Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 08, 1919, Image 1

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    Nation Extends General Pershing Warm Welcome on Return -Service
Change Is Described as "An Assent With
a Big 'ButScores Move For
Unconditional Withdrawal
By Associa'ed Press.
Omaha, Neb., Sept. B.—Discussing
for the first time during his speak
ing tour, proposed reservations to
the League of Nations, President
Wilson replied in an address here
to-day to arguments advanced by
those who favor reservations.
"A reservation," he said, "is an
assent with a big 'but.' We agree—
'but.' "
The proposed reservations provid
ing for unconditional withdrawal
from membership, said the Presi
dent, meant that its sponsors wanted
to "sit near the door with their
hands on the knob," and if they say
anything they didn't like to "scuttie
and run."
The League proviso that interna
tional obligations must be fulfilled
bet ore withdrawal would never re
strain the United States, he said, be
cause this nation always would live
up to the provisions.
Doctrine Swallowed
Those who wanted a reservation
to article ten, Mr. Wilson continued,
simply didn't want to come in now
but wanted to be "late joiners."
Any reservation regarding the
Monroe Doctrine, he added, was un
necessary, because the doctrine has
leen "swallowed, hook, line and
sinker," by the Peace Conference
and had ben authenticated by the
big powers of the world for the first
So far as reservations about do
mestic questions were concerned, he
declared, it would be a work of
"We didn't ask Germany's consent
about the meaning of any one of
these terms when we were in Paris,"
he said.
We told them what they meant
and said 'sign here." Does any
patriotic American want that method
changed ?"
There were cries of "no, no" from
the crowds.
If reservations were put in, Mr.
Wilson told them, all that the Sen
ate had written in would have to go
hack for the consent cf Germany.
He added that there were indications
that those on the other side of the
water are not in as good a humor as
they had been.
Take it or latavc it
The only way the Shantung pro
vision could be bettered, Air. Wilson
declared, wou'd he to go to war
with Japan, England and France.
He told the crowd the nation could
not "sign all but a part of the
"We cannot rewrite this Treaty."
said he. "We must take it or leave
He said he believed the Treaty
should be accepted soon but added:
"But no man can tell how long it
will take the United States Senate
to do anything."
The President said he had heard
some men wanted the United States
to stand alone for an "armed pan-
Americanism." but he did not be
lieve the neople would accept it. He
paid a tribute to Senator Hitchcock,
the Democratic leader in the Treaty
fight, whose home is in Omaha. He
had been "prepared to stand by
Senator Hitchcock." in the fight.
The President and Mrs. Wilson
rested most of Sunday in their suite
at a Des Moines hotel where they
had spent their first night off their
special train since leaving Washing
ton Wednesday. In the morning
they attended service, however, at
[Continued on Page 9.]
An abstract of President Wil
son's Des Moines Speech Appears
on Page 12.
Dover, Eng., Sept. 8. For
mer British officers returning
from France and Belgium where
they have been going over the
ground where a year ago they
w.ere still fighting, express aston
ishment at the manner in which
nature is blotting out the scars
of the war.
"Np Man's Land everywhere is
covered with a mass of scarlet
poppies." said one officer, "and
the disappearance of the rusty
barbed wire makes one almost
forget the place was ever the
most desolate prospect a man
ever saw. But the trenches are
still there and so is much of the
timber, both startling reminders
of the days when we did not
know just what was going tu
happen next."
Harrlnburg and Vlclnitri Fnlr.
continued worm to-night and
Tuesday. I.owrat temperature
to-night about 72 degree*.
Eastern Pcnnayl vnnln i Fair, con
tinued warm to-night and
Tuesday. Gentle to moderute
wind*, mostly southwest.
Rlveri The Susquehanna river and
nil Its brnnehe* will fall slow
ly. A atage of about 3-1 fret la
indicated for Harrlnburg Tues
day morning.
By Associated Press.
Washington, Sept. S. The
Peace Treaty will be reported to
the Serrate next Wednesday noon,
Chairman Lodge, of the Foreign
Relations Committee, announced
to-day. It is planned to call up
the Treaty for debate beginning
next Monday.
Senator Simmons, Democrat, of
North Carolina, announced to the
Senate to-day that, while he fa
vored ratification of the Treaty
without amendment or reserva
tion. he was convinced that con
cessions must be made to those
favoring reservations, and that he
had been discussing with Demo
crats a "compromise" on con
servative reservations of an inter
pretative character.
; Two Hundred Harrisburg
Masons Off Eor Big Tri
ennial Event
Pilgrim Commandery No 11,
Knights Templar of this city, left
to-day at 12.01 to attend the 34th
triennial conclave at Philadelphia.
About 200 Knights accompanied
the local Cammandery under the di
rection of Commander William A.
8011, and will participate in the pa
i ade to-morrow, when 200,000 will
be in line. This is the 102 nd anni
| versary of the establishing of the
Knights Templar in North America.
Commanders from all over the
; United States and Canada will at
tend as well as representatives from
[all over the world.
Prominent Templars attending
:from Harrisburg are William A.
I Donaldson, Past Grand Commander
of the Grand Commandery of Penn
sylvania and a member cf the Fi-
I nance Committee of the Grand En
j campment; Arthur D. Bacon, Past
j Commander of Pilgrim Command
jery, and Junior Warden of the Grand
Commandery of Pennsylvania; Gen
eralissimo Levi M. Myers; Captain
. General Wiliiani B. Mausteller;
! Treasurer Howard A. Rutherford;
i Recorder N. Frank Matter; Di
-1 vision Commander Clyde P. Lcve
land others.
! _ To-morrow evening the Grand
Ball will be held. Wednesday morn
| ing there will be a competitive drill
|on Belmont Plateau, Wes Fairmount
I Park Wednesday evening will sec
tho Naval Review in the Delaware
[River. The Thursday program 111-
I eludes a historical, industial, and
: patriotic war pageant and illumin
ation of the harbor. The Com
mandery will return to Harrisburg
Vast Meeting Is
Feature of Convention
Opening by Knights
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia. Sept. 8. A vast
meeting at Independence Hall fea
tured the official opening here to-dav
or the thirty-fourth triennial con-
? f the Knights Templar of the
L nited States.
at G ° Ve i', no f Sproul, of Pennsylvania.
M. E. Sir Lee Stewart Smith, Grand
Master of the order and Major
General Charles M. Clement, former
!< ommander of the Pennsylvania Na
tional Guard, were among the speak
iers. in the name of the Knights
tl'k Mr " Smlth kissed the his
thc Knlibt R i e "L Receptions to
, anfl their families and
a band concert on Citv Hall plaza
gram. th * ° penin * day's p™.
Thousands of delegates from vir
*ual.ly eve |"y city and town of im-
Pnrtn ill J hia country, Alaska,
I £.°' Hawaii the Philippines
and the Canal zone are expected to
attend the week's conclave. A large
number are already here and oth
delegates are arriving on nearly
with' ♦ n hf m,n £ tral , n ' Gally decorated
with the national colors and the
black and white of the order, the
KnhrhE," prepared to give the
Knlffnts a warm reception
~3??A r ° gram f ° r J h e conclave was
f a 'dto be one of the most elaborate
" h 'story of the organization.
n Thursday a grand parade and
review by the Grand Master "n
nonor of the Americans called to the
colors during the war will be held.
This will be followed by an open
session of the Grand Encampment
and a number of receptions and con
certs. The parade is expected to be
about seven miles long.
By Associated Press.
Toklo, Friday, Sept. s.—Six thous
and five hundred arsenal operatives
have struck demanding wage in
creases. Troops have been called out
to guard arsenals throughout the
Mother of Mrs. Harry Hauck
Also Dies of Same
Two of Family Die- Within
Few Hours at Harrisburg
! Her husband and her mother
lying dead, the victims of typhoid
.fever. Mrs. Harry Hauck, 2846 Herr
, street, Penbrook is in a critical con
dition from the same disease in the
, Harrisburg Hospital where she has
' been for several days.
! The husband. Harry Hauck, 53
j years old, died yesterday morning
•in the Harrisburg Hospital, and the
death of the mother, Mrs. Alice Kel
j ler, 304 Union street, Middletown,
followed last evening in the same
'institution at 6.25 o'clock. She was
1 51 years old. Both had been ill for
! some time.
The husband, wife and mother be
came ill a few weeks ago and after
a short time, physicians thought it
better to remove all to the Harris-
I burg Hospital for treatment. They
'are believed to have been made ill
•by drinking water from a we'l tn
I enbrook, the mother having been
[visiting with the family at the time
; sre became ill.
Negroes Are Lynched
and Dragged in Streets
Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 8. Two
negroes charged with murder were
taken from the city jail here shortly !
. after midnight and lynched. A mob
. of 50 men stormed the jail in search
! of a negro who was being held for
■ assaulting a little white girl who had
! been secretly sent to St. Augustine
I by court officers early last night fol
lowing threats of violence.
Finding their intended victim
; gone, the crowd seized the two
i negroes charged with the murder re
cently of George Dubose, a white
i man, took them to the outskirts of
, the city in automobiles and shot
! them to death. They then placed
ropes about the necks of the bodies
and dragged them through the city
Mercury May Go Sailing
Up to 92 This Afternoon
It's going to be hot! So get out
the o'd Palm Beach suits once more
and don't try to give away that old
straw hat just yet. Yesterday was
had enough, but the weatherman in
timated this morning that some
other place is going to be very com
fortable in comparison to Harris
burg the next few days.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon the
mercury was tipping the 89-degree
mark and 92 was looked for by the
middle of the afternoon. There's
no chance o frelief to-morrow, but
have cheer—October isn't too far
By Associated Press.
Greensburg, Pa.. Sept. S.—John Ray,
18-year-old mine laborer, will be put
on trial in criminal court here Wed
nesday next, charged with the mur
der of Emma Austraw, 19-year-old
school teacher, of Derry township,
who was attacked and murdered last
May. Counsel for the defense be
lieves he can secure a favorable ver
dict by proving an alibi for his client
in spite of an alleged confession of
James Crawford in which the latter
said Ray was responsible for the mur
der. Crawford was lound not guilty
of a muriler charge in the case last
Saturday on the grounds of insanity.
By Associated I'rrss.
Paris, Sept. 8. Anti-Italian dis
turbances continue to spread in Al
bania, according to dispatches to
newspapers here, it being reported
that a detachment of 300 Italians
was annihilated at Kastrali recently.
Advices say that the Albanians in
tend to send delegates to the Peace
Conference to demand that their
country be granted autonomy.
Mrs. Ellwood Barnes died yesterday
at her home in Hainton. It was her
30th birthday anniversary. Mrs.
Barnes was born in Elhausen, Hesse-
Derrnstadt, but took an active part in
war work, being an ardent Red Cross
worker. She leaves her husband, a
sister, Mrs J. Myers and a brother and
a sister in Germany. Funeral servies
will be held at the home to-morrow
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
He Knew the Time When Players Thought More of Toledo
Than They Did of the Cincinnati Reds
If you arc interested In contrasts
read this tale which illustrates abso
lute polarity.
A man. bearing the earmarks of
past usefulness, but not a down and
outer in the literal sense, sat in a
side-arm chair In a down town lunch
room gazing moodily out over a fast
cooling cup of coffee. His dark blue
cap was pulled rakishly to one side
c,f his head, his low-collared shirt,
open at the neck. His build was that
of an athlete. He was the picture of
d< Jectlon.
A tall man, brisk in his move
ment. rushed through the door, pe
poslted a serviceable handbag on the
floor, and made for the lunch counter
General Pershing, Leader
of A.E.F., Returns as One
of War's Greatest Heroes
Sirens Scream Deafening and Clamorous Welcome to
Victorious Commander; Vice-Fvbsident Marshall
and Secretary of War Baker Among Notables to
Greet Him; Receptions and Luncheons Fill First Day
at Home.
New York, Sept. B.—Pershing is home again!
Standing on the bridge of the huge Leviathan, itself symbolic
of victory over Germany, the commander of the greatest host ever
gathered under the Stars and Stripes came slowly up the bay to
day, world famed and hailed as a conquering hero should be.
Twenty-seven months ago he
slipped secretly out of-the harbor on
his way to France to prepare the
way for the hosts that were to fol
low. Then he was only a major gen
eral. He came back to-day with
four stars on his shoulders—the
fourth to wear them under the
American flag.
The welcome g?ven would have
quickened the pulse of the hero of
a Roman triumph. Fresh from the
capitals of allied Europe where hon
ors had been heaped upon him. it re
mained for New York to show the
first American to lead an army
across the Atlantic that "home,
sweet home," has a meaning deeper
than "Hail to the Chief."
Hint of Tears in Welcome
No foreign throats could voice the
cheers, no alien hearts could pulse
the greeting that was Pershing's
here to-day. There was a hint of
tears in the welcome, for those who
gave it knew that not even the
plaudits of a grateful people cou.d
banish from the sad-faced soldici'a
mind the memory of his own life's
Dawn barely had broken when
the Leviathan loomed through ihe
Harrisburg's Beauty Praised by Men Who Have Flown Over
Many Municipalities; Need of Trees Is Plainly Shown
Harrisburg had its picture
"taken" from the air this morning
by a member of the government
aviation squadron that arrived last
week to map the country round
about for the llrst transcontinental
air route, and it was the observation
of a Telegraph representative who
went up at the same time that if
Harrisburg people knew how pretty
some parts of their town look from
the air and how bare others appear
they would plant a lot more trees
and clean up their backyards.
"Harrisburg is one of the pretti
est cities I have ever flown over."
said Lieutenant Colonel Kirkiand in
command of the aviation depot at
Middletown and this thought was
in the mind of the Telegraph man
as Lieutenant Potter sat tuning up
his big Curtiss plane on the Mid
dletown field, and it was with that
idea in mind he studied the land-
where he gave his order for a sand
wich and a glass of milk in crisp
tones. The cook being none too fast,
the stranger pulled out his watch and
tapped the floor with the toe of one
of Ills well-shod feet. Replacing the
watch he impatiently waited action
in the kitchen.
""Yuh put me In mind of the Pitts
burgh team when they lose," mumbled
the dejected one from his seat. "They
always dance about that way."
The stranger turned quickly and
gave the <peaker a searching glance.
A smile played about his stern mouth.
His order arrived and the stranger
(Contiucd on Page 16.J
mists off Ambrose channel light
ship. Steaming slowly through the
narrow passageway the great steam
ship was greeted by a convoy of six
destroyers, while seaplanes circled
forts Boom Salute
The forts which guard the harbor
boomed a general's salute as the
ship which once was the pride of
Germany crept past quarantine and
nosed through the narrows into the
harbor under the shadow of Lib
erty's statue. While the guns stiil
echoed, the whistles of merchant
vessels from the seven seas, saucy
tugs, ungainly ferryboats, excursion
craft of every kind, and the sirens
of factories on shore joined in a
discordant salutation.
The shores of Staten Island,
Brooklyn, New Jersey and Manhat
tan were lined with thousands
whose shouts of greeting came
faintly across the waters of the bay
to the familiar figure on the bridge.
They made up the vanguard of the
vast army of welcomers which al
ready had packed Battery Park and
overflowed into the streets beyond,
waiting patiently until Pershing had
been greeted by Vice-President Mar
shall and the Secretary of War and
[Continued 011 Page .]
| scape from a height that varied
from 1,000 to 4,000 feet.
No Ncotl to Worry
There is plenty of time for the
i airplane observer to take stock of
things below. Much has been writ
ten concerning the thrills and sen
sations of airplaning, the nervous
ness of the man about to take his
1 first ride, but there is nothing like
stage fright for the man who stud
ies the young Army aviators as they
in the most matter of fact manner
go about getting ready for their
flight. They do it not once but
many times every day, and get away
with it, so why should the occa
sional passenger have any worry?
Getting off the ground is a real
sensation. There is a rush of air
as the propellers gather headway
and before one realizes it he is off
the earth and dim ping swiftly to
ward cloudland. Only the feeling
is not that of soaring, but as though
the earth were rapidly falling away
below, and then he begins to get in
Beautiful Setting
Earth-crawling folks hereabouts
realize that they live in a beauti
ful country, but they will never
realize the surpassing beauty of
Central Pennsylvania until they see
tt from an altitude of two or three
thousand feet, with its hills and
valleys all smoothed out to a
prairie-like flatness, its river and
streams trailing lazily along in
broad sweeps of blue and silver, the
white lines that are Its roads trail
[Continued on Page 15.]
The charter- of the Fourth Street
Church of God originally granted
In 1848, was amended by Judge Kun
kel this morning to read Church of
God. The court at the same time
gave the church deacons equal
rights with the elders in managing
the affairs of the church. Charles
C. Stroh, counsel for the church,
decided a question which arose this
morning when he quoted an act of
1909 recognizing legal periodicals as
newspapers of general circulation.
120,000 COAL
Thirty Anthracite Mines in
Lackawanna and Wyoming
Valleys Arc Tied Up
Feared Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Com
pany Men Will Walk Out
F y Associated Press.
Scranton, Pa., Sept. B.—The thir
ty Delaware and Hudson Coal Com
pany's anthracite mines in the
Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys,
employing 20,000 men and boys, are
to-day closed by a strike.
The issue involved is that brought
i out ten days ago when the miners
of the Carbondale district, number -
ing nearly 4,000, quit work in pro
test against excessive dockage, too
frequent layoffs of groups of men
for alleged dirty coal, and the
of mechanical ioaders. The griev
ance committee on Friday last, after
a convention of all the company's
mines had sanctioned it, ordered a
strike effective this morning.
The order was obeyed. General
Superintendent Charles Dorrancc
made no reply to request from the
grievance committee that he meet
them to consider the issues of the
proposed strike.
Taking Strike Vote
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
I Western Company's mines, aiso em
i; ploying twenty thousand men, are
| to-day voting on the question of a
• strike, effective to-morrow, in sup
, port of the Archbald mine protest
against the discharge of seveial
': miners who refused to clear away
i a fall of mine rock unless they were
| paid "epnsideration" rates. The
! mine officials offered laborers' pay
! only. The belief prevail* that the
i men will vote to strike.
President John T. Dempsey, of
j District No. 1, United Mine Work
| ers, which covers all the mines
hereabouts, returned here to-day
from a visit to Cleveland on mat
ters affecting the union. He de
clared the action taken by the Del
• aware and Hudson miners and that
| threatened by the Lackawanna men
lis contrary to the laws of tl;c
| miners' organization and the work
ing agreements. He hopes to clear
| up the situation before returning to-
I night to Cleveland.
Trains Taken Off
Six mines of the Hudson Coul
I Company in the Wyoming: Valley
; are reported working to-day, with
< decreased force.
' The Delaware and Hudson Rail-
I road laid off seven train 'crews to
| day and gave notice that as many
: more would be laid off to-morrow.
I The only coal crews at work to-day
are those clearing out mine tracks,
i The company, to meet New England
| and Canadian coal demands, to-day
i put extra shifts at work loading
; storage coal at the Carbondale and
! Olymphant plants.
H. JR. Omwake Called
by Franklin and Marshall
i Howard R. Omwake, for the past
i ten years Senior Master at the Har
| risburg Academy, left yesterday to
i take up his new post as dean of
| Franklin stnd Marshall College in
j Lancaster. Mr. Omwake is a gradu-
I ate of Princeton University and
| holds a degree of master of arts.
| After two years of post graduate
| work at the University of Pennsyl
j vania in the department of educa
tion, Mr. Omwake went to Mereers
bujg Academy, where he was in
structor of Latin for four years. He
I came to the Academy from Mercers
! burg in 1909.
I Immediately after graduating
! from Princeton. Mr. Omwake went
to Beirut, Syria, where he taHght
j for three years in the Syrian Pro
i testant College, the leading college
lof the Near East. While he was
I in Syria he spent several summers
in travel through Europe, Asia and
I Africa. Mrs. Omwake and their
j children will remain in Harrisburg
| for a while but will join Mr. Omwake
some time during the fall.
By Associated Press.
j Friday, Sept. 5. Discus
sion of the inquiry into the Italian
defeat at Caporetto in the autumn of
1917 in the Chamber to-day brought
out that In the press of the country
generally there are two very distinct
! tendencies. One is led by those who
favor the "washing of national
soiled linen" in public, while the
other faction urges that it is un
desirable and even ungenerous to
expose to the whole world an ac
count of what they consider un
avoidable mistakes and faults which
occurred more or less In every Army.
By Associated Press.
Mexico City, Sunday, Sept. 7.
A patriotic manifesto was issued to
day by the national council of Mexi
can women. It declares the organ
ization "considers the country as
sacred as the home, and prefers
Mexico dead to Mexico unworthy."
Mexican women, the manifesto de
clares, "will assume the men's duty
toward the fatherland If the men
fail to do so." The officers of the or
ganization are wives of prominent
Mexican generals.
By Associated Press.
Tolclo, Friday, Sept. 5. Discus
sion by the Japanese press of the
action of the United States Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, rela
tive to the Shantung provision of i
the Peace Treaty reflects that an
unpleasant Impression has been
caused in Japan. Newspapers say
that, "conf.'dering Japan's repeated
assurances that Shantung Is to be
returned to China, the committee's
attitude Is unnecessarily insulting
and provocative."
Dowries Explains New Buildings Were
Intended Only as Regional Units;
in Need of Third Building
Two plans are to be suggested by Dr. F. E. Downes, city
superintendent of schools, to provide junior high school instruc
tion for all seventh, eighth and ninth grade pupils of the city.
I hese plans are included in the reports which will be considered
by school board in its special meeting this afternoon. The ideas
are suggested. Dr. Downes says, to meet criticism of the present
school system.
One alternative provides for aftcr-school instruction for those
seventh and eighth-grade pupils of the central district, who have
not been admitted to either of the junior high schools. The other,
which is presented by Dr. Downes. although not with his ap
proval, provides for the dropping of the 7-B grade. The after
school organization, however, meets with greater support from
the superintendent.
Buildings Overcrowded
It is absolutely impossible to pro
vide for all pupils of the seventh,
eighth and ninth grades in the city
in the Camp Curtin and Edison
buildings. Asked if this was pos
sible. Dr. Downes to-day said:
"Not in regular school hours. We
already have sent to each building
approximately 100 pupils more than
normal capacity.
"They are crowded. There are
about 550 additional pupils of tho
seventh and eighth grades in the
center of the city that it is impos
sible to accommodate in regular ses
sions and do justice to pupils. I
think that these pupils might be ac
commodate and that under the cir
cumstances they probably should be
accommodated in an after school or
ganization. By this plan their grade
sdhools might be closed early and
they might then proceed to the
Junior High schools to take work
I jjjf |
± fe• nfpnrwd R-itwiUa tint she must sign
T ••'
T* hffi ence to-morrow as to whether
f ING.
4 A - • /
<4 % .. •
4 , of the American delegation at the
| Ifc ty all knowledge of an agreement.
' *
4* iion.
* * • tl?re< .hundred persons "
TT Kilns S. Kopc nnd Brulah A. Bailey, Itnyalton| Rnan Cklui i
Knther ►>rrholt, Harrlahnrci Uearse Olkkra*, Sterlten, and Minnie
Heli, Maltrn, Maaa.
from 3.15 to about 4.45, which they
wiil be unable to take in the grade
schools. This plan would in no way
interfere with our present organiz
ation. The matter of attendance,
however, in this way, should be op
tional with parents in order to avoi I
the forcing of a large number of
young pupils great distances. Of
course, this would mean a consider
able expense that has not been pto
vided in the budget."
It had never been intended to in
troduce the new junior high school
system in all sections of the city at
[Continued on Page 4.]
By Associat"d Prctt.
Paris, Sept. 8. According to the
Echo de Paris, the Chamber of
Deputies will ratify the Peace Treaty
on September 10, and the Senate
will take similar action on Septem
ber 20.