Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1919, Image 1

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    Treaty of Peace Between the AUied and Associated Powers and Austrian Republic Signed
Public Service Commission
Dismisses Complaints of
West Shore People
VALUE IS SET AT $2,350,000
Increased Fare Not Excessive
Charge on Money Invested j
by the Corporation
The Public Service Commission, in
a decision handed down to-day by,
Commissioner Samuel M. Clement.
> Jr.. sustains the seven-cent fare ot
the Valley Railways system operat-i
ing between Harrisburg, Carlisle,!
Mechanicsburg. New Cumberland |
and other places in Cumberland;
county, and Marysville, in Perry l
county, dismissing complaints filed
by the boroughs of Carlisle and West
Fairview and by various residents j
and associations of West Shore <
towns. The complaints were heard !
last winter and spring, and a valua-j
tion of the system was made.
The Commission values the prop-j
erty of the system for rate-making'
1 purposes at $2,350,000, and allows;
$310,571 for operating expenses, in
cluding taxes, with $36,970 annual;
depreciation, making an estimated i
net return of $113,953. which at a 1
seven-cent fare is estimated to give]
a return of 4.85 per cent.
Nothing For Bridge
The decision says that it declined
to give a valuation of $2,500.000 1
asked by the company or to allow
SIOO,OOO for the Susquehanna river
rContiued oii Pa .-c 16.]
State Official? Inspect
Capitol Park Zone With
Regard to Trolley Route
The street railway and railroad sit
uation as related to the plans of the !
State of Pennsylvania for extension;
of Capitol Park was gone over to-day
by Chairman W. D. B. Ainey, of the
Public Service Commission, and '
George A. Shreiner, deputy superin
tendent of public grounds and build
ings. tho ""hole district being covered, i
The chairman was especially inter- '
ested in the trolley facilities to reach j
Allison Hill and went over Market.
Stmt and Horr street, and covered the >
whole district. He discussed the ]
plans in detail with Mr. Shreiner. I
This is the second tour of the dis- !
trict as a few days ago State officials I
end Superintendent William Elmer, !
* of the Pennsylvania Railroad, made ]
a tour.
The State has already acquired 1
three of the 21 properties which will
be taken over for the approach on
the north side of the Memorial bridge j
on State street between Twelfth and
Thirteenth. It is hoped to secure
all of them by amicable arrange- ]
mcnt. On three-story brick with 17 t
feet of frontage was bought for $3.- |
400, and two frame dwellings with '
37 feet of frontage were acquired for i
Murder Charge to Be
Pressed at Hearing
A preliminary hearing will bo
given on Thursday afternoon tn
police court to Sim Velco, held by
the Harrisburg police department ;
on the charge of shooting to death j
Thomas A. Lignen yesterday morn- '
ing after the latter had fired twice I
at him. Velco will be represented I
by Attorney Robert Stucker, of the
Dauphin county bar.
, Steve Rico, being held by the
policy as a witness, will also b
given a hearing. Rico is charged i
with being an accessory before and ]
after the shooting affray. Rico !
steadfastly denies the charge that
he called "shoot him. shoot him," to
Velco as he is said to have done.
Spencer Swings to
Senator Lodge's Side
Washington, Sept. 10. The 1
ranks of the Senate opponents of
the Versailles Treaty who advocate !
drastic reservations were rein- i
forced by Senator Spencer, Repub- j
lican, of Missouri, one of the so- i
called "mild reservationists" who, in 1
a spirited speech, declared that ]
* rather than accep. the Treaty with- :
out change, as urged by President !
Wilson, he would vote to reject it. 1
The rapid shift in the attitude of i
the "mild reservationists" within the j
last few days was attributed by one
of the Republican leaders to the na- !
ture of the attacks made upon the
opponents of the Treaty by the 1
Hy ssocistid Press*
Berlin, Tuesday, Sept. 9. Ger- I
man troops have completely evacu- j
ated Lithuania southward of the
Memel river, according to a tele- j
, gram received here from Koenigs- :
' berg.
* hy .Associated Press.
Berlin, Tuesday, Sept. 9. The
jl Prussian Government intends to pro
pose home rule for Upper Silesia.
according to the Lokal Anzeiger.
V Harrisburg and Vlelnltyi Unset
tled weather to-night and
Thursday, probably ahowera.
Not much change in tempera
, ture.
Eastern Pennsylvania! Unsettled
to-night and Thursday, prob
ably showers. Little change In
tempera lure. Gentle to moder
rnte northeast to east winds.
Klvcr. The Snaqtiehannii river md
all Ita branches nIM prohnbly
remain nearly stationary rxrrpt
the Xorth IJraneh. wlilch will
rise slightly. A atage ot about
3.4.*> feet la indicated for Hatris
* burg Thursday morning.
The First Over and the Last to Come Back
Pact With Allied and Asso
ciated Powers Confirmed
at 10.15 This Morning
Frank L. Polk, Representing
U. S„ Is Next to Affix
St, Germain, Sept. 10. Dr. Karl
Renner, head of the Austrian dele
gation to the Peace Conference,
signed the Treaty of Peace between
the Allied and Associated Powers
and the Austrian republic at 10.15
o'clock this morning.
When all the delegates present
had seated themselves at the round
table, Dr. Renner was introduced
with the same formality that was ob
served when the Germans entered
the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles on
June 28. Georges Clemenceau,
president of the Peace Conference,
then rose and opened the session,
asking Dr. Renner to affix his sig
nature to the Treaty and annexes
and announcing that the delegates
would then be called in the order in
which they were named in the pre
amble of the document.
Bows Graciously
Dr. Renner bowed and smiled
graciously as he approached the
table, and bowed and smiled again
to the delegates after signing and
as he turned to go to his seat.
Frank L. Polk, who succeeded
Secretary of State Robert Lansing
as head of the United States dele
gation, signed after Dr. Renner, and
was followed by Henry White and
General Bliss.
Dr. Renner showed no hesitation
in signing the Treaty. He rose from
his seat on the left wing of the table
after M. Clemenceau's opening ad
dress had been translated into Ger
[Contlnued on Page 9.]
Union Calls on 26,000
Strikers to Go to Work
Srrnntun, Fa , Sept. 10.—Word catne
to-day f*om John J- Lewis, acting
president of the United Mine Work
ers of America, in session at Cleve
; land that if the strike of 26,000 min
ers of the Lackawanna and Hudson
companies is not quickly ended he
will send the fill force of the organ
ization here to convince the strikers
of their r— in violating agreements
aivd the laws of the union.
I Temperatures in Harrisburg to-day
range considerably below those whi-h
1 prevailed in tl* city yesterday. Last
night, within a few minutes the mer-
I cury dropped fifteen degrees. The
j thermometer during the past 24 hours
| has shown a drop of 24 degrees, an
i unusual drop, the temperatures being
88 and 61.
Athens, Ga., Sept. 10. Obe
Cox, negro, alleged murderer of
the wife of an Oglethorpe county
farmer, was captured by a posse
to-day, taken to the scene of the
crime, his body riddled with
bullets, and burned at the stake.
Several thousand people wit
nessed the scene.
Women Assaulted Openly in
Street While Mobs Rob
Py Associated Press.
Boston, Sept. 10. Lawless
ness was rampant in Boston to
day. Without adequate police
protection, private citizens were
left to their own resources to
protect their lives and property.
Attacks on women throughout
the night were frequent and atroc
ious. In numerous parts of Uic city
there were villainous assaults. Ac
cording to reports 110 woman was
safe in the little frequented districts
or where the streets were not bril
liantly illuminated. Two women were
pursued by a mob and found refuge
in Uie city hospital. Tlie mob even
attempted to force its way into the
institution and was only stopped by
a handful of offlcers who had ar
rived a moment before with a man
who had been shot.
Many Are Hurt
The hoodlumism of the night was
not free of bloodshed. John A.
Scully, of Brookline, was shot in
the back of the head and danger
ously injured by a police sergeant
who was pursuing a mob that had
sacked several stores in the Back
Bay district. Thomas Innis, a street
car conductor, reported at a hospital
with a bullet in the leg. He said
he was fired upon by some one in a
crowd. A Janitor in the leather dis
trict was stabbed by a man whom
the Janitor had discovered forcing
an entrance to the building. Another
man reached the hospital with a
bullet in his back.
Police on Strike
Since the police struck at 5.45
o'clock yesterday afternoon there
has been no organized police power
able to cope with the situation that
last night approached anarchy and
to-day appeared to grow more ser
iou as the inadequacy of the make
shift arrangements intended to pre
[Continuod on Page 15.]
1."1,000 OX STRIKH
By Asuo'ia'.ed I'rcss.
Srrantoß. Pa., Sept. 10.— Fifteen
thousand silk mill workers in this
.vicinity are on strike.
Fully Equipped First Division
Marches in Crowning
Spectacle of War
Doughboys March Through
Deep Lines of Massed
P.y Associated Press.
New York, Sept. 10.—With Pershing
at their head and with the Cross of
War twinkling on their storied ban
ners, the First Division of Regulars
marched down Fifth avenue to-day.
The colors of three regiments of in
fantry were twined with the four
ragers of France, symbol of gallan-
I try, and on the breasts of hundreds
I of the soldiers were the gay rib
! bons betokening medals bestowed
I for heroism.
It was the crowning spectacle of
the World War for York, and
it was unique n American annals.
Guns Rumble Behind
Behind the stalwart doughboys
rumbled field artllery of every type,
and back of the guns came the di
visional trains. The marchers num
bered 25,000 men, fully panoplied
for battle —the flower of the Amer
ican Army.
I At the head of the five-mile line
rode the Commander-in-Chief of all
soldiers under the Stars and Stripes.
Behind him, as a guard of honor,
swung "Pershing's Own," the com
posite regiment of six-foot infantry
men, who had followed him through
[Continued on Page 7.]
Thieves Throw Brick
Through Window to Rob
Jewelry Store of Display
Breaking the large plate glass
window of the Jewelry store of Max
Relter & Co., 18 North Fourth
street, by hurling a brick through
. it, thieves early this morning se
cured Jewelry valued at approxi
mately S3OO.
Gold watches, bracelet watchc.-.,
scarf pins and other Jewelry were
included in the booty.
The brick used in breaking the
window had been hurled at it twice.
The first time It apparently struck
below the window, but the second
time the aim was true. A consid
erable portion of the window was
shattered. A showcase standing in
front of the entrance to the store
was also broken by the brick,
which was later found lying on the
window ledge. One person this
morning told that be had noticed
an automobile with six persons
i standing nearby about the time of
i the robbery.
What the Reservations
and Amendments Propose
The reservations propose: The principal amendments arc
"I— Unconditional right to with - pi . oposo<l to provide:
draw from the League.
"2—Declination of the United Equal voting power for the
States to accept any of the legal UnUcd Btatcg Qrcat Br(/flln
or moral obligations of the much
discussed article ten or to accept in the assembly of the League,
any mandatory from the League . . . . , ,
except by action of the Congress (living to China instead of Ja
of the United States. pan the province of Shantung.
"3—Reserving to the United
States the exclusive right to de- Relief of the United States from
cidc what questions arc within its paving representatives on com
"SL3BB, '<■. <
Monroe Doctrine to the judgment has no concern.
of the United States alone. Others concern phraseology.
City Forester Urges Planting of Uniform Species So That
Streets Will Rival Famous Thoroughfares
A tree planting program embrac- |
ing every street in the city has been
evolved by L. G. Baltimore, city
forester. A type of tree best suited
to the locality has been picked and
householders are urged to plant
nothing but the tree selected for the
thoroughfare so that in time there
will be an uniformity which has
made famous some streets In other
In selecting trees for various
streets attention has been paid to the
type already existing to the nature
of the buildings and to suitability of
the stUToundltlgs.
Co-operation Needed
Close co-operation on the part of
property owners Is needed to make
the campaign a success. Mr. Bal
timore points out that it is obvious
that if, every street is lined wi'h
similar trees the result will be more
pleasing to the eye than if the old
haphazard method is followed.
Mr. Baltimore is willing to give
advice to all tree planters as to
best methods for going about the
work. He is urging that a tree be
planted in front of every home.
Street and Tree
Agate, Ginkgo.
Bailey, Norway maple.
Balm, Linden.
Bellevue road, American elm.
Benton, red oak.
BerryhtU, red oak.
Boas, (Front-7th) sugar maple
and Norway maple.
Boas, 15th-city limits, Oriental
Briggs, Norway maple.
Brookwood. pin oak.
Calder, Norway maple.
Cameron. Oriental plane.
Camp. Norway maple.
Capital, Norway maple.
Carnation, Ginkgo.
Catharine, sugar maple.
Chestnut (Front-Grace St.) Nor
way maple.
Chestnut, (Summit-13th) Norway
[Continued on Page 15.]
Dauphin County Jail
Is in Good Condition
"We Inspected the Dauphin county
pris. n to-day and went over it pret
ty thoroughly, finding it in excellent
condition." said Louie Wolf, member
of the State Board of Public Chari
ties to-day.
"The only criticism I would make
is that the prisoners do not get out
often enough for fresh air and will
send a letter to that effect," he con
tinued. Mr. Wolf added with a smile
"Dauphin's jail seems to be rather
empty these days compared to some
j other days.
Want Nationalization
of English Mines
By Associated Press.
Glasgow, Sept. 10.—By an over
whelming vote the Trades Union
Congress at to-day's session passed
a resolution favoring the nationaliza
tion of the coal mines.
The motion, presented by Robert
Smillie, the miners' leader, was
carried by a vote of 4,478,000
against 77,000. <
Washington, Sept. 10.—La Celba on
the north coast of Honduras, nas been
captured by the revolutionists oppos
ing President Bertrand, who has
placed the Presidential powers in the
hands of a cabinet. The rebels are
reported within a few miles also of
Tegucigalpa, the Hondurian capitol
and there is sniping in the city.
W. C. T. r. TO MEET
Dauphin County W. C. T. U. will
meet in all-day convention to-mor
row in the Hummelstown Reformed
Church, starting at 10 a. m. Busi
ness will be considered at the morn
ing and afternoon session, but In
the evening Miss Amanda Landla,
of the MUlersvllle State Normal
School, will speak.
Injured when an automobile in
which she was riding collided with
another machine last evening. Miss
Emma Hoover, 20 years old, of 216
North Second street, Is in the Har
rlsburg Hospital with a fractured
left arm and lacerations. -,
On Board President Wilson's
Special Train, Sept. 10. Presi
dent Wilson was heading due
west to-day on one of the longest
legs of his countrywide speaking
tour for the Peace Treaty. Nearly
the whole day was given over to
travel, the only stop on his sched
ule being a short one at Bis
marck, N. D.
The President told a Bismarck
a.udine that, the issuts involved
in his spcechmaking tour for the
Treaty was "a question of war or
peace." There was only one way
in which peace could be main
tained, he said, and that was by
such a concert of nations as was
proposed in the League of Na
Governor Wants Judges
of Proved Capacity
Governor Sproul said this after
noon that lie intended to make some
Inquiry into reports that there had
been opposition started in influential
Philadelphia quarters against the
election of Judge Joseph P. McCullen
and other sitting judges in Philadel
"I certainly would not regard It as
a friendly act if support Is not given
to sitting judges who have proved
themselves capable," said the Gover
nor. "While I have spoken to no one
lately I had assurances from influ
ential leaders that led me to suppose
that their attitude would be friendly.
I intend to make further inquiry <nto
the reports and hope that no organ
ized opposition to the judges will be
War Dividends Not
justified Nowadays
Charges thatthe Oley Turnpike Com
pany, of Berks county, is not Justi
fied in increasing all rates because
during the war it paid good dividends
were made at a. hearing before Public
Service Commissioner M. J. Brecht to
day. The company contended that in
creased costs Justified its action. In
vestigations intp conditions of grade
crossings in Suryoa borough. Lu
zerne county, and Brady township,
Clearfield county, were started be
fore the Commission.
School Board to Go
Over Building Program
Unofficial announcement was
made to-day of a special meeting
of the School Board next Monday
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, where It
is reported that the future school
building program will be considered.
The Junior high school problem will
be discussed in general and the
probability of the erection of a third
junior high school considered.
A congregational committee from
Zion Lutheran Church has arranged
all the details for the "welcome
home" reception to service men of
the church which Is to be held to
morrow eVening In the lower room
of the church at 8 o'clock. There
will be vocal and instrumental
music, and an address by Captain
George F. Lumb, head of the State
Virtually all pupils of the seventh
and eighth grades of the Retly and
Willard schools, who have partici
pated In the "strikes" of the past
several days, were to-day reported
to be bdek at their desks. All will
be transferred to one of the city
Junior high schools as soon as satis
factory arraingements can be made.
Vienna. Tuesday, Sept. 9. Mar
tin Lovassy, Hungarian Foreign
Minister, has been forced out of the
cabinet, according to advices from
Four Reservations Added
to Pact by U. S. Senate
Foreign Committee
Washington, Sept. 10.—Characterized as an alliance and not
a league, "which will breed wars instead of securing peace," the
German Peace Treaty including the covenant for a League of Na
tions was formally reported to the Senate to-day by the Foreign
Relations Committee, with 45 amendments and four reservations.
It will be the first great document of its kind to be discussed
m the open—without the confines of "executive session."
Accompanying the treaty was the
majority report of the Foreign Re
lations Committee, subscribed to by
every Republican member except
Senator MeCumber, of North Da
kota, explaining the amendments
and reservations, ail of which it was
declarol were "governed by a single
purpose, and that is to guard Amer
ican rights and sovereignty, the in
vasion of which would stimulate
breeches of faith, encourage con
flict and generate wars."
To Preserve Independence
These amendments and reserva
tions, the majority report says, are
submitted "to preserve American in
dependence and American sover
eignty and thereby best serve the
welfare of mankind."
Fears that other nations may not
accept an amended covenant, the
report dismissed with the state
"That is one tiling that cer
tainly will not happen. * * *
The other nations will take us
on our own terms, for without
us their league is a wreck and
their gains from a victorious
peace arc Imperiled."
That the adoption of amendments
will necessitate reassembling of the
®"iSt *it *ir "it*4*
x <F
X R r. T
n f*
T *
X nr 4"
X in $1,500. 4 r ' 'jj
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T 4
4 c
♦ 4r
' " ,v; Agency. The Supreme Council, it adds, had giVert 4
4 ' definite in- ,
$ i
, i iL *■
X 4
X •' •
X 7 g'.ic, fi- $6,000
f 4
v n- , I
X * *
' a
X *'
X men at most, as against the 500,000 Ihr.if propoted in the . k.
X • p.trtment'fv mill. , j ?|ij
X >
T O*' 1 RAGING TN 5 " n I !
* ' I: r tchin; ,th -*• ' the * 1
X 1 all |
T E a X
T tf
4 along the southern coast 4
X ban Islands. A gale of at least 100 miles an hour Was * *
T blowing, the reports stated.
4 11
T • ►
$ J;;
X Howard liookrr, Jr., Iluakrrrtown. and Margarette F. Sparver,* *
X Hgrrlaburgj Julius Klnnrd, Hnrrlxhurg, and Nannie I. Whitley, Steel. I
ton; Andrew H. Stlmrr, Strrlton, and Snrnh Huaaler, Harrlahurgi
4t Mnrl 11. Smith. .New Cumberland, and l.lnnle X. Hoaa, Steeltoni Wll'**
-t. Hum 11. Swrikrrt and Helen 1.. Vo'lmer. Harrfahurgj Sarah It- Hoov-B
"T er, Hurrtaburg. and Vlolette G. Hawklna, I'rnbrook.
eg* a >
Peace Conference, the report de
nies, asserting that the conference
probably will be in session for six
months more in Paris and might ..s
well be "at least as usefully em
ployed" as "they now are in divid
ing and sharing southeastern Eu
rope and Asia Minor. German dele
gates, the report contends, could
easily be brought to Paris, and us
Germany is not a member of the
league she need not be consulted
about changes of the covenant.
At the outset the majority report
deals at length with criticisms of
delay, and 'points out that whereas
the Peace Conference took s'x
months to agree on the treaty, the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit
tee has had 47 working days. De
mands for speed "in the most im
port subject that ever came before
the Senate of the United States, the
report says, were "largely the work
of the administration and its news
paper organs."
Bankers Wanted Haste
A second "artificial' demand for
haste, the report says, came from
"certain great banking firms which
had a direct pecuniary interest in
[Continued on Page 7.]