Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 17, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Fifty-Nine From the Store
at Marsh Run Turned Over
to the State Road Men
Fifty-nine two
l\. \ \ % y//1 horse dump
Ivv. \\ jt"\i£ / \ wagons built
f or the United
States army
been de
livered here for
the use of the
State of Fenn
j sylvanta in road
malnten ance
T; and will be put
into service im
meadiately by the State Highway
department. The wagons came
from the Marsh Run quartermaster
reserve depot and will fill in with
requirements for work in Central
The State has been allotted 558
trucks of various kinds by the War
Department from the army motor
vehicles for use on highways,
dozens of which are parked beside
the State Capitol building. Of the
number allotted 269 have been de
livered and arrangements are being
made at the State Arsenal tract for
a large park for such wagons.
It is possible that some of the
trucks now stored at Marsh Run
will also be turned over to the
The problem of caring for the
trucks during the winter is one
which is giving State officials much
Racing Jack Frost —R epo r t s
coming to the State Department of
Agriculture indicate that with a
continuance oi fair weather much
of the big con: crop of Pennsyl
vania, one of the largest in years,
will be out of danger of frost. In
some years gone by September
frosts have caused damage and this
has caused extra effort to bo made
by farmers and growers to speed
up the cutting. Two years ago a
considerable part of the corn ciop
was never cut owing to the early
appearance of cold weather which
ruined much of it. In many sections
of the State plowing is in progress
for wheat and rye and indications
are for a big acreage, say State of
Apple Crop Short—With the an
nouncement that statistics gathered
by the State Department of Agri
culture indicate that the apple crop
of Pennsylvania this year will ap
prcx'niate 9.267,000 bushels JSecre
it'.ry of Agriculture Rasmussen urges
that there should be no waste of
the fruit. "One apple out of every
four goes to waste either by rotting
in the orchards or in the cellars.
This is a loss which if avoided
would mean considerable to the
farmers and fruit growers" says he.
The yield this year represents only
fifty-two per cent of the normal
The secretary also announced
that new regulations relative to hog
cholera will be put Into force in
Pennsylvania that he believes will
prevent spread of the diseose and
amply protect the dealer, breeder
and farmer without being burden
State Not to Appeal—lt Is not re
garded as probable that the State
will appeal from the decision of the
Dauphin county court in the decision
that Swindell & Co.. of Philadelphia,
can be taxed on capital employed in
putting together parts of stoves and
ether articles not made by the con
cern. TVs State claimed the tax on
the ground that the companv did not I
|| The Story in a Nutshell ~ j|
rp ROM present indications, there won't be enough men's cloth- }||
i n £T to go around. The mills have not delivered 50 per cent. o|§j
J of the woolens to the manufacturers. Production is far from
E being up to the standard. Transportation facilities are congested. jjl|
M ~ W E are not telling you this to alarm you, but want you to
know the conditions as they really exist.
IE rpHE GLOBE has been singularly fortunate. We foresaw pres-
J - 1 - ent conditions many months ago, and are happy to tell you If
| that our deliveries have been very good.
rnHE wise man will buy his CLOTHES NOW at THE GLOBE |1
m B at present prices. Nothing is to be gained by waiting.
UR windows are showing the new styles every well-dressed fg
I J man is interested in. See them—you'll like their smart style
s as well as their moderate prices.
3 rrERE are the dew belters—some with yokes and inverted Hf||
q pleats —the snappiest suits for young men—full or half belts
jjg' j —wear them as you wish. Others with high waistline or in con- H§ll
11 S3O to $75 if
manufacture, but the court held that
the act of assembling parts and sell
ing the finished produce was manu
facturing and that under State laws
the company was exempt.
Complain About Cars Some of
the State rond contractors through
out the State are complaining to the
State Highway Department that they
are having difficulties in getting sup
plies of stone because railroads will
not furnish certain cars which the
Railroad Administration is demand
ing be used for stone.
Many Will Bid—Lively bidding Is
expected on t]je construction of the
State Memorial bridge in Capitol
Park extension next week. Almost
thirty sets of specifications have been
taken out.
Checks Going Out The State
Treasury has about completed
mailing out the bulk of the checks
for the payment of the county road
tax bonus for 1913 and 1916. Over
a million dollars is involved and each
township of the second class gets a
British Watching
Americans Secure
Trade in Germany
Cologne, Sept. 17.—British busi
ness men have taken notice of the
strides made by Americans in ac
quiring trade in Germany. At a
meeting in Cologne reqcntly of di
rectors of the British Chamber of
Commerce for Germany, C. Knott,
of London, said:
"America has more than 1,700
Chambers of Commerce in all parts
of tho world, and these associated
chambers some time ago sent a dele
gation to Europe which visited Co
logne and Berlin and departed with
Germany orders in fabulous
amounts. The goods are to be de
livered at once on three years'
credit. In this way the United
States is securing the lion's share of
Germany's import trade. Such is the
result of the co-operation of their
Chambers of Commerce. I see no
reason why British Chambers of
Commerce cannot employ such
Canada Offers Hand
to British Soldiers
London, Sept. 17. —Canada is of
fering a cordial reception to de
mobilized British soldiers who have
not found in England satisfactory
employment upon their return to
civilian pursuits. North American
emigration is being suggested as
possible solution of England's press
ing resettlement problem.
While nil British emigrants will
be welcomed, Canada is particularly
warm for the coming of professional
men. Canadian professional socle
ties are said to be prepared to give
special preference to men of this
class. Qualified accountants, chemi
cal tyid forestry Interests, for in
stance, have many positions which
it is hoped may be filled through
absorption of this excess of British
professional men.
Using Substitute For
Gasoline in Paris
Paris, Sept. 17.—The government
has authorized experiments with a
benzol and alcohol mixture as a
substitute for gasoline in automobile
engines, in view of the high price
of the latter—a dollar a gallon.
While benzol used alone undoubtedly
gives more power than gasoline, it
has an objectionable odor, and
chauffeurs who have tried it assert |
that it corrodes carburetors and
cylinders. Both these disadvantages,
it is claimed, may be to some extent
removed by mixing the benzol with
alcohol or ether or both. I
Department of Agriculture Is
sues Warning in Regard to
the Dreaded Pests
Fred Rasmussen, Secretary of
Agriculture, who has returned from
meetings in Albany and Boston of
the Commissioners of Agriculture
of the various States to discuss the
control of the European Corn Borer
and to study the methods of con
trol in operation in the infested
area says the European corn
borer, unless its spread is checked,
is likely to prove the most destruc
tive of all Insects to America. The
total value of the corn cro> last
year was three and one-half billion.
The European corn borer has
been found in sections surrounding
Albany and Schenectady, in the
vicinity of Boston, and recently in
three places in southern New
The borer passes the winter tn
the corn Malks and its eradication
in infested areas depends on the
complete destruction of all the
stalks. It has also been found that
when corn is not available the
borer will live in the stems of
other plants. As many as forty dif
ferent plants up to the present
time have been found to satisfy its
appetite. This makes the problem
of eradication a most difficult one.
Every effort possible is being made
by the State and Federal govern
ment to eradicate this nest where
found. Experiments are being
made with liquid fire as well as
machines which will crush infested
material to a degree that will des
troy the borer.
The infection of fields in New
Tork State is estimated from one
per cent, to five per cent, while in
Massachusetts fields are from one
per cent, to practically one hundred
per cent, infection.
The danger of the spread of this
disease is so great and the control
so difficult that resolutions were
adopted by the conference to ask
Congress to make an appropriation
of two million dollars for the con
trol and possible extermination of
the European corn borer.
Scouting for the European corn
borer has been done by representa
tives of the Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture. Up to date
no infection has been found in this
Paris, Sept. 17. —Baron Maurice
de Rothschild reputed to be the
wealthiest of the French Rothschild
family, is among the numerous new
candidates mentioned for the Cham
ber of Deputies.
"Ah, my little man!" began the
presiding elder. "Can you repeat
the Golden Rule for m®?"
"What's the matter?" returned
young Bearcat Johnson, of Rum
pus Ridge,, Ark.. "Can't you repeat
it for yourself?"— Kansas City Star.
| "The Live Store"
I "Be Sure of Your
:-'2 . t*
I Speculators Would Say We're Foolish
|||| We don't think so. Just because the market
Ti as a dvanced since we bought our Fall stocks for you is no
reason why we should advance prices. We're going to give you the advan
tage of that advance. If a store takes that attitude towards its customers 8
huys for your benefit, like a good purchasing agent, we don't believe
\ f business has to bother much about an extra $5 or $lO profit. They'll make
UP they create. That's the plan we work on and we find
a Inn ° UI " cus * omerß ®how their appreciation by recommending their friends to
I come here for standardized clothes.
1 ll Hart Schaffner & Marx I
| „ Kuppenheimer and > I
ill Society Brand Clothes I
tfflssfvjii M Xo will always find our prices reasonable 1
within your reach, and when you buy good clothes they wear . |
longer. We have built a great business selling dependable merchandise,
I that gives satisfaction. We insist upon giving you all you expect, that's
why we carry known quality goods that we can stand back of.
tbe Hwel Kappesbtie*
We take the responsibility when you buy here—ln other words
the old rule (let your eyes be your market) don't go here, "This is a safe store at all times; we
give you a broad guarantee that any purchase you make must give complete and lasting satisfaction or you can
have your money back; sounds like a broad statement, yet that's our method of doing business.
I Try This Dependable Doutrich Service |
That Everybody Is Talking About |
| I "s3s—s4o—s4s Suits I |
S The Suits we have this Fall will make men talk not only
f about the price we are selling them at, but about the excellent values we are giving. The 1
] only reason we have such good clothes this Fall is because we placed early orders with the manufacturers. ( '
1 We bought enormous Quantities for all the Doutrich stores. Enough of these good clothes were bought '
to supply our customers throughout the season and you can tell your friends we have plenty of them. | II
Poultry Farm 100
Feet Above Street
London, Sept. 17. —One hundred
feet above one of London's busiest
streets, and within 300 yards of Big
Ben, on the roof of the Institute of
Civil Engineers, there la one of the
best kept and most prosperous youl
try farms In the city.
It comprises 36 hens, housed in
three spacious coops, but during the
greater part of the day hens are al
lowed to roam about the roof at
will. Although the coping is not
more than 18 incnes nigh the hens
SEPTEMBER 17, 1919.
never attempt to reach the ground,
contenting themselves with mount
lug the top and there announcing
their satisfaction after an egg has
been added to the record they have
been making.
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad.