Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 11, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 r I ¥Ol Would Find Work foe Mist. Ask For it-Use tic Classified Columns j ■■■UBBKAi-ins; ,1;- ::i l IM 1911111*8 Deaths STERLING—Mrs. Susan C. Ste-linj, wile of the late William B. starling, died Tuesday at 9 p. 111. at her late home, 240 Hummel Street, aged 14 yeers. Funeral services Friday at 2 i>. m. th. Rev. J. A. Hytor officiating. Burial in East HatTl.iburg ceme tery. LOST AND FOUND LOST—SI 9 in the neighbor hood of 13th and Albert Sts. The party who found this money is known and to avoid further trouble please return same to this office. LOST—Spectacles and case, prob- i ably Broad St. market Wednesday, i Suitable reward. Phone 3177J or Box H-8209. LOST —Thursday morning on Sec ond, between Hamilton and Reily, pair of glasses in black case. Reward if i returned to 1617 N. Second St. ! LOST—Near 18th and State, a gold, and platinum pin with pearl setting, 1 Return to 1822 Park St. __,! INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithmo tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at hny tune. , Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S EUSINESS COLLEGE, 181 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. | '- " | HELP WANTED—MALE X EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED FOR PLANERS. JBORING MILLS AND DRILL . 'iTRESSES. ALSO BLACK SMITH WHO IS ACCUS- • j TOMED TO WORK UNDER i HAMMER; GOOD WAGES; | NO LABOR TROUBLE. AP PLY TO CHAMBERSBURG ENGINEERING COMPANY, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. 1 — THE GLOBE GCas good openings for experienced 'talesmen in the following depart- ] Bents: MEN'S CLOTHING DEPT. MEN'S FURNISHING DEPT. MEN'S HAT DEPT. Permanent positions with good sal- 1 aries and excellent opportunities for 1 advancement. All communications confidential. Apply to Mr. Deckman, I Employment office. The Globe, 3--- 824 Market St _ WANTED Car repairmen at P. R- R, I shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. . Lucknow and Enoia. g . I WANTED—Two first class meat' cutters and counterman. Apply Bueh- i ler Bros.. 432 Market St. j MACHINISTS and machinist's help- j ers. pip titters and pipe fitters' help- \ ers, blacksmiths and blacksmiths' ! helpers, hammermen and hammermen j helpers, iron moulders, millwrights. I electricians. handymen, carpenters and carpenters' helpers, car repair- j men wanted for large plant out of j town, open shop, no labor trouble, t Good conditions, standard wages. ; steady work. About 200 men wanted ( for above positions. State age and ex- j perierice. Address X-8199 care Tele- 1 giaph. | LABORERS wanted at once , good | wages; steadv work; chance for ad vancement. Apply Employment Bu reau Central Iron and Steel. AGENTS, salesmen, a new Ford car j free or S4OO in cash for selling only 1 fiftv automobile tires. Dauphin I Agency. 274 Pine, Millersburg. Pa. J WANTED —A good boy over 16 for deliverv work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co", 208 North Second St. WANTED —Middle aged colored i man to run elevator: good wages and ! inside work. Apply Manager, Penn-I Harris Hotel. WANTED Experienced window ! trimmer and card writer in men's: clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 12U.U00. Uood oppor-I tunity for right man; must be steady | and reliable; state reference and sal-1 urv. l-8018 care Telegrapn. ! WANTED —Experienced young man for soda dispenser. Apply at once to Sweetlund Confectionery, 331 Market SI reel. ' WANTED —Delivery boy, over 16 years: one with bicycle preferred. Ap ply at once, Modern Shoe Repairing 1 Co.. 504 Market street. j iCuiitim.i o in Next Column -—, - .T-~.Tr. FOR SALE Tbree Fine Farms Dauphin Co., 127 acres, 13• miles ! from Harrisburg; sand and loam soil, rolling and level; improved with new, modern stone and frame bank burn with 2 floors; 2(5-story 1 brick house; painted, with 8, rooms, in tine condition. All the j buildings are ill splendid condi- ' tion. Perry Co.. 83 acres. 15 miles j from Harrisburg; 011 the Newport Road; 30 acres cultivated; rolling soil; 3 acres woodland; improved, with 7-room frame house, re- [ \ modeled; new frame hank burn, I painted uliite, with 2 II <..-s: all 1 outbuildings in good condition. ; Dauphin Co, i;i! acres, 12 miles ) Harrisburg; iron and sand- I A stone soil, level and rolling; 90 1 f .ores cultivated. 24 acres lowland; I j 520 acres woodland, large orchard:! '! mproved with 10-room frame ( ; ij h .use, painted, and In good condi- 1 ) |i ton: frame hank harn, in good con- I l ■edition: 2 wells; all necessary out-6 1 n buildings. jj ' ! Miller Brothers & Co. t KKA. UNTAT:: INSLHANCEI I.OCC.ST VM) COl'liT ST*. t , S'. ItK'l'V UOND* f > :>'b " i'.hx. tie-: Hx.ua- S'or I J 1 ( ■ t ~1 ' THURSDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE t WANTED Twc young men for out-of town special newspaper campaign. Salary, commission 1 and expenses. Apply Saturday j between 5 and 6 p. m., 916 j 1 North Sixth St. See Mr. 1 Young. ,| ' li. J. Ileinz Co., Fourth and Kelker j Streets, offer an opportunity to young man to enter their office organization,! an applicant with ability and willing-, ncss to work hard can establish a j future for himself worth while. Reply 1 in town hand writing, stating age, 'birth, weight and experience, also j salary desired. ,1 1 WANTED —Boys over 16 years to! bale mattresses. United States Matt : ress Co.. 12th and Herr Sts. ; ! WANTED—Experienced driver. Ap- I Ply at cnce. Hbg. Taxicab Co. ! WANTED—A butcher with some i j experience to drive meat wagon. Ap ply 226 Chestnut St. j CARPENTERS wanted at once;! good pay; long job. Apply on Job. 21st and Market or H. T. Bayles. General! Contractor and Builder. 258 North St. GRASP the opportunity to-day u become an expert mechanic and chaui- ! j fer. We teach you between your ] ! working hours to become an expert | and for only seven dollars a week. I Learn a practical trade. Make appli- j I cation at once. Automobile and Aero- ; | plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. ! Cameron st., Harrisburg. Training! Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. 1 ACTIVE partner wanted by owner! !of 13a acres of good trucking, poultry. 1 fruit or grass land, located one and lone-half miles on P. and R. R. R. be-j tween two roads that are always good ' and a U. S., the other a state road. [ Same owns 46 and 48 Main street. No better location to serve well cooked. wholesome food, fresh from lour own gardens every morning while I the dew is yet on to our own tables {at a price that hungry travelers will [appreciate. Call on or address P. M. IMisliler, 46 and 48 Main Street. Get tysburg. Pa. LINOTYPE OPERATORS —Book work; steady situations; *3S per week; S4O for experienced book operato.s; I union. VAIL-Ballou Co.. Binghamton. i ! New York. I YOUNG MEN, 18-35. for railway i mail clerks and mail carriers. $l,lOO-1 1,500. For free particulars df examina- j tions write R. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner) 518 Continental; Blag., Washington. j | BOY over 16 for delivery and store | work, one with a little experience] I preferred. Kreidler's Grocery, Second] and Walnut Sts. WANTED —Party to take contract! for logging and cutting work yeat around. We pay on the sth and 20th! every month. Mills at Locks Valley. Shade Gap. Pa. ! PUDDLERS Roller hands and | heaters' helpers; open shop; out-of itown; no labor trouble; good wages; openings for several steady men; j state age; experience; married or! single. Box S-7592 care Telegraph. WANTED —Young man to qualify! .for well paying commercial position, j If you are looking for a position I where effort and initiative pay big i dividends, we want to hear from you. i i In replying state specifically present; I employers and phone us for appoint- | employers and phone for appoint- [ ! ment. Address Box H-9012 care Tele- i ; graph. | WANTED—First class blank book I forwarder. Also good casemaker. The I Smith Printing Co., Inc., Williams- ! : port. Pa. I CONTRACTORS wanted to load ' stone trucks. 35 and 6oc per truck. ] ! Bradley Quarries, west of Palmyra. | SEVERAL men with fairly good | : education, who want steady employ- ; •nieiu. with advancement possibilities,] at good salaries. State age, present land past employments. Only reliable; I men desired. Address W-2uo care ! Telegraph. ! I IIELI* WANTED—FEMALE ! WANTED! Our business is steadify in ■ creasing and we need experi i enced stitching room opera tors, also gills to leurn. If you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you I at work at once. If you can | operate a power machine and and want to work shorter I hours than at present at your present pay, or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill | td shoe operators. There Isn't ; u hi tter place to work Iji Har risburg thun our tactory and we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de- ] ponded on to work steady or | | conscientiously. j HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO., I . 1 4ns Vernon Street. I I m i I WANTED 1 ' I Experienced sewing machine oper-, alors. Regular and pleasant work and ; good wages. We ore also employing inexperi enced! operators who are paid whiiai learning. A bonus is paid every pay • day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., | Reily and Fulton Streets _ J WHITE woman to assist with gen-' eiai h.< use work. Call at 116 Chestnut] Street. j WANTED —A girl for general! housework, nc washing. Apply 1934 North Third St (Cunttu.ied In Next Column) 1 HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED AT ONCE FOLDERS GOOD WAGES AND BONUS BLOUGII MFG. CO., REILY AND FULTON STREETS I WANTED Experienced operators on power I sewing machines. beginners paid while learning. Our business is steaa ily iner<asing and plenty of raw ma terial guarantees steady work. Ideal work—under ideal conditions, in ideal plant. JENNINGS MFG. CO., 2012 N. Fourth St. I WANTED Weavers and leurners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILE Second and North Streets WANTED —At once, good cook for plain cooking, in a private boarding 1 house. Apply 1246 Market St. WANTED—A cook, also a second maid, reference required. Apply 2025 North l'ront. Bell 615. COOK WANTED —A female cook wanted at Tressler Orphans Home, ] Loysyilie. Pa. Good home and attrac tive surroundings. Apply to R. L. Dure, 1442 Market St., Harrisburg. i HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Apply after 4.30 p. m. at 2347 Camby St. Ref jorence required. j WANTED Experienced mangle girls. Apply Sanitary Family Wash ing Co., 10th and Elm Sts. WANTED —Girls for bindery work in printing office. Steady work; good wages. The Smith Printing Co., Inc., Williams] ort, Pa. VfANTED—White woman for dish washer. Apply Sweetland Confection jery, 331 Market St. j WANTED Reliable woman for ! general housework; no washing or iiioning Apply 2233 North Second St, I latter 12 o'clock. Bell 4435 R. j WANTED—Reliable girl for house work in family of four adults. Apply , 2233 North Second. Bell 3990 R. ' WANTED—Experienced salesladies I for millinery, waist and underwear | departments. Apply The Wm. B. 1 j Schleisner Stores. SALESLADY for Jewelry store. Give ' reference; state experience and wages desired. Address Box L-5205 ! care Telegraph. WANTED—A girl for general housework in small family. Call Bell 2541 11. | WANTED—Salesladies with ex perience. Apply Robinson & Co., Third and Broad Sts. | WANTED—Operators on plain sew ] ing mat bines; girls on trimming! ] tables; one experienced girl to get cut ; orders and take care of stock. Apply Hcrrisburg Apparel Co.. Sixth and | Herr Sts. WANTED—GirI over 18 for s-tenog ! raphy and typewriting. Apply Grand 1 Union Tea Co., 208 North Second St. WANTED—Dishwasher. Apply at' Alva Hotel, 19 South Fourth St. ] ! WANTED—GirI over 16 years of age for storework. Apply Grand : ,Unlon Tea Co., 20S North Second St. HELP WANTED—.MaIe uial Female ANY intelligent person, either sex,' may earn slou and upwards monthly j corresponding for newspapers; sls to j s2o weekly in spare time; experience' unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for! ] particulars. Northern Press Syndicate,! ! Lockport, N. Y. I WANTED—Man and wife at Trindle Inn, woman who understands cooking j and general housework, man must be | useful around house. Dial 143-L Me- ; ] chanicsburg. Bell 918-R2 I : 'i SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of open - 1 ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to slo,oou yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Xat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept. 603. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS for guaranteed Ford light and horn accessory. Big money maker. ! Exclusive territory open. Auto Light Control Co., so 9 Forest avenue, , . Brooklyn. N. V. , . SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE I COLLEGE st tdent must obtain parti I time employment to continue educa ! lion. Address C-8206 care Telegraph. j WANTED—Position as chauffeur by young man; can do own repairing and ] furnish rtiertnces. Call Be.l 1710. YOUNG man with live years' ex- I perienct as a foreman of a inanu- i laciuiiug concern, desires position! ' where hard work and a desire to gel ] ahead will be rewarded; best of ref etoiices. Address W-5503 care Tele-' graph. 1 VOUNG man experienced, wishes steady employment on truck and fruit turm. Slave particulars iu first letter. 1,-8204 care Telegraph. | WANTFL> —-Position as elevator' man by a middle aged man. Can tui - ! nlsh references. J. W. F., 311 Wa.nut! ; street. ! WANTED Position by man of 1 j ears' c>f experience in general furm ; ing and who is fainiliur with and can I repair all kinds of farm machinery, including stationary gas engines and ; I tractors. Understands the latest meth-i ods of making and keeping ensilage. Good reference. Address Box X-5197 i j care Telegraph. j | MAN wishes position as butler or 'porter in private family. Can furnish I reference Address Box YBI9B care ct: j Telegraph. ] I YOUNG man several years' selling experience, desires position where ] I hard work and desire to get ahead will be rewarded, will consider other I work with future assured. Best ref | erences. Address Box 0-8196 care of I Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE i j WHITE woman wishes position as! 'cook in private family. Can furnish ! reference. Address Box C-8081 care I j Telegraph. j ! WANTED —A girl 13 years of age,; one who can be trusted, would like to 1 I take care .of child or children after i school. Apply at 1312 Susquehanna Street. ! WOMAN wishes position as house keeper for a widower. Can furnish reference. Apply 1621 Chestnut St. 1 MOTHER and daughter wants housework or day's work of any kind, 'call after 4 p. m. at 1404 North] I James St. J WOMAN wishes small family wash ing to do at home. Apply 500 Brown street I (Coutiuued iu Next Column) j .f HAJRRISBtTRG TELEGRAPH iiiiiiiiiiiuuiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiHiiilliiilliiiiillllililllliliiliHiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHmiiiuuiiiuiniiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiHiHiHir.iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .yiiiiM ■ PL: CLASSIFIED ADS find desirable 1 boarders. If you are prepared to keep boarders it is imporant that you should know how and when to use the classified ads—for they afford you the means for making the business PAY. ■ 'IU ' si: - jiiiikMiiiM aiiiiiiy n f lit-f mi f SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE | WANTED—House work in private 1 [family by refined white woman. Can , furnish best of references. Address! Box O-5502 care Telegraph. WANTED—Clerical work by young I woman who has three years' experi-i ;enee. Can furnish best of reference. Address Box H-8501 care Telegraph. ! WANTED—Position as stenograph- ] ier or secretary by young woman hav-i ing had eight years' experience in! stenography and general office work. I 1 Attentive to duties and interested in' her work. Can furnish reference.! , Please address P. O. Box 790. ROOMS FOR RENT ! _ | FOR RENT—Furnished room on second floor, light housekeeping priv ileges. Apply 714 Capital Street. j i FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with ' hot and cold water; all conveniences Inquire 200 S. Front St., Steelton, or Dial 9459. j 209 Boas St.. large furnished front! bedroom. All conveniences. FOR RENT— beautiful fur- 1 nlshed room facing Capitol Park- all! [conveniences; private family. Ina'uire I 406 North St. qui.e , i FOR RENT—Furnished room in I private family; use of hath and phone I 1104 Walnut St. Bell 4154 J. FOR RENT—Furnished room, sec ond floor front; suitable for two per sons; centrally located. Inquire 226, South Second St. FOR RENT—Second story front, room; all modern conveniences: board if destted. Apply 125 Pine St. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, I one on second floor, one on third i floor, all conveniences. Bell phone.) , Apply 232 Harris St. | FOR RENT—Two third floor rooms j furnished for light housekeeping with j use of bath and phone; reference re-1 [quired. Call Bell phone 1805 R. FOR RENT —One large front room, hay window for party who boards out. I {Gentleman preferred. Also two com-l [ municating rooms, all on second floor, fine location. No children. Call Bell 'phone 2761 W. 1 FOR RENT—Furnished room on j second floor, use of phone, bath [Gentlemen preferred. Call Bell 5056 R. j 1 FOR RENT—Entire third floor, con-j ! sisting of two well furnished rooms,! bath; private family: most desirable] residential section, all conveniences,! I use of phone. Call 816 N. 17th St. | j FOR RENT —Pleasant lront rooms; 1 . furnished: all conveniences; gentle-j men preferred; reasonable rates. Both! j phones. 1549 State St. | ' FURNISHED bachelor apartment' front; suitable for two gentlemen;! separate beds; steam heat; electric! lights; bath; use of phone; rent rea- j sonable. Dial 4990 or Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 N. Third St. I NICELY furnished. clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 j South Third street. ROOMS WANTED ] WANTED —Two rooms and board; 'with private family for traveling: man. wife and daughter. Address Box | ; B-8202 care Telegraph. ; WANTED —One unfurnished room! for light housekeeping on the Hill I east of Sixteenth street. Bell phone! j 299314. i WANTED—By man and wife board] and room with congenial family In the city; man to be away part of the. ]time; would consider small furnished] apartment. Address Box 0-8243 care Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS ■ WANTED —By man and wife board! and rooms in congenial family, can] furnish own room, would consider [ small apartment, would prefer up-! town district. Address H-8207 care] Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT"—About one month, I [small well furnished apartment .for! .gentleman or lady with A 1 reference, centrally located, rent reasonable. Call 3029 Bell phone. i FOR RENT —Choice apartment, fine- ! !ly furnished, three rooms and tiled bath, centrally located, price reason- [ able, one or two gentlemen preferred. ; ] Address M-9U12 care Telegraph. FOR RENT —Second floor apartment] with light, heat. 4 rooms with use of , bath. Inquire 222 South 17th St. ! FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, j Apply at 1416 North Third Street. APARTMETS WANTED WANTED —At once heated and fur nished three-room apartment for light j house, keeping. Address Box M-8201. REAL ESTALE FOR SALE I CAMP HlLL—Bowman Ave., at Lo ' gan St.. semi-bungalow, 7 rooms and; i bath, lot 40x140, 6 fruit trees, front! I and side porch, gas and electric, j ; within one fare limit, elegant home, I can be seen by appointment. Apply, j LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, Patriot Building. FOR SALE—In Highsplre, If you are looking lor a business that will net ' you $3,000 to *5.000 a year at a bar -1 gain, see mo at once; property includ ing residence, store, ice cream parlor, • I large pool room, only pool room in • I town. Reason for selling, retiring I from business. Inquire W. J. Reeves. | 224 Mai ltet St.. Highsplre. Dial 9801. 1 (Continued in Next Column) imiuIuIuI^uIIIiUIIIU.IIIIIIIUIIIUIHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUUUUUUIiniIIIIUHIINIUI^IIiIHIIUIUUIIIUm I HI£AL KSTATE FOR SALE FOB SALE | Immediate possession, No. 6:;S Schuylkill St., an 8-room brick; porch; modern house wi{h all improvements. Apply | S. FREED MAN, Real Estate, Kunkel Bldg or 217 Peffer St. I ' 1 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | On Saturday, the 20th day of Sep j temper, 1910, the undersigned will sell her farm, known as the Bonner Farm, situated in Latimore township, Adams 'County, Pa., along the public road leading from Stambaugh's Mill to ; Deardorff's Mill and two miles I northeust of York Springs, adjoining lands of Joseph Lerew, Harry Brough and George Kinter, containing about j 240 acres, improved with two-story i large brick house with slate roof, i large bank barn in good condition i with three Uarn llpors, wagon shed. ■ corn cribs, hog pen and other neces sary out buildings, with running j water in the barnyard and a stream !of water flowing through the land. I About 40 acres of this farm is in I chestnut and oak timber, the balance |of the farm is tillable land in line ; fertile condition. About one-half of the tillable land lof tl;e farm is chestnut flint and well I adapted to the production of fruit; the balance of it is known as red land and is fertile and productive. Sale to be held on the premises at 1.30 o'clock p. m. when attendance jwill be given and terms made known | by Delilah Myers. i FOR SALE Front street residence River side: 3-story brick dwelling; large lot with garage in reur. Price right. Inquire of owner, I H. R. Omwake, 3113 North Front Street. FOR SALE—Furnished bungalow I cottage, Stoverdale; cheap to quick buyer. 2922 J. i FOR SALE—A 2%-story brick dwelling on Chambersburg turnpike at North Lemoyne; 8 rooms and bath: price reasonable. Apply Captain H. J. jMacDonald, 105 South Front St., Har -1 risburg. ! FOR SALE—62S, 627 and 633 Geary I street. Three-story brick dwellings. : all improvements, porch fronts. Will Ibe sold separately or as a group, i Small payment and mortgage can be ! arranged for balance. Will be sold ! cheap to quick purchasers. Unusually ; attractive proposition as an Invest ment or for those seeking a comfor , table home in desirable section. Ad ! dress for further particulars. J. p. Mc iCullough, care Telegraph, Harrisburg ; ! FOR SALE—I 933 North Third St. A I very iir.e detached 3-story pressed j brick house; 10 rooms, complete bath ] room on second and third tioors; also I toilet room on first tlcor. Finished in I oak throughout. Rooms are exception ally large. House has large windows on every side. Steam heat; all other j I improvements. Large front porch. This | house can be used for an apartment :if desired. Attractive price for a quick sale. Can be seen by appointment only i For particulars inquire, D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate. Insurance . FC'R SALE Three-story hrlek .warehouse; 14-inch walls; elevator' j size building and lot, 33x85 feet; cor ntr property; built in 1911; located in ! lfinO block, near Sixth St. Price only $4,300. Charles Davies, 1549 State at. Bell 1476VV. Dial 4930. j THREE mercantile buildings, well ilocated In growing business sections. : Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. | Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. ■ For Sale—Camp Hill. S. Main St.. pair of modern 2%-story frame dwell ings. including electricity. Lots 20x140 i feet. May be had at a bargain. Cash * c iter wanted. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar i kct St. i For Sale —Derry St.—No. 1817—Do i tached frame cottage house; steam j heat; electric light and hardwood i floors; lot 35x150 feet. An ideal home. 1 J. K. Gipple. 1251 Market St. For Sale —N. 17th St.—N. 82, S -1 room brick house with all improve ments. In very good repair. Price 1 53.X00. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market St. FOR SALE—NOW VACANT 531 Maclay Street; 3-story frame dwelling; 8 rooms and ! bath; gas; combination range; | lot 20x150 with double brick garage in rear on Violet st. i price reasonable. C O. BACKENSTOSS, Owner. Bell 112 Market St. Bell |7OO 3 "77J CAMP ST.. 622 —Building lot and I garage; accommodate live automo biles; lot 17x130 feet; street paved; water and sewer; rents for $25 per month; for sale at $1,200; a splendid investment. Inquire D. Lucas, real i estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis i street. i HOMES for colored families. 2Vi- I story frame with gus. electric lights, jbath. front and back porch; good 'chicken house; lot 22x115; house newly papered and painted, will ac cept monthly payments. Send for our list. Lincoln Realty Co.. 1129 North 7th Street. FOR SALE —Five room house along Linglestown trolley, third stop past Colonial Club. Inquire C. E. Hess. FOR SALE—3I.4 S. Second street. 3- story brick, 9 rooms; cement cellar; all household goods and furniture, piano Included. Price. $5,700. lu7 Chestnut, near Front. (Continued In Neat Column) j ii!!iiiiiiiiii!!iii!!ji:iiii>iiii;ii!i!iiiiijiii!jiiiiii!]iiiiiiiiiiiii]!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiitiiiii!ijiitiiir iiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiui j REAL KSTATE FOR SATE | HOUSES FOR SALE ■ EASY TERMS. PAY' AS RENT | CITY AND SUBURBAN Vacant. 2-stcry brick. SSOO down $2700 ( 3-story frame on Hill imp slßoo] 3-story frame, up-town SIBOO 214 -story frame, N. 2d St., imp., SSOO down $2500 3-story frame, single, corner, garage S3OOO 3-story brick, Berryhill St $3500 3-story brick, S. 14th St S3OOO Business site on N. 3d St., 40x210 $9500 3-story brick, cor.. Cloverly Hts. $4200 3-story brick on Emerald St S4OOO 3-story frame on Regina St., small bldg., on rear, hot water ] heat, elect, and gas S3BOO 3-story I,rick on Kelker St s2ooo] 3-story frame on Hill, ssou down $2500] 3-story block house on 6th St., I SSOO down $4500 Fine homes on N. sth St., up-to ! date $5300 'Vacant up-town 3-story brick.. .$5200 3-story brick, up-town. posses sion soon, S3OO down, pay as lent, all imp S3OOO j Fossession at once, SSOO down, I ! easy payments. 3-story brick, l on Green St.. porches $4850 2-story brick up-town, steam heat, elect, and gas, porches, I built, three years, SSOO d0wn..53200 | | Fine large home, N. 3d St SIBSOO j jFine large home on Hill SISOOO 1 i Several rows of houses, good invest- I I ment. Several tine apartments 10 per] ] cent, clear Fine home one-acre, near i Camp Hill. Several suburban homes,! ] singly built. For sale or exchange on ! .farm, row of three small houses puy | ing 10 per cent. C. 11. CORDER, 1722 green St. ■ ] Bell phone 56QJ I | "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" MOVE AT ONCE STATE ST., 1131—NEW; VACANT; ' 3-story stucco, nine rooms and bath, steam heat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches; balcony and roof garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a looming house; SSOO cash; 1 balance in monthly payments. > I 17TII AND PAXTON STS.— NEW ; > VACANT, 2 % -story; six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; steam heat; i gas and electricity; front and rear porches: side entrance, with a nice big ' yard; can be bought with a small ; amount down; balance same as rent. I ! . SWATARA ST., 1866—VACANT; six rooms and bath; all improvements; '• newly painted and papered; in A 1 con 'ldition; nice front and back porcnes; good size yard back to a 20-foot drive ! way; $l5O cash; balance same as rent, ! DERRY ST., 2143— 3-story brick; 19 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; iall modern improvements; nice trout ; and baclf porches; cement cellar; a I very nic* home; can be bought with issoo cash. D. ASA SANDERLIN, ricom 1. Security Trunt Building 36 NORTH THIRD ST. : Bell 1390. Dial 3a7 3 :j : ; : | VERY ATTRACTIVE ' I PROPOSITIONS I So. Sixteenth St., 440, corner of ' Berryhill; frame dwelling; lot 40x95 j ft.; elegant apartment site. ■j Derry St., 1501-1%; two dwellings, j Also No. 30.7 So. Fifteenth street, one i | dwelling. Herr street, 261; large brick dwell- II in#; very desirable for rooming i house. ROHRER & SON. 211 Bergner Building Real Estate and General Insurance j FOR SALE NOW VACANT ] 1194 Bailey Street; 3-soory I rick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; cemented eel- | ilar. Price t ....52,500 C. O. BACKENSTOSS, Owner, i Bell Bell '7Ol 3077J j i : FOR SALE ' Farm, estate of the late John A. I ! Kunkel. containing 100 acres farm! (land and about 50 acres of good thick j timber, mostly tall oak. Large stone] house, small stone tenant house, new, 'large up-to-date barn and other out I (buildings. Located in York county,] j Dover township, on Conewago Creek, j lone mile south of Kunkel's Mill, and] ! two miles north of Mt. Royal. Will] ! sell immediately and reasonably. For i further particulars Address Box L-8504 j i care Telegraph. ] j FOR SALE —Desirable Paxtang cor- i : ner property; 9 rooms and bath; gas;; 'electric light; furnace; corner Bris-! ban and Swan streets; possession: i within thirty days; also other Pax ■ tang property. Bell Realty Co., Berg- I ]ner Bldg. j ' $2500 will purchase a two-story i ! brick dwelling on Crescent street, ] ' having all modern improvements. Bell lj Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. j I FOR SALE —83 N. 18th street, brick' 'house. 8 rooms and bath, also other] ' I improvements, desirable location. Bell ] ] ] Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. j VACANT property for sale, corner' ilGth and State streets, brick construe- ] I lion. 9 rooms and bath, brick garage.] j Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. I ] $"200 will purchase a dwelling with ; eight rooms and bath. gas. furnace, i cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co.. Berg- ] I net j I BUY YOUR HOME on the rental ] I payment plan. Small cash or Liberty i Bond tirst payment required, balance j as rent. We have houses In evgry ] l part of the city and suburbs. Apply | ] A.. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. 1 ! FOR SALE —8-room house, all Int-! Iprovements; A 1 condition; 10-foot ..drive alley. Bargutn to quick buyer If sold before October 1. Bell 1061 M. j NORTH Slxteentn; 9 room brick; gas; electricity; hot water; steam I heat; brick garage on premises; streets paved front and rear; school nearby. E. T. Selig, 920 North Six i teenth. 'j FOR SALE —Vacant 10 room, single brick house, 16u0 block Derry St.; [! good location for a store. Dial 6236. ! i FOR SALE—Nos. 1404 and 1406 ! I State street, eight large rooms and I bath and all other conveniences, front] ] and back porches, very desirable 10. . cation. $6,000 each. A. S. Miller, Root-! 216, Commonwealth Trust Bldg. '! FOR SAUK or rent, house and barn] .i on two acres of ground. 2% miles .'northeast of Harrisburg, east of Wild-; ;{ \\ ood Park near Schultz's Mill; also | ]]l7 acre Held and mountain lund north] '] of Llng'.estown. Apply M. K. Selfert. 213 Broad St. i IContluued in Ntxl Coliuuu> 1 SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. l{K.iL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1418 N. Second Street, brick dwell ing, nine rooms and bath. 823 S. Front Street, frame dwelling. 1611 N. Fifth Street, three-story frame dwelling, with improvements,! ten looms and bat-h. West Falrview property, located on; Third street, two and one-half frame dwelling. Inquire of HARRIS BURG TRUST COMPANY, 16 South Second St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALK—IBOB Derry st., contain ing 11 rooms and bath, finished in j cypress, lot 30x135, water, gas and ! electric lights, front and side porch. ! steam heat. Price $6,000. | For Sale—Farm containing 44 acres | located in Middle Paxton township, I Dauphin county. Improved by 2V4- storv frame dwelling, 6 rooms, bath land attic, gas for cooking and light-| i ing, first class condition. Frame bank ibarn. good condition, hog pen. chicken j I house and garage. Running water in j 1 house and barn. Price $6,800. I BRINTON-PACKKR CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. I ! FOR SALE—S-acre plot of ground. |Vi-mile from city limits, will be sold | cheap to quick buyer. Apply Samuel! j Plough, 256 Crescent St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. . BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. FOR RENT—Perdix, Pa., one-story I bungalow, unfurnished, having two | bed rooms, dining room and kitchen, 1 hot and cold water and range, bath j room, lurnace heat, papered, front! and side porches, cellar, faces on State! Highway, only 8 minutes walk from j |p. R. 1!. station, monthly lease. Ap- I ply E. C. Keller, Perdix. Pa., or En gineers' Club, Harrisburg. * I FOR RENT—At Perdix, the Litch ! field cozy five-room cottage facing I State Road; comfortably furnished; splendid location; possession Monday. ! September 15. Apply to A. C. Young, 34 North Second St. Both phones. j FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from ! September 1; furnished up-to-date; 'only reliable people need apply to j Louis, 414 N. Third St. | Real Estate For Sale or Exchange I VACANT —3-story brick corner, on ' i Mill; elect, lights; front and side j porches; side yard; cheap io quick | buyer. j | VACANT —3-story frame on Hill. I porches; nice yard. I VACANT—2%-story brick on Hill;' jail improvements; electric lights, I porches; large yard to drive alley, i VACANT—3-story brick on Broad' st.; all imp. j VACANT—North Sixth st„ 8 rooms; all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win dows, 7 years old. j VACANT—New brick on Hill; 6 rooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered. ; FINE large brick house on Derry street. Several large homes uptown and on Hill. Some of these homes can be bought with two or three hundred ! dollars down, balance as rent. Will I lake light touring car in exchange on i some of the above homes. C.H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J I- REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to rent on October 1.! modern house for small family; refer ences exchanged. Address Box Z-82C I ! care Telegraph. WANTED—To buy dwelling on Al- I lison Hill between 13th and 18th sts., 1 Market and Boas sts. Must have gar- ' age or sufficient room for one; price l not to exceed $6,000. Phone Belli 4707-W or address T-8193 care Tele-] graph. I ] I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop-! I erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- ; 1 tate and Insurance. 10u2 North Third ; [ Street. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE ; 185-acre farm situate in Kreutz ! Creek Valley, four miles west of I Wrightsville, Pa., and 'A-mile north! lof Lincoln Highway along Accomac { j road, adjoining Hellam, Pa. and six; ! miles east of York, Pa. Running water, !at barn with two separate sets farm j buildings. Farm could be laid out to advantage of 80 acres and 55 acres. I Sold as a whole 135 acres at SBS per! j acre. Also IV4-story brick dwelling house : with frume barn containing about 12! acres for $2,600. Opposite Hellam I school, Hellam, Pa. ] Also 2-story frame dwelling house! I with hog pen containing 6 acres fori j $1,700. Adjoining Hellam, Pa. t 480 feet on East King street, by 217 feet in depth, opposite Franklin ] school building. For building sites, i i 1758 feet fronting on Market street, j opposite Elmwood. For building sites. ! 1 373 ft fronting along P. R. It. Co., jeast of East st. For manufacturing I sites. j 57 acres woodland at $25 per acre 1 'and 5 acres woodland at $75 per acre. I Will be sold quickly to settle up an ! estate. Apply to the executors in per-l I son and they will gladly show you I over the farm. j Alexander W. Loucks. Loucks Mills, I York. Pa., P. O. Box 535. York phone 33190. I Dr. William E. Loucks. 42 W. Mar i ket St., second iloor, York, Pa. Y'ork phone 35463. j Horry J. Loucks, executors Henry J. I Loucks. deceased. Alexander W. j Loucks, First Nutional Bunk, York. ! Pa. SMALL FARMS FOR SALE 12 acres, near Penbrook SSOOO 5 acres, near Progress S4BOO 4 acre lots, near Penbrook ...SI4OO 3 acres, near Steelton S3BOO 115 acr.es, near West Fair view SI3OOO 184 s acres, 7 miles east of Har risburg $8530 CHARLES A. DAVIES, 1549 State Street Bell 1436-W Dial 4930 10 acre truck farm $2400 20 acre truck farm S9OOO 24 acre truck farm S2IOO I 30 acre peach orchard s6ou(l | 34 acres, 7 woodland SI6OO ; 43 acres sand soil $2600 ! 48 acres, 5 woodland S2OOO I 50 acres, 16 woodland SI3OO I 78 acres, 15 pastureland $4500 54 ucres, dairy farm S9OOO | 94 acres. 20 woodland $4400 I 100 acres, 12 woodland $3300 I 120 ucres, 5 woodland SBSOO 169 acres, 30 woodland SIOOOO 1"7 CHESTNUT. NEAR FRONT i (.Continued in Next Column; j •■mm „ FARMS FARMS FOR SALE 71 acres; all good buildings ..$2950 45 acres near street car; all build ings $4500 60 acres fat land; building ....$2500 103 acres; all buildings; very good $3500 100 acres. This is a high grade farm; land and buildings .S6OOO V I We would like to sell these above I farms very soon. They are all worth a higher price. Look them over. C. 3. Care & Son, Care's Grocery, Lingles lown, or 409 Market St. Harrisburg. Q SEVERAIS SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. 40 acres slate soil, near New Kingston. 1V 4 miles off Lincoln High- L way, buildings good, never failing | well, up for quick sale, $2,000. F. S. Mumma & Son. Mechanicsburg. Pa. | FARM—9S acres of level limestone Hand; fine producer. Brick house; bang barn. Well of never failing water. Lo cated ten miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county. For further de scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris burg. Pa. FOR SALE— Five-acre truck and ; chicken farm; 6 rooms; new frame : house, barn and garage (new); 5 min -1 utes to trolley; %-mile east Progress Charles Davies. 1549 State St. Bell ■ 1476 W. Dial 4930. FARMS WANTED WANTED— To buy good farm not too far from city; state lowest price and terms in first letter. Address H-8244 care Telegraph. , FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS 8 FOR SALE ARMY EQUIPMENT BLANKETS, WOOL AND COT ■ TON MIXED S4.ON I BLANKETS, ALL WOOL, O. D... 9.00 'I COTS, FOLDING 495 I SHIRTS, FLANNEL, O. D 3.75 j BREECHES, KHAKI 2.25 PONCHOS, OIL PROCESSED, • USED 2.50 PONCHOS. WOVEN CLOTH 8.00 ! BOOTS, RUBBER. HIP 6.00 ! | TENTS, ALL SIZES, USED, ! ( $4.00 to 25.00 RAINCOATS 3.50 ! ANY OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES I WILL BE FORWARDED' ON RK : CEIPT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYABLE TO THE ROYDAN CO., P. O. BOX 101. HARRISBURG. • —— MOTORS FOR SALE | We have the following motors we ! are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate de livery. One ML H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. One U H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One >4 H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing. . Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE — Victrola, good as new. S6O. with sls in records, and Bloch | baby carriage, sls. Apply 625 Schuyl | kill St. I FOR SALE— CoaI range In first J class condition, excellent baker. Apply ,;!163 Derry St. I FOIt SALE— Combination floor and I counter case; 4 white enamel iron 'tables for restaurant or icecream par. | lor. Apply 1250 Monroe Street, City. I i FOR SALE— Three show Cases and ' a counter. Phone 206R or call at cigar 'store, Fourth and Kelker Sts. FOR SALE — Large walnut side board. Call Bell 1559 J. j FOR SALE— Lumber, tubes, tanks, I shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, I bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. | The Highsplre Distillery Co., Ltd.. ;; Both phones. Highspire, PA. I FOR SALE — English setter dog, seven months old. pedigreed, stock. ICALL Bell 3813R or 2815 N. Second St. ' FOR SALE — Dining room and living ■ room suites cheap to quick buyer. A.l - dress 2425 N. Fifth st. Bell 4542 R. I FOR SALE— Cheap, a new, late sty'A oak buffet. Also medium size oak :: china closet. Call at 218 Hamilton st. FOR SALE — Haywood vulcanizing I plant, including tools and material. IAL condition. Price reasonable. Call , jat C. H. Smith, 2920 Boas Street. Pen- I brook. • I FOR SALE Gasoline building hoist, gasoline engines, lathes, planer, milling machine, blacksmith drill forge blowers, stone crusher plant, [electric motors. UO H. P. I Bell phone 1857. II ; FOR SALE One white iron bed. one good : mattress, spring, complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT. ; 1321 North Sixth Street FOR ^LE — Window frames, doors, sash sheeting, water pipe, closet and 'i other plumbing goods. Inquire C. E. HESS along Linglestown car line, [Third stop past Colonial Club. '' ANTIQUES; private party will 1 ; SELL high and low chests of draw ,l ERS cherry table, four post bed. pair NF 'dining tables, three bureaus, etc; , NO dealer®- Address Box T-8077 care Telegraph, TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR > R ASH ALL MAKES RENTED - J, CASH A XCHANQBD I GEO. P. TILLOTSON, I ONS LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE 205 OKPHEUM THEATER ! BOTH PHONES ! BOOKS Bought and sold; 20.000 I new old. rare. In stock. Aurand's. I' #25 North Third. Circulars free. I I I ! | Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page * .