Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 11, 1919, Image 1
Sinks HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH _ tffar-fodcpen&eiiL _ LXXXVIII— NO. 212 18 PAGES DaU LS!Sf%WRkt St a Aa B rr, c,a " HARRISBURG. PA. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. 8 si S& l O e C£ST I s E3 HOME EDITION ADRIFT AT SEA IN OPEN BOATS WHEN VESSELS SINK IN STORM Wireless Reports Forty-Five Persons "in Distress and Without Food or Water" Off Coast of Florida SHIPS GO DOWN IN HURRICANE Vessels Put Out From Miami to Attempt Their Rescue; Presumed All Are Members of Crews of Sunken Ships By Associated Press. Miami, Fla., Sept. 11. A wireless message received here early this morning said 45 per sons were adrift in small boats between Forney Rock light house and Cape Florida, about 15 miles from Miami. All were reported "in distress" and with out food or water. No details were given and there was noth ing to indicate their identity, but it was presumed they were members of crews of ships that went down during the hurricane that swept this section early yesterday. Boats have left here to bring them in. Not a House in Key West Escapes Damage and Many Are Destroyed By Associated Press• Key WeK. Fla., Sept. 11. With daylight to-day the people of Key West and surrounding territory were able for the first time to survey the destruction wrought by the hurri cane that swept through here Tues day night. Not a nouse in the city had escaped damage and many were totally wrecked. The harbor presented a tangled mass of fishing vessels and other small craft, but latest reports failed to show deaths other than those on the dredge Campus. Of the 14 men on this craft ten were resued last night, one body was recovered and three are missing. The British tanker Tonawanda, which had to be scuttled to save the liner Comal after that vessel had broken her moorings and gone aground, was reported not in a bad position. The steamer St. Gougal also broke loose. No vessels had left port early to day, nor had any trains come in over the Florida east coast railway, in addition to the temporary stop page of gas and electricity, the tele phone service was suspended and newspapers were forced to suspend publication. Major Fleming to Be Presented With French Croix de Guerre The Cruix de Guerre awarded by the French government to Major Samuel W. Fleming, Jr., arrived at the local recruiting office, where it was said that the medal will in all probability be presented to Major Fleming at the Homecoming Cele bration September 28 and 29. Major Fleming also won the D. S. C. The citation which accompanied the Croix de Guerre follows: "An of ficer of admirable courage. Serious ly wounded November 8, 1918, by an explosive shell, he refused to be evacuated and remained in command of his battalion until the armistice. In spite of violent fire and the vicissitudes of the weather." Major Fleming went overseas as Captain and Regimental Adjutant of the 315 th Infantry. 79th Division. Attacks League as Harbinger of Strife 5y Associated Press• Dunkirk. N. Y., Sept. 11. The League of Nations was attacked here to-day by Senator Poindexter, Re publican, Washington, as a harbinger of world strife. Even in its "inchoate form and in the act of Its creation," the League, the Senator said, has stirred up racial quarrels and ani mosities between the United States and many foreign nations. COAL COMPANY APPEALS The Susquehanna Collieries Com pany to-day filed a formal appeal from increased assessments on its coal lands in Williams and Wiconisco townships, levied by the County Com missioners. it is claimed that the new assessments atv excessive. It is held that the lands are assessed at their full market value, while other properties In the townships are as- I sessed at not more than 60 or 70 per cent, of the market value. [THE WEATHER] Hnrrlsburg Mill Vicinity: Fair to-night nn<l Friday, slightly cooler to-night. Enstern Pennsylvania: Partly cloudy to-night, slightly coo'cr 111 west portion. Fridny fair. Gentle to moderate west and northwest winds, niveri The Susquehanna river nnd Its principal branches will rise slightly or remain station ary except the .lunlntn which will begin to fall to-night. A stage of about H.N feet Is Indi cated for Murrlsburg Fridny morning. STATE REFUSES TO ACCEPT DELAYS IN BUILDING VIADUCT Memorial Bridge Plans to Be Pushed Ahead With All Possible Speed By Public Service Commission COST OF BIG STRUCTURE TO BE APPORTIONED IN FUTURE Public Service Commissioner John S. Hilling-, who sat to-day to hear the application of the Board of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings for a certilicate of convenience for the Commonwealth to build the Mem orial bridge in the Capitol Park ex tension system, stated at the con clusion of the hearing that he would recommend immediate action by the Commission at its meeting Monday and that the Pennsylvania Railroad and other utility companies would be given opportunity later to present such requests for alterations in plans as they deemed desirable. The question of apportionment of costs will await the opening of bids. Mr. Rilling stated that the Board would open bids on September 23 and that prompt approval of plans was neces sary. The proceeding was the lirst wherein one branch of the State Government asked approval of an other for a State project. The prob abilities are that the certificate will be issued next week, sentiment at the Capitol being against any delay whatever in the undertaking. Considering the immensity of the proposition, the proceedings were very brief and attracted little at tention. The bridge will be one of the most beautiful in the country and of vast effect upon the future emnellishment of the State Capitol, being a component part of the Brun ner comprehensive plans to make this city the civic center of the Com monwealth. Mr. Hilling's ruling that the utilities could submit plans for alterations later came as a result of Pennsylvania Railroad officials' contention that they desired more time to study the problems, a posi tion which surprised the State of ficials inasmuch as there have been several conferences on the subject. Engineers Present L. G- Krause, assistant engineer of the Public Service Commission, sat with Mr. Rilling and Engineer J. E. Perring appeared for the Board when William M. Hargest, deputy Attorney General of the State, asked the approval of the application on behalf of the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings. The city was not represented, but William Elmer, superintendent of the Phila delphia Division, Horace Booz, cor porate engineer, and others appeared for the Pennsylvania; John T. Brady, solicitor and Mr. Chambers, real estate otficer, appeared for the Read ing, and Frank B. Musser, president; Charles L. Bailey, Jr., solicitor, and others connected with the Harris burg Railways were present together with men interested in the bridge from various standpoints. Mr. Brady at once asked that the pro ceedings as far as they related to the Reading be dismissed as that company does not own any property under the bridge and Mr. Bailey asked for a clearer understanding of what was planned in regard to the street railway, its relation to ap proaches and other details of the bridge. Mr. Hargest called attention to the fact that the proceeding had been carried out as in the case of every application although in this instance the Commonwealth was the applicant. He read service notice on interested parties and said there were no objections. He also said that the State wanted action and that when bids were received and total cost could be estimated problems of apportionment of costs could be taken up, but that just now it was desired most of all to go ahead. The railroad and traction people pointed out that in not objecting to the plans they did not waive any rights in regard to costs. Mr. Elmer said that he could not see any ob jection to approving plans if certain details could be worked out later and suggested approval up to the railroad right of way. Mr. Booz surprised the State officials by say ing that the plans had only reached his office a few days ago and that there had not been opportunity for extended study. He also suggested some conference on the subject in which other representatives of utili ties joined, to which Mr. Hargest said he saw no objection if the matter was not delayed, remarking that the Pennsylvania division en gineers had been given plans and that the negotiations between the State and the company had gone a long ways, even so far as to the sale of strips of land to straighten lines, location of piers, and the like. Commissioner Rilling said that the plans could be approved and details taken up later, but was quite posi tive against any delay. Changes, he remarked, could be suggested and conferences held later, but for him self he would recommend action and felt that the Commission was in clined to approve the application owing to the importance of the work and the proximity of the time of opening the bids. Watchman Run Down by Engine in Yards Struck by an engine while crossing Pennsylvania Railroad tracks at Eucknow, John Basehore, 1922 State street, a watchman for the Pennsylvania Railroad at that point, is in the Harrisburg Hospital with severe injuries. He is believed to have a fractured right shoulder and several fractured ribs on the right side of his body. In addition, he has severe lacerations and bruises. BRETZ AGAIN FREE MAN Harry M. Brgtz, former attorney, who was sentenced to seven months in jail for misappropriation of funds, was released from prison to-day. NINE GAMES IN* WORLD SERIES By Associated Press. Cincinnati, 0., Sept. 11.— Nine games will be played ir the world's series baseball games this year, as against seven last year, August Herrmann, chairman of the National Commission, an nounced to-day. Herrmann said a majority of the clubs of both the National and American Leaguei# had ratified the'recom mendation that nine games be played. A schedule of nine games will be prepared by the National Base ball Commission but the series will be over and the winner de termined, as soon as one of the clubs wins five games. GIRL'S DEATH BRINGS TOLL TO FOUR IN RIOTS Young Woman Falls When Troops Fire Into Bos ton Mob By Associated Press. Boston, Sept. 11,—The death to day of a young woman believed to be Miss Margaret Walsh, brought the number of last night's riot to four. The young woman was shot during the disturbance in the South Boston district where State Guard troops fired into a crowd. Two men were killed at the same time. Richard D. Reemts, a striking po liceman, was shot and dangerously wounded this morning. At the hos pital he said he had been shot by Police Sergeant John D. McDonald. According to the sergeant the shot was fired by Abraham Karp, a store keeper In the South End, who ex plained that he thought someone was attempting to break into his shop and going out to investigate saw Reemts rushing toward him and fired. Karp was arrested. The authorities claim that Reemts was one of two former officers who held up two volunteer policemen during the night and stripped them of their guns, clubs and badges. Ar thur D. Shea, a striking policeman, and the alleged companion of Reemts, was arrested charged with robbery. Score Wounded The third day of the police strike opened with a casualty list of four persons killed and nearly a score, including four women, injured as a result of the activities of State troops in policing the city last night. The military forces, five thousand in number, were under orders to restore lawful conditions to the point of using the ball ammunition with which they were provided if neces sary. Success in quelling the rioting and suppressing the looting of previous hours marked their efforts to a large degree, although there were several serious riots. In these most casual ties resulted. Show windows were hroken in many places hut in only a few was there looting, troops and the skeleton police force of regulars and volunteers being quick to teach the seat of the disturbances. Crowds filled the streets during most of the night. They surged through the business district with accompanying disorders and along the streets in South Boston, and in [Continued on Rage 2.] WAKENED HY RRICK Joseph Moore, who lives "any where," and incidentally who hap pens to drive one of the teams that collects the city garbage, is In (lie Harrisburg Hospital. Joseph has head injuries, suffered late last night or early this morning while "nn was sleeping In a wagon beneath the Mulberry street bridge. lie awakened. Josejh says, about 1 o'clock when he found his head bleeding and a brick lying nearby. He does not know where the brick came front. I POOR OLD TURTLE LOSES HOME AFTER MANY YEARS "Missouri, 1860" Spent Many Happy Years in a Passenger Coach, Railroad Shop Repairmen Aver Old passenger cars are still doing duty for the Pennsy in the east. Tue Santa Fe car assigned to the Leb anon branch of the Philadelphia di vision, however, tops the list for age. Some one said it was a p.ty to keep it in the east, so this car, which was built soon after Noah's time, according to reports, has been returned to the west, from whence it came. It must have a history, according to reports. Just before sending this car west the car cleaners on the Lebanon "THIS TREATY OR NO TREATY," WILSON SAYS There Can Be No Other, Presi dent Declares in Mon tana Speech WILL U. S. FILL PLEDGE? Question Whether America Will Keep Honor to Its People and World By Associated Press. Billings, Sept. 11. Laying his appeal for the Peace Treaty before the people of Montana to-day, Presi dent Wilson declared the question of its ratification was a question whether the United States would fulfill its pledge to its people and to the world. There were two addresses on his day's program, Mr. Wilson speaking at the Billings Auditorium before noon so that he could arrive in Helena In time for a meeting at night. He reached here from Bis marck, N. D., only a short time be fore the hour for his address. Mr. Wilson said he had com>- west "to consult" with the people in the light of circumstances which affected the whole world. Every where, he declared, the human heart beat the same and on both sides of the ocean there was a sin cere desire that there should be no more war. . It was a mistake therefore, the President continued, to debate the Peace Treaty as if it were an ordin ary Treaty. It was not merely a Treaty with Germany, he said, but a Treaty effecting a settlement of the affairs of the world. "And It is this Treaty or no Treaty," he added. "It is this Treaty because there can be no other." "This settlement is the first inter national settlement that is based up on the happiness of the avciage peo ple throughout the world. It is a people's treaty, an! I venture the prediction that it is not wise for parliaments and congresses to at tempt to alter it." It is a severe treaty the President went on, but justly so. Some of the men who hart called it unduly harsh, he a Id ed, were criticising the administra tion a year ago because they thought the United States would be tec easy with Germany. Pitiful Now "They were pitiless then," he said; "they are pitiful now." The American dead in the war, Mr. Wilson declared, hadfought not for the redemption of America, but for the redemption of the world. It was one of the hardest of his trials during the war, he said, to be able merely to direct the policies [Continued on Page I".] Wholesale Arrests Breaks Up Plot to Assassinate President of Peru By Associated Press. Limn, Peru, Wednesday, Sept. 10.— A conspiracy having for its object the assassination of President Augusto B. Leguia at the race meeting next Sun i day was the reason for the wholesale arrests made here last night, accord ing to information available at the government palace to-day. In addi tion to prominent political opponents of President Leguia, who are said to be directly or indirectly involved in the plot, it is stated the government has arrested individuals who were paid to carry out the work of assas sination. Immediately following the over throw of President Pardo, it is alleged attempts were made to buy over army officers for a counter revolution, but they were unsuccessful, the offciers making reports direct to the Presi dent. The' conspirators are said to have then determined upon the as sassination of the president, but Senor Leguia was secretly Informed as to all developments. Kills Brother of Bandit Who Held American Aviators For Ransom By Associated Press. Marfa, Texas, Sept. 11.—Gregorio Renteria, brother of Jesus Renteria, the bandit leader who held Lieuten ants Harold Peterson and Paul Davis for ransom in Mexico, was shot and killed by Captain Leonard Matlaek last week across the river from Can delaria, according to a report from the river station to-day. According to one version of the shooting Renteria told Mexicans in San Antonio, Chihuahua, opposite Candelaria, he was plannnig to cross the Rio Grande and "get two Americans." Captain Matlaek went to investi gate and when he saw Renteria lilt his rifle, killed him. branch gave it an overhauling It was the first real cleaning process the car underwent in many year Beneath an old-fashioned water cooler in one corner of the car was a pile of peanut shells, stale bread pieces of candy, etc., an accumula tion of years. The cleaners dug out th's pile of dirt which was quite moist from water dripping in during a rain and from the cooler. They struck some thing hard and an investigation revealed a land turtle. Scratched on the shell was "Missouri, 1860." Service Record Name. Address Branch of Service • Rank Length of Service History (where located, what battles) Wounded or Killed (with date) Occupation Now • BATHING BEACH PLAN TO BE MADE PUBLIC City Commissioner E. Z. Gross Says He Will Have Data to Present Voters This Fall Before They Pass on Pro posed Forty Thous and Dollar Loan It is hoped to have specifications, descriptions, an estimate as to cost and some other data for presenta tion to the people before they vote on the $40,000 loan to provide a bathing beach for Harrisburg. Announcement to this effect was made to-day by City Commission er E. Z. Gross, of the Department of Parks. Correspondence has al ready been started to bring about WAR RECORD OF EVERY MAN IS SOUGHT BY CITY Post Carriers to Aid in Getting Data For Official Wel come Home The name and war record of every Harrisburger who served the nation during the World War will be com piled through the census of the city, which is to be taken at once by the mail carrriers under the direction of Frank C. Sijes, postmaster. The census is part of the prepara tions now under way by the commit tee of 125 citizens appointed by the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce to arrange for a welcome-home celebra tion for the soldiers, sailors and ma rines of the Hartdsburg district, on Sunday and Monday, September 28 and 29. William Jennings Is chair man. and has been authorized to ap point subcommittees to carry through the necessary arrangements for the demonstration. The same committee, under the leadership of Spencer C. Gilbert as chairman, will have charge of the project to pro'vide a suitable war me j morial in honor of the Harrisburg sol | diers, sailors and marines, at Thir j teenth and State streets as a culmina -1 tion of the whole Capitol Tark and I Memorial bridge plans of the State. I The soldiers' celebration, according I to tentative plans now under consid eration. will take the form of a great | open air demonstration of gratitude to the service men. Sunday afternoon it is likely an open air devotional and I thanksgiving service, featured by j prominent speakers, music, commun ity singing, and the distribution of medals of honor to the service men, j will be staged on the Island. I Monday, a parade of the service j men, athletics games and stanuts on the Island, a big "feed" and a dance, will include the program of enter tainment. These plana are subject to change if the committees in charge decide that other arrangements will Ibe more favorably received by those | in whose honor the demonstration has I been arranged. | The census to be taken by the mail ! carriers at once, will make possible ! the according of a celebration to every [service man. The committee pointed [out that without personal knowledge ! of all the men whom it will honor, the ! arrangements cannot be as complete ! as the committee desires thejp to be j Therefore the census will be conduct ied with minute detail, to make the i list as complete as possible. Cards, to bear the names of the ser vice men, and their record in the ser vice, are being printed at the present time, and will be distributed to the mall m<*n within a day pr two. After that, householders will be called upon by the mail carriers to volunteer all available Information, which will aid in the compilation of the list. The tasks, committeemen point out, must be accomplished as expeditiously as possible, as the time remaining for the welcome home demonstration is limited. NIM! KILLED By Associated I'ress. • Snn Salvador, Republic of Salvador, Wednesday, Sept. 10.— Nine miners were killed and ten injured by the explosion of six and a half tons of dynamite in a mine in the Department I ot Morazan, northeast of this city to day. The explosive was stored in the mine and was flred by lightning dur ing a heavy storm. The mine and building about it were badly dam aged. 200 HURT IN EXPLOSION By Associated I'ress• Cologne, Sept. 11.—A munition mag azine exploded in the neighborhood of Neuwied this morning. Two hun dred persons were injured and it is believed many were killed. these results before the time lor voting on the loan, he says. Several months ago. by provisions of a resolution introduced into Counuil by City Commissioner Lynch, Mr. Gross was empowered to bring to this city an expert, who should suggest several suitable lo cations, furnish some sort of speci fications and give an estimate as to the probable cost. It is under the provisions of this resolution that Mr. Gross is now directing his ef forts. SCHOOL PROBLEM IS PUT UP TO THE PUPILS' PARENTS Superintendent Downes Asks How Many Arc Dissatisfied With Grade Conditions Parents of the 500 odd boys and girls barred from the new Junior High Schools to-day were asked by Dr. F. E. Downes, superintendent of city schools, what course they want to pursue. Lefters mailed by the superintendent puts directly to the parent the problem of housing tlic children. A number of parents have in formed the school authorities that they are satisfied to have their children remain in the grade schools for the present because of the long distances from the center of the city to the Edison and the Camp Curtin buildings. In his letter Dr. | Downes asks that parent decide whether or not he wants his child I to be transferred to the new schools I if accommodations can be found. In his letter Dr. Downes quotes ! the resolution passed by the board j requesting that as many pupils be | transferred as desire and for whom ! accommodations can be found. Man Killed in Shooting Claimed by Two Wives; Velco Given a Hearing i That Thomas C. Deguri, who was I shot to death early Tuesday morning <by Sim Velco, has a wife and four i children living in Detroit, Mich., de | veloped with the arrival in this city lof other relatives from Hartford, [ Conn. The woman with whom he j had been living at 1024 Market I street, Emma Noll, had been thought to be his wife by neighbors, it is ! reported. Not untjl the arrival of the rela tives from the New England city yesterday, did the police learn the name of the murdered man. Pre viously it has been reported to them as Lignon, by which he had been generally known by those who knew him about the city. A preliminary hearing was given S'.m Velee. charged with the shoot ig, in police court this afternoon. Alderman De Phong presided. Steve o, charged with being an acces sory both before and after the shoot ing, will be given a hearing at the same session. Both are held with out bail. Mile Race in River For Swimmers Next Tuesday Swimmers will have another chance to win medals and establish a new record for one mile on the river. On Tuesday afternoon a one mile contest will be held under the direction of V. Grant Porrer, As sistant City Park Superintendent. The race will start from Keily street, at 1.30 p. m. The finish will be at Market str.eet bridge. This race is open to all swimmers. It was on the Kipona program but due to the fact that only two swim mers reported for the contest it was called off. Since that big day local swimmers have been anxious to have a contest for the medals. They are worth going after. Entries will be received at the office of the City Park Commis sioner up to 10 o'clock a. m. Tues day. It is now up to the local swim mers to get busy. They can leave their names at either 4 the lteist or Dintaman boathouses. There must be five entries to assure the race. With the large number of swim mers in Harrisburg it is the belief there should be no less than 25 entries. CANDIDATES IN RACE FOR MAYOR WORKING HARD Much Interest Also Centers inj Result of City Treasur- J ership Contest DEMOCRATS NOT ACTIVE Republicans Are Assured of United Support, No Matter Who Is Nominated Democratic lingmasters, alarmed by the lethargy of Democratic work ers, are camouflaging their own weakness by trying to make the. public believe that the wide-open primary campaign now being cpn ducted by Republican candidates is an indication of a big split in the Republican party in Harrisburg and Dauphin county. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Republican candidates are lighting it out for the nominations but no matter who is named, one and all will be found back of the ticket to be named next Tuesday, and the heavy Republican registration assures a sweeping vic tory in November. With only a few days to go, inter est is centering in the city largely in the mayoralty and city treasurer contests. Alderman George A. Hov erter's friends were predicting to day that he will have as many votes as all the other candidates for that nomination combined. Mr. llover ! ter is making a very quiet but close I canvass of the city and with the ; support of many organization lead [Contliuiod on Rage B.] Bolsheviki Forces Are Expecting Surrender of Gen. Kolchak's Army By Associated Press• London, Sept. 11.—A Bolshevik wireless dispatch from Moscow to day claims the capture of nearly 12,000 prisoners from Admiral Kol | chak's all-Russian forces in the re l gion of Aktiubinsk and Orsk. It is ! declared the surrender of the re | mainder of Kolchak's southern army is expected. : ®4 44 44 8 44.1*""J*4 4444444*4*4 ■ 4444 444444® At 4 A* 4 4 4 j<* 4 !*t jj § 4 14 4 'At 4* 4 4 § 4 4 J 4 | 4 § 4 ' 4 4 ■ A 4 : At f --ie| 4 i§ '4 14 4 Aft 4 4* 4 |4 4 4 *r ! At | A* 4- 4 4 14 4 | $ s 'T T At T ■A At 4 |4 4 4 4 T *r T • iT At Aft 4 4 4 Am ,*s At Aft > 'X X At * I I Aft 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 • 4 e|* ► | j: A* *' if 4 At >4 4 \Aft 4 4 4 ej 4 4 * I 4 . J MARRIAGE LICENSES ? w !T P ?r k Bro " n * Boycrtown, and iHiibelle J. Stetter, Sanantoaat CONTENDS PACT CHANGES WILL SACRIFICE ALL GAINED BY WAR Rejection of Peace Treaty With the League Covenant Would Shatter All Conces sions Under Dictated Peace MINORITY REPORT ANSWERS MAJORITY Democratic Senator Bolts; Pleads For Speedy Ratifica tion Without Amendments or Reservations by Associated Press, Washington, Sept. 11.—Rejection ! of the Peace Treaty with its League ' of Nations Covenant, or adoption j of amendments, would mean sacri j lice by the United States of all con cessions obtained from Germ.ii.y I under a dictated peace, minouly members of the Foreign Relations I Committee declared in a report pi e | sented to-day to the Senate. The report, prepared by Senator ! Hitchcock, of Nebraska, tanking i Democratic membor of the comm.t --i tee, urged speedy ratification of ice i Treaty without amendments or res ervations. It deplored "the long and unnecessary delay to which me Treaty has been subjected whiio locked up in the committee whose recommendations were from Ui-. start a foregone conclusion." and asserted these recommendations could have been made in July. Shields Holts Senator Shields, Democrat, Ten nessee, did not sign the report, hav- I ing announced that he favored | League Covenant reservations pi c [ pared by Chairman Lodge. It was 1 stated that he would not present a | separate report. Those signing, sr. I addition to Senator Hitchcock, were ! Senators Williams, Mississippi; | Swanson, Virginia; Pomerene, Ohio; I [Continued on Rage B.]