Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 15, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    New Haven News
Writers Strike When
Refused Wage Increase
By Associated Press.
New ITaven, Conn., Sept. 15.
Three afternoon newspapers here,
to-day issued their editions under
unusual conditions, a strike of news
writers having gone into effect on
these publications following a strike
on the Morning Journal-Courier at
last midnight.
Managing editors and editorial
writers who were not members of
the newly-formed News Writers
Equity Association, took up duties of
city editors and copy readers, while
the places of street men were filled
by substitutes. The strike follows
refusal of publishers to increase
wages of street and desk men.
The Equity Association claims that |
practically all staff and street men j
on the four dailies here are mem - •
bers and had endorsed the proposal
to strike in event of the failure of
the publishers to fix a definite scale
of compensation. The evening pa- \
pers are the New Haven Register,
the New Haven Times-Leader, and ;
the New Haven t'nion.
Proofreaders on the papers did
not strike, as they are not regarded
as part of a news writing staff.
Carlisle. Ta., Sept. 15.—Dr. A. A. \
Thompson, 7S years old, well known 1
member of the Republican party, died
this morning at S o'clock at the Man
sion House. Born in Franklin county,
he studied medicine at Jefferson Med
ical College. He was elected treas- i
urer of Cumberland county in 1875 I
and served terms as sheriff, deputy
clerk of courts, and several terms as
postmaster of Carlisle. At one time
lie owned and operated the Franklin
House and for a period he was en
gaged in the shoe business. One sis
ter, Miss Mary A. Thompson, of Car- !
lisle. A. T. Dice, a nephew, prcsi- j
dent of the Philadelphia and Reading j
Railway Company, survive.
V 6 BELL-ans
Mnn., *ept. 15, 11 n. ni. to Sp. in.
Bean J-oup 10
Cream of Celery oft
Frankfurters and Sauerkraut,
Baked H>\ni and WinesaUce .. JI'J
Chicken Croquettes -ft
Stewed Tomatoes oft
Lima Beans oft
Brown Sweet l'otatoes .10
Mashed Potatoes .0."
Boiled Potatoes ft."
Beach Pie 10
Raisin Pie to
Custard to
t'range Pudding to
m or.
A beautiful selection of
new Velvet and Velour
Bags. All of them are
handsomely lined and fitted
with best quality frames.
An excellent gift.
$5.00 to SIB.OO
Regal Umbrella Co.
Second & Walnut Sts.
Hay Fever
—Quickly Relieved by
I I k Automatic v |7
Using a remedy that Is auto
matically administered as you
breathe. And without discom
fort or inconvenrience. Each
breath carries medication that
quickly heals the afflicted
is giving relief where all other
methods have failed. Used
with wonderful success in
treating all diseases of the
Nose, Throat and Lungs. Also
for Head Noises and Ear
Trouble. Now being intro
duced in Harrisburg at George
A. Gorgas' Drug Store. 16
North Third street.
Photo by Roshon
Luther G. Smith Again Heads;
National Organization; Har
risburg Awarded Prize j
Harrisburg Railroad men were
again honored at Washington, D. C..
last week. At the third biennial
j convention of the Rrotherhood's Re
j lief and Compensation Fund Inc.,
J Luther G. Smith, a local passenger
! engineer, was elected president. He
| had no opposition. Engineer Smith
| was one of the organizers of this
| fund which had its start in Hair s
| hurg.
George W. Baltosser was elected
a trustee, and W. Arthur Wilson,
editor and publisher of Progress,
the official magazine. D. W. Mur
j phy, of Altoona. was elected secrc
tary and treasurer, and will have
his headquarters in Harrisburg with
those of President Smith. Arthur
| Rupley. of Carlisle, who has offices
, here, was elected national coun
' cilor. The next convention will be
| held in Buffalo. X. Y., in 1921.
Harrisburg Gets Prize
Harrisburg was awarded the first,
prize for having the largesW in
crease in membership in two yeais.
Second prize went to Delmar, Dela
ware; third. Baltimore, and fourth
to Hagerstown. There was a lively
competition among the various
lodges for those prizes which were
arranged for at the convention hold
in Harrisburg two years ago.
Members of this organization arc
from the ranks of the four railroad
brotherhoods. Luther G. Smith, ot e
I of the charter members, has been
1 at the head for some years. During
the past two years he has been
traveling many miles of territory in
his efforts to organize new lodges
and bulid up the membership.
Pennsy Loses Large Sums
on Mail Irregularities
When Pennsy employes fail to
handle L'ncle Sam's mail on sched
! ule time or provide for rush busi
ness it is costly. Here are some
: costs and amounts paid out for i •
regularities during 1918;
! Failure to hold trains until all
mail was loaded or un
loaded 8 2.53b
Failure to load or unload
cars promptly 1,1:16
Failure to furnish cars or
placing cars late 1,258
Baggage masters, porters and
1 station agent failures.... 17,731
Total $22,731
The total amount of penalties lm
l posed during the first six months
j of 1919 was $10,771.57.
Attention is called to the fact
I that baggagemasters, porters and
1 station agents are responsible fir
; the greater part of the fines imposed
I and hope is expressed that such ao
; tion will be taken on their part
that the number of failures will oe
j reduced to a minimum.
Local Engineers Figure
in Good Train Records
During the month of August
three Harrisburg passenger en
gineers were prominent in making
good train records. One made 100
per cent. He was Samuel H. Alex
ander, 1534 North Fifth street. He
is an extra man and made twenty
three trips. On eleven he reached
the terminal on time, and twelve
times he made up lost time.
Jesse S. Reynolds, 622 Muench
; street, and J. S. Kauffman, of Al
toona. lost time on but one trip and
on the whole the percentages weic
high and they received special men
tion from the Middle division offi
cials. Samuel S. Kirk, 2050 Fulton
street, mode the most trips of any
engineer on the division, a total of
fifty-eight. He lost time on but oix
An old darky, who was asked if
,in his experience prayer was ever
I answered, replied:
"Well, sah, some pra're is ansud
I an* some isn't—'pends upon what
vo* asks to'. I obsarve dat w'en
ebber I pray de Lo'd to sen' one o'
Massa Peyton's fat chickens fo' de
old man, dere is no notice oh
de partition, but w'en I pray dat
he sen' de ole man fo' de chicken,
de 'ting Is tended to befo' sunup
nex' mornin' dead sartin." Ex
Dr. G. W. Hartman, the Demo
cratic candidate for Mayor, repre
' sents Democratic principles. Sup
port him. —Adv.
Standing of the Crews
I'hllnilelplUn Division. The 103 1
crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 108,;
102, 352. 124, 127, 116. 109, 120, 117,'
111, 131.
Engineers for 101, 13.
Firemen for 27, 131.
Conductors for 101, 111, 127, 131,
Brakemen for 102. 103. 108, 109, 116,
127, (2) 131.
Engineers up: Mohn, Shue, Gaeckler,
Cobie, Myers. Slipe, Bickel, Houseal,
Bari. Rutherford, Buir. Greenawalt.
Gunderman Koeneman, Tcters, Kauft- '
Firemen up: Moffit, Falk, Messle
man, Wilhide, Lloyd. Markle. Ressler,
Dallmver. Dickover, Myers, Netzley,
Heltshe. J. R. Smith. Plunk, Carroll I
Rushing. Jollock, Ptraub, Lenard.
Brakemen up: Kiliian, Zellcrs, Sing- |
leton, Kuhlwind. Coulter, Garlin,
Minnichan, Clouser, Shearer, Cross,
I'ofT. Ai.'orose, Funk. Home, Ketz,
Lutz, Wcibner.
Middle Division. —The 112 crew to
go first after 2.15 o'clock: 229, 217,
112 and 256.
Engineers up: Snyder. E. R. Hawk,
O. W. Snyder. Crammer.
Firoim n up: Burkheimer, Delancey,
Haskins. Acker, Bartin. Bowers,
Woomer, Wright, Brookhart, Russ, j
Naylor, Rudy, Brown.
Conductors up: Ross.
Brakemen up: Hamminger, Clouser,
Sholley, Buffington. Hoffman. Shive, ;
Bitner, 3?U, Forbes Baker, Sho
maker. Fenical, Beers, C. L. Leonard, j
lard Board —Engineers wanted for l
23C, 3 )C.
Firemen wanted for 6C, 12C, 17C, -
28C, 29C.
Engineers up: Snyder, Myers. Hef-'
filenian, Buffington, Adman, Miller,
Biever, Essig, Myers. Nye, Boyle, i
Cross, Shupley.
Foreman up: Gormley, Wirt. Kline
young, Mounts, J. E. Lauver, Bartless,
Shopp, Swab. Holtzman, Rice. Roberts,
Burns, Houdeshel, Gardner. Rupley,
Speese, Woichello, Dearoflf.
I' hi In del pli ia Division The 234
crow to go first after 1.45 o'clock: 228.
203. 231, 250. 2 18. 220. 2:|">. 236.
Engineers for 203, 234, 236, 246, 250. j
Firemen for 228. 221.
Conductors- for 250, 235.
Brakemen for 228, 203, (2) 231, 250, !
246. 236.
Brakemen up: H. L. Smith. S. J.
Vandeling, Christ. Swartz, Roissing. |
Kissinger, Shenk, Vatulli, Spense,
Middle Divinlon. —The 114 crew to
go first alter 2.45 o'clock: 251, 257,
451, 223, 247.
Seven Altoona crews to come in.
Front end—l2o.
Yard Board. —Engineer for 137,
Ist 102, 3rd 126.
Firemen for Ist 102, 3rd 126. Ist 129,
2nd 104.
Engines:s jp: Hanlcn. Barnhart,
Zcidrrs, 3rown, Shuey, Myers, Geib,
i>. K. Hinkle, Holland. J. Hinkle, Caff.
Shcaffer, G. L. Fortenbaugh.
firemen up: Shuey, Haubaker, Wal
ters, Yeagley, Benscr, Martin, Weaver,
Eichelberger, Kenneday, Sanders
Copp, Bainbridgj. H >yer.
Middle Divinlon. —Engineers up: H.
E. Cook, W. C. Black, H. M. Kuhn,
W. G. Jamison, W. E. Turbett, J. H. 1
Ditmer, H. J. Johnson, J. W. Smith, '
J. Crimmcl, H. B. Fleck. 1.. H. Rice
dorf, C. Holh nbaugh, H. F. Stuart, J.
W. Burd, H. F. Groninger, G. W. Len- j
Ig. S. H. Alexander.
Engineers wanted for 6293.
Firemen up: M. A. Horning, H. W.
Fletcher, B. F. Gunderman, J. A.
Kohr, J. I. Beisel, A. L. Reedor, J. M. |
Stephens, A. H. Kuntz, R. D: Porter,
H. C. Bender, R. Simons, R. A. Arnold, i
H. W. Snyder, J. R. Weibley, G. Mus- I
Fir -men wanted for 29, 33, 31.
Philadelphia Division. —Engineers ■
up: R. A. Kennedy, C. E. Albright. M.
I'leam, R. B. Welsh, B. L. Smith, J. C.
Davis. H. Smeltzer, E. C. Snow, V. C. j
■ribbons, C. H. Seitz.
Engineers wanted for none.
Fireme i up: J. S. Lenig, M. G. Shaff. !
ner, E. D. MeNeal, H. H. Dodd, J. M.
Firemen wanted for 44 and 98.
Water Department employes heve
completed testing and cleaning all
fire hydrants in the city. More thar.
1,100 have been cleaned and tested
during the last few weeks and all
were found to be in working oriwr, >
Commissioner P. F. Hassler said.
The hydrants are being repainted
Mother knows
will heal it
She has been through it so many
times before that she neverliesitates
now. When anyone in the family
comes to her with a spot of eczema
or an itching rash, she gets out the
jar of Resinot Ointment and gives
prompt relief. And a few applica
tions seldom fail to clear away the
irritation completely.
Resinol Ointment Uan excellent healing; ,
dressing, too, lor burns, acali.% cuta and stub
born little aores. Sold by all druggists, for
sample free, write to Dept. 41-R, P.esinol,
Baltimore, Md. Uu b+bm.
■ —l—— I
I >
Many Candidates Also Are
Seeking Nomination as
County Commissioner
Now Bloomfield, Pa., Sept. 15.
Chief interest in the primaries in
Perry county to-morrow centers in
the fight for tlie president judgeship
I of the forty-first judicial district, in
j eluding Perry and Juniata counties.
which will he settled in the pii
j maries of to-morrow. Two candi
dates are in the field for the nomi
nation, Judge Jeremiah N. Keller, ct
j Mifilintown, the present incumbent, .
and James Macllarnett, of New !
The contest hits been largely a j
"favorite son" contest, Juniata '
backing Keller, tooth and nail, and J
Perry doing the same for Macßar- i
nett. In some instances efforts have j
been made to inject factional poli- j
tics into the nonpartisan contest, but
tlie tight is chiefly a "favorite son* j
one Keller is a Democrat and •
Macßarnett a Republican.
| Efforts have been made in a num- 1
' ber of instances to bring tlie tem-:
peranee issue into the fight, but i
thus far the efforts have not been:
bearing much fruit. It was pointed I
out by some papers of the several
counties that Macßarnett had al- j
| ways been a "wet" man and that it j
was safe only to vote for Keller, a
; pronounced "dry." Papers favoring '
| Macßarnett, some of which fought'
■ him for the nomination in a pre
vious judivial campaign because cf i
; his liquor stand, have pointed out j
that the Jiquor issue is a dead one, j
and that Macßarnett is perfectly j
bafe for "drys" and "wets" alike, I
that he will have no opportunity ioj
j preside at any license court. This
I issue promises to play little part.
| by'.side of the judicial campaign.
|j The Ten Day Bargain Basement , —Sale Offers More Specials Tuesday i
I |B arqairt'~, Basemetvi>| |
hi .-■ r "'~=-,. WASH BOILERS ) ELECTRIC IRONS a S
llj "i =—. 'T3Z> Tin Wash Hoiler, metallic <J> -l /?q 1 IU
bottom P1.07 Economy Electric Irons Complete Qf? r(
I] I * Galvanized Wash Boilers, two (t 1 QC _ _- i woii/u 11 itl O
13 sizes, each wI.OJ lor V!* iLR. |||l|
K | Copper Bottom Wash <£*> QE Hot Point Electric Iron Microme Wire. dJE yIC P 19| &£& Sst
I N- Boiler d>Z.yO White Wool Soap fcr hi
Si? for toilet and bath.QQ _ "*® Ml
MV ■ ■ "' 1 ''' " *■ l '* - ■ ■ ———— i—. i .1.,- / o cakes for *J&, i 1 1 - - ... .jS
SSfe 27.\34-in Axininster Extra Heavy Wool T „„ .. Empire Laundrj Soap Imported Grass . IIJJ
hi Bugs Fibre Hugs Tapestry Rugs 8 cakes OQ r 9**2 Wool Hbrc |{ U gs Matting Rugs k
\ M (food floral and Uri- 9x12 feet; good 9x12 ft - ; pood floral for . Rugs KOOf , pattern f or all over and plnin ljll
k ental patterns. Chinese patterns. and Oriental pat- Swift's l'ridc Laundry Soap y H over and medal- any room 9x12 ft., hand borders, 9x11.9 13
*! S ' JCCial ' $2.95 Special. g™ a , $24.95 *• $9.95 each, ■■s9 9g | Special, $495
Si 1.99014 yards/' "■ '— ~ .■ . —— - -.N -■.. ■' '■■ ■■■■.■ —— "" Unbleached fij]
1r Blankets in the 10 Day Sale TABLE CLOTHS 82^
Is C — spfeS fach kets .! n . blue . . and . plnk co !°T ßa : 59c Pattern Cloths C b
HJ White Shaker Cotton Blankets, gray, size 68x76 inches, soft fleecy QO QC Mercerized Patterned Table Cloths, 58x38 inches, £y Q _ Outing Flunnel
Jkj Flannel, yard, quality. Pair hemstitched t/OC 25-ln wide, yd. SSI
IM 17c quaiitv. C °p!,Tr BlankClS : doUblo h . e<l KIZe ' ROO<I " nU . $3.49 Mercerized Pattern Table Cloths, 64x64 $l4B 17c 13
jvl Soft, fleecy Blankets, extra good Eiderdown finish QO Q(5 inches A• 10 j||
yj Pink Nainsook size 72x80 inches. Pair d>o.£7o Round Design Pattern Table Cloth, 64x70 (J* "J AO Apron Ging- lS
Sj for underwear. Eiderdown finish Gray Blankets, heavy quality, size JO QC inches s j a , 0>1,J70 ham, 2 7-iff)
I'lil yd i Do\o", ian "" . . with* v*i i*t 1 I u
LM Good, Plaid Blankets, size 66x80 inches in pink, blue and Qo QC 18x18 Extra Heavy Mercerized Napkins, hemmed, ready '•_ ' *§3
ml OC tan checks. Special, pair f Qr ugC( goot j patterns. <£ 1 QO
l§j Printed PLAID BLANKETS Dozen *pi.l7o - gi
|U comforts, yd.' Xinautlful Plaid Blankets, extra heavy nap, in 2-inch $595 Table Damask GtajchanT' 27® KJ
Woo'inap Blankets,'size' 66x80 inches, 4Qr| 1 58 inch wide Mercerized Table Damask, ACk p J ln- ' yd ' Ml
|lj beautiful quality in pir/k and blue borders. Pair iPT'.I/O good quality, yard Til/ Z!/C liH
N , Half Wool and Cotton Plaid Blankets—size 66x80 (C QC fi4 inch wide fine Mercerized Table Damask A hi
hj WTiitc I'ajama inches, in blue, pink and gray check designs. Pair vPD.IJO 04-incn Wide hne Mercerized laDie Lamask, uU/v
[A4 Check, :su-in. yard "/v Red Border 13
1 '-ko, , Mercerized Napkins SVJ""" i
29c - box "d™ size aox'so" 8 ' Extra heavy Mercerized Napkins, good size and QO JS C Si
each inches. Special *p 1•I 7 hemmed, ready for use. Dozen |[l|
H4 27-in. Fancy -- - , - - - ..... -* ~ S
3| Dress Ging- \ Remnants of hll
nj hums, yard, Z' A, Winds or - 1 . J. _ , - r - _ , , r - t' bleached |l|
I Sheets and Pillow Cases 24c ~ft
Si remnant \ * ,1 tie, 6-quart , Bleached Mus- 3*
" 25c $1.95 In Our 10 Day Bargain Thrift Sale n 9Bc 22c S
IJ* _ Hemmwl Muslin I'illow Cases, Muslin Betl Sheets, size QQ . gj
M E 2X h 6 inche8 ' 3 * inch " hcm - 29c 72x90 In.; .well made. Each hj
V-pir C; Hemmed Muslin I'illow Caws, extra heavy quulity and will $ 1 QC 8 \\ /jf ""
Hj y'.'.ir -j'j ■ 4f>x36 inches; extra good qual- JJ5c wash heavier. Ea<!i M>A.O*J | |(U
fill , Fine Gra<le Muslin I'illow Cases, I ILI.OW TUBING SI ECIALS ajfJ K||
HJ Round Chip Baskets Carpet Sweepers 3-inch hem; well made. on 42-inch Wearevc:- quality AC_ Yar<l Cot lies Tree Tea Kettle 13
Si Clothes Baskets made Kaufman's Special Car- Each yard 3C 110 ft. Hope Rcmova-I Heavy Copper Tfea Ket- hil
i st'romT Special C finish ' Special Bolster Cases, size 42x72 CQ 45-inch Wearever quality, AO blc - m I tie, extra strong handle, Kj
strong, special. j nmsn. bpecla i; inches; good quality. Each .. yard 40C $5 91) nickel plated, each, 2§S
m ------- , . .. _ ... $1.95
Petition For Extra Hour
of Sunshine
MANY person 3 who are anxious to have the present system of
daylight saving continued next year and who may not have
the opportunity of signing the regular petitions urging Council
to take such action as will provide an extra hour of daylight, are
requested to sign the statement below and mail it to this office, care
of the Editorial Department:
"I, the undersigned, do hereby heartily endorse the Harrisburg
Telegraph's movement for the continuation of the Daylight-Saving
system in Harrisburg, and I earnestly petition the members of City
Council and the Mayor to hike such action as will give next year
the extra hour of daylight. I also petition Congress to reconsider
its action in repealing this highly commendable law."
j interest centers chiefly in the fight |
| for the county commissioner-ship j
j nominations. Eleven Republicans j
i are in the field for their two party I
j nominations while six Democrats'
: have announced their candidacies, j
i The Republicans are: J. \V. Kel
-1 lor, Rye township: McClellan
I Woods, Wlieatfield township; J. It.
Rartruff, Wheatfield township: j
1 James W. Flickinger. Tyrone town
: ship; William I* Bothwell, Dun- j
; cannon; W. C. Smith, Madison town- j
j ship; F. E. McCoy, Tuscarora town-j
] ship; Charles O. Houck, Miller town-I
j ship; Harry Shellehamer, of New i
i Bloomfield; James H. Rice, Spring j
| township; John W, Mader, Duncan- ;
! non.
The Democrats are: G. W. Meek, i
; Wheatfield township; R. S. Eby, j
Spring township; W. C. Loy, New- !
port; George C. Hoffman. Liverpool; I
■ A. D. Ncidig, Blain, and I. N. Bar-1
[ ner. of Liverpool.
So great has the interest for the i
■ nominations for this office, with its 1
doubled salaries been, that charges j
; have been flying thick and fast. In |
I one instance "slacker" charges are j
| said to have been brought in such
force against one candidate that he
| chose to answer in paid newspaper
i advertisements.
| There will be no contests at the
j polls to-niorrow or at the general
; election for the office of district at
-1 torney, since James W. McKee, of
New Bloomfield, the present incum
bent, is tlie only candidate in the
field for the nomination. The same
i conditions exists in regard to the
office of register and recorder, Wil
j liant F. Swartz, of New Bloomfield,
I being the only candidate in the
j field. For county treasurer, James
j Noel, of Toboyne township, seeks the
i Republican nomination, as does
j Chester E. Burd, of Wheatfield
township, the Democratic nomina
! tion. The latter will be nominated
j by the sticker method, having an
nounced his candidacy too late to get
on the ballot,
i For sheriff Paul R. Flurie, of New
i port, will gain the Republican nonii
| nation without dispute. N. F. Evans,
|of Tyrone township, and C. J.
j Swartz, of Newport, seek the Demo
| cratic nomination,
i Two Republicans seek the two
j nominations for directors of the
j poor. They are S. A. Shope, of
Marysville, and E. M. Wilt, of Mudi-
SEPTEMBER 15, 1919.
] son township; David K. Heckendorn,, j
lof Saville township. A Democrat is I
! in the field for the nomination.
I For county auditor no Democrats
i are in the field. There are two lte-
I publicans, S. Maurice Shuler, of
! Liverpool, and Nelson I. Zeigler, of
| Duncannon.
j The emoluments of the county
! surveyor job and the county coro
-1 ner job, have not proved sufficient
: either to attract the present incum
bents into tlie field again, nor has
the dazzle been sufficiently bright to
j secure the attention of any others.
, On several occasions in the past, no
I candidates appeared in the field for
these oliices and they were filled by
' candidates who gathered only a few
j votes by the sticker method.
jb O t pu. twoto
| 6)t| OtU of
W~ cii/tndUd
</n> SfeutES - onhf
31 dat{& atftor oftoufc 90
dUore&v, 5 daub •6t£ow <&tro
£ ' J'f
outrage rut/t?ucLtu| fvJ/©* <MMER<*
Riots Follow Fare
Increase on Car Lines
By Associated Press,
Canulon, N. .T., Sept. 15.—The now
zone fare system on the trolley lines
of New Jersey was responsible to
day for much disorder in this vicin
ity. Ship workers riding to work at
the yards of the New York Ship
building Corporation near here and
the Pusey Jones & Co. at Glouces
ter, two miles below, attacked the
curs and employes, breaking win
dows of thirty cars and otherwise
damaging them. Nearly all of those
who rode refused to pay the in
cteased fares. Many jitneys were In
operation. The trolley cars carried
few passengers.