Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    11 Iffjjgl 18ISfe
" When a Girl Marries"
By ANN 1.151.K
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
CCiipyright, 1919, King Feature Syn
dicate, Inc.)
'Hid you notice something funny
lJ>t night?" asked Jim, the day after
our visit to Fat Dalton's apartment.
"About you, our host or the world
in general?" I parried.
"About your hubby—and the way
he couldn't get up his nerve to let
on to Pat that the news of the
purchase of the Harrison estate and
its transfer to Virginia had reached
his ears." replied Jim.
"I never thought of it," I con
fessed. "I took it for granted that
you and Neal had talked it all over
with Pat."
"Can't answer for the kid, but
I've never let out a peep "
"Xo, and you're not letting out a
peep about a more important sub
ject. That's a way you have, Jim,"
1 replied in irritation and unhappi
ness that would not down.
"Meaning? Oh—yes, I know. I
ought to apologize for the way I
fussed about your slippers and
didn't show a mortal bit of sym
pathy for the sprained ankle. Well,
that goes without saying. But I'll
say it, dear. I was a brute. And
when the boy was so darn sweet
to Phoebe about that near-ptomaine
attack of hers, I saw. I'll never
hurt you like that again, dear.
Xever willingly," Jim added rue
fully, coming over to perch on the
arm of my chair and to ruffle up
the little curlsat the nape of my neek
"Oh, Jimmie—dear, don't make it
so hard for mo to lecture you," I
begged, nesting my head against his
shoulder. " 'Cause I have to, dear—
whether I like it or not."
' 'You may fire when ready, Grid
ley,' " quoted Jim. "Now what have
I done to make the wee wide
ashamed of me? Wasn't 1 nice to
Tommie? Or was I too nice? Go
to it. Don't spare my gray hairs."
The Man Who Loved
Good Desserts
"There goes Edith Bradford," said
Mrs. Knowlton as she and Mrs. Win
ton were sitting on the porch sewing
one afternoon. "She and Bob cer
tainly seem happy together."
"I am sure they are," answered
Mrs. Winton, "and that reminds me
of something funny that happened
before they were married. One day
Edith came to nie in the greatest ex
"What am I going to do!" she ex
claimed tragically. "Bob's mother has
just told me he could live on corn
starch pudding and blanc mange, and
1 simply cannot make either one."
She was so serious about it, it was
"Xever mind," I reassured her.
"There is Puddine."
"Puddine?" she questioned. "What
is it?"
"A most wonderful dessert—rich
and creamy and luscious.
"How do you make it?" said Edith.
"Why, you just add sugar and milk
either fresh or condensed, and boil it
for three minutes. Out. it comes, after
it's cool, a firm, creamy mold of lus
cious, rich dessert."
"Well, I'm certainly glad to know
it," sighed Edith. "Bob's mother is
such a wonderful cook!"
"I know you'll both like Puddine,"
1 said; "and it comes in uny number
of flavors—chocolate, rose vanilla,
almond, spice and several others. And
then you can make rich, creamy pie
a fid cake fillings with Puddine, and
you can even make ice cream with it.
"I suppose you'll finish, however."
said Edith, "by telling me it's expen
sive and so rich one can't eat much
of it. anyhow."
1 told her that a 15c box served 15
people, and was very wholesome.
Shortly after she was married I
was talking to her again, "Oh, Mrs.
Winton," she said, "how can I ever
thank you? Puddine is wonderful.
Bob raves about my desserts, and
Puddine has done it all."
Order some Puddine from your gro
cer to-day!— Adv.
The Original
Malted Milk
For Infants and Invalids
Avoid Imitations sod Substitutes
The largest and best in Harrisburg—the Standard, Accredit
ed Business College—the School that MUST and does pro
mote individually; that MUST keep strictly up-to-date in
every respect—the School selected by the people who can
not be led blindly; the thinking people, who demand facts,
truth, and proof— not camouflage. Any MISREPRESEN
TATION or violation of methods, etc., would cancel our
connection with the National Association of Accredited
Commercial Schools of the United States.
Term Opens—Day School, August 25 and Sept. 1
Uniform Rate of Tuition to All
School of CoLimerce
J. H. Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square
BELL 485 DIAL 4393
"Please, Jim," I begged. "You
know just as well as I do"—
r "Oh, you mean going to Pat's.
Nok look here, Anne, I'm in wrong
with Virginia anyway, but she can't
boss and henpeek nye, and run the
world so that I cut Pat off my vis
iting list just when 1 find how all
wool and yard wide he is!"
"{ don't moan going to Pat's.
Though I did think that a little ill
advised. I meaiwl mean the dice.
Your gambling. Oh, Jimmie, if you
' could see how it gets you, how it
distorts you! Your fine, strong,
sinewy hands look like talons when
you grip that little cup. And you
crouch over the table—like some
thing sinister. My Jim goes. It
almost kills rne. It frightens me.
It frightens me, Jim!"
I buried my face in Jim's shoul
der and held myself well in leash
to stifle the sobs that threatened to
come in spite of me. Jim stiffened
and drew away irritably.
"Cut out the sob-sister stuff!" he
said, gruffly. "I'm a man —■ not a
bo.v, Anne. I'm not going to perdi
tion because I shake dice with a
good friend now and then. And you
needn't paint me in quite such gar
ish colors. I don't relish such melo
dramatic bunk!"
"It isn't," I persisted, ill-advis
edly. "If you could see yourself
you'd know how the fever burns out
all the real you and makes you a
caricature of yourself."
Jim got down from the arm of
the chair and spoke drily;
"I won't quarrel with you, Anne.
But your lack of understanding of
this interest of mine strikes me as
about as unsympathetic as my fail
ure to howl with grief over that
ankle of yours. Don't forget the
fifty-fifty stuff that's been making
things go smoothly for the past
month or so."
"Oli, Jim, we have been happy,"
r said, clutching fearfully at that
happiness and Jim's coattails as lie
made to leave the room. "Let's not
j spoil it. Don't go without kissing
me. The ankle annoys me, too, be
cause it wouldn't let me run after
you if you tried to get away."
So we kissed and made up, and
Jim hurried off, leaving me to face
Ihe ugly realization that again as
always when I tried to pin him down
to a discussion of the sinister thing
which I felt threatened our happi
ness, Jim had eluded me. And,
again, a always when T yi-ilded to
my morbid fears of Jim's passion
far gambling I vi.iualizeo my own
unhappy youth. The dingy hail bed
rooms, the pink plush and gilt hotel
suites which alternated with them,
my red-eyed little mother and
"Lucky Lee," dimly remembered,
swaggering man, who had never
been a father to me in the sense
dear Father Andrew Hyland was.
In the midst of my unhappv
thoughts the phone rang and Carl
Booth's voice came over the wire
aforim with boyish eagerness:
"Berbnra Anne, yr.u haven't for
gotten that I'm counting on show
ing you how I broil a beefsteak to
night, have you?"
1 had forgotten. It flashed across
my mind that I had never told Jim
of this engagement which I had
made without consulting him. He
was on the edge of a dangerous
mood, to which he felt that I and I
alone had goaded him. I tempor
ized a moment.
"You didn't know I'd been suffer
ing from a sprained ankle, did you,
"Poor little girl!" cried Carl in
stantly. "Is it still very painful?
I'll tell you, we'll put it off till you're
all right. I wouldn't have you hurt
for the world. When will you be
able to come without a twinge of
I win?"
"To-r.ight a week," T replied, feel
ing heartily ashamed of myself as I
did so and wondering why it didn't
seem exactly right for Carl to be so
kind. "But, anyway, I needn't feel
guilty, for since Daisy is left I'm
not entirely breaking up your even
"Oh, I'll call it off with Daisy,
too," said Carl care'cssly. "I'll run
i'p this afternoon to see if there's
anything your old pal can do for
As I hung up the receiver I found
myself Uneasily wishing that he
wouldn't come, and then wondering
why I wished that. But at noon t
phoned Huldanej and asked Daisy
to run in after the day's work was
(To he eontinued.)
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus
I MRS. SMITH WANTS Oti TO'CALL { T1 OhMFZI [ A CUD vol 1 spf \
rw°s*rf HA,VE J- [L O> SSS?_ e Si' THE: J
By Virginia Terhune Van rle Water
(Copyright, 1919, Star Company.)
For a moment even Helen God
dard was dumb. She was shocked
that her indiscreet talk had brought
about the present alarming state of
Surely she might yet do some
thing to avert any trouble that she
had sturtcd.
She knew that Walter Jefferson
would hold his tongue Until he had
made the threatened investigations.
He said he had seen Smith at the
house of a cousin in Baltimore.
Helen supposed he would question
this cousin as to the names' of the
various guests to whom she had in
troduced Jefferson. But it was
hardly probable she would remem
ber which of her guests of several
years ago bore a name beginning
with a D.
In the meantime the fact remained
that Helen had made Mrs. Dufticld
more suspicious than ever of Smith,
The widow would probably voice her
suspicions to her brother. If she
did the blame would rest upon
Helen. Conscience-stricken, she de
termined to make another effort to
seal Mrs. IJuffield's lips.
Meeting her in the hall she laid
a detaining hand on the widow's
"Dear Mrs. Duffield," she mur
mured, "1 want to speak just a word
more to you about poor Smith.
Won't you, as a favor to me, wait
just a few days before saying any
thing to Mr. Leighton about what
I told you of Smiths assumed name?
It may be all a mistake, you know. '
So it will be safer to wait. Walter I
Jefferson has told nie in confidence ]
that he is going to look into the
whole matter. Xo harm can come
of keeping this secret a little long
er. You and I believe the fellow
is all right. Such being the case,
it would be cruel—wouldn't it?—to
awaken the suspicions of his em
ployer against him?"
"But suppose he is not honest?"
Mrs. Duffield objected.
"Even if he were not,' Helen
argued, "he would have no chance
to take anything front any of you
while performing his duties as
chauffeur. It is not likely that he
will lie here in the house again
soon, is it?"
Still Undecided
"Xo, it is not," Mrs. Duffield ad
2920—This dress is good for ging
ham, chambray, lawn, seersucker,
and other cotton fabrics. It may
also be developed in silk, satin,
gabardine, rajah and shantung
silks. Gingham with linen or pique,
or foulard and organdy could be
combined. Width of skirt at lower
edge is about 1 5-8 yard.
The Pattern is cut in 7 Sizes: 34,
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust
measure. Size 38 requires 5%
yards of 36-inch material.
A pattern of this illustration
mailed to any address on receipt of
10c in silver or lc and 2c stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
send pattern to the following
Size ....... Pattern No
Name t
Address ...I
City and State
mittcd. "I am quite certain he has
not been in the house more than a
couple of times since Samuel en
gaged him. And, as you say, it is
not probable that lie will take any
thing between now and the time
we lined out more about him. Yet
—1 must say it does look queer.'
"But, you will not speak to your
j brother about it?" Helen urged. "I
am sure Smith is all right."
"1 hope so, the widow returned.
"But, my dear, unless we learn the
| whereabouts of the pendant 1 really
i must speak to my brother about
what you have told inc. I cannot
promise not to.'
Helen turned away, her heart
sick within her. She had set in mo
tion a train of events whose con
sequence might mean the discharge
| and disgrace of a man whom she
had admired and about whom she
had built up a very pretty little
What should she do? If she told
Desiree what had happened, it
| would only make conditions worse.
I Desiree would be displeased at lind
| ing that her guests had discussed
! her private matters in her own
j house. it would be best not to
| complicate affairs by telling her
| what had occurred.
The direct way was the best way.
j Helen reminded herself too late.
! But one thing was left to do. She
must put Smith on his guard.
With characteristic impetuosity
she went back to the dining room.
The guests had gone, and Smith
and Annie were removing the doy
lies from the table. Helen spoke
j "Annie, you must be tired. I told
I Miss Heighten 1 would lend a hand
in here. Bun away and do some
thing else. 1 will help Smith take
off the doylies."
"They are oil off, I thank you,"
David said as Annie left the room.
"But it was kind of you to think of
helping us with them.'
"I. may as well he truthful,
David," Helen begun.
She stopped as she saw his face
change as she used his tirst name
for the second time this evening.
As She Prefers
"Would you prefer having me call
you 'Smith?" she asked bluntly.
"That must be as you prefer, Miss
Goddard," he replied. "My employ
ers call me 'Smith. "
"Yet they know your first name,
do they not?' Helen questioned.
"Certainly. I told Mr. Deighton
when he engaged me that my name
was 'David Smith.' "
Helen looked at him fixedly. She
believed she had a sudden inspira
"You may trust me, David," she
said, "so 1 am going to ask you a
very plain question. Is your name
really 'David Smith'?" -
If David was startled, his face did
not betray it. He was on his guard
"That is my name," he said
gravely, then added, with a little
smile, "the name 'given me by my
sponsors in baptism.' "
Helen drew a breath of relief.
She felt as if she saw light ahead.
"Oh, lam so glad. David! And 1
believe you absolutely. I want you I
to remember Uyit, please."
David looked puzzled. "Thank
you," he bowed. "But I do not un- .
derstand why you assure me of
"Because I want you to remem
ber it if any queer questions are
put to you. Don't tell anybody I
said a thing to you about this. But,
David, no matter what happens,
please believe that X believe you
know nothing about"— She
stopped, gathering courage to
speak the word that trembled on
her lips.
"About what?" he insisted.
"Oh," she blurted forth, "about
that pendant of Miss Leightons!"
To Be Confined
Makers Report on
Study of Industrial
Conditions Abroad
New York, Sept. 2. "Democrati
zation of industry," "workers' con
trol," "a voice in management" and
similar phrases were characterized as
"verbal coinages of stampedcrs after
economic will-o'-the-whisps" by
James W. Sullivan, representative of
organized labor on the commission
sent by the National Civic Federation
to England, France and Italy, to
study industrial conditions, in a re
port made public here to-night.
Mr. Sullivan in four articles on the
general topic, "The Labor Situation
Abroad Following the War" points
out, however, that behind the phrases
is screened a big idea—"a compound
of syndicalism, socialism and the new
fangled guildism."
After analyzing the "shop steward"
movement in Great Britain and call
ing it a war-time schism from regu
lar trade unionism and a thrust to
ward nationalizing industry, Mr. Sul
livan refers to its rise and rapid
growth, the "extravagant" claims
made for it in the United States and
its subsequent decline. He claimed
that It came into being because of
abnormal conditions combined with
inefficient functioning of British trade,
unions and that "it quickly died when
the exceptional conditions that gave
It birth had passe d
Life's Problems
Are Discussed
Hy .Mrs. Wilson Wood row
"I'll tell the world!"
It is a phrase which is on many
' lips nowadays—one of those ineun
! ingloss slang expressions which for
: no apparent reason achieve currency
j and are flung into colloquial conver
i sation solely for emphasis, or else
I lo bridge a lack of ideas.
I There are bits of slang which are
I both picturesque and pointed, and
i which 1111 a gap in the language. "1
i should worry!" was one of them.
No other phrase carries quite such
[a suggestion of careless indifference;
' it is it verbal shrug of the shoulders,
j "Going some" was another; and so
j were "Let George do it," "G-o-o-d
i Night!" and "Never again!"
j lint "I'll tell the world" is utterly
j banal, inconsequent and superfluous,
i Most of the things that people boast-
I fully announce they are "telling the
j world" aren't worth listening to.
I Their bombastic assertion is like
Ithe ballyhoo of a sideshow barker
I luring people into his tent and with
| nothing to show them after they
i get there but a fake "wild man" or
| a ilimsy papier-mache "mermaid."
j The men and woniien who are
really telling the world anything of
value are usualy too busy to bally
hoo. They speak to us in deeds
rather than in words.
Once in a way, though, one of
tliem is surprised or cajoled into di
vulging the reasons for his success—
not the customary copybook plati
tudes, but a hint as to the real
sources of power—and when this
happens, the world may well prick
up its ears.
I caught this passage in an inter
view I read not long ago.
"If you have a handicap, try to
act as if you hadn't. Try to forget
it yourself. And, above all, don't
let other people keep it in their
The man who said that has no
feet and a part of only one hand.
He lost these missing members as a
result of being almost frozen to
death in a Minnesota blizzard when
he was fourteen years old. A poor
boy, without family or reatives, al
most without education and lack
ing the specific knowledgs of train
in except in rough farm work, he
seemed a typical subject for char
ity, a helpless charge upon the State
all his days.
People shook their heads pity
ingly. "It would have been better
if he had died," they said.
Yet by establishing the formula
I have quoted, and living up to it,
that man is to-day nt fifty-three a
useful and influential member of
society. He is the president of a
bank and has held high public posi
tions. among them that of Commis
sioner to the Philippines.
He married the most sought
after girl in the town where he
lived and his wife and three chil
dren adore him. He drives his own
car, walks, dances, hunts big game,
travels about without any attend
ant: and in short, lives just like you
or T. He is henlthy, happy and suc
"I believe T have proved." he
says, "that being 'a cripple* is
more a state of mind that of body.
T know plenty of men whose bodies
are perfectly normal and who yet
cannot do the things even physically
that T can. There is only one really
insurmountable, handicap, so far as
I can determine, and that is the loss
of that inner power which we call
Daily Dot Puzzle
* 4l * *
<f . ' * * 9
4,7 5.21%^ 7 £
4 4a P
*sl ° 3 .2-
'll-* * \ * SI
r- • • 2.9*
I 7 27 \
• 26
2a 16
cx . • *7
58 51, '4- j.
* * '.24 • •'* *
I • 23 * *ls
•• ll* *
&5 • •
10 12 .• *"
59 2. * 9
43. .5
Draw from one to two and so on
to the end
the mind. Nothing else is uncon-1
How is that for something to 1
"tell the world?"
li's easy, of course, for him to!
believe it now; but it wasn't sol
easy for him to believe it that day |
in his boyhood when he came out j
from under the ether, maimed ami |
penniless, to face a hopeless future- j
Then he had only his faith that]
it was true; but by clinging un-i
waveringly to that faith he has i
nio.vcd mountains.
In every act and in every]
thought lie had persistently told i
the world that he was not inrapao-\
; itated, that he was not 'a cripple," ;
I and the world as it. always does,]
took him at his own valuation.
Few of us realize how much
[what we tell the world—not ill
; words alone, hut in deeds and gener- I
[al attitude—counts toward our sue-1
j eeSs or failure.
if we pity ourselves or allow!
others to pity us; if we are gloomy'
or pessimistic or despondent, the
[world with its arms full of golden
I opportunities quickly sheers away, j
[ The world doesn't want to hear I
any hard-luck stories or attend any
soul clinches. It doesn't want any]
[talcs of disease or tragedy of mis
fortune or oppression. To those who
try to catch its attention Willi these!
things it says impatiently, "Go tell
it to a policeman or your doctor."
What the world wants is inspir
ation, courage, joy. And to those
who can tell it what it wishes to
hear it will give its richest reward.
Diptheria Cases Follow
I Visit of Hanover Family
I rhamhcritlnirg, Pa., Sept. 2. Ad- |
miral Benjamin Chambers Bryaon, IT. '
S. X., of Charleston, S. C. t a prreat- j
grandson of Colonel Benjamin Cham- j
bora, founder of this city, has offered |
to present the officials the original j
fifrant for the land on which the town
is built. The valuable old document
will be turned over to the Kittoch
t.inny Historical Society for preserva
tion as soon as it arrives.
Paris—and the winter fashions
Know the right fashions and avoid costly mistakes. Good House
keeping for September contains more Fashions than it has ever
before published in one issue. Not the freaks of Fashion but the
new, wearable, clothes of distinction. One article tells WHERE
to find the latest styles and the FAIR price to pay. Another,
gives the dressmaking points in the newest clothes. A third tells
what is latest in corsets, shoes and gloves. 90 illustrations feature
this complete department.
Parents are criminals
—if they do not observe the injunctions laid down by Dr. Har
vey W. Wiley in his startling article "Making the New Ameri
can." It is the duty of the state to deny marriage certificates to
certain people. Who the.y are, and why, are features of this arti
cle. The sex problem and the various crises in a child's life are
discussed authoritatively and constructively.
Do you know?
Do you know that a 93-year-old woman is still in business? Do
you know the newest ideas for a home entertainment? Would
you like to have 3 pages in color just for the kiddies? These are
just a few of the features contained in the largest issue of any
woman's magazine ever published. Among the other authors in
the same issue are: William J. Locke, Elsie Janis, Fanny Heaslip
Lea, Dr. Frank Crane, Coningsby Dawson, Ida M. Evans, Louis
Untermeyer, Dorothy Dix. v
All in September
Harrisburg News Agency, Wholesaler
SEPTEMBER 2, 1919,
Out Goes the Fan
There's no need for it when you
have an iced cold pitcher of Tetley's.
A tinkling, refreshing glass of Tetley's
iced Tea makes you forget the heatl
Tetley's Teas are selected from the
world's finest tea gardens—skilfully
blended from 15 or more teas —then
carefully packed to protect the flavor.
Use Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea, clear
and amber-colored for making iced tea.