Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 05, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 DAYTON BRIDAL OF INTEREST HERE Miss May B. Hershey and Le- Roy O. Holler Are United in Marriage Wednesday The marriage of Miss May B. Hershey, daughter of A. E. Hershey, of Hershey, and Leroy O. Holler, of Hummelstown, was solemnized Wednesday, September 3, at the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. A. R. Ciippinger, 1602 Grand avenue, Dayton, Ohio. The bride wore a traveling suit of navy blue with hat to harmonize, and a corsage bouquet of bride roses. She was attended by Mrs. A. R. Ciippinger, wiio wore rose taupe velour with hat of rose and a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Following the ceremony a wed r~ Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If it lias to do with !; Flowers or anything that |> > "grows," consult us— |i THE BERRYHILL j Locust Street at Second - ■ A Dinner Eridny Evening, Sept. 5 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 TV. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50£ Clnni Chowder Deviled Crab—Breaded l.anib Chop Fried Halibut—HonM Beef Minified or Hash Browned Potatoes I.lmn lieuns—Stewed Tomatoes— Entree lee Cream, Pie or Pudding: Coffee, Tea or Cocoa ROBINSON'S | 3rd and Broad ROBINSON'S | 3rd and Broad Opening a New HOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMENT in the Basement The carpenters and painters have just turned our basement into the lightest and cleanest basement in the city. We have filled every nook and corner with new and interesting housefurnishings of every description. Everything is marked at the usual uptown savings. To the opening of this new department you are cordially invited. A num ber of very useful everyday articles are marked away below their regular prices for this opening day. A few are listed to give you an idea of the extraordinary values. _J2L_ j Linoleum J ""79<' ! Special One Day Sale Jfe sSTssl D ozen Regular 82.00 and $3.00 Values i—base, liard- Quality Brand Aluminum Ware Guaranteed 20 Years \h wood, tile and Mri •, At Prices Lower Than Enamel Ware! I JKS fancy designs, Illte The Seven Best Selling Cooking Utensils P er • UllinH 3 Opening Day Tomorrow, Saturday | ® 87^ 9-in. Plates, h ) (Ml Berry Dishes, U igv. . J dgj Slaw Cutters Open Sugar one knife, 16 Pail V\r> , 1, i [ Don't fail to visit tills new If] a Window tip- Q *"'l J . . HfQa Screens, 39c var.-zed Water * "• 3ra> — ' -co-SStsuor. 25^ In J& .. 24 inch Suit Kobuisorrs wm Tub, hinges, $1.19 Uptown Department Store $1.69 Belsinger's 15 Day Half Price Sale Now On We arc holding this sale for one purpose, namely, to get more people acquainted with our new headquarters and with Belsinger high-class service. 1 At the same time we are \\\\\jjl////// . /~\ n n offering this half price in- / / UII ducement to give our old and \X • / Ppcrnlfir tunit y to £ et l . he glasses^hey /,r"ii need at a considerable saving. $: / "Pi * Every Frame and Mount / Jr pYMPP ing in Our Store at Exactly LA Off Regular Price. We urge you to come in early because there will be '////ll\\\> many appointments during this sale and the earlier you come the better for you. We want to take care of all those who wish to participate in this offer, and therefore, urge you to come as early as possible. Special prices on all lenses during this sale. 39 North T O RP T Penn-Harris Third Street fj. O. Hotel Building FRIDAY EVENING, ding- breakfast was served by Mrs. | Clippinger. Mr. and Mrs. Holler left on a brief trip to Chicago. On their te- | turn they will reside at the home j of the bride in Hershey. Mr. Hoi ler is engaged in the coal business [ in .Hummelstown. An interesting incident connected ! with the wedding is that all mem- I bfcrs of the wedding party are grad uates of Lebanon Valley College. The bride, the matron of honor and ' the officiating minister were mem- j bers of the class of 1905. Colonial Men and Women Honor Guests at Party In compliment to the Colonial men and women who assisted Heist Culp, of Old Orchard, at the Kipona celebration on Labor Day, Mr. ami Mrs. Heist Culp entertained at their home. Mr. Culp represented George Washington on one of the floats. An enjoyable evening was spent and a buffet supper served at a late hour to Mr. and Mrs. Loßoy Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haertter, Mr. and Mrs. w. P. Allen, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. George Vogt, Miss Irene Bright, of Millersburg; Faunce ("ashman and Melwood Swab, of Elizabethville. ISSUES INVITATIONS Mrs. William Augustus Heister. o' 1100 North Front street, has Issued in vitations for the marriage of her daughter. Miss Matilda Heister, to Chauncey Clark Baldwin, of Perth Amboy, X. J., on Thursday, the 18th of September at half after four o'clock, at the Heister residence. At home cards were enclosed for after the first of November at Market and Water streets, Perth Amboy, N. J. WED AT CARLISLE Mr. and Mrs. James V. Reedy, of Washington Heights, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mar garet M. Reedy, to Joseph R. Tilgh man, 1000 Green street, at the parson age of the Allison Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Carlisle, Saturday, August 30, the Rev. J. E. Skillington officiating. CARRIE HARVIE DWYER PIANO TEACHER and ACCOMPANIST For Terms, Cnll or Write Roll Phone 4058. 113 Cahler U. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS CIVIC CLUB PLANS ARE MADE PUBLIC Interesting Program For the Coming Year Has Been Completed Activities of the Harrisburg Civic Club for the coming season, both business and social, have byen made public. The program for the year is one of extraordinary interest, and many are the treats in store for club members. The year books foV 1919- 1930 will be ready for distribution in the near future. Organized in 1898 the Harrisburg Club entered the .State Federation of Clubs the same year and was incorporated in 1914. The members number about 000, in cluding two life, ten active sustain ing, and twenty-six honorary mem bers. Meetings are held at. the club house, 01'1 North Front street, the third Monday of every month, from October to May, at 3.3(1 o'clock in tile afternoon. Next season's program follows: October 20—Report of the lly con tests. Mrs. Solomon Hiney; report of the annual meeting of the State Fed eration of Pennsylvania Women at Seranton. Mrs. Harvey F. Smith; ad dress, William I. Schaffer, Attorney General of Pennsylvania. November 17—"Our Mountaineers," Miss Martha Berry, head of the Berry School at Rome, Ga. December 15 —"The Characters of Charles Dickens," Judge John M. Pat terson, of Philadelphia. January 19—"Americanization." E. E. Bach. Pennsylvania Council of Na tional Defense. February 16—Address, Clifford B. Connelley, Acting Commissioner of Labor and Industry. March 15 —Nomination of officers; address, Thomas E Finegan. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. April 19—Annual meeting; presi dent's reporj; election of officers. May 17—Social meeting; appoint ment of standing committees. Miss Mayre Herbert, of 1502 Penn street, is spending several weeks in New Brunswick, N. J., and New York city. harjeusbttrg TELEGRAPH: Italian War Heroes Entertained by Lodge The following heroes, recently re turned from the World War, were honor guests at a dance and recep tion given last evening at Chestnut Street Auditorium: Lio Vincenzo, Miceli Gerardo, Circillo Srancesco, Lanza Eugenio, Bugho Giovanni, Li Rose Guis'.ppe, Acri Leonardo, Aci't Michele, Cademartoli Guiseppe and Aladino G. Battlsta. The affair was under the direc tion of the Loggio Carlo Alberta No. 212, Ordlne Figli D'ltala, with a "committee including L. A. Conic and A. Maucinelli. The Maucinelli orchestra played for the dancers, among whom were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Rughs, Mr. and Mrs. A. Maucinelli, Mr. and Mrs. I'. Hughs, Mr. and Mrs. L. Conte, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levierins, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cautsne, Mr. and Mrs. A. Conto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lio, Mr. and Mis. L. Pisano, Mr. and Mrs. G. Buch ignan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Donato, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shirk. Mr. and Mrs. Joe La Rose, Mr. and Mrs. A. Magaro, Mr. and Mrs. F. Do Luca, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bnrbuscio, Mrs. F. Acri. Miss Jane Inbrogus, Miss Gertrude Leckner, Mrs. G. Barbuscio, Miss Ruta Snyder, Miss Clara Wcntzcl, Miss F. Leverins, Miss Emma Ma garo, Miss Anna Magaro, Miss Aura Mercuria, Miss F. Trombino, Cario Filippelli, W. Barbuscis, N. Del Piano, J. Sanlanno, Vincent Trom bino, A. Filippelli, Guy Magaro, L-. I. Aladino, Blanki Bross, Mazzini Pellegrini, J. Gannolli, T. Palese, J. Forl'.zzo, V. Lalerus, D. Forlizzo, V. Lio, C. Conte, L. Icri, G. Trombino, F. Siciltano, E. Lnnga, M. Ocri, M. F. Marsclo, F. Cireillo, A. Bughs, G. Cademartoli S. Dellosso, P. Lio, O. Miceli, F. Inlrogno, F. Magnelli, J. Farina. Mrs. John Y. Boyd Class Will Meet at "Oakleigh" The annual meeting of the Mrs. John "V. Boyd Bible Class of the Pine Street Presbyterian Sunday School will be held Thursday. October 2 at Mrs. Boyd's country home, "Oakleigh." In vitations are being issued to the members, who are urged to be pres ent as the meeting is of importance in a business way. Two members of the executive committee are to be elected at this time. Nominations for the offices will be made at the regular monthly meeting, Monday evening, September 15. Hummelstown cars leaving the Square at 4 and 4.30 o'clock will be met by automobiles at Boyd Road. The usual social program and general good time will be enjoyed. Mystic Embroidery Club Outing at Paxtang Park The last of the series of outings I given by the Mystic Embroidery I Club, was held yesterday at Pax-*j tang Park. The afternoon was I pleasantly spent and ham and eggs I served in the open as a novel change ! from the usual picnic supper. The members and guests included: Miss Anna Wilson, Miss Blanche Meloy, Miss Olga Meloy, Miss Alfaretta Horting, Miss Jane Horting, Miss Sara Mae Harr, Miss Mary Bech dolt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Meloy, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Horting, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Heicher, Mrs. Wilmer Crow, Mrs. David W. Fisher, Mrs. W. W. Stewart, Mrs. Cora Ewing Harr and Mrs. Lee Izer. HOIJSEPARTY FOR I.T. WEEKS Miss Josephine Ebersole was hostess at a week-end houseparty at the Willows Cottage. Overview, in com plement to Harold J. Weeks, a for mer lieutenant In the Ordnance De partment at Mtddletown, who was en route from his home in Exeter, N. H„ to Portland, Ore. The guests were Miss Nelle Ebersole, Mrs. Anna W. Eberefle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Eber sole, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wise, Leßoy Coons and Harold J. Weeks. ENTERTAIN "MERRY HEARTS" Miss Tillie Williams entertained the members of the "Merry Hearts" at her home, 1600 North Fifth street, Wednesday evening. A pleas ant evening was spent in games and contests, music and dancing. Re freshments were served to Miss Edith Marcus, Miss Helen Freidman, Miss Pearl Colin, Miss Lena Jossel, Miss Helen Handler, Miss Louise Veaner, Miss Mildred R. Baturin, Miss Mildred Cown, Miss Tillie Wil liams, ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT At a delightful family dinner given recently by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Attick at their home, 230 South Fifteenth street, the engagement of their daughter. Miss Anna Lillian Attick to Edwin A. Killheffcr, of New Cumberland, was announced. Mr. Killheffer, who has just returned from overseas, is an' employe of the McFarland Printery. FORMER RESIDENT WEDS Mr. and Mrs. Lucius J. French, of Los Angeles, announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Carrie Marie French, to Paul Froehlich, Wednesday, September 3, at Wash ington, D. C. Mr. Froehlich is a lion of the late John Froehlich, formerly of 910 North Third street, and is employed in the Bureau of Markets, Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. MISS CRAIG HOME Miss Lctitia Craig. 1517 Walnut street, is home after a trip through [ New England, where she visited Prov- I idence, R. 1., Bridgeport, Conn., Cam i bridge, Lynn, Boston and Mcdford, Mass. On the return trip she stopped at New York and Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. John Yoey have returned to their home in Phila delphia, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Leiby, ©f 306 North Second street. B. F. Bliss, a member of the ac counting firm of Callihan, Bliss and Company, left to-day on a two months' business trip to Illinois. Mrs. Bliss and daughter, Miss Mar that Bliss, will visit friends and relatives in their former home, | Springfield, 111. Miss Elizabeth Howard, Miss Lois Coons, Miss Virginia Ferrer, Vernon Ncwswanger, George Wolford Qulg ley and Harold B. Martz, left this | afternoon to join a weekend house party at Mount Gretna. ~"~" , @te£STORK IA ii announcement under ihit head in: ; muil be accompau'erl bv nu me to QMIK* •iecuracp.J Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fager, ! of 1123 Green street, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, August I 29. 1919, at the Keystone Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Jury, of I 1)213 Green street, announce the i birth of a daughter, Anna May Jury, I Wednesday, August 27. Mrs. Jury j was formerly Miss Daisy Mortorff, of Palmyra. MISS SARA LEMER GIVES CONCERT Appears Before Gathering of Artists at National Ameri can Musical Festival Miss Sara Lemer, the well-known local violinist, appeared in concert, on Monday afternoon, at the Na tional American Musical Festival be ing held this week at Lockport, N. Y. Accompanied by J. Warren Erb, at the piano, she gave the following program: "Caprice for Violin Alone," by Theodore Spiering; "Waves at Play," by Edwin Grasse; "Wah, Wah Tuy see (Little Firefly)," by C. Wake field Cadman; "From the Cane brake," by Samuel Gardner. After her appearance Monday, word was received that Mrs. Ed ward MacDowell, wife of the latfe composer, was ill and unable to ap pear on to-day's program, as had been planned. Miss Lemer was im mediately engaged to substitute for Mrs. MacDowell. Gaylord Yost, the well-known violinist, will appear at the same time. The Lockport Union-Sun and the Lockport Jourlrsl, both made fav orable mention of Miss Lemer's playing. The latter said of her: "Miss Lemer's playing was marked by good intonation, freedom of exe cution, and musicianly interpreta tion." This festival, lasting all week, brings together artists of note from all over the country. Nothing but American compositions are per mitted to be given, making the event most interesting and unique. Miss Sachs to Entertain at Penn-Harris Tonght Miss Mary Sachs will entertain this evening, in one of the private parlors at the Penn-Harris, in cele bration of the close of the first year of the Sachs organization. Her guests will be members of the or ganization and those who have as sisted her. A buffet supper will be served at 10.30 o'clock, to about 4 0 guests. Preceding the supper hour the Penn-Harris orchestra will play a number of selections and Miss Sachs' two publicity men, Frank E. Fehl man, president of the Churchill-Hall Advertising Syndicate, and Harold J. Barrett, of the same organization, will speak on up-to-date retail business methods. Miss Sachs has arranged this an niversary celebration as a means to show in a minor way her apprecia tion of the support given her by those who will be her guests .this evening. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Yeager, 237 North Fourteenth street, have nn nonuced the engagement of the daughter. Miss Esther Marie Yeager. to George W. Schillinger, 112 South Fourteenth street. No date has been set for the wedding. BLUE TRIANGLE CLUB MEETS The monthly meeting of the Blue Triangle Club of the Y. W. C. A. will be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the club rooms. The president urges every member to be ' present. (Additional Social Page 15) Now Murray Hill Turkish Batlis On account of the confusion bro.-ght about by associating the names Penn-Harris Turkish Bath with the Penn-Harris Hotel, the name of the former has been changed to the Murray Hill Turkish Bath. The location will remain the same, Russ Building, 13 North Mar ket Square.—Adv. WE are told that in England a bead craze is sweeping the country. Women appear in the streets with long strings of Jet and amber reaching below the hems of their skirts. All we can say is, "Pre serve us from such a fate!" But that doesn't mean that wc dislike beads. No, indeed! On the contrary, we are quite partial to them and we orHy wish that every woman and girl in the country were fortunate enough to possess a bead necklace such as the French and the "boys" in the hos pitals are making. Everyone has seen them and kr.-ows just how pretty they are. And everyone will be delighted to learn that looms, materials and instructions for making them can all be obtained at the Art and Gift Shop, 105 North Second street, where you will also find a beautiful assort ment of Venetian beads. DID you ever hear the old Greek tale of Jason, who sailed away to find the golden fleece? It is just one more story typifying the troubles wc ofttimes encounter when l we start on a search for the things we most desire. And for some reason Jason always reminds me of the gift seeker who sets forth in an apparently vain effort to pro cure just the proper thing. So many people are afflicted with that peculiar trouble. They rush madly hither and thither and never seem to find the type of gift that satisfies; that is, they never do unless they're wise en-ough to visit the Saltzgiver Art and Gift Shop, 223 North Sec ond street, where the attractive bookends, sconces and candlesticks are in themselves enough to settle all difficulties. YOU'VE all seen Sterno stoves, haven't you? But how many of you have'seen- the newest "canned-fuel" stove, the Theroz? It Is so far superior to the old type that a comparison is almost foolish. With It, special cooking utensils are unnecessary—Just use the kettle, pot, pan or percolator you now have. Place it on the tripod stand, then slip a can of Theroz Fuel beneath it and apply a match. That is all you need to do. This quickest, hottest and safest emergency fuel—-used extensively by the United States and Canadian Governments during the World War— will do the rest. For you who live in roominghouses or for the girlie at boarding school, a Theroz outfit is absolutely indispensable. Do I hear you say, "But where can I get one?" Why, at the Potts Drug Store, Third and Herr streets. And they're extremely Inexpensive, the stoves costing 2D cents and the fuel 15 cents a can. SOME day—let us hope that it is not far off —shoes are going to take a drop in price. But, until they do, we must make the best of the matter and see to it that wo receive good value for the rather large sum of money we spend in shodding our feet. We don't mind paying from ten to fifteen dollars for shoes if they only wear well. And that is exactly what those you purchase at Paul's Shoe Shop, 11 North Fourth street, are guaranteed to do. At present, Mr. Paul is showing a snappy assortment of brown kid and calf boots with high Isjuis and Cuban, as well as mili tary. heel. And will they give good service? Well, Just try them and see! Weds Returned Soldier in United Brethren Church In the Derry Street United Brethren Church, yesterday morn ing Miss Ruth M. Fasnacht, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fasnacht. of this city became the bride of I Robert E. Hartz, son of former Post- I master and Mrs. Frank E. Hartz. of ! Palmyra. The ceremonw was per j formed by the Rev. Dr. A. J. Lyter, pastor of the church, of which the bride was an active member, in the presence of members of the im mediate families. Miss Violette Cassel, a cousin of the bride, of Hummelstown, presid ed at the organ during the cere mony, which occurred at nine o'clock. Miss Janet Sprenkle. of York, attended the bride and Roy Fasnacht, a brother of the bride, was best man. A wedding breakfast was served |at the Fasnacht home, following | which the young couple left on a wedding trip at the conclusion of which they will establish their "home at 307 South Eighth street, Lebanon, which has been newly furnished for them. The bride Is a graduate of Mil lorsville State Normal School, class of 1915. Mr. Hartz is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College, Annville, and only recently returned from overseas duty with the 9 4th aero squadron, U. S. A., filling the duties of corporal. He is at present hold ] ing a clerical position in the Leba j non offices of the Bethlehem Steel Company. Entertain at Dinner For Out-of-Town Guests Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Allen, who have returned to Philadelphia after a viait with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Haert ter. of Old Orchard, were honor guests at a dinner party gvon by Mr. and Mrs. Haertter. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. I.eßoy Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Heist Culp„ Mr. and Mrs. Carl (lumber, Mr. and Mrs. George Vogt, Miss Jrene Bright, of Millcrsburg: Miss Claire Haertter, Melwood Swab, of Eliza bethville; Faunce Casliman and Charles Cohen. ASSUME DUTIES HERE The two new secretaries appointed at the Harrisburg Y. W. C. A. will enter upon their work next week. They are Miss Saida Hartman, secre tary of the industrial department of which Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones is and Miss Ruth Todd, sec retary ior girls' work. This is a new department with Miss Todd as its first secretary and is growing rap idly. Miss Mary Hoffer is chairman of the department. Mrs. Samuel Arnold Watts and Miss Irma A. Watts have returned from a trip through Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Myers and children, Adrienne, Elizabeth and Jack Myers, have returned to their home, 2009 North Third street, af ter a stay in Winchester, Virginia, where they were registered at the New Hotel Jack. The Harrisburg Academy HARRISBURG, PA. Founded in 1784 and chartered in 1809. The Harrisburg Academy has maintained an uninterrupted corpo rate existence. For several years the school hns gtaduated twenty-five to thirty young men. all of whom haic continued their studies in a score or more of universities and professional schools. The school reopens for its 136 th year of service with the strong est teaching staff and the largest en rollment of pupils, in its history. Additional class room facilities have been provided for the increased en rollment. There will be no military uniforms used this year. Calisthenics and outdoor sports will be substituted In the place of military drill. Build ings are open for inspection and clas sification of pupils. The prospectus for 1919-21) Is sent upon request. September 22, 9 a. m., organization of lower school. September 23, 9 a. m„ lower school begins. September 23, 9 a. m., new boys register and classify. September 24. 9 a. m.. Academy opens. TIME was when we never drank coffee at our house. We always kept it on hand for our guests, but, as for drinking it ourselves— well, we just didn't care for it at all. But those days have passed ar/d I humbly accept the blame for the change that has recently taken place. It all came about because I started to visit the Grand Union Tea Company, 208 North Second street. Then one day I bought a pound of their celebrated coffee and took it home. Wo all swallowed a sip, just to see if it really was as good as is claimed, and—we've been drinking it ever since! Truly, it's delicious. Nothing coud be better. Everyone who has ever tasted It never tires of singing its praises, and to offer them any other brand is useless. AND now wo greet the Miss Manhattan suit! Art truly we can say, "I'm pleased to meet you," Indeed, It requires no effort at a'l to utter those words after hav ing seen the stunning garment of mahogany velour hanging in the Cloos Shop, in tho Penn-Harrls building, Of exceptional style and quulity, it dsplays a discreet amount of self embroidery, a narrow* belt effect and a collar to be worn either high or low, It is cleverly trimmed with buttons and the rich, brocaded lining is almost too lovely to hide. But, then, it must be beautiful in order to reach the standard set by the rest of the suit, SEPTEMBER 5, 1919. CI.E.DGNCKAU I.ADDS HOOVER By Associated Press. Par!., Thursday, Sept. 4.—Premier Cletronceau received Herbert Hoover, director general of the International Relief Organization, before the let ter's departure for ondon to-day. and tdd him that the French government appreciated his services for the com mon cuuae since the beginning of the war. The premier also discussed with Mr. Hoover the general economic sit uation and measures which will bring about a resumption of normal com mercial activity and a restoration of the economic balance. DENOUNCE PRICE FIXING By Associated Press. niols. France, Thursday. Sept. 4. — Delegates representing 110,000 farm ers in Central and Western France. In sssion here to-day. protested against "arbitrary measures to reduce I the cost of living of which the farm iers are alone the victims;" denounc ed all "measures for fixing prices, real lor disguised." and asked that on all Icommlttees charged with establishing i selling prices of foodstuffs farmers should have the same representation as consumers. THE WEARY HIRED MAN First Farmer —"How do you find your new hired man, Ezry?" Second Farmer—"l look In the shade of the tree nearest his work." —Buffalo Express. LADIES LOOK | Cull ut tliU l.lve Millinery i Shop and kpc the up-to-fhe- j minute styles in Fall Hats, i We have n charming dlwpluy to whow you. I Wo ore up town nway from high rentM and bin rxpenNCN I anil iflvr you the benefit In VnlueM. Betty Lend Shop | 1208 NORTH THIRD STREET ; I Open Evenings Dntll BP. HI. j DR. G. A. ZIMMERMAN. i having returned from the Army, announces the reopen ing of his offices at 1409 Market St. 5 Why "Lookers" j ? Are Welcomed ? fi # a When I was in New York recently I dropped " ; into the establishment of a dealer in high priced ft () paintings and spent a delightful half hour stroll- • Z ing through his gallery. v a There were beautiful landscapes by Symons, ; ; Scofield, Redfield and other prominent Atneri- ft Q can painters. There were stirring marines by i Z Paul Dougherty and Waugh. There were " wonderfully convincing portraits by Cassatt, ft ft Mora and Benson. lam no connoisseur but I en- • • joyed that exhibit. v I The proprietor accompanied me, pointing out ; v the beauties of the various paintings. Of course 0 n I had no intention of buying and I felt guilty at A • taking his time. So I explained that Iwas not • U a prospect. V v "I didn't imagine you were," he replied. "But U ft lam just as glad to show you through. First I ft I enjoy your delight in my exhibit and second it's • not impossible that you might happen to speak w ft of having taken pleasure in the pictures in my ft Z gallery, which is the best advertising I can get. • " I can trace many sales indirectly to people who U ft never bought from me." ft • • Q "Why that's just the way I feel about my little ft J shop" I exclaimed. "I love to have people come t j in whether or not they buy. And many who may " ft not purchase do make sales for me by speaking of ft I my place." • y 210 5 I ( | \ stork ci.osks satmiday / f j J \ at six oci.OCK / I c/ / Miss Laura R. AppelPs PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Opens Monday, September Bth Courses lit Theory, Harmony and Musical History required for graduation with diploma. 101 Rons Street. Phon 1129-R. Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froehlich's SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 State Street Harrisburg, Pa. Term of 1919-1920 Began TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1919 A complete graded course in piano playing, theory, harmony and history of music. Diploma upon graduation. Those desiring to enroll may apply at any time by mail or In person on and after August 29, between 10 o'clock A. M. and 6 C lock P. M. • Bell telephone' 1543-R. COFFEE . 40c, 45c, 6M PEANUTS 25c lb. Candy Is a Food after vaca — i\s tlon suggestion. There is nothing ll.\ //j| so restful to body || and mind as a •>! pleasant vacation. A/i, \ The same thing ntPN.- ,\ applies to Mes aimer's Ho mc made sweets. A __j trial will con- Special for tha week-end: Cocoanut Clusters SOc lb. Chocolate covered Marshmallowa, <lOc lb. Cocoanut Cream Ix>af .. . .5()o lb. Peanut Clusters 40c lb. MESSIMER'S The Iloimc of Homemade Candles, Third St. at Ilrlggs. |f" —y\ | Voss Electric , Solves the clothes vvash ! ing problem. Aside from high cost of laundry, your washing is done just as you want it. EASY PAYMENTS Neidig Bros., Ltd. 22 South Second St.