'MOTHER" JONES URGES MINERS TO AID STEEL MEN Argues Against Recall of the Strike Set For Next Monday Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 17. The convention of the United Mine Work ers of America has disused of the Illinois strike problem, refusing seats to the contesting delegates by a vote of almost eight to one and thereby sustaining the action of international and state mine officials in depriving twenty-five Illinois local unions of their charters for indulging in un authorized strikes. The vote was taken after a two days' debate. John Fitzpatrick. chairman of the national committee for organizing OH! FOR RELIEF FROM FLAMING SKIN DISEASES Terrifying Itching Causes Continuous Torture Do you sometimes feel like you will scream if you do not get relief from the tormenting and terrifying itching and irri tating burning that makes you feel like your very skin is ablaze? Possibly your disorder has not reached the torturing stage as yet, but there are thousands of victims of skin diseases that know too well the almost unendurable pain that comes from eruptions, irritations, pimples, boils, ulcers, eczema, psoryasis, carbuncles and the numerous other forms of tor ment that attack the delicate tissues of the skin. The only proper method of treatment for any disease, is a remedy that will reach its source, that will remove its cause, and not simply palliate its symptoms. Many forms of skin ailment come from a col ony of millions upon millions of tiny disease germs that in fest the blood. Naturally, then, these germs must be eradicat ed from the blood before a cure can be expected. You know well enough that you cannot reach the blood by dJUL ftistj, &huu ajhJX^ lA* Peter B. Kyne s\ Rupert Hughes f(j A* J Robert W. Chambers ( James Oliver Curwood j Arthur Somers Roche A • Frank R. Adams / j f J " ek Boyle n*. nMtju. oJ> Kenneth L. Roberts 7 L Perceval Gibbon j I * Albert Payson Terhune "TUft Otl AJLX>i< Ella Wheeler Wilcox Frederic Arnold Kummer tV&Uft . I U Harrison Fisher t/iU jfi/JiAtlA. j Howard Chandler Christy / James Montgomery Flagg * |r F. X. Leyendecker W. T. Benda J. Scott Williams ——^X** W. D. Stevens '* Lee Conrey H. R. Ballinger Paul Bransom Dean Cornwell . - Grant T. Reynard rS M v fjL Edward L. Chase 'ilO 10 ' IrUiytu (|WtA - T - *' WHOLESALER WEDNESDAY EVENING, the iron and steel workers, and "Mother" Jones, the aged mine worker representative, appealed to to the convention to support the steel workers in the projected steel strike. "Mother" Jones argued openly against any postponement, telling the miners to pay no attention to con trary reports, because the strike would come oft as arranged next Monday. Recall of the strike call, she declared, would wreck the con fidence of the steeel workers in their organization. Mr. Fitzpatrick refrained from mentioning tfee question of possible postponement, except indirectly, in his speech, but in conversation with delegates he declared himself firmly opposed to postponement of the walkout beyond Monday as weaken ing the chances of success. Discussion of resolutions are to be resumed to-day. The chairman announced that among those sub mitted was one demanding the resig nation of Postmaster General Burle son. whose administration of the telephone service was sharply criti cised by an organizer of the tele phone girls' union at the afternoon session. applying lotions, ointments salves, washes and other local applications to the surface of the skin. So when you use such treatment for your tormenting skin diseases the most you can expect is a temporary discon tinuance of the pain, which promptly returns, and keeps you constantly applying the local remedies, making no pro gress whatever toward per manently ridding yourself of the disease. Why longer continue such makeshift treatment? Go to your drugstore to-day and get a bottle of S. S. S., the reliable blood purifier, and begin a treatment thjjt will prove sat isfactory, as it has to thousands of others who were afflicted just as you have been. S. S. S. has been used for more than fifty years, so that you are not experimenting when you take it. It will counteract the germs that attack the skin, and its tonic properties will build up the general health. Don't continue to suffer, but begin taking S. S. S. to-day, and write our head physician, who will give you full instruc tions about your own case. Address Medical Director, 404 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. BRITISH LIQUOR TRADE BRUSHES UP SALOONS New Bill in Parliament Would Promote Sobriety in Kingdom By Astcial*d Preu. London, Sept. 17.—Better publlo houses, an Improved tone for sa loons, is the newly-announced policy of the British liquor trade. Rear Admiral Sir Reginald Hall, a member of Parliament, who was recently elected to the directorate of one of the leading brewing com panies of the kingdom, said that representatives of all sections of the trade had drawn up a bill embody ing such principles as promotion of sobriety, restriction of drunkenness, reduction of the number of licenses where they are excessive and en largement of premises so as to pro vide greater opportunities for social amenities. "Recreation, including reading rooms, facilities for writing, music and games, should be provided," Admiral Hall said. "The entry into the trade of those who would set up and maintain a high social stand ard should be encouraged to the ex clusion of those who might bring dis credit on the Industry." MURRAYFALLS REFORECOPEIN BITTER FIGHT Former Soldier Wins Repub lican Nomination For Alder man of the Third Ward Merlo ope, an ex-service man, de feated Alderman Charles Emmett Murry, of the Third ward, by a con siderable majority in yesterday's bal loting. Unofficial returns give Mur 'ray 130, and Cope the victory with 290. A great deal of interest has center ed about the struggle in the Third ward. "Ike" J. Grove. Murray's con stable, suffered a like defeat at the hands of Clayton D. Shultz. The final unofficial stood at 12" for Grove and 241 for Shultz. The defeat of the alderman and his constable has been forecasted for several days, but not until the returns began to come in jesterda; were the supporters of Cope and Shultz absolutely sure. Murray ad mitted his defeat last night noos af ter the polls closed. The vote by precincts was: Alderman — Co ?f Murra ( L' First precinct lis Second precinct 124 Third precinct 48 Totals 290 130 Constable— Shultz Grove First precinct lis 84 Second precinct • 92 e. Third precinct 31 Totals ~241 127 HXAIUSBUHG tG&f&fi. TELEGRAPH DENIES JAPS HAVE ACQUIRED OIL HOLDINGS Mexican Department of In dustry Says They Have Located Deposits Mexico City, Sept, 17.—The De partment of Industry and Com merce denies emphatically tjiat Japanese interests have acquired any petroleum holdings in Mexico, but says parties of Japanese geologists have visited the republic recently on a tour of exploration and have lo cated oil deposits on the Pacific Coast. The departmental denial came as the result of stories emanating from the United States that Japanese capitalists were negotiating for the transfer of large petroleum holdings in the Tantpico district. El Monitor recently interviewed a Japanese, R. E. Douari, who was sent to bo a member of the oriental exploration party. He asserted that the Pacific Coast had been thor oughly covered in the search for oil and that large deposits of the lat ter had bean found. He also assert ed that Japan needs Mexican oil for commercial purposes and will at tempt to acquire that product, but it has no intention of buying leases, developed or undeveloped, on the Atlantic Coast. SHARP FIGHT IN DEBATE ON PEACETREATY Republican Leader Wins De lay on Vote For Johnson Amendment Washington, Sept. 17.— Pro-League orcea In the Senate late yesterday ShiVai!!!?*!. y lctor >'- when, after a and nuA" between Senators Lodge nd Hitchcock, the antis withdrew a imslnesa iSit® UP r !* ular legislative many? 8 u&i P amendment, providing for equal "rep" rnTt r ed n ?a n tei n "°r t^e 'od States and Great Britain was Eo ach f d ; Senator Lodge moved that it go °\er temporarily until Senator snt nS r?'tn?n d °\ her Senators now ab and can speak .0 rrS,.r„ a , wjk s c ; r > a H appearf p any actuaT ' BtaWh" 1 '- hen Senator Smoot'o L' a: „^ en .'ought to bring up the ha?f hou? We 7 'l! for the rema P in'ng ■Hifrt,?? J , the session. Senator forced Intervened. ° f the pro " Lp^^ Facing the fact that durine- thn hnsin WC v dayS the Senate will do no brat Ion? °Senato? U Hit j!'" sc b p dulod to Senator Hitchcock threw the ui? , i to opponents of holding 3iitifj!in!£ y ' f n l dema nded to know hether filibustering tactics that have enntt a ,!o r t h f, ,ast few days would continue or whether the Treaty would jorlty UP SS promlsed by the ma- V. Brickbat* Are Girhanßrd :sct a line of the Treaty had hopn SlnaV ♦ h ° U s h had been before the ~ j, e two days, Hitchcock declared and he questioned the grood faith of enator Lodge in his promise to keep the Treaty and business before Senate. "My good faith and what I intend to do is my business." Lodge declared advancing from his chair. Big Offer For Dempsey From English Promoter New York. Sept. 17.—Redmond Barry, representing a syndicate of English sportsmen eager to stage a Beckett-Dempsey match in London next April, yesterday made an offer to Jack Kearns, manager of the champion, of $150,000, to be divid ed on a winner and loser basis. Kearns replied that he would not sign any agreement till the Beckett- Carpenter bout had taken place. Barry offered to wager 4 to 1 that Beckett would stop Carpentier in a few rounds, but Kearns refused to change his decision. At Eighty, Claims He Is the Oldest Marine in U. S. I ' *>-■? ' it.- mf .]?■<. r > mmammmmmmmaammmmmm HENRY B. HALLOWELL ' Henry B. Hallowell, of McPher son, Kan., eighty years old, claims Ito be the oldest marine in the i United States. This photograph was I taken during a recent call at the i White House, where he was an I orderly in 1860. He was the last of I the marines stationed at the White i House during President Buchanan's administration. It was his first visit to the executive mansion in fifty seven years. At the outbreak of the Civil Way he went into active service on the sea and at the close of the war went west. NEWSY JOTTINGS OF THEATER AND SCREEN | ORPHEUM j To-day, matinee and night Soldiers Overseas Review. Friday night and Saturday, matinee and night, Sept. 19-20—Arthur Hammerstein ofTers "Some Time." Monday night only, Sept. 22—Edna Goodrich In "Sleeping Partners." Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 22-23-24, matinee Wednesday and Thursday Robert Downing in "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," and "A Modern Shyloek." MAJESTIC High-class Vaudeville—Helena Jack ley, the sensational girl; McCor mick and Winehill, the jazz boys from Dixeland; Green. Miller and Green, In a riot of song and laugh ter; Henry and Moore, "At the Newsstand," and Scotty in the Trenches. Also a comedy picture. Coming soon. Helen Holmes in "The Fatal Fortune," the best of all se rials. • VICTORIA To-day, last showing—Tom Mix In "A Rough Riding Romance. To-morrow, Friday and Saturday Anita Stewart in "Human Desire;" also a comedy, "Virtuous Hus bands." COLONIAL To-day, last showings—Jack Pick ford in "Bill Apperson's Boy," a First National release. Starting to-morrow and running the remainder of this week—H. B. Warner's greatest success, "The Pagan God." REGENT To-day and To-morrow Bryant Washburn in "Putting It Over." Friday and Saturday Wallace Reld in "You're Fired!" To-morrow, Friday and Saturday The Paramount-Drew Comedy, "Sisterly Schemes." To-day Is the last opportunity Har risburgers have of laughing at the ex tremely funny show At the Majestic now playing at the Majestic Theater. The show throughout Is one of the most pleasing ever offered to Harris burgers. It is a riot of laughter from start to finish. Scotty in the Trenches furnishes plenty of amuse ment. as do all the other acts, in cluding Green, Miller and Green, who have an offering that is distinctly different. A comedy picture is also being shown in conjunction with this fea ture show. * The new bill starts to-morrow, fea turing "The Three Twins," an unus ual offering. In honor of this occa sion every twin in Harrisburg will be admitted free for the last half of this week, provided the twins come to the theater together. Record-breaking crowds hailed the initial showing of Tom Mix In "A Rough Riding Ro- At the Victoria niance" at the Vic toria Theater Monday. Yesterday the crowds were slightly larger than Monday's and to-day's crowds promise to tax the theater's capacity, as this play is without a doubt the best thing Tom Mix has ever produced for the screen. It. is a wonderful romance, filled with nu merous thrills which Mix Injects. Starting to-morrow and playing Friday and Saturday, Anita Stewart will be shown in "Human Desire," her latest First National attraction. Miss Stewart is the charming actress that captivated Harrisburgers in "A Mid night Romance," "Mary Regan" and numerous other notable photoplay successes. This attraction will be supported by a comedy offering "Vir tuous Husbands" Harrisburgers have but to-day only in which to see versatile Jack Pick ford enact the role of At the Colonial Bill Apperson's boy in Pickford's latest First National release, entitled "Bill Apper son's Boy." This is an unusually good picture, which has been heart ily received by hundreds of patrons throughout Harrisburg and vicinity. Starting to-morrow at the Colonial, H B Warner will be shown in a wonderful dramatic picture. "The Fa- I gan God," the story of an American secret service man who was sent to the very heart of China, and came in contact with thousands of Mongo lians who worship Pagan. This is not a religious play, however, but an un usually strong drama. Shlrlev Mason, whose characteri zations "in Paramount pictures have won her a host of ad- At the Regent mtrers, is leading wo man for Bryant Wash burn in his new Paramount starring vehicle, "Putting It Over," which will be shown at the Regent Theater to day and to-morrow. Miss Mason's work is distinguished by a piquancy that never fails to please audiences and she is without doubt one of the most popular of all the younger Players. "Putting It Over' is a light com edv drama in which Mr. Washburn has the role of a good-natured hick with big town ambitions. No one is auite so successful at deptcting char acters of this sort as Mr. .Washburn and as the story is clever and orig inal. something extraordinary may be expected. Joe Barrett to Stage Big Fight Bill at Olympia A.A.; Gill Meets Lancaster Boy At Steelton to-night fight fans will see the first ten-round battle of the season. In his second show Joe Barrett will put Johnny Gill against Johnny Wolgast of Lancaster. It will be a ten-rqund battle. Lancaster and York fans are coming strong as there is much interest in this bout. Billy Angelo will meet Billy Logan in the semlwindup, a six-round mix up. These boys are also in shape for a good fight. There will be two strong preliminary bouts in which Billy Atticks of this city will meet Walter Kuhnert, of Steelton and A 1 Shay will box six-rounds with Young Wagner. All boys must be in the rooms at 7.30 and ready for the call boy. The show starts promptly at 8.15. The Olympia has been refitted throughout and will accommodate a large crowd. It is located at Front j and Locust streets, Steelton. wiLKtPsro HIIKJ?WKNI s frid^T a T 9 U 2 R O DAY wnf^HUL TODAY Matinee MATINEE ON SATURDAY - Monday Sept. 22 PAINIPNP) ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN PRESENTS BEAUTIFUL SOLDIERS THE MUSICAL ROMANCE Uf|MA Sw AS Wl]: IA i 111 i GOODRICH I 1 J U I I I U I Appearing Personally In the Gay • 35 Singing Soldiers OH Book. £L b/ncs £x* Music bv CT T?T?DTTVTR ______ R/cta Jofirison. *ybuq<£ fcucLotf FrimJ OL/Ei!/! 111 VX THEY OME YEflft AT OISINO THEATRE NEW YORK PARTNERS • • CAN. -S-LST SING AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA J New Turk. I MAT 25< to 91.00 nil v CPA TQ THH A V 25c> 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50, 92.00 EVE 25< to 91.50 OU I OtA 1 O 1 UUA I SEATS FRIDAY ••SOME TIME" With a bis Broadway cast and a special orchestra, Arthur Hammer stein's sensational musical success, "Some Time," which recently closed a year's run at the Casino Theater, New York, will be presented at the Oipheum Friday and Saturday and Saturday matinee. The same elabo rate st settings, which surpassed in gorgeousness and artistic blend ing anything displayed In the metrop olis for American theatricals last winter will be displayed here and the rich gowns of the female, principals and chorus promise a revelation to the most acute followers of prevail ing styles in feminine costumes. "Some Time" is the work of Rida Johnson Young and Rudolf Fritnl. Rida Johnson Young is credited in "Some Time" with a bright and snap py play while Mr. Frintl's score is considered one of the most sensa tional achievements in the realm of light musicnl composition in the his tory of the American stage. His meiody, "Some Time," the motif song is of the compeling kind that never leaves the memory, but breaks out frequenty in whistling and humni'ng. The love song, "Beautiful Night, has a tenderness and sweetness that makes it a classic, while "Picking Peaches" is one of the brightest sa tires of recent years. "WORLD COMING TO AN END" Dustin Farnum is said to receive on an average eight hundred letters and postal cards weekly from fa " 3 in all parts of the world. A .ricndly, though startling warning was in cluded in these last week, when a correspondent wrote: I like work in United Pictures sow ell that 1 want to tell you the world Is com ing to an end soon. Be piepatet. FRIENDS CUT GIRL OUT OF FII-M Gypsy O'Brien, leading woman in Vltagraph's O. Henry Picture, Day Resurgent " witnessedl the mm four times at the to