18 Tell tic leaders of tie teal Estate Ads About Hat Property of Yoirs Deaths l'KTEUfc—Died suddenly <->n Wednes day. September 3. 1919, George lJoeline Peters, aged -5 years. Private funeral services will ae held at tile home of his mother. Mrs. Warren B. Free. 1916 North toeeona street, on Monday morning, at lu o'clock. Interment private in Har risburg cemetery. Body can be Mew - ed from 8 to 9.30 Monday morning. LOST AND FOUND LOST —Brown pocketbook on 4th street car or between Sixth street to Jefferson and Schuylkill. Reward if returned to -446 Jefferson st. or call Bell 3680. LOST —Gold cameo brooch at Her- 1 shey Park or on River Front. Mon day! Reward if returned to 141# Berryhill street or Security Trust Company. LOST—Man's black Poc k , et . bo °k Maclay near Ross St. containing 81 -■ owners name and address. Rew-ard it returned to E. A. Engle, 1824 I enn St. _________ WILL the woman who picked UP gold card case on the corner of sixth and Harris streets on Tuesday morn ing. kindly return to 10-i North -ixtn St. anil receive reward. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Anthmc tic, etc. DAV AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any tilth. Bell 125 Dial 40l. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGL. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckie). HKI.P WANTED —YLYLK CORRESPONDENT A large manufacturing con cern distributing a national advertised product with divi sion headquarters in ITarris burg. is looking for a young man between 20 and 30 years of age. possessing a good edu cation and business training to handle sales letters and gerteral correspondence. An exceptional opportunity for a man to live his job and with a good company to work for. Telephone 333S for appoint ment Saturday. Sunday or Monday and inquire for Mr. McGrdth. OPPORTUNITY WANTED—A few ambitious men who would be willing to study in their spare time to prepare for positions as city or traveling salesmen; no experi ence necessary to start, but you must le ambitious to get into the $2,000 to $lO,OOO a year class; special coach ing to prepare vou for one of these openings; state age. extent of educa tion. present employer and phone number; confidential. Address Box L-81"5 care Telegraph. AGENTS Make $3 to $5 an hour selling guaranteed made-to-measure liberty laincoats. Worn as stormcoat, auto or topcoat. Boston agent made $62.50 iirst week. NlcCann. Kentucky, $172. Liberal commission in advance. We deliver and collect. Sample outfit free. Write to-day. The Liberty Rain coat Company. Dept. H-121, Dayton, Glilo. WANTED —Man and boy for day labor in country near city. Apply after 7 p. in.. 1700 N. 2d St. Yv ANTED —Boy to carry copy. Ap ply Foreman Telegraph Composing Room. WANTED —Active boy about 16 to work in olfice. will be able to attend school part of time. Apply at once to loom 51u Telegraph Bldg. WANTED —Man with some experi ence in printing, advertising or sell ing bv mail, exceptional opportunity, give l'ul! details, ability, desires, con fidentially. Address o-5499 care Tele gruph. MAN to work this city reflnishing chuliui liei s, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $lO daily without capital or experience. Write Gunmetal Co.. 334 Elm, Decatur. 111. RESPONSIBLE men to represent one ot the greatest nurseries in America selling trees, shrubs, per ennials, roses, commissions weekly. Brown Brothers Nurseries. Rochester. New Yolk. MEN—Age 17 to 55. Experience unnecessary. Travel, make secret in vestigatious, reports. Salaries, expen ses. American Foreign Detective Agency. 420. St. Louis. ll' you have spare time, sell guar anteed trees, shrubs, plants. Permd ii< nl weekly pay. Apply now. Guaran ty Nursery. Rochester, N. Y". LABORERS wanted at once; good wages; steady work; chance for ad vancement. Apply Employment Bu reau Central iron and Steel. WANTED—A boy 15 or 16 years of ag, i... general work. Apply at office Singer Sewing .Machine Company Siuie. 13 South' Market Square. MOULDERS —Experienced on gen eral ii i. .- audi y Mdi k; open shop; out of t011... I. iaoor trouble; .0 hours l i tiuesportution paid Steady Job lu n.' 'ue men; state age and experieiiec. . ..cried or single, if willing to lea\e c. ; good wages. .\d ciress l;ox K-8l9i .we Telegraph. RAILROAD I ..no inspectors want ed; slln a moiiih and expenses to start; short aoais. travel; three months' home study under guarantee. We gel you position. No age limit; ask lot- Ijuwk.e. . ..... standard Busi ness Training Ii st-. Buffalo, N. Y". - YY ANTED —A tinner See Ensinger. 100 Race St. CKNsI S CLERK: —4.00') needed; $92 month; age. IX upward; examinations; every whole scoii. experience unneces sary For free partieulars, write Ray mond Terry 14 urine r government ex aminer). 51s Continental Bldg . Wash ingle ii. _ _ WANTED —Canvassers, ean make $1 to $2 per hour; steady work. Call 41C Patriot B.dg. ,. M I . : i..ia. FOR SALE" No. 1932 N. Fifth St. Detached, 3-story brick house; 8 rooms, bath, and pantry; gas; fur nace; front, aide unu back porches; lot 32x100 ft. No. 3453 N. Sixth St. 2V4 -story frame house; 7 rooms ami bathroom (bat no fixtures); fuiliuco iieat; lot 13 1-2xloo ft., with garage on rear. This prop erty is moderately priced. Miiier Brothers & Co. KM AI. ESTATE I.Vxt It.VXCE LOCUST AND CO CRT STs. SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Real Estate Hoard V. ifc- _ SATURDAY EVENING. BARBISBURG teijegrapk: SEPTEMBER 6, 191 V I HELP \\ ANTED—NI AI.K | I 1 WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. J I shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enoia. i I 1 WANTED—D'ellvery boy. over 16 ' years; one With bicycle preferred. Ap ply at once, Modern Shoe Repairing ; Co.. 504 Market street. [ WINDOW TRIMMER WANTED Men's and boys' clothing and furnish " lings; tine store; good salary; man : must be good card writer. The Chas. ; i E. Clutter Co., Washington, Pa. 1 MAN over 21 years for general of-' ; flee work. One with experience pre-! i ferred. Excellent opportunity for tlife right man. State salary expected. Ad-, ' dress Box A-7591 care Telegraph. ■ I Y\ ANTED Experienced deliver) 1 .[boy to drive Ford car; prefer one fa- j "| miliar with groceries. Apply S. S. i ! Pomeroy, Market Square. WANTED—Cook and dishwasher. '! Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch, 7-9 South ' Third St. i WANTED—Boy to deliver paper. 1 Apply Monarch Wall Paper Co.. 9; j Aberdeen Ave. [ WANTED—Laborers. Apply Pax- 1 '! tang Quarries, Paxtang. I • ; WANTED lOv white laborers; shipment daily; meet representative ul i Mate Employment Office. 3d and North Sis.. Harrisburg. j _ I I WANTED Well ariller. Apply, j Paxtang Quarry, Paxtang. Pa. j WANTED j Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, Pa Apply to agent at Seventh | and Division Streets. Take j Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division Streets. I GRASP the opportunity to-day to! become an expert mechanic and chaut- | ' fer. We teach you between your j iworking hours to become an expert j : and for only seven dollars a week.! . i Learn a practical trade. Make appli- j ! cation at once. Automobile and Aero- I . plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. I ■ Cameron st., Harrisburg. Training) ; Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. WANTED Experienced window' trimmer and card writer In men's ■ clothing and furnishing store, Penn ' sylvania city of 120,000. Good oppor • ! tunity for right man; must be steady! land reliable; state reference and sal-1 'iary. L-8018 care Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE ;j BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING j Y'oung women between 18 and 25 will! find telephone operating very fas-1 cinating. clean work, with unusual! opportunity for advancement in sal- ! ary and position. $9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS . Salary Increased after four weeks'! ; training period. ! In addition to a good salary our • operators have a comfortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. [ Apply to chief operator, Yhird floor. | ; 208 Walnut Street. ■ . : ! • I LEARN TO BE A MILLINER I We teach you and pay you while learning and advance - | you. Steady employment. ASTRICH'S, SOS MARKET STREET. . i 1 WANTED —Girl for cooking and .'general Tiouse work; small family; no i washing or ironing Apply 2003 North . Second St. . ! WANTED Good, reliable while girl f<•; general housework: reference required. Apply 1011 N. 17tli St. *! MILLINER WANTED ; Experienced; yearly position. Apply J MARY SACHS, 210 North Third St. WANTED—Refined woman, ener getic. loi pleasant employment about " sl\ 11 davs. Position guaranteed 59 to " $25 'per week. Can be made perma -1: in tit if capable. References required. - 1 Answer with name and address, D. ; ; care Tcli graph. "i WANTED Five bright, capable ladies "I to tieve'. demonstrate and sell deal "* era 525 t<> $5O per week. Railroad '• | fart paid. Write at once. Goodrich _ ; Drug Co.. Dept. 858. Omaha, Neb. rt WOMEN make money introducing -ipriscilla falh'ics, hosiery, underwear. - spare time. Every one buys Fitz - chailes' guaranteed goods, success as - 'sur.-d. Beautiful samples, complete In structions. We furnish everything. " i Write Fit/charles Corp.. Trenton. New 'j 3 '""'- I V'ANTED —Housekeeper, competent " woman t,> go South for the winter in i small family. Apply 25 South Front i St.. st'ilton or Bell phone 109. Cini.S —Wanted to work on powr machines and trimming and folding undei wear. Apply at once. The Mod ern Textile Co., 1815-1825 Penn St. W \NTKD—Competent stenogra; It er one with office experience prefer red. Apn'V at once. Room-510, Tele graph Bldg-. ' EASTERN Vlavl Company requires the services of a mature woman of refinement and business ability, one with experience in nursing preferred Call'lo3 N Second St.. Room 4. WANTED —Five bright, capable la dies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $5O per week. Railroad lure paid. Write at onbe. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 841. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Experienced knitters and menders. Apply Harris Hosiery Co.. Colder and Ms-'on Sts. j llun'.iiiacd in Next Column; HELP WANTED—FEMALE l 1 WANTED Weavers ai:d learners. Apply HAKKISBUKU SILK MILL. Second and North siircois WANTED!!!! Our business is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also gills to learn. if j you ure a vumper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we call put you .jut work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter [ hours than at present at your I present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have p| excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill | c-d slioe operators. There isn't a belter place to work in Har risburg than our factory and we are making it better every I day. Don't answer this adver | lisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or i conscientiously. ! HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO.. | 1 408 Vernon Street. I I i WANTED I Cigar rollers and bunchmakers, 44 Cigar Co.. will start work in t" ei t branch factory, corner State and | Cameron streets, fourth floor, Mon i duv morning, September S. Good stock. Steady work. Good wages. I Apply to 11. W. Albright, Supt. WANTED—A maid for general ! housework; no washing. Apply 415 Fine St.. Steelton. , YOUNG woman. The Globe requires| the services of a neat, experienced j voting woman of good uppeaianoe and I figure- to assist in women's coat dept. I Good salary; steady position. Apply to Mr. Dtckman. Employment Office, The j • tiltoe. 322-324 Market street. ! | HOUSEKEEPER —Refined. settled [ womun wishes position as managing housekeeper; full charge desired; | widower's home preferred; no objec-; I lion to children Address Box A-8192 ! care Telegraph j GIRLS —The Globe requires the! I services of three girls over 16 years! to take charge of Inspection and wi upper desk; also elevator boy. over 110 years Apply to Mr. Deckman, l-lm ! plovnient Office. The Globe. 322-221 Market St. WANTED —Operators on plain sew-, ing mat hint s; girls on trimming | [tables; uii> experienced girl to get cut I orders and lake care of stock. Apply- Harrisburg Apparel Co., Sixth and | Herr Sts. ; i FILE CLERK —Young woman with i I filing and office experience; state pre-I vious experience and salary. Address l Box C-7586 care Telegraph. I ; HOUSEKEEPER waited at once; small family on farm near Harris burg. Apply by letter L. A. Daniel, ! 1512 North st. | OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL j Felling and Sleeving Machines. ' JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. j 2012 N. Fourth Street. ! WANTED Maid for general ■; housework; three in family; no wash- ( i ing. inquire 1723 Forster St.. or Bell j 1581 K. I WANTED —Girls to work In laun- ! i dry. also girl to answer telephone in office. Apply Keystone Laundry. 620 j Harris St i WANTED i Experienced sewing machine oper-! ' ators. Regular and pleasant work and , - good wages. We are also employing inexpe.-i-] enced operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every pay day to all operators. I BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Keily and Fulton Streets ; WANTED AT ONCE I Millinery salesladies, millinery t trimmer, millinery makers, salesladies for knit underwear, shirt waists and small wear department. Permanent positions. Experienced persons prefer red. Apply. KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE I 1 WANTED —Girl over 16 years ot 1 age with >omc knowledge of stenog . iapliv and typewriting. Apply Grand Union Tea Co.. 20S North Second St. \V YNTKD Reliable woman for general housework, in small family, ' must sit ep at home. App.y 1017 North Front St. or U-'ll 672-M. STENOGRAPHER —With few years' experience and good education, llu is looking tot il " opportunity with a I- rge manufacturing concern. State " experience Make application by letter, statins previous experience and sal at v expected. Aodrcss Box C-7585 ca>e ! Telegraph. . i , WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales- I lady for trimmed hat depart , i ment. ASTRICH'S. ' 308 Market Street. -i ;l I GIRLS wanted from 16 years up to - ; learn cigar making. Pay $7 per week I while learning. Good opportunity to I'oain big money after learning. Apply t General' Cigar Co.. Inc.. 500 Race ! sit eel. r ■ >1 ■ ■ WANTED —White girl for nurse " girl Apply Mrs. Walter L, Stern, - Apt. B. 7 South Front St. -| "WANTED —Inspectors and folders; I steady work; experience not neces " I Sai y Aftply Shearer Mfg. Co.. 308 s - Hamilton St. e WANTED. September 22. a capable I white "girl for second maid. No wash ing. All modern conveniences. Maid's - bathroom. Good wages. Reply to Box - A-7537 care Telegraph. { WANTED —Washwoman at once, h ! Apply 3 South Third street. Steelton. ; Pu. ___________ r W \NTED —Girls to work in ruling s room. Work is clean and Interesting. I Apply .u hnaton Paper Co. ' cLoutluncd In Next Column) I ARE YOU HOLDING A MAKE- i SHIFT JOB? Sometimes necessity j;J| , jjvj forces people to accept unsuitable em- pj\ J' [re- ployment and to become simply wage- ' earners, often without a chance for ad- rtj'J jsir; vancemcnt. If you can do something kM n y j WELL, tell about it in a classified ad. LoTs iB. ffl m Hi, IfH • pi ii - ffi! HELP W ANTED—IE.M.YI.i: I ! WANTED A refined trustworthy! I girl or woman for upstairs work and assist with children. Address Mrs j Hill, Spencer ave. and Columbia Pike,' Lancaster. — HELP WANTED—MaIe uiui Ec-malo !. W ANTED—A husband and wife I without children to live in a private home, a is desirable that the hus-i . band be able to operate an uutomo-; ;bile. though not necessary. Take. Riverside car to tlic end of the Second street line and call at 3219 N. Front i Street. M'EN-women raise Belgian hares for j us. We pay you $7 pair and express- i age. Fret, illustrated booklet and con tract. United Food and Fur Associu ; lion, 326 West 4sth st.. Dept. C. New ; York. THOUSAND, men, women, 18 or i over now wanted. Government posi- I tiuns. Railway mail clerks, city ca--1 riers, census clerks, $llOO-sl6uc year ) i vacation; common education sufti- 1 cient; big chance for soldiers, sailots i List positions free. Write immediate- I jly; urgent. Franklin Institute, Dent : 413-S. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN W ANTED SALESMEN, returned soldiers We ' manufacture Foru accessory wliK-n sells to dealers or owners on sight I You can make $l5O weekly. Exclusive ; territory. Motor Products Conipanv, i Indianapolis, lnd. SAL ESMEN—Write for list of open - i ling.- and full particulars. Earn s2,o'fi)i to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. ' Inexperienced or experienced. City or I traveling. N'at'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. i j Dept. 603, Chicago. | j YVANTED Kxperinced salesmen ! every community to place shares i t clean Northwest Burkburnett Texas | Oil Company. Eight leases—three near largest wells. Interview. Address! Broker, care Telegraph. DANDY" SIDE LINE ! FREE SAMPLES PROVE IT I They are winners and make for i many salesmen more money than; itheir straight line does. We manu facture the snappist. fastest selling' j variety of metal specialties on the ■ market. Big trade stimulators fori every manufacturer, wholesaler, re tailer. banks, factories, etc. Every line everywhere buys them in large quan tities. No seasons. Side line salesmen learn $5O a week; $l5O to $2OO fori whole time. Get busy. YY'rite quick for outfit. C. E. Erickson Co.. Inc.. 543 Erlckson Bldg., Des Moines. lowa. SALESMEN —New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple not a moving part. ■' installed in thirty minutes, guaran tteed to double your mileage and start iin zero weather without heating or i priming. Fifteen-day free, trial. Our ! St. Louis man sold 2000 in 8 months:! Salt Lake Citv man made $l2OO in one! week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., |505 YV. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. i AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—SSu to $75 a week repre- j senting our splendid line of men's I guaranteed tailored neckwear; par-i tk-ulars free. E. L. Keiser Co., Pal | mor Bldg.. Detroit, Mich. i AGENTS —One cent invested in a 'postal card brings you ,$75-$lOO pel week three-in-four repeater proposi-j ! lion. Specialty Mfg. Co., Div. 125, Madison. W r is. ; AGENTS —Quick seller, big profits. Flower beads coining money for hust lers. New stuff. Tremendous demand. Catalog free. Mission Bead Co., 1428 Irola. Los Angeles, Cal. , $5OO per month selling a new pat ented fuel vaporizer guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline: 40 irii'"s per gallon made with Ford ear. . Sold on money-back guarantee. One; sample free. Ntransky Vaporizer Co., Puitwana. S. Dak. * 1 AGENTS —Sensational sellers. 20x24 ■ gold framed patriotic, religious and celebrated negro pictures, 16c sell 3<u Portraits, frames, changeable, signs, etc. Catalog of money makeis free. Peoples Portrait Sta. D. Chicago. ' AGENTS—Big pay and free auto mobile introducing wonderful new 'gasoline saver, puncture proof, five-, ■ veal- spark plugs and other economic- j al auto necessities. Outfit free. Bali j wey, Dept. 632. Louisville. Ky. WIDE awake man to take_ charge !of our local trade. $4 to $5 a day I I steadv. No experience required; pay st-rt-i at once. YY'rite to-day. Ameri can Products Co.. 253 American Bldg.. ' Cincinnati, O. I LIY'E agents wanted immediately; brand new seller; just out: unlimited ! field lor man or woman. Particulars free. V 7. M. Moeller & Co.. 137 South ■ Humphrey ave.. Oak Park, 111. ' YVOODROW WILSON, life history ' from cradle to forming peace terms [ |.>r wo! d. world war history with ' Peace Terms, also Scott's Official Ne ".urti YV; I History. Best books. Best '■! terms. Llvest htouse. Prompt ship t ment- Express nald. Outfit free. Phil- Hips Publishing Co.. Chicago. 111. i AGENTS making $2OO weekly! • Everyone wants it. Formula for 200 i : homemade beverages, book form. Send , $1 for copy and territory proposition. • Buyers Export Agency. Inc.. 445 • ; Broome St.. New York. - 1 ANY'BODY can increase Income $2O > I weekly. Spare time growing mush- I rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Free • illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton. ~ \ 332 A YVfst 48til St.. New York. ! AGENTS —Ideal steak tenderer; the ' greatest money-maker on the market; makes tough steak tender as porter -i house; housekeepers buy on sight; • over 200.000 in use; sample free. Tyler •(Mfg. Co.. Dept. B-7, Muncle, lnd. 'i LARGE MANUFACTURER wants • i jepri seniatlves to sell shirts, unri-r -• wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skills, iii to homes. Write for free • j samples. Madison Mills, 5u3 Brottd- way. New Y'ork City. | SITUATIONS WANTED —FEMALE YY'ANTED —' Washing and day's ; work for Tuesday. Wedneday and Thursday. Inquire 1907 North Third •, ' Street. I A colored woman wishes family j washing to do at home. Cull or write, I | 656 Reily St. j WANTED— Washing and ironing to ' do at home. Inquire 324 Clinton St. ! YV ANTED by a colored woman. (work to do by the day. Apply 13lii'_ Cow den St. YVOMAN desires day's work of any kind lor Wednesday, Thursday or I. ! Friday. 659 bay ford Ave. i YVIDOYV, 40. wants position, travel- 1 ing for reliable firm; practical nursing I, or companion; executive ability fori business; reference exchanged. Phone I 1973 M lor interview. Address B-2221 . Penn St., Harrisburg. \ ROOMS FOR RENT I 1 i ■ I FOR RENT—A furnished room, sec- . j end boor front; all conveniences, so" , In. Second St. I FOR KENT—One large furnished j ifront loom for light housekeeping; ' , furnished up-to-date with hot and I cold water. Apply 443 YVulnul St. I j For KENT —One unfurnished room' in apartment building; Central loca-1 < tion. Foi information address M, care' 1 P. O. Box 899. j FOR RENT—One furnished room on I second lloor with private family; I woman preferred. 1839 Derry st. j FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front - I room on second floor with private (family; gentlemen preferred, inquire 'i ,45s Crescent st. ;i ( FOR RENT—Furnished room; use of library; gentlemen only. Inquire ! 1701 N. Second St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished! , lcuius oil second floor for light house- I I keeping; use of bath and phone; in I private family. Inulrqe 1628 N. Third • | St. or Bell 3 iS-YV. FOR RENT —Furnished third floor [front room with or u-itliout board for refilled young lady: references; use ot | phone. Call Bell 1417-YV. , FOR RENT—Comfortably furnished ifront l-oom; all conveniences and good location; gentlemen only. Apply; : 324 No Second St. I FOR RENT—Entire third floor, con- I sisting of two well furnished rooms, I bath: private family; most desirab.el I residential section; all conveniences;: iuse of phone. Call 815 N. 17 th St. FURNISHED bachelor apartment front; suitable for two gentlemen; separate beds; steam heat; electric! lights; bath; use of phone; rent rea sonable. Dial 4990 or Dayton Cycle Co.. ■ 912 N. Third St. 1 NICELY' furnished. clean. cool 1 rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 1 J South Third street. ' i FOR RENT—Tv o furnished front I rooms for light housekeeping; all i conveniences. Inquire 501 Cumberland I St! eet ' , ! FOR RENT—Furnished room, sec- • : ond floor front; suitable for two per- I sons: centrally located. Inquire 226 South Second St. ROOMS WANTED WANTED—By man and wife board and room with congenial family in the city; man to be away part of the time; would consider small furnished apartment. Address Box Q-8243 care Telegraph. ! YV ANTED—By quiet, refined, young woman ; one or two furnished 'rooms desirable location required. Address 1 Box A-7590 care Telegraph. ■ WANTED—At once two furnished I (rooms; suitable for bedroom and llv- I ing room, in vicinity of 13th and ■ Market St. Address Box B-5079 care ' Teles i a ph. i A PART MKTS WANTED i YV ANTED—Furnished or unfurnish ed apartment or suite of rooms with [private bath in refined neighborhood. ' Address Box 0-8500 care Telegraph. YVANTED-rThree or four room ' apartment, reply stating terms, loca ■ tion, furnished or unfurnished and [ [conveniences. Address Box S-8194 care! , j Telegraph. I I WANTED—By man and wife, unfur- ' ! nished apartment on Hill; four or five! rooms and bath. Address A-460 carol ' j Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i| : ; FOR SALE—Good modern up-town I apartment building containing three, . elegant apartments of five rooms and! , both each. One apartment has hard-j I wood floors. First class condition I [throughout. Rental income (low rent): ; $B9 per month. Price $8,500. For Sale—9lo S. 2lst St; 3-story 'frame dwelling; S rooms and bath; 'gas; electric lights; steam heat; gu--! .(ago. Price $3,200 i For Sale—lSll Zarker St.; good 6-! ! I room brick dwelling with all improve- I jlments. This property is well 10l l cated and offered at an attractive ■ • price. | For Sale—34l and 343 Brook St.: 3- \ story frame dwelling; 8 rooms and , I bath each: rental income $30"" per; ; month. Price of both $3,000. ] i For Sale—24l acre Dauphin county j Ifnrm; 136 acres good timber land; 105 | • n<-rfs. tillable; 2 sets of buildings, all I in good condition; running water; 300 j fruit trees. Price $6,500. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents, j : Second and YValnut Streets. | p t FOR SALE—At a sacrifice, lot at' . Glcnwood size 60x150: In fine condl- ' 3 tion. pply 32A S. Fourth St. (Continued lu Next Coluiuu) J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE oun MOST RECENT LISTINGS FOR SALE—Derry St., Nos. 1147. 1149. 1151. 115:!, 1155. 1 157 and 1159. Fine 2-story pressed bricks, 6 rooms and bath, gas and electricity: front porches (concrete). Reiined neighbor hood. within four blocks irom Fourth and Market Sts. Around the 55,50) mark. r FOR SALE—Christian St. No 3. 1188. 119|i and 1192. Attractive 2-story .] bricks, 6 rooms and bath; cement porches, within 5 niinutts walk to j Fourth and Market Sts. Around the j 52 SUO mark. FOl! SALE—Barker St. No. 1428. Nice 2Mi-story frame with front porch and leur driveway. Around the $2,0e0 : mark FOR SALE—Violet St. Nos. 533, 531. 535 and 536. Around $6,000 for all. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Hal risburg's Real Estate Bureau)) Bell 4526 331 Market St. Dial 5430 j I FOR SALE 2436 Reel St.. beautiful West End home; 3-story brick; 8 looms and bath; gas and elec tricity: steam heat; lot l(Wi-10 by 110; 5 foot sideway; rear driveway; price $4,200. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Harrisburg Real Estate Bureau), | 331 Market Street Bell 4526. Dial 5130 j 2_j Bellevue Road—l9so. 2-story brick;! modern: a cozy home; possession at] , early date. Logan St. —2207; 215-story brick j with improvements. Vacant. N. Sixth 5t.—2427; 3-story brick;' | tirt class; possession in 30 days. ' Kelker St. 317-319; 215-story j bricks; improvements. S. 16th St. —9; 3-story brick; corner! property; opportunity tor quick buyer.] Centrally located, small property yielding $l5O net per annum for si,ioo. ... Green Hill. Nice property; improve ments. $2,000. Other properties ranging from $950 to $lO,OOO. Vacant lots. GEO. W. JACOBS, 17 N. Third St. Doll 1539 * For sale —Camp Hill, Sv Main St., pair of modern 214-story frame dwell ings. including electricity. Lots 20x140 feet. Mav be hud at a bargain. Cash ffer wanted. .J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket St. For Sale —Derry St. —No. 1817 —De- tached frame cottage house; steam heat; electric light and hardwood Honrs; lot 35x150 feet. An ideal home. J. K. Gipple. 1231 Market St. For Sale —N. 17th St. —No. 82, 8- roora brick house with all improve ments. In very good repair. Price s3. sou. .). E. Gipple, 1251 Market St. NORTH Sixteentn: 9 room brick; gas; electricity; hot water: steam heat; brick garage on premises; [streets paved front and rear; school i nearby. E. T. Selig, 920 North Six teenth. ' CAMP HILL—2I6-story brick, slate 1 roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, fac tory south with large porch, line view ; up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, nice lire place, chicken house and garage in rear, with fruit trees in bearing, on lot 50x150, or on lot IOOx 150. Possession given in two weeks' time. Lawn planted in evergreens | and flowers, vines covering house. I Located on Logan street, just west of ! Bowman avenue Can be inspected at any time. A. E. Strode, Bell phone | 3180-R. CAMP ST., 622—Building lot and garage; accommodate Ave automo biles: lot 17x130 feet; street paved; water and sewer; rents for $25 per month; for sale at $1,200; a splendid investment. Inquire D. Lucas, ' real ! estate and insurance, 303 Lewis street. HOMES for colored families.-2'5 - story frame with gas, electric lights, 'bath, front and back porch; good chicken house; lot 22x115; house newl\ papered and painted, will ac cept monthly payments. Send for our list. Lincoln Realty Co., 1129 North 7th Street. Well Located PAXTANG LOTS For Sale Four lots —a plot 120x120 ft. cor. Kelso and Montour sts. Harry C. Knouse, 2348 Derry St. I Bell phone 1720, evenings 4949W FOR SALE —84 Secons street, High spire, 7-room house, lot 119 feet front by 198 feet deep; line location. Will sell at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. Highspire. Dial 9Sul. FOR SALE—In Highspire. if you are looking for a business that will net you $5,000 to $5,00u a j ear at a bar gain, sec- me at once; property includ ing residence, store, ice creatn parlor, large pool room, only pool room in town. Reason for selling, retiring ) from business. Inquire W. J. Reeves, ; 224 Market St.. Highspire. Dial 9SOI. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2012 Ito 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. ! P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. THREE mercantile buildings, well i located in growing business sections. 'Prices right -and terms to suit. D. A. jCaley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. | FOR SALE —Five room house along ' L'.nglestown trolley, third stop pust Colonial Club. Inquire C. E. Hess. FOR SALE —South Second street, 3- 'story brick; 9 rooms; cement cellar; i all household goods and furniture, ' piano included. Price, $5,700. Iv 7 ; Chestnut, near Front. OXFORD ST., 610—For sale; brick I house with seven rooms and bath; all • other Improvements. Bell Realty Co., , Bergner Bldg.' lIOFFER ST.. 2307—F0r sale; brlJlt land stucco bungalow; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other ini ) provemonts. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ; Building. I $2,650 WILL PURCHASE a dwelling on South Eighteenth street; eight 'rpoms end bath; all improvements. I Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. ' WHITEHALL ST.. 1811—For sale; 'brick residence; eleven rooms and bath; steam heat; all other improve ments; hardwood floors. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. j CHESTNUT ST., 1918—For sale; 3- t story brick house; eight rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat, i Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. | VACANT house on corner of Six teenth and State streets for sale; ten 'rooms; latli; all other Improvements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. 1 (Continued tu Next Column) REAL*' ESTATE FOII SALE j f I I "IF IT'S REAL. ESTATE 1 SEE SANDERLIN" J t MOVE AT ONCE I STATE ST., 1131—NEW; VACANT; . 3-story nine rooms and bath, ;steuni heat; gas and electricity ; front ] j and rear porches; balcony and root i , garden; cement cellar; the best of lo- j ;cation for a looming house; $5OO cash; J balance in monthly payments. ' HARRIS ST.. 630—VACANT; 3-story (J IbricK. nine rooms; all Improvements;! small amount down; balance some as rent; no questions as to race or na-| 1 itionality. ;] ! 17TH AND PAXTON STS.—NEW jj' (VACANT. 2 % -story; six rooms and ; - bnth; hardwood iloors; steam heat;; I son and electricity; l'ront and rear < | porches; side entrance, with a nice big i ' yard; can be bought with a small i .amount down; balance same as rent. SWATARA ST., 1856—VACANT; six rooms and bath; all improvements; ■ newly painted and papered; in A 1 con dition; nice front and back porches; good size yard back to a 20-foot drive way; $l5O cash; balance same as rent. FIFTH ST., N„ 2145— 3-story brick; j 0 rooms; gas and electric lights; nice i front and rear porches; side entrance; must be seen to be appreciated; price! right to quick buyer. DERRY ST., 2143—3-story brick; I 0 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; jail modern improvements; nice front and back porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought with ($5OO cash. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust liuildlng , 36 NORTH THIRD ST. j Bt 11 1290. Dial 35.3 | ~ VERY ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITIONS 1 So. Sixteentli St., 440, corner of Berryhill; frame dwelling; lot 40x95 i I ft.; elegant apartment site. I Derry St., 1501-1%; two dwellings. | Also No. 30.7 So. Filt.eenth street, one I dwelling. ! Herr street, 261; large brick dwell ing; very desirable for rooming | house. • ROHRER & SON, 211 Bergner Building Real Estate und General Insurance I ; HOUSES AND DOTS I In all sections of city and suburbs. I (some very attractive propositions. ROHRER 6c SON. BERGNER BUIEDING. i I Real Estate. General Insurance! ; i ( I Two family apartment for $4,200. ! . ; Small cash payment necessary. Rent i; from either tenant will pay carrying! i l charges and other rent can be applied' i to purchase price of property. Apart (ment of live rooms and bath, available | for occupancy now. This is a splendid 1 . 1 chance tor a family of small means lo ■ i (avoid high rents and at the same time I i save money. Property located on Sus-| i qufcbanna street, between Hamilton land Ivelker. ; Don't let this chance go by. WARREN VANDYKE, , Bell phone 231 9 N. Market Sq. i | 1 | i ; ! FOR SALE—NOW VACANT I 531 Maclay Street; 3-story frame dwelling; 8 rooms and | bath; gas; combination range; I lot 20x150 with double brick garage in rear on Violet st. I Price reasonable. C. O. BACKENSTOSS, Owner, ! Bell 112 Market St. Bell, 700 3077J| ,i , i FOR SALE—62S, 627 and 633 Geaiyl street. Three-story brick dwellings, j all improvements, porch fronts. Will - be sold separately or as a group.! 'Small payment and mortgage can no ; arranged for balance. Will be sold! cheap to quick purchasers. Unusually! ■ attractive proposition as an invest-; 1 ment or for those seeking a comfor-j [liable home in desirable section. Ad dress for further particulars. Box. ' , 11-8081 care Telegraph. "i FOR SALE —Brick houses; 6 rooms land Lath; all modern conveniences.; i on Melrose street near 23d and Derry.; .! Inquire N. H. Downin, 518 A South 13th ' ![st. Bell 2062-R. j ; FOR SALE —1933 North Third St. A I 1 very fine detached 3-story pressed ! brick liouse; 10 rooms, complete bath ! room on second and third Iloors; also toilet room on first tkor. Finished in loak throughout. Rooms are exception ally large. House hus large windows lon every side. Steam heat; all other, improvements. Large front porch. This ! house can be used for an apartment if desired. Attractive price for a quick j "'sale. Can be seen by appointment only. ! : 1 For particulars inquire, II D. E. LUCAS, . 303 Lewis Street. ! Real Estate. Insurance 1 BUY YOUR HOME on the rental j i' payment plan. Small casli or Liberty; Bond lirst payment .required, balance "i as rent. We have houses in every "'part of the city and suburbs. Apply' I A 1 Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. I. —— i '! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ' -| FOR RENT—IOS6 South Cameron! "'St.; three-story brick, 9 rooms, in ■ I good condition; gas, water in kitchen; (large yard; rent $2O. Considering size land condition of house, this is a veiv 1 1 reasonable figure and party who se . (cures it must qualify with satisfac .' tory lease for one year from October 1 Inspection by appointment only. - Apply to A. C. Young. Real Estate, 31 f North Second St. Both phones. FOR RENT —Furnished house;'six -1 rooms and bath; middle aged couple -1 preferred. Bargain if accepted at ; j once. Address 11-2971 care Telegraph. 7 I FOR RENT —Cottage at Ferdix from 'September 1; furnished up-to-date, - I only reliable people need apply to < ' Louis. 414 N. Third St. • Real Estate For Sale or Exchange VACANT —3-story brick carrier, on 1 Hill; elect, lights; front and side * porches; side yard; cheap to quick r buyer. VACANT —3-story frame on Hill; - porches; nice yard. , VACANT —2%-story brick on HIU; t all improvements; electric lights; i Dorches; large yard to drive alley. VACANT— 3-story brick on Broad - st.; all imp. VACANT—North Sixth St.. 8 rooms; i all imp-; side yard; porches; bay win - dows. 7 years old. f VACANT —New brick on Hill; 6 rooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered. - FINE large brick house on Derry - street. Several large homes uptown a and on Hill. Some of these homes can be bought with two or three hundred dollars down, balance as rent. Will - take light touring car In exchange on - some of the above homes. a ' C.H. CORDER, i. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J I. (Continued in Next Column) Real Estate For sale or Exchange 1' or sale or exchange for a farm Sb '/cu " U c| e so -in" i r ; ' P er montl >- Price , vd..uu, LI&O lots for farm or im. pioved suburban properties. Address 7 ton second and fcSts., Steel —— ~ REAL ESTATE WANTED lio\- A ijm'' 1 ?~7' I * > blly dwelling on Al- Maidc ' il,H e h Ween . J3th and mh AJaiket and Boas Sts. Must have ear-7 not "tn j nt rr om for one; price J -n- u- j j $6,u00. Phone Bell graph ° add,eBB T-8193 cure Tele- j WANTED—In good locality, on or before October 1 city or suburban . house or apartment of tive rooms and' ? a _Jy c adult family. Address Box . A- 1 1188. care Telegraph. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prou, erties with me. Chas.- Adler, VcoJ Street " d lnsurance ' North Third FARMS SMALL FARMS FOR SALE 1 12 acres, near Penbrook $5OOO acres, near Progress JlS'iO 4 aire lots, near Penbrook ...si;u9 | .> aires, near Steelton s3sno lie acres, near West Fair -1 1 lew $13090 I 184 acres, 7 miles east of Har i rlsburg CHARLES A. DAVIES, ~ ~ 1a 49 State Street . | I ell 14 1 6-W Dial 493fr 16 acre truck farm $2lOO • 20 acre truck farm $9OOO 24 acre truck farm $2lOO 3o acre peach orchard $6OOO ..! acres. 7 woodland sl3mi 43 acres sand soil $2600 48 acres, 5 woodland S2OU9 a 0 acres, 16 woodland $l3OO 18 acres, 15 Pastureland $4500 a 4 acres, dairy farm S9UOO 94 acres, 20 woodland s44uo 100 acres, 12 woodland $3300 120 acres, 5 woodland $B5OO 169 acres, 30 woodland $lOOOO l"7 CHESTNUT. NEAR FRONT SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. ! I ■ EASTERN OHIO FARMS I have over 400 tin* best farms vou ever raw, located ull over Eastern I Ohio. Drop a card and get my tree catalog. H. H. MASTERS, AGT., Cambridge, Ohio. I FOR RENT—Farm of 175 acres, 1% | miles south of Middletown. M. O. JSwurtz, Hummelstown. ——, t FARM—9S acres of level limestone 'land; line producer. Brick house; bang | barn. Well of never failing water. Lo- *• cated ten miles from Harrisburg in ! Cumberland county. For further de- I scriptlon, call on E. W. Yohn, one of the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es ; tute, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris ' burg. Pa. | FOR SALE—Farm of 30 acres; good land and fruit; buildings joining New- Sport Fair grounds. A desirable place. jC Ychn, R. D. 1, Newport. FARMS WANTED * ! WANTED—To buy good farm not ! 100 far from city; state lowest price ; and terms in first letter. Address H-8244 care Telegraph. > FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS * 1 , MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors W9 | are offering for sale. We guarantee i these motors to be in tirst-class con dition and can make immediate de ! livery. | One %H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. I One %H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. ! One >4 H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. | One UH. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. ; One 14 H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. ( One UH. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. 1 One U H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. j THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. ( Printing Binding Designing ( Photo-Engraving Die Plate Printing. ▼ Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE ( Hair tilled mattress, value $35, selling price $25; Brussels i rug, 9x12. value $5O, sale price $39. FORNW ALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. ■ FOR SALE—One six-plate kitchen 1 coal range wfth large oven and water / liai k. Price $25. Apply 123 Pine St. ' ' FOR SALE One white iron bed, one good mattress. spring, complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT. 1221 North Sixth Street. | i FOR SALE—Steel color baby car riage in good condition; reversible. Inquire 76 Reservoir St. : FOR SALE —Burroughs adding ma chine. slightly used; good bargain. Address Box C-7589 care Telegraph. ( FOR SALE Reasonable upright I piano, Kurtzman make; 7-piece quar- I tered oak rolltop bedroom suite, w spring and extra quality mattress; : all practically new and in good con ''dition. Call at 2312 Penn street, Sat [ i urday afternoon preferred. '' FOR SALE —One modern dining I room and dining room suite. Call Bell [ | 4542-11. FOR SALE —Window frames, doors, '! sash sheeting, water pipe, closet and ' I other plumbing goods. Inquire C. 'JS. . Hess along Lingiestown car line, .'third stop past Colonial Club. -I FOR SALE —One golden oak chif * fonier; one golden oak dresser; one 'single brass bedstead; one mattress. 1 i Ca.ll at 1828 Chestnut St. >* 1 HALF price!!! Rag carpet, 15c; ln- I grain, 40c; best. 90c; Brussel. $1.10; .(best. $1.50; velvet. $2; rugs, mattings, j linoleum, stoves, bicycles, guns, fur- r j niture. musical instruments. Ylngst. 1' ftaidsctabble. a ! ! FOR SALE —Five genuine Indian ! rugs. Address Box 0-8078 care Tele graphy _ ANTIQUES; private party wiil : sell high and low chests of draw ; er cherry table, four post bed, pair of dining tables, three bureaus, etc; I no dealers. Address Box T-8077 care Telegraph. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES - RENTED - .- . CASH EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE 1 ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES 1 . Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page * \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers