Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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"Would Be Detrimental Rather Than Beneficial, Proprietor
of East End Farms Tells Members of Harris
burg Rotary Club
"I believe the idea of a wholesale
market in Harrisburg will be detri
mental rather than beneficial to the
interests of the consumer, Robert J.
Walton, proprietor of the East End
Farms, near Hummelstown, told
members of the Rotary Club and
their families who were his guests
at a cornroast last evening.
"In the first place," Mr. Walton
continued, "the farmer has not the
time to attend both wholesale and
retail markets, which would mean
that he "would come to markets Tues
day and Fridays, sell to city re
tailers who would add their profit
and take the goods to market the
next day. As the arrangement now
is, we bring vegetables, taken from
the ground the day before, to market
and the consumer deals for the most
part direotly with the farmer and
gets fresh vegetables and fruits."
"A great deal has been written
recently," he continued, "about the
great profits the farmers are mak
ing. I do not notice that many
farmers . are getting very rich. If
the business is so. good why is it
that the number of farmers is not
greatly Increased by people from the
city? You do not try to regulate
the prices the merchants charge you
for dresses or suits of clothing, yet
all,manner of attempts are made to
No Alcohol or Dangerous Drugs
That the stomach is the fountain
head of most disease- was again
proven in the case of the Re-.
Johnah Smith, Wilkes-Barre, w". •,
after suffering six years with kind
ney trouble, found absolute relief
through taking Tanlac. He said.
"Severe pains in the back and
across the Uidneys used to hold me
almost rigid. Before I h..d finished
a half bottle of Tar.-lac I could feel
the beneficial effects, while to-day
kidne v trouble is - thing of the past.
Tanlac got my -t.omach working |
right and kidney trouble soon left."
People suffering from nervous de
bility, sleeplessness, lost vitality,
poor appetites headaches, indiges
tion, weakness, stomach, liver and
kidney troubles should take Tanlac,
the "Master Medicine of Millions."
Sold here by all leading druggists.
For many years Make-Man Tab- !
left have helped thousands to in- •
crease ti" 'r strength and vigor. It .
will certainly <lo the same for you. j
No injurious drugs or habit-form
ing medicines are used in its manu- i
facture. Everything to do you good •
and get you back on the road toi
your accustomed health. When j
tired out and run down take Make-
Man Tablets and find your old vim I
and ambition returning.
Test your strength after two |
weeks' trial and see how much you j
have gained. Make-Man Tablets I
will positively increase your strength, j
Be sure you see our monogram,
M-M-T on the package before you ;
accept it. Price 50c. Your drug- j
gist sells it; if not order direct from
fcshland Supply House, 325 W. Madi- I
(on St., Chicago, 111. |
A medicine that has endured as long as PE-RU-NA and possessing a
record of such substantial help to humanity, must have wonderful and
untold merit and healing, health making qualities and be backed up by
something besides promises.
lis! M for ever yda y /lls
JUS? il\ tryour troub,c I* of a catarrhal nature, try
| | PE-RU-NA, then tell your friends
KpJ.' p what It did for you
By purifying and enriching the blood and reducing the irrita-
hon of the raw and quivering nerves, PE-RU-NA exerts a soothing
A influence upon mucous membranes lining the interior of the body,
jyk which explains its great value in all diseases having origin in
w Catarrh or a Catarrhal Inflammation.
It is used effectively in coughs, colds,
catarrh of the nose and throat, bron- Hops for Sufferers
chial troubles, effects of the grip _
and s P. flnish Influenza, constipa- Z „ v ?
tl ? r l' diarrhoea, dysentary, catarrh AWa
°® die stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys hiuSS! " nd now ,eeling vcry
U or other organs, and all disorders due Mr,, cw A.p. ur h, R. R. N„. 7.
to ""ntation and congestion of the Ind " " p£kUNA ,ive<i
mucous linings. Mr. c. H. Beiugh.m. w„h.
V? "I look FE-RU-NA for ■ blood purl-
.. * ler tn ® system renovator. It la a
mfflmJ/ N'n.ly-s.van out at evary hundred
br,t met,lcin ® '°r cough, and cold. I
PV/' have Catarrh In some form option, p.
— —' "Don't give up hope. PE-RU-NA
. made me ■ well man in n couple of
The glad message of PE-RU-NA TaV c. B.rkh.n, R. R. NO. *.
helps and benefits has been carried Box U7 > LEXINGTON, Ky. "PE-RU-NA
far and wide by thousands of users. £#
Gratitude thus expressed accounts almost wholly for confined to my bed."
the widespread and universal popularity of Dr. Hart- "i"mrMoVS^fctr A oSW";
man's celebrated PE-RU-NA tonic for Catarrh. e.t anything."
Sold Everywhere Tablets or Liquid
regulate the prices of farm pro
Mr. Walton told the Rotarians
that he expects his farms, which
are among the largest in Pennsyl
vania, will produce this year about
15,000 baskets of peaches, 5,000
bushels of apples, 5,600 bushels of
potatoes, 12,000 dozen ears of sweet
corn, 100,000 heads of cabbage and
150,000 stalks of celery. Most of
this is sold in the Harrisburg mar
kets. A young army of employes
is at work constantly.
"Tho need of the hour is encour
agement to the farmer," Mr. Walton
said. He cited the instance of
Wilkes-Barre, where the Chamber
of Commerce ran special motor
trucks equipped to carry passengers
into the country districts to take
mei. to and from work on the farms,
thus saving a labor shortage and
greatly increasing the crops of fine
vegetables thereabout.
Mr. Walton entertained the Ro
tarians in fine style, the first feature
of the day being- an inspection 'trip
of the big farms by automobile, the
journey requiring about one hour.
Then the guests looked over the
sheds where the fruit and vegetables
are prepared for market and loaded
on the trucks that bring them to
this city. The supper was served
on the lawn, corn on the ear, cold
boiled country ham, potato salad,
poaches, pears, apples- and grapes
being on the menu.
After supper the first fall meeting
of the Rotary Club was held on the
porch of the Walton home, with G.
! M. Steinmetz, president in the chair,
and John F. O'Neill, acting as secre
tary in the absence of W. M. Robison
who is attending the Knights Temp
lar convention in Philadelphia. A
: committee appointed to make ar
i rangements for the attendance of
! the club at the international con
| ventton to be held next year in At
; lantic City is made up of Howard
|C. Fry, chairman; Rudolph K.
Rpicer, Norris Longaker and the
! secretary-treasurer of the club who
is to he secretary-treasurer of the
committee. The president and sec
retary were also instructed to at
tend an important one day meeting
of all the Rotary Clubs of the fifth
district in Atlantic City on Septem
ber 22. The next meeting will be
held next Tuesday night at the Y. M.
C. A. with Eli N. Hershey, of the
Hershey Creamery Company, as host.
A brotherhood meeting of Coven
ant Presbyterian Church will be held
to-morrow evening, at 8 o'clock.
Nominations and elections will be
held for officers to fill two unexpired
terms. Rev. Samuel A. Bower, pas
tor of Olivet Presbyterian Church,
will be present to speak on "The Man
and the Opportunity."
The contract between the Harris
burg Light and Power Company and
tiie borough of Pen brook was present
ed to tho Public Service Commission
for approval. The Dauphin lighting
contract has been approved.
Ex-Lieutenant-Govornor John M.
Reynolds, of Bedford, was a visitor to
fhe Capitol as was Senator M. L
Phipps, of Franklin.
Don't forget the
Senate Hotel
has special chicken and waf
fle dinner, Thursday, Sep
tember 11, 5.30 to 8 P. M.
Fred B. Aldinger
Patriotic Americans in Clos
ing Session Also Score Bol
shevism in America
Limited military training in public
schools of the State is favored In an
emphatic resolution passed to-day at
the final session of Pennsylvania
State Council of Fraternal Patriotic
Americans. The convention opened
yesterday in the Harrisburg Club,
where all business sessions have been
Bolshevism is scored in another em
phatic resolution adopted by the dele
gates. The great detriment of the
movement is particularly emphasized
In the resolution. John C. Fiero of Lan
caster, was to-day elected State Coun
cilor. Other officers named include
William A. Bauer, of Pittsburgh, state
vice-councilor; A. H. Leslie, of Hobo
ken, state council treasurer. Wll
liamsport was selected for the place
of the next meeting, which will be
held on the second Tuesday of next
The part that the organization
played in the World War was empha
sized in the memorial address deliv
ered by Alexander M. DeHaven, of
Philadelphia, in memory of the 75 men
of the order who died in the service.
He expressed the belief that the or
ganization furnished of a larger per
centage of its members to the United
States service, than any similar or
ganization. Definite figures on hand
account for the enrollment of 1971
members, while unofficial informa
tion credits 200 other members with
having served with the
forces. Medals will be awardhd to
all members who have been in tlfe
A committee was appointed to fur
ther War Savings Stamp sales and to
co-operate with the Council of Na
tional Defense. Included on this com
mittee are John C. Fiero, Lancaster:
William A. Bauer, Pittsburgh, and
George S. Ford, Philadelphia. It was
announced that the various sub-coun
cils had purchased $90,000 worth of
Liberty Bonds and War Savings
Four new councills are reported to
have been added during the past
year, while the membership increases
is reported to have been approximate
ly 1,200. Voluntary contributions of
$3,000 were made this morning to pro
vide for a membership campaign.
Approval of a number of congres
sional and legislative bills was given
at yesterday's session. Among these
was the restriction of all immigra
tion for a period of four years; the
deportation of all .alien enemies, and
the proper observance of the Sab
Funds were set aside providing for
the. publication of American Re
view, a periodical that will tell of
the activities of the organization.
Announcement was made that $5,000
was spent during the past year for
the support of orphans of former
members, ar.d that permanent fund
of $15,000 is invested for this relief
work. More than $5,000 was sub
scribed to-day to continue the work.
Reports of various officers were
read and approved ar.d announcement
made that the 150 councils in the
Slates have a total membership of
Membership prizes were awarded
at the banquet at the Penn-Harris
last night and the following district
executives were present: Wilson J.
Smith, New Jersey; E. W. Miner, of
Virginia; Lewis F. Page, of New York
and E. P. Haxleton, of Washington,
D. C.
Admits He Drowned
Wife to Marry Girl
St. Ixmis, Sept. 10. —Interrupting
his game of soiitarie in a cell in the
Perry county jail at Pinckneyville,
60 miles southeast of here last night,
William Porter Wroten told in a
matter of fact tone, with not a tre
mor in his voice, how he had drown
ed his wife in tho presence of their
two children, so that he might marry
Mary Brown, a 16-year-old girl.
Mary Brown Wroten, bride of
three weeks, who is also in prison
here, sobbed out her love for Wro
ten and announced her determina
tion to stick by him.
Much Interest Being Shown by
Delegates in Election
of Officers
Popular Philadelphia Candidate For
Grand Master
Election of ofllcers was put ahead
to-day on the convention calendar
of the Grand United Order of Odd
Fellows. Delegates wanted more
time to discuss reports. It was also
feared that after the parade a num
ber of delegates might want to get
away, and some of the discussions
were sidetracked and election of offi
cers called for.
The light for grand master will in
all probability be between Philadel
i phia candidates. Robert E. Lee has
opposing him Dr. J. W. Sutton and
John D, Morris. These candidates
all stand high in the order and the
competition while spirited was
friendly. Delegates were ready to
make war on any attempt at fac
tional lights, the majority favoring
harmony. It was the belief that Lee
was a favorite. However, Dr. Sut
ton had an enthusiastic following.
Local ( and.date
Dr. Charles H. Crampton of this
city, expected to have some opposi
tion in the race for district deputy
grand master. It was said there
would not likely be any competition
for the other offices. John
Fields of Steelton, had no opposition
for the office of State secretary. He
has held this important office for
some time and has a host of friends
who recognize his efficiency and ac
tivity in the order. Delegates were
not certain whether it would Le pos
sible to complete the election before
the parade. It is also probable that
a session will be held to-morrow
Reports took up a big part of the
sessions to-day of both the Odd Fel
lows and Household of Ruth. A
joint memorial service was held at
the Wesley Union A. M. E. Zion
Church, and was followed by the
business sessions.
Reports presented and discussed
were on insurance, Household of
Ruth, auditing and other branches
of the order. The latter is in a
nourishing condition throughout the
State, the increase In membership
being large.
After Next Convention
There is likely to be a spirited
contest for the convention next year.
Lancaster is making a strong bid
and offers big inducements for the
meeting in 1920. Delegates from
Connellsville and Monesscn are also
showing activity. It is said the con
vention belongs in the western part
of the State next year.' Pittsburgh is
backing the Connellsville delegates.
The parade this afternoon was
the big feature of the day. It
brought to Harrisburg large dele
gations fro'm Philadelphia, Lancas
ter, York, Heading, Norristown, Car
lisle, Chambersburg, Middletown
Lebanon and Chester. The chief
marshal was Andrew C. Gray, cus
todian at the Executive Department.
His chief of staff was James E
Taylor. Major W. H. Coslow of
Harrisburg was in command of the
uniformed rank. There were bands
and drum corps in line of proces
sion which formed in Briggs street,
right resting in Cowden, and moved
shortly after 2 o'clock in the fol
lowing order:
Line Parade
Platoon of police.
Chief marshal, P. N. F. Andrew
C. Gray.
Chief of staff, M. V. P., James E
Aids—Boy Scouts.
First Division Band—Uniformed
rank under command of M. V. P
Major W. H. Coslow.
Second division, aids, band. Kpst
Grand Masters Council, subordin**-"
Third division, district grand of
ficers, inmates of Household of
Ruth and general committee in au
The route: Out Cowden to Boas,
to seventh, to Calder, to Third, to
State, to Front, to Market, to sub
way, countermarch to South Sec
ond street, to Chestnut and dismiss
Immediately after the parade
there was a competitive drill of the
uniformed rank at C).| stnut Street
Hall. A prize has been offered of
$5 in gold for the best drilled or
Prominent in Line
Prominent in to-day's parade and
active in the success of the organi
zation was Robert J. Nelson, clerk
in the Department of Mines at the
Capitol. He has held a number of
important offices and is a past grand
master of the State. He joined the
order twenty-six years ago and is
a member of the famous Jacohed
Lodge of Reading, the third oldest
>n the State. This organization had
100 men in line, with the Municipal
Band of this city leading.
Other leading members were Ma
'or General of Patriarchy Jarrett
Ford. James J. Howard, James F
Nocdham, nil of Philadelnhia: Isaac
E. Asbury, Washington, Pa., district
grand master: B. O. Collier, chan
cellor of the Knights of Pytliias. and
Charles J. Wilson, of Norristown,
who headed a delegation of fifty.
Big Reception Lnst Nfglit
Local lodges of Household of
Ruth last, night entertained the vis
iting delegates of this order, and
those of the Grand United Order of
Odd Fellows. The big welcome was
held In Chestnut Street Auditorium.
Members of Miriam Household of
Ruth and of No. 4595 acted as aiie
big reception committee. Mrs. Cath
erine Turpln. of Miriam Household
No. 1, acted as mistress of cere
Following the opening chorus
orayer wns offered by the chaplain.
The musical features Included vocal
■-aloe h" Miss Sfarv I>awls, of Naomi
No. 4595: Mrs Boyklns, of Pitts
burg. and Miss Helen Robinson of
Miriam No. 1; and an Instrumental
solo by Miss Catharine Lewis, of
Railroad Chief Says Shipments
of Stone For Roads Have
Not Been Halted
Director General Walker D.
Hines, 6f the United States Railroad
administration, to-day wired Gov
ernor Sproul that no embargo had
been placed on shipments of stone
for state highways and none was
The telegram from Washington
eatd: "Your wire with reference to
embargo upon road building ma
terials was apparently based on
misinformation. No embargo on
such materials is contemplated and
if in effect on the Baltimore and
Ohio will be removed."
The state authorities' information
on the subject came from H. U,
Voorliees, superintendent of trans
portation of the Baltimore and
Naomi No. 4595. The welcome ad
dress was by Mrs. Emma Matthews,
of Naomi Household, and an inter
esting address was made by Mrs.
Mary A. Parker, of Washington.
Following .the introduction of the
state and national (Officers, there
was a grand march, led by Mrs.
Mary A. Parker, grand woman su
perior, and Isaac Asbury, grand
master. Another big reception Is
scheduled for to-night. C. W.
Strouthers will lead the march.
Capitol Hill Notes
The State Hoard of Charities to-day
arranged to have a conference with
Lancaster county authorities relative
to the new prison. The Board re
elected its office and field force and
continued committees.
Notice of a seven-cent fare was
filed with the Public Service Com
mission to-day by the* Southern Cam
bria railway and milk rates on the
Harmony tines in Western Pennsyl
vania were advanced.
The State Highway Department to
day complained to the Public Service
Commission that the Pittsburgh and
Shrawmut llaliread had laid crossing
over a State highway in Mahoning
township, Armstrong county without
authority and that the presence of a
cut makes It dangerous. The com
plaint is the first of the kind to be
The State lll„torlcnl Commission
was to-day Informed by Deputy At
torney General Frank N. Hunter that
while the title to the property of the
old Harmony Society near Ambridge
is vested in the State the Commission
has authority under the act of 1919
to take charge of and maintain it as
a memorial without further proceed
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
The Year 's Most
Pleasing New Sedan
* | TIE season offers no other sedan so pleasing in the beauty of its
X lines and its furnishings, as the new series Chandler Sedan. And
there is none that may be compared with it at anything like its price.
The new Chandler Sedan is the highest expression of years of
development in the creation of closed bodies, it is beautiful to look
at, and most comfortable to ride in. It has style and refinement that
must appeal to those who care for the finer things.
This car seats sevenpersons most comfortably or five when auxiliary
chairs are not in use. The front seat is solid, not divided as in previous
models, and the window posts are a permanent part of the body, not
removable. The windows, however, may be lowered away or adjusted
to suit the weather and the wish. The entire interior is upholstered
in finest quality silk-plush of pleasing pattern for cushions and plain
tone for head lining. Interior fittings are in dull silver finish.
Despite the largest production in the history of the Chandler
company, the demand for the new series sedan will quickly con
sume the production for weeks to come. Your early order will
be a safeguard against disappointment.
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1795 Four-Passenger Roadster, $1795
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, $1875
Seven-Passenger Sedan, $2795 Four-Passenger Coupe, $2695 Limousine, $3295
All PriciM f, a. b. Cltvtland
Third and Hamilton Streets
Issue Invitations For the
Marriage of Their Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Cor
bett, of the Locust Apartments, 2020
North Third street, have issued In
vitations for the marriage of their
| daughter, Miss Mary Bell Corbett
to Erhardt Eckstein Rider, of Cen
KneghofFs masterly portrait of
the majesty of whose spir- tfllS KTITICC Ot tflC G hllYCil, SllCp
i£" .EJrttaE? 3S '} erd °f Belgium, in life-like tones,
knew that they did not dare 18 O/l the frOllt Oaae of the OrtU
lay hand upon this servant j * * *mm
of God."—President Wilson. tIC COIOY Supplement OT the
Sunday, September 14
A Picture That Will Be Prized in American Homes
The New Section for Women
in the Sunday edition gains instant favor. It is Mrs. M. A. Wilson conducts a department on
a complete review of the things in which women food economy and cooking.
are most interested. M n .. .. . _ , .
Edith M. Burtis writes of the Fashions. It
The news of society, including Peggy Ship- was a PUBLIC LEDGER article by Miss
pen's brilliant review of social events. Burtis that William C. Freeman wrote in the
New York Globe: "One of the best articles I
Smart letters covering activities in New ever read on the importance of wearing the
York, Washington, Newport, the fashionable re- proper kind 0 f clothes was written by Edith M.
. , _ ... Burtis."
sorts and European cities.
_ . r• A A A • ii j Plumly Thompson, the widely known
Features of interest -n.en in social and author of children's stories, conducts the depart
public life. ment for, Boys and Girls.
Make sure of your copy of the PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC LEDGER
next Sunday by ordering now. Better still, order it delivered
regularly by carrier or send a subscription and have it mailed.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1919.
tral Valley, N. Y., Tuesday, Septem
ber 23, at 12 o'clock in the Beth
lehem Lutheran Church.
Miss Corbett is a well-known
choir and concert singer of more
than local fame, having appeared In
light opera and concerts In Philadel
phia and other eastern cities. She Is
also a member of the Wednesday
I Club.
Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets
Make the liver active, bowels regular. allheal pale or
griping, relieve sick headache and that bias lei flMur
after eating, purify tbe blood and elear the eaaffethM*.
Large box, enough to laat m ■—III, He.