Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 17, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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fleets Len Rowland in Open
ing Show of New Associa
tion Next Week
Jackie Clark, middleweight cham
pion of the American Expeditionary
Forces, is to appear In a bout in
this city next week. Clark, who
hails from Allentown, has been
signed up by the Harrisburg Box
ing "Association, an organization af
fected a few days ago, and is to
meet another middleweight fighter
of the same class, Len Rowland, of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The event is
to be a ten-round one, and will bo
the banner attraction of a four
bout show that is to be conducted
in the Chestnut Street Auditorium
bn Friday night of next week, Sep
tember 26.
The other participants on the bill
have not been definitely decided
upon, but the matches are under
way, and the arrangements will in
nil probability be affected during to
day. It is known that several of the
fighters will be boys from this sec
tion, and the promoters of the bill
give the assurance that all will be
boxers of fair reputation.
Rowland Is Good Boy
While Rowland is not as well
known in this district as Clark is,
his record is, nevertheless, a good
one, and can be compared favorably
with that of Clark, for he has met
n number of the same fighters that
Jackie has gone up against. Row
land's latest tilt of Importance was
with Mike Gibbons a few weeks ago
in Denver, Colorado. The pair went
at it for ten rounds, and the news
paper correspondents at the ring
side were divided in their decisions,
there being several favoring each
of the men, and two calling the fight
a draw.
This fact is sufficient to demon
strate that Rowland is no low
rater, for Gibbons is still In condi
tion to give a very good account of
himself. Rowland has fought ten
rounds with Jeff Smith and has also
gone an equal number of rounds
with K. O. Laughlin, John Griffith
and Harry Greb.
Jackie Clark has figured In bouts
in this section of the State, but net
for the post several years, he hav
ing spent some time overseas as a
member of the United States Armv.
While in France. Clark carried off
the middleweight championship
honors of the American Expedition
ary Forces during the tournament
that was conducted after the sign
ing of the arpiistice.
One of Clark's most Important
fights was a twenty-round draw
with Harry Greb, Jackie, at present,
is one of the leading contenders for
the world's middleweight title, now
held by Mike O'Dowd, an American.
New Promoters
The Harrisburg Boxing Associa
tion, which will conduct the Clark-
Rowland bout, has two Harrisburg
ens at its head, Cornelius Nelly be
ing the president and J. D. McCon
nell the secretary and treasurer.
rr -—^
Tried and True
offer the satisfaction of quality and
the solace of dependability. Regu
larly good for 28 years.
7c at Your Dealer
Makers, Harrisburg, Pa.
Bowling Pocket Billiards
Announces that Charles Barnes has purchased the inter
est of Miles Fry. Barney, as he is familiarly known by
his host of friends will be associated with Edward First in
the business.
The new management of The Casino will give the
best of service. The Bowling Alleys were replaned by an
expert and are in first-class condition and the pool tables
are inexcellent shape. We solicit your future business.
Court and Strawberry St*.
First & Barnes, Props.
Cigars Tobacco
First Game on
October First
In all probability —It haa not
been officially settled —the first
game of the Red-White Sox
world series will be played on
October 1. Several members of
National Commission favor Sep
tember SO. The schedule will end
on September 28. Thus each
team will have two days of rest
and plotting before the big clash
is on. Also this will allow two
days for fans to fan and to pre
pare for an early start to the
scene of battle, wherever that
is to be. All games will start at
2.00 p. m.
These men have secured the serv
ices of Charles Ettinger, of Allen
town. as a talent scout, and Et
tinger will figure largely in the ar
rangement of the various matches
for the organization's shows.
At present it is planned to eon
duct shows on an average of one
every two weeks during the winter
months, and it is probable that all
will be held in the Chestnut Street
Auditorium, where the first is to
take place. Arrangements have been
made by which the ring will be
placed in the center of the hall, and
seats will be provided for more
than a thousand persons for each
Well-Known Managers
Ettinger, who is making up the
most of the matches for next week's
show, is credited with lining tip the
two star middleweights for the fea
ture bout. He is the manager of
Clark, and tinder his direction
Jackie has gained a reputation that
is regarded as an excellent one In j
the class In which he works, the
middleweight division.
Both Nelly and McConnell arc
well known In local athletic cir
cles. The latter was connected for
several years as a player with the
Harrisburg Independent basketball
team. He also played with the Cen
tral High school varsiety quintet for
several years, and has also a good
record in other branches of scholas
tic athletics.
Local Business Man to
See World's Series Games
Harrisburg will be represented at
the world's series games in Cincin
nati. However, but one has reported
favorably on tickets. George Harry,
a well known local business man, has
received notice that his request for
three tickets has been granted. He
will take his vacation during the
world's series and hopes to see five
of the nine games. He will go to Cin
cinnati the latter part of this month
to visit his brother and will remain
there for the big games.
He has attended every world's series
for some seasons past and has his
plans complete for this aeason. His
application for seats was sent In
early and he will have a good loca
tion. He Is a big booster for the
National Leaguo and picks Cincinnati
to win.
SNOODLES By Hungerford
—. - _ (git ifi* pusr PANo
_ • - •-- _ -==
■ Y f I DOAN /wELU— ) ( V M) I money
Cincinnati Club Will Gladly
Take Back Those That
Cannot Be Used
Cincinnati, Sept. 17.—Murmurs
from the fans concerning the way
the series tickets are to be sold,
continue to flock in, and the fol
lowing paragraphs from & recent
letter are typical of the general
"How does Mr. Herrmann expect
the average fan to see the games
when It is necessary to buy tickets
for each of the first three games
at Cincinnati? If the fan is an
ordinary workingman, he will have
to lay off, and you have to show
me the boss who will stand for a
three-day lay off. While it is true
that one of these dates may fall on
Sunday, it also may not. The
chances of an office man getting off
for three days are still slimmer.
Perhaps I am prejudiced because I
cannot see myself getting a chance
to see the games, for I know I
won't be able to get off these days,
although I, positively would be out
to see one and possibly two games
if tickets could be bought for the
days desired."
Says Herrmann.
Answering the protests of those
fans who object to the rule that
purchases of reserved seats must be
for three games. President Herr
mann said: "The club directors do
not want to make any ruling that
would bar the humblest fan but
are trying to accommodate every
one it is possible to accommodate.
The first the public should remem
ber that the rule requiring the pur
chase of tickets for three games
is a rule of the National commis
sion, and the two competing clubs
have nothing to say about it The
commission adopted that plan to
protect the public as much as pos
sible from the ticket scalpers, and
it has worked fairly well.
Regarding the loyal fan who says
' he could get away from work' to
> see one or two games, but not three,
• let me state: '"lite Cincinnati club
gladly will buy back any tickets for
reserved scats after the first game.
If a patron of the club buys for the
first three games, then finds that he
can see only the opening contest,
; he can get the full amount he paid
| for the other two games by apply
' ing at our offices. But I am sure
| that anyone will find that for each
i reserved scat ticket he has there
will he two or three other fans
i eager to buy.
! "For those fans who expect to
; purchase the $2 or $1 tickets, the
(club is figuring to do something
j that no other world series contend
er has done. If possible, we will
place these tickets on sale the day
I befre each game, not only at the
Redland Field ticket office, but
probably at two or three other
places In widely separated sections
of the city, so that none need go
a long distance to get a ticket If
that can he done, the sale of these
tickets will begin at 10 a. m. the
I day of the game. And we will not
I sell beyond the capacity of the
j park."
| The Belmont A. C. football team
j will practice to-night at 7 o'clock
' at Twentieth and State streets. All
i players are urged to be present,
j The team is without a game for
| Saturday. September 27. Communl-
I eate with Manager H. F. Bashore,
* 1922 State street
Stallings Forecasts
Victory For the Reds
George Stalltngs of the Boston
Braves believes the Reds will
beat the White Sox, and tells
why. He says; "The Reds have
the manager;, the team has the
proper spirit to win and has the
ability to come from behind and
stick its nose under the wire.
Every member of the team is
playing to win; everyone is a
perfect cog in a first-class ma
chine, and the Red spirit and
leadership of Moran should
bring triumph over the White
Cincinnati Wins Out in
Game With New York;
Reds Win Championship
| Cincinnati, Sept. 17. By beating
New York yesterday before a crowd
of 18,000 persons the Cincinnati Reds
cinched the pennant in tre National
League, the first which it has ever
won in that organization. The Reds
have seven games to play, and even
if they would lose all of them while
the Giants won all of the eleven
games .remaining on their schedule,
Cincinnati would finish one game
ahead. The score was 4 to 3.
Reuther pitched the full game for
the Reds and was hit hard, being fre
quently saved by sensational support.
Toney pitched well for New York
after the first inning, but his support
was faulty. He was taken out in the
seventh and Nehf finished the game
without allowing a hit.
New York scored two in the first
inning on a pass to Burns and singles
by KaufT and Statz. In the last half
of the same round the Reds scored
three runs on Fletcher's wild throw
on Rath's grounder and hits by
Roush, Kopf and Neale.
New York tied it in the fourth on
successive hits by Burns. Kauft and
Frisch. A fine throw to the plate by
Roush prevented Kauft from counting
when he tried to come home from sec
ond on Frisch's hit to center.
Ruether was fairly effective during
the last half of the game. The Reds
won in the seventh, which Schreibcr
opened with ft double over first base.
Rarlden bunted a fly toward first base
which Kelly muffed, and then threw
to third in an attempt to get Schreib
er. but was too late. Toney was then
relieved by Nehf. and Schreiber scor
ed the winning run
grounder to Doyle, on which Rariden
was forced at second.
The batting: of KaufT and Stats ror
New York and the fast
entire Cincinnati team were the fea
Baseball Summary oi
Big League Contests
Yesterday's Results
Cincinnati, 4; New York, 3.
Pittsburgh, 4: Brooklyn, 3.
Chicago, 7; Philadelphia, 2.
St. Louis, 3; Boston, 2; (first
Standing of the Cluhs
W. L. Pet.
Cincinnati 92 41 .691
New York J® 19 .6-0
Chicago '® 69 .538
Pittsburgh 98 84 ,015
Brooklyn 63 68 .488
Boston 51 " .401
St. Louis 50 ;8 .390
Philadelphia 45 84 .3 48
Schedule For To-day
Boston at St. Louis.
Brooklyn at Pittsburgh.
Other clubs not scheduled.
Yesterday's Results
Cleveland, 8; Philadelphia, 2,
(first game).
Cleveland, 12; Philadelphia, 8,
(second game).
Washington, 5: St. Louis, 3.
Detroit at Boston, rain.
Chicago at New York, wet
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
Chicago 84 45 .658
Cleveland 77 5 2 .604
Detroit 73 56 .565
New York 70 56 .556
St. Louis " 64 66 .492
Boston 62 64 .492
Washington 51 80 .39
Philadelphia 34 95 .264
Schedule For To-day
St. Louis at Washington.
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
Chicago at New York.
Detroit at Boston.
Motive Power Shows .to
Start With Big Program
The Motive Power Athletic Club,
which has given In past years such
high class boxing shows, bringing to
this city some of the best talent that
it was possible for them to obtain.
Is again preparing to open its shows.
On the evening of September 23 It
will hold the first of what will be an
all-winter series of the best kind I
of matches, keeping pace at all times
with their former high class shows.
There will be five botits on Sep
tember 23, which will consist of
three preliminary bouts between
Harrisburg boys, and a semlwind
up and wind up. both of which will
bring Philadelphia boys together.
The boxers to appear at the
gymnasium at Seventh and Boyd
streets on the -opening night have
not yet been announced, but "Bill"'
Runk, matchmaker of the club. Is
authority for the statement that
they will be announced within the
next day or two.
Yale Reports Big Squad
at Opening Practice
New Haven, Conn., Sept. 17. A
football squad of 91 Yale men re
ported at Yale field for the opening
practice of the season. The number
of candidates out for the first drill
exceeded the expectations of the
coaches, and Dr. Al. R. Charpe, head
coach, smiled as he directed the
activities. Assisting the former Cor
nell mentor were Dr. Art Brides,
Dr. Billy Bull and Herman Olcott.
The candidates wefe sent through
driltS in fundamentals both in the
morning and afternoon, running back
punts and passing the ball compris
ing most of the work. There were
56 men out for line positions and ten
candidates for quarterback.
Two practice sessions will be held
daily until the university opens on
September 50, Dr. Sharpe said.
keystone A. C. Wins First
Grid Game by Forfeit
The Keystone A. C. won the
opener yesterday from the Walnut
Street Stars on the Walnut Street
gridiron, by a forfeit, score 2 to 0.
The Keystones put a full team on
the field but the Walnuts failed to
show up.
The Keystone line-up includes,
Smith, Marcus, Sneidman, Cohen,
Towsen, Seistwhite, R. Harrison, C.
Thomson, G. Thomson, Ferber and
Harris. The Keystone average
weight is about 90 pounds. All teams
wishing challenges communicate
with Manager Marcus, IJII North
Sixth street.
The Highsplre Football Associa
tion has organized for the coming
season with a very strong line up.
This season's teams promises to be
one of the strongest in this section.
Captain Manning, of Lafayette Col
lege, and Bonnie Lerch, of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, are tho
coaches. There are quite a number
of old stars in the line up and the
season promises to be a good one.
We would be pleased to hear from
all first class teams in this section.
All communications should be ad
dressed to Walter Diffenderfer,
Highsplre, Lock Box 81.
Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely |j|j
B quality compare Camels with any cigarette jJ
Camels flavor "is so refreshing, so enticing, it will iffl||
j( 1 jll w/l °" win you at once—it is so new and unusual,. jj|M
"^o'n pap vP and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! ft II
18 cents any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any-ufb- i| I
M^mma package pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll'be delighted || |||
to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally |
cigarette contentment beyond anything you-ever
jYou do -not miss coupons, premiums pr^gifte.^
Cincinnati Bars Champ
Because He Is a Fighter
dnclnnnti, Sept. 17.—The ban placed
on boxing; bouts in this city by Mayor
John Galvln during; the war is about
to be lifted and licenses to hold ex
hibitions will be issued to all legiti
mate athletic clubs. According to the
mayor, however. Jack Dempsey will;
not be permitted to appear in a con-1
test in this city.
"Athletic clubs must convince the j
commission which is to be appointed :
that bouts held hero will be boxing j
matches." said the mayor. "Dempsey
is recognized the world over as a prize
lighter. I will not tolerate a prize i
A local promoter upon receipt of the |
news that the lid was to be lifted, im
mediately made attractive offers to 1
Benny Leonard and Harry Greh to ap- I
pear here. It remains to be seen j
whether Leonard and Greb also are |
recognized the world over as prize
Harrisburg May Figure in
Season's Bowling Series
Plans are under way for an elimi
nation bowling series in Harrisburg
as a part of a movement for sectional
championships in the United States.
It is the purpose to have bowlers en
ter this competitive plan and bowl for
both Individual and league champion
ships. Headquarters will be estab
lished in New York. Scores will be
sent in daily. Bowlers making big
scores will bo matched against those i
in other cities. The plans are still I
under consideration and will be an- |
nouneed as soon as completed. It is ,
understood that all matches will be I
bowled on the Carino alleys in this!
Lewisburg, Sept. 17.—Bucknell's
athletic committee appointed John i
C. Hendren, of Philadelphia, tem
porary captain of the football
eleven. He will serve for a few
weeks, when the players will select
their leader by ballot. Hendren
played halfback for two years and
was elected captain for 1917, but
left college to serve with the Arm)
in France. Coach Pete Reynolds
yesterday had a squad of thirty-five
candidates in the first practice of
the season.
SEPTEMBER 17,1919.
Winchester Day Attracts
Big Crowd of Shooters
This is Winchester Day In Harris
burg. The famous crack shots repre
senting the Winchester Arms Com
pany arc here to show how they can
handle any gauge gun and hit the
mark. With them are the Tepperweins
the greatest shots in the world. The
big event was staged this afternoon
at Second and Division streets and at
tracted a large crowd.
'Exhibitions of fancy shooting by
the Tepperweins included remarkable
performances with guns and rifles.
i 9 -fr—
Flows Freely in Zero Weather
YOU were always mighty particular
about the quality of hay and oats
you fed the old grey mare. You must
be just as particular about the quality
of oil you feed your motor. For once
your motor "goes west", it is as though
the horse dropped dead in harness. Use
Atlantic Motor Oils—and no other kind.
iH Keep Upkeep Down
There were several events for local
shooters and the field was large. The
shoot to-day was under the direction
of the Harrisburg Sportsmen's Asso
At Lancaster yesterday the Lancas
ter County Gun Club had as their vis
itors the Winchester shooting team.
The feats of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Top
perwein have never been equalled in
this city. In competition at clay tar
gets with other members of the squad
Mrs. Topperweln broke straight on
the first 25. In the regular club event
the high gun honors at 10 targets
went to W. W. Posey, who dropped
hut one in his first string, and broke
straight on the second, getting a to
tal of 4. J. W. Ault, A. W. Weller, J. P.
Brenenran and W. C. Pritchard tied
at 46 for second place. A. A. Somers
led the professionals with 48 dropping
one on each of his strings.