Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1919, Image 15
Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page HAULING AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, local and long distance haulers, furniture, machin ery, pianos and safe moving a spe cialty. Bell phone 2418. Dial 3283 or call at Ober'a Garage. AUTO HAULJNQ Local or long - distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 417 Capital street. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Kelly. Both *, phones. Day and Night Auto Transfer , WALTER C. CONRAD. Manager, 341 Kelker St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3518 HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, treight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful 'A driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. If*' l " Aungsl. Manager. Hershey. Pa. Beil I phone 15R6. r> WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. PAUL BECK general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1119 Vernon Street, or Bell 3811-J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving, j Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 036 Calder street. Both phones. Bell ; 3C36-J. Dial 3688. U N I > LI M A K KHS ' SAMUEL S. FACKLER. I FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. 1 BELL 1956 DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOK SALK ] PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, i east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. WHERE TO DINE L ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, : THE HOME OF SATISFAC'IION. I CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. Both phones. H. GOODMAN, 1306H North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE 2V4-ton Denby, StOike body 4 truck; can be used for haul ing of all kinds; rates rea- , sonable. PAUL BECK. Apply 1419 Vernon Street. Bell 2811-J. FOR SALE —One %-ton Internation al trick. Apply 1420 Fulton St. Man nn premises. FOR SALE: —Five passenger Over- Band touring car, 1917 model. In good (condition; three new tires. For furth g>r information call 111 North SL It 1918. late model Dodge touring car. ~ In A 1 condition with lot of extras. Call 310 Market St.. 2d floor j DODGE —New touring car with 1 i complete equipment. Arply 905 North I k 16th St. automodii.es . 1 : DODGE touring, new top and newly painted. Chandler, 6port model. 4-passenger, "white wheels, one extra. Reo roadster, in fine shape. Buick light six. repainted and in fine condition. Velie, 1917. in first class condition. Overland, roadster, in fine shape. Velie, 1918. repainted and in fine eliapc. . Briscoe, 3-passenger roadster, in fine shape. „ „ .. Time payments from 4 to 12 months ran be arranged on above cars. * REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO., 1917 North Third St. E'OR SALE —Rebuilt Cadillacs. One 1916 roadster, one 1916 seven-passen ger touring car and one five-passen ger touring car. All in good condi tion. Address or inquire 266 Herr St. Bell phone 4912 or 3504. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtimers. In anv condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schtffman 22. 24 26 , North Cameron Street Bell 3633. FORD touring. 17 model; electric lights; runs and palls like D ® w, l r r ' c ® $375 cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. Horst. Linglestown. near Harrisburg. FOR SALE A Willys Six Club roadster. 1918 model, car in excellent condition. Apply 229 S. 13th St. Bell 4447-J. FOR SALE FORD TON TRUCK. 1917 TOURING CARS. 1917 ROADSTER. CONVENIENT TERMS. OPEN EVE. sUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., i 117 South Third Street. E'ORD —1917 roadster, good tires and top. in A 1 condition, with demount able wheels. Inquire 322 Blackberry Avenue. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 Soutn l Cameron street. FORD touring car. electric lights, in c good mechanical condition; can .„ J.® ~ Seen at Riverside Garage, rear 1411 N. Front street 6. MAGNETOS —All types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman. Dixie, bplitdorf, Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A BchtfTman. 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. E'ORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run ning order. $695. Horst. Linglestown. - GRANT, flve-passengor; 6 cylinder; four new tires and tubes; good con- J dition; cheap to quick buyer. Ester f brook. 912 North Third St. V SAXON roadster, 1916; price $250; Overland Touring. 1916. $525; Comet Six, $llOO. 191s model. Salesman Horst. Linglestown. Pa. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, lamps. etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 805 North Third street. I (C'vutlnucd In Next Column; WEDNESDAY EVENIINro, AUTOMOBILES ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick buyers in good used cars. 1915 Bulck, one-ton truck. 1917 Enger, turn six, fine shape. 1917 Vim. light delivery. 1918 Reo touring, fine running or der. at a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO.. A. Schlftman. Manager. WANTED—AII kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. BARGAINS —International one-ton truck, used ten months, cheap; In ternational two-ton truck, used nine months, cheap; Ford delivery, panel body, in fine condition. Ford 1-ton unit, brand new. Cadillac delivery, closed body. Denby 2V4-ton. Power dump body, in fine condition; Denby 2Vs-ton, with stake body, like new; Acme 3V4-ton, with Woods steel dump body, used six months; Denby 3-ton with Woods steel dump body. Denby Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital street. 2'/4-ton Demby truck for sale with high wood derrick and body. Must be sold; first class condition; a rea sonable price. Call 6 or 7 p. m. at 1001 Cumberland St. FOR SALE —Chalmer's Sedan. 1917; new upholstering; Chandler, 1919, 4- passenger, sport model; wire wheels, bumper, spot light. 6 new tires; Over land. 1918. 90 delivery car. Inquire Penn-Harris Taxicab office, care Penn-Harris Hotel. FOR SALE—Ford touring car $300; good condition. C. E. Hess, third stop past Colonial Club on Linglestown car line. FOR SALE 1917 Cadillac roadster, 1917; new top: new cord tires; two spares; new paint; as good as new. Chevrolet, 4-90 In first class condi tion. Bargains. FRANKLIN SALES AND SERVICE. 4th and Chestnut Sts.. Hbg. FORD touring, 17; demountable wheels; new tires; tire currier; shock absorbers; speedometer; spot light; tool box and cut out; good cur tains with winter rods; price S4OO. Square Deal Horst. Linglestown. MOTORCYCLES AND lItCYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET Garages, Accessories nun Repairs RAYFIELD carburetors are recog nized as the most reliable by all dis criminating car owners; more power more speed and 25 tc 50 per cent, sav ing of gasoline, are some of the rea sons you should have one; a special type Bayfield for every make of car. Agency, Federlcks' Garage, 1807 N. Seventh Street. Harley Davidson, electric and side car $250 Indian. 1916, 3 spee.l 135 Indian, 2 speed electric 125 Harley-Davidson, one speed .... 75 Thor, one speed 65 Big bargains to quick buyers. DAYTON CYCLE CO., Dial 4990 912 N. Third SL IF YOU need a tire or any part of any make of secondhand cars, we have it. Wc also buy secondhand junk ears. Highest cash price paid. Selden Truck Distributors. 1017-1025 Market street. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING BRIDGE Office of Board of Commissioners of I'ublic Grounds and Buildings State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, at his ollice in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 23, 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials to build bridge over the Wapaseening Creek, on Pennsylvania State Highway, Route No. 15, two miles from Nichols. New York, in Windham Township, Brad ford County, Pennsylvania, as indi cated fully in the plans and specifi cations prepared by George 11. Dun ham, of Harrisburg, Pa., Consulting Engineer, for the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitpl Building. Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "Pro posal Wapaseening Creek Bridge" on outside cover. T. W. TEMPLETON. Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL Office of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals, accompanied by a check on a solvent bank or trust company, duly certified by a proper officer thereof, in the sum of twenty five thousand ($25,0U0j dollars, as a proposal guaranty, will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pa., until lu a. m. on Tuesday. September 23, 1919 for the construction of the Soldiers' and Sail ors' Memorial Bridge along Capitol Park Extension and State street, Har risburg, Pa- Specifications, plans, proposal and contract forms are on file and caji be seen the office of the superinten dent. at Harrisburg. the office of the Chief engiueer in Baltimore, and the office of the architect In New York and contractors may obtain sets of the same by depositing SIOO.OO for each set. with the superintendent. This deposit will be refunded upon re turn of the sets without marking, dis figurement or other damage within ten days after the award of the con tract. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof. By order of the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. L. W. Mitchell Secretary. T. W. Templeton. Superintendent. Arnold W. Brunner, Architect, 101 Park ave.. New York City. J. E. Grelner & Co., Engineers, Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore. Md. Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin Ccur.ty No. 106, Commonwealth Docket. 1917. All poisons, corporations and so forth, having claims against the Guaranty Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany (dissolved) formerly of Allen town, Pa., are notified to prove tli'c same before the undersigned on or be fore September 30. 1919. or be there after barred from proving. THOMAS B. DONALDSON. Ins. Com'r., Harrisburg. Pa. NOTlCE—Letters testamentary on the estate of Theodore G. Calder, late of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Coun ty, Pa., deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned residing in said (city, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. MARY K. CALDER MAINS COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Executors. PUBLIC NOTICE ; NOTICE—I, the undersigned have purchased the business of Slanlm Icoo and Joseph Shoma, conducting the Capital City Restaurant. 437 Market St. Any bills owing by said company Will be paid if presented at 437 Mar • ket St. within ten days. (Signed), JOHN WALLIANAFF. I LEGAL NOTICE i i PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE In (he estate of Edward E. Seifert, late of Susquehanna township, Dau - pliin county, Pu., deceased. ) Pursuant to an order of the Orphans • Court of Dauphin County, of August ' 25. 1919, the undersigned, administra tor of the estate of Edward E. Seifert. ■ deceased, will offer at public Bale on the premises, at 2 o'clock p. hi., Thurs " day afternoon, September 18. 1919, the 1 following real estate: I All that certain tract of land sit uate in Susquehanna township, in the ■ County of Dauphin and State of Penn sylvania. known as the "Meckley" farm. Being a farm with stone farm house and other outbuildings, containing eighty-live acres and one hundred and fifteen perches, said farm being sit uate on the road leading from Har risburg to Linglestown, byway of Nhutt's Mill, and which said farm is the land near to or adjoining Shult's Mill, east of Wildwood Park. Ten per cent, of the purchase price to be paid on the day of sale; fifteen per tent, additional upon the confirma tion of the sale by the court, October 7. 1919. and the balance on or before the first day of December, 1919. ALFRED A. SEIFERT. Administrator of Edward E. Seifert, , ' deceased. 1 I. P. BOWMAN. GEORGE L. REED Attorneys. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Charles V. Bush, late ! of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa.. deceased, having been granted to the ! undersigned residing in Harrisburg, , Pa., all persons indebted to said e , tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will . present them for settlement to WILLIAM T. BUSH. > Administrator. Or W. K. MEYERS, Attorney. NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Commonwealth Trust Company will be held at the principal office of the . company. Harrisburg. Pa., on the 7th day ot November, 1919, at 11 o'clock. A. M.. for the purpose of voting for or ugainst a proposed increase in the capital stock of said company from $250,0GC to $500,000. W. H. METZGER. Secretary, Commonwealth Trust Co. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa. No. 13, Comm. Docket, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that my first account as liquidator of the af fairs of tile Pennsylvania Grand Lodge Ancient Order of United Work ' men (dissolved) is filed in the afore said court. Exceptions to the same must be filed not later than October lu. 1919. THOMAS B. DONALDSON, Harrisburg, I'a. Ins. Com'r. Pennsylvania State Highway De partment. Harrlsburr. Pa. Sealed proposals will lie received at ' tlie State Capitol until 10 a. m.. Sep tember 30. 1919, when bids will ho ' publicly opened and scheduled, and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction ot tlie following pavements: 1 1640 linear feet of One Course Reinforced Con crete in Armstrong County; 9577 li near feet of pavement consisting of 5856 linear feet of Bituminous Sur face Course on present moundation and 3721 linear feet of Bituminous Surface Course on a Concrete Four.- ■ dation in Bucks County; 12947 linear feet of either One Course Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick or Vitrified Brick and 6631 linear feet of One Course Reinforced Concrete in Cambria County; 5326 linear feet of Vitrified Brick in Centre County; 28292 linear feet of either Bituminous Surface Course on a Concrete Founda tion or One Course Reinforced Con crete and 21619 linear feet of One Course I reinforced Concrete in Ches ter county; 4265 linear feet of either Bituminous Surface Course and Hill side Vitrified Brick on a Concrete Foundation or One Course Reinforced . Concrete in 'Clinton County; 18514 linear feet of One Course Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick in Crawford County; 26713 linear feet of either One Course Reinforced Concrete -or Bituminous Surface Ccurse on a Concrete Foundation in Delaware County; 37521 linear feet of i either Bituminous Surface Course on] a Concrete Foundation or One Course i Reinforced Concrete and 32316 linear feet of One Course Reinforced Con crete in Erie County; 25164 linear feet! of One Course Reinforced Concrete] and Hillside Vitrified Brick in Fay-j ette County; 23201 linear feet of One Course Reinforced Concrete in Greene County; 19618 linear feet of One Course Reinforced Concrete in Lan caster County; also UOI7O linear feet of One Course Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick in West moreland County. Bidding blanks and specifications may be obtained free and plans upon payment of $2.50 per 'set, upon application to State lligh j way Department, Harrisburg, Pa. No refund for plans returned. They can I also be seen at office of State llign way Department, Harrisburg. 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and 904 Ilartje Building. Pittsburgh. Pa. Lew is S. Sadler. Slate Highway Commis nioner. SHERIFF'S SALES [ By virtue of certain writs of fieri facias, levari facias, liberari facias, vcnditional exponas and alias vendi tioni exponas, issued out or the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me directed. I will expose at Public Sale or Outcry, at the Court House, in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pa., on Thursday, September 18th. 1919. 2 o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: (PATTERSON, ATTORNEY.) No. I.—All that lot or piece of land in Harrisburg, Pa., bounded and des cribed as follows; BEGINNING at the South-eastern corner of Wallace and Cumberland Street; thence Southwardly 28 feet, more or less, to land now or late of Mary Fogerty; thence Eastwardly 68 feet, more or less, to a private alley; thence Northwardly 28 feet, more or less, to Cumberland Street; thence Westwardly along Cumberland Street 68 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon being houses Nos. 1133 and 1135 Wallace Street. Sold as the property of Annie Weiner and Jacob Weiner, her hus band defendants. (NKIFFER & SAUSSAMAN. ATTYS.) No 2—All those two certain con tiguous lots of ground situate in Wiconisco (IOlmtown). beginning at a point on the north side of Oak street, (sometimes called Elm street); thence bv said street, lots being forty feet front each, and running back one hundred and forty feet to a sixteen feet wide alley; bounded on the east hv lot No. 24 and on the west by lot No 19 said lots being Nos. 20 and 22 on the general plan of Elmtown. Hav ing thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and necessary I °"For ll tiUe S 'see deed of Ellen Finn. II widow, to Chester Yabczynski. but in r-orrectlv spelled in said deed as " Jabczynskl, dated the 2nd day of 0 Anril A D. 1910. and recorded In the " office for the recording of deeds, etc. " in and for Dauphin County, at Har -0 ruburg. in Veed Book "B". Vol. 14. " PU Sold 3l ai< the property of Chester Yabf (p ATTF^RSON". 8 ATTORNEY) No 3- —All that certain lot of n ground in Harrisburg. Pa., bounded 0 ant! described as follows; Beginning at a corner of an alley called James Alley, thence along said alley 21 feet six inches to the corner ot lot No. 6; thence along the line of the same 131 " feet to a point on Elder now Capital e street' thence along said street 18 8 "feet six inches to a point on lot No. 1: thence along the lino of said lot 14l feet to James Alley, the place of {hereon erected a three-story teleorxph frame dwelling house. No. 818 Capi tal Street. . „ Sold as the property of Frances Wenrick. (PATTERSON. ATTORNEY) No. 4.—A1l that land in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the North western corner ofSeventh and Wood bine Streets; thence Northwardly along the Western line of Seventh Street 95 feet, more or less, to an al ley 13 feet, more or less, wide; thence "Westwardly along tho Southern line of said alley 23 feet and 2 inches, more or less, to a point on land of Patrick H Vaughn: thence South wardly along the line of said land 95 feet, more or less, to said Woodbine Street, thence eastwardly along the northern line of said Woodbino Street, 14 feet and four inches, more or less to the place of beginning. Thereon house No. 664 Woodbine St Sold as the property of William H. | My a B 'p. BOWMAN. ATTORNEY.) No. 5. —All the tollowlng four tracts of land situate in the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, tounded and described as follows, tc wit! A. Beginning at a point on the southern line of Decry street, one hundred feet eastwardly from 31st street, at line of land now or late of F. J. Douden; thence southwardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide alley; thence eastwardly along said alley 18 feet to line of property No. 2115 Perry street; thence northwardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet 9 inches to Perry street; thence westwardly along Perry street 16 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house No. 2113 Perry street. B. Beginning on the southern line of Perry street 116 feet east wardly from 21st street, at line of property No. 2113 Derry street; thence southwardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide thence eastwardly along said alley 16 feet to line of property No. 2117 Derry street; thence northwardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence westwardly along the southern line of Derry street 16 feet to the place of begin ning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house No. 2116 Derry street. C. Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 132 feet eastwardly from 21st street; at line of property No. 2115 Derry street; thence south wardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet to a 4 feet wide alley; thence eastwardly along said alley 16 feet to an alley way; thence northwardly along said alley-way 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence westwardly along Derry street 16 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house No. 2117 Derry street. D.' Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 170 feet east wardly frcm 21st street; thence southwardly through the center of a partition wall ot a pair of brick houses 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide alley; thence westwardly along said alley 22 feet to line of property No. 2117 Perry street; thence north wardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence east wardly along Derry street 22 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a thiee-story brick dwelling house No. 2119 Derry street. Said four houses to have the use of the 4 foot alley in the fear and the alley way between houses Nos. 2117 and 2119 Perry street, in common. For title see Deed Books A. 15, 319, and X. 10, 173. Sold as the properties of Peter Vanderloo. defendant. (ROSENBERG it ROSENBERG ATTORNEYS.) Morris Stine, et ux et al, to I.ouls Swimmer, September 12, 1916, Deed- Book N. Vol. 16, page 323, etc. No. 1. Beginning at a point on the Western line of (Jowden Street thirty two (.32) feet and six 16) inches South of the Southern line of York Street; thence Southwardly along Cowden Street sixteen feet to a point; thence Westwardly parallel with York Street one hundred twenty-six | (126) feet six (6) inches, more or less, to Ash Street; and thence North wardly along the Eastern Line of Asli Street sixteen (16) feet to a point; thence Eastwardly parallel with Y'o.k Street one hundred twenty six (126) feet and six (6) inches, more or less, to the place of begin ning. Thereon being house No. 906 Cowden Street. No. 2. Beginning at a point on the Western line of Cowden Street six teen (16) feet and six inches south of the Southern line of Y'ork Street; thence Southwardly along Cowden Street sixteen feet to a point; the:ice Westwardly parallel with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and six inches, more or less, to Ash otreet; thence Northwardly along the Eastern line of Ash Street six teen feet to a point; thence East wardly parallel with Y'ork Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and I live inches, more or less, to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected i iiouse No. 908 Cowden Street. Sold las tho property of Louis Swimmer, | defendant. (STROH, McCARRELL, ATTYS.) • No. 7.—A1l that certain lot of land, | with the buildings thereon erected, I situated in the city of Harrisb-rg ; aforesaid (formerly in tho Township lof Susquehanna,) bounded and des cribed as follows; Beginning at a point on the western line of North I Sixth street one nundred and forty J (140) feet from the northwestern I corner of said North Sixth and .Maclay ! streets, at the line of property now or former!) of B. 11. Engle being the centre of the partition wall; tnence northwardly along said line of said street seventeen tl7) feet to a point at property now or formerly of B. H. Engle; thence westwardly along the line of slid property and at right angles to sua North Sixwi street ninety-six (96) teet to the eastern line of a seventeen (17) feet wide alley; thence southwardly along said line of said alley sixteen and thirty two hundredths (16.32) feet to tne line of the aforesaid oroperty of B. H. Engle; tnence eastwardly along the line if said property at riglit angles to said North Sixth street and through tlie center of the partition wall ninety-six (96) feet to the place of beginning: having thereon erected a three 13) story brick dwelling house, known as No. 2116 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And being tho same premises which Sarah A. Decker, by her deed dated October 17th, A. D. 1990, and recorded in tho Re--order's Office at Harris burg, aforesaid in Deed Book 'R," Vol. 10, page 207, sold and conveyed to Charles K. Mcllvaln and Minnie B. Mcllvaln, defendants herein. And being also the sanio premises which Edwin S. Herman and his wife by their deed dated Feb/uary 2, A. D. 1906, and recorded in tno aforesaid Recorder's Office in Peed Bock "L" V' 1 12, page 261, sold ana conveyed to Charles K. Mcllvaln and Minnie B. Mcllvaln, defendants herein. Sold as the property ot Charles K. Mcllvaln and Minnie B. Mcllvaln, defendants. (NEIFFEU & SAUSSAMAN, ATTYS.) No. B.—All that certain half or piece of ground situate on the east ern side of Pine street In the Bor ough of Lykens, County of Dauphin anu State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ing twenty-live (25) feet in width, fronting on the eust side of Pine street an i extending eastward tho same width one hundred and forty (140) feet to a sixteen and une-naif (16%) feet wide alley and being the northern half of lot No. 321 as marked on vne plan ot the Town mow Bor ough) of Lykens, laid out by Daniel Hoifman, in the year A. D., 1848, suld half lot bounded on the north by lot No. 322. on the east by a sixteen and one-half 10VS) feet wide alley; on the south by southern half of lot No. 321 and on the west by Tine street- Sold as the property of Noah A. sw anger, deceased. For title see Deed Book "M," Vol. 13, page 105. (CAIITER, ATTORNEY) No. 9. —All that certain lot or tract of land situated in Washington Township, Dauphin County, i*a., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone in the center oDri'ublic Road leading from Berrysburg Road west to Middle Road from Curt.n to Elizabethvllle, Pa.; thence south 37% degrees east 887 feet by land of Henry R. Hart man to a .stone; thence by land of Allen Swab Estate south 85>/ 4 de grees west 1465 feet to a stone by land of Edward Specht; thence by same north 21% degrees east 132 feet to a stone in the middle of said des cribed Public Road and land of Dan iel Shatter: thence In the middle of said described Public Road, north 75 degrees east 730 feet in the mid dle ot same Road to a stone; thence in the middle of said road north 63 degrees east 571 feet to a stone also In the mtddle of said Public Road; thence in tho middle of same north 62% degrees east 728 feet to the place ot beginning. Containing 20 Acres and 136 Perches strict measure. .LIBERALITY OF BUYING FACTOR IN THEE C. OFL. Rush to Stock Up After War Has Boosted Prices, Trade Expert Asserts of buying, which has reached a degree in the past six months hitherto unknown In the history of the country, has had a very marked effect on retail pricos," Frank Stockdale, retail expert, told members of the Harrisburg Cham ber of Commerce whom he address ed at a luncheon in the Penn-Itar ris Hotel to-day. "People, freed front the necessity of self-denial practiced as a war measure, have rushed into the mar kets and bought to an extent that has resulted in prices going up," he continued, "and the retailer has been an innocent participant. He has been prompted by this heavy trade and the knowledge that a na tural scarcity of merchandise ex ists to rush into the wholesale mar kets to stock up, thus_ creating an artificial shortage which added to the natural shortage has helped ma terially to advance prices. The prob lem of tlie retailer now is not one of prices so much as to get goods to supply the demands made upon him. The need of the moment is not so much a lowering of prices as a stabilization of prices, for which prices stable conditions will adjust themselves accordingly. A sharp re duction of prices would result ,n quite as much chaos in thebusineas and industrial world as a sharp ad vance." Mt. Sockdale, who Is a recog nized mercantile and advertising ex pert of national reputation, is in Harrisburg to conduct in connection with the Chamber of Commerce a Merchants' Institute, the meetings of which will be held in Fahnestock hall, Y. M. C. A. building. He wis introduced by Jacob laiwengard, the head of the institute, who presided over the luncheon. Mr. Stockdale denied that profi teering is any more prevalent among retailers 'than among wholesalers or producers, and said that the man who can devise a means of doing business whereby the merchant can make a reasonable profit by selling his merchandise for less than twen- I ty to thirty-three per cent, more than the purchase price can make an immense fortune for himself and should at once go into business. 1-le said the public looks only on the gross profit which does not include the cost of doing business, paying of labor, etc., and so calls the mer chant a profiteer. He said a grocer, perhaps, is justified in selling only for twenty per cent, more than he pays, but that clothing dealers, dry goods merchants, furniture men, jewelers and others would be head ed for bankruptcy if they sold for an increase of only twenty per cent. A good, live retail town is a pros perous town, he said, and added, that it is not how much money a town pays out in wages, but how much it spends at home that marks its prosperity. Keep your money at home is his advice. He said that a live commercial body is an abso lute necessity and complimented Harrisburg on its good fortune in this respect. Subjects of Mr. Stockdale's ad dresses at the Retail Merchants' In stitute under the auspices of tho Merchants' Council of the Cham ber. are as follows: This evening. "Meeting To-day's Competition; - ' Thursday evening, "The Measure or a Merchant;" Friday evening, "Salespeople of To-day and To-moi i row." HOODLUMS MAKE REIGN OF TERROR [Continued from First Page.] serve pu'jjic order became obvious to the criminally Inclined. Banks and larger mercantile insti tutions were protected by their own guards, but the small retailer was at the mercy of mobs. Store win dows, estimated to number 300, were smashed in and goods by the arm ful carried away. Police Superin tendent Crowley placed the damage done during the night at $300,000. Serious as is the present situation, a greater fear is that other unions will strike in support of the police recruits to organized labor. Threats that the street car, telephone and lighting systems will be tied up If necessary to force matters for the police, ho.ve been made and the pos sibilities of the resulting situation were described as appalling by many to-day. By proclamation Mayor Peters to-day assumed control of the Bos ton police and called upon the Gov ernor for troops to assist him in re storing and maintaining public order. Governor Coolidge promptly re sponded by calling out the Fourth Brigade comprising the 11th, 12th and IB regiments of Infantry and a machine gun company. At the same time Mayor Peters acting under his own authority under the law, by de l mands on the commanders of the units, summoned to his assistance 1 Pie one thousand soldiers stationed in Boston and forming the Tenth Regiment, motor corps and troop of cavalry. M'SPAItRA (V VIBITB UPROI'L John McSparran, master of the State Grange, came to see Governor Sproul to-day regarding various farm legis lation and discussed the Governor's recent statements at Washington. Ha Intends to make soma speeches on the subject. COROXER APPOINTED J C. W. Stuart, Clarion, was to-day I appointed coroner of Clarion county l by Governor Sproul to fill a vacancy. I , See Deed Book P, Vol. 15, page 459. Sold as the property of Edwin W. . Specht, defendant. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold by W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. t Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Augus*. l 27, 1919. THE HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDER SHALL BE THE BUYER TERMS; The purchaser will be requited to pay FIXITY DOLLARS OF the amount of his bid when the prop erty shall have been knocked off to him, if under $600; above that amount, 10 per cent, of the purchase money; and the residue of the pur chase money before the confirmation of tho sale by the Court And if complied with, a deed will be ten dered by the Sheriff, at the next nuii ui Common fleas tor Dauphin County, conveying to the purchaser all t.he right, title. Interest and claim which the said defendant has in and to the said property at the time of levying the same. If the above conditions be not com plied with on the part of the pur chaser, and the said property bb on that account again offered for sale by the Sheriff, the said purchaser wilt ) be held liable for the deficiencies and ■ additional cost of such sale. , TEMPERATURE OF SPROUL NORMAL Governor Says That National j Bees Are Not Bothering Him; For Penrose Governor Sproul, coming back to his desk in the Capitol to-day after an absence of several days in Phila delphia during which he was a par- , ticipant in the Knights of Templar ceremonies and the target of many i interviews, took occasion to reiterate ! that his political temperature was j normal. The Govprnor went through the | Legislature with his pulse not much j disturbed and his experiences at na- j tional fiicetings und at great ova tions hSve not caused it to be accele- I rated. The Philadelphia Press to-day j quotes the Governor as saying: j "About this time in a Governor's j term there comes usually a period i of ambitious excitement. The Gov- i ernor has just finished his Ufrst ses sion of the Legislature and thinks j have mostly gone his way, as they | do in the first session. People are j patting him on the Back and the j whole thing has a tendency to put I him in a state of mind where he | says to himself: 'Give me new j worlds to conquer.' "At this stage he is in danger of ] being swept off his feet and losing his balance. I know that danger and I hope I am not susceptible to It. "My political temperature at the present moment is decidedly nor mal. I have no quickened pulse nor any of the other symptoms of fever. I am concentrating on the task of being the best Governor I know how and letting tlie rest go." "How abut all this Presidential talk in connection with your name?" the Governor was asked. "Well, now," he replied, "that was a very nice compliment to me and to Pennsylvania, but I am not taking it seriously." The Governor also said that the fight against the McClure organiza- | tion in Delaware was not a tight | against Senator Penrose, as far as he eould see. He added that he believ ed those behind the Republican League, which is the anti-MeClure organization, would tic in favor of returning Senator Penrose to Wash ington, as far as he could diagnose their iritentions. At any rate, he said, the question of the Penrose, candidacy had never been dragged into tho present fight in any way. TREE TYPES PICKED FOR EVERY HIGHWAY [Continued from First Page.] Chestnut, (16th-city limits) red oak. Cleverly Terrace, tulip poplar. Columbia, tulip poplar. Cornell, Oriental plane. Cowden, sugar maple. Crescent. Norway maple. Cumberland, Norway maple. Curtin, Norway maple. Derry, pin oak. Disbrow, Norway maple. Division, American elm. Dock. Oriental plane. Dunkle, Norway maple. East, Norway maple. East, Norway maple. Eighteenth, Norway maple. Ellcrslie, pin oak. Emerald, Oriental plane. Ethel, Oriental plane. Evergreen, Norway maple. Fairfax, Oriental plane. Fifteenth, pin oak. Forster, Ginkgo. Fifth, Norway maple. Forrest, Norway maple. Fourteenth (Hamilton-Herr) Ori ental plane. Fourteenth, (State-Market) Nor way maple. Fourteenth, (Market-city limits) Norway maple. Fourth, Norway maple. Front, American elm. Fulton, Norway maple. Geary, Norway maple. Girard, pin oak. 1 Grand, Ginkgo. Green, Norway maple. Greenwood, Oriental plane. Hamilton, Norway maple. ' Hanna, red oak. Hanover, Norway maple. 1 Harris, Norway maple. ' , Helen, Oriental plane. Herr, Norway maple. ' j Hillside road, tulip poplar. } Holly, Oriental plane. 1 ) Hummel, Norway maple. | James, Ginkgo. Jefferson, Norway maple, i Kelker, pin oak. ! Kensington, Oriental maple. Kittatinny, Norway maple. Lexington, Oriental plane. Linden, Linden. Locust, sugar maple. Maclay, Norway maple. Logan, Norway maple. Magnolia, Linden. Mahantango, Norway maple. Monada, red oak. Morion, tulip poplar. Market, norway maple. Melrose, pin oak. Montgomery, Norway maple. , Monroe, Norway maple. _ Moore, Norway maple. , Moore, Norway maple. , Muench, Norway maple. Mulberry, Norway maple. . Nagle, white ash. , Nassau, pin oak. I Nuudain, Norway maple, i Nineteenth, Norway maple, p Ninth, Ginkgo. North, Norway maple. Norwood, pin oak. Oxford, Oriental plane, i Park, Norway maple. 1 Paxton, Oriental plane. Park, Norway maple, i Paxton, Oriental plane. i Peffer, Norway maple, i Pcnn, Norway maple. Pierce, Oriental plane. Pine, white ash. Prospect, pin oak. r Race, Norway muple. r Randolph, pin oak. Reel, Norway maple. Itogina, Norway maple, i Reily, Norway maple. Revere street. Oriental plane. ' Ross, Norway maple. Sarah, Norway maple. ■ Schuylkill, Oriental plane. Second, Norway maple. Seneca, Oriental plane, i Seventh, Norway maple. Seventeenth, red oak. 1 Shamokln, Oriental plane, j Shoop, Nonvay maple. f Sixteenth, Oriental plane. Sixth, Norway maple. | South, Norway maple. 3 State, alternating Norway maple - and Linden. t Summit, Norway maple. ' Susquehanna, Norway maple. [ Swatara, Oriental plane. , Sycamore. Oriental plane, r Sylvan, Terrace, Norway maple. J Tenth, Oriental plane, i Third, Norway maple. Thirteenth, Norway maple. v . j Tuscarora, Norway maple. Twelfth, Oriental plane. ' Twentieth, Oriental plane. J Twenty-first, American plane, I Twenty-second, tulip poplar. Twenty-third, Norway maple. SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. Twenty-fourth, pin oak. Twenty-fifth, red oak. Twenty-sixth, Oriental plane. < Twenty-seventh, pin oak. Twenty-eighth, red oak. Valley road, American elm. < Verbeke (7th-13th street) Norway 1 ! maple. i Verbeke (13th-city limits) Orl- < ental plane. Vernon, Norway maple. Vine, Oriental plane. Vineyard, American elm. Wallace, Oriental plane. Walnut, American elm. Wayne, red oak. Whitehall, Norway maple. Wiconisco, Oriental plane. William, Norway maple. Woodbine, Oriental plane. Woodlawn, Oriental plane, j Yale, Norway maple. York, Norway maple. i I'HTt.ADRI,PHIA PHODUCB IMilliMlelphia, Sept. 10.—Corn—Low- I2i"'.y£ ow as to grade and location, I $1 s ?@ 1.87. j —Lower, soft winter bran city mills in 100 pound sacks, 350 per ton; 15"" winter bran $47@48; spring bran, ' ? 4 6 @ 4 7. Dressed Poultry—Dull; fowls and chickens lower; fowls fresh killed, choice to fancy, 39H@40Hc; small ®® c western broilers, choice 30 @3 6c. I Poultry—Firm; fowls higher, 3 J (0)3 Sc. Butter-—Higher; western creamery, | extra. 58He; nearby prints, creamery, 6.1 Si 65c. Potatoes—Lower; New Jersey low er grades per basket, sn@7sc; nearby in 150 pound sacks, $3.75@4.50. Oats—Quiet, steady; No. 1 white 81 ® 92c; No. 2 white, 80@81c; No. 3 white. 79@80c. I Cheese—Finn; New York and Wis consin. full milk, 31 @32He. Eggs—steady; nearby nrsts, $16.20 Per case: current receipts, $15.60; western extra firsts. $16.20; fancy se lected packed 61@63c. Hay—Dull; timothy No. 1. $35@36; No. 2. $321ff33; No. 3. $29@30 per ton; clover mixed light, $32@33; No. 1, S3O @ Sl. Tallow —Quiet; firmer; city loose, prime, slsHc; special 16He; prime country, 14He; edible in tierces. lc. Flour—Dull; winter straight west ern, new $10.10@10.40: winter straight nearby, new $10@10.25; Kansas straight, new f11@11.25; Kansas short patent, new. $11.25 @ 11.60; spring! short patent, old $13@13.50: new,! $U.75@12; patent old. $12.50@13; new j $11.25@11.75; spring first clear, old. | $9.25@10: spring first clear and new. s!>. 15 @9.35. Shopmen Take Up Fight Against H. C. L. Detroit, Sept. 10. The United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes and Railway Shop La- I borers in convention here, is under- ; taking action to force down the cost ' of living. This is independent of the Government move in the same di rection to co-operate with the De partment of Justice. j Questionnaires have been sent to the full membership of the brother hood, asking information as to the! cost of necessities of life in every part of this country and Canada. 1 lie organization's plan for forcing down costs has not been divulged. I FOR SALE I Six Dwellings in Pairs With Improvements, West Fairview, Pa. on high bluff above Creek, each on one tenth acre. Trolley cars, one fare, stop 100 yards away (R. R. bridge). Though equipped with facilities, these are not City houses and are for sale at considerably less than $2,500 each, if all sold to one buyer. Few have seen the property with the 40 vacant lots nearby. Turn from State Road at Bridge (West Street) go around i the block via Cherry Street and note fine view of City and Susquehanna to Steelton. Someone will be at No. 333 (vacant) 4:30 to 7:30 each week-day afternoon ex cept Saturday. Great possibilities in this isolated tract which adjoins 25 acres undeveloped meadow, soon to be for sale. (Harrisburg Nail Works, former owners). D. B. KIEFFER & CO.'S PUBLIC SALE One Carload of Western Horses & Colts 25 Head of Acclimated Horses and Mules ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919 At 1 O'clock P. M. at the Fanners' Hotel, ,U Snyder, Prop MIDDLETOWN, PA. We will sell another load of the W. M. Urove Colts, ranging ii uges from 2 to 6 years old, and he says Just as good as the last load, lie sure hud some great load, with all the Shape and Quality that belongs to a Heal Horse or Colt. He advises mo he has some of the best Shaped Marcs the West can produce; hus some Closely- Muted Teams, all good colors, and every one with quality. These ,■ are some of the 4 and 6 year old, I. jke to work. I think It will be proiitable for any one In need of a horse or colt > to be with us at this sale. 25 Head of Acclimated and Commission Horses and Mules of all I descriptions, from a plug to bang up good Work, Business or Pleasure Horse. P. S.—J. K. Martin will be here by September 10, 1919, from Missouri with an extra good load of Mules, ranging In ages.from 1 to 4 years old. Write or 'phone in your Mule wants; we are In the market to buy fat Mules and Horses at all times. D. B. KIEFFER & CO. MRS. THERESA LONGO Mrs. Theresa Longo, 20 years old, died last evening. She is survived by five brothers and two sisters. Funeral services will be held on Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her sister, Mrs. C. V. John son, 2128 North Seventh street, con ducted by the Rev. Mr. Worden. Burial will be in the East Harris burg Cemetery. > The natural ten-key-board Sydtem You can just see how easy it would be to figure on this scientifically arsanged key-board. Only ten keys arranged in natural one-two-three order. Makes th touch system of writing a reality. Sec the Sundrtrnnd perform on your faun jub. You •will tec faun •work I ynu never thought poniblc on n moro > machine. George P. Tillotson 205 LOCUST ST., HAIUU9BPHO Opp. Orpheum Theater Iloth Phones 1 SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINE CO. j Ctstnl Office eat) Fedorr, Rockford. Illinois . .iuuii ... J ißutht LiiuuuiiuiiiaiwiiirdmiiiuuioaiiwmMßnwmßßWMßMWßßßßii