Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 16, 1919, Image 1

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    Heavy VAing Marks Primary Election in Every Ward in City Because ol Closely Fought Contests
Mutilated Beyond Recognition in Fierce
Hurricane; Injured May Run Into
Hy .'.ssociateJ Press. 2
Sinton. Texas, Sept. 16. j
Seventy bodies ot* flood victims,
mutilated beyond recognition,
have been recovered at Sinton.
the relief headquarters for the
entire surrounding bay shore
The count so far shows that
40 were found at Westport. 22
at Whitepoint, four or live be
low Odem and a few at Port
land Xo one was killed at Sin
ton. but property damage was
high. Bodies are being held at
ranch houses and schools.
Corpus Christi, Texas, Sept. 16.
With troops patrolling the main
streets and relief trains headed this
way from many parts ot the State,
Corpus Christi to-day began slowly
emerging from the wreckage caused
by the gulf hurricane which struck
the city early Sunday, bringing
death to an unknown number of l
persons and doing property damage
of millions.
It was impossible this morning to
get anything like a correct estimate
of the fatalities. In the city proper,
the death list was placed by some
officials at between fifteen and twen
ty-five, but that was regarded by
many as far too conservative. In
some quarters it was said the num
ber of injured would exceed 200.
3,000 Homeless
One report in circulation to-day
but as yet unconfirmed was that 120
bodies, most of them recognized as
residents of Corpus Christi, had
been taken from a reef near Port
land on Nueces Bay, upon which
Corpus Christi is situated.
More than 3,000 persons were
made homeless. However, with the
coming of relief trains, it was ex
pected that by night most of these
would be taken care of. ,
Considerable anxiety was express
ed regarding the fate of the launch
Waldo with fifteen persons on board,
which left Corpus Christi Saturday
afternoon on a fishing excursion.
Since the storm no word has been
received from the party, which in
cludes four women.
Tiilal Wave Sweeps Town
Fears are entertained that a heavy
casualty list will be reported from
surrounding towns, several of which
were directly in the path of the
The storm sent a tidal wave ten
feet high over the business and
north beach districts of the city.
At the height of the tidal wave
practically the entire business sec
tion was partly submerged. The wa
ter was about four feet deep in the
lobby of the Nueces Hotel and every
business house between the bluff
and the bay was under water from
eight to ten feet. House boats fish
ing craft and wreckage of every con
ceivable character were piled in the
streets 'by the waters.
Military rule was invoked yester
day and no one was allowed to enter
the wrecked portions of the city. All
foodstuffs that had escaped damage
by water were sold upder direction
of city officials, one day's rations be
ing allowed to the customer.
The city was in darknes last
From fifteen to twenty-five per
sons are known to be dead, approxi
mately four thousand are homeless
[Continued on Page ".]
Candidate Dies ol
Heart Disease After a
Long, Hard Campaign
Meclianlosburg. Pa., Sept. 16.—0n
the eve of the primary election at
which he was a candidate for nomi
nation for county commissioner of
Cumberland county, 'William O.
Neidig died suddenly last evening
at his home n the Trindle Road, a
short distance from tiwn. from heart
disease. Mr. Neidig had been con
ducting a vigorous campaign for
nomination and had Just returned
home from visits to various parts of
the county.
Mr. Neidig lived in Mechanics
burg formany years and was a mem
ber of the borough school board for
several years. He was a member of
the First Lutheran Church of
Mechanicsburg and of the Mechan
icsburg Lodge of the Knights of
Malta. Previous to moving to
I Mechanicsburg Mr. Neidig was a
successful farmer of Hampden
township and was the township as
Mr. Neidig was 61 years old and is
survived by his wife and six children.
Ralph J. Neidig, of Montana; Wil
liam M. Neidig. of Toledo, Ohio;
Mrs. Lawrence Landis. of. Spring
field. Mass.; Robert J. Neidig. of
Mechanicsburg, and Miss Anna Nei
dig and Frank H. Neidig. at home.
Harrlahurg and Vlrlnltyi Fair to
night and Wednesday. ,\ot
much change In temperature.
Hirer: The Susquehanna rlter nnd
all Itn branches mill full slowly
• r remain nearly stationary. A
stage of about .14 feet is Indi
cated for Harrlabprg Wedaes
duy moralng .
' '
"Standard" Costumes
to Combat H. C. L.
By Associated Press.
London. Sept. 16.—Increasing
ly high prices llu- women's cloth
( ins. forecast by the clothing
trade for the coming winter, prob
ably will be combatted by the
manufacture, under government
supervision, of a half-milliorr
I "standard" costumes and coat
frocks, such as were manufac
tured during 1918. I.eeds firms
have upwards of 2,000.000 yards
of material available for the
manufacture of these "standard
ized" garments, but announces
that the cost of production prob
ably will bring the cost price of
the ww lot to $lB or S2O. Simt- '
lar garments last year were re
tailed for sl4 to sl6.
i Woman Testifying at Investi
gation Relates Stories of
Cruelties and Outrages
Two Others Carried to Hills;
Feet Shaved Until So Ten
der They Cannot Escape
Washington. Sept. 16. With a
i number of persons subpoenaed and
waiting to be heard, further angles
of the Mexican situation were ex
pected to be laid to-day before the
Senate Foreign Relations Subcom
mittee investigating relations be
tween this country and Mexico.
The subcommittee last night held
, its first night session and heard its
first woman witness.
Miss Agnes Laut, who recently re
turned from Mexico, in advising
i against intervention in Mexico, laid
before the committee last night a
solution of the Mexican problem
I which she characterized as the
"beneficent pacification" of Mexico.
In corroboration of her assertion
that widespread corruption had in
flicted on Mexico "nine years of
crucifixion" and that "ninety-five
per cent, of the population is calling
for help," Miss Laut said. She told
the committee of two girls who had
been clubbed to death, of two Ameri
i can women who were carried into
the mountains of Sonora and there
1 forced to remain by their captors,
who shaved the soles of their feet
to the quick to make simpler the
task of guarding them.
Now a Captive
An American girl from Nebraska,
, she said, now is somewhere in the
hills, the captive of Mexicans, who
dragged her from her home near
| the gulf coast. When the band ap-
I peared they roped her father and
i mother and when she, 16 years old,
threw herself before the Mexicans,
they declared they would kill her
parents. She fainted and when re
vived she found herself alone in the
hills with her assailants.
, An English woman in the State of
' Zacatecas was more fortunate, ac
cording to Miss Laut. In this case
! Miss Laut said, the woman shot the
bandit who was struggling with her,
and then killed two ether bandits
who held her two daughters.
Another story she related was
; that of a woman whose skin was
stripped from her face, the Mexi
can cutting from the center of the
1 forehead circularly about the face
then tearing the covering loose.
Driven Insane
A Kansas farmer was the victim
j of the Cedlllo brothers in the State
I of San Luis Potosi, according to her
1 testimony. His wife and daughter
; had gone to Tampico. While they
j were gone the Mexicans raided the
! place, hanged him to a tree, altern.
I ately raising and lowering him and
I jabbing him with bayonets. The
man became insane and afterwards
I died.
30 Women Captured
Another example of the treatment
; of women which she cited was the
| taking into the hills of more than
' 30 women and girls from a train
! the Mexicans had captured.
No attempt was made by the wit
ness to shield the Carranza soldiery.
She admitted that a fa.- part of the
J crimes were committed by bandits,
; but intimated that a number of the
so-called bandits were in reality
Mexican Federal troops.
Federal Troops Implicated
Regarding reports that the rebels
i have been getting arms and ammu
nition from the United States, she
! said that through an American Army
officer who had made the investiga
tion for her she found that the
rifles of many of the followers of
Felix Diaz were of the same pat-
I tern used by the Mexican Army, and
I that they had been acquired both
by capture and by purchase from
the Mexican Army.
Now That We Know the Prescription, Why Not Buy It at the
Drugstore and Eliminate the Doctor Bills
.Eight-Story Structure of Har
risburg Storage Company
Saved by Firemen
Fire, which completely destroyed
| a boxcar on the siding of the Harriff
burg Storage Company in South
1 Harrisburg. for a time this morning
I threatened the eight-story structure
i of the company.
Nothing of value was burned with
' the car. Received yd'.terday, it had
i been unloaded during the day and
had been left standing, at the un-i
loading door of the storage firm.
The fire was discovered by l
I a watchman, but not before it had
j gained considerable headway. The
alarm was sounded about 6.35 this
i morning from Box 13 and the Pax
! ton and Citizen companies answered.
Attention of the firemen was con
• centrated on preventing the spread
|of the fire. Before their arrival,
: while it had gained considerable
! headway, it was prevented from
[ igniting Building No. 2 of the stor
■ age company, by fire doors and wire
glass at the unloading entrance.
By Arsociated Piess.
j New Haven, Conn.. Sept. 16.—As the
j chances of having Benny Leonard
; meet Jack Britton in Connecticut next
j month have disappeared through the
| latter - * disinclination to make a match
' the same boxing promoters announce
1 to-day that Lenard - s manager, Bil
-Ily Gibson, has agreed to have his
man meet Lew Tendler, the light
i weight, of Philadelphia, on Thanks
! giving Day. The place for the pro
' posed meeting is not stated, but to
j accommodate New York sport follow-
I crs it will be as near that city as pos
| sible. i
Applicants, to Qualify For Matrimony, Must Show They're
White, Under 65, and Own Xest in Which They'll Live
George Unger, who will be 52
years old the 19th of September,
wants a wifel And George is not
very hard to please, either. That
Is, the only thing he stipulates is
that she be white and not over 65
: years old and by the way, she must
■ own her own home,
j George is a resident of Cham
i bersburg. having lived for some
i years in Lowden street of that town.
I He is a bachelor, white, tall, hand
! some, well whiskered and very tem
i perate. The businessmen of Cham
| bersburg will give him the best of
I references, he says, and especially
M. C. Brubaker, on whose farm
©be ofar-2fa&cpen&efil
English Paper Calls Him "Ex
plosive Journalist;" Seek
Author of Denial
By Asso'icUd Frets.
London, Sept. 16.—An "authorized'"
' denial of statements made by William
\C. Bullitt, formerly attached to the
j American Peace Delegation, before
j the Foreign Relations Committee in
; the United States Senate which is
i printed In London newspapers tnls
} morning is attracting more notice
| here than Mr. Bullitt's evidence before
the comnjittee.
j London* morning pauers express in
[Continued on Page 11.]
Royal Arcanum Meets
Here For Annual Session;
Plan For Many Events
, The executive session of the
Grand Council of the Royal Ar
canum opened this afternoon at 2
: o'clock in the Penn-Harris. All
j parts of the state are represented,
: 238 delegates being here for the
; State Council.
At 8.30 this evening a formal re-
I ception will be given the Supreme
| Regent and officers of the Grand
j Council in the reception hall, and at
j 9 o'clock there will be a dance m
j the ballroom with cards in one of
j the adjacent rooms for all those
| who do not care to dance.
iln the afternoon at 2 o'clock '.he
Ladies' Auxiliary committee will
take the visiting women for a rido
i about the city. A subcommittee has
•' also prepared a musical entertairi-
I ment for to-morrow evening in. the
I ballroom of the hotel.
he has worked as superintendent for
13 years.
Now George is tired of being a
bachelor' and would take unto him
self a wife. She would be treasurer,
housekeeper, and manager
of the establishment, aofMCding to
George's idea. He doesn'P?are espe
cially if she be widow or spinster,
but he has an idea maybe that the
widow would be best. It is imma
terial if she live in Harrisburg or
elsewhere, but Harrisburg appeals
to George. Of course, the prospec
tive. blushing bride would havg to
be a property owner; yes. Indeed,
because George wants to live with
her wherever be her residence.
Dr. Lenker Owns Prize Ani
mal, Giving 1,601 Pounds
of Milk in 31 Days
Seventeen cows, owned by mem
bers of the Dauphin County Cow-
Testing Association, produced mo'-e
than 1,000 pounds of milk and more
than forty pounds of butter flatdui
ing the month of August, according
to an announcement made to-day !>y
H. G. Niesley, Dauphin County
Farm Agent. These figures are
taken from the records submitted
by Wilmer E. Grubb, official tester
of the association.
The record for the month, both
for production and for high test in
butter fat, was set by a cow beloug
ing to Dr. Jesse Lenker, of this
city. This animal produced a total
of 1,604 pounds of milk during Iho
month, which tested 54.5 pounds of
butter fat.
Thirteen Holsteins are included in
the honor roll of seventeen cows.
Three of the remaining four are
Brown Swiss, the property of Sam
uel Geyer, of Middletown, while the
fourth is a (Durham) shorthorn.
The herd of S. T. Whitmer, a
breeder of Holsteins, made the beat
record during the month. Foul
cows of his herd are included in the
honor list . Each produced more
than 1,300 pounds of milk. Samuel
Geyer and William Peters, of Hnni
inelstown. each had three cows in
cluded on the list, while Howaid
Speece and Irving Curry, of Swa
tara, are each the owners of two
honors cows. Edward Swope, of
Hummelstown: R. F. Bell, of Pax
tang, and Dr. Jesse Lenker, of this
city, are each the owner of one
honor cow.
State Memorial Bridge
Application Is Granted
The Public Service Commission has
granted the certificate of public con
venience asked by the Board of Public
grounds and Buildings for the con
struction of the Soldiers' and Sailors'
Memorial bridge, for which formal ap
plication was made last week.
The commission has arranged for
an engineering conference to-morrow
in regard to approaches, piers and
other details and will likely issue a
supplemental statement in regard to
such matters. The apportionment of
cost will come up after a contract is
The way is now cleared for the op
ening of bids on September 23.
By A ssoc\ateJ Frtis.
Paris, Sept. 16. Serbia, one of
the two nations in interest which
did not sign the Austrian Peace
Treaty, Rumania being the other,
will attach a belated signature to
that document, according to the
Echo de Paris, to-day.
Polls opened at 7 o'clock.
Polls will close this evening at i
I 7 o'clock.
Voters enrolled as Republicans
must vote the Republican ticket;
as Democrats, the Democratic
Voters who registered and did ,
not specify a party may vote only '
for Judge of the Superior Court I
on the nonpartisan ballot.
Returns from the various dis- j
tricts will be brought to the of- j
lice of the County Commissioners 1
to-morrow and the official count [
will be started later in the week. |
So Bars Close While the!
Thirsty Vote For Favor
ite Candidates
No One Wants to Test Law as j
to What Is Intoxicating
Thirst.v ones of - Harrisburg. either
on the Journeys to or from the polls, |
are to-day unable to get even their |
accustomed two and three-rourth per :
cent. The nearbeer was a little too j
near, so the bars closed to keep en- .
tirely within the law.
Every bar within the city, as fas as
is known, closed down promptly at
12 o'clock midnight, and the dispens
ers of liquid refreshment are enjoy
ing a vacation.
Don't Want a Teat
Everything in the city passed off
without difficulty. No attempt was
made by any city bar keeper, to keep
bis establishment open to-day, on the
ground that the two and three-fourths
per cent, beer which they have been
selling is non-intoxicating. It is said
that no one wanted the question as to
what is intoxicating finally settled.
In some sections of Pennsylvania
saloon keepers have kept their estab.
lishments open on the grounds that
the drinks which they have been dis
pensing, are non-intoxicating. As a
whole, however, there has been little
! difficulty.
I In Philadelphia, contrary to ex
' j pectations, the bars are closed up.
); The booze sellers had declared that
they would continue open but yester
day at a meeting they decided to re
. main shut up.
Industrial Truce For
Six Months Suggested
to Federation of Labor
Ey Associated Press.
\ew York, Sept. 16. —Proposals that
1 | the President of the United States
j be made a member of the American
, Federation of Labor and that all
i strikes now in progress throughout
■ the country be immediately canceled
! in order to meet the present "perilous
; situation" by which "the foundations
j of our free democratic government are
! threatened," are contained in a com
j munication sent to the President and
Executive Council of the American
I Federation of Labor, was made public
' ! here to-day.
The league was recently organized
by John J. Pierce and Isadore Epstein,
; who were members of a special com-
I mittee appointed by James P. Hol
land, president of the State Feder
ation of Labor to investigate Indus-,
trial conditions. The report of the
committee, which was published on
Labor Day, recommended an indus
trial truce for six months during
which all strikes were to be called off.
I The report was promptly repudiated
by President Holland, who discharged
Epstein and Pierce from the commit
! Seven Divisions of New
Army Comprise Little
More Than One of Old
Washington, Sept. 16.—The seven
regular divisions which the War De
partment plans to maintain at full
strength to-day comprise only 31,473
officers and men, or but little more
than the strength of one division. The
First Division, because of its parade
here to-morrow, has been kept as
near intact as possible and now in
, eludes 17,000 men including temporary
personnel, but the other six divisions
. average around 2,500 officers and men
. each.
On September 9, the Army numbered
. less than one-tenth of its peak in
Europe. The remainder were in this
. country or enroute home.
Resignations of officers in the tfeg°-
I ular establishment continue to be filed
L in numbers which cause officials un
, disguised concern. Since August Ist,
■ 397 resignations have been accepted,
i of whom 49 per cent, were in the
grade of first lieutenant. Better op
portunities in civil life and feeling
that advancement in the Arr. y will
be slow in times of peace are be
lieved to be the reasons for the ma
jority of resignations.
Tscoma, Wash., Sept. 16.—Secretary
of the Navy Daniels who for several
weeks has been with the new Pacific
fleet, planned to start on his return to
Washington to-day.
Workers Report a Close
Race Is Resulting in
Treasury Contest
Heavy voting in many city districts was reported by the elec
tion boards early this afternoon, in some instances the number of
voters who had cast ballots reaching 30 or 40 per cent, of the en
tire registration in the district.
The mayoralty and city treasurer contests on the Republican
ticket in the city aroused the most interest among voters to-day.
Alderman George A. Hoverter, of the Ninth ward, together with
many friends was actively campaigning in the majority of the
districts while the present Mayor, Daniel L. Keister, claimed
to-day he had distributed thousands of his cards personally, hand
ing one to each voter. Alderman John H. Shaner, of the Seventh
ward, on the so-called independent Republican ticket, had the
support of the Doehne-Koons-Worden-Rutherford workers.
Harry F. Oves and C. E. Weber, seeking the Republican nom
ination for city treasurer, were working hard to-day, they both
having the support of many Republican ward leaders. •
Only one election board could not
open the polling place at 7 o'clock
this morning. This was in the Sixth
precinct of the Ninth ward, F. I.
Hoover, Democratic inspector, not re
porting. The other members of the
board were told to wait until 8 o'clock
and then hold a curbstone election to
hi! the vacancy. G. A. Diehl was ap
pointed to the place and W. O. Moyer
was named Democratic clerk.
1.'.000 May Get Ballots
During the morning a number of
r.ames were added to the books by the
County Commissioners, making the
total registration in Harrisburg ap
proximately 16,900.
Because some of the official bal
lots for one of the city districts wen
e r 4S
:: i
€ * EASI T
e *M
:: i
i* jj
4 X
' ♦
* * m
* * New York—Reports of a duel between two Army offi- 111
4 I O
e* 4 4
4 * . * *
2 X
f >
ej •
< Held, Ala,—Fire last night dt
4 * 11
N0.4 of the J. G. White Engineering Corporation a
4 * Muscleshoals, the Government nitrate plant, the loss be- 1 H
ej 4 4
jng estimated at SIOO,OOO. The major part of the loss A S
4 l was on electrical equipment. ,
2 1
4 Corpus Christi—The death toll in Sunday's storm wiU lj I
- 4
e t ach between 75 and 100 in Corpus Christi and sur- Jg
4 * rounding towns along the coast, according to an estimate 'jj I
to-day by Dr. W. E." Wills, city health physician.. Ap- .-'si
* * proximately 175 refugees have been rescued at Odem. 1 1
about 30 u of here. They had beeii Carrie- I ■
| 0 ft
t , across Nueces bay on wreckage- All of them are suf- 11
€ * ferine from exposure. • 1
4 4
. V 4
11. - ..:i
4 4 4
c 4 4
* 4 4
J. Sandy Hohiniion. Hadrlaburg. and Laaiac Rnccn. Ckar'etiai, w.t ■
Va- 1 William H. O vrrdorf and Jente L. RUacll, W'llllamaport.
not properly printed, the wrons ward
and precinct numbers appearing at
the top, a rush order was sent to a
printing company in Reading, which
was awarded the contract, to reprint
the ballots. The new supply reached
the city at 4 o'clock this morning.
In the county districts the vote va
ried some reporting t large-percent
age of ballots cast at noon, otiier
election boards announcing that only
a small number of voters had appear
ed during the morning and early af
142 More Register
Shortly after noon at the County
Commissioners office it was reported
' [Continued on Page 11.]