Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 05, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 EARLY SOLUTION PROMISED LABOR BY SEC. WILSON American Standards Must Be Maintained, Postmasters Are Told Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson, speaking to three hundred members of the Pennsylvania State Postmasters Association last even ing at their banquet.in the Penn- Harris Hotel, said that an early solution of labor problems was a certainty. Mr. Wilson said that wo are now passing through a period of uncer tainty, but that there was no doubt of an early change from war to peace time conditions, just as we changed so rapidly the other way at the declaration of hostilities. The American standard must be main tained, according to Mr. Wilson, and the American laborer will see that 1 it is maintained. The Secretary of Labor went on to outline the Bolshevist movement in Russia and its relation to this country. That the movement in this country is broken there can be no doubt, he said. Speaking of the high cost of living, he predicted that the government would bring about a reduction in prices by going after the profiteer and hoarder. Mr. Wilson was the only sched uled speaker who was able to be present. Vance C. McCormick, chairman of the War Trade Board, A. Mitchell Palmer, Attorney Gen eral. and Postmaster General Burle son all sent telegrams expressing their regret at their inability to be present. The first speaker of the evening was Third Assistant Postmaster General A. M. Dockery, former gov ernor of Missouri. Mr. Dockery urged the vital importance of a speedy ratification of the treaty. He predicted a period of prosperity greater than the country has ever known, after the treaty is ratified. | HAD DANDRUFF I FORJX YEARS Hair Thin, Lifeless and Dry. Caticwa Heals. "I had ranch dandruff and it caused my scalp to begin itching. The dan § draff scaled off and my scalp was sore and fed. I scratched it and I lost many a night's rest. My hair fell out and became thin, lifeless and dry. '"nils trouble lasted six years before I used Cuti cmaSoapand Ointment. luacdthem for about two months when I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Cioelia Linetwky, 723 Wat kins Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PasCacViLia for all toilet purposes. In, Tli Hal .IT ad an. T.I— 2*c. Sold throughout the worU. For Mngili each tree address: Telioaf. Lab- Wfrt—. D— at. H. Maldaa. Maw." MTCuHcrii Seep .have, without mac. / oo EFFICIENCY In your daily ta*k IM impaired If your eyoMlffht IN defective, cmiM- Inj? liefcJuchcM, uervouNneMN, etc. l>o not tet trouble of thlM nature affect your tvorkluft add earning power. Our itIaNNCM will remedy it Immediately. C. M. ROGERS Itcicifttcrcd OptometrlMt 302 MARKET STREET Over C'liiMtcr'M Jewelry Store Open until D I*. M. Saturday V—-/ [HENRY GMT | AND SON P DISTRIBUTORS OF I Nicholson j I File Co's | © | FILES KEARNEY & FOOTE BRANDS QUALITY CONSID- j ERED, WE HAVE , [ I* THE LOWEST PRICE. I 400 SECOND ST. | HARDWARESMILL j SUPPLIES | FRIDAY EVENING, United States Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkansas, made the final address. He assailed the op ponents of the League of Nations, and those who were arguing over the ratification of the treaty. The President deserves highest com mendation for the way in which he put through the treaty, said the senator from Arkansas. Senator Robinson has the peculiar distinc tion of having been within the period of sixteen days, congress man, senator and governor of his state. Closing hours of the Pennsylvania Postmasters' convention were given a decided political coloring by a speech by James I. Blakslee, fornftr secretary of the Democratic State Committee and now fourth Assistant Postmaster General, who twice took occasion in the course of his speech to boost Attorney General A. Mitch ell Palmer for President. Each time the convention rose and cheered. The postmasters adopted resolu tions praising the President, Post master General A. S. Burleson, whose letter of regret at inability to bo present was read later, and Mr. Pal mer. First Assistant Postmaster General John C. Koons warned the convention that while there might be an increase in salaries, it would not be us great as some wanted and that a 35 per cent increase would mean one hundred million dollars additional expense. Blakslee then spoke on the postal service as the saviour of the Nation and urged that the rural free deliv ery system he used to buy food di rect from farmers and suggested that some of the motor vehicles bought for war uses be provided for such purposes. He said that ho felt that the postmasters were ready to line up next year behind a Penn sylvanian and when the cheers had subsided decried attacks upon Pal mer, whom he said had performed public services second only to those of the President. Blakslee also crit icised the cost per mile of the bids the State has been receiving for road construction and said good roads and adequate compensation were needed for rural carriers. Demand German Officers Swear Allegiance to New Republican Constitution by Axuvciattfl Prers. Berlin, Thursday, Sept. 4.—The So cinlDemocratie Society of Breslau has adopted a resolution introduced in the National Assembly by Vice-President Loebe, demanding that all army of ficers Immediately take the oath to the new republican constitution and urging that those who refuse be dis missed from the army. Another resolution Introduced in the National Assembly calls upon the government to get rid of Gustav N'oske, minister of defense, who, It is said, "Is evidently unable to stem the tide of military reaction." The ap pointment of a "comrade capable of ending the military counter revolu tion, Is demanded. There is also a pro test before the National Assembly against the retention of the law pro viding for arrests during a period of martial law. This is taken as another indication that Herr Noske's regime is unpopular with the government and the Socialists. Hamburg, Thursday, Sept. 4.—The editor of the independent Socialist newspaper Volks Zeitung has been sentenced to jail for three weeks on a charge of having "insulted Gustav Noske, minister of defense," in an editorial. Wilson Seen as Ally of Universal Training Washington, Sept. s.—That Presi dent Wilson favors universal military training and supports the War De partment's army reorganization bill creating a peace time army of 576,000 is the belief of General Payton C. March, chief of staff. He told the House military affairs committee, furthermore, that world unrest, and steps taken by other lations to main tain strong military forces make it necessary for the United States to keep its relative strength. Ho de clared that if universal military train ing is adopted an army of the size propose! would be essential. CAPITOL PARK PLANS GIVEN CONSIDERATION [Continued From First Page.] the order from the Board of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings to go ahead. The Commonwealth under an act of Assembly will dedicate for the uses of the city such foot walks as may he necessary in the park along Walnut and Third streets. Mueh Wofik in Prospect In addition to the prospective street work along the Capitol Parit, Commissioner Lynch is proceeding rapidly to cover the highway work outlined for this season. Consider able paving is necessary in the vicinity of the new Edison school building at Eighteenth and Chest nut streets, and it will also be neces sary to pave the block in Chestnut, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth. The proposed loan for street paving of $50,000 will provide for other important street work contemplated for the 1920 program. In addition to the item in the loan ordinance providing for the transfer of $300,000 for the pro posed Walnut street bridge to the Memorial viaduct at State street, there Is an important loan item of SIOO,OOO for sewers. This sum will be utilized in general improvement of the sewage conditions of the city and will take care of the large sec tion embraced in the Thirteenth ward. It will also provide for the eventual annexation of Paxtang to the city. Another item which this loan will cover is an important main sewer along Asylum creek, which will provide a new sewer distribu tion point at Seventeenth and Cal der streets and afford an outlet for the State Police Barracks and other important buildings in that section. This loan will also take care of the big sewer necessary to reclaim the lowlands In the vicinity of Italian Park at Shamokln street. Unless and until this loan Is author ized no real relief can lie provid-.d for the big building developments which are contempated in several sections of Harrisburg, especially in the suburban districts. Another of the paving projects which is of Interest is the Herr street section, from Cameron lo Fourteenth, which will provide an outlet for the State Arsenal and the State Police Barracks. Of all the loans, however, none is more popular than that proposing $40,000 In the Kiester ordinance for bathing facilities. Under a resolu tion adopted by City Council, Park Commissioner Gross is directed to employ an expert who shall deter mine what Harrisburg should do in respect to proper bathing accom modations. It is expected that this expert will be engaged and make a study of the matter without de lay so the whole subject can be intelligently presented to the people before election. 25,000 Knights Templar to March in Parade Philadelphia, Sept. s.—With ar rangements completed for the en tertainment of the women relatives and friends who will accompany Knights Templar to the triennial conclave of the order which opens here Saturday night, special com mittees of local women, who will act as escorts for the visitors, an nounce that there will be no dull moments for the guests. The impossibility of providing quarters in this city for the 100,000 or more Knights Templar and their companions who will be in Phila delphia during the conclave became j The Attention of Critical Dressers Will Be Centered I I ON SCHLEISNER'S | Where the Authentic Modes Emanate in Every woman, no matter able garments ever brought to and secondly, in the earlier Of course, we try to please how elaborate her wardrobe Harrisburg. part of the year when we se- you by having what you want, will be for this fall or how lected our lines we made up but on the other hand, we do modest, looks forward to se- Q ur assor tments are indeed our m^n(^s to have ample as- not care to have you purchase j I lecting her outfit at a store j ar g est we h ave ever been sortment for every patron of any garment of us that does jj where correctness of fashion is privileged to show. Btore ' so l h at whosoever not truly become you. I assured. chose to buy apparel would . have every reason to be satis- T „ i ,1 • 1 c . , ' , We wish to lay special em- fi d ith ur serv j ce * eg ran 1 8 cllarac ' j Since the war great change, hasis on fact • teristic of our service will be have been wrought in styles. our lines are larger dian here- . , greatly appreciated. | . e , 1 1 Fine tailoring is one of the j toi ore, each garment has been • + . p % ! sty™'for*thisfaUar'e neculhlr with ,hf: '"""i rigid We camot "dwell Our new fall lines are re- j . ' to the apparel world. Despite care, the same attention to upon this point too much. plete with suits, coats and the fact that the search tailoring, the same interest in We have often tried to im- dresses for the woman, miss caused great conceralmong fine details, as when our press upon our clientele the and young girl. The new milli- j many manufacturers and the Btocks Were 6maller ' fact ', hal the hi K h claßs ta " or - nery is on display, the new j j constantly rising cost of labor ing of our garments is a t ing blouses, the new skirts, the has hampered the manufactur- We have two very important a P art rom wat e oun( new g jik and hand embroider ing of garments, thereby caus- reasons why we have installed m 3Ve g g ' ed underwear and the new silk ing somewhat of a dirth. We such a large stock for this fall. hosiery invite your inspection. : I have been able to collect for Firsts the steady and remark- Another important side of '; I your inspection and approval able growth of our business de- our service is the strict atten wliat we sincerely believe to be mands that we prepare for a tion we give to your individual Visit our store without ob the finest variety of fashion- larger patronage than ever, requirements. ligation to buy. I = 5 ; I ' v Store Closes at 6 O'clock Saturdays " 1 —" 1 " HARHISBURO TELEGRAPH apparent several days ago, and yes terday arrangements were made by which 5,000 of the visiting knights will be cared for by hotels at Atlan tic City. A special ticket to the shore will be provided by the rail roads which will grant an exceed ing low rate of fare for dally trips to this city. The Knights Templar parade on Tuesday Is destined to be one of the most elaborate pageants ever staged on the streets of Philadelphia. More than 25.000 Knights will be In line. The line will be over eleven miles in length and will take from three and a half to four and a half hours to pass the reviewing stand. Some Idea of its gorgeousness may be formed when it is stated that the value of the plumes which will he worn by the marchers exceeds a half million dollars. In all probability the total value of the regalia displayed will exceed $3,000,000. Luther League Opens Fall and Winter Season On Thursday evening the Luther League of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion be gan the fall and winter program at the home of the pastor, the Rev. John Henry Miller, 1607 Forst&r street. The meeting opened with the Lu ther League Rally hymn, after which the president, Herbert May, led the devotional exercises. Mrs. W. A. Gernert gave an impressive explanation of the Luther League emblem—the black cross on a rsd heart resting on a white rose sur rounded with blue and a rim of gold. Interesting hymn studies were given by Miss Poorman and Mrs. May on "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "Rock of Ages Cleft For Me." The pastor led an instructive study of I Timothy. A program has been arranged for the year, including Bible and hymn studies, biographical sketches, etc., which promises to be full of interest and profit. The league will meet at various homes the first Thursday evening of each men"-. excepting June, July and August. lAKI SEPTEMBER 5, 1919. Adams County to Vote on Road Loan Adams county people are consider ing a half million dollar road bond issue to be submitted to the voters early in 1920, according to what a delegation of Adams countians to day informed Assistant State High way Commissioner George H. Biles and candidates for county commis sioner and county offices are being quizzed as to how they stand on the question. The delegates asked about improvements in Littlestown borough and were toid that they would be made as soon as possible. The dele gation included Superintendent of ' Printing Robert C. Miller, D. Elmer Buckey, S. M. Keagy and Austin Staiey. "We believe that Adams county should join hands with Yorlc which voted a big bond issue re cently," said Mr. Miller. IMot wafer, vZT Sure Relief