Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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National Committee Wants
Ten Mlliion Dollars
for Campaign
Desperate Efforts Are Being
Made to Raise Huge Sum
by Contributions
Washing-ton, Sept. 2. Following
on the recent embassy of National
Chairman Cummings and bis aides J
to many States of the West it will j
be recalled Mr. Cummings went to
the White House and poured into!
the reluctant ear of the President a j
dismal tale about the condition of |
mind of the voters to the effect that :
they were disaffected toward the j
party in power, that they were hold- !
ins the Administration responsible,
for the blunders of the war period,
for extravagance, for high cost of j
living, and so on. It was set forth j
that the public was not overwhelm
ingly enthusiastic about the fact the 1
President traveled in state to Paris :
and elsewhere in Europe and ab
sented himself from business at j
home for about seven months,
report of Mr. Cummings came the j
Closely following the pessimistic |
election in the llelm District in!
Kentucky and the overturn of this |
District by the victory of King j
Swope, the Republican candidate, j
This development along with others i
which need not be enumerated in- i
tensified the thickness of the gloom I
which had settled over Democratic j
headquarters and Administration j
Now in emphasis of the alarm al
ready sounded by Mr. Cummings
comes the announcement of William 1
1 Do You Want 1
| A Good Position? I
In Kaufman's Underselling Store has a
W number of good positions open for men [u
fy and women in the following capacity:
m Salesmen for men's clothing. |jj
Salesmen for Men's furnish- S
W ingSo - rQ
[s Salesladies for knit underwear, sj
S millinery, and shirt waists.
Is Trimmers and makers for mil- li
ji! linery. |ffl
iy Man tailor, experienced in [U
W men's and women's wear. [U
W Women alteration hands. |||
ju Experienced people are desired. Per- hjj
nj manent positions. New employes will Is
Is receive the benefit of our life insurance IW
W plan. Apply at once. tjjj]
I 7v£ W£ W jl-t # *■§ £y£% £f|
mm mfm mmm wmm wz/imt mmm mm
f*£f £*w a>. r ,%■„ t 4-. TjTT j7*l
i> '-f J, t f y£ A-% MW&ki fj
costs'us thousands of
r|f| each year to put ourselves in \„ v
: }| position to get our ideas of what W 'il T v
fM quality ought to be into the big rj. wwAW
M loaf,of HOLSUM .
The finest material* money can buy—
a model bakery maintained in spotlea*
gjp cleanlincis—clean delivery in special waxed |||||r** << f 1
l|| wrappers —all of this quality cost us a lot OReS
<M> of money, but only costs you the effort to -unit A nnh
4ffl, say. when you buy bread—'i want
HQLSU/4 '' It has a wonderful flavor. toyOUTlg-
I Schmidt's Bakery I
ji HOhSU*y^^\
ID. Jamieson, Director of Finance of
the Democratic National Committee,
, that he has begun for the Commit
! tee the task of raising between $5,-
(000,000 and $10,000,000 to elect a
Democratic President in 1920. Mr.
Jamieson will employ about 1,000
I persons and appeals for contribu
: tions will be sent out to millions of
( men and women.
; To indicate more clearly the ex
! tent of the alarm which is felt by
1 the Administration's political chief-
I tains and the remarkable nature of
I their effort by the unprecedented use
of funds to purchase an election it
should be added that the Democratic
Committee in addition to its other
liberal otlice room in Washington
has taken three entire floors of a
prominent office building on New
York Avenue within sight of the
Treasury and within hearing of the
White House. These offices are now
being fitted up and will be filled with
an army of employes.
Desperate efforts are being made
by the Democratic National Com
mittee to raise funds. Mr. Jamieson
states that there will be 12,000,000
women to be influenced in the next
campaign and he admits that the
cost has gone up.
It took $1,100,000 to elect Presi
dent Wilson and $2,500,000 to re
elect him. The present appeal of
the Democratic Director of Finance
would, therefore, indicate that the
longer the Democratic party re
mains in power the more expensive
it becomes for the party as well as
for the country at large.
Carnegie Inheritance
Tax About $7,000,000
. Xen York. Sept. 2.—About $7,000,000
of the $20,000,000 left by the late An
drew Carnegie will And its way to the
United States Treasury as inheritance
taxes, according to an estimate made
by tax experts here.
Some doubt regarding the income
tax bequests made to Premier Lloyd
George and other Britishers seems to
exist. It is pointed out that if the
principal from which the annuities
are paid is sent to England, there
will be, only the inheritance tax to pay
here, whereas, if the annuity is paid
from this side, the beneficiaries
abroad are subject to American in
come tax law.
270 American Legion Posts to
Send Delegates Here
Early Next Month
j Posts of the American Legion in all
j parts of the State are rapidly com
! pleting plans for the first State can
| tonment to be held here October 2, 3
(and 4. Two hundred and seventy
I posts are eligible for representation,
i The sessions of the convention will be
| held in the Penn-Harris Hotel.
Governor William C. Sproul will of
| ficially welcome the returned soldiers,
I sailors and marines on behalf of the
Commonwealth. The freedom of the
j city of Harrisburg will be extended
!by Mayor Daniel Kelster. Major Gen
j eral William G. Price, Jr., command
jer-in-chlef of the National Guard of
j Pennsylvania, a member of the na
i tional executive committee of the
; American Legion from Pennsylvania,
who was present at the Paris caucus
on March 17, 1919, when the American
Legion was formed, will be one of the
! During the next week each of the
| posts in the State will elect their
j delegates to the State convention.
I Each post is entitled to a delegate
! and an alternate, and an additional
| delegate and alternate for each one
I hundred members. Since its organi
| /.ation in the latter part of May the
; legion has grown with leaps and
I bounds, so that Pennsylvania stands
to-day the second in Importance in
j the States of the Union, being sur
i passed only by New York.
Tentative I'rogriini Announced
The tentative program for the con
\ention, as announced by Paul J. Mc-
Gahan, the State publicity officer, has
been arranged with the Idea of giv
ing the delegates the utmost free
dom of action. The morning of
Thursday, October 2, will be given
over tc registration and validation of
credentials. The first session of the
convention will be held in the after
noon. A chairman and a secretary
for the convention first will be chosen.
I Then the program for the convention
! will be adopted and the various com
| mittees named. An elaborate enter
| tainment is planned for the evening.
I On the morning of Friday, October
3, there will be a meeting of the
I State executive committee and of the
other committees of the convention.
! In the afternoon these committees will
I report and their reports will be acted
| upon. That night there will be an-
I other entertainment.
| Final reports will be submitted by
I the committees on Saturday morning,
| October 4. Then will follow the elec
i lion of delegates, alternates and dele-
I gates at large to the National con
vention to be held at Minneapolis on
' November 10, 11 and 12.
Stntc Delegates Apportioned
I It has been officially announced
that Pennsylvania will be entitled to
four delegates and alternates to the
I National convention under the con
stitution and to one delegate and one
| alternate for each one thousand mem
! berships paid up thirty days before
the National convention. In addition
to these delegates and alternates au
| thorized by the constitution of the
American Legion, a number of dele
! gates-at-large equal to twice the
United States Senate and House of
Representatives representation, is au
thorized. But this latter class will
not have any vote at the National
convention. This insures, however,
that Pennsylvania will have one of
the principal delegates to the great
Minneapolis assemblage, where the
American Legion will officially be
launched as the great body of veter
ans of the war now reaching its con
The direct result of the State con
vention will be the elimination of
the volunteer workers who have car
ried the organization of the Ameri
can Legion forward in this State.
Their work having been completed
to the point of making the convention
possible, the first action will be to
turn the convention over to the dele
gates representing the membership
at large.
VYur Risk Insurance Favored
Each past during the present week
will receive a copy of a resolution
adopted by the National executive
committee on the- question of War
Risk insurance. This is being sent
out by G. Aertsen, Jr., the State sec
tetary. Each post is requested to
lake prompt action on this most im
portant subject and to communicate
with the Congressman and Senators
from Pennsylvania relative to it.
The letter is as follows:
There has been introduced in Con
gress a bill known as the Sweet bill,
H. R. 8288, which amends the War
Risk insurance act. This hill pro
poses four changes of major import
ance in the present law. These arc:
(1) An increase in the period of
automatic inturance. (This amend
ment automatically insures any per
■on who entered the service prior to
November 11, 1918, for 120 days after
entrance in tne active service).
(2) An increase in the basis of
awards in compensation cases of $6,7,
when disability is total and tempor
ary, and to SIOO when the disability
is total and permanent.
13) An increase in the class of
beneficiaries of insurance to include
uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, broth
ers-in-law, sisters-in-law, and persons
in loco parentis.
(4) The payment of converted in
. urance, at the election of the insured,
either in one lump sum, or in 36 or
more instalments.
It is believed by the National execu
tive committee of the American Le
gion. that the proposed amendments
should pass and that In addition
thereto the law should he amended as
tl) To permits lump sum payments
lor term insurance as well as for eon
verted Insurance, and to place term
insurance exactly on the same basis,
as to payments, as converted insur
ance thus enabling a man who can
not now afford to convert his insur
ance to have the same advantage as
the man who is able to immediately
It is requested that each'local post
of the American Legion write its
Congressman and also its United
states Senator, urging the passage of
the Sweet bill and also urging that
the law be further amended so as to
place term insurance exactly on the
same basis, as to payments, as con
verted insurance.
Second Registration Day
an Important Duty
To-day is the second of the reg
istration days and If you didn't reg
ister last week this is the next to
the last opportunity. Every citizen
should be qualified to participate In
the primary and general elections.
Registration is an essential pre
liminary. Go to your polling place
during the hours fixed for day and
llutt MrNuil's Cnlti XaJLleta. Adv.
Arrest Dealer in High Grade Liquor and Woman Who Was
in Automobile Containing 150 Quarts of Whisky; Col
ored Man Gives Evidence to Officers in
Slaying Case
Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 2.—Work
ing on the theory that Robin J. Coop
er, prominent attorney, whose body
was found in a creek near his home
Saturday was murdered by an illicit
liquor dealer, police last night arrest
ed J. E. Feuston, and Casey Jordan,
a woman, who are being questioned
in regard to the murder.
Both are being held without bail,
and are charged with violating the
Reed amendment. Feuston is also
accused of carrying a pistol.
The arrests indicated that the police
had abandoned abruptly the theory
on which they said they had built up
a case yesterday—that blackmailers
had killed the young lawyer— and
had returned to their original belief
that bootleggers had lured Cooper
from his home and put him to leath.
According to the police, Feuston is
a dealer in liquor of a high grade, and
Is thought to have made dealings
with members of the exclusive clubs.
When arrested Feuston and the wo
man were in an automobile contain
ing, the police say, 150 quarts of
Evidence that another automobile
was involved in the tragedy was giv
en the police by a negro farmer.' He
said he was driving his team home
Thursday night about 10 o'lock, the
hour fixed as the time for the murder,
when he saw some one slowly back
an automobile off the road into the
place where Cooper's automobile was
found 33 hours later.
Then a man leaped out of the ma
Tells His Own Story
Stating Sunday
| 1 %( Even the German Empero - * |
>- bowed to the will of Ludendorff, the ne f ? |
1 IJ $ m Bismarck. When the General cracked his wbijf
I VyyyjL, (/ /\ the entire court performed: politicians schemed |
1 */ivwi^CC/S!///m as never before; spies deepened their intrigues. |
| I M\ Naturally, there can be but ONE authentic |
| p German war story, the |
I Frank Confession of Ludendorff 1
From his own mind (the only mind side" story of the spiderlike German |
that KNOWS) and a mass of records propaganda, of the Mexican intrigue—
smuggled into Sweden, Ludendorff and reveals who finally ordered unre
| HIMSELF has compiled a story that stricted U-boat warfare. §
1 will run serially for ten weeks in the Without these articles your knowledge of the
i Public Ledger. war will be but half complete. If you do not receive
1 Ludendorff'confesses the ghastly er- Lcd " r reg "' ar ' y ' ,end thh 1
1 ror of Verdun, the terrific effectiveness I
= of Haig's campaign on the Somme, the =
= 11 *1 r • * t"% . Inclosed find $2.00 for ten weeks' daily and Sunday =
= appalling loss 01 men in the Rumanian subscription to the Public Ledger—including all Luden- =
1 "victory" and his failure to realize Amer- insti " lments ' a " supplemenl * c °'° r ■"•|
s= ica's strength. Name =
Moreover, he gives the amazing " jp- { Address j
chine, the negro said, walked to an
other automobile parked nearby,
turned on the lights and sped away.
The first automobile was left with
lights burning, the negro said.
U. S. Army Flyer Wins
International Aero Derby
Vow York, Sept. 2.—Lieutenant B.
A . May nurd of the United States army
air service, won nie International
Aero Derby between Mineola, N. Y.
ami Toronto, covering the l.OftO-mile
round trip course in 45>,i minutes ac
cording to an official announcement
made here by the Contest Committee
of the American Flying Club.
Lieut. H. 11. George, whose living
time was 52094 minutes, finished sec
ond. Leiut. D. Gish was third, with a
flying time of $524 1 j minutes.
The contest committee said that the
winners in the reiiabilitv test would
be announced next Thursday.
The three aviators finishing first in
the Acre Derby were armv pilots, who
made the (light in Do liaviland ma
chines. equipped with 400-horsepower
Liberty motors. The planes were en
tered in order to test the reliability
of the American-made armv machines
There were llfty-two airmen enter
ed in the aero race. Of these, twenty
eight finished the round trip and three
made second starts.. Although several
of the planes were wrecked either in
landing or getting off, only one pilot
suffered an injury in the international
Tokio, Sept. 2. German subma
rines allotted to Japan have safely
arrived at Yokohama where they are
'open to public inspection.
Many States Represented at
Roosevelt Memorial Meeting
j New Y'ork. Sept. 2.—A conference
under the auspices of the Roosevelt
Memorial Association will be held in
the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria to-morrow,
at which delegates from Connecticut.
New York State. New Jersey, Pennsyl- j
vanlu, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia. l
West Virginia and the District of Co
lumbia. will perfect plans for the cam- •
paing to be conducted in the week of
October 20-27.
The Roosevelt Memorial Association
will raise $5,000,000 by popular sub
(scription throughout the United States
I to erect u monument to the late Then-,
Idore Roosevelt at Washington, and to
establish a park In his honor at Oyster!
i Bay.
Germans Pay France
For Berlin Murder
I'nriM, Sept. —Germany has pal.l
■France an indemnity of l,000 ( u00{
.francs for the murder of Serjeant
' i Paul Mannheim, who was killed in the!
streets 1 Berlin by a German In July.,
; The French government will make a,
Finds Unexpected
Sometimes Happens
"I suffered for 10 years with stom- '
ach trouble and doctored away a!
lot of money before I found a modi- |
I cine that was a real benefit to me. |
i Since taking one dose of Mayr's i
j Wonderful Remedy 14 weeks ago. I
! have had more real joy of living j
| than 1 had in 10 years before." It
i is a simple, harmless preparation j
j that removes the catarrhal mucus
| from the intestinal tract and allays
! the inflammation which causes prac-
I tlcally all stomach, liver and intesti
, nal ailments, including appendicitis, j
j One dose will convince or money re- '
funded. H. O. Kennedy, Clark's 2 i
I drug stores and druggists every-1
SEPTEMBER 2, 1919.
gift of this amount to the Interna
ticna! I ted Cross.
France originally claimed the pay
ment by Germany of 100.000 francs
for the fami'y of Sergeant Mannheim
and nn indemnity of 1,000,000 francs.
Germany readily agreed to pay the
former sum, but at first declared she
would not meet the demand for the
a stylish, good^feeling^ walking
lj/ inch military heel. Made up in
to Mail Vt Order"
j Expectant
IIA Speedy Recovery mTj'iyJ'
At All OruatlAta '
j | Special ilwltlfl on Mothirltood tad Baby, Tree