18 JEWS IN NEED OF MORE FUNDS Total of 175,000 Children Re ceive Regular Daily Rations ! New York, Sept. 17. Starving Jewish children of Poland are re ceiving 178,800 rations daily from the bumper cargoes of the "Demo cracy" and the "Westward Ho," the relief shops sent overseas by the American Jewish relief agencies for the destitute war sufferers. How the food was distributed throughout the various districts was explained in a report from Dr. Boris Bogen to the Joint Dlstrlbu tion Committee, which has Just been made public here by the American Jewish Belief Committee. Dr. Bo gen is head of all American Jewish relief work in Poland. The actual cost of the ration Which each Jewish child receives amounts to about one mark a day, so that the total amount expended for feeding Jewish children is a little more than 178,000 marks a day or approxi mately 5,250,000 marks a month. The above, according to Dr. Bogen, represents only the relief distributed up to June. Plans for the rest of the year call for increased expendi tures for a larger number of chil dren and it is estimated that 350,- 000 marks daily are now being spent to save the lives and health of as piany Jewish kiddies. "We are almost finished with the distribution of the cargo of the •Democracy,' consisting of medical supplies, soap and general supplies, Bogen's report states. "When the final report comes in we shall find that the distribution was quite satls -1 factory. At present we are just be ginning the distribution of the sec ond "Westward Ho" cargo. A con siderable portion has been given to the children's relief and the results are very satisfactory." Following is a list of the points and the amounts of rations distrib uted. Warsaw, city, 18,000 rations per day; Warsaw district, 1,750; Lodz, i city, 13,300; Lodz, district, 6,000; Czenstochowa and Dabrowa districts, '4,500; Radom and Kielce districts, '1,260; Kracjko and district, 10,000; Lwow, city, 10,500; LwoW„ Kowel and Lublin district, 32.000; Brest and Blalystok district, 41,500; and Grodno, Lida and Vilna districts, 27,000. To continue the regular distribu tion of supplies to these starving youngsters will require additional i funds and it is to swell the great humanity fund that the American Jewish Relief Committee and kin dred organizations are planning a series of drives throughout the country this fall. Middletown Give Watch and Chain .. to Daniel Shroy, Who Took Risks in War The freshman class of the Middle toirn High School will hike to Clif ton this evening, when they will have a inarshmallow toast, and the party will be composed of the following, with Miss Kershner and Miss Bentz, two teachers, as chaperones: Roy Oasher, Donald Kohr, Merlin Brinser, ♦"rands Douglas, Rife Gingrich, Cbarles Rutter, Harry Hamaker, Har old Hartman, Donald McCord, Eliza beth Baker, Helen Hoffman, Christine Jackson, Helen Seiders, Margarite Derr, Ray Coley, Elsie Stephey, Mar vin Yost, Louise Fox. Loraine Gail and Helen Gottshall. At a recent meeting of the Welcome Home celebration committee, held in the council chamber, it was unanl-; aionsly voted to present a gold watch and chain to Daniel Shroy, the young- ; est boy from town who was in the service overseas, and who made fame for himself by some hazardous risks. The presentation speech was made by the Rev. James Cunningham, chair man. Edawrd Sheets, a patient at the Carlisle War Hospital, is spending several days in town with relatives. H. H. Tothers, teacher of algebra and history in the High School, is off duty on account of having ivy poison, and has gone to his home at Stephens. Lancaster county. His place is being substituted by Mrs. H. B. Garver. Mrs, Samuel Klnsay and two daughters, Margaret and Lucille, have returned home from a week's visit with relatives at East Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. John Durlne, who ■pent the pasj several days in town as the guests of the letter's brother, William Scholing, Swatara street, re turned to their home at Billings, Mon tana. Charles Mumme, of Detroit, is vis iting relatives and friends in town for some time. Mrs. Daniel Conrad, of Northumber land, is spending some time in town as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Beck, of Hotfer's Extension, having come to attend the celebration of the twepty-flfth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Beck, held at their home on Sunday. The annual congregational meeting of the Church of God will be held in the Sunday School room of the church this evening. A delegate will be elected to the East Pennsylvania eldership, which will meet at the Church of God in Saxton this fall. James Weirlch, who served the past twenty months overseas, was re turned to the United States and was Stationed at Camp Mills, N. Y., and from there was sent to Washington, D. C„ w(jere he took part In the large parade held in honor of General Pershing yesterday. He is a member of one of the regimental bands. He la a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weirlch, Brown street. Mr. Weirich expects to be mustered out of service shortly. Mrs. Jennie Hoffman will move from the Laverty property. North Union street, and the Misses Theo and Lydia Laverty will move from their late home, which Dr. H. W. George purchased, on North Union street, to the house made vacant by Mrs. Hoffman. Samuel Fallinger, the three-year eld son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fal linger, of Wilson street, fell from a chair at his parents' home and cut a deep gash in his head. New gears were installed in the La France Are truck of the Union Hose company, which was damaged at the lire of two weeks ago. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church held the regular monthly meeting at the Manse, West Main street, yesterday Afternoon. MILROV HAS LEGION POST Mllroy, Pa., Sept. 17.—Post No. 287, Legion of Honor, has been or ganized at Milroy by the election of the following officers: President, Dr. W. H. Kohler: secretary, W. . E. Montgomery; treasurer, Foster JPrown. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART Women's $39.50 Tricotine and w r,^,^o k eT B r . I Hosiery and Underwear Prices Much Jersey Frocks: s £S£ rsary ... .$34,41 lace trimmed col- T) a| Aitt Ly a 0*"1 lloy ITT T^fTT v l - \7 'J Two of the handsomest styles that have been brought S9 S '7" tC '* Tin 00 X-'V/IU VV / sar y f° r to-morrow at exceptional savings. The SrS"'r..4ic First Anniversary Sale 1 I quality of the Tricotine and Jersey is of the Women's Bath y h A ' highest order and the styles are of a kind Robes. Indian Women s Underwear Anniversary Hosiery JKSSIsCi „ that will please every fastidious woman. blanket patterns, . J ■ l/XSh -'P'YJV The Tricotine Dresses are in navv blue, and rose ' Copenhagen 3jc white cotton ribbed vests sleeve- bpeCialS those of Jersey are in bronze heather tones. f a "fre£,u/r $5.00 Anniversary Special. .2 for W Women's 59c and 75c black mercer- • lit* TkN Ayw Sizes 36 to 42. value. . Anniver- 50c and 59c white cotton and lisle .• j i. oc<> foci,;™,,,! r u- u i- a MAI m D,v e m .,or t Sc.a noor. sary Special, ....?3.41 ribbed union suits, sleeveless and knee 'i 8 iv Kv/lf fin Tiinvim, Oa+o i?,° fn" n i !"T'i length. Anniversary Special 41? s ' Annnersar y Special 41? P Wiv'Mik ipO.UU JJinner bets Women's 75c white thread silk boot I\V W ?m\ 38 Pieces '• $ 3 - 41 line, 3 5 inches" Men's Union Suits spliced heels. Anniversarp Special 41<£ \ V I . -vSfiV \ Decorated with pink roses and gold band. An Anniver- good colors. .An- . . . . . . p .... ' yk y\ \ sary special weii worth going into any home. versarv Sp e cial, white nainsook athletic union Children s 35c black fine ribbed cot °ther pleces for the table 4 2 -ptece e dinner seta in blue >' ar(l $2.41 # suits, sleeveless, knee length. Anniver- ton seamless hose. Anniversary Spe tS* Oriental design with gold edges. $5.00 Silk Taffeta sary Special 41* cial 2 pairs for 41* // ilk l R esularly Forty-first An- Petticoats in street v "' eu with'biut shades of navy, $2.00 fancy madras athletic union Men's 18c cotton hose, seamless, 4 -y bird decorations'and S bTue color black, wistaria, suits, sleeveless, knee length. Anniver- black and colors. Anniversary Spe- A TRAnwersap "issa swg •■" Sp " i " -. \NB ""S 4,1 F / ESSBEKS -St. ,■Children's $3.50 to $4.95 Rain Capes. $2.41 and $3.41 H JLiJLJ I 50-piece dinner sets in Orien- dame Lyra Cor- Surprising values in fine quality raincapes for girls are scheduled for to-morrow in the girls' ( VRNA I tal patterns ' and green lines. sets of pink coutil; section on the second floor. Ideal garments for school and play. VX. BV : V . i / y FOrty " Hrßt for medium fig- $3.50 and $3.75 Red Capes, with plaid lined hoods; $4.50 Navy Rlue Capes, with plaid hoods; sizes \ N< 'ft S iO/O l 70-piece dinner sets, —service ures; with six sup- Special Special / for 8 persons—with floral dec- porters; sizes 25 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. VSBM&kV 19,11 / Art Rag Rugs in 6x9 and 9x12 Sizes at Great Reductions in the Sale >/ versary Special 59.1 l Men's $1.25 Muslin . SIO.OO Japan Art Rag Rugs, size 6x9 ft. Torty- $20.00 Japan Art Rag Rugs for bedrooms, size 9x12 I X -o a- . xf cm.' . first Anniversary price $7.4 i ft. Forty-first Anniversary price sls 41 IssJsSSi , |v\ / zui'l h ' Night Shirts; sizes SIO.OO Color/ial Mixed Rag Rugs, size 9x12 ft. $32.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs in floral and Ori y Regularly $14.50. Forty-first utirnlire nerk- nnrl $15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 6x9 ft. Forty- price $27 41 . J? Anniversary Special $12.41 surp ice neck and first A nniversary price $12.41 $50.00 Body Brussels Rugs ire light colors, of sm'all . AV;(• \x braid trimming. $ 17.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 7.6x9 ft. Forty- designs suitable for bedrooms, size 9x12 ft. Forty- " * % Sl. " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Special 51.41 first Anniversary price $11.41 first Anniversary p'rice $ll.OO \ Basement 1 Divea. Pomeroy a: Stewart, Second Floor. It's Linen Napkin Buying- Birthday Specials From the Base- Anniversary special. Time When Anniversary me „ t jn Anniversary Sa le Am ° ng DreSS ' Prices Rule iviuieriuis -All through the basement Anniversary Sale tickets will he found with Prices are 41c, $1.41, $2.41, $3.41 and $4 41 Values that are not approachable at anywhere near ™ ess ?^ p °'^ r t i , n a Among "the good things awaiting distribu- g9£ Gran . (e Anniversary Specia ; yd the price are featured in the linen napkin section in . 41? , r, ~ . . r, * , • . 50c Stove Brushes. Anniversary A 1 $1.90 Galvanized Wash Tub. <1? 1 A 1 $2.25 Navy Blue French Serge; all wool; 40 inches wide. An the Forty-first Anniversary bale, beginning tomorrow. Special C Anniversary Special Jplol niversary Special, yard, $1.41 _ . _ , - . i rx =;nr. ciio R flic i„ c m —— $2.00 Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine in ten shades; 40 inches Pnce. Quoted Are by the Dozen Anniversary SpechT . : 41c $22.50 Marvel Vacuum Cleaners. Anniver- ,)4 .M.41 , 19% inch All Linen Napkins; regularly $6.00 a dozen. Anni- 50c Shoe Polishers. Anniversary A 1 , sary Spe- $16.41 ' "niversary pccia versary Special, $5.41 Special 4XO cla * $4.50 Mixed Suiting; 54 inches wide. Anniversary Special, All Linen Napkins; regularly $7.00 a dozen. Anniversary 69c Grey Enamel 10-qart dish pans 4 1 ... a„ Special, dozen, ...... ... $6.41 Anniversary Special U.. 41 C ' keepers. An- Suitrng; 54 mches wide. Anniversary Spedal, 22 inch Irish Linen Finish Napkins; regularly $4.00 a dozen. 59c No. 9 Steel Skillets. Amversary 11 Special P 1 *4l $4.50 Gabardine, 50 inches wide- Anniversary Special, yard, Anniversary Special, dozen, $3.41 pec,a "" AUTOMOBILE TIRES en ~ C 1 . . . , , $3.41 50c 10-quart Galvanized Water Pails. A 1 $4.50 Plaid Skirting, 48 inches wide, all wool. Anniversary SI.OO All Linen Irish Plain Huck Hemstitched Towels; size Anniversary Special 41 C Pullman Tires—3soo mile guarantee: Special, yard $2.41 20x36 inches. Anniversary Special. 3 for $2.41 Galvanized Garbage Cans with cover. s l7 - 70 P lain tread Clincher, $11.41 $5.50 Black Broadcloth; 54 inches wide. Anniversary Special, $7.00 Hemstitched Plain All Linen Irish Lunch Napkins; 14 Anniversary " ' i 1 41 $26.00 32x4 plain tread Clincher $16.41 Wear'SergeVse inches wide.'' Anniversary' Serial inches square. Anniversary Special, dozen $6.41 Special J. .nr JL $27.25 32x4 Non-skid clincher, $17.41 yard $4 41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 41c Anniversary Specials ! sJSf $1.41 Anniversary Specials $1.25 Leather Purses in colors. Anniversary I . __ , „ „ Special ' Men s $2.00 Fancy Madras Athletic Union Stuts, 800 Yards Biack and Colored Satine, 27 inches ! sleeveless, knee length.. Anniversary Spe- Wide. Anniversary Special, 2 yards f C $1.41 75c Black Satine; 40 inches wide. Anniversary Men's $2.00 Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, Special, yard JL short sleeves, ankle length. Anniversary Spe- Women's 75c White Silk Boot Hose; lisle tops; JBppW cial $1.41 first quaUty Anniversary Special .... 41# ■ /jt. Man's $2.00 Black Cotton Ribbsd Union Suits, • Women's 59c and 75c Silk Lisle Fashioned Feet Mlxed Ra ff Rugs. Anniversary Sl^ al cial j. vl Vli \vfl zX>y $1.75 Scrim Curtains, 214 yards long, insertion 89c Navy Granite Cloth; 36 inches wide, ] I 'K V and narrow lace edging. Anniversary Special Men's 75c White Nainsook Athletic Union Suits; i l, > ! sl-41 sleeveless. Anniversary Special ■BP AI Mkßill Wtw! fV Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Third Floor. Men's 18c Cotton Socks; black and colors. Anm- Mjfw*® <*> B J}?X 1\ Men's 50c Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched. versary Special, 4 pair 41* L MliMlN. '' !} / ill * Elfr/i \ Anniversary Special, 5 for $1.41 Men's 65c Thread Silk Seamless Socks; colors MP /1\ '\ H&..a\ > > Mil : - i i' \ /• „ j, u- r v J u and black. Anniversary Special 41* W.. '} \ r V ' - / l \ Mens 39c Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched Children's 35c Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Seam- W, $ 5 , M 1 \ffl.||t \ Anniversary Special, 6 for $1.41 less Socks. Anniversary Special, 2 pair ..41* Jj&M'W 1 fflß j -1 ' /nl' - ' '< ia/ Four-piece Kitchen Set, oak finish; tea cannister, Women's 35c White. Cotton Ribbed Vests; | M coffee cannister, sugar can and flour can. Anni sleeveless; extra sizes. Anniversary Special, i&W&M * , | i j^-Ul' "■'< versary Special, set $1.41 2 pair .... "Z V 'Qf /Jl) i/ ; : V A ps )W Two-quart Double Aluminum Boiler, $2.00 value. Women 3 50c and 59c White Cotton and Lisle U U JgM Union Suits; regular and extra sizes. Anni- MY /}-f I \ <4 {C versary Special 41* / 1 gf M (J L rMkV V\ Lipped Saucepan Sets, 2-qt., 2J4-qt. and 3-qt. Boys'7sc White Poros Knit Union Suits; short J / / \ K • I fV. , M sizes to set; $1.75 value. Anniversary Spe sleeves. Anniversary Special 41* T/ V 1 * C ' $1.41 Boys' 50c Egyptian Cotton Knit Union Suits. N w $2.00 Whole Willow Clothes Baskets. Anniver :3=lr=: The Most Beautiful Hats Shown in Many ' °" d Marquis "" ; Seasons Enrich Our Formal Opening Anniversary Special, yard $1.41 50c Cretonnes in new Autumn colorings. Anni- T~l "11 1 • Women's $2.00 Thread Silk Hose, fashioned feet, 45x36 S fnch * Cases' 45x30-incn ISlcacncci r'lllow Cases, hemstitched. pX64X 45x3TinchB^ y ea S c P heTpi'liow Cases.' Jt is a of surpassing interest in the unusual number of exclusive models shown and in the s2 '^ry^°°!\!!." Ch ?'sl!Si Special 41* unparalleled richness of the materials used. Description cannot convey m ire than a hint of their beauty 4 . . 45x3854-inch Bleached Pillow Cases. Anniver- —see them and satisfy yourself that here is an array of notable millinery originations. sary Special m ° " W1 C $i V 4i Women's Outerapparel Section Celebrates the 8200 Whi " KidAnni^? cial 41? Anniversary Sale With These Special Values sary Special, yard $1.41 Short Knitted Skirts; all white, short knitted $55 00 \utumn Suits ft* ACk A 1 $55 00 Fall and Winter Coats <t* AO A 1 $2.00 Imported Irish Cotton Table Damask, 72 M, '" l,hCo 'P i . b ° rder :.4 A l? ........... ..$49.41 A„ s nivsary Special P?.'... $49.41 *~* S^i.^ Dlveo. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Dlvea, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy St Stewart, Street Floor. I HAJRRJBBUTtG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 17, 1919.
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