Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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[Continued from First Page.]
actresses were assembled and out
lined distinctly the flats on whic]
the choruses were grouped. The
bands played, the starting signal
wns given and the play began, the
people walking from stage to stage
along the river front to view the pa
geant. Then came the boat parade,
a thing of beauty and long to be
rememberod, with the thousands of
little lanterns turning the scene in
to a fairy landscape, and after that
the fireworks.
The Pageant
The admiral and his staff swung
down along the river between the
-long row of decorated flats and the
steps. Every inche of space was
taken both on the boats and the
shore from the boathouses to the
Walnut street bridge and the bridge
itself was tilled with people from
the shore to the island. Not only
■were the steps themselves filled, out
thousands of persons lined the top
of the bank and every open space in
the shrubbery between the park line
and the top of the steps was occu
pied by interested groups, while less
patient throngs kept the walk at
the top of the steps tilled like an
Atlantic City boardwalk scene at
Easter. The wisdom of the Board
of Public Works in giving the city
this wonderful amphitheater was
apparent to everybody on the river
last night. Said an Army officer in
the admiral's launch: "I have been
all over the world, from the Phil
ippines to Venice, and I never seen
anything more beautiful than this,"
while a little later when the boat
parade was in progress, Thomas
Kelker, one of the men largely re
sponsible for the success of the
Kipona idea in Harrisburg, ex
pressed the same views. "I have
witnessed boat carnivals in Venice
and elsewhere in Europe," he said,
"but this excels any of them."
The flats upon which the band,
the choruses and the pageant sceneo
were presented were lined up from
a point near the Walnut street
bridge to the boathouses, about
three hundred feet of water inter
vening and forming a lagoon with a
bridge of flats at South street be
tween the shore and the main line
of boats over which the 1.200 or
more persons who participated In
the spectacle found their way to
their places. This lagoon was con
stantly filled throughout the even
ing by hundreds of canoes, motor
boats and rowboats gaily decorated
and presenting a very beautiful ap
The exercises of the evening be
gan with the appearance in the sky
of an aviator from the Middletown
'Station with whom Colonel Kem
per and Major Mahin on the Ad
miral's launch exchanged fire sig
nals. The aviator sent out his flares,
signaling that the coast was clear,
and the Admiral replied that he In
tended to review the fleet. The Ad
miral and his staff were clad in blue
serge coats with ornamental arm
bands, white trousers, white shoes
and yachting caps. They swung
down the line between the shore
and the decorated boats just ua
dusk was beginning to full and tl.e
flood lights from the shore were
thrown upon the pageant scenes and
the flats occupied by those who par
ticipated. the bands which rendered
music during the evening and the
choruses which sang. Most of these
rchoruses were made up of young
men and women in costumes signifi
cant of some period in the city's
[history. There were Indians in holi
day attire through the kindness of
several of the tribes of Redmen of
the city who turned out for the pur
pose, soldiers, sailors, girl scouts
and two whole flatloads of colored
jubilee singers who rendered most
admirably a program made up of
the compositions of the noted mu
sicians of their race. Admiral Bow
man sent a detail of his staff es
pecially to hear this chorus sing and
the detail returned with the report
that in its judgment the colored
singers could not be excelled by
any community chorus ever organ
ized in Harrisburg. The War Camp
Community Service was verly largely
responsible for this magnificent
showing. All of the singers were m
costume and had the position at the
head of the line.
The program on the flats began
shortly after Admiral Bowman came
to his flagship at the upper end of
the line and Colonel Kemper had
| AND SON f|
I Fairbanks
1 Scales j
| 'ill
A 400 &'. SECOND ST.
Here are some of the participants in tha Kipona aquatic events yesterday afternoon. On the left is Everett of York, the tirst of the divers to drop in the river from
the top of the Walnut street bridge. Next is William Emanuel, just as he crossed the line and won the 100-yard swim with an open umbrella. In the canoe are Mr. and Mrs. liav
Suydam, winners of the, quarter-mile mixed canoe race. On the right is Leroy J. Spuhr enjoying the sights paddling down the river in a tub. Leroy says it's the best kind of a boat.
signaled for a flare of army rocket 3
at the upper end of the island.
The Pageant
At this given signal' the Indian
warriors and maidens passed the
! reviewing stand in their canoes and
boarded flat 1 where a scene
was enncod by provincial officers
arresting a French trader and a spy
who were taken from Harrisburg to
Philadelphia in the early days of
the war. Under the direction of Di.
I Hugh Hamilton this scene was'iui
mirably worked out. the title
Pe'xtan being derived from the
1 name that this community had un
til John Harr's settled here on the
banks of the Susquehanna. In those
days it was the scene of many bor
der raids and it was from an inci
dent of these times that the first
picture of the pageant was worked
The second scene was laid at Old-
Paxton Church, the settlers and Indians
being shown In one of the fights that
occurred in the valley near Paxtang
nnd Swatara, while2sene three showed
the old Harris Trading house with the
well from which the settlers drew their
water supply when Indians were lurking
about and it was dangerous to venture
far from home.
Scene four which immediately fol
lowed was a representation of the in
terior of the Harris home and was an
actual picture of an occurrence there
when a young colored girl sent by Mrs.
Harris into a storeroom placed a lighted
candle in a barrel of gunpowder under
the Impression that it was flaxseed. A
dramatic effect of this scene was pre
sented by a young woman taking the
part of Mrs. John Harris who blew out
the candle and saved the family's life.
No explanation was needed of the
next scene, presenting the historic oc
casion when hostile Indians attempting
to burn John Harris at the stake were
driven off by a colored man and a
party of friendly Indians from the Cum
berland shore. The part of Hercules,
the colored man. was taken in a
most realistic manner. This was one
of the most impressive of till the
pageant pictures.
Another attempt to kill John Harris
was enacted on the adjoining float by
persons representing British officers who
visited him on the pretext that they
had come to discuss plans to prevent
Indian raids. The last and also one
of the most picturesque of all the
scenes was a reproduction of Wash
ington's visit to Harrisburg on his way
to quell the Whisky Insurrection of
1794. Washington was presented as
stepping out of the famous old White
House tavern to receive the greetings of
the assembled people.
The training of the hundreds of peo
ple who took part in the pageant and of
many who assisted in the choruses was
in charge of Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley.
assisted by Messrs. Neate and Zorger,
of the War Camp Community Service
and all of them were most heartily con
gratulated for the success of their ef
The Boat Pa ratio
The boat parade started immediately
upon the conclusion-of the pageant fea
tures and was announced by a burst
of fireworks from the Island followed
by music from the Moose band in
white uniform occupying a large steam
driven flat handsomely decorated. The
parade itself was beyond comparison
and the river presented a fairylike ap
pearance with the dark hills and islands
sharnly outlined by a crescent moon
that hung over the river in the west.
The water sparkled under |he brilliant
floodlights and reflected back the
twinkling light of nearly a thousand
boats lighted by Japanese lanterns,
electric, lights and --edflro. The pro
cession swung down the river from a
point near Roily street and up into the
lagoon formed by the flats , <nd the
shore and there assembled, the entire
spice being taken up by the beauti
fully lighted boats that for* an hour
during the remainder of the fireworks
dlsplnv moved about from place to
place like a myriad of great fireflies
hovering over the water. The spectacle
was beyond question the most impres
sive ever presented to a Harrisburg
I.itfle Delay
War canoe races, swimming con
tests,- obstacle races, tiltirrg and
man-fishing contests and high diving
amused the thousands lined on the
banks and in river in small
boats in the afternoon.
The program got started with lit
tle delay and for almost three hours
the aquatic events continued. Now
and then the officials on the course
were kept busy rounding up the par
ticipants in the various races and
this caused some slight delays, V.
Grant Forrer, clerk of the course,
The hundred-yard swim for boys
under 16 years of age started the
program. By that time every bit of
space on the "front steps" from
Market street to the pumping sta
tion ar.xl above was taken, and hun
dreds of persons went out on the
Market and Walnut street bridges.
Scores of canoes gnd rowboats went
up and down the river or anchored
along the shores while the contests
were being held.
Winners of Events
Three of the events could not be
presented because there were not
enough contestants. These were the
quarter-mile canoe race for women,
Best Thing
i Breakfast p
| AnyMea/
At Grocers
The Camera Catches a Small Portion ct Kipona and the Spectators
It's no trouble to find the crowds in these pictures.- Above, on the le ft, is the Tech team after it won the war canoe race, and, on the right,
some of the canoes dotting the river, with thousands lined along the bank and on the bridge as a background. Below, on the left, is Miss Dorothy
Gillett, who finished second in the 100-yard swim for girls; in the center is Benjamin ShindleT, winner of the 100-yard swim for boys under 16, and,
on- the right, Miss Constance Gillett, winner of the swim for girls.
third on the program; the one-mile
swim, fifteenth event, and half-mile
I poling contest for flat-bottom boats,
seventeenth event.
Daylight fireworks were sent up
during the afternoon, twelve ani
mal bombs , exploding high in the
inners in the varibhs events
100-Yard Swim-—Benjamin- Shlnd
ler, 119 Conoy street, first: Arch
Hitting, 1413 Penn, second, and Wil
liam McGuire, third. Time 1 min
ute 5 2-5 seconds.
100-Yard Swim (open)— Frank!
Amsden, first; William Emanuel,v
second; Howard Butler, third.
Time, 57 seconds.
C. of Is Winner
A few minutes after these races
the war canoes manned by teams of I
: the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club and j
('.amber of Commerce came down
stream in their race. The Chamber
of Commerce finished first, with
many businessmen of that organiza
tion cheering them when they
finished. The Kiwanis team was
: second and the Rotary team was;
] third. v
j 100-Yard Swim (with open um-
I brellas)—William Emanuel, first;
C. D. Jamison, second; Charles Sny-
I der, third. Ehvood Mell and Rup
j ley were disqualified by the judges.
| Time, 1.15.
One of the best races of the aft-
I crnoon followed, the quarter-mile
j mixed canoe race. The winn-ers
I were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Suydam.
i 1230 Derry street, first; Dewey Mor
| rett and Miss Helen Stetler, Steelton,
1 second; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc-
Allister, 1912 Zarker, third. Time
But One Reft
In the quarter-mile tub race, only
| one entrant finished the entire dis
tance without sinking his tub. Ho
S was Leroy J. Spahr. Another con
| testant had finished all but about
| seventy-five yards and was over
; near the shore, when someone in a
j boat pushed over the tub. The
judges decided that Spahr was tho
, only one to complete the race.
i Ernest Lehmer and Russell Ellis
; finished, but were not in- tubs. Fif
j.teen contestants started. The time
\ was 4 minutes 25 seconds.
100-Yard Swim (girls)— Constance
Gillett, first, and Dorothy Gillett,
second. They are sisters, residing at
32 South Harrisburg street, Steel
ton; Gene Springer, 1923 Penn,
third. Time, 1.24 1-5.
Half-Mile Canoe Race (male) —
W. D. Shaffer and E. W. Forney,
first; Marion (Jit) Gardner and
Thomas E. Meek, second; Weston W.
Ashenfelter and Ross Beck, third-
Time, 5.35.
Aquaplaning Popular
, Aquaplaning by Miss Jane P.
! Krause, of Willinmsport, and Morris
Esworthy thrilled the crowds for
' the next ten minutes. Miss Krause
doing some spectacular stunts trail
ing behind the motorboat, while
Esworthy stood on his head on the
: board just to show how easy it was.
Emanuel Wins Quarter
Quarter-Mile Swim (men) —Wil-
liam Emanuel, first; William Peifer,
second; Norman R. Frey, Lancaster,
War canoe race between Tech and
1 Academy was won by the Tech team,
i The Maroon boys had the strokes
j down fine and came down the course
at a good speed. Just before this*!
event was started, a string of poles
had been placed .across the river j
for the canoe obstacle race and the
war canoe teams narrowly missed j
Quarter-Mile Obstacle Canoe 1
Race—"Jit" Gardner and Thomas
E. Meek, first; Paul Fickes and
James Berrier, second; Ernest Leh
mer and Chester B. Stauffer, third.
The man-fishing contests were
presented by R. 11. Lyon, 225 South |
Thirteenth street, who won when i
Howard Everliart surrendered; j
George P. Tillotaon and Dr. J. 11. i
Lawrence also did some fishing.
Tilting contests furnished plenty
of excitement for almost half an \
hour. Above the Walnut street I
bridge John Ewing, with a long I
bamboo pole, bowled four opponents j
out of their canoes. Rclow the
bridge "Jit" Gardner was starring. (
He gave Carl Beck, Tech High ath
lete, a tierce scrap and finally, after i
all but overturning Beck twice, the '
judges awarded the contest to Gard- i
ner because Beck saved himself
from a drop into the water by hold
ing "Jit's" pole.
Ewing and Gardner met next to j
determine the champion. Backing i
and pushing around in their canoes, i
the two poked and jabbed at each |
other, while the crowds yelled and ,
cheered. Gardner at last lauded a
hard shot against Ewing and over- j
turned him and the canoe in which j
he \*us standing. The last event of j
the afternoon was the war car.oe j
race between the various boatliouse ,
teams, Dintaman'S coming in first.
The High Diving
Everett Amsbaugh, of York, start-,
ed the high diving thrills yesterday
afternoon. It looked like -a dis
appointment to the big crowd dl j
spectators until he got busy. Divers I
climbed to the top of the Walnut;
street bridge and waited. They I
climbed down from one span and up
another and waited. Then someone
at the bathhouse remarked that,
"it looked like a dangerous job, as,
the depth was not sufficient to make
the chance for diving safe." Ever-1
c-tt Amsbaugh was around. I
"I did not want to see the bigj
crowd disappointed," he said, "so I j
iust borrowed a bathing suit and j
climbed to ttie top of the bridge." j
He made the dive and it was a!
dandy exhibition. The young diver j
was not the least bit hurt. Ho,
came up smiling. The two soldiers j
followed. It was about 110 feet and j
a daring exhibition, but Private!
Russell Myers of the Base Hospital, |
No. 31, Carlisle, and Private Victor:
Webb, 149 th Machine Gun
now with recruiting service, made j
the jump. The three divers receiv-1
ed prolonged cheers.
One young woman added to the!
thrills in the high diving exhibition.!
It was Miss Constance Gillett who!
was also prominent in the swim-1
rriing contests. Miss Gillett made as j
| pretty a leap as has ever been seen i
in this vicinity. It was a during feat j
'for any young woman, expert divers I
who have been here refusing to
make the jump from the lop of tlie|
span. Miss Gillett turned partly ovei
In her route to the water, hat show
ed good headwork In landing and
was soon at the top. Boats were
on hand to help her when sho. eame)
to the surface.
The Kipona cup was awarded to
the Hick-a-Thrift Navy Hospital for
general excellency Jn the •Uluini
nated boat parade. The "hospital"
was shown by lashing two canoes
together under a canopy. Those in
the "hospital" were Miss Ktta Irwtn,
Miss Carrie Sollers, Miss Kuth
Arment, Edward Miller. William
Dwyer, Donald Anderson and Rus
sell Ellis.
Four other prizes were awarded
as follows: Camera, awarded to
boat designed as a giraffe, entered
by Curtis Dunlap; thermos bottle,
awarded to boat designed as a sea
serpent entered by C. S. Rowland;
safety razor, awarded to boat de
signed as a Japanese garden, enter
ed by Frank Withcrow, and safety
razor, awarded to boat designed as
a pergola, entered by H. Staley.
I'lan For Next Year
Admiral Howman stated that the
Greater Harrisburg Navy would
have a special conference of all
committees and others interested in
the development of the Susque
hanna basin within a few days to
consider the Kipona of 1920. The
spectacle of yesterday was staged
in a comparatively short time and
the burden of arranging the details
rested upon a few people. It is the
thought of those "who are interested
in the annual carnival on the river
that a definite plan shall bo out
lined for next year and committees
appointed to look after the various
details. The general response of the
people and the widespread com
mendation encourages those who
are most interested to provide for
an even greater Kipona in 1920.
In order to accommodate the in
creasingly large crowds which gath
er on the water front for the big
river events it is suggested that the
"Front Steps" could bo made to
serve a greater purpose by placing
additional tiers of seats on the river
embankment between the pumping
house and the Market street bridge.
This could seat some thousands of
people and provide comfortable seats
for all without interfering with the
shrubbery or the terrace embank
Cqlonel Kemper and other Army
officers who were the guests of Ad
miral Bowman and his staff last
night were enthusiastic in their
praise of the wonderful spectacle
which thrilled the thousands who
had gathered to witness the illumi
nation and the river boat parade.
Historic Settings
Mr. nnd Mrs. Eey, of the War
Gamp Community Service, came in
for generous approval for their part
in the chorus and Scenic features of
the night program. With the his
toric setting of last night, as a be
ginning the future Kiponas will de
velop some nVost artistic details.
John Harris, was in' danger of being
burned several times during the
evening, but his rescue was accom
plished with great eclat by "Skinny"
Berry who arrived on the scene at
the critical moment and away
the Indians who were about" to •.cre
mate the city's founder.
The arrangement of flood lights
along the upper terrace which illu
minated the floats on the outside of
the course was admirably conceived
and solved the problem which gave
the committee much uneasiness dur
ing the preliminaries of arranging
for the river carnival.
Both the Walnut and Market
street bridges were crowded with
people during the afternoon and
evening and the terrace above and
below, even to the water's edge, was
packed with interested spectators.
Where so many contributed to the
enjoyment of the city it is difficult to
mention any without disparagement
of others equally deserving public
recognition. V. Grant Forrer, Ray
Stewart. Ira Kindler, William Lutz,
A. R. Michener, Charles Ensmlngcr,
William Wolf, A. J. Simms, Anton
Benson and the owners of the
several boathouses all co-operated
in making the Kipona a great suc
cess. Scores of committees, of
course, carried out with tireless
energy the details left to them and
the several persons who enacted
the various roles in the historic
scenes did much to give color and
effect to an interesting feature of
the big demonstration.
Aerial Exhibition
Dr. Hugh Hamilton was respon
sible fqr tho various historic scenic
suggestions and these were develop- i
ed under the artistic touch of an ex
perienced scenic painter of New
York City.
"I am going to order a fine canoe
right away," said a prominent citi
zen as he stood on Admiral Bow
man's flagship and watched the
hundreds of illustrated canoes as
they passed the judges. And his
remark was multiplied many times
over during the day and evening.
Hundreds of new canoes, motor
boats, sailing craft and rowboats
will be seen on the river next sum
The committee's arrangement of
a temporary bridge from the steps
to the distant lino of floats at South
street was a capital arrangement
which not only avoided delay in
transporting the hundreds of chorus
singers and others who had part in
the historical pageant, but prevent
ed possible accident in the hurly
burly of getting so many people
from the shore to the temporary
stage along the western boundary
of the course.
Only commendation was heard of
the splendid display of fireworks. It
wns a fine feature of the evening
program and with the music gave
a suggestion of fairyland. Colonel |
Kemper, Major Mahin and others i
of the Fluted States Recruiting •
Corps in the city discharged the !
signal lights at the opening of
evening ceremonies which gave the
skilful Lieutenant Nelson in his air
plane overhead direction as to his
part in the big show. The aviator
gave a splendid exhibition of fancy
flying anil produced all sorts of
thrills among the thousands who j
watched him.
Commissioner of Safety llassler
and the pumping station force won |
general praise for illumination of |
that part of the River Front com
prising the plaza and the water sta
tion. I
fCLTyr c'lpH Sure Relief
Fireworks Enjoyed
by People Far Away
Not only did Harrisburg mass an
unprecedented crowd along the river
front last nigkt to see the historical
tableaux and fireworks of the great
est water festival ever held on the
Sußguehannu,* but there were thou
sands of people who gathered a'ong
the banks of the river and on the
hills that line its shores to see the
Reservoir Park knolls were crowd
ed with people watching display
of the -fireworks and 011 the lulls
back of Steelton the rockets and
bombs were plainly seen, while Ihe
set pieces could be made out with
a glass. The glare and flash from
the river could be seen all .along
the river front, and people larh way
could see the Army signal lights.
On the West Shore people weir
out on the river front from West
Fairvlew 011 down. The Army rock
ets could be seen as far away as
Rockville and people' on the Penn
sylvania railroad trains saw them
as (hey went over the stone bridg,..
The firing of the Army rockets
was conducted by flashlight signals
Delicious Jersey Flakes
Delight the Children
BOTH children and grown-ups like the flavor of Jersey Corn
Flakes and thecrispness that is retained when milk is added.
And mother finds it no trouble to prepare them between meals
for the_ children. You can taste tne natural flavor of the com,
which is developed by our toasting process. This process also
makes them brown and crisper. This distinctive "Jersey Flavor"
and their crispness is what makes them the favorite dish for
every member of the family.
s The Jersey Cereal Food Company, Cereal, Pa.
Learn the Jertey Difference—Ask Your Grocer for
Corn Flakes
The Original Thick Corn Flakes
Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Accounting,
English, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Spelling, Etc.
Strictly Individual Promotion
Register Now, Day and Night
Sessions Open Sept. 1, 2 & 3
Bell 125; Dial 4016
Two Separate Night Schools—One cn Mon., Wed.,
Fri. The other Tues., Thurs.—7.oo to 9.30
121 Market St. (Opp. Senate.) Catalog Free.
"Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School"
All Remaining Summer Garments
at a Fraction of Their Real Worth
we must sell them, for we must have the room and we
are going to offer you all remaining Dresses, Skirts, Sweat
ers, Petticoats, at a price that will insure quick clearance
and big bargains to you.
25 Fine white Garbardine Skirts; all "% A p
$5.00 and $6.00. Your choice V X
20 Slip-on Sweaters; regular $5.00, $6.00 andtfJO
. $7.00. Your choice
12 White and Flesh Wash Silk Petticoats, doubli front
and backs; regular $4.00 value. EC (ft
Your choice
All remaining Summer Dresses in gingham
and voile; values up to $12.50. Your choice,tPO
About 10 Fine Georgette Dresses in white and flesh; ;
values up to $35. Your 1 C f\f\
choice 1 D.UU '■
100 Voile and Organdie Waists; values Q A t
to $2.50 and $3.50. Your choice v I j
]in a most interesting manner. Col.
IJ. 13. Kemper had an Army flus'i
| light with him on the Adr irni's
| barge, and on the island whei e iho
I fire works were stationed was an
] automobile with lights hooded which
answered the Colonel's orders by
(similar Clashes.
With False Teeth?
Dr. Wernet's
V Powder
Keeps them firm. Prevents sore ftunt.
White. Flavored. Antiseptic.
If you" dental plate is loose ot
drops, to get instant relief use
Dr. Wernet's Powde- regularly.
You can eat2a u ßh, talk with ease.
Guaranteed TJytf ernet Dental Mfg. Co.,
116 Beekman St., I v "3c, & SI.OO.
At Drug and Depamnen Stores. Refuse
imitations. This it the original powder.