Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 17, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Declares Covenant Forum to
Hear All Claims For Self-
By Associated Press
On BO*nl President Wilson's Spe
, dal, Sept. 17. —Setting: forth pub
licly for the first time his Interpre
tation of the Leaguo of Nations
Covenant as it affects Ireland, Pres
ident Wilson said in a statement to
day that the League would consti
tute a forum before which could bo
brought all claims for self-determi
nation which are likely to affect the
peace of the world.
"The Covenant would not bind
the United States to assist in pat
ting down rebellion in any foreign
- country," he asserted, "nor would it
limit the power ct this country to
recognize the independence of any
people who seek to secure free
Replies to Council
He said Ireland's case was not
heard at Versailles because it did
not come within the jurisdiction of
the Peace Conference.
The President's statement was in
reply to a series of questions sent
to him by the San Francisco Labor
Council. It is understood that
within a few days he will reply sim
ilarly to the questions put by other
labor bodies regarding Shantung
and the representation of the Brit
ish dominions in the League assem
bly. Replying directly to a question
as to his attitude toward self-deter
mination for Ireland, Mr. Wilson
said his position was expressed m
Article eleven of the Covenant, un
der which it is declared that any
member nation can call the atten
tion of the League to any circum
stances whatever affecting interna
tional relations which threaten to
disturb international peace "or the
good understanding between na
tions upon which peace depends."
Questions and Answers
The President's statement detail
ing the labor council's questions
and his answers follow:
I—Under the Covenant does the
nation obligate itself to assist any
member of the League in putting
Cuticura Soothes At Once
First bathe the affected part with
CutJcur* Soap end hot water. Dry
and gently rub on Cuticura Oint
ment. Thla treatment not only
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tions, etc.
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7Be Sold throughout the world. For
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orjtmjm. D.pt. ISF. Ma id CO, Mam."
Soap aharca without mug.
Stops Indigestion
In Five Minutes
or you can have your money back for
the asking. If you suffer from gas
tritis, indigestion, dyspepsia—lf food
lies like lead in your stomach and you
cannot sleep at night because of the
awful distress —go at once to Geo. A.
Gorgas or any other good druggist
and get a package of 81-nesln Tab
lets. Take two or three after each
meal or whenever pain is felt, and
you will soon be telling your friends
how you got rid of stomach trouble.
Be sure to ask for Bi-nealn, every
genuine package of which contains a
Dinding guarantee of satisfaction or
money back.
jr JM
If the grip comes back
this fall, as doctors say
it is likely to, be ready
to fight off the germs by
taking Father John's
Medicine now to build
new resisting power.
Remember, this pure food
Medicine is guaranteed free
from alcohol and dangerous
drugs and has been successfully
used for 60 years for colds,
..coughs and as a body builder.
down a rebellion of its subjects or
conquered peoples?
Answer—lt does not.
2—Under the Covenant can this
nation independently recognize a
government whose people seek to
achieve or have achieved their in
dependence from a member of the
Answer —The Independent action
of the government of the United
States in a matter of this kind is
in no way limited or affected by the
Covenant of the League of Nations.
3—Under the Covenant are those
subject nations or peoples only that
are mentioned in the Peace Treaty
entitled to the right of self-determi
nation or does the League possess
the right to accord a similar priv
ilege to other subject nations or
Answer—lt was not possible for
the Peace Conference to act with
regard to the self-determination of
any territories except those which
had belonged to the defeated em
pires, but in the Covenant in the
League of Nations it has set up for
the first time in Article 11 a forum
to which all claims of self-determi
nation which are likely to disturb
the peace of the world or the good
understanding between nations
| upon which the peace of the world
depends can be brought.
*—Why was the case of Ireland
not heard at the Peace Conferencs?
And what is your position on the
subject of self-determination for
Answer—The case of Ireland was
not heard at the Peace Conference
because the Peace Conference had
no jurisdiction over any question of
that sort, which did not affect ter
ritories which belonged to the de
feated empires. My position on the
subject of self-determination for
Ireland is expressed in Article 11
of the Covenant in which I may say
I was particularly interested, bo
cause it semed to me necessary foi
the peace and freedom of the world
that a forum should be created to
which all peoples could bring any
matter which was likely to affect
the peace and freedom of the world.
Wilson Will Take
Trip Today to the
Stanford University j
On Board President Wilson's Spe
elal"Train, Sept. 17.—This afternoon
President Wilson will take an auto
mobile ride to Stanford University,
but does not intend to speak there.
On Thursday he will cross the bay
to Oakland immediately after the
luncheon and will take a ride to the
University of California at Berkeley.
At Grants Pass, Ore., and several
other places where his train stopped
for a few minutes the President
shook hands with the crowds which
came out to meet him. Grants Pass
and Glendale, Ore., each presented
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson with a large
door. A tag tied on the one pue
aboard at Glendale was signed by
"the citizens of Glendale," and read:
"As a token of our high esteem
and appreciation of your devoted ef
forts for the benefit of mankind."
Itobert T. Small, Washington cor
respondent of the Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger, one of those hurt in Mon
'tiy's automobile accident in Port
land, was able to continue the trip
with the President, and to-day was
much better.
The body of Ben F. Allen, of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer, who was
killed in the accident, is being taken
east by one of the secret service men
at the direction of President Wilson.
Welfare Workers Who Left
Cky During War to Be
Honored at Big Jubilee
William Jennings, chairman of the
general committee in charge of the
Welcome Home celebration which
will be tendered the service men
of Harrisburg on September 28 and
29, said to-day that not only all sol
diers. sailors and marines, but also
all welfare workers who left Har
risburg for service will be included
in the welcome.
Mr. Jennings has issued a call to
all welfare workers such as Y. M.
C. A. secretaries, Y. W. C. A.
workers, Knights of Columbus sec
retaries, Jewish Welfare Board sec
retaries, Red Cross workers, and all
who were in any way connected with
the service of the Arjny to send their
names to the Harrisburg Chamber
of Commerce headquarters as soon
as possible so that provision for them
can be made.
Tech Pays Tribute
to Fallen Heroes
At the chapel exerisea of the stu
dents of the Technical High School
this morning, Dr. Charles B. Fager,
Jr., principal of the school, read a
poem on Constitution Day written by
one of the members of the faculty
W. E. Slrawinskl. Following the
poem the entire student body stood at
attention while the standard bearer
held tje stars and stripes ,and the
oath of allegiance was sung by the
members of the entire school. The
poem is as follows:
September 17
The stalwart lads who left this pleas
ant hall
To fight the glorious fight of Lib
Marched on to triumph o'er the foe of
Crusading, trampled low autocracy.
To-day we hold In tender memory
These sons of Tech—and some
who'll ne'er return—
The while we scan our dawn of his
When patriot hearts, In valor strong
and stern.
United wrote the doom of Tyranny.
The Constitution of the brave made
May we who gather here to-day now
Salute the flag that blest our pa
triots' scars,
Vow new allegiance to our country's
Afid hall In solemn pride Old Glory's
Jacob H. Mayer Wins
Nomination in Franklin
Cliambcraburg, Pa., Sept. 17.—Re
turns from 66 of the 66 districts in
Franklin county indicate Jacob H.
Mayer has secured the Republican
nomination for sheriff.
Other Republican nominations,
indicated by these returns, are: Reg
ister and recorder, B. Edgar Faubel;
clerk of courts, Paul D. Tarner;
county commissioner, Calvin Laugh
lln and Howard Poe with a proba
bility of Harper Washabaugh over
coming Poe's lead: director of the
poor, Jacob Lehman and Ira Wen
ger; district attorney, O. W. Ather
ton; auditor, John Foreman, and
Joseph Solienherger: coroner, Dr. J.
H. Kinter; surveyor, J. R. McEl
Democratic nominations indicated
by returns already in, are: Sheriff,
Jacob F. Wingert: register and re
corder, Captain Parker D. Skin
ner; county commissioner, Frank
Harper and J. Milton Wallech.
Asks For Early Argument in
Charitable Appropriation
Proceedings Today
Demurrer on the ground of multi
plicity of subjects Involved was filed
to-day In the Dauphin county court
by the Attorney General's Depart
ment in the equity action to restrain
the fiscal officers of the State from
paying appropriations to sixty-six
hospitals and homes on the ground
that they are sectarian institutions.
The answer was filed on behalf of
Auditor General Charles A. Snyder
and State Treasurer Harmon M.
Kephart and Deputy Attorney Gen
eral W. M. Hargest petitioned for
an early day for argument on the
demurrer. A letter was also Issued
to people interested in the action by
Mr. Hargest suggesting that each
should be represented by his own
counsel In which he says that the
burden should not be put upon the
State officers of defending the insti
tutions "which are the beneficiaries
of these appropriations." Separate
answer was also filed to the action
by the fiscal officials in which some
thirty-three allegations are specifi
cally denfed.
The Ixirough of Ashland to-day
complained to the Public Service
Commission against the continuance
of the "dkip stop" plan of the
Schuylkill Railways Company, con
tending that it was established dur
ing the fuel shortage and that it
should not be maintained.
Attorney General W. I. Sehaffer
to-day pledged his support to the
movement of the National Associa
tion of Attorneys General in the
campaign to reduce the cost of
living, having received a letter from
the association officials.
Governor Kproul to-day appointed
Fred M. Sprout, Muncy, a trustee of
Danville State Hospital.
• [Continued from First Page.]
or damage to property. Each report
from searchers, however, revealed
the Increasing magnitude of the dis
The great piles of wreckage strewn
from one end of the city to the other
may conceal numerous be dies, it is
believed, and to-day hundreds of men
were at work exploring them. Offic
ials generally were agreed the death
list would exceed 100, and some un
official estimates placed it as between
200 and 300, with hundreds of persons
injured or suffering from exposure.
Estimates of the propery loss varlo-1
from 310,000,000 to 315,000,000.
The best available Information here
early to-day placed the known dead
[in Corpus Christi at 47. Seventy-sev
en bodies, all blackened and bruised,
were reported to have been washed
ashore last night on the north side
of Nueces bay, upon which Corpus
Christl is situated. Other points also
reported the washing ashore of bod
ies during the night.
No Trace of Soldiers
Military officials were exerting
every resource to-day to ascertain
the fate of 20 or more soldiers who
were washed out into the bay while
the storm was at its height and of
whom there has been found no trace.
The men, members oX Company I,
Thirty-seventh Infantry and other
reglmgnts on border duty were at
the government rest camp here for a
week and furlough when the camp
was washed away.
Captain B. M. Egeland, of Webster,
8. D., camp commander, was drowned
during the storm and his wife also
Is believed to have lost her life.
Attempts were being made to-day
to rig out several sail boats to cross
Nueces bay to rescue 25 persons who
are reported in desperate straits at
White Point
Hrfngrrs Starring
A message was brought into Corpus
Christi to-day saying 25 bodies were
at White Point and that 25 refugees
there were starving.
Many strange incidents are coming
to light as the story of the storm
Find Baby Alive
After floating on the open bay more
than two days, a ten-months old baby
was hauled ashore late yesterday,
fastened to a raft. The baby was
alive and in fairly good condition.
A fisherman of Rock Port, named
Biggins, was carried across Puerto
bay, and more than half way to Sin
ton over the plain. Biggins said he
left Rock Port in a skiff Sunday, but
was soon adrift, with nothing but
a life belt which carried him until he
was enabled to climb upon a house
top which came in his path. Escap
ing from the chilly waters was little
relief, however, for sharing his raft
were a number of large rattlesnakes.
A tree top with several additional
reptiles drifted against the house top,
and Higgins fought for hours before
he dislodged them with a piece of tim
Corpus Christi, Texas, Sept. 17. —
Forty-seven victims of the tropical
hurricane which swept over Corpus
Christi and this section early Sun
day morning had been brought to
the temporary morgue in the county
courthouse last night. In addition
to the deaths in this city, fifty-six
were reported dead in the vicinity of
Portland, across Nueces Bay fri>m
Corpus Christi.
With the death list mounting and
the property loss now placed in the
neighborhood of $10,000,000, the
people of Corpus Christi to-day seem
ingly were Just coming to a full real-
I ration of the catastrophe through
which they passed. Every industry
in the city is prostrated, business is
at a standstill, communication of all
kinds demoralised and the food and
housing problem acute.
Dallas, Texas, Sept. 17.—A staff
correspondent of the Dallas News
sends the following dispatch under
date of Sinton, Texas:
"Seventy-seven bodies, black with
oil until some could not be identi
fied, were washed ashore on the
north side of Nueces bay to-day.
"Of the seventy-seven bodies re
covered from this side of the coast
country to-day, thirty-eight were
taken from West Portland, twenty
nine from White Point, nine from
Sinton and one from Odem."
State machinery for the relief of
storm sufferers was completed late
Tuesday by Governor Hobby, who
ordered units of the Texas National
Guard to relieve Federal troops, in
charge of the Eltuation at Corpus
Christi, as quickly as transportation
could be arranged. The Governor
issued a proclamation urging prompt
contributions of money and supplies.
Three relief trains reached Corpus
Christi to-day with food, bedding,
clothing and medical supplies for
the thousands of homeless and
stricken residents, and other trains
were en route. Two relief trains
were repored stalled by washouts at
Alice, Texas. ■
Seven scout airplanes were or
dered from San Antonio to go to
Corpus Chrlstl and And suitable
landing fields for larger planes
which may be used to transfer sup
plies from stalled trains.
Latest estimates placed the prop
erty loss in Corpus Christ! at $lO,-
000,000, and meager advices indi
cated the damage at Port Aransac
would bo very heavy. Rescue work
ers faced a tremendous task of
clearing the debris-blocked streets,
and a steady rain which set in at
noon yesterday turned the streeta
into mud.
[Continued from First Pago.]
■ KOhL,*" """* MS
select his own chief of stall and
The committee has outlined in
conjunction with Mr. Rhoads a
purely military parade plan in which
the veterans of other wars and the
Harrisburg units of the Reserve
Militia will be Invited to be the es
corts to the veterans of the World
War. The details will be worked
out at a meeting of the commit
tee to be held later in the week with
Mr. Rhoads.
The parade committee Is compos
ed of Charles E. Covert, chairman;
Boyd M. Ogelsby, secretary; Arthur
H. Bailey, A. Boyd Hamilton and
Carl K. Deen.
Warron, Pa., Sept. 17. Thirty
six of fifty-three precincts in War
ren county early to-day gave William
Muir a lead of more than 500 over
Munson for the Republican nomina
tion for sheriff. Addison W r hite was
practically nominated for county
treasurer, defeating A. R. Black.
Lowe and Ward are winners to-day
in a five-cornered race for two Re
publican nominations for county
New Castle, Pa., Sept. 17. G. T.
Weingartner and S. L. Huey led the
Republican ticket In a field of eleven
candidates for county commissioners,
two to be elected in Lawrence
county. C. Lee Horner was nom
inated county treasurer over Charles
C. Harry, with a majority of 1,000
votes. With forty precincts heard
from John B. Haley leads Ralph M.
Campbell in the prothonotary nomi
nation fight.
Heading, Pa., Sept. 17. lt was
only definitely decided to-day that
John K. Stauffer had been named
as the Republican nominee for
mayor over three competitors. His
unofficial majority is 64. Mr. Stauf
ter is at present a councilman, and
for 15 years before that was the
Washington correspondent of leading
[Continued from First Page.]
considered and the whole proposition
advaned sc that when the contract
is let after the bid opening on Tues
day there will be an understanding.
President Frank B. Musser and
Engineer Jtfoist, of the Railways Com
pany, had four plans for rerouting of
ears, the one being most favored being
for use of Market street to Fourteenth
and a temporary track on Fourteenth
street to reach State street and the
Penbrook. Progress and Linglestown
line for east bound cars and the use
of the track In Thirteenth street be
tween State and Market streets for
west bound cars. This would place
the traffic now going over State
street bridge on Market street from
the Square to the brow of the Hill.
This plan will be submitted to High
way Commissioner Lynch, for pre
sentation to Council.
Go Over Plnns
President Musser who went over the
plans with Arnold W. Brunner, the
architect; J. E. Qreiner and R. E. Par
ring, nnd George A. Shrein.
er. State officer In charge of the work
also had a plan for a line on Herr
street from Seventh to Nineteenth
and thence to State, which will prob
ably bo a permanent extension of the
system eventually, state engineers
did not look with favor on the plan
for a single track on the approach.
There was also a plan for two tracks
on ThirteenLjj street discussed. The
temporary plan will be effective until
the bridge is finished nnd Mr. Greiner
said that it would facilitate work of
bridge construction and keep traffic
away from the operation. The citv's
memorial will not bo built until the
bridge is finished. The question .of
the approach at the pylons and the
matter of costs will come up later.
The Pennsylvania railroad details in
clude alignment, overhead clearance
on arches, additional room, piers and
other matters.
Trolley Companies Alter
Sight-Seeing Line
Application for approval of a
charter for the first "sight-seeing"
auto tour to come before the Public
Service Commission brought objec
tions to-day from the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit, Lehigh Valley Tran
sit, Stroudsburg Traction and Eas
ton Transit Companies. The appli
cant is the National Auto Tour
Company, of Nazareth, which pro
poses to run tours from Philadel
phia to Delaware Water Gap and
pick up parties along the road or
to carry people to and from work.
The companies contended that there
would be no schedule and that it
would be a new kind of common
carrier. Objection was also made to
any freight handling. Applications
were made to-day for certificates for
| auto bus lines to run across coun
try from Lewlstown to State College
and from Greencastle to Mercers
burg, for consolidation of water com
panies in the Easton district and
for new trolley fares In the New
Castle district.
i Bcllevue Park Association En
joys Out-Door Events With
Dancing After Dusk
There's nothing like a commun
ity club to get all the folks of a
neighborhood interested in each
other and their locality, and so the
fourth annual picnic of the Bellevue
Park Association held yesterday
afternoon in the Oak Woods was a
most delightful and friendly e\ent.
Over a hundred residents and
property owners of the vicinity
gathered for the outing. There wore
games for the children, tennifc,
quoits, baseball for those who cn
• joyed them and the women busied
themselves in various ways.
A general sifpper was served un
der the trees and there was mubic
and a big bonfire that blazed up
beautifu/y as the night came on.
After dusk many of the folks went
to the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
George 'Doehne and had a little
Among those attending with their
families wore Dr. and Mrs. B. E.
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Olm
sted, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Spahr, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hippie, Mr. and Mrs. I. T.
Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien B.
Notes tine, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Rob
inson, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Houtz,
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs, Mr.
and Mrs, Walter E. Dietrich, Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan E. Hause, Mr. and
Mrs. Miller X. Host, Mr. and Mrs.
| Fred B. Aldinger, Mr. and Mrs.
I John E. Hemperly, Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus W. McCord, Mr. and Mrs.
William Russ, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gordon Fahnestock, Mr., and Mrs.
George Doehne. (
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Haehnlcn,
Miss Anna Taft, Miss Laura Chaney,
of Aid.; Mrs. Terry and
son, Alise Young, Miss Helen Mu-
Farland, Mrs. Edmundson, Mrs. J.
J. Thomas, Airs. Thomas A. Woods,
William P. Aliller, Air. and Airs.
Paul Voorheos, Miss Gladys Voor
hees, Aliss Hoffman, Honora Leon,
the Alisses Zeiders, Miss Mabel
Vaughn and a number of younger
[Continued from First Page.]
has done for the war-stricken refu
gees of the invaded countries of
It was a new idea in Red Cross
work, and it required sanction from
headquarters before it could be put
Into effect, but Airs. Jennings did not
hesitate either for lack of uuthorlty
or over the fact that the duties she
proposed to undertake would require
endless work and constant effort on
her own part and for her associates.
She saw the need; that was enough
to prompt her motherly heart to act.
So a letter was written to the
Pennsylvania headquarters, asking
permission to extend the homo serv
ice work to persons outside the Fed
eral war service zone, and the an
swer came back promptly that the
American Red Cross noted with In
terest the pioneer work the Har
risburg Chapter proposed to under
take, and extended to It full au
thority to go as far as It liked,
tfltc the Widow's C7ru.sc
The next step was to procure an
appropriation for the work, and the
Chapter set aside S3OO for the ex
"It was like moving in the dark,"
said Mrs. Jennings to-day. "We had
to map out an entirely new Held of
activity, and S3QO seemed like a tiny
sum under the circumstances. But
our fund has been like the widow's
cruse. It is almost as large now
as when we started some months
ago, notwithstanding that thirteen
cases, many of them requiring major
surgical operations and prolonged
hospital care, have been treated or
are about to be. When we need
money for some such case it is
always forthcoming from some one
of the good people of Harrisburg,
and so we are going right ahead,
knowing that somehow the expenses
we incur will be met We are glad
that Harrisburg Chapter Is pioneer
ing in this direction and hope to see
the work extended to all parts of
the country."
Airs. Jennings paid a high compli
ment to Miss Rlngland, the secre
tary, upon whom much of the de
tail falls. She it was who arranged
a conference of influential Red
Cross workers of Dauphin county as
far east as Hummelstown and Lin
glestown, the whole upper end, the
West Shore towns and Perry county,
which constitute the Harrisburg dis
trict, and every one who attended
was instructed to look out for cases
requiring medical attention or any
other kind of home service in their
localities. The result has been re
Mrs. Jennings. Miss Ringland and
Miss Mary Kelker have person
ally visited every home reported,
and in some "oses had to make
three or four trips before they were
able to accomplish what they set
out to do. Mothers either could not
see their children taken to a hos
pital, or the motives of the visitors
were misunderstood, or the children
themselves were opposed. These
and other obstacles had to be over
come, but slowly the kindly, moth
erly attitude of the Red Cross work
ers won the day, and the work has
been made a great success.
The same loving consideration
that has promoted the service is re
sponsible for the withholding of all
names of those benefited. But of
the cases and the results, Mrs. Jen
nings and Miss Rlngland will talk
by the hour.
Some of the Cases
One of the first cases reported
was from the lower end of Perry
County. There Mrs. Jennings and
Alias Rlngland found a little child
suffering from terrible burns, her
face disfigured, her eyes slowly fall
ing and her arms stiffened so she
could not move them from the elbow
down. Bright of mind, attractive of
manner and cheerful of disposition,
this little sufferer is now one of the
model pattents In a great hospital at
Philadelphia, where her sight Is
being restored, the awful sores on
her face are being heaf.id and she
Is able to move her arms.- Under her
pillow is a little pocketbook and a
mirror, which are her treasures.
For weeks the nurse did not know
she had the looking glass, which the
little girl had concealed to watch
her own progress toward recovery,
and every sign of Improvement has
brought with it fresh cheer and
"You. are much .better, Myrtle,"
said Mrs. Jennings on a recept visit.
"Oh, I know. I am," said the little
child. "Every day I' examine my
face, and some time I hope to be
HO r 11C k*s the Original
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations n4 .Substitutes
pretty again, like other little girls."
The Next Trip
Mrs. Jennings, Miss Rlngland and
Miss Kelker will make another trip
to Philadelphia on Friday of the
present week, taking with them the
lame lad of Eliznhethvllle and those
others enumerated at the beginning
of this article.
Hilda a Lovable ClUld
Meantime, life is being brightened
for the little lady of Small Valley
who wants to be able to walk and
go to school. The other day Mrs.
Jennings took to her home a black
board, a desk, a set of block letters
and a series of puzzle pictures. Now
Hilda, for that is her first name, is
able to tell all her letters and to
write her name. Hilda has an ex
ceptionally bright mind. She can do
fancy work and embroidery, and she
draws all of her own designs, which
are of unusual merit. Now,
through the kindness of Miss Kol
ker, she Is learning beadwork and
greatly pleased with her progress.
Hers is a lovable disposition and the
Red Cross workers are very fond
of her. .
Others whom Mrs. Jennings and
her assistants have helped are a
9-year-old lad of Williamstown, an
orphan victim of infantile paraly
sis, who has received braces for his
legs and sptaie, and alcohol for rub
bing and milk daily out of the funds
of the Red Cross; a 9-year-old girl
of Willinmstown, orphaned by the
Influenza, furnished with glasses and
throat operation performed; helpless
family In Duncannon tided over ill
ness; Wiconisco child whose eye was
pierced by scissors two years ago,
treated at hospital and spectacles
provided; widow and family pro
vided with monthly sum at Lykens,
father having died of flu; Perry
county man, supporter of six, losing
his sight, taken under treatment
with possibility of saving eyes; Lun
disburg soldier, wound never healed,
given hospital treatment; Lykens
child, aged XI, infantile paralysis
victim. Red Cross furnished exami
nation and braces; child, aged 12,
poorly developed, under-nourished,
rheumatic, treatment provided.
Young Girl Saved
But even more interesting is the'
ease of Miss Blank, a Harrisburg |
girl, deserted by her guardians, dis
couraged and headed for the street,
who is now in college and In the
way of making a great success.
The Bed Cross took her in, her
only support being a soldier then
In the service of his country and
not yet discharged, and made her a
clerk in the offices. A prominent
Bed Cross woman saw possibilities In
her and provided for her education
in college. That was more than a
year ago. Bast spring she finished
her freshman year second in her
class, and is out for first p'ace this
year. The Bed Cross is her new
guardian and the three women who
placed her in the way of getting an
education she writes to as her "three
"Don't you think this kind of
work well worth doing?" asked Mrs.
Jennings, in relating the incident.
"Don't you think the public will
support It? We are happy to be the
pioneers in this branch of Red Cross
activity. We hope that other chap
ters will fo'low and that funds will
be provided so that we may enlarge
our work."
Evans Case Is Laid
Over For a Month
Owing to absence of Secretary of
the Commonwealth Cyrus E. Woods,
who was prevented from attending
the September meeting of the State
Boa-d -f Pardons by Illness, the Board
to-day eontlnued the applications for
commutation of death sentences of
three murderers. Such cases are con
sidered. as a rule, when the entire
membership of the Board is present.
The cases continued were those of
Bobert Loomis, Northampton; Wil
liam Evans Dauphin, and Lewis Page,
Fayette. Several other continuances
were granted and the list will be con
siderably reduced. The decisions will
be announced to-night.
Mrs. Doliie S. Fairchilds, 1235 Derry
street, died thi3 morning at the Har
risburg Hospital from appendicitis.
She is survived by her husband,
Charles D. Fairchilds; two brothers,
John W. and George Z. Gray, and
three sisters, Mrs. P. C. Dalmus, Mrs.
M. B. Rockwell and Mrs. K. F. Bog
ner. The body may be viewed on Fri
day evening. Privats funeral services
will be held from the home of her
sister. Mrs. Katherine Bogner, 2708
Main street. Penbrook, conducted by
the Rev. Mr. Miller, of the West
minster Presbyterian Church. Burial
will be In the East Harrisburg Cem
etery. |
WorkHarderand Save More
;T up the views of some I
cscrve^°ar^^ s p|j t
The Dauphin Deposit Trust Company now has a Savings Department and
invites savings accounts, upon which it will pay interest at 2°/o a year, com
pounded semi-annually.
Every member of your family ought to have a savings account. Even if
you already have a savings account, start another one with this strong old
institution for yourself or for someone in whose welfare you are interested.
SEPTEMBER 17,1919.
Creamery Company Begins
Manufacture of Chocolate
For Wholesale Trade
Ell N. Hershey, of the Hershey
Creamery Company, told the mem
bers of the Harrisburg Rotary Club
last evening at the meeting in the
Y. M. C. A., that his company has
embarked on the manufacture of
chocolate bars. At present the com
pany is manufacturing only in ten
pound bars for the wholesale trade,
but as soon as machinery can be pro-
Ccured chocolate will be turned out
by the Hershey Company for the
retail trade. Mr. Hershey distribut
ed samples of his confection last
evening and the llotarians were un
animous in pronouncing it the "best
ever." The club members were Mr.
Hershey's guests and enjoyed ice
cream and what tasted very much
like fresh strawberries put up by
the creamery company. S. H.
Rutherford catered.
It was quite a Hershey evening,
the ex-president of the club being
chairman of the committee on the
philosophy of Rotary, and having as
his assistants E. S. Herman, William
S. Esslck, W. M. McCord and S. 3.
Rutherford, put on a little program
of Rotnry instruction that was very
pleasing to the members of the club
and educational to the new members,
Mr. Hershey, Mr. Essick and Mr.
Herman were the speakers.
Captain George F. Lumb, head of
the State Police, threw a scare into
the club when he threatened to re
sign because "John Olmsted had ul
ieged that he, as head of the Slate
Police, had been heard talking poli
tics," and as the Captain is one of
the most popular members of the
organization the Rotarians were all
"het tip" over the incident until it
was discovered that the date the
resignation was to take effect was
not October 1, 1919, hut October 1.
1999. It was sidetracked midst the
laughter of the club members.
Mrs. G. Church, of 2005 North
Sixth street, entertained at dinner
yesterday in honor of a party of mo
torists Including Miss Murgaret Ade
lia Haldeman, of Robesonia; Mrs.
Frederick Kline, of New York; Mr.
Old Age Deferred
Business men who must speed up the works and make busines
boom during these days—after the war—must recognize the necer
sity of keeping fit. When mind is befogged, when you have du ;
headaches or feel logy, when not "up to snuff," keep the bowe:;
free with a mild laxative. In the morning take a tepid sponge bat
(cold water may be used if it does not chill), follow with a brisk ru >
down; a sufficient "setting up" exercise in good air until you are i::
a warm glow. Have you tried it lately?
Don't let the poisons accumulate in the intestines cither, but tr*
a dose of castor oil the first thing on arising, or a pleasant laxative
occasionally, such as one made up of May-apple, aloin and jalap, rollee
into a tiny sugar-coated pill, and sold in every drug store as Dr
Pierce s Pleasant Pellets. Then a cup of hot water before breakfast,
and you II feel better than a king! If you continue in life thus, you
can pass a Life Insurance examination at sixty.
If you wish to prevent old age coming on too soon, or if you wan
to increase your chances for a long life, you should drink plenty o.
soft (rain) or distilled water daily between meals. Then procure at th
drug store Dr. Pierce's Anuric (anti-uric-acid). This "Anuric" drive
the uric acid out and relieves backache and rheumatism, as well a
dney trouble. Anuric dissolves uric acid as hot tea dissolves su£a:.
and Mrs. E. It. Schreck and Miss Re
becca Schreck, of Reading. Three
were twelve guests to meet Miss
Haldeman who is going to Atlantic
City with her family for a perma
nent residence.
Safe Pills
have been the. ideal Fartiily
laxative for 40 years—a guar-',
antee of reliability. Gentle
in action, they are. entirely,
free. • frojn injurious, drugs,
and—are intended, especially
p"' biliousness, • indi
rgßSgal gestion, torpid'liv-
PIkIIm er or
we ' s -
Yout" druggisr
sells them.
wt-fijaj WcDtr' Sile Reraedlea Co..
-> - locbeatar. it. Y.
Are Now Taking Tanlac
the "Master Medicine"
Some of the best-known men
and women in this very town and
community have publicly testified to
the powers of this great health
compelling remedy—Tanlac, in
overcoming nervousness, Indigestion
debility, lost appetite, sleeplessness
catarrh, backache and derangements
of the stomach, liver and kidneys
Tanlac gets right down to the sea:
of the trouble —it builds up the sys
tem, vitalizes the blood, promote*
digestion, creates a healthy appetit.
and brings back color to the cheek
and the sparkle of health to th s
eyes. Sold here by all leading drug
i gists.