Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 03, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 [ _ K You Can AcaMnmoJate a Roomer, tdi tie Good Newsjn IteCtaScil Ji Deaths IKXTZ—Cyrus M. Lenti aged 63 year*, died Tuesday morning, at Ju o'clock, at hie homo. 345 South 21st street. Funeral services will take place to morrow. at 2 p. m.. with tho K>.v. Thomas Lyter In charge. Burial in P'lxtanii cemetery. Friends and rei at Ives are invited to attend the services without further notice. —— Mil*lV'Sl On Tuesday. September 2. 1919, at 6.15 p. m.. Catharine, wile of John Minium, aged 61 years, 1 month and 1 day. Funeral on Friday evening, Sep tember 5, at 8 p. m. from the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. H. Hoffman, 310U N. Third street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Kematns will be taken to Milton, Pa., Saturday at ?.5o a. m. Further services at Ms- Kcppa Union Church, Union county. Fa. Interment cemetery adjoining; church. l IN MKMUIUAM In sad but loving remembrance of my dear father. Albert Lincoln Oyster, who departed this 1110 one your ago. September 3. lUIS. d- but not for gotten. , _ j Some day—be It soon or luto— Beyond the silent eea. With outstreached anna at Heaven s gate. I know he will welcome me. MARGARET KLIFLH O^ughtcr. LOST AND FOUND LOST —Black and tan hound dog, 16 or IS Inches high, about lo months I old, etruyed from warehouse of Amer ican Railway Express Co.. fourth and Chestnut Sts. Reward if returned to above address. _____ WILL the woman who picked up gold card case on the corner of sixth and Harris streets on Tuesday morn ing. kindly return to 152 t North sixth St. and receive reward. LOST—Cameo ring with a long pink setting. Reward if returned to 902 N. 18th St. | LOST—Pair of glasses in case, on j Market street. Reward if returned to 689 Muench St. or call Bell -01. LOST—Red Cross badge with pin and blue ribbon with one white stripe. Reward If returned to Room 4UJ Kunkel Building. , INSTRUCTIONS BOOKKEEPERS. CLERKS AND OFFICE MEN ' Distinctly individual private in struction under suitable direction and a training that Is linked up actual business and without interfer ing with present position, you can se ccre marked advancement and SUD- T?:ntlal Increase In Income In a tlvely short time. T , CAN YOU AFFORD TO STAND STILL. Bookkeeping, Higher Accounting. , Business Administration, Business Letter Writing. Law. Full lnlormatlon without obligation. LaSalle Extension University. Branch office 26 N. 18th at. Bell 4940R INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Bhorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Antbmc tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125 Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 121 Market St Chas. R- Beckley. Ml-I.P WANTED—MALE SHOES —Top stitchers, tip stitchers and vampers wanted. Steady work, light, airy workroom; highest pay. James A. Banister Co., 370 Orange St., Newark, N. J. WANTED—Men to work on salary or commission, whole or part time, to do soliciting and collecting. Pleasant and profitable work. Short hours. For particulars, call or address Manager, 409 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa., 3d floor. RAILROAD traffic inspectors want ed; sllO a month and expenses to start; short hours; travul; three months' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-273, Standard Busi ness Training Inst., Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED —Man for bread wrapping, ! must be careful and intelligent. Apply f Schmidt's Bakery. 13th and Walnut, j WANTED—Boy to deliver paper, j Apply Monarch Wall Paper Co.. 9 j Aberdeen Ave. WANTED—Laborers. Apply Pax tang Quarries, Paxtang. WANTED—A married man over 30 to take up assistant managership. Ap ply Grant Union Tea Co.. 20s North Second St. ( WANTED First class collector and solici tor; good salary and steady employment. Address Box H-S3G6 care Telegraph. SEVERAL experienced news paper canvassers foi out-of town campaign. Salary and expenses. Apply MR. J. C. YOUNG. 916 North Sixth Street. Between 6 and 7 P. M. j CENTS CLERKS —1.000 needed; $92; month; age. Is upward; examinations everywhere sceu .-xperience unneces sary. For free particulars, write Ray mond Terry if. ier government ex aminer). 518 < .uinental Bldg.. Wash-, Ingten. _ __________ WANTED—Canvassers, can make 91 to 9j per Inn r. steady work. Call 416 Patriot B.dg. WANTED—Young man to work around soda fountain. Apply Weaver's t Confectionery Store. 29 N. 2d St. M ANTED —A tinner. See Ensinger. COQ Race St. DRUG clerk wanted. Address A-817a' tare 'Telegraph. YOUNG man to work at soda foun-I tain. Address B-8179 tye Telegrapn. WANTED ExpuAt-nced grocery :lerk and butcher. who can till both positions preferiW. Address Box H-5304 care Telegraph. j WANTED —Boy over 16 years who j has some experience In the baking business or one who is willing to learn. Apply 923 N. Sixth St. (CoiitiutK o in Next Column/ For Sale *! LAWWTON, PA. (Beyond I'axtnng) Two acres, unproved with a 2%- i story frame house, with 8 rooms; fruit and garden; chicken house, t Also a tract of 13 acres and 159 per., located along tho Philadel- j phia & Reading K. K. Miller Brothers &Co. | 11 LAI, ESTATE INSURANCE LOCUST AND COURT STS. SURETY BONDS Members llbg. Iteul Estate Hoard j > / ' - i • W t JiN iiSUA X C.VU.NING, HABRISBDRG TELEGRAPH StLF 1 TIMBER 6, IVIV. HELP WANTED—MALE i DRAFTSMEN One competent layout man. with several years general ' mechanical experience; two deiallers prefeiably with some knowledge of perspective; permanent positions. . ith op -1 portunities of advancement; state fully age, experience and references. PANGBORN CORPORATION. Hagerstown. Md. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enoia. 1 WANTED —First class plumber. Ap- j | ply R. J. Flowers, 1428 Market St. i WANTED—Young man to be gener- ! 'ally uselul in motor truck establish-! iir.ent; one who is willing and active; ! chance for advancement. Apply Swain, j Hickman Co. 1133 Mulberry St. ' WANTED—First class sheet and metal worker, also roofing and fur nace men. Apply E. S. Yeatts. uorner | Herman and Rosemont Ave.. Lemoyne, ; ; Pa., between 6 and 8 p. m. or call Bell SI32L WANTED Experienced porter; 1 good wages. Apply Alva Hotel. 19 S. i Fourth St. I . WANTED 100 white laborers; shipment daily; meet representative at State Employment Office. 3d and North Sts., Harrisburg. 1 WANTED Well driller. Apply Paxtang Quarry, Paxtang'. Pa. MEN wanted to distribute Doan's Directory, 25c per hour. Apply Mr , Ford. Lenox Hotel, 6 to 10 p. m. WANTED—Bright, energetic boy. Apply between 4 and 5 at room 510 | jTejegraph. WANTED—Experienced lining cut- ; ter; good wages. Kuhn. Pavord Shoe, Co., 46 N. Cameron sL j WANTED —Boy over 16 years old ' to work at soda fountain. Apply Sweetland Confectionery. 331 Market Street. WANTED Freight truckers and freight < handlers at P. R- R. Division Street Transfer. Harrisburg, Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division Streets. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf- j ' fer. We teach you between your I i working hours to become an expert | and for only seven dollars a week. | ! Learn a practical trade. Make appll- j I cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. I Camercn St., Harrisburg. Training Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. j I WANTED Experienced window | trimmer and card writer in men's j clothing and furnishing store, Penn-; sylvania city of 120.000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady and reliable; state reference and sal ary. L-SOIB care Telegraph. I : I WANTED —Two first class meat | cutters and countermen. Apply at once l Buehler Bros.. 432 Market St. HELP WANTED—FEMALE ! BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING Young women between IS and 25 will J | find telephone operating very 'as- I cinat'ng. clean work, with unusual 1 opportunity for advancement In sal- ; ary and position. 59 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS ' Salary increased after four weeks' j training period. |ln addition to a good salary our ! op> inters have a comfortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. ! Apply to chief operator, third floor, j 298 Walnut Street. STENOGRAPHER —With few years'! experience and good education, who is looking tor an opportunity with a luge manufacturing concern. State! ' experience Make application by letter.; 1 stating previous experience and sal i iy expected. Address Box C-7555 care j To'legi aph. : ' WANTED —A girl for general house work; must sleep at home at night, j Apply 1001 N. Second St. or Bell 2521 J. ] WANTED —Experienced salesladies 'lor "stationery store. Steady employ-! , nient. Address Box C-8188 care Te.e-j graph. WANTED —A woman past thirty,' i intelligent, energetic, forceful, ready I i to i xchange hard work for a worth-| while, permanent position of _trust; good pay. Address Box 0-SlB7 care; | Telegtaph. | Yf UNG woman. The Globe requires! 1 the services of a neat, experienced i young woman of good appearance and j figure tc. assist in women's coat dept. Good salarv; steady position. Apply to Mr. Deekman, Employment Office. The i Globe. 322-324 Market street. j 1 GIRLS —The Globe requires the services of three girls over 16 years; !to take charge of inspection and wrapper desk; also elevator boy, over lIG years. Apply to Mr. Deekman, Em-; ! ployment Office, The Globe, 322-324 | Market St. I ' WANTED—GirI for cooking and zeneral housework; no washing or 'ironing; smell family. Apply 2003 N. i j Second St. ■ I WANTED Dishwasher. Apply | I Sweetland Confectionery, 331 Market I Sti eet. j ' (Continued In .Next Column) - ' " HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets WANTED!!!! Our business Is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn. If you are a vamper. folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 11 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our factory and we arc making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO UPS Vernon Street. • : ! WANTED—Operators on plain sew ing mat hints; girls on trimming, I tables: one experienced girl to get cut, ord( r and take care of stock. Apply : Hairisburg Apparel Co., Sixth .unci ; He IT Sts. ■ FILE CLERK —Young woman with; filing and office experience; state pre | vious experience and salary. Address Box C-7586 care Telegraph. j HOUSEKEEPER wanted at once;; small family on farm . near Harris- • burg. Apply by letter L. A. Daniel, 1512 North st. : WANTED —Cook and dishwasher. ! Apple Rustic Dairy Lunch. 7-9 South < ! Third St. ; 1 I OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL j Felling and Sleeving Machines. j I JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. j 2012 N. Fourth Street. WANTED Woman for general j housework; three in family; no wash ing. Inquire 1723 Forster St., or Bell! ! 15S1K. ! WANTED A refined trustworthy! girl or woman for upstairs work and us.-isl with children. Address Mrs. Hill. Spencer ave. and Columbia Pike, j Lancaster. WANTED | Young' woman for general office 1 'work, must be able to operate type writer. Apply by letter only, giving age, salary expected and place where • formerly employed. UNITED ICE & COAL CO- Forster and Cowden Sts. WANTED —Cook, colored. $8.50 a! week; give two references. Apply by! letter or person Thursday. September I 4. 6 to 8 evening;. Mrs. H. H; Bowman, i 2030 N. Third street. Harrisburg. i WANTED Experienced knitters borders and menders. Apply Harris Hosiery Co.. Calder and Ma- 'un Sts. : i ; WANTED —White girl for general housework; no cooking. Appiy 1934 N. Third St. WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi ' enced operators who are paid while j I learning. A bonus is paid every puy I ■ day to all operators. 1 BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. ! Kei'.y and I'ulton streets ; WANTED —Good plain cook for pri vate* "boarding house. Inquire 1246 j Market Street. ■ | i GIRLS wanted from 16 years up to I leavn cigar making. Pay 97 per week i ! while, learning. Good opportunity to : earn big money after learning. Appi.v ; ' General Cigar Co.. Inc.. 000 Race , 1 street. i ; HELP WANTED —Male aiul Female THOUSAND, men. women. 18 or over now wanted. Government posi tions. Railway mail clerks, city car-, riers census clerks, $llOO-91606 year; ; .vacation; common education suffi- | cient; big chance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediate ly; urgent. Franklin Institute. Dept.; 413-S. Rochester. N. Y. j WANTED —Man and wife, man must! ! be careful chauffeur, locomobile and ! houseman, wife good, plain cook. Ad ! dress P. O. Box 514 Lancaster. SALESMEN WANTED SAL ESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2.000! to $10,006 yearly. Big demand for men. j inexperienced or experienced. City or, j traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. iDept 603, Chicago. I SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE ! YOUNG man recently discharged j from army, desires work of any kind; I [has had several years' experience in; clerical work. Call or address 1362; | Mayflower St. I ; WANTED —Young man wishes a 'position as truck driver, has had six 1 veavs' experience; can do own mi- Ichanical work. Bell phone 2338 J. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WIDOW. 40, wants position, travel ing for reliable firm; practical nursing or companion; executive ability for business; reference exchanged. Phone 4973 M for interview. Address B-2221 i Penn St.. Harrisburg. i WANTED —Neat girl wishes a posi tion as a chambermaid or dishwasher, i Call or address 658 Calder St. WANTED —Addressing and public ity work. Experienced lady would like work; good reference. Address Box j H-RlB6 care Telegraph. WANTED—Day's work of any kind by colored woman. Apply 1407 Currant ! street. 1 ! DAY'S work wanted; write or oall, ! 15] 2 Wallace St. WANTED —General housework in \pmuic luiully by colored woman, lu iiulre 415 Lincoln sC, Steelton. tr 1 "tf I ' I | |i ,fjN THERE'S A MARKET for good fcfe property. People are able and eager b-'J ;|§j to buy desirable real estate, 'lhe [-J home-hnding problem is growing more ;0u serious all the time. You can sell your (fuj real estate if you are willing to sell at a fair price—and to advertise it adc ;Mj quately. bMj 1 B! f ffi; E . Si j x£ |i,Q 1 fe 1 I' ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two completely fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; hot and cold running water; use of phone; strickly private. Apply 2liC j Herr St. or Bell phone 4912. | FOR RENT—Entire third floor, con sisting of two well furnished rooms. ! bath; private family; most desirac.e I residential section; all conveniences; use of phone. Call 815 N. 17th St. ; UNFURNISHED front room for I light housekeeping; second floor front. 1321 N. Sixth. I SUMM ERDAhR Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; bath; steam heat; electricity and half of garage. Bell 9964-R3. j FOR RENT—Bedroom, sitting room and bath for single gentleman. Inquire j soo N. Second St. i FOR RENT—Living and bedroom with bath and phone in private home, ! will rent to one or two gentlemen, (West End near Second street car line.: Address R-7583 care Telegraph. I FURNISHED bachelor apartment i front; suitable for two gentlemen ! | separate beds; steam heat; electric I {lights; bath; use of phone; rent rea-I isonable. Dial 4990 or Dayton Cycle Co ' (912 N. Third St. I j I FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms on second floor; all conveniences; far gentlemen only. Apply 1407 Market ! street. I NFURNISHED three-room apart ment; newly papered; gas and elec-1 tricity: garage; water and cabinet in kitchen; small family only; rent rea sonable. Inquire 429 Broad St.. 10.301 I' OR RENT—Nicely furnished sec-1 ond-story front room, near Capitol; all modern conveniences; use of both 1 phones; bath; permanent tenant de-' sired Apply 721 North Sixth Street. NICELY furnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street ROOMS WANTED BUSINESS man and wife desire uu- ! (furnished apartment or rooms for) light housekeeping in private family.' within walking distance of the Square. [ Address Box A-7582 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent at 341 Wal- ( nut Street. Bell 1132. APARTMETS W ANTED WANTED—By business woman, two ' room apartment with bath; furnished, or unfurnished. Apartment with kitcn-, ; enette preferred. State terms. Ad , dress H, care Telegraph. WANTED—By "man and wife, unfur- ; nished apartment on Rill; four or five I ! rooms and bath. Address A-460 care I ! Telegraph. WANTED—Furnished apartment or j suite of rooms, private bath preferred, I lor light housekeeping; centrally lo- j catod, by young married couple. Ad-j dress N-SOSG care Telegraph. FURNISHED apartment or flat or suite of rooms with private bath, for | i light housekeeping; relerences ex changed. Write particulars. Address | Box H-5177 care Telegraph. | WANTED—SmaII furnished apart ment of four or Ave rooms by family { of three must be up-to-date and nice- ! (ly furnished; will consider small! house, either in city or suburbs. Ad- ] dress Box H-9037 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 j | FOR SALE 1837 Fulton St $1750; 315 Hummel St $2200 : 1,21 Hunter St S2BOO 14 Argyle St .... 12900 2724-26 Boas St. (both) ....$425 ) |l4 Prospect St $4400; | Several of these properties can be 1 bought with a small cash payment,: tgilance on monthly payments. H. G. PEDLOW. 3 South 13th St. j FOR $ ALE—62S, 627 and 633 Geary] (street. Three-story brick dwellings, all improvements, porch fronts. Will ,be sold separately or as a group. ( I Small payment and mortgage can be j j arranged for balance. Will be sold cheap to quick purchasers. Unusually ] attractive proposition as an invest ment oi for those seeking a comfor table home in desirable section. Ad {dress for further particulars. Box ] H-SOBI care Telegraph. GEO. W. JACOBS, {REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. LOANS i INVESTMENTS. Let me serve you. Bell 1539 17 N. Third St. j FOR SALE—Brick houses; 6 rooms ; and bath; all modern conveniences, (on Melrose street near 23d and Dorry. Inquire N. H. Downin. 518 A South 13th St. Bell 2062-R. J CENTRALLY located property in jSteelton: nice lot; 7 room house and il.ath; a good home; possession immo idiate. $2,500. George W. Jacobs, 17 N. j Third St. Bell 1539. ! OXFORD ST.. 610—For sale; brick j house with seven rooms and bath; all other improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST.. 2307—F0r sale; bri.k 'and stucco bungalow; seven rooms land bath: hot water heat; other Im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner j Building. ! $2,630 WILL PURCHASE a dwelling .on South Eighteenth street: eight (rooms rnd bath: all improvements. , Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. WHITEHALL ST., 1811—For sale: i brick residence; eleven rooms and bath; steain heat; all other Improve ments; hardwood floors. Bell Realty iCo., Bergner Bldg. , ! HOUSE—S3,OOO will purchase a brick house on Sixth street; 8 rooms and bath, other improvements. Bell Realty [ j Co.. Bergner Bldg. (Continued In Next Column) j V d m i L - - - • j REAL ESTATE FPU SALE • "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDEREIN" MOVE AT ONCE ', STATE ST., 1131—NEW; VACANT;' 3-stoi"> stucco, nine rooms and bath,. , steain heat; gas ami electricity; fr*>nt . | and rear porches; balcony and root! .'garden; cement cellar; the best of 10- : <cation for a looming house; SSOO cash; I balance in monthly payments. ' j HARRIS ST.. 630—VACANT; 3-story , I bruk. nine rooms; all improvements;; (small amount down; balance same as ■ rent; no questions as to race or a- I ; j tionality. ! 17TH ANDt PAXTON STS.—NEW;] VACANT, 2V4-story; six rooms and: ' bath; hardwood floors; steam heat; Cgas and electricity; front and re<ir i porches; side entrance, with a nice big • yard; can be bought With a small [amount down; balance same as rent. 'I SWATARA ST.. 1856—VACANT: six i :| rooms and bath; all improvements; newly painted and papered; in At con- Mdition; nice front and back porches; I good size yard back to a 20-foot drive- I way; $l5O cash; balance same as rent. • j FIFTH ST.. N., 2148 —3-story brick; i • 9 rooms; gas and electric lights; nice, I front and rear porches; side entrance; {must be seen to be appreciated; price right to quick buyer. DERRY ST.. 2143—3-story brick; [ 19 rooms and bath: gas and electricity; | all modern improvements; nice iront, and back porches: cement cellar; a ; • very nice home; can be bought with | S3OO cash. D„ ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building . | 36 NORTH THIRD ST. {Bell 1390. • ' Dial 357 31 I CAMP HILL—2V4-story brick, slate roof dwelling. 8 rooms and bath, fac- ; tory south with large porch, fine view ( up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, , nice tire place, chicken house and | garage in rear, with fruit trees in • ; bearing, on lot 50x150, or on lot lOOx ] 150. Possession given in two weeks' ! i time. Lawn planted in evergreens [ and flowers, vines covering house, j ! Located on Logan street, just west of j 1 Bowman avenue Can be inspected i (at any time. A. E. Strode, Bell phone i • 31S0-R. ' Fine residence. North st $20,000 < Brick property, Camp Hill .... 12,u00 : Paxtang residence 17,000 | 2431 N 6th, brick 6,000 ( 1912 N. Sixth st., brick 4,50u ; 1631 Swatara, frame 2.400 ! ,1943 N. 4th. brick 3 UOU ' Brick building, garage lo.uoo j D. A. CALEY. Bell 589. 707 Kunkel Bldg. I I- i 1 FOR SALE i For Sale—3-story brownstone and brick house. 12 rooms; all conven- ' | iettces; iot 117x81 feet; hedge fence,, shrubbery; room for garage; steam healing system; house built 1914; j (hardwood floors; could not be built to-( [day for $22,u00. Possession at once; lo- : 1 cation near Reservoir Park. Whitehall 1 1 street. Price $15,000. SIO,OOO can remain 1 | at 6 pel cent. A tine home and a bar- , 1 gain. I State St., 1700 block; 3-story brick; ( jail improvements; side entrance and j drive alley. Price $5,200. j Penbrook, S. 28th St.. 8-room frame I I house; garage; fruit; fine garden; l (por.ies; lot 28x180. Bargain. $2,500. ; Penbrook. S. 29th St.. 7 rooms and ] • bath; all improvements; lot 20x190. • | to 3oth St.; chicken house. Only $2,350. { ! Penbrook, 2506 Canby St., 7 rooms j ' ana bath; all improvements; lot 18x j ' ] 150. drive alley. Price $2,500. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE. 11549 State St.. cor. 16th. Bell 1476-W | [| Well Located PAXTANG LOTS For Sale Four lots—a plot 120x120 ft cor. Kelso and Montour sts. Harry C. Knouse. 2348 Deny St. [ | Re!l plione 1720, evenings 4949W I | FOR SALE —84 Second street. High-! ' spire, 7-room house, lot 119 feet front 1 "I by 198 feet deep; line location. Will! ■ i sell at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 ' Market St.. Highsplre. Dial 9801. FOR SALE Two large corner "I houses; 20 rooms; 3 baths; electric and gas; five large bay windows; tine 10-{ ' 1 cution lor apartment. Address Box! J |N2987 care Telegraph. j Ideal building lots in Bellevue Parte —Cheapest High class ground in city. I GEO. W. JACOBS, ' Bell 1539 17 N. Third St. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2012 " to 2ulS Susquehanna street. Apply A. j P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. ' i FOR SALE—A six roomed frame • house; all improvement!!; possession " soon; corner of Brisban and Parte [! Driveway. Paxtang. Apply 3307 Bris ' I ban street, Paxtang. — 7 I NORTH Sixteentn; 9 room brick; (gas; electricity; hot water; steain II heat; brick garage on premises: I streets paved front and rear; school | nearby. E. T. Selig. 920 North Six ' j teenth. "! BUY YOUR HOME on the rental j I payment plan. Small cash or Liberty ' ( Bond Hrst payment required, balance . {as rent. We have houses In every part of the city and svburbs. Apply J A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. [ 13TH ST.. S.. 409—Three-story brick , house for sale; nine rooms and bath; ■ gus; steam heat. Bell Realty Co., I Bergner Bldg. — 1 ■ ® iCssllniiffd is ALcxt Column) % 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I HOUSES AND LOTS ' In all sections of city and suburos some veiy attractive propositions. ROHIIER & SON, HERONBUILDING. Real Estate. General Insurance ' Two family apartment for $4.21)0. Small cash payment necessary. Rent! from either tenant will pay carrying' charges and other rent cun be applied i to purchase price of property. Apart-1 ment of live rooms and bath, available for occupancy now. This is a splendid chance lor a family of small means to avoid high rents and at the same time save money. Property located on Sus-1 . quehanna street, between Hamilton! and Kelker. ! Don't let this chance go by. WARREN VANDYKE, ;ltell phone 231 9 N. Market Sq. * WEST FAIRVIEW—For sale, single! ; house in West Falrview; 6 rooms;! ! electricity and gas; large lot; s2,ol'U. 1 107 Chestnut street, near Front. , OUR MOST RECENT LISTINGS j FOR SALE—Derry St., Nos. 1147, '1 1 49. 1151. 1 153, 1155, 1 157 and 1159. ! Fine 2-story pressed bricks, 6 rooms i and hath, gas and electricity; front | porches (concrete). Retined neighbor hood, within four blocks trom Fourth land Market Sts. Around the $3,509 I mark. | FOR SALE—Christian St. Nos. 1188. 119(i and 1192. Attractive 2-sto''y bricks, G rooms and bath; cement ! porches, within 5 minut's walk to Fourth and Market Sts. Around the ! $2,500 mark. FOR SALE—Zarker St. No. 1428. IXice 2%-story frame with front porch and tear driveway. Around the $2,000 mark i FOR SALE —Violet St. Nos. 533, 531, 1 335 ana 536. Around $6,000 for all. i PACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., ' (Hatiisburg's Real Estate Bureau) j Bell 4526 331 Market St. Dial 5430 | ! FOR SALE —2038 Swatara St.. a 2tj-j story frame house; lot 60x100 feet; ' thicker, house in rear of lot, 12Hx5f>; awnings and screens for all doors and windows go with property, i 1545 Derry St. 3-story frame; 10 1 rooms; lot 20x146, with garage in rear. | 706 and 71(1 8. 24th St. Two new bricks, each "rooms and bath. j A property at Franklintown. 3-story] 'brick- 12 rooms: stable; ice house; i ' chicken house; hog pen: lot 60x250: (suitable for garage. Will exchange this property for city property. For further particulars address ! ERVIN JOHNSON, i Dell phene 1597.) 2111 Swatara St. | FOR SALE—NOW VACANT 531 Maclay Street; 3-story frame dwelling; S rooms and bath; gas: combination range; 1 lot 20x150 with double brick garage in rear on Violet st. Frice reasonable. i c O BACKENSTOSS, Owner, i B P,I 112 Market St. Bell i3U<IJ t BUILDING lots tor sale on 6th. sth.; 4th. 3d. Green. 2d and Front streets. . ' for sale separate or in plots as large as two acres. For particulars see D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street, Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE—I 933 North Third St. Aj very line detached 3-story pressed : brick house; 10 rooms, complete bath -1 room on second and third iloors; also toilet room on first lloor. Finished )n leak throughout. Rooms are exceptlori (a:ly large. House has large windows !cn every side. Steam heat; all other improvements. Large front porch. Thisj house cat. be used for an apartment l if desired. Attractive price for a quick salt Can be seen by appointment only. ! For particulars inquire, D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate. Insurance j FOR SALE —In Highspire, if you are! I looking for a business that will net! j you $5,000 to $5,000 a year at a bar- Igain, see me at once; property includ-| ing residence, store, ice cream parlor. ■ large pool room, only pool room in i ! town. Reason for selling, retiring j from business. Inquire W. J. Reeves,' 224 Market St.. Highspire. Dial 9801. REAL ESTATE EOR KENT FOR RENT—Cottage at Ferdix from September 1; furnished up-to-date; ,only reliable people need apply to Louis. 414 N. Third St. I ~ " REAL ESTATE —For Sale or Rent | 1 | FOR SALE OR RENT—Seven room | house witli all improvements, corner i Bowman and Chestnut avenues, Camp Kill, Pa. Possession given in Septem ! her. Inquire J. C. Eckels, real estate land insurance agent, Carlisle. Pa. ( 11-room stone house at foot of 15th ' St., New Cumberland, along the rail ! road and river, large parks on three , sides, best of water, all but 8 acres ! of good ground, fine home, could sell (building lots off half of it to have bal ance clear, vacant now. Would be an j | excellent location for a club home; five minutes' walk to trolley. Inquire !cf Chas. H. Miller. 1338 State Street, Harrisburg. Also a fine bungalow at Enola for rent or sale. On premises] every afternoon. l Rcul Estate For Sale or Exchange j For sale or exchange for a farm, four houses; rent $53 per month. Price su,2ou; also 29 lots lor farm or im- I proved suburban properties. Address ; M. Zoll. Second and Locust Sts., Steel ! ton. VACANT —3-story brick corner, on 1 Hill; elect, lights; front and side porches; side yard; cheap to quick buyer. , „... ; VACANT —3-story frame on Hill, porches; nice yard. i VACANT —2H -story brick on Hill; ' all improvements; electric lights; ! porches; large yard to drive alley, i VACANT —3-story brick on Broad I st.; "all imp. I VACANT —North Sixth St., 8 rooms; all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win dows, 7 years old. VACANT —New brick on Hill; 6 rooms; ail imp.; porch; newly papered. FINE large brick house on Derry street. Several large homes uptown and on Hill. Some of these homes can be bought with two or three hundred dollars down, balance as rent. Will f take light touring car in exchange on ! some of the above homes. .] C.H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 660-J REAL ESTATE WANTED LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTIES We have a large list of prospective ! buyers. ROHRER & SON. 211 BERGNER BLDG. Real Estate and General insurance 'Continued In Next Column) .- \ ■ | REAL ESTATE WANTED I I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Iteal Es | tate arid Insurance, 10u2 North Third Street. FARMS FARJIS For Sale—Near Penbrook, 12-acre truck and poultry farm; 8 room frame i house and outbuildings; best of soil, I Price $5,000. Also tour 4-aere lots; I running water; tine building sites; (good truck soil' price and terms right. For Sale —2 acres along trolley, op jposile Colonial Club; lots of fruit; tine building sites; will cut 18 lots. | Price right. i Also 3-acre truck and fruit farm 'east of Steelton; 6-room house; porch est; lots of fruit and outbuildings; 10 minutes walk to Oberiin car line. Price $3,800. 115-acre farm, one mile west West Fairvlew. 3 miles from Harrisburg; s jtoom farm house; bank barn and all i kinds of outbuildings. This farm will '■ increase in value. Price now slls per j acre. See this place. 18S-atre stock, grain and fruit farm, S 'miles northeast Harrisburg; large bank barn; 8-room jstone house. 135 acres under plow and 53 acres in wood and pasture. A money maker. Price $47 per acre. CHARLES DA VIES, REAL ESTATE, 1 1549 State St., cor. lfith. Bell 1476-W SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. I FOR SALE 20-acre fruit and truck farm; 8- ' house; barn 60x20; chicken and hog' house; cold storage cave; 800 bearing I I fruit trees; running water; located in! York county 3 miles west Dillsburg on 1 Gettysburg Pike; tine home; the fruit! | income 191S was $3,000. Price $6,000.1 ! $3,000 can remain at per cent. CHARLES DAVIES, j 1549 Stale St. Bell 1476W j j FOR SALE—IOO-acre farm, also i 'stock if desired. Possession November Si; 3 miles northeast of Harrisburg.' i Further information apply 1700 N. ! | Second st. ] ' FOR SALE —29 farms from 2 acres' Ito 155 acres; limestone, black slate,! yellow slate, loam. Prices $3,500 to $22,000. F. S. Mumma & Son. Me- I chanicsturg, Pa. 48-acre farm, level ground; good I buildings, $2,000; also others, large! and small. 107 Chestnut near Front i Street. j FARM —95 acres of level limestone j I land, tine producer. Brick house; bank! J barn. Well ot never failing water. Lo- I cated ten miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county. For further de ■ scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es ! tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris | burg. Pa. | FARM—3O acres, IS acres orchard, (about 2200 peach trees; 600 apple trees | in bearing condition: 12 acres suitable ' for trucking. This farm will pay for itself in two years. Owner in ill health. ! Price $6,000. 107 Chestnut street, near I Front. I FOR SALE —Farm of 30 acres; good (land and fruit; buildings joining New j port Fair grounds. A desirable place. !c Ychn. R. D. 1, Newport. FARMS WANTED WANTED I 10 to 30 acres good land in or ' close to Harrisburg. Price must be reasonable. Address particulars to Box A-SlB5 care Telegraph. _____ i | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE j We have the following motors we I 'are offering for sale. We guarantee j (these motors to be in lirst-class con- 1 iditiun and can make immediate de i livery. I One Ms H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 3SO R. P. M. One- U H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One Vi H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One Pi H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One u H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One U H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35. selling price $25; Brussels rug, 9x12, value SSO. sale price $39. FORNWALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. FOR SALE—A massive round reed baby carriage. Price very reasonable. Call 1616 Catherine St. FOR SALE—Coach Bloch natural reed, in A 1 condition. Apply 2312 Hof- , jfer St. j HOT air furnace, complete with j ' piping and registers for sale cheap. ( I Apply 1108 N. 3d St. I I FOR SALE-*-Furnishings of eight j ! room house, piano, feather bed, daven port, carpet, brass beds, going South, I must be sold Immediately. Call Dial j 623 6. FOR SALE—Bicycle, in good condi tion. price sls. Apply 128 Walnut St. ! between sp. m. and 7p. m. FOR SALE—Encyclopaedia Brlt annica. 25 volumes . Address D-757C care Telegraph. PAINTS for every purpose. Order new, $2 to $2.70 per gal. Forest City Paint Co., Agency, 315 South Front. Salesmen wanted. FOR SALE —Two second hand ve lour coats. Call Bell 4398 M. FOR SALE—Lathes, planer, gaso line engines, gasoline builder's hoUt, blacksmith drill, forge, blowers, elec tric motors. 1 to 15 H. P. F. R. Lav erty, 1567 Bell phone. FOR SALE— Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Highsplre Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highsplre, Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. BOOKS Bought and sold; 50.000 new. old. rare, in stock. Aurand s. 925 North Third. Circulars tree. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED OT 0 EX p Cl ttS B T S ON,, ■ ">gg®*& B ?gl'XT& r0 * ITE , 30TH PHONES * L W i W A N T Eg—iiisUELLAX EO US f™ V "^ N T ED r:T O buy second-hand roll top desk Address Box G-7554 cara lilegruph. WANTED—I 2or 16 gauge shot pump gun; state price and condition. Address Box L-7SSO care Telegraph. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street tncfi Ash avenue. , , MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and Ron' c ? sh y ricea P a "i- Call Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max. Smoltz, lU2O Market street. Will call., City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J " CLOTHING, SHOES, * 'FURNITUR LE i BOUGHT AN'D SOLD 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA.I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES II of , a life "me, well estab-. lislied oyster business with small soda fountain, syrups, equipment, chairs, tables, large show cases and counter" good reason lor selling; bargain. Adl dress Box P-Soi4 care Telegraph. """"——————————" FOR SALE—OId established modern barber shop with three chairs. Reason for selling on account of death of wife; no reasonable offer refused. Low rent. Address E. C. Hartzeli, Third and Chestnut sts., Sunbury. FOR SALE Fine established milk route for sala in nearbyy town. Complete modern equipment, buyer would not need ti> i buy anything else. Address B-81S3 -j care Telegraph. — 1 LIVE business for a live man, in nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Duranz. 1225 North Sixth St. I — BUSINESS PERSONALS ! STEAM feather renovating; all ticks ! emptied and new ticks furnished; B. : J. Campbell, lUUU Paxton St. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— i Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 350 | doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran ] teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. I Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan j street. Bell 4396-J. j PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Chilcoat Bros., j 333 Harris street. QUININE —Look out for that grippa feeling, likely to catch you this ; changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE | PHUSPHO-QUININE will stave it off lif taken in time. Gross Drug Store, j 119 Market street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping G. A. Bisnop, LUU Logiin street. ' DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. j CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. A. LANE 1 New and second-hand furnitura | bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut Street, A Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. MONEY TO LOAN BUY COAX, NOW With our money and insure your comfort next winter. Pay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able —only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of any kind. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY' in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu i als in need of ready cash, small loans j a specialty, business confidential, pay- I ments to suit borrower's convenience. I positively lowest rates in city. I PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. I MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed i and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 S. Market Square PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEEK ($325 Livingston, mahogany ....$l5O 325 Huntington, mahogany .... 210 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 225 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 250 350 Kimball, walnut 250 350 Stieff. mahogany 250 500 Player, 88-note 375 650 Player, 88-note 485 Any of the above bargains on easy terms of payment. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square. I VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru- I ments promptly and carefully repair i ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and ! carefully repaired by an expert only. I OY'LER'S, 14 South Fourth street. ! YOU have made the visit to music I houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. ! fepangler Music House. 2112 North | Sixth street. ROOF PAINTING THE LIFE PATH OF MANY PEOPLE IS LIKE YORK STREET IN NEW HAVEN IT BEGINS WITH A HOSPITAL IS POLLUTED WITH , DOCTORS AND ENDS AT THE LET '.ME 'BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME FAINT YOUR ROOF. HITE. THE AUCTIONEER. Bell 1875 J. STORAGE STORAGE Low rates. Highsplre Distillery Co., Ltd.. Highspire. Pa. Botii phones. __________ STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. U. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing ot all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 4J7- 445 South Second street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page \