Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 11, 1919, Page 9, Image 9
Central Pa.News Railroad Company May Acquire Mountain Lake Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 11. —Lake Royer, at Cascade, in the Blue Ridge, may again be a lake with water in it. It is reported on good authority that the Western Mary land Railroad is negotiating for the liike —or lakes, as there are two of them, upper and lower, communi cating—for the purposes primarily of securing an adequate water sup ply for its trains on the main line as also the Harrishurg-Baltimore division, whose western terminal is near the lake. Personal and Social News of Towns on West Shore Miss Dorothy Lenhart, of New Cumberland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder, at Emigsville. Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mrs. C. L. Hale of New Cumberland, attend ed the Smith and Hess wedding, on Tuesday evening. Harry Kohler, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his parents on Reno street. New Cumberland. Mrs. Cathrene Fahr, of York, is a guest of Jacob Eichinger and Dr. J. F. Good's families, New Cumber land. Owner of Hundred Farms Disposes of Two of Them Shipponsbnrg. Pa., Sept. 11.— -Col. George H. Stewart, of this place, who llkely is the owner of more firms than any other maninthe ■snte his list exceeding a hundred, and all fine ones, has lately been selling some of his holdings. Hi , most recent sales were the McCune farm at Oakvtlle. to James Hawlln. and the Maclay farm in South ampton township, to Lawrence P pinger. Carlisle Soldier Has | Honor Place in Parade Carlisle, Pa.. Sept. 11.—A Carlisle u nv . hid a place of honor in tne p"rade of the First Division at New- York yesterday. He is Lieutenant , Mervtn Eppley. He was transferred from Camp Merritt and placed in charge of the color guard of the | division, according to news just r_ reived bv friends. He experts to he stationed at Camp Zachary Taylor for some time. York Hotel Is to Be j Made Into Hospital, York. Pa., Sept. 11.—Sale of the , CUff House, u west end )j° 8te lr>. , and two adjoining dwellings. h> Harry Trattner. to Dr. E. . Moisenhelder. Jr.. was made dnv and who purchased the prop erties for the West Side sanltorium. The Buildings will be renovated and , equipped for a most modern hos- . pital. Judge Gillan Hears Suit Against Borough Carlisle, Pa.. n—Fourt.cn " divor-e cases, the largest number in several months, were on the list foi n session of court held yesterday be for - Judge Sadler. In addition, there was a . jecia. •• Lament of the case of Gra.o i\. Pshroeder against the Borough of j Mechanicsburg. Judge Gillan, Franklin county, heard this case. Miliersfcurg Fsc, ie Buy Food F~jm Government Millersbui g. Pa.. Sept. 11. —Many Millersburg people are availing themselve of the opportunity to purchase Government food through the local postofflce. Orders to the amount of ever SI,OOO has al readv been sent in. Some of the food alreadv has been received and distributed and is pronounced first \ class by the purchasers. JOSEPH BVCHANAN WEDS nianiborsburg. Pa., Sept. 11. The marriage of Miss Mary Eliza- , 1 -th Sommerville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bond Valentine Sommer- V.ie, of Winburne. Pa., to Joseph] t'lark Buchanan, son of the late Andrew Buchanan, of Philadelphia avenue, this place, was solemnized | nt • home of the bride last eve- i ni- at 7.30 o'clock. The groom is | nected with the banking firm of j >wn Brothers and Company at 1 hiladelphia, where the couple will | reside. C HOSEN COLLEGE TEACHER j Chambcrsburg, Pa., Sept. 11. —| T. Bayard Beatty, son of George B. Beatty. of Quiney. has been elected teac-her of English at Lebanon Val- | ley I'ollege, and will begin his duties 1 when college opens this fall. Prof. I F.eattv is a graduate of Lebanon ] Valley College and of Columbia Uni- ] versity, and prior to his election to I Lebanon Valley was instructor at ] f'arnegie Institute of Technology at j Pittsburgh. AGED WOMAN DIES Mechanicsburg, Pa., Sept. 11. —i The death of Mrs. Samuel P. Zim- ] merman occurred on Tuesday morn- j ing at her home near Shiremanstown i after several years' illness of heart j trouble and dropsy. She was aged I 72 years and a member of the State i Hill Mennonite church. Funeral | services will be held on Friday aft- j ' ernoon at 1.30 o'clock, conducted by ! Bishops Benjamin F. Zimmerman ] and Samuel Hess. PAYS BILL: GOES FREE i Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 11.—Charged j yvith giving a worthless check for | a meat bill of sl, C. Scott Ricket, j of Philadelphia, who has been in ' charge of the Doubling Gap Springs j Hotel, was brought here for a hear- j ing. The charge is false pretense ; and was brought by John Park, a j Carlisle butcher. The case was ad- ; justed on the payment of the amount i in dispute and the costs. , DIES AT BEEN A VISTA Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 11. | George K. McGaw, a prominent Bal- < timore merchant and president of j the Buena Vista Springs Hotel i Company, Buena Vista, Pa., died at his cottage at that resort, of hard- | ening of the arteries, aged 70 j years. Mr. McGaw was one of the J incorporators of the Buena Vista j Company. GEORGE W. YEAGY DIES Mechanicsburg, Pa., Sept. 11; —j George W. Yeagy died on Monday night at his home in Monroe town ship after an illness of four weeks I of a complication of diseases. He ■ was aged 81 years. Funeral services ' will be held on Saturday afternoon, i conducted by the Rev. Dr. E. D. | f Welgle, pastor of Trinity Lutheran j church, Camp Hill. Burial will be ! In the DUlsburg cemetery. [Other State News on Page 2.1 THURSDAY EVENING, J iO | \9 I KGL 1 S - 428-430 Market Stwot I 1 SEWSM: " fjfl special at 111 -M.^Lf !• L X x/C 1/ fiii Full double bed size. hN| FL N 1 "" T\ _ S FRIDA Y and Saturday j $2* 8 | sS'SSI LOOK! |teails4"|| g AT OLD-TIME PRICES Read the Golden Rule Values AT OLD-TIME PRICES i!S i g | Yard Goods! | New Fall Suits, Coats&Dresses ii = our Clothing Department Is Ready to Serve You I 1 m :At Old Time Prices :: f Arr /i r n nnr/ino X _ With values that surpass all expectations. Clothes of the . n .OB ♦ _ <► T /\ / f #/ J! 9- / /44HJ # il| f Blue and Black Serge, <> X §j rials. Why pay more for a suit when you can save the dif- TVSS p 1 SI ; ' i> T rivals as to quality, style and low price. They clearly <► H mone y on your wearing apparel. a,"V 1 \ p &A !' ♦ AO fkO <> X show the tendency of the newest fashions—in fabric, \[ m L non-wasteful purchasing. guide you to intelligent and | ■ AT Here'S YOUF ChanCC " SJJ | $ shades, yard wide $l.B9 1 | "*■ Women's and Misses' | to Save Big Money i\~\ Ta | | W 7/* New Fall Garments I I rjg i Plaid Silks, all 1 Qfk I' X /(I A\ _ . ~ , , o ■no to sls more. Save this difference and buy other apparel. XKSOSnt A . . , .j A 1 Serge and poplin suits; kersey, velour and fur fab- A _l , , jEKsSSftw. vßrn* TjtV j/ ' V >■ I shades, yard wide, *p I .U*7 ♦ A ( Tic coats and stylish wool serge, satin and Georgette o ■ Come to our big store and Bee the monderful values we are f i&l M Silk Crepe de Chine, all col- t / K\ dresses to choose from, at o „ showing. Prices: \ \\ <% | Wi IK ! Se y,rd $1.89 § I ei Q so 65 •• : slo.so h | ® ({ i s w nsh,<,es '<wci: i o.=:! i io= | IP 37c ii 1 MpA Women's and Misses' i: - CnL n f ® | ISSSS McSj New Fall Garments:! ' i f i ♦ Chambray 07_ ♦ X _ 1 \ Clever tailored and trimmed suits, In wool serges, ■ lj B 9 f\ S / / y ™, X Ginghams HC Of poplins, novelty cloth, etc.; plush coats and coatees. m |W| |1 I 1 I f-\ I 1 F Wi \ amy * j - i , ♦ I / \ and stunning cloth coats, also satin, serge and silk o " 1* I mA L L/ JL- -A -A. JL y /.< iR X Batiste, striped and t Q ♦ WJI 1 / \ / \ dresses. °j( y g i PercXlgh. i,; ~c ill If \ \LW (JOft 85 Oi9Q 90 II ! Hundreds °f w ork and Dress Pants St Four Extraerdinary g B 1 yard wide 21C X X JJ \ I'Ji 1 Jh Z* -.== ■ Low Prices —A Sale That Harrisburg Men Will Appreciate "j K X Light Calicoes, fast $A ~ \ &§ i W hmf-V o | tj Ti | - Women's and Misses' II 1 Men'sand Young Men's dj| AO Men's and Young Men's AC | f I Poplins, aii \l c I km if New Fall Garments II I Work Pants vl-*' 0 Fine Dress Pants... Qfrw :|j 1 r" ♦ shades, yard wide... W|7L 4 wj<> Hea\T Material Work Pants—ln striped Striped Worsteds, Cassimeres, Cheviots and ■ !v. *: ♦ 68c Silk Creoe vard ACI ♦ iftf'Pjr . wonderful display of handsome plain and trim- o B patterns; made with cuffs, .belt loops; rein- Striped Patterns. A special value that you will _ ♦ . 4X/* ° I NlinVU med suits and coats, in new colorings and new ma- js forced throughout. All sizes, 28 to 44 waist. apprceiate. All sizes up to 44 waist measure. 1? WA ♦ wide Trt/C f ♦ Ihl M terials; dresses in satin, taffeta, tricotine, serge and ° ■ S '' 1 t Cretonnes, for comforts On o | f georgette, | IS 1 J r ' 0 r „ d i! /rv\ 85 OQQ 90 i: " Men's and AC AA ° I I iasse- £&< i i JfOi.-, I: m mm. ; fj '™ X yard wide /2<C 2 Fine Serge% Cassimeres and Worsteds. Over A "De Luxe" assortment of good quality |j P, ; IS ♦ V~iAv, ■ 300 pairs of OBOIS for all-around or dress wear. materials—and a very special price. All sizes, ej _ |%| T Heavy Outing Cloth, 9 o y All sizes, 27 To 44 waist. 27 to 44. H K I B S"° d 19c Wonderful Fall Hats \ : Notice Men —1 I: rfly X Cloth 1 l/L i ■■ ■ y yyyy ®®—* •w A- xixvh ing thal j f any palr of p ants selected are not satisfac- oj ( mi T......... • t \ Hi toiY they are exchangeable or money refunded. H j?iu H Featured at Popular Prices in An / \ - \ I fS SPECIALS Unusual Special 2-Day Sale / \ h Men's New Fall Hats | B■ ■ BS£ V 7 When you can come here and choose from real classy ex- I \\ I U / ■ V ah- 1 H K?: IB i ! elusive models, hardly two alike, there's no reason why you J f } 1 )] / jg k Y- H Ori! |i ft! IXS R U L.. should pay the exorbitant prices other stores are asking \ I A I / ■ ALL NEW SHADES—GREEN, BROWN, BLACK AND GRAY \ y At Old Time Prices v U f// s hTkr/, 5; \ T:.^.B9c SQ QC $4 OK $C OK ***■■■ $2.90 hak... *; ML. | !lS 50c Children's Union 07 WWW| ■■VVJ W■ W W " Men's Fine Dress Shirts, soft |77 Men's Flannelette Night QQ " Suits, fine ribbed Li C cuffs, $1.75 value *P 1• 1 £ Shirts; value $2.75 m j^'i 50c Misses' Gauze 97 ; - f . >nn •*.— - y Mens 95c Neckwear, newest /?Qr Men s $2.50 frl 7R u Union, suits.... 2/ C rUTT nDWC JUST ARRIVED' ■ M Sh f de A an „ d Col0 fl r n ; o# 7 Men's Dark Gray' Mixed' Union QO ".f IH ,35c Ladies Gauze Vests, in extra CHILDREN S JUOI iVIYIVI V £aV . Mens 23c Hose, all Suits; all sizes; full length .... JOC y *■ sizes 19c New Fftll WftlStS PMen-sSOcysleHosejaH OQy. Me value A ! hlet ! C . Un !° n SU,tß . , . s !' s °. 98 C g Ladies' Pink 1 /-t 19 |1 Vests 19c LfIVUkJkJDO ; Men's 90c Silk gc Shirts; value $1.00............ ■Rj • IT • c • new suit shades. Tailored and fancy styles—collar- P Hose Mens Railroad Dark Blue POikadot work El Ladies Union Suits, fine 97 r> * L e r f' H embroidcred and beaded effects - B P eciall y ■ Men's Fine Madras Dress OA Shirts, with soft collar attached; AO. b ti :fc eauze 0£ C At Old lime Prices 11 Shirts, $3.00 value il.oV $1.50 value Kl j j 2-qt. Alason Jars, glass Qfk FL? _/ 4Jb| | qV* /4 Sk/I Qll ■ Men's Fine Silk Shirts; $5.00 d* O /JjJ Men's $2.75 Flannel Shirts; QQ y Wl w tops, dozen 89C dr^'s^Exlra 1 ' F^T'otngham and JpO.l/U 3,11(1 U !wU p value $0.95. medium weight $ 1.98 ¥£ TA Cream Corn Starch, targe - feffSS Se'tS's,££ 'ASISK 1 , EXTRA-Voile Waiaß; worth up to J| QO . Men's up to $1.50 gg Men's $2 ; 50 sl6B' H package #0 a " st >' lish high waistcd effects; trim- $3.00 Now $ I •%/(j y Caps UvU. Sweaters y Sti , • ••• med in either white voile or organdie SPECIAL Voile Waists* worth un d 1 O/l 1 Men's $2.50 4*l rn Men's Athletic Jerseys for all g0 /JQ 1-" Good size 25c Turkish j, tos2m Now. !. '. ? 1.29 " Caps $1.50 around wear $0.09 mWI WZ. owes At 1. 1 tariety of colors, selling very special • -—■ ' ■ ■ ——■ ■■ ■ ■ J , ■urn Ml ■;: I 3' Children's Dresses, size 2 J 7 v \ f I—i_rn_1 —i_rn_ 15 u iin£?*": op :...B9c S2.= &Sl.= IALEOF SHOES | Sale of Boys' Suits! I V 4 $1.50 Ladies' Night Gowns, i J' At Old Time Prices ! TTAninnTi 1 .... . <5! fg pink and a 7 7 q LI J|W I Lj; \ , At Old Time Prices 1 jjl 0 white 31.1 if K 4 txtru s i'r') al f ' )r IYidu y ______ IB \ /LJ IIJI Yz 1 I ,j . i . a Saturday - I A wonderful selection A A A I $2.00 Ladies Fancy Kimonos, with' A "■ f Ladies' Shoes in black _ . . of materials to choose Mil I ml w satin ro owediers < un hutr a !;nd p S AtOldTimePnces i 1 % wA trimmings PX .OO \ 4 not all sizes in $1 QQ raii|feaa //' I | sale Friday and Satur- fI?L |_||| 1 vg S 98c Ladies' Dressing A Q iAt Old Time Prices any one style. . ; WSSm ' A $2 00 Ladles' Silk Hose, $1.48 ' from browns. Ll C flrnllM h dXr * Xlllic i lICCC3 r Ladles' Dark Brown Kid ■■f/• / \ brwm and gray • | gra y S , light and dark AA I S Cques mkJK* A t r Shoes, 8-inch tops, / jT 1 Ladles' Silk llose, black and 0"! QO I mixtures, in sizes 6 I / Di ' ti nn 1 ar^^A , Hpflw /* A A Children S Sweaters, frl 1Q S military heels, imitation ZA j# 1 brown, $3 value ( to 17 fy %J %%J\J rj n fitted Skim 7 69c value up to $2.00 $1.19 J tips.Spe- $5>25 JS - £ Iffi SI.OO Ladies' Heavy Flan- 70 i Ladies' all wool Coat Sweaters; ) Military 60c Ladies'silk liale Hose, btack, 3g c ( terials for long service; all AO , nelette Skirts iBC A value up to (9 AO i heels, long straight tip / / white, brown and gray , sizes. Priced special JOC | ■ neiette oKirtS 9 kj\. 4 Conn .n.l Twfi X vamps; splendid Q/l A A A***. i 08c Ladles' Silk Lisle Hose, black, 4Q r t w , .. .. , . , I VI - £ ( values $4.90 J white, brown and gray 48 C Wool m''en® l . I lined i 1 lA WA ..... . m h, n ;j or „ mm a Rnvc' Pnat nirmr Cut.at.r c- A Men's Dark Brown/ Ijadles' Cotton Hose, black, 97c \ Hiade. Special while they B* 1 /6f\ J A coats, embroidery 70 Boys Coat Slip-over Sweaters, f Blucher Shoes, Goodyea vl Jr white, gray and brown ) last . .$1.49 t Si if" trimmed fOt i values up to J QQ ▼ welts; ail Ladies* Pure Silk Hose in all shades, QC. I „ Ki LP Rnnoalow Anrons extra 4 $3 - 50 <D 1 .O%J £ s'" B * first quality, all sizes \ Boys Knee Pants for Q 1 1Q \ El kV[ Bungalow Aprons, extra OQ # i , CHILDREN'S SHOES 58c BOJS- and Girls' Hose, black on_ I school, size 6to 17 sl.l it ' Wi I good gingham U7L 4 Ladies' Fibre Silk and Wool f Bo >' 8 Dark Tan Blucher School Shoes, made for hard white and brown Oi/C \ I W4 Vjk Fancy Kimonos. Special QQ £ Slip-over Sweaters with £ 'l™. . 2 *. , t0 . 6 ". . BP ®: $3.95 Boys-m.d Girls' Fine Ribbed, £7c I overalls ' in khaki; 47f I' SP worth donhle CiHC 4 sleeves: value up QO Qfh £ Children's Black Kid Shoes with black dj-l QO black and brown 1 75c value ti C i i •• $3.90, Sl ' 9 ° 48c \ Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants, d* . QQ i K !K5 monos, worth double $ 1.79 £ Ladi f s ' Wool Coat Sweaters, £ W. L. DoUfflaS ShOCS 17c ( extra flne r,bbed 01 .JO Wl Wa Ladies' Bloomers, white O Q Va r( U l;7 U nn t c; 6 - X> lX? Q0 i We are akents 'or thp famous Douglas Shoes. 20c Ladles' Black Hose, all 14r f B ° yS Rompers ' sizes U P 90/, I \fg on l y 6jC £ Special 4>%> .o/tr 4 Most every one knows their reputation for wear. sizes I^'C \ to 9 CaJC I HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. 9