Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 29, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 MUCH MYSTERY OVER LEADER OF THE BOLSHEVIKS Americans Unable to Find Al leged Hero Named Spirodonoff Motlvcjia Gora, Russian Lapland, Aug. 29. —Legends are springing up among the peasants in the territory about the Murmansk railway front, where American railway troops as sisted the Russo-AUied forces against the Bolsheviki, about the personality of a Bolshevik chieftain know'n as Spirodonoff. Like the notorious "Maxo," a daring Bolshevik whose fame has become widespread in the Ukraine, Spirodonoff has never been seen by any of the allied forces, though captured documents and overhead telephone conversations between Bolshevik commanders. convince the allies that Spirodonoff exists. One of the stories about him is that, as Bolshevik commander of operations on the Murmansk front, he has been twice wounded, but now insists on being carried to the front in a chair, from which he directs front line operations. Prom peasants it is learned that he com bines great personal daring with absolute ruthlessness in dealing with those who oppose him. HIS HEARING IMPROVED AND PAINS RELIEVED BY MAN-HEIL John Regan praises New In vention that helped to restore; His Hearing. "X will further say for your In haler that I spent $l5O doctor bills for my right ear as it ached terri ble for about five years. Sometimes I could not hear anything in it for 3 weeks at a time, now I can hear pretty good and Earache is all gone. What a blessing! I have loaned ray Inhaler about half the time since I had it to convince other people. I expect you will get at least two orders from this place that will mean more." Respectfully. (Signed) John Regan, 108 Main St., Reading Mass, The Man-lleil Demonstrator will J be glad to explain the merit of this | wonderful new discovery and inven tion and how you are guaranteed relief or no pay. The Man-Hell Automatic Inhaler is now being demonstrated at George A. Gorgas' J Drug Store. 16 North Third St. TODAY AND SATURDAY ARE THE LAST DAYS OF NATIONAL Sgk Hfiaf 9 Hmark VsSazECESaUy Die ORIGINAL PAT INT EO PIPCLtSS rUS N ACS WEEK Avail yourslf of this opportun ity to see and learn all about the CaloriC the furnace that's GUARANTEED as to RE SULTS. That is the purpose of National CaloriC Week. We want everybody to learn all about the CaloriC. Understand thor oughly how it heats all of your home through only one register without the use of cumbersome, wasteful pipes. There are more than 200 CaloriCs in and about Harrisburg' giving absolutely satisfactory service. Come in and let us tell you who in your neigh borhood has a CaloriC. It is im oortant that you investigate now because we already have orders booked to keep our installation force busy for two months. So you will have to act quickly if you are to have your CaloriC installed before cold weather sets in. Feel free to come only to see and hear about the CaloriC you will not be urged to buy The CaloriC Furnace Co. Sales and Service 17 S. 3rd St. Both Phones FRIDAY EVENING, SEPARATE PACT URGED B YKNOX [Continued front Klrst Page.] We ought not to accept cession of German territory. We ought to de clare a general policy to regurd with concern any threut of disturbance of general world peace, but at the same time we should reserve complete liberty of action either independently or in conjunction with other powers in taking such steps as we determine wise for preserving the peace. Carry Out Spirit of 191U "We ought then to carry out the spirit of the act of 1916, which au thorized the President to convene the nations of the world together to es tablish a code of international law, reduce armaments, to establish an international tribunal and go as far as possible in the direction of secur ing peace through justice, through a league to which all the world are parties in its formation. OlTci-s Dignified Exit "This would be a fitting, generous and dignified exit from a situation in which primarily we have no di rect concern. "It is indeed a hard and cruel peace that this Treaty stipulates and I have no objections to its being so, but see no reason why we, who do not partake in its spoils, should be come parties to its harshness and cruelty. Its Flaws "I sec no reason why we should be parties to lni|>osing nixin Germany a Treaty whoso terms, our negotiators say, she Will he not üble to meet; a Treaty that robs our arfcicilt friend, China, in a way disap proved by our negotiators; a Treaty that lays tile foundation for centuries of blood-letting into which we should not be drawn, a Treaty that contrary to our own judgment fails to fix tlie amount of indemnity to be paid, leaving that vast ques tion to the whim of a majority of a commission on reparations, a Treaty predicated upon the assertion that a stricken anil helpless world requires our counsel ami support, but leaves to the beneficiaries the decision as to the measure nnd charac ter of tlie benefactions they are to receive; a Treaty that with ominous words presages our in volvement in tlie eruptions of suppressed volcanic world con ditions; a Treaty that would re quire us to underwrite all the regional understandings between nations reeogni/.cd by the league, most of which are based upon oppression of weaker nations, many of which are as yet sex-ret and undisclosed, and when disclosed might drive us • to nets of injustice similar to ' tliut in wliicii tlie President felt himself eoiupclletl to uequlesce in tlio ease of Shantung." i A state of peace he said, actually ' would be established in the world I as soon as three of the great powers | had ratilied the Treaty and that the j United States should make her own I peace status complete by a concur j rent resolution of Congress. Tra-d in Vain for Data I Declaring the foreign relatidns committee had tried in vain to get important data relating to the treaty, he said the people at last | wore waking to the true issue as i the (acts about the Versailles nego tiations leaked out. "Little by little," he continued, "they are bringing a divulgence of the facts connected with the treaty and they may now hope finally to see the whole of the great gaunt j tragedy into which those whom they had charged with protecting them j were about to betray them. "What is it about these things i that the people cannot know? What ]is there to hide from them? Must I we take this thing, as the German i people must take it, unsight and I unseen? Are we to be no more ad i vantuged than our fnllen enemies?" | V. S. AcciKtiplislicti Ihirpose Quoting President Wilson's dec laration in 1917, that the purpose of the United States in the war was to overthrow German autocratic power and leave hc German people free to "choose their own ways of life." He said that with the signing of the armistice "we had accomplished the full purpose for which we entered the war," and should have "quit the war as we entered it. still free and independent, masters of our own destiny." lie paid a tribute to the service rendered the nation by citizens of German ancestry, who fought glad ly, in the hope that their kinsmen in Germany would benefit in the end. Instead, he said, peace conditions had been imposed which the Ger man people never could fulfill. Calling attention that Russia was not included in the peace settle ment, he continued: "Thing you Germany—smarting and staggering under the terms of this treaty—will supinely rest con tent with the dole of grace and suf ferance we are vouchsafing her, the crumbs from his victors' table? That people will not more cease to plot and plan to recover their for mer high estate, than did Satan plunged into the abysmal depths of hell. Whether they are In the lea gue, if formed, or out of it, Ger many's agents, secretly or openly, will be at work with her former Allies, and with injured Russia and with Japan. As Russia goes, so will go the whole Slavic and affilia ted peoples. And if Germany suc ceed in this, western Europe at least must perish. Striped of its idealistic phrases, he said, the treaty really was hut an alliance among five great powers, against whom Germany would try to hring a stronger alliance. The real interest of France he said, was in gaining the friendship and not the enmity of the German people. "The instrument before us," he said, "is not the treaty but the truce of Versailles. "It takes Germany's territory, Eu ropean and foreign, without com pensation; it takes from her prac tically all of her ocean shipping, a largf portion of her inland vessels; it deprives her of all special benefits of treaties and conventions; it takes her cables, it compels her to supply large quantities of raw materials; it internationalizes her great river systems and throws them open to traffic of all nations on a national basis, as if they were the high seas; it opens her coastwise shipping to all nations; it compels her to grant exceptional import and export privi leges and to accept important re strictions; it closes out German in terests in practically the whole civi lized world; it closes out the inter ests of that same world in Germany. V. S. Completely Hound I'p "Having done all this, it assesses against her provisionally, with a stipulation permitting an increase, a debt of one hundred and twenty billion gold marks, which is in ad dition to the property restored in kind and to the value of the boats, gold and securities delivered; it makes her responsible for these damages inflicted not only by her self, but by her allies, and even by the allied and associated powers themselves, with a list of items which includes some admittedly contrary to the rules of interna tional law hitherto existing; finally and in addition, she is compelled to answer to her own nationals for the value of the property taken by the Allied and associated powers. "The United States is bound up in every one of the obligations and duties incident to the enforcement of these terms with the great re sponsibilities attached thereto." TO GIVE Oil, VIEWS By Associated Press. Mexico City, Thursday, Aug. 28. Luis Cabrera, secretary of the treas ury, it was stated authoritatively to day will voicethe views of the execu tive department of the government during the pending debate on petro leum legislation in the Mexican con gress. He was quoted to-dav as declar ing that the authors of the oil law presented yesterday in a report to the Senate wererepresentatives of oil in terests. This law eliminates the re troactive features which havethe chief points objected to as confiscatory by foreign oil interests. JOYFUL EATING Unless your food is digested without the after math of painful acidity, the joy is taken out of both 'eating and living. KmioidS are wonderful in their help to the stomach troubled with over-acidity. Pleas ant to take—relief prompt and definite. MADE BY SCOTT * BOWNE MAKERS OF SCiTTS EMULSION ¥ITOLYm k Nature's Tsntc Of Herbs . Nature's Tonle of Herbo Purifies the Blood. Corrects Stomach Troubles. Stimulates the Liver. Relieves Chronic Constipation by Regulating the Bowels. . VITOLYN makes Rich Red and BUILDS YOU UP. VITO means LIFE. Vitolyn Will give you LIFE' nnd PEP. Sold by Forney, Kennedy. Golden Seal Pharmacy and all other drug gists. STEVENS MEDICINE CO., Inc.. J>lS Vnnderhllt Ave. Brooklyn Also manufacturers of Btevons Catarrh Compound, a sure preventive of Hay Fever. nXKRISBURO <6£& TOtEOHXPB I L^AlL^s) RAILROAD MEN WILL HAVE BAND Local Organizations Plan For Big Turnout on Mon day Morning Railroad men will be a big part of the parade on Labor Day. Mon day, September 1. Every Indication point* to one of the - greatest cele brations in the history of labor or ganizations. There has been much activity in this city and vicinity. This is true, especially with the three city lodges of the Brother hood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Station and Express Employes, viz.: Penn- Harris Lodge No. 640, Keystone Lodge No. 1302 and Blue Ridge i Lodge. This is one of the youngest and strongest bodies of organized • labor in the city, having been insti tuted Jujy 1, 1918, and up to date they have enrolled a total member ship of approximately 1,000. Thib, however, includes a considerable number of employes from the out lying districts. Will Have Band Wh'le the prime object of this or ganization was for the bettering of financial and working conditions, it is also their purpose to unitedly, of fer a more appreciable service 10 the respective corporations employ ing them. A central committee of these three lodges held an important meeting on Wednesday and perfect ed arrangements for their participa tion in the parade to be held Mon day morning. They will be headed over the route of the parade by the celebrated "Burger's Military Rand" of Lancaster, formerly the "Fourth Regiment Band." It is urged that every member of these lodges turn out on Monday morning for this parade, reporting at their appointed plnce at Second and Pine streets not later than 9.15 o'clyock, where they will bo formed in marching order by com petent marshals. It is expected that every member will be in line. - Railroad Notes "No Accident Day" on the Tyrone division of the Pennsy was a big success. Not one accident was re ported. M. C. Byers, general manager of the Western Maryland Railway, says the car shortage is duo to the fact that coal cars are being used ia haul sand, stone and gravel. F. M. Smith yesterday told about 200 men, many shippers Included, how to save losses in freight. Ho spoke at the Pennsy and Reading freight stations. Bituminous coal is scarce with the Philadelphia and* Reading Rail way. Orders have been issued to save. "Scrape the tanks" is one ol der. The last of the sixteen-day ex cursions on the Pennsy from Chi cago, was run yesterday. Four trains passed through Harrisburg late last evening. W. D. Bowers, freight engineer on the Middle division, who is summer ing at Losch's Run, was in Harris burg yesterday. He is visiting friends in Western Pennsylvania for a few days. Four tracks on the Middle divis ion of the Pennsy were blocked yes terday as a result of a freight wreck at Petersburg. Two empty cars left the tracks and about four other cars piled up. The number of passengers carried one mile on the railroads under Federal control during the month of May was 3,656,571,089, a de crease of 0.9 per cent, as compared with May, 1918. The Victory number of the month ly magazine published by the Mu tual Beneficial Association of Penn sylvania Railroad Employes, Incor porated, has been just issued. It contains the names of about 26,000 employes of this system who were in the military or naval service of the United States. A supplement will be issued shortly, containing the names not available for this issue. The Victory number is illustrated with many photographs. Standing of tho Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 123 crew to go tirst after 4 o'clock: 117, 108, 112. Engineers for 108. Conductors for 108. Brakemen for 123. Engineers up: Schwartz, Kauffman, Schoeneman, Oemmill, Snyder. Cou dren, Ream, Broome, Blankenhorn. Firemen up: Malone, Craley, Fen stermacher, Fry, Sellers, Hock, Trout man, Netzley, Farmer, McCune, Roup, Kirchoff, Beers, Rider, Lenurd. Conductors up: Delaney. Brakemen up: Hughes, Cross, Home, Zellers, Sharer, Smith, Shields. Middle Division. —The 239 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 31, 27, 20, 22, 28. 26, 33, 232. Engineers wanted for 31, 22. Fireman for 27, 20, 22. Brakemen for 27, 26. Engineers up: Rowe, Titler, Hawk, Mortz, Smith. Firemen up: Barton, Schmidt, Gantt, Peters, Arnold. ponductors up: Lower, Carl, Der rick, Dottrow. Brakemen up: Woodward, Hoffman, Baker, Yingst, Buff, Clouser, Hawk, McFaddeir, Linn, Hollenback. Bltner. Hawk, Hemminger, Anders, Rhoades, Hetrlck, Roebuck, Leonard, Rohn, Nicholas, Reinecker. Forbes, Roush, Luff, Dennis, Clemm. Yard Hoard. —Engineers wanted for 10C, 11C, 28C. Firemen wanted for 6C, 10C, 22C. Engineers up: Starner, Morrison, Monroe, Beatty, Feass, Wagner, Shade, McCord. Firemen up: Paul Ross, Sourbeer, E. Kruger, Mensch, Engle, W. C. Kruger, Henderson, Selway, N. Lau ver Gibbens, Dill. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 262 crew to go first after 4.15 o'clock: 227, 226, 251, 207. 245. Engineers for 251. Brakemen for 252, 226, 245. Conductors up: Ebner. Brakemen up: Brighton, Kurl, Del linger, Dorsett. Middle Division. —The 227 crew to go after 2.46 o'clock: 103, 113, 116, and 236. Engineers for 103. Conductors for 113. 116. Yurd Hoard. —Engineers for extra f 102, 135. Firemen for Ist 102, extra 102. 3rd 126. 2nd 129. Engineers up: McNally, Herron, ; Ewing, Lutz, Qulgley, Fllckcnger, Shuey, Myers, Geib, Curtis. Firemen up: A. W. Wagner, Kiff, Snyder, Lightner, Caahman, Benser, Cramer,Rider, Cramer, Morris, Meek, Hutchison, Sadler, Sanders, White. KIPONA PIREWORS TO BE SPECTACULAR [Continued from First Page.] lof course at 1 o'clock at Reist's I Boathouse, at South street. "The finishing lines for all events , will be fifty feet above Market street j bridge. The starter will be clerk ;of course in the Linton motorboat j during the progress of the races. I Other officials will be transported I to the boats which will be anchored I at the finishing line during the pro- I grcss of the program. For Contestants | "A special flat will be in place for | contestants near the Walnut street bridge. "The inspector will be stationed at the turning point at South street during the boat and canoe races and along the course during the other events. 'The 100-yard swim will start at the flag below the Walnut street bridge. The start of the tub races will be from the buoy just north of Pine street. With the exception of the war canoe race, which will start opposite pumping station, the half mile events will start and flnish at the regular finishing line just north of the Market Btreet bridge. "The contestants must watch the progress of the program and be ready flfteen minutes before the starting time to be transported to the several points of starting. "Sufficient boats will be at the dis posal of the committee in charge to insure first-class transportation for the contestants and officials. "In the evening all decorated boats should report at 7.30 o'clock at Din tamans boat pier. After boats have reported they should proceed to the eastern side of Independent Island and remain there until the signal is given for the formation of the pa rade. The parade will be headed by a bnnd and will proceed to a point below Market street bridge, where the turn will be made to return north to again pass the judges' stand which will be stationed near South street. "Red lights will be supplied at Din taman's and Reist's boat pavilions and recipients are requested not to light them before starting down stream after the turn at Kelker street, which is as far north as it is possible to go with the parade owing to inadequate depth. The marshal will have charge of ttie course; dur ing all events the will occupy a mo torboat with a policeman and will keep all boats from interfering with contestants. "Persons running motorboats on the evening of the parade are requested not to go too close to the canoes for fear of upsetting from the swells. "Simple decorations, including up rights with wire hangers, lanterns and candles, will be furnished to ca noeists desiring to enter the evening boat spectacle. This equipment is loaned by the Navy and should be returned to Reist's or Dintaman's boathouses. where it may be pro cured at any time on Monday." Committeemen Named Members of the committees that will handle the various canoe contests and swimming events for Kipona, Mon day, were announced by the Execu- STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX HEM. HMD—23S6 UNITED Tomorrow Is the Last Day of the Special Sale of White Enamel Cooking Utensils A Saving From 33'/3% to 50% As we stated in our ad. last Monday evening,.the quantities of most of the items were large, while on several items the quantity was small. It is the items on which we had the large quantities that we are offering to-morrow; even some of these may not last long, so it will be to your advantage to shop earlv, and don't forget we close at 6:00 o'clock Saturdays. & fV & | | f \ J Wash Basin; \ / \ 11 inch, 35c J 12 inch, 49c Enamel Sauce Pan Water Pitcher; with long handle >■ — 3 qt. .75 2 qt- 59c 4-qt. milk kettle; 89c q Qt* 3 qt. 69c 1 7 qt. $1.59 j* 1 / Water Pai1 ' 10 qt " S U9 ' Preserving Kettle; Coffee Pot f J 18 qt., good size for all \\/ 2 qt. .59 \ , / American Cooking Pot aro und preserving; $2.25 3 qt. $1.39 with bail handle; 4 qt. .79 3 American Cooking Pot * with side handles 8 qt. $1.25 \ / 4 qt . .79 10 qt 169 10 qt $1.69 ' 12 qt. 1.89 Dish Pan, 17 qt., $1.25 ' 12 qt. 1.89 BOWMAN'S—Basement. tive Committee of the Greater Har-1 rlsburg Navy to-day: Ira O. Kindler Is chairman of the canoe committee which Includes! Frank Hoth, Howard L. Berkeley, i Harry Lowengurd, Charles Whlsler, Alfred Wile, David G. Bowman, Paul Garrett, Ernest C. Keys, Clayton Keys, James oNale, William Dlnter, William G. Flelsher, ! James Handshaw, Robert Cowen, R. ! G. Kirk, H. L. Landls, Earl Sheesley, 1 John Kepple, Raymond Suydam, ••Bill" \ Beard, Robert Worley, Warren Ly men, Clyde Fisher, Marion M. Gardner, Ralph Martin, Roy Divlt, "Shorty" Whistler, Ljnu Daugherty, Paul Bow man, "Tom" Mock, Garrett Wall, Ward Nicely. "Ike" Rockman, Charles Din lainan, W. L. Solders, Harry Lindsay, William Dalley, Ward Daron, Charles Sellers, George K. Reist, Harry R. Leonard, Jr. A. J. Slmrps is chairman of the swimming events commltto which In cludes "Dick" Rauch, Cloyd McFad den, J. D. McConnell, Horace G. Get- I sel, Harold Hippie, Stanley Hosmer, | "BUI" Emanuel, John Ewing, Ross I Beck, Ev. Ashenfelter, Helncy Fe trow, Robert Worley, George King, Jacob Bass, "Sam" Froehlich, Walter Potter. W. S. IJnd, Ed. Albright, Jos. Ibach, J. W. Keller, Orvllle Hickok, 3rd, Herman Tauslg, William Reagan, Dewey Morrett. Rumania Plundered of Vast Stores During War by Hungarians Ity Associated Press. Paris, Thursday, Aug. 2S.—Ruman ian authorities have discovered in Tranaplvunia highly important statis tical material from which it appears that the Central Empires, between De cember, 1916, and October 10. 1918, re moved from Rumania, 3",705,148 tons merchandise of which 2,161,005 tons wore foodstuffs and the rest petroleum and raw materials, says a Havas mes sage from Bucharest. Hundreds of thousands of carloads were removed to Austria-Hungary alone, and it is pointed out that the Ilgures quoted concern only what is oirclally described as "exports." They do not Include postal parcels which German and Austrian invaders sent | home by the carload duly, nor what the army of occupation consumed. "In view of the immense spoliation," BUgaBIBBmBB^gBE—anBEEIEaeESgaBI—I—IBM 188 i im in 1 i] quickly that in February we ordered j 11 the | I- BaqHriqpt&lMGfc | | ! MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 1832-1919 n nr=s=lPlf=PCT""='r,i- J . L.m. m- in. "i=ini .n, Ir l HARRISBURG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1010, 'AUGUST 29, 1919- [the nitiMite addn, "the absence of j illumanlun from the lndem-( nitife commission and American pro-1 tests aKulnst clauses In the new arm-| OUR advance line of furs is ready for your JjSWBi s immediate inspection. Your attention is called to the fact that our furs were jjfLvra selected a year ago, and W&fy&T&k contracted for at last year's JBB&fe prices. Whilst we do not want to Prices, we F mention in passing, that furs at today's wholesale |prices would indeed, be than ours. Luxurious fur 'V if coats and scarfs in the sea \ ' son's most fashionable \ models, designed by the master furriers. It is ad visable to select at once. / ( in Knox hats for ladies in fall (A w * nter m °de/s now ready. There is nothing superior. Fred B. Harry HATTER AND FURRIER 1 17 North Third St. | Istlce with Hungary, seem at lefcdt rntrange. The armistice does not re | store onc-flfth of what Hungary hag | stolen from us." STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX FOUNDED 1871