Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 11, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Agricultural Associations Can
not Run Telephone Lines
or Conduct Stores
The act of
\\\ A-vVy providing a
y\\\A KQf method for ln
-1 corporation of
co-operative ag
ricultural asso-
ciations did not
11 J!HHHVV|WIBV contemplate for
matlon of auso
|3gig°a ' ciations to con
duct general
fiSMßainagggp g tores or to erect
poles and wires on lands of mem
bers of the association for distribu
tion to them of electric current or
for telephone service, but is simply
for co-operation in agricultural pur
poses, declares Deputy Attorney
General Emerson L. Collins in an
opinion to Guy C. Smith, the new
chief of the bureau of markets of
the Department of Agriculture.
The opinion is the first to be is
sued defining State policy in regard
to co-operative agricultural associa
tions which State authorities are
encouraging. These organizations
are to be without capital stock and
not for profit. "The object of the
act" says Mr. Collins." is to pro
vide a co-operative agency in cor
porate form to perform services in
the production, preparation for
market and marketing of farm pro
ducts and the purchasing or hiring
of farm supplies and labor. "It is
held that to allow such purposes as
telephone and electric lines and
stores, would be giving a liberality
of construction not contemplated by
the Legislature when it passed the
law. Otherwise it would "open up
to its members the whole general
domain of the public service utilities
by a method exclusively available
to those eligible to membership in
such an association."
In regard to the store proposition,
the opinion says that if it allowed
an agricultural association deal
in groceries for instance, "there
would be practically no limit set
upon the mercantile enterprises in
which it might engage."
There have been numerous co
operative enterprises chartered late
ly under general laws in which the
purpose is specifically set forth, but
thus far not many have applied for
incorporation as agricultural organ
Appointments Made Governor
Sproul has announced the appoint
ments of James A. Undsey of Brad
ford. to be clerk of courts of Mc-
Kean county; C. W. Stuart, Clarion,
to coronor of Clarion county, and
Mrs. Mary B. Rhodes. Indiana, to
he member of the Board of mothers'
pension administration of Indiana
county. All appointments were
made to fill vacancies.
Hargcst Honored — Deputy At
torney General William M. Hargest
has been named as the vice presi
dent for Pennsylvania, of the Ameri
can Bar Association. He is the
first Harrisburger in many years to
he so honored, and succeeds Judge
W. H. Staake, of Philadelphia.
Toll Cose Goes Over—The Public
Service Commission to-day, under
advisement, the complaints against
the new toll rates of the Oley Turn
pike Company, which were declared
by a Berks county delegation, to be
excessive in view of the fact that
the company received as high as
ten per cent return during the war.
The company contended that the
cost of maintenance was advancing.
It is possible that State authorities
may inquire into the road.
Further 'Learning'—The State In
dustrial Board has announced that
it proposes to hold a hearing during
October on the proposed State code
to govern use of goggles and other
protection to heads and eyes of
workers. The code was considered
by a committee of men familiar
with various industries this week.
Supremo Court The State Su
preme Court will resume its session
at Pittsburgh on September 29, The
Superior Court will meet in Phila
delphia in October.
Hearing Postponed The Public
Service Commission has postponed
until October 8, the hearing of the
complaint of 1 >-• borough of Girard
vllle against the Schuylkill Electric
Must Show Governor Governor
William C. Sproul says he will
"have to be shown" before the ten
per cent differential rate in favor of
the State Workmen's Insurance
Fund is abolished. For some time
the proposition has been under con
sideration and following a discus-
Hello Fellows—
I Well, it's back to School for us, and I'm
just as sore about it as you are, but what's jfi// \ j \
the use of kicking? Didn't we have a good, \ -
long vacation?
I kicked the dickens out of my clothes during
vacation and Dad raised Cain the way I looked, / \
and it was down to THE GLOBE for me. And, y\
say, fellows—They've got the dandiest clothes \ \ j
there I ever saw. ■ J
Special Suits at $9.75 that beat the deck, and y]w
Corduroy Suits with two pairs of pants at $11.50 -/if
—Some class, eh? JB W9 JJ jH
Well, Dad rigged me out from head to foot and
topped it off with a Mackinaw Coat at $12.50 that's
the niftiest I ever saw. Now I'm all right agtyn \i IW //igf/jj .
and, say, fellows, you better have yoitr Dad do the \ 1
same thing for you. ' >
Oh, Gee! I forgot to tell you about the Right-Posture m ■ IT 1
Suits—you know the kind that makes you stand up straight. j i I
They're regular beauts and I sure am stuck on 'em. They're ( '| , : I ll 1 I
a little higher priced (sls to S3O) but I'll get one yet. ill I |Rli. \
j,mmy i BbP"
slon of the matter by Insurance
Commissioner Thomas B. Donald
son, William J. Roney, manager of
the Fund, saw the Governor to-day.
"It Is a matter that will have to
be gone Into carefully. You know
the State has an interest In that
Fund. I have been getting all sides
on the matter and candidly, I will
have to be shown," remarked the
The Interest which the State has
in the Fund Is due to the fact that
the Legislature made an appropria
tion to put the fund on Its feet
when it started. This amounts to
over half a million dollars or so.
Maurer May Start Again—James
H. Maurer, chairman of the State
Old Age Pension Commission who
was prevented from sailing for
Europe to investigate old age pen
sion systems by the Department of
Justice, has been given a letter
to Attorney General A. Mitchell
Palmer by Governor Sproul, In order
to help him get over the sea. The
Governor who has been making an
Inquiry and it is beltveved that his
letter sets forth that Maurer will
attend to the business for which
the State sends htm.
Mr. Gcrherlc-h Hurt. —Falling from
the top of a high step ladder when it
collapsed last evening, while he was
working in a building at "The Elm,"
Freeman C. Gerberich, chief of the
Bureau of Railways, Department of
Internal Affairs, sustained a broken
.eft arm at the wrist, a sprained foot
and minor injuries. "The Elm" is a
favorite outdoor recreation place for
Hill attaches and it was while pre
paring for the autumnal season that
Mr. Gerberich was injured.
Governor to Attend. Governor
Sproul will leave hero late to-day for
Philadelphia where he will partici
pate in the Pershing welcome. The
Governor spent most of to-day in con
sultation with department heads.
Work to Begin. —The first Inspect
ors to be sent to Philadelphia will be
gin investigation into the taxlcab sit
uation within a few days and it is
expected that reports will be ready
for action by the Commission early in
October. Commissioner Samuel SI.
Clement, Jr., who is in Philadelphia
will direct the inquiry.
Greene Invited. —W. W. Greene, head
of the compensation rating bureau
of New Jersey, is said to have been
invited to become assistant manager
of the Pennsylvania State Workmen's
Insurance Fund. He was formerly in
charge of Western States' compensa
tion activities.
Wntcliing Outbreaks. —Outbreaks of
infantile paralysis in eastern counties
of Pennsylvania are being carefully
watched by State Health Department
officials. Inspectors have been at
work looking up the York county
California Man llcre.— C. W. Fal
lows. manager of the California State
Insurance. Fund was at the Capitol
to-day examining into Pennsylvania
compensation insurance work.
Holding Hearings. — C ,mmissioner
Ainey is holding hearings at Strouds
burg and Wilkes-Barre, and Commis
sioners Shelby and Reed are sitting in
Pittsburgh, where there is a large
Home Builders Hit. —The report of
Baby Wants
*3 jj Grade "A"
; g J Milk
Nothing builds up Baby like Hoak's Grade "A" Pure
Milk. The same care you give to Baby is given every
step which brings our milk to your door.
Pure, Fresh and Sweet
For safety's sake look for this name
Modern Pasteurizing Dairy
PEXBROOK, PA- Both Phones.
Former Labor Leader's Body
Will Be Taken to Scran
ton Tonight
Scranton, Sept. 11. —Mine work
ers of Scranton and vicinity plan to
perpetuate the memory of John
Mitchell with a monument that will
In a small measure express their
appreciation of what he accomplish
ed In their behalf and serve as a
perpetual reminder to the men of
the future.
The proposal is that every mine
worker in the anthracite region con
tribute one dollar towards the mon
ument which Is to be erected over
the grave of the dead leader In this
city. Thre are about 170,000 mine
workers In the hard coal fields and
the promoters of the plan believe
that with this sum that a magnifi
cent memorial can be built.
Arrangements for the funeral
were perfected last night by Bishop
M. J. Hoban, who announced that
following services in Mount Vernon,
N. Y„ this morning, the body would
be shipped to this city, arriving here
at 6.30 o'clock to-night. It will lie
In state in St. Peter's Cathedral until
to-morrow morning when after a
high mass of requiem it will be laid
In the Cathedral cemetery, almost
within the shadow of the anthracite
mines Mitchell loved.
New York, Sept. 11. —In accord
ance with a wish expressed many
times during his active life, John
Mitchell, labor leader and former
head of the United Mine Workers of
America, who died here Tuesday,
will be buried in Cathedral ceme
tery. Scranton, in the heart of the
region where his many battles in
behalf of the miners were waged.
Philip N. Goldsmith, the expert ac
countant employed by Commissioner
(f Banking Fisher to investigate the
system of the so-called home build
ing trust concerns, has completed his
work and the report is said to be un
favorable to the Home Builders' Union
of Pittsburgh, whose case is now in
court. Goldsmith is said to call It a
"one man concern."
Western Visitors—Among the Gov
ernor's visitors were Dr. J. M. Mur
doch, head ot the Polk institution; O.
D. Bleakley and Senator Marshall
Philpps, of Venango county.
To Act on Contracts. — The State
Board of Public Grounds and Build
ings will have another meeting on
September 23 to act on bids for the
Memorial and other bridges.
Making Inspection. —Highway Com
missioner Sadler is on a tour of in
spection in Western Pennsylvania,
stirring up the road work.
Armory Bonril Meets. — The State
Armory Board is in session in Phil
adelphia to-day en squadron armory
contract matters.
A movament to preserve the fam
ous earthworks at ancient Actalan,
near Lake Mills, Wis., may result
from the pilgrimage mudo to the
former site of that city by the State
Historical Society and the Wiscon
sin Archeologlcal Society on Labor
Day. Such an attempt was made
many years ago, but failed because
of lack of public Interest In histori
cal landmarks. The famous relic
I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I
"Be Sure of Your Store" I
They're mighty good looking, making a hit among
the young fellows-they have all the style touches and new colorings, unusual
models. They're different—you'll be pleased with them and you'll buy them quickly at the
price we have marked them.
Young men are making this "Live Store" Head- 1
| 1 J quarters for their new Fall Suits, Stetson Hats and those handsome
I M Mallory Velours you've heard so much about. This is a season when you must
$3 "watch your step" in buying clothing. Real economy is determined by quality; you
H 1-1 1 1 know that, and quality is "back of" the clothes we sell regardless of the price you jßj
I. I\\l \ L pay. We insist on our customer getting complete satisfaction with every purchase,
fll at,s w^y we handle only dependable merchandise that we can guarantee. K|
II II This is a p;ood time to look around and see the
||i | 1 new Fall Suits, be fair to yourself then after you've seen all there is to
fctio bto 1 8ee — come *° Doutrichs where there are unlimited assortments from the foremost B]
I JU makers of good clothes, you'll never look elsewhere again, you'll be cured of taking
- chances when you can see all the best makes in one store, and can profit by our enor
fofi* mous purchasing power. We are distributors of the world-famous
JBrattb ©lpUjeft
Hart Schaffner & Marx, I
Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes I
I • I
I I If there were any better clothes than these, rest assured
they would be in our stock because manufacturers consider it a compliment to
have their line associated with this always reliable square-dealing store.
Stetson Hats and J g
j Mallory Velours - j
T "Be sure you are ready for Sunday, official Fall Hat tfL / ■,
t Day. See our four big windows filled with Hats. The I \ 5 ,
9 largest Hat display in Pennsylvania. L f
8 j, |
i of Indian civilisation was sold for
the sum of sl6, tho current price
of government land per acre.
Since all of the mounds are not
yet destroyed tho best part of them
could still be bought up by the State
and preserved as public property.
■ About fourteen acres are still in
i good condition, but much more land
i might be Included at a relatively
slight cost to the State.
: These earthworks are one of the
wonders of tho western continent
and In tho Mississippi valley are
rivaled only by the notable Cahokia
mounds of southern Illinois. The
"walls" of the city, altars, mounds
and other evidences of their skill
nre now being excavated by the
Public Museum of Milwaukee.
Mrs. Clymer (giving a little din
SEPTEMBER 11, 1919.
ner) Oh, Julia, the maid Just
walked 'out on me! Won't you
Cook (firmly)— Not In the dinin
room! But I've had cafeteria ex
perience, so if you'll line up your
guests and shoot them out here
with their plates I'll see that they
get all that's comin' to them."—
Buffalo Kxpress.
Melt Vapoßub in
a spoon and inhale /Ktfi
the vapora. JfHsS