6 MOTOR TO THIS CITY Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M. Vockel. of Pittsburgh, motored to this city to spend the week with Mrs, Vockel's mother, Mrs. Cha'les E. Landis, 1630 Green street. Mrs. Landis, Miss Mar garet Landis and Luther Landis will accompany them upon their return to their home. ! Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If It has to do with Mowers or anything that "grows," consult us— THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second Dinner Thursday Kve., Sept. 11 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 X. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50c Chicken Corn Soap Deef Steak—Drown rravy— Crcnntcd Chicken Breaded Yenl Cutlet—Hoant Beef Mil-shod or llrowned Sweets New Limn Beans—Corn on Cob— Kntree lee Cream—l*le or Pudding Coffee, Tea or Cocoa r— \ Voss Electric Solves the clothes wash ing problem. Aside from high cost of laundry, your washing is done just as you want it. EASY PAYMENTS Neidig Bros., Ltd. 22 South Second St. 1 NOTICE!!! | j Our Store, at 1308 North Third, street, is now . prepared to serve you with a complete line of H Staple Groceries at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. § The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. jjj ______ aj BERNARD R. MAUSERT New Organist Grace M. E. Church Pianoforte and Organ Instruction Excellent facilities provided for organ practice on the great | Austin organ when installed. Temporary Address—P. O. Box 1255, City f FRANK A. McCARRELL Organist and Choirmaster Pine Street Presbyterian Church Instructor of PIANO—ORGAN—HAE MONY 43 organ pupils have secured church positions in Harris burg and vicinity. Studio, -HO Woodbine Street =J r ' ' Reefers For the School Girl j An ideal coat for the school girl. For the < j Fall days when it is still too early to Tj/ ~rCl I . wear the heavy coat. I |\ j Norfolk style. Others in Navy Blue Serge ' braid trimmed and with naval insignia, j t I All Wool Sweaters H n. FOR PLAY AND SCHOOL AL L_^ Blue, Brown and Rose. Priced Extremely Low. Sizes 2 to 6 years. MARY ELIZABETH SHOP 109 N. Second St. this exceptionally offer seven (7) H. M. Reverting, at- Kdgnr Kiln*, formerly tuched to Centrul Optical Unit. tarhcd to Byt. Ear, Nose and Clinic. Dane IHHPI^^BJHuHBI^HHBI Our scientific eye examlna- Special Attention to Cliildren's Eyes _ , ... _ j tion (no drops used) guaranteed K"i;, r r. ,r Our scientific Eye examina ; Alunr.lnlco Frame, fitted with Kllll & levelling, t.on large, flat, spherical e|"| RntTPrc or without shell rims, fitted with ! lenses. Complete ° I,OU JAUgCI S large, flat, spherical IfcO QQ Registered under the laws of lenses. Complete .... uoi-ttu Pennnylvnnln • A. M to S P. M. 302 Market Street J THURSDAY EVENING, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS Church Board Entertains Members of U. B. Choir Members of the Official Board of the Deiry Street United Brethren Church entertained the choir on Tuesday evening: at a motor party to Linglestown followed by a chicken and waffle dinner at the Senate Hotel. The guests, members of the largest choir in the city, included Mrs. Rob ert A. Boehringer. Mrs. Howard E. Gensler. Miss Edna E. Landis, Miss Leola Shope, Miss Ruth C. Shope, Mrs. \V. 1. Sickles, Miss Violet Cleland. Miss Miriam E. Ulrich, Boyd J. Crouse, Cecil S. Holmes, W. I. Sickles, George X. Wilson, Mrs. D. Clark Hawley, Mrs. Frank A. Manley, Miss Clara F, Monn. Robert A. Boehringer, Donald G. F.golf William A. Fenical. Frank A. Manley. Harry B. Mark, Charles 8. Spangler, F. Carlton Donmoyer, Stanley A. Wen pert, Howard E. Gensler. director; Rhoda M. Desenberger, organist. Additional guests were H. A. Sherk, chairman of Musical Committee, who acted as toastmaster for the occa sion; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Hibsh lr.an. the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ly ter, H. L. Carl and Miss Leola Sickles. COFFEE 40c, 45c, 50c PEANUTS 25c lb. f SPECIAL NOTICE | Office will be closed only Sept. 13 to 21 Dr.J.B.Lawrence Chiropodist 204 Market Street V THE CAFETERIA Thors. Sept. 11, 11 it. m. to S p. m. Consomme, 9c Navy Bean Soup, 10c Chicken croquettes with Cream Dressing, 23c Roast Ham with wine sauce, 32c Fricasseed Lamb with rice, 28c, Mashed potatoes, sc, Brown Potatoes, 9c Stewed tomatoes. 9c Corn on the cob, 9c String Beans, 9c Chocolate pudding. 10c LINEN SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECTj Miss Dorothy Chubbuek Is Honor Guest at Last Night's Event Miss Ruth Baker, 1604 Green street. | entertained last evening at a linen j shower in compliment to Miss Doro- I thy Chubbuek whose marriage to | Charles Weikel, of Bethlehem, will j take place the latter part of this month. A dozen linen napkins wore presented to Miss Chubbuek and were hemmed by the other guests during the course of the evening. A decorative scheme of pink and white was effectively carried out with cosmos and asters. Refreshments were served in the dining room where a cluster of asters graced the j tiny table with tiny kewpies, dressed | in pink as favors. The place cards I were miniature baskets tilled with j flowers. The invitation list included: V.iss ] Jean Allen, Miss Katherine Phillips, Miss Ruth Baker, Miss Catherine Balsley, Miss Nora Sherk, Miss Kath arine Silver, Miss Margaret Reeder, Miss Helen Bennethum, Mrs. 4. Don ald Carpenter, Mrs. Samuel Faekler, Mrs. Manley, T. Chubbick and Mrs. | W. H. H. Baker. RETIRXS TO CARLISLE W. Lowrie Kay, of Philadelphia, for- j merly of this city, has returned to ; Carlisle to resume his gtudit/ at the Dickinson School of Law. He '.a a member of Beta Theta PI fraternity, and of the Union Philosophical So ciety. Mr. and Mrs. J. William Bowman ! and family having returned to the I city after an enjoyable stay in At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Miller went home to Pittsburgh to-day after a week's outing In the country near here. DR. G. A. ZIMMERMAN, i having returned from the ! Army, announces the reopen- ! | ing of his offices at 1409 Market St. il mmi ... w i i / 1 |i Have Your _ 1 Eyes Examined ... by an experienced, reg- Istered optometrist of ' ( many years In the pro- [ j ,"j fession. j Good glasses, includ ing a thorough exnml- ll'j nation of the eyes, us X j| 52.50 1 i P. J. Baumgardner ■ Registered Optometrist .. With If | 206 Market Street :-jp Chic Serge Dresses S2O Value for $14.75 Beautifully tailored Sense*—some plain tail ored; Nome braid-trim med. Tb y're specially of fered at this remarkable reduction for th|* week end only. All *lse*, 10 to 40. I 27 N. Second St. I I BLAJRRISBURG TELEGRXPH GIFTED SINGER BECOMES A BRIDE Miss Murgarette F. Sparvcr Marries Howard Kooker, Jr., of Quakertown, at Her Home There x was a pretty home wedding solemnized at the residence of Alt. and Mrs. John Kraley, 1645 North Sixth street at high noon to-day,, when their granddaughter Miss I Alargarette Sparver was united in j [marriage with Howard Kooker, Jr., of Quakertown, Pa. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Fit ting, of Quakertown, before an altar of palms and hydrangeas. The bride wore an exquisite frock of white Georgette crepe over satin : and carried a shower of bride roses. ' There were no attendants. Following a wedding breakfast the ■ young couple left for a wedding ! journey including Scranton, Dela i ware Water Gap and the Poconos. They will he "at home" after October 1 in Quakertown. The bride is a graduate of the Central High school, 1914 and a talented vocalist, a pupil from the I Phillips studio. She has been em , ployed two years as stenographer in the General Alanager's Department of the Bethlehem Steel Company. | Mr. Kooker is the son of Air. and Mrs. Nelson Kooker, of Quakertown, is a graduate of the Danguard school class of 1917. He has recently re ceived his discharge from the Sani tary Corps, after two years' service as lieutenant at Camp Greenleaf, Ga. He is engaged in business in Quakertown. Young People Enjoy Cornroast Along Creek A party of young people from this city, Alilltown and York, spent a most delightful evening at a corn roast. near Alilltown, along the Yel low Breeches Creek. After playing games and singing songs, the party gathered about the fire and told stories, prior to a sup per of roasted corn, rolls, grapes and toasted marshmallows. Those present' were the Misses ■ Anna AI. Hertzler. Delia Mae Simon- I etti. Gene Swope, Sarah Alanahan, Helen Alanahan, Helen Burris, Paul ine Huntzberger, Alma Shutt. lolan the Greer, Margaret M. Richert, Margaret Turner, Alargaret John son, Dora Billet, "Midge" Kreider, Margaret Garman. Aliss Hamilton. Air. and Mrs. Ralph Sotzing. Alessrs. Paul G. Eshleman, Lester Bushey, I-eon S. Simonetti, Charles Spttngler, "Dou" Getnperling, Edgar Meloy, ( Merle Shutt. Charles Crist, "Jake" j Harter, "Bill" Flickinger, William [Leßue Shaub, Clifford Wingard. j The party was chaperoned by Mr. I and Airs. John AlcMorris. Miss Rae Volk, oi N. Y., Is Honor Guest at Luncheon Miss Jeanette Claster, o( Cottage Ridge, entertained at luncheon yes terday at the Penn-Harris in compli ment to her guest. Miss Rae Volk, of New York. Masses of lavender] asters, relieved with touches of j bronze, formed the centerpiece. Miss I Claster's other guests were Mrs. Henry C. Claster, Miss Mildred As trich. Miss Mary Kinzer, Miss Sylvia Claster, Miss Lillian Kamsky, Miss Marion Strouse, Miss White, of Suit Lake City, Miss Marguerite Wild man, Miss Helen Kelley. Mis-; Kathe rine Kelley, Mrs Jo r -tor, Mrs. Morris Jacobsoi- toy Adler, Mrs. Irvin ss Lenore Rosenthal, Hi. ,ox baum. Miss Clarissa Miss ] Adele Claster. | Miss Alice Musgrove, of Second i and Herr streets, is home after a i vacation trip to Washington, D. C. i and with her niece Miss Sarah H. Hamer went to Port Royal to-day to attend the annual fair. Miss Pearl Thompson, of Erie, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George W. Thatcher of Penn street. Captain and Mrs. Henry M. Gross will soon occupy the residence 1622 North Second street, recently the 1 home of the Rev. Dr. J. Bradley 1 Markward. pastor of the Bethlehem 1 Lutheran church. Elwood Bankes and his sons Hon iard and Ellis F. Bankes, of Phila delphia, are in town for a few days, | visiting among relatives and old i friends. i Miss Margaret Walker of Phila i delphia, is visiting her aunt. Miss Ellen K. McCGlloch at 1202 North ! Second street. I Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wells land daughters the Misses Edith and 1 Selma Wells, of Buffalo. N. Y.. are ■ in the city for a week's visit with J their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Garner, of Market street. I Miss Jean Throne, of Boas street | has returned to the city after a •month's stay among relatives in j York. j Mrs. Emma Baker McNeal, of | 1 "05 North Second street, is home after a pleasure trip to Atlantic City and visits with friends in New i York City and Allendale, j Herbert F. Howard and his ehil- I dren Miss Alma F. Howard, of Pitts | burgh, are stopping for a while with ] their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles iT. Forbes, of State street. Miss Elsie Irving and her brother Saul H. Irving went home to Wash- I ington D. C. to-day after a summer's | stay among relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. John A. Marshall, of 235 4 | Derry street, has returned home from Accoquam. Va., where she was recuperating after an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boas, 108 Boas street, are in town after a trip to Atlantic City -and a visit with relatives in Mauch Chunk. Mn announcement under f/ite heading must be accompan ed bp name to assure orcuracy.) Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Branyan, 60 North Twelfth street, announce the I birth of a daughter, Mary Catherine : Branyan, Saturday, September 6, 19i;. Mrs. Branyan was formerly Mlaa Mary McHale. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hoster, of Penbrook, announce the birth of a daughter, Eltanore Virginia Hoster, Sunday, September 7, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bixler, 511 Seneca street, announce the birth of a daughter. Marybel Bixler, Mon day, Sept. 8, 1919, at the Keystone Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Swartz, 1152 1-2 Market street, announce the birth of a daughter, Jeanne Bar ■ hour Swartz, Friday, August 29, (1919. Prior to her marriage Mrs. . Swartz "was Mips Martha Barbour. j [Other Social News on Page 18.] Surprise Country Party Given to Miss Pollock The surprise picnic given to Miss Rachel Pollock at her country place, "Crooked Acres." Bowmansdale yes terday afternoon Was enjoyed by the , following members of her Sunday j | Sch X) 1 class of the Fine Street Pre.-'by- j I terian Church: Mrs. David Bowman. I Mrs. William Lewis. Mr. nnd Mrs. I Mottern, Mr. and Mrs. William Slcnz, j Mrs. Claude Wolf. Mrs. Ripley. Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. John Hemperly, Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. William Slack, Sir. nnd Sirs. William I Bennett, Mrs. Frank Suavely, Sir. and ' Sirs. J. Harry Slessersmith. Sir. Slur- ! ray. Sirs. PeWitt Fry. Stiss Rachel 1 Pollock. Dr. Slartha Pollock and Slissi Marjlia IX'hlor. Plans for the winter activities of th® class were discussed- ' The Harrisburg Academy harrisburg, pa. 15 r° un^ d W "fl Bnd chartered in ISO 9. The Harrisburx Acadeniv has maintained an uninterrupted corpo rate existence. For several years the school has graduated twenty-five t-j thirty younir men. all of whom ha\o continued their studies in a score or more of universities and professional schools. The school reopens for its 136 th year of service with the strong est teaching staff and the largest en rollment of pupils, in its history. Additional class room facilities have been provided for the increased en rollment. There will be no military uniforms used this year. Calisthenics and outdoor sports will be substituted in the place of military drill. Build ings are open for inspection and clas sification of pupils. The prospectus for 1919-20 Is sent upon request. September 22. 9 a. in., organization of lower school. September 23. 9 a. m., lower school begins. September 23, 9 a. m., new boys register and classify. September 24. 9 a. m„ Academy opens. ▼▼▼ T T T ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ T ▼ ▼ T 4T WTTyTTTTTTy 1 ? ▼ ▼ ▼ : SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE • ► 4 ► Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better ] ► I : Scan These Early Fall Bargains, . Housekeeper, if • ; You're Interested in Making the Pocket-book Cover I the Greatest Number of Household Needs : - ► Each department contributes its share of Early Fall Bargains in this great Week-end Offering, un- 4 * til the entire family can be supplied with the little needfuls for which they've all been waiting. < ► Art Department House-Hold Needs Ladies' Neckwear Men's Furnishings ? ► 18-inch Stamped I.inen Con- Quart size Oil o' Cedar Polish, Children's Ties, 350, 45c. 98c value Men's Dress Shirts, ter-pieees, 25c. 39c. Peter Thompson Tics, 09c, 95c made with laundered cuffs, 4 SI 35 Stnmned Batiste Gowns, Galvanized Wash Boilers Boudoir Caps, 29c to 98c. sizes 14 to 17, at 59c. 4 v -* 1 ' 35 Stamped Batiste uowns, Galvanized Wash Boilers, Ladles' Wash Collars, 50c, 98c Men's Dark Blue and Black , ► ' ' Ladies' Georgette Collars, Satine Work Slilrts, all sizes, 91.25 Stamped Made-up Cro- Tomato Sieves, 20c. 50e, 98c. 88c. 4 tonne Laundry Bags, 79c. Aluminum Jar Fillers, 29c. Children's Pique Collar and Men's Dress and Work Sus- 4 ► 36-inch Stamped Center- Canning Racks, 8-jar size 65c. Cuf * Sets, 50c. ponders, in dark and light col pieces, 50c. GnlvDol Buckets 30c 35c White and Colored Ruffling, ors, made with leather ends, 4 ► 42, 45, 50-inch Stamped Pil- eo ,- Buckets, 30c, 35c, 29< . t() 00 ynr<l 20c, 39c, 50e. \ ► low Cases. 91.39 pair. ' 4dc ' Ladies' Collar and Vest Sets, Boys* Suspenders, 25c, 35c. B. M. C. and C. M. C. Crochet | Gas Mantles, 10c to 30c. j 500, 98c. 50c Silk Four-in-hand Ties, 4 Cotton, white, ecru and colors 9c 10-qt. Granite Berlin Kettles, all colors and combinations, 39c. ~ , Large Wood Knitting Needles, 98c. D J B/l J 11/ 91.23 Men's Balbriggan Union 29c pair. Scrub Brushes. 10c, 15c, 20c. Ready Vllade IT eOT Suits, short sleeves and ankle 4 ► Stamped Library Scarfs, 59c , ... * lengths in Ecru and Dark Gray . , to 75c. I Dusf.Brusl.es, 35e, 49c, 75c. j chHdren s Dresses, 39c, 48c, mixed, all sizes, 98c. < Ijvrgo assortment Metal and Radiator Brushes, 25c. 59c, 69e. 98c Men's Otis make Balbrig- 4 ► Shell ling Tops, 50c to $1.98. Galvanized Garbage Cans, Children's Romper.-;, ECc, 69c, S an Shirts and Drawers, all Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, i 59c, 79e, 98c, $1.29, $1.59. 880. sizes, 79c garment. 4 sc. 10c, ► Men's Colored Handkerchiefs, 45c, 75c. and all colors and sizes, 19c. 7c, 12 15c, 19c. Lace and Embroidery Babies' White Dresses, 390, 4 *■ Colgate's Toilet Waters and ' 50e. 59c. 69c, 73c. " n , . 4 ► Perfumes, I3e, 45c. Battail Braid. 82e bolt. i Babies' Suequcs. 50c, 75c, 980. UYeSS and Piece Goods ► ,a Ph r ßraph An,,,n,s ' 15c ' 19 °' Sutael.c Braid, 35e bolt. £ tt P s ' " c ' 50t ' H r 29c, 39c. ! Babies Shoes, _!> c. Dress Gingham, 27 Inches j y Companions, 10c, 35, 48c, 65c. Colored Tassels, from 8c to Boys' Heavy Bloomers, 08e. wide, 45c value, neat plaids and School Bags, 25c, 50c. - s < - - Boys' Blouses, 13c. stripes. Special 35c yard. 4 ► Children's Slates, 10c, 25c. Black Tassels, from 'Bc to 75c. Ladies' Aprons. 29c, 39c, 48c, Plain Blue and Striped Shirt- . ► Tablets, sc, 10c, 15c, 25c. Dress Girdles, 31.00 and SOc > ® 9c - I* lo - higs for boys' school waists, 39e , Twine, sc, 10c, 15e, 19c. $2.25 . value. Special, 29c yard. 4 ► Boxed Stationery, 15c, 19c, Fringes from 81 00 to $3 25 I I J I .L Juvenile Cloth, 32 inches wide. . ► 25c, 35c, 50c. ; s . Jewelry and Leather Dial., colors and stripes, .-,9 c < Infants' Black and White Rib- Colored Drops, from 5c to 19c. value. Special, 48c yard. 4 ► bed Hose, 29c. 39c. Colored Dress Fancies, from (j 00aS Peggy Cloth, 32 Inches wide, • . Children's Black Fine Ribbed 25e to 75c. neat stripes, nlso plain colors, Hose. 35c. 42c. 48c. j ,j c t Iridescent Trimming, Large Silk llaiul-bags, 98c worth 59c. Special, 30c yard. 4 ► Boys' Black Ribbed Hose, from 59c to $1.25. $1.45. Dark Gray and Light Outing . 25c, 29c. milord Ilrai.ls from <■ Medium size Poeketbooks 98c. Flannel, in stripes. Extra 4 Boys' Black Ribbed Hose, 69c. ' Children's Silk Hand-bags, heavy, 27 Inches wide, 23c, 29c, 4 y lollies' Black and Wldte Silk ' 25c and 50c. 33c, 35c yard. . Lisle Hose, 59c. Ear-rhigs, all colors, 25c and Table Damask, 54 to 82 inches 4 . Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, A/n#rnn 50 °' wide, extra heavy quality, 65c, 4 19c, 25c, 29c. IIUUUH3 Large assortment of Beads, 75c, 85c, 98c yard. ► Ladies, Black Silk Hose, 65c, . 0 ,. c all colors, 25c to $1.48. Silkaline and Cretonne, neat 4 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.98. Dress Shields, 30c, 33C, 39c Playold Band Rings, 25c. patterns for comfort coverings, 4 p pair. Large Cameo Brooches, 50c. 25c and 33c yard. - , ► ~ . Skirt Belting, Bc, 10c, 25c, Large assortment of Cameo Plain White, Ecru and Cream 4 Muslm Underwear 35c y ard ' Rings, 25c ami SOe. Marquisette, plain with pretty . • Pearl Buttons, sc, 10c card. Patent Leather and Kid borders, 36 Indies wide, 35c and ► Indies' Corset Covers, 25c, Hooks and Eyes, 7c, 8c card. Kelts, in all color s, 25c and 50c. 39c yard. '4 29c, 35c, 59c. Snftn f. as tcners 5c 8c dozen Dress Goods Cotton nnd Wool *■ ladies' Combination . Suits, Snap tasteners, sc, 8c dozen. mixed, 36 Inches wide, 80c, 75c, 4 ► 59c 65c. 75c, SI.OO. "air Ca P shA P°- "*• RlbboHS SI.OO. $1.25 yard. '4 Ladies' Gowns, SI.OO, $1.50. I 5c > 2oc cacli. Silk Poplins, 36 Inches wide, ► Ladies' Bloomers, 75c. Lasting Cotton, 3c, 5c a Fancy Hair Bow Ribbons, all colors, $1.29 yard. 4 v Ladies' Drawers, 59c, 75c, 85c. I spool. 42c, 50c, 59c. Wool and Cotton Plaids, 36 4 ladies' Skirts, 59c, 75c. Children's Hose Supporters, Silk and Satin Brocades, 59c, Inches wide, 75c and SI.OO. ► ladies' Brassieres, 50c, 05c. 25c, 27c, 29c. 75c, 79c. Black Satin Messaline, 36 4 Children's Drawers, 25c, 29c, Twine Shopping Bags, 25c, Persian Ribbons, 29c to 59c. Inch wide, $1.39, $1.59, $1.69, 32c 35c, 42c, 48c, 50c, 55c. 35c. 39c. Narrow Wash Ribbons, 6c, $1.89, $1.98 yard. y ' "children's Princesses, 50c, 69c Shell and Amber Side Combs, 7c, 9c. Tussah Foulards, 36 inches 4 Children's Skirts, 39e, 650. ] 10c, 15e, 10c, 25c, 50c. j Velvet Ribbons, 12 to 59c. j wide, 69c yard. ► wgk New Fall Millinery * ► * n our mil,incr y department you will find every one of the new j, modes for Fall. Smartness and correctness of their style enjoys j/| T 4 jwkltJ equal place with the very decided values offered at such low prices. /M\ 4 ► Velvets, Satins, Silks, Velours, Brocades and ► ( J vJl Panne Velvets \j| 4 ► J turbans, sailors, side effects, tarn crowns and so on. : V'S $1.29 to $9.88 t!*" : i^SOUTTER'SI : u dfh 25 Cent Department Store ► Where Every Day Is Bargain Day J 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse A A A A A. A. A. .A L A A A. A. A A~ A~ A" A'A" A ~A~A~ A- A" A- IV. . Miss Margaretta Swartz. 129 l'lne street, accompanied by ber niece. Miss Carrie Reily. left for Carlisle, where they were called by" the serious ill ness of Miss Charlotte Hoffer. MURRY HILL TURKISH BATH Formerly IVnit-llnrrin 15 North Market Sq. IT URN Building NOW OPtS—DAY AND SKillT Expert Attendants From New York in Charge. Ladies' Dny—Monday and Thurs i day from 9 a. m. until 9p. m. This bath Is the best you can tind anywhere and is run on high class principles only. INSPECTION INVITED j V. . i < September is School Month If Your Child Needs Glasses Consult us. Don't delay. Many a child is backward at school because of eye trouble. Proper glasses will remedy the fault. CRX 6£ohl.lftinkcnbach JeTvoust OPTOMETRISTS ANO OPTICIAN* No 22 N. 4TH.3T. JIARRISSUnO. PA* "Where (•■asses Are Made Itlglit" SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. ARE YOU GOING TO "BECKLEY'S" IN SEPTEMBER? "IT'S THE BEST SCHOOL" , SEE AD PAGE TWO School Children's Glasses Ten Days Only If a rhlltl IN backward In Nchool don't lay the whole hlnme on In* difference—have hi* eye* examined. You'll very probably find the i onNucr there. llrlnK the child here, wc won't unc drop* and won't choree for examination. Kxtrn larec round RIMNRe* with rims fitted with first quality ICONCM. Spectacle C ||/| framcN guaranteed ten years. During: the gj J next ten days only / RUBIN & RUBIN 320 Market St. OVER THE HUB Bell Phone 426-J EatabllNhed 15 Yearn I ByenlKht Speclnllntn. Open Saturday nnd Wednesday Evenings
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers