Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 Newsy Jottings of Theater and Screen MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville—J. Rosamond Johnson & Co., a colored sextet, of fering a wonderful act. Four other Keith acts, everyone■ a headliner: also another episode of "The Perils of Thunder Mountain." Coming Thursday—(Fat) Thompson, in vaudeville's funniest laugh cre ation, "The Camoulleurs." VICTORIA To-day and To-morrow Only—Show ings of "Oh. Boy," the musical com edy success now in motion pictures featuring Creighton Hale. June Elvidge and an all-star east. COLONIAL To-day and To-morrow Only—Show ings of Bayard Veiller's mighty success, "The Thirteenth Chair." Thursday. Friday and Saturday—Eu gene O'Brien, formerly leading man for Norma Talmadge in "The Per fect Lover," a Ralph Ince produc tion. REGENT To-day and To-morrow—lrene Castle in the Parainount-Artcraft Special, Winterdale Dances 13 -\ortli Murkot Sqimre Wright's Orchestra of i oluvtihtiM, Ohio Mon., Thur. mitl Sot. KVON., , Sept. 1. 4, It Admission, ainl 73c. li/H ££**. v Playing To-day and To-morrow Only J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON & CO. Direct from one of Keith's largest New York houses, in one of the greatest musical offerings of the season. 4-OTHER HEADLINER KEITH ACTS-4 Coming Thursday \ lliuln illc's Biggest Laugh Sensation JAMES (FATJ THOMPSON & CO. "THE CAMOUPLEURS" wiLK&srarc THRILLS ROMANCE MYSTERY "THE I3TH1111" Adapted from the famous stage success of the same name written by Bayard Veiller, author of "WITHIN TIE LI" He says that "The Thirteenth Chair" is even better than Vithin the Law"—Yesterday's crowds endorsed the picture VICTORIA THEATER Shows To-day and To-morrow Only CREIGHTON H ALE AND JUNE ELVIDGE in the season's greatest musical comedy hit, reproduced in motion pictures The girlie-girlie show that has won success after success! Enormous crowds saw the initial showing of this picture in Harrisburg yesterday—and liked it. Will you be fortunate ; enough to see it? NO ADVANCE IN ADMISSION PRICES Special music by Professors Mcßride and Mcintosh REGENT THEATER To-day and To-morrow Paramount-Artcraft Week IRENE CASTLE in the Paramount-Artcraft Special "THE FIRING LINE" BY ROBERT W. CHAMBERS The famous novel of America's most popular writer brought to life by the charm of America's "loveliest woman." The fashions, the gaieties, the luxuries of Palm Beach and New York society, and Irene Castle dancing, swimming, fac ing the firing line of love. Come! THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CATHERINE CALVERT in the Paramount-Artcraft Special "THE CAREER OF KATHERINE BUSH" BY ELINOR GLYNN Can a woman live her own life, regardless, and win? This amazing romance proves that one woman did. It's ab sorbing, startling! See it! TUESDAY EVENING, "The Firing Cine.' 1 I Thursday, Friday and Saturday j Catherine Calvert in "The Career I of Kathcrine Hush," and the Para- I mount Comedy, "Oh, Judge J low I Could You?" I .1. Rosamond Johnson & Co., the j colored entertainers who came to Hart-isburg yesterday : \t (lie Majestic direct from playing one of Keith's larg- I ?st vaudeville houses in New York, j captivated Harrisburg's vaudeville j devotees yesterday. , This company is composed of six (talented musicians who can sing, play . Instruments and make fun in gen eral. Other acts on the bill are equal- I !y as good,.however. Another episode lof "The Pm ils of Thunder Mountain" ! is also shown. I Thursda"- Fat Thompson & Co. will ! present the funniest laugh sensation jin vaudeville entitled "The Cantou i Hours." "The Thirteenth Chair," hailed as one of t.he greatest mystery stories ever written is now "The Thirteenth being shown in film t'liair" at the Colonial Theater, the home of clean shows at popular prices. This I play was written by Bayard Veiller. j I author of "Within the Law." As a play "The Thirteenth Chair" enjoyed , success after success, throughout the j I I'nited States, and was hailed as last , (season's greatest stage success. j i Thursday. Friday and Saturday Eu- j gene O'Brien. who lias heretofore j played the role of leading man in all, Norma Talmadge productions, will be I I shown in l>_ tirst production, "A Per ; feet Lover,' a Ralph Ince produc -1 ; tion. i Hundreds of people thronged the i Victoria Theater yesterday to see the -film musical At the Vlctiyln comedy success, "Oh, Boy," featuring June ( Elvidge anij Creighton Hale, support ied by an all-star east. "Oh, Boy" is la girlie-girlie show, in fact, the mu rsteal comedy hit of last season. The , film is an exact replica of the play, comedians, girls and all. Everyone (that saw the'picture yesterday de i cleared it was even better than the j play. "Oh. Roy" as a play has shown in | practically every noteworthy city in ! the United States. It usually plays ito a J2 admission. The picture sljows I at the regular prices of 10 and 20 ; cents plus war tax. Irene Castle's great Paramount j Artcraft Special picture, "The Firing I Line," scored a trl , Irene (estle umph at the Regent !at (lie Regent Theater yesterday. where it delighted the I largest audiences of the season. This j stirring photoplay will be shown to j day and to-morrow in the big Para mount-Artcraft week celebration at the Regent, i "The Firing Line" is based upon I Robert W. Chambers' successful novel iof the same name, and none of its j beauty lias been lost in this eiabor | ate picturization. The scenic beau • ties of the settings, especially those I ill Florida, delight the eye. while the ! women in any audience cannot ask a greater fashion show than Irene I Castle, "the best-dressed woman in i America " gives in thin picture. i HOW \ Ml I.l.Kit WROTE LATEST STAGE SUCCESS j The late William Harris. Sr.. one of the shrewdest men in American I theatricals, was sadly in need of a I play a few years ago. And lie want j ed it front Bayard Veiller. This young author had written "Within the | Law." and then on several other at- I tempts had llivvered. Theatrical men ; figured Veiller had sliot his holt in I "Within the X.aw" but not so lit'. I Harris. He sent for Veiller. "Bayard," Harris said to the author. |"I want a play—a big play. 1 know you can write it. Here's a check for $1,00(1. Get out of New York. Go anywhere and don't come back until 1 you have the play I'm after." Veiller went and didn't return for ; months. Eventually he came, and in | a short time "The Thirteenth Chair" appeared on the stage. It was Veil ler's supreme triumph. It ran for more than a year in New York, and i now it has been produced as a mo j tion picture. The production was made by the Acme Pictures Corpora i tion, and will be distributed by Pathe. Leonce I'erret, noted French direc tor, made the adaptation. Creighton Hale, Yvonne Delva and others have j the principal parts. Never before in the history of the ' American sTage has one actor or j actress ever taken the part of seven ! people in a play until Naalmova. the famous ltussian screen artist, scored this triumph in her latest production, j "The Red Lantern." i What is more each of the roles are very different. She assumes the role I of a prince, a pauper, a gypsy and so forth, '"lis is one of the reasons j "The Red I.Ti'ntern" has scored such a tremendous Hit in Philadelphia where lit is now playing. This picture will ! in all probability lie shown in Har | risburg as is hailed as one of the I season's triumphs. Plumb Idea Dropped in Draft of New Law Washington, Sept. 2.—Within four weeks Congress will probably have before it the House Interstate anil Foreign Commerce Committee's hill to establish a new national railroad regulation policy, Chairman Eucil announced. Hearings are expected to he closed within ten days or two weeks. It is probable, according to Mr. Esch, that the bill will be a com posite of the best features of vari ous plans proposed to the commit tee. Government ownership and operation has been definitely cast aside, and few if any of the radical proposals in the Plumb plan on na tionalization will be included. Of particular concern to the com mittee is the problem of restoring the credit of the roads and financ ing them during the transition back to private ownership. In this con nection the sharpest fight in the committee will probably revolve about the question as to whether or not the government shall under take to guarantee a fixed rate of re turn. It is deemed probable, how ever, that the guarantee idea will be rejected. In the final analysis :t may be supplanted with the sugges tion of the railroad executives that Congress write into the organic law that the Interstate Commerce Com mission shall grant rates that are adequate as well as reasonable. It is thought likely that the Esch-Pom crene bill, the principal feature of which is an extension of the admin istrative functions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, will be used as the framework of the legislation. N. Y. Labor Body Asks Strike Truce to Reduce Cost New York, Sept. 2. Suspension of all strikes throughout the United ; States and the declaration of a labor ' truce on the basis of the status quo i for six months or eiore to enable President Wilson to bring about a reduction in the cost of living is recommended in a report of a com mittee of the New York State Feder ation of Labor made public here. The recommendations urge Amer ican organized labor to cease wage and hour controversies in order to increase production and restore ! normal conditions. They express the \ hope that no new strikes will be I ordered except to relieve workers i and intolerable oppression." Only 65,913 U. S. Troops Were in Europe Aug. 26 Washington. Sept. 2. Ninety- I seven per cent, of the overseas forces and 79 per cent, of those in the United States on the day of the armistice have been demobi lized, the weekly War Department reports showed. Only 65,913 men remained in Eu j rope on August 26, while in the United States there were 324,000 I and in Siberia 8,500. Voluntary enlistments to date | were announced as 107,694, of ! whom 3,657 enrolled for Siberian | service. Bandit Raisuli Begins New Moroccan Revolt Paris, Sept. 2.—Raisuli, the Mo roccan bandft, who recently began a new revolt in the Spanish zone in Morocco, is raising contingents among the various tribesmen. He is paying his followers five francs daily and enrolling hundreds of men, according to advices received from Rabat. In the reftion of Haza, rtaisull troops on August 2 7 attacked the DJebcl-Jabis blockhouse, but were repulsed with losses BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Mount Union Winner in Championship Contests Mt. llnlon, Sept. 2.—Before a rec- I ord holiday crowd Harbeson Walker, jof Mount Union, captured the sixth game of the county championship [series of nine games, making the j standing now 4 to 2 In Mount Union's favor. The score was 5 to 2. The feature was the heavy hitting of the Mount Union teams, which secured 10 safe ties off of Horton, Huntingdon's star twirler, while Stair held the visitors to 2 safeties. The score: MOUNT UNION K. H. Q. A. E. ■ Fox, 3b 1 1 1 4 2 'Smith, 2b 2 2 2 0 0 I Hatt, I f 0 0 0 0 1 ] Frankliouser, s.s 1 1 1 5 2 I Blake, c 1 214 2 0 ICox, lb 0 1 8 0 0 Howard, r.f 0 2 0 0 0 ; Frankhouser, c.f 0 1 0 0 0 . Stair, p 0 0 1 2 0 ! Total 5 10 27 13 5 HUNTINGDON H. H. O. A. K. I Fink, s.s 0 1 0 2 1 ! Speck, l.f 0 0 1 0 0 j Warsing, 2b 0 0 4 0 0 Harr, c 1 0 10 2 0 '.Miller, c.f 1 o 0 1 0 j Omo, lb 0 0 5 0 0 j Draulsbaugh, 3b 0 1 3 2 1 I Goddard, r.f 0 1 0 0 0 | Horton, p 0 0 1 1 0 j Total 2 3 24 8 2 [ Three-base hits, Frankhouse; 2-base I hits. Fox, Blake, Howard, Dauls jbaugh; sacrifice hits, Blake, Omo; j struck out by Stair, 13; by Horton, |9; hirst base on errors, Mt. Union, 2; ! Huntingdon, 3; double plays, Drauls- I baugh to Omo; first base on balls, off i Stair, 2; off Horton, 2. Umpires, Bell ! and Shilling. Time, 2 hours. World's Series Plans to Be Announced Later Chicago, Sept. 2.—Tentative plans for the world series will not be made for possibly ten days or two weeks, when the pennant races are definite ly settled, August Herrmann, chair man the National Baseball Com missipn announced to-night. The meeting of the commission I scheduled to be held here to-morrow was generaly understood to be in connection with the world series, but Chairman Herrmann said the -question 01' drafting players from the minor leagues was the only busi ness to be considered. "We will not take any action in regard to the series until the pro spective winners have won the championship," Herrmann said. "Ji would be entirely out of order lo make any plans at present." The action of the minor leagues in abrogating the draft rule agree ment is causing the minor leaguers some concern. Chairman Herrmann said. The minors broke off relations with the American and National leagues several months ago, deciding that if the major league club own ers wanted the star players develop ed in the minor leagues, they wouid have to purchase their release out right instead of drafting them. St. Mary's Candidates to Start Work Tonight With bright prospects for the j coming season the St. Mary's C. C. I football candidates will report for their lirst practice to-night. Candi dates are requested to meet at New baum's poolroom. More men will be out for positions on the team than ever before in the history of St. Mary's. Coach Boyles will have enough materia] to form two elevens. , I Captain Miller will remain with ! the Blue and White. It had tieen j reported that he was going to Lan [ raster, but this *s denied. Krasovic, j last year's left halfback has also re j turned. | The following men are requested j by the manager of the team to re j port to-night at 7 o'clock at New j baurn's poolroom. Front and Mohn j streets, where they will meet before | going to the field: Miller, Solway, I Gofus, A. McColic. Barlets, Sostar, j Zorance, Jowsen, Kaemar, Cairnes, | Konecsny, Conklin, M. McColic, Farina. Marsico, Brodnick. Mihalj, Sundown, Mariney, Krasovic, Rogers and Cawley. Liverpool Is Winner in Eleven-Inning Contest Liverpool, Pa., Sept. 2. ln the I closest and fastest game of the , season the local team yesterday de feated Shnmokin Dam in an eleven inning battle. The game was a j pitchers' battle from start to finish, featured by sensational fielding by players on both teams. Hallm, Liverpool's star twirler pitched sen- I National ball, holding his opponents safe at all times, and fanning nine teen batsmen. The local team will journey to Harrisburg Friday to meet the Harrisburg Electricians at Seventeenth and Chestnut streets grounds, at Harrisburg. The score by innings: Liverpool, 0000100000 I—2 Shnmokin Dam, 0000010000 o—l0 —1 Policy of Burleson Toward Letter Carriers of Nation Attacked Philadelphia, Sept. 2. An at tack of the policy and attitude of Postmaster General Burleson by Ed ward J. Gainor, president of the National Association of Letter Car riers, in his opening address yester day and a spectacular parade by thousands of local and visiting letter carriers in the afternoon marked the opening of what promises to be a lively convention lusting till Sat urday. Last night, in the Academy of Music, the carriers were tendered a big reception. United State Senator Penrose was one of the speakers. His subject was "Post Office Legislation." Ho said the Post Office Department was having much trouble in hiring carriers and keeping them on the small salaries they receive. Legis lation has been prepared, he said to increase their pay. Other addresses were made by Postmaster Thornton, of this city; John C. Koons, First Assistant Postmaster General; Auditor General Charles A. Snyder, of Pennsylvania and Robert S. Bright, of this city. FISHING WAS GOOD Two Harrisburg fishermen report excellent angling in Canada this year. The Rev. George E. Hawes, who spent all of August at the Sol.d Comfort Camp. Ontario, with Mrs. Hawes, caught the largest pike pulled in there since the opening of the camp in 1870. James A Stranahan, 112 Pine street, managed to pull one hundred lish over the j side during his stay at the same camp. Hummelstown Takes Two Games From Highspirc Hummelstown Fire Company's ! teum yesterday won two. games from Highspire A. C., scores, 3 to - and 16 to 3. In the first battle Al corn pitched a wonderful game, al lowing but four hits. Back of hiin was a perfect fielding team. In the afternoon Hummelstowi completely outclassed their oppo nents, hitting tho ball to all corners of the field. In the eighth the Hum melstown mascot, Tinney, hit over third base. The scores follow: Morning Game HUMM ELSTOWN AB. K. H. O. A. L. Etter. 'if 2 1 2 0 0 0 McCurdy, lb.. 3 0 1 7 1 0 Eberly, 3b .. . 2 0 1 0 0 0 Brown, cf .. . . 3 0 2 2 0 0 Hippenstecl, c . 2 0 2 10 0 0 Keller, 2b 3 0 0 1 3 0 Stewart, ss .. . 2 0 113 0 Bordner, riT .. . 1 1 0 0 0 0 Alcorn, p 2 1 1 0 0 0 Totals 20 31021 7 0 HIGHSriBE A. C. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Hahn, cf 3 0 0 0 0 o Whittle, lb ... 3 0 1 7 0 0 Gluntz, ss 3 1 1 3 1 0 Kleinfelter, 3b. 3 0 0 0 2 0 Leedy. If 3 0 1 1 0 0 F. Etter, 2b... 3 0 0 3 0 1 Snoddy, rf .. .. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Wilson, c 2 0 0 4 2 0 Duncan, p.... 2 0 0 2 3 1 Totals 24 1 321 8 2 Hummelstown 0 0 0 1 2 0 o—3 Highspjire A. C 0 0 0 0 0 1 o—l Afternoon Game HUM M E I,STOW X AB. R. H. O. A. E. Etter, If 4 3 3 0 1 0 McCurdy. lb, p. 4 2 1 8 1 0 Eberly, 3b 4 3 2 4 2 0 Brown, cf .. . . 4 1 2 0 1 0 Hippensteel, c . 4 1 2 6 0 0 Keller, 2b ... . 5" 1 3 r. 1 0 Stewart, ss ... 2 I 1 2 2 0 Bordner, rf .. . 4 3 2 0 0 0 Haesler, p... . 4 1 1 0 2 0 Oorty. 3b 2 0 1 2 1 0 Tinney, rf .. . . 1 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 38 16 19 27 11 0 HIGHSPIRE A. C. AB. R. 11. O. A. E. Hahn. cf 5 0 2 2 0 1 Whittle, 1b... 4 0 011 0 0 Gluntz, ss .. . . 4 1 2 2 3 0 Kleinf'ter, 3b, p. 4 1 1 1 3 1 Leedy, If 4 o l o o o F. Etter, 2b .. . 4 0 1 2 2 2 Snoddy, rf .. .. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Wilson, c 4 0 0 2 1 1 Geyer, p 4 1 1 2 5 1 Totals 37 3 8 23 1 4 3 Hummelstown .00246040 x—l 6 Highspire A. C. 00010200 0— 3 Pete Herman Loses to Joe Lynch in Ten Rounds Watcrhury, Conn., Sept. 2. Pete Herman, champion bantamweight fighter of the world, was defeated in every round of his ten-round light with Joe Lynch at the Driving Park yesterday. Lynch forced the fight ing all the way and at times had the champion in constant danger. Lynch forced the lighting from start to finish, while the champion fought on the defensive most of the time, showing only occasional flashes of the form expected of him. In the third round Herman landed two hard rights to Lynch's body, but the New Yorker came back strong and captured honors In all of the ensu * sir Tank filled to the brim with punchy, powerful Atlantic Gasoline! Shut the door and let's go! Nose her out into the traffic-stream, pull I<Oll around to the left of that lagging car ahead. Soon the suburbs and the iy*Gg|i clear track. Let's go! Atlantic Gasoline has "go" galore. It itches for the get-away like a sprinter poised for the dash. And when you open the throttle . . . . 1 Eyes front, and blow for the cross-roads. Pull up where you see the red pump with "Atlantic Gasoline" on the globe. Tell the man-with-the-crank to try his arm. Grip the wheel and say to the old bus, "Let's go!" THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh ATLANTI C Gas o line Puts Pep in "Your Motor Jing rounds. Herman was never In danger, however, as Lynch's blows seemed to lack power. The bout also was marred by frequent hold ing on the part of Herman. In the opening round Lynch rush ed from his corner and landed light ning lefts and rights to the body' without a return. Herman went in to a clinch and before the round closed had evened honors with short I left jabs to the head. Lynch con- j tinued his rushing tactics in the scc How Trembling Hands Warn You When Blood Lacks Iron "This Test May Tell You In Time" Says Physician, So You Can Be a Strong, Red Blooded American, Brim-Full of Tingling Health and Energy Kays N'lixntod Iron brings the joy of now strength, force and power to tired, overworked or dis couraged people, often in two weeks' time. "Every man and every woman can tell a great deal about their phy sical condition just by tho simple test of holding out the hand and seeing if it trembles," says Dr. Ferd inand King, noted New York physician. "If it does, this probably means you are driving your body too hard—a natural American fault when every one is striv ing for success. Life's grind is getting to be too much for you. Nature warns —as she always does to those who are vise enough to listen — your blood lacks iron. Just as an electric fan runs down as soon as you turn off the current, so the human body be- comes tired, ex hausted, run down when your blood has not enough iron to turn the food you eat into energy and strength. W hen patients come to me with trembling hands people whose spirits are stronger than Mother —how your j linnd shades! Why don't yon take Auxated Iron like , Susie Smith's moth er did f She felt het- j ter right nwny! tlioir bodies —I just write out a pre scription for them which I have given hundreds of times with wonder ful success —pure organic iron—Nux ated Iron —two live-grain tablets three times a day. The reason for this is very simple. Iron in the blood forms the strength giving red blood cells. These are the tinv things in the blood which change the food you .eat into energy, strength and muscle. When your blood lacks iron, the body gets too little nour ishment from food, and your blood begins to starve. When organic iron Nuxated Iron starts to do its work, the blood shows remarkable power to return the body to its nat ural, strong, healthy condition. The Hush returns to the pallid cheek strength to the trembling hand happiness to the saddened heart. Often in two weeks' time these peo ple who came to me with trembling hand, now return with tirm, forceful step and bright, cheerful eyes—fresh as a schoolboy when school's let out. Again thoy_ realize that life is worth living. It is all because the blood is now getting its normal supply of iron —because they have given Nature her chance to make them well." Dr. James Francis Sullivan, former ly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, says, "In the life of every man and woman SEPTEMBER 2, 1 ond, peppering rights and lefts to the body and head and also showing to good advantage in in-fighting. Herman showed at his in the third, although Lynch came strong at the close of the session. From : the fourth round on Herman as sumed the defensive, but none of Lynch's blows seemed to have any j effect. Lynch weighed 119 pounds, j while Herman was close to the 125- pound mark. h , a " d -i° there nre times when the supply of iron in the blood becomes low due to present stand ards of living. At this serious time, before the dreaded nervous break- down, the assimilation of pure organic iron—Nuxated Iron —is the safe anil sure way of building up the supply of iron in the lilood that is so important." You ran usually tell whether your blood lacks iron by asking yourself these questions: Io my hands tremble? —Do I tire easily from walking or working?— Does my head ache?—Do 1 ever get dizzy?—Do 1 ever have a nervous twitch of eye or hand?—ls my sleep restless?—Am I irritable, grouchy?—Do 1 shun com pany? If you notice even one of these symptoms, your blood probably is starving for iron. Paderewski, when his untiring and patriotic work for his native Poland over-taxed his strength and impair ed his health, had recourse to Nux ated Iron to help rebuild his wasted forces and restore his old-time health and strength. He says, "I am using Nuxated Iron very frequently and consider it as an excellent tonic." Dr. Schuyler C. .Tuques, Visiting Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York City, said: "I have never before given out any medical infor mation or advice for publication, but I strongly recommend that nervous, rundown men and women should by all means get a physician's prescrip tion for pure organic iron—Novated Iron. But if you do not wish to go to this trouble you can be certain of getting the pure organic iron—Nux ated Iron —because the label on every FIRST DIVISION IINITS AlllilVK FROM OVERSEAS Vork, Sept. 2.—Severnl units of the tlrst (regular array) division weru among the 2.186 troops which arrived here yesterday from Brest on th< transport Von Steuber. First division units included a headquarters detach ment. Seventh field artillery. First ma chine Run battalion. First ammunition train train, ambulance companies Nos. IS. 3, and 12. and field hospital No. 12. Major General F. A. Helmick return ed or. the transport. package of , I'ron N " X has the matter, printed on it dud? very plainly ' Nuxated Iron. ' ° ,,r bands tremble.; This should Don't you feel gnodfj be carefully tiny he you need i distinguished Aiixated Iron! ( from prepa- . I rations entirely different—as metal lic iron—which some people have mistakenly bought through ignorance or because it costs a little less. Me tallic iron is a form of iron not near ly so desirable because it. has to pass through the entire digestive system for chemical transformation before being absorbed by the blood. Nuxated Iron does not go through the entire digestive system but is immediately assimilated by the blood. Nuxated Iron last year alone increased the strength, energy and vitality of more than three million people." MANUFACTURER'S NOTE. Nuxated ' Iron which is used and recommended by Dr. Sullivan, Dr. Jaques and other ■ prominent physicians with such sur prising results, is not a secret rem edy but one which is well known to druggists and doctors everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron prod ucts. it is easily assimilated—does not injure the teeth—make them black or upset the stomach. The manufactur ers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every pur chaser or they will refund your money, it is dispensed in this city by Croll Keller, G. A. Gorgas, J. Nelson yClark and all other druggists.