Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Founded 1831
Published evenings except Sunday by
Telegraph Building, t'cd-rnl Square
President and Editor-in-Chief
F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager
QCS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor
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/ ittt People^
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Entered at the Poet Office in Harris
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4 By carrier, ten cents a
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year in advance.
If 1 knew you and you knew me—
If both of us could clearly see,
And with an inner sight divine
The meaning• of your heart and mine,
I'm sure that we- would differ less
And clasp our hands In /ricndltnesss
Our thoughts tt'oula. pleasantly agree
If I knew you and you knew me.
Viron Waterman.
THE Chamber of Commerce has
arranged its Merchants' In
stitute at a particularly oppor
tune time, when businessmen more
than ever have come to an under
standing that their only hope for
success lies in an intimate and de
tailed knowledge of their line.
Frank Stockdale, who will be the j
\. ' institute speaker, is a man of wide |
experience and br.ngs to Harris -j
the best thought o" the moqt pro
gressive merchants in the country.
The opportunity offered by this
institute is one that does not often
come, and for that reason ought to
attract the - attendance of every re
, j tailer In the city.
UNLESS and until the city
authorities provide definite
traffic regulations for tlie i
River Drive, the city's main boule
vard, the pride of Harrlsburg in its
well-paved streets and its reputation
. as well will surely suffer.
Unrestricted use of heavy trucks
of every sort from one end of the
city to the other along the river
is breaking down the asphalt pav
ing in such a way us to practically
ruin Front street as a pleasure drive.
Certain stretches of the street are so
full of depressions aa to make auto
mobile driving unsafe. It is an ex
> pensive operation to repair the as
phalt streets, which are seriously
damaged by unrestricted use of
enormous trucks, and the City Coun
cil will be compelled in the legiti
mate discharge of its duties to the
taxpayers to take some action to
confine heavy trucks and drays to
traffic streets, and perhaps through
municipal regulation, reduce their
legal weight on improved highways.
When the William JPenn High
way shall have been finally thrown
open to the public as one of the
noted highways of the Stale there I
will be tremendously increased traf -
fic over that portion of the highway
represented by Front street in Har
risburg. The citv must see to it
that the thousands of travelers who
come this way shall go out of the
city with no unfavorable impression
of our streets. But unless some
thing Is done to protect the River;
Drive from the unnecessarily heavy j
trucks now crowding that highway l
that Is bound to happen.
THERE arc said to be at least
five hundred oaks, maples,
elms and other trees suitable
for shade purposes ready for trans
planting at the Island Park nurs
ery. These trees aro owned by
the city, and it would be a good
thing for Harrishurg to have the
Department of Purk3 lead the way
in a groat campaign
. In October. The setting of an ex
ample by the municipal authorities
would have a tremendous effect upon
the individual property owners and
result in thousands of trees being
set out along the curblines and on
' private premises next mofith. Un
less the trees now in the city
nursery, and ready for replanting,
are removed there is likely to be a
loss which ought to be avoided by
tlio City Council. We have no doubt
that a recommendation from Park
Commissioner Gross to his col
leagues in the municipal adminis
tration would be promptly ap
proved. There is no time to be lost
. in the preliminaries of such a cam
paign as ought to be organized with
in the next three or four weeks,
j. State Forestry Commissioner
Conklin, in a letter to the Tele
graph, has pledged his Department
to aid in every way possib'c lite
shade tree situation in this city. Mis
Judgment is that the first thing to
Uo is to have the City Council adopt
the Shade Tree act, or pass suitable
ordinances In accordance therewith,
in order that there may be proper
supervision of planting, removal
and protection of the trees of
the city. He properly suggests
♦ hat "the city lacks uniformity in
its trees, and without uniformity,
tree planting is at best desultory."
Commissioner Conklin makes the
further suggestion that the streets
of the city should be carefully
studied and definite species of trees
assigned to each street. We are
glad to advise him on this point that
the Department of Parks has al
ready completed a survey of the city,
with a view of determining the kind
of trees to he planted and the streets
to be improved in this respect, which
will make it easier to go ahead with
a tree-planting campaign without
any loss of time during the next
few weeks.
: But there must be leadership, anil
jit would seem the Department of
Parks, with control over the nursery
land several hundred trees ready for
j transplanting, is equipped as no in
j dividual or group of individuals to
i blaze the way for citizens generally
lin this great, work.
MARION, ILL., where the late
Colonel Ingersoll once lived
and which he aspired to see
| a churchless town, has become a
j veritable city of churches. There
i are now fourteen within its borders,
j two new structures having been
i started despite the high cost of
' building, which will give it the di -
I tinotion of having more churches for
I its size than any other community
j in Illinois.
j We don't know whether this is a
| reflex of the Colonel's teachings or
j if it is merely one of those peculiar
j coincidences in which history ap-
I pears to take delight, but it serves
| to remind owe that while the dis
! turbing doctrines of Ingersoll are al-
I most forgotten, the church he
slighted is still a mighty and ever
growing force for good in the world.
So it is with all disturbers. The
world listens, some times gets ex
cited and throws a few bricks, but
after a time sufficient for sober
second thought, it settles back again
to ways of law and order and the
disorderly factor is forgotten.
Radical Socialists, Bolshevists, j
Communists and their like, will I
please take notice. Within another j
generation they will be as extinct I
as the Populi3ts, the Know-Nothings
or the Graenbaekers.
AMERICAN representatives in
Paris may as well save them
selves the pains they appar
ently are taking to procure for the
United States a mandatory of Ar
menia, Constantinople and the
Straits. The people of this country
are tired of meddling in European
affairs and want to be left alone
to solve their own problems first.
We have no more business in Con
stantinople than England, for ex
ample, has in Mexico, an intrusion
which we would resent by force of
Constantinople, the Straits and
Armenia, it is true, are constant
menaces to the peuce of the world,
but the way to remove their threat
is not to entrust their keeping to
any one nation, hut to make them
a mandatory of all Europe.
It is estimated that 50,000 Amer
ican troops would he required in
Armenia alone. That would mean
that our military establishment of
necessity would have to be kept
constantly on a war basis. It would
increase our peril if war should
threaten and entangle us for all time
in the very heart of the European
spider web of diplomacy and du
Trouble is sure to follow if the
•esident takes seriously the Crane
suggestions and advance them when
the Turkish negotiations are taken
up. also because they would bring
Ihc United States in direct conflict
with the British claims in Meso
potamia and the French claims in
I Syria.
[ Although the Cranq report makes
no mention of Constantinople, that
city is included in the ambitious
America wants none of it and it
is not likely the Senate in its pres
ent rnood would listen for a moment
to such a recommendation, but it
indicates how deeply the President's
friends would involve the United
States in European politics.
IN THE last decade probab'y
several dozen men who had
amassed fortunes in business of
various kinds in Pennsylvania died
in New York. New England, Florida
or California and the State within
whose limits they had made mill
ions did not get a cent in the way
of taxes. The commonwealths
wherein the decedents were domi
ciled got their share of the money,
although the estates consisted in
some instances of Pennsylvania
property, Pennsylvania securities
and Pennsylvania assets of other
kinds. No one knows how many
millions this State lost through
operation of law that worked
against it.
Thanks to the policy of the
Sproul administration in urging
laws to get after the money that
belongs to Pennsylvania and to the
far-sighted recommendations of
Auditor General Charles A. Snyder,
this State is now able to serve notice
that transfers of property under
wills or Intestate laws can not be
made unless the State receives the
share of taxation which present day
public policy provides shall go back
to the people. The fiscal officer has
been energetic In getting the system
started and the financial institutions
of the State are helping him.
Pennsylvania will get thousands
to which it has been entitled be
cause it was made here, but which
under the old laws got away.
fditfccc* Ck .
'PmuwG kAoQMitL
By the Kx-Committeeman
One of the interesting things
about the final ten days of the pri
mary campaign in Pennsylvania is
the sudden awakening of people in
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other
cities where there has been interest
centered in mayoralty or county
nomination contests to the impor
tance of the cuncilmanic elections
In a number of newspapers there
have been calls made to the voters
not to forget to study the qualifica
tions of the councilmen and a good
bit more attention will be given to
the personnel of primary tickets or
such nominations in the big cities
than expected.
Philadelphia is electing its first
council to serve under the new char
ter. This will be a "small" council,
consisting of a single chamber of
twenty-one men, apportioned among
the senatorial districts. Pittsburgh
is electing a new council and so
arc most of the third class cities.
In Philadelphia the light to prevent
the council getting into the hands
of the Yares is being freshened up
by the Moore Town Meeting coterie.
One of the most interesting con
tests in the State is that in Scran
ton where there are three women
running for school board. If they
win the Lackawanna capital will
have more women directors than any
other place in the State.
I —ln Philadelphia the Evening
| Bulletin is calling attention to coun
cil elections and also handing Judge
John M. Patterson some pretty stiff
jabs for remaining on the bench
I when he is engaged in a strenuous
j campaign for voting, circulating
! about the city and addressing meet
j ings. It holds that this is in con
trast to the public sentiment that
has been built up in recent years.
! —The Inquirer, Press and Eedger
| call upon voters to scrutinize the
i names of the men who are candi-
I dates for council. The ledger says:
"Good citizens will be forewarned
I against yielding to specious appeals
to sectional prejudice or mere per
sonal preference as between candi
dates. In this crisis principle is
more important than persons, and a
council loyal to Philadelphia and
honest in its endeavor to secure tha
advantage of a clean, unbossed ad
ministration of its affairs, is some
thing worth fighting for."
-—The Philadelphia Record con
tinues to have fun with the mayor
alty campaign and refuses to take
seriously Thomas Robins, chairman
of the committee of 1,000 The Rec
ord remarks: "Further injection of
humor into the mayoralty campaign
was attempted yesterday when j
Thomas Robins, chief apologist for
the Yare ticket, issued a statement
expressing his delight at the heavy
registration of voters and claiming
that it 'gives absolute assurance of
the nomination of Judge Patterson
by a substantial majority.' His
statement also said the Patterson
managers were disappointed that the
registration had not reached a total
of 400,000, "which had been their
calculation.' 'The registration seems
to have been merely normal,' said
Mr. Robins, and that seems to have
started it."
■ —Things are getting strenuous in
Pittsburgh. Here is one instance
from the Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele
graph: "When Mayor Babcock at
tempts to defend the practices of
Max G. Leslie 1 feel as though he is
more entitled to pity than to scorn,"
said John S. Herron, president of
city council, in an address at the
noon meeting of the anti-Leslie Re
publican committee.
—Men connected with the recent
Legislature will be interested in this
paragraph from the Scranton Re
publican: "Frank J. Toohey, for
the past five years a member of the
Republican news staff, was appoint
ed yesterday as manager of a newly
created publicity bureau with the in
ternational Correspondence Schools.
One. of the most important under
takings of the new publicity bureau
to be conducted by Mr. Toohey will
1)0 the handling of newspaper pub
licity on the educational feature lilm.
Mr. Toohey was educated in the pub
lie and high schools of Scranton and
joined the Republican staff in 1914.
Shortly after the United States en
tered the war he went into the serv
ice, being assigned to the medical
corps. On being discharged last De
cember he rejoined the Republican
and was assigned to cover the 1919
session of the Legislature. He is a
brother of John P. Toohey, also a
former Scranton newspaper man,
who is general press representative
for George C. Tyler's theatrical en
terprises and whose sho|-t stories are
now appearing in the Saturday Eve
ning l'ost."
—At the next meeting of Potts
ville city council the ordinance pro
viding for submission to the people
of the proposition to loan half a
million dollars for street improve
ments will be unanimously adopted.
The loan campaign is now in full
swing and the only opposition it is
experiencing is upon the part of
citizens wiio believe road making
material will greatly drop in the
next two years and, therefore, the
investment at the present high
prices would he inadvisable for the
city at present. One thing i 8 cer
tain, the time is near at hand when
Pottsville will present an entire
area of paved streets, as virtually
all citizens arc agreed as to the
economy and general utility of a
paved road over the best macadam
ized highway.
—Samuel C. Jamison is about to
resign from the office of coroner of
Allegheny county and accept a
business proposition, which will net
him more than his present largo
salary. Mr. Jamison is chairman of
the Republican Committee and is
one of the political friends of Sen
ator'Penrose, co-operating as be
does, with Mayor Babcock, State
Senator Max G. Leslie and other
Penrose supporters. Edward Frelb
ertshauser, at present county treas
urer, is suggested as successor to Mr.
Jamison as coroner. Mr. Jamison's
resignation as coroner will not take
effect until October 1. There is no
foundation for the report that he
will quit his activities in politics.
—The contest for the additional
law judgeship, created for Lehigh
county at the recent session of tho
Legislature, already is showing signs
of bitterness between the adherents
of Congressman Dewalt and former
State Senator Henninger, Democrats,
and State Senator Schantz, Repub
lican county chairman, the three
aspirants for the % 10,000-a-year of
fice. Friends of Henninger, who for
many years wus a political ally and
law partner of Dewalt, accuse the
latter of playing into the hands of
the Republicans.
—Governor William C. Sproul has
let it be known that he does not in
tend to take up changes in various
departments of the State govern
ment for a month or so at least.
Several plans for reorganizations
have been prepared, including the
Compensation Bureau, but the Gov
ernor will wait.
I ,? If I HOPE ThaT | ThaT f= y <£UI.SI T(r //) OAJL y \( rgi T r H £ /
r gT V 6uCM shoe \ BUMP.MS -7/ "
) /oJ 05 BEFORE V \ L / \ -- / s,vc>orH AS V
\ \ >* GET , ( *<*—' c A TABLE
MADE 75" MIL £- f ] MILES Anj D VUE L L 1 j ' anoTMCR M H.S. \ | VA/HOLE
30 EAR D lO / a PRET~y / PF
HOLDS OUT TILL/ /SO Qy*'* T - 1 sHoe To
\ uue GET (Tut LA _ V OUT MOVU- / I HOME BtFOREy
y' v-~>r _ y pip j
No Wonder Germany Quit 1
Of tlie Army Recruiting Station
"We're rarin' to go, used to be I
echoed down the long column of
footsore, weary men, stretching i
away an unknown distance into the j
darkness. And I say advisedly an]
unknown distance, for there might j
be twenty or thirty miles of dough- |
boys strung out behind, a solid col- !
umn of fours. Perhaps you have
noticed how the infantry back from
France march. There is a uniform j
swing and cadence, a rythmic thud!
to the hobnailed shoes that is thril
ling, the marching of veterans, j
They got that swinging cadence not
by much drill, but by much night j
marching, marching with tremen- i
dous packs, crowded elbow to el- i
bow, exhausted, lame, sleepy, in-'
subconsciously keeping'
in step because it was easier to'
march in time than out of time. In j
pitch-black darkness there was i
nothing to look at, nothing to dis- i
tract your attention, so, half asleep,
heads down, they tramped. To stop
and watch a column of veterans |
pass in the night was an experience j
never to be forgotten. would
come the thud, thud, thud of thou-[
sands of hobnailed shoes on a ma-1
cadam road, all in perfect time, as
though they were marching at atten
tion. Suddenly out of the darkness
would loom a solid mass of black, I
startling in its sense and feel of I
irresistible power. It gave you a
feeling that if a wall blocked the
road it would be brushed out of the ;
way as though it were a cobweb. 1
Thud, thud, the might* mass would
stream by, without a creak, without |
a clink of metal, nor a word nor a j
flicker of light, nothing but the j
never-ending thud of feet. So steady I
wus this rhythm that there would
not be a variation of ten seconds to
the kilometer one way or the other I
all night long, up hi'l or down date.
Twelve minutes and thirty seconds |
accounted for each kilometer until
four had been passed, when simul
taneously, as far as you could hear,
whistles would blow, the tramping
of feet would change to a scuffling i
and then silence. Twenty or thirty
thousand men were sitting by the
roadside resting. Nine minutes j
would pass and again the whistles
would blow, again you would hear
the great beast scuffling, again the
echoing call would go out, 'We're
rarin' to go,' and at the end of ten
minutes from the halt, away the
mass would go with its stunning,
brain-paralyzing thud, thud. To
wards morning, when acute exhaus
tion would begin to set in, the sing
ers would . tune up, and rollicking
choruses would be bandied back and
forth from company to company,
every man trying his best to deceive
himself and everyone else into
thinking he was as fresh as a daisy.
If anyone quit and tried to fall out,
he had a mighty unpleasant time.
"Yellow' would be one of the mild
est epithets hurled at him. One
morning, just as it was getting gray
in the east and we were winding up
a twenty-nine kilometer hike for the
night, we passed a colonel and all
his staff, who had stopped to see
how we were muking it. He
stopped on a bank. To hear that
column you would think they were
a bunch of schoolboys off for a
picnic, the singing, whistling, yells,
laughter, and soforth, absolutely
drowned out the thud of feet. But
in the gray dawn you .could see the
faces, and what faces of agony they
were, utter exhaustion stamped on
every face, but also a look of grim
determination. The colonel on his
bank aroused much curiosity and
more than one decidedly fresh re
mark, but all were mild compared
with what came to pass as a little
red-haired Irishman, Pat Judge,
came along. When he saw the
colonel Jie cocked his head on one
side and sized him up, then as ho
passed he sung out in a stentorian
voice, 'Sure, Colonel, and is the pulr
horse tired, the putr baste. Bednd,
if he is, just bring him down in the
road and we will carry him on our
nacks til' he is rested." The colonel
Just smiled, and Pat roared out,
'We're rarin' to go.' and passed dn
into the gloom. That is the spirit,
the morale, that made writers sav
j'a spirit of the Crusaders pervades
the A. E. F.' but if you asked any
I doughboy if t>>at were true he would
] lust laugh end nnswe- it was notli-
I In" bp* a determination to get a
jneetv ieb over and done with as
quick as ever it could be done."
Midvale Workers' Sound Stand
[From the Bache Review.]
I It should be a matter of record, |
'well preserved, that the Midvale
I Steel workers sounded the first note
j of sane doctrine for labor through
j out the world, in this period of seri
| ous upheaval among the working
i classes in all parts of the earth.
1 Their injunction that efforts to
i increase wages should cease and the
best energies of the laboring world
1 be devoted to increasing production
; and so releasing the destructive
pressure which a nearly universal
luck of supply was insistently ex
! ci ting, is worthy of a convention of
profound thinkers.
So full of constructive common
! sense and an amazing apprehension
of cause and effect in the real situ
| ation is what these pioneers in sound
i procedure have to propose, that we
j print in full the resolutions expound
! ing the action which they insist
, should be taken in restoring the
! Balance of Reason from which the
! whole working world has been car
i ried off by the war.
! There were ninety-three members
;of the committee of employes of
j the Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co.
present at the meeting at, Atlantic
i City a week ago, when the resolu
tions were adopted. These members
1 had been elected under the bar
| gaining plan supported by Midvale
' workmen.. It may be claimed that
! these delegates were of an unusually
! intelligent character and stand
{ above- the rank and file of work
i men in the Company. Even so the
1 brains and conservative purpose of
I the thousands who elected them are
shown by the fact that from their
number they chose the best. The
1 full text of the resolutions follow:
i Whereas, The high cost of living
! needs to be abated by diligent, effl
i cient and conscientious labor, by
j thrift and by avoidance of waste
land extravagance; and
Whereas, The price of commodi
' ties is regulated by the day's labor
of a man and the real unit of value
or the unit of compensation is not
! a dollar, but the purchasing price
i of a dollar, and that the price of
jail things, meaning the average price
of everything we use and consume,
Naturalizing Names
[From the St. Joseph Gazette.]
During the war it became very
I common for foreign residents of
America and Great Britain to adopt
1 English names. In many cases this
I was done by simplifying the spell
ing or by translating the foreign
name into the English equivalent.
A third method was to choose some
English name and ask the court to
bestow it upon the alien-named in
This last system became a nuis
ance in England, where foreign peo
ple showed a decided preference for
historic or old family names. Con
-1 fusion of indentity arose. One
case is told of two students at Ox
ford. One was an upper classman
who had adopted an English name
in place of his original very foreign
1 one. The other was a humble
freshman of the same name. It
1 had belonged to his family for gen
-1 erations. Most of the time the
younger man thought nothing
' about the matter. But when the
relationship of the two men was
'! confused and the older, better
' known student was naturally as
sumed to be the real member of
• the ancient family, the freshman
decided something ought to be done
• about the business.
' England .now has a law provid
' ing that in Anglicizing their names
i foreigners must use "the equivalent
1 in English of the former name" and.
1 if it turns out to resemble an old
' | family name, the consent of that
• family must be secured. Also, only
' naturalized citizens are allowed to
' alter their names. Persons who are
• stitl aliens must keep the names
' they bore on August 4, 1914.
! The latter part of this law will
' appeal particularly to Americans.
1 Such a provision in this country
' would prevent the dishonest or
• | treacherous alien from concealing
' his nationality by taking an Ameri
' can name, and it would add another
1 to the many advantages of attain
• ing citizenship.
High Living
r Baby Gertrude found some coal,
I She nibbled it with great delight
- Till pa said: "Gertrude, pray con
i trol
5 Your expensive appetite."
—Brooklyn Citizen.
which is commonly referred to as
the average price of commodities,
is fixed, regulated, raised or lowered
by tin* average eoiiipeiuntion re
ceived for one hour's work by every
man and every woman; and
Whereas, We believe the only sure
remedy for the high cost of living is
increased production and the stabil
ization of prices in conformity with
wages now being paid; and
Whereas, We believe any work
man who demands a greater pro
portionate return for his labor than
his fellow workmen in other lines
are getting is as guilty of profiteer
ing as a grocer who Charges exorbi
tant prices for the necessities of
life, ana that increases in wages
paid to certain classes of workers
by the Government or others will
result in higher prices being set by
the profiteers for the necessities of
living to all purchasers alike. It
is, therefore,
Resolved, That the persistent and
unceasing demand of workmen em
ployed in all classes and kinds of
industries for a shorter day's work
and an increased wage in order to
meet the present high cost of living
is iinccoraomic and unwise and should
not la- encouraged.
Resolved, further, That private
monopolies should be controlled and
profits restricted to a rate that shall
be fair to the consumer;
Resolved, further, That unneces
sary exports of food and clothing be
restricted and that all stores of
hoarded supplies be uncovered and
placed in the open market;
Resolved, further, That copies of
this resolution be forwarded to the
President of the United States, to
the Senators in Congress from Penn
sylvania and to the Congressmen of
the various districts in which are
located the various plants of the
Midvale Steel and Ordnance Com
pany, and to the state, and municipal
authorities, to the end that tlicy may
by nil the powers anil means to
them available, endeavor to bring
nlMiut normal conditions, with spe
cial privileges to none but justice
to nil, and sure and swift retribu
tion for those who may attempt to
profiteer in the necessities of life.
Hidden Facts of History
[Henry Watterson in the Saturday
Evening i-ost.J
I wonder shall we ever get any
real truth out of what is called his
tory. There are so many sides to it
I and such a confusing din of opin
! ion. How much does old Sam John
son one of the fine figures he cuts to
Boswell, and, minus Boswell, how
much would be left of him? For
nearly a century the Empress Jose
phine was pictured as the effigy of
the faithful and suffering wife sac
rificed upon the altar of unprinci
pled and selfish ambition—lovelorn,
deserted, heartbroken. It was Na
poleon, not Josephine, except in her
pride, who suffered. On his return
from Elba, though his very mo
ments were numbered, he found time
to go down to Malmaison, where,
during his absence, Josephine had
died, llortense showed him into the
death chamber. He passed an hour
there and came out, his eyes wet
with tears. Who shall tell us the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, about Hamilton;
about Burr; about Caesar, Caligula
and Cleopatra? Did Washington,
when he was angry, swear like a
[ trooper? What was the matter
with Nero?
Winter Forecast From Mars
[William Joseph Showalter in the
National Geographic Magazine]
It is quite generally believed that
Mars has ice capped poles. Tho
telescope reveals white spots at the
poles that have every appearance
of being like our ocean Polar region.
They advance toward the equator m
winter and retreat in summer.
In the summer of 1916, Picker
ing, who, with Lowell, has led the
school of astronomers who believe
they can see canals on Mars, said
that he found the white caps
stretching farther down toward the
equator than he had ever seen them
before. He said that if there was
any connection between the weather
of Mars and that of the earth, the
winter of 1916-17 would be the cold
est in many years. And it was.
May it yet be possible to do long
range weather forecasting on the
earth by studying the waxing and
the waning of the ice cap on the
South Pole of Mars?
SEPTEMBER 10, 1919
Farming is the one pursuit which
all the ages have failed to invest
with the glamour of romance.
Perhaps this is because it began
as woman's work, one of those in
evitable necessities which may be
elevated to the status of a homely
virtue and rewarded as such. Per
haps it is because the yearly triumph
of the harvest was no such glorious
pageant as the spoils of a victorious
war: and there were no expert eco
nomists to compute costs and prof
its. As civilization advanced there
were always slaves to turn to the
monotonous tasks and landholders
merely supervised without griming
their hands by contact with the soil.
Even where some such early Social
ist as Cincinnatus recognized the
dignity of the occupation, his fame
now rests on his political and mili
tary successes. Wo know he farm
ed, but who tells us how wisely or
how well?
In the early days of America came
the first chance to ennoble farming.
The highest as well as the lowest
turned their hand to it perforce. We
were a nation of agriculturists.
Songs were written about the "horny
handed son of toil," and praise
meted out to him who earned his
bread, as the Bible puts it, "by the
sweat of his brow." The country
beauty in her crisp calico was com
pared with the silken lady of the
town to the latter's detriment. But
the incontrovertible fact remains
that sweat is uncomfortable, and no
poetic rationalism can make a wo
i man prefer cotton to the fabric
| whose lustrous folds whisper of lux
l ur.v and ease, of lutes and love,
[ rather than soapsuds and self-de
nial. And rarely does any one voice
the inward satisfactions which turn
I the balance.
Indeed, the fnrmer who can recog
| nize them for himself is rare. For
| his ambitions are as various as the
I minds of men. I have one neighbor
j who wants money money enough
to retire. Money is what everything
he touches means to him; his fancy
invests each head of wheat, each
cackling hen or new-born pig with
the Midas touch. I wonder if in
tho end he will find the satisfac
tion he hopes in what he dimly vis
ions for himself as "city life."
Another, w4iom I have always
thought an unambitious man, started
me thinking these things. Being un
lettered he came to me to put his
small accounts in shape for him.
After th£ exorbitant wages of the
day labor he had been forced to
hire through harvest time, his own
. eward seemed liumiliatingly slim.
"It's enough to make you want to
try the shipyard," I said.
He shook his head. "No, farm
in's a natural work. A man ain't
doin' it just for what he gets out
of it alone. He kin always feel it's
the most use he could ever be. It's
the most need. And I want to do as
I see, not be doin' accordin' to what
the other fellow says. I mightn't
agree with h'.ia." You can hardly
call him uneducated after that.
Many a trained mind never reasons
things so far.
But I know another who has
raised his work to where it truly
belongs, among tho arts. The sweat
of the harvest cannot blind his ey.es
to the least detail of the life around
him, the lark as well as the hen,
the weeds with the corn, the field
mouse roused by the tread of the
ewe. He feels not only the,
triumph of his individual achieve
ment, but the thrill of growth and
fruition through the greatest plan.
He touches hands with Nature,
works her under the vitalizing sun.
And to him, as to the artist, sheer
joy in his work is to be counted in
his reward.—John Breck.
The Black Bore en
There's a lane beyant the village
that they call the Black Bo
There come the earliest cowslips,
and grass is soonest green;
And if you're there at noontide when
shadows shortest fall,
You'll maybe hear a fairy voice out
of the hedgerow call—
So they say!
If you should go nt twilight into the
Black Boreen,
Shut fast the lids upon your eyes lest
fairy hands be seen
Stretched from the hedge to you, to
stop you as you pass.
To draw you to their dancing upon
the hungry grass—
Och, you may!
If you should go by moonlight into
the Black Boreen,
You never will come out again as
lightheart as you've been;
You will have looked on beauty too
much for earth to bear—
Och, I was In the Black Boreen and
saw the fairies there —
—Nora Chessom In the Irish World,
I New York.
Eimttng (Mfat j
The woman hunter seems to have
come to stay in Pennsylvania, ac
cording to the returns being made
by the various county treasurers to *
the State Game Commission on the
hunters' licenses issued. A few
years ago the issuance of a license
to a woman to hunt, was a rarity
and caused much comment, but
now it is nothing uncommon, and
several of the counties in the
southeri part of the State, especial- a.
ly the mountain counties, have re- T
ported women taking out licenses
and they have also been issued to
women in the north central sec
The State game authorities are
arranging to place hundreds of
pheasants on the game preserves J
this year, and some may be sent to
new preserves in the western part
of the State. The pheasants have
been bought in various sections, and
have been reported in prime con- .*
dition. They will be put in charge
of experienced wardens to distrib
ute. The Commission has not yet
selected the preserves where beaver
will be placed, but they will likely
go into the older game reserves.
Among the 216 participants in
the recent pilgrimage of the His
torical Society of Berks County to
points of interest in Berks, Lancas
ter and Lebanon counties was Miss
Annie L. Boyer, of Harrisburg. It
was termed a "Baron Stiegel Pil
grimage," because many of the "
places visited are connected with
scenes of incidents in the life of
the eccentric Baron Henry Wil- "
liam Stiegel, ironmaster, glass man
ufacturer, and in the latter years
of his life (when his fortune had
vanished!, organist, music teacher
and schoolmaster. Miss Boyer is a
great-great-granddaughter of Bar
on Stiegel, and at the special session
of the automobile excursionists who
made this pilgrimage, held in Zion
Lutheran Church, Manhelm, the
pastor, the Rev. J. F. Knittle, called
attention to a tablet in the church,
placed there by Mrs. Rebecca Boyer,
mother of Miss Annie L. Boyer, and .<
great-granddaughter of Baron Stieg- .
el. The pastor, also, described the •
"feast of roses," celebrated annual- (
ly in this church, and stated that
Miss Boyer is the recipient at this a
festival of the red rose, given by the *
trustees of tfie church, in accordance
with the stipulation in the deed
given by Baron Stiegel, to the Lu
theran congregation for the large
lot upon which the church was
erected, and the remaining portion
used as a burial ground. The land
was granted in 1772 for the con
sideration of five shillings as the
annual rent "of the red rose." The
pilgrimage was the most successful
ever arranged by the Historical
Society of Berks County, and
among the participants, were rep
resented many of the most promi
nent and influential people of
Berks county. It ended with a ban
quet at "Grand View," near JWer
• • •
Opening days of school generally
develop some common line of in
terest among school children and
this year, judging from the way the
youngsters have been inquiring at
the Harrisburg Public Library, it
is airplanes. More boys have asked x
at the Library for books on air- 1
planes, and how to make model?
lately, than ever known before and
the Library has been trying to meet
the demand, by ordering every book
on air machines, suitable for chil
dren's reading that it is possible "
to obtain. Most of the books on
the subject are more or less tech
nical, but the knowledge of details
of machines and of their appear
ance, construction individual char
acteristics are displayed by the aver
age boy who has been around at
the Library for books on the sub
ject is a matter of comment. The
interest taken by the boys and girls
in the subject is generally believed
to be due to the frequent flights
over the city the last year or so,
the proximity of the Middle town
aviation reserve depot and the
many articles printed in the news
papers about planes and the men
who fly them. If it is possible the
Library would like to obtain models
of airplanes and any new books or
directions how to make toy air
planes for the juvenile aviators to
read and to try their hands upon
•' * *
If anyone wants to get a line on
the way to handle youngsters, all
that is necessary, is to watch
"Charley" Boyer marshal a band
when taking them through the
State Capitol. They are formed in
two lines and stay that way; I
they are lined up to drink at the
fountains one at a time —and they
do it; they are told to take their
hats off and keep them off—and
they do, and they are told to ho
silent—which they also do. The
"Boyer parties" are among the
daily sights at the Capitol and the
discipline is worth observing.
Leo Kriner and Harry Bitner have
the highest job in Harrisburg. Theso
two men, who comprise a local firm
of slate and tile roofers, are spend
ing these September days working
about 250 to 260 feet above the
heads of most of the people of Har
risburg and do not seem to mind
the weather. In fact, most of what
happens in the city comes to them
in more or less ruffled fashion and
only an occasional pigeon or swal- k
low or a rare airplane comes along
to make them realize other activi
ties. They have the job of repair
ing the tiles on the Capitol dome
which they won in competition with
a number of firms, and have found
about seventy-five which have to be
replaced. It is the first time any
thing has had to be done to tile
dome of any account since It was
completed in 1905.
—Kx-Congressman H. B. Pack- '
er, of Wellsboro. was among the
visitors to Harrisburg yesterday. "
He came here on highway matters.
—Public Service Commissioner J.
W. Reed will make his home in 4
Harrisburg during the winter.
—President J. W. A. Haas, of
Muhlenburg College, is arranging to
have the college continue military
—James A. Gorman, the Hazle
ton food administrator, has named
fair price committees for his sec
tion of the State. He says that Is
the way to obtain action.
—Jolin R. Bechtel. the honorary
head of the Bechtel clan, lives at
Reading and is ninety-one years old.
—That Harrisburg made
cartridge silk during the war?'
—The first water was turned in
to the canal here nineiy-one years