close up the business of the home coming celebration. TWO INJURED IN WRECK OF TAXI j Young Woman Says She Is Mrs. Minerva Wallestin, of Harrisburg lingers town, Md., Sept. 17.—First ' giving the name of "Billy Patter son," when picked up along the State road on the slope of the South Mountain, near Dahlgren, where an automobile accident occurred in which the young woman was in jured, and later giving the name of Mrs. Minerva WaUestin, of Har risburg, Pa., when admitted to the Washington County Hospital here, makes uncertain the Identity of the woman and the accident. The fact that the machine, a Cadillac taxi, said to have come from Baltimore and that the driver, a young man, flrst gave the name of "Bela Kuq," and afterward said he was Just plain John Smith, gives the affair a still more mysterious aspect. Roy Staubs, a Hage.-stown taxi man, found the wrecked car down a bank and the young woman, who first said she came from Pittsburgh, lying Injured on the ground. Later, Dr. S. T. Smith, of Boonsboro, came along and gave the girl flrst aid and afterward she was brought to this city to the hospital and was found to be injured about the head, but not very seriously. Traffic officers are Investigating the accident and causes leading to it. Jury Orders Minister to Pay Cost of Taking Thistles Off His Farm Reading, Pa., Sept. 17. —In court here yesterday a jury In the suit of Herman Oswald against the Rev. M. H. Brensinger returned a verdict for $27.15 in favor of the plaintiff. The action was brought by Oswald, a supervisor of Maidencreek township, to recover the cost of removing Can ada thistles from the farm of the Rev. Mr. Brensinger, which, Oswald alleged, the defendant refused to re move after due notice. College President and' Wife Club Honor Guests Wellsrlllo, Pa.. Sept. 17.—Dr. E. E. Campbell, president of Irving College, and wife, of Mechanicsburg. were the guests of honor at th monthly session of the York Irving Club, entertained by Mrs. W. D. Brougher, thiß place. Luncheon wa: served by the hostess, after which Dr. Campbell reviewed the work and happenings at Irving College dur ing the past year and also told ol the improvements for the ensuing year, in an interesting address. Guests were present from Mechanics burg, Dillsburg, Wellsvllle, Wrighta vllle and York. Mifflin County Firemen Ready For Field Day lewiftown, Pa.. Sept IT.—The volunteer firemen of Mifflin county are In readiness to celebrate the an nual field day on Saturday. Prac tically fireman of every town in the Juniata Valley between Harrlsbur, and Altoona and as far north as Sim mokin have expressed their inten tion of being present. Arrangement: have been made to take care ol 10,000 visitors. The day will be en livened by big street parades, auto mobile parades, darktown parade li the evening, with athletic contests of a lively nature throughout the day. Will Establish Athletic Field to Honor Soldier; Chnmbersburg, Pa., Sept. 17. The committee that successfully conducted the welcome home cele bration had decided to disband i>u after adding several new members will act as a committee to raise t fund for the soldiers' memorial ath letic grounds to be established here An option has been secured from Augustus Wolf on Dreamland park He offers the ground and lake foi $45,000. For the ground alone hi asks $2 5,000 with the condition thn he contribute $5,000. Little Lines From Nearby Carlisle —Andrew Cromlich diei' of gangrene here, aged 74 years. Wiconlsco—Patrick O'Connor ha gone to a Philadelphia eye hospita l for treatment. Bae-JunaiivUlc Mrs. Mary A Shiffer died at her home here o tuberculosis, aged 71 years. Lykciis—Steelton's Postmaster Cu sack was here calling on Demo cratic voters during the week. Dover ln the yard of H. U Baughman a pear tree is bearing it: second yield of fully matured fruit for the season. Hagerstown—An old cement mill, a famous landmark on tho Potomac river not far from Sharpsburg, Is being torn down. Williams town —Dr. George Durbln and Miss Mabel Thomas were mar ried here at the home of the bride by the Itev. Alexander Leo. Carlisle Charles E. Yohn was knocked from a bicycle when he collided with an automobile and had his right arm broken at the elbow. Lebanon—Ammon K. Brown, of Myorstown, was acquitted of a charge of forgery by a jury here, but was ordered to pay the costs of the suit. Lebanon—William Gerberich, a former prothonotary of this county and a retired farmer, died in East Hanover township yesterday, aged 78 years. Dover—William Bricker, of Lawn, Lebanon county, and Miss Sue A. Jacobs, of Mount Joy, were married here by the Rev. J. H. Hege, pas tor of the bride. Palmyra—Earl Helsey and Mrs. Emma Weitzel, both of this place, were united in marriage by the Rev. J. M. Walters, pastor of the United Brethren church at Sunbury. W'illinm.stowii ln the Catholic church at this place Simon Plcka lavage and Mrs. Alice Buttner were united In marriage and have gone to housekeeping in West Market street. liebanon—The annual convention of the Pennsylvania Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Asso ciation is to be held in First Re formed church here October 2, 3 and 4. Hagerstown Thieves tried to break into the apartment of Under taker Andrew K. Coffman and also made an unsuccessful attempt to rob a house In the western section of this city. [Other State News on Page 7.] RURAL CARRIER QUITS Hallora, Pa., Sept. 17.—Jacob B. Abel, rural mall carrier for 12 years, has resigned, effective November 1. During his service as a mail carrier, Abel traveled more than 60,000 miles. A half dozen horses and buggies were worn out in Abel's travels. | mil urn minimi | £B-30:32 North Third Street. I | Sclleisner's I tHew Fall Suits | For Women and Misses | This establishment is not given to §| boastful statements, but we do at this moment deem it advisable to say that E we have the largest line of new Fall Suits for women and misses it has = ever been our privilege to present at H the opening of a season. This is M brought to your attention for the pur- H pose of assuring you that not only H are our modes exclusive, but they are Shown in a wide range, so that you H have plenty of scope for choice. Be sides, the prices are extremely mod- || erate and effect real economy for you. The season's leading materials are shown —Tricotine, Tinseltone, Sil~ = vertone, all-wool Velour, Duvetyn, H IH Silk Duvetyn, Peach Bloom and M j H others. || J $39.75 ">s3so J pLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw We Offer 12Vfcc _■ y \ f fftrTgll I We offer 12Vt cents each this week, in aluminum f mold values, for the end labels on Jiffy-Jell pack- M . —, ages which mention any of the following flavors: Loganberry—Pineapple—Lime—Mint Four such end labels this week bring you free any 50-cent Pint Mold—or the Set of Six Individuals. SEE OFFERS BELOW New Fruit Desserts And Timely Salads at a Trifling Cost Real-Fruit Desserts Tart, Zestful Salads week we _Then we suggest the VWW our finest berry jells and garnish jells. flavor and Mix in fruits or vege- r•_ r 9 Pineapple. We tables—whatever you Lun-trmt Loganberry use hal * a P* ne ~ wish for the salad —and make a salad loaf. apple to make Serve with dressing or without, the flavor for one Jiffy-Jell dessert. Or mix in meat scraps and make a meat loaf We crush these fruits, then condense the juice —meat in aspic. Use up left-overs in this way. and seal it in a vial. Each package of Jiffy-Jell Use Mint Jiffy-Jell instead of mint sauce contains a bottle of this fruit-juice essence. when you serve roast lamb. It is vastly better You dd a Pt of water. Then add and is always ready, the flavor from the bottle and cool the jell in molds. Then yon have a rich dessert with a wealth of real- , fruit flavor, and at trifling cost. . , The end flap on each Jiffy-Jell packagd J>ffy-Jell is winning milliona from the old-type states the flavor. Send us four thaT week golatme desserts. It costs no . . . 7T t wece. higher price. Yet the flavors .... which mention Logan are real fruit and abundant, MS berry, Pineapple, Lime or in liquid form in glass. If ■ B| Hfr Hg' mm 'W* .|S ■ ■ Mint Then we will mail -irsr-3 JUtJrKU =a.t more luscious. set molds This week we r? r - which we de offer you 50- W lth r l*Ult LBsencet in GaI&SS scribe below. aVi' mYnura 1 We want molds —to in- 10 Flavors in Glass Vials to bnow _ dncc a toial of A a#w/ . w what count our choicest - _ . ... . less uses flavors. Accept Loganberry, Pineapple, Mint, Lime Jiffy-Jell can vf i 50c Moid Offers MAIL THIS i Send us the end flaps from four Jiffy-Jell packages— ITIrtlL Imo i the flaps which name the flavor. Send those which i mention Loganberry, Pineapple, Lime or Mint. Send Jlffy-Jal), Waukesha, Wis. j the coupon with them and we will send you any alumi i num mold you choose from this list Check the coupon j four end labels as per poor ! i to show which mold you want offer. Send me the meld I check at lalt I i ....STYLE—B—Pint Dessert Mold, heart shaped. ! ....STYLE—C—Pint Dessert Mold, fluted. - - - ~, n,..,.,. ! J .... STYLE—D—Pint Salad Mold. ! i ....STYLE—E—Pint Fruit Salad Mold. Add™- ! ... .fiTYLE—H—Pint Deaaert Mold, star-shaped. * ■ J .... SET OF SlX—lndividual Dessert Molds in as sorted styles. . J IlinffliiEiiiMMniiniiiiniiiiiiinniißiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHnMiiißwißiiiiiiyiMißffMiiiiiiiHWßiiiiiimiMisifliniaiiifliiiiitiiHßianißiHiMiiaßinmHiiii SEPTEMBER 17, 1919. DIED OF OVEREATING Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 17. Wilson Weary, a farmer of North Middle ton township, lost four lambs by death. They ate too much grain. The lambs were in the orchard and in some nfnnner got into the fields of rye and oats and ate so much of the grain as to cause their death. WILIj HOIiI> FESTIVAL Carlisle, Pa., Sept 17.—0n Friday night the Athletic Association of the Carlisle High School will hold a festival at the Lamberton building. The proceeds will be used to sup port the boys on the athletic field. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers