Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 29, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
United States Dominates in Swine Production Washington. Aug. 23. The United States contains considerably more than one-third of all the swine in the world. Swine are less Store Open Saturday Evening Store Open Saturday Evening Until 9 O'clock Until 9 O'clock Select Your New Fall Suit, Dress, or Coat at Kaufman's, Saturday Hundreds of Stunning New Models Ready For Immediate S aie—Assortments Are Large The Usual Underselling Prices Prevail, Thereby Assuring You of the Digest Saving in Ready-to-Wear New Fall Dresses --*** The New Fall Suits Jfik New Fall Coats M u Dresses are going to be very much in demand, : There are hundreds of new fall suits to select from, everv tine representing a big Kauf- j (svWf\ rr. and^trlcntmo' 1 . an va . lue - e know as well as you do that women are inclined to look forward to very, >Wm • * lonsa,ul ncu coats are ready, those / / V \/w v a" and tri'coieite dresses win'be the vogue in silk. Zl\ \' Tj J 11 prices, but despite this fact we are able to show you new fall suits in stunning high class JggL \\// iH i beautiful coats with big collars and cuffs. JKjl I V "V* We have prepared for the largest fall business in ; Jm/ff models and the most approved, up to the minute styles at MODERATE PRICES. A. ;\IBr coats for everv ,<••. si..i everv r.v.'t new //H 11 f \ >' S s ™ M r: a we I°ow wi°n win KKX ESrhS WlfttT We d< > not believe at you will be able to find anywhere in town suit values such as ▼' '' M ( > " Ct T' "! [ ml A. those 'who want to dress well and yet save con- vj* uA uc now Gifcr. Comparison will prove this to you. We urge you to make your selection at / ' J ust roni tbc "R'kcr. Every new model ot [ h / j pjjfq|Y ,s *Y siderable money. |i nyp? once. the season that is desirable, every color that Ffe ' 1 ! : 'j' frr Serge and Tricotine Dresses' TnJ All Wool Poplin Suits All Wool Poplin Suits u\rC M ° ny . wit " Ws tur co " :,rs -n It !/, I nueen. .f woolen dress textile. — \ / vpilll .JUlia jf Kit Coney. Nutna, Kaccoun. Opossum. J\ H 1 ) j-pl'tml HK.'ssssr t ss°£!g , & cos on $29.50 :.* sk " k ■wh.™ik.,i** ID ij p || materials to obtain. Serges—men's wear weight; [ I J 6md U h jfiSmK linings. \ jSb - F'/ I II —the universal and always popular dress fabric. II . , , . , w> t (V ,„ ti\ AWMh w i . • • \A\ \ \ I^^ kj II These two materials are here lU American Woolens Company's Poplin-lined with , Three excellent models. WC do not believe ailV 'MI \,. IT \y ' • I t rmilp ir. the BWSq /Tut pany s Poplin—coats lined with Guaranteed Venetian — E4S JIMH aPS other store in this section of MJ J|r ... J inisiidest dresses we have I) guaranteed iming-buttcm trimmod-splendidly tail- j plain tailored-plush trimmed and button trimmed- NyHS —"V. 8 hCC " on ot v ' B i loW n 'llic variety of ored ' Si ' / ' l ' B from 16 to 14- Blark - nav >'- brown, bur- I all with convertible collars. Black, navy, taupe. State tail show \().l ,1> Vwßi />% models ?s wonderful and the ' Rundy. i brown, burgundy. many COatS US we now have Yls> price range meets all require- 'F ready. Considering the t \Jf ssr. - Tricotine Suits ;( ClrJ^SiXC'* , " c,are " i,h - " r $15.00, $19.50, $25.00, /jMK Men's Wear seltone, Velour $42.50 Mf The t° ur 'f-. 1 ' CA eOC AO P eoo CO 'i V ) x 1 !f , I vertone, Bolivia, Tinseltone, SiI SZS.SU, Sod.UU & vjy.ou^.dw: / Serge and Suits CLzU 00 I!i 1 7 vertip, Frostglow, Whippet, Polo if Mixtures $39 50 $45 $49*50 II I Kersey f oth - a desirable shades of brown, navy, taupe, reindeer, | k-T •tj V/j M* kjJ JU • tjr Vr tf* "J CAA OCA Aft STSSJWSX-rKSS.A-Jrar 4 - $35 OO . ni i Caq n nn '7 SIo.UU, SIS.U, <tic en eon nn <t9Q cn Y J q,dU,uu and tp jL 0.0 V/. (I!wUUl/ YuJivU. Smart suits for misses and women. Coats A splendid variety of styles for women and . , . lTtx * J' * Jt * J T - a.- _ „ (Ub have ulain or funev lining Some are braid misses. All the wanted colors. Coats lined The best grades of Tricotine in all of them. {•) -a A Oft and UD to SSO 00 trimmed. Other have plush collars. All are h.lv'e 'fuV 5 col'la'rs—'.'ithe rs" U pli'in J 'tafiored'"T.r Navy and black only. The handsomest suits U 549.505.HCl UD tO 559.50 Ctllvl Up Ivl" <P*/vFW | copies of the higher priced models. braid or button trimmed. you find and at considerable savings. I T " GJialWl Hljp vvf T Three Lots of New Waists Early Fall Styles That Are Beauties Large Assortments ( Mb, Incomparable Values JjWX j " ,e SI.OO A wonderful variety of very attractive I f/jjj styles Tailored and trimmed with em- \_S Ml//! broidery and laces —with or without col bus. Sines 30 to 40. New Gorgette and Crepe de New Voile (J 1 QC Chine tt/1 QC Waists Waists V Beautiful Voile Waists, in- Georgette and Crepe dc Chine white and novelty patterns; em- Waists. The Full season s new broidery and lace trimmed, shades, including white and flesh. Trimmed with beads, em- | Shown in a large variety of styles, broidery, braid and lac®. > n ' a a jj per f ec t fitting and faultlessly number of styles. All sizes, 36 to 40. made. Sizes 30 to 46. K imfmnii's. I*| Floor.' $ New Velvet Hand Bags dp $2.48, $2.95 S $3.48, $3.95 And on up to $9.95 The style range is large and includes fgßl the new shapes in beautiful metal frames, in plain and fancy designs; some with chain handles, while others have handles of same material as the bag. V The colors are navy, brown, tau P e black. U'Hiifmnn'z I*| Floor.! Special Saturday Special Saturday Sateen Body Waists Bloomers p or p 0 y S £ gj r / s For Children =* at 75c at 55c w Boys' and Glrs' Body Waists, made of heavy cambric, reinforced Children's Sateen Bloomers, seams—all taped bone buttons made of finest qunlity black taped on full cut each ftar sateen well made, full cut, re- Inforeed seams. deep gusset waist m""* " * w ° heavy web hose bands. Sizes 2 to 14 yars. supporters—sizes 2 to 11 years. • FRIDAY EVENING, numerous than either sheep or cut | tie in the world at large, but are j more numerous than either in the I United States, -which this year has ! more hogs than its ten nearest com | pctitors combined. These facts showing the vast ex- I tent of the American hog growing I industry are cited l>jr Dr. J. R. Moh- J ler, Chief of the Bureau of Animal ' ; Industry. United States Department iof Agriculture, as "an anchor of confidence for weathering periods! lof adversity in pork production." 1 I He concludes that pork products I have become as well established in the diet of the American people as hogs have become established on For Boys and Girls li$ When you buy shoes for the children be sure they are leather [ffjl Ivf built, for leather shoes gives better support to the feet —a better 'ifegj return in value to your purse —a greater satisfaction in appear f\Jf I ance. They'll also be a greater health protection. \ Prices That Are Rit|ht For All Leather Footwear For Children, sizes 5 to W/ $2.95 to $4.85 I \ l ?or Misses, sizes 12 to 2 $4.85 to $7.00 ■/ iJCIVOOIVA y For Growing Girls, sizes 2 x /i to 7 $5.50 to $7.85 Ml CL - IVv J ' 7 ° r Youths, sizes 11 to 2 $4.50 to $5.50 Jtvs} y For Boys, sizes to 5 }/> $5.50 to $6.50 Sold Only at Kaufman's in Harrisburg Children's and Misses' Shoes Children's and Misses' i- Black Kid ...it Uunnietal Cal Shoes Grnwino- ftirla' p.l. a „ Uacc urvl Gunmetal Calf Button Brown Kid and Mahogany hl oCuOOi ScilfferS Shoes °-the nature loim last. Cal{ La Ce Shoes, on the nature btlOeS Tan Leather and Black Lotus Calf with extended edge sole and littlo form last, with extended edge Brown and Black Dull Lace and Blucher stitch- 0O OC heels. soles and little heels. Llona Kid Lace Boots, on downs, 6 to 8 wa.ZO CHILD'S thCh r* i\ CinLD'S tf*o fktf the English last, with lit- Tnn ' r>, a '„i,' V,'J % j„ . SIZES AX SQ SIZES, tie women's heels and ex- ton ?.} lc, ] er ft?" 1 Bu i: KuufnuurN, Iml Floor. ™ I Kaufman s Bargain Basement Has the Things You Need! /7i;' —rgy Roll Mo nn 42x30-ineh Muslin Pillow Oases, rwq !• |^T 3a j*,* y *""* 29c 1 raveling INeeds j t\t) Pint size. doz„ Good, heavy Bleached Turkish | TRAVELING IlAGS—Walrus and T ! /"/V. VjJ 74c Towels, 2*lC crepe grain leather, 16 and 18-inch; fKM'. "j> i a ! fifty K Quart size. doz„ ca,h 2 pockets; sewed $4.95 WitlUL'ii --H I J J J y -' ! COrnerS i T iilUAe/Mtjl 2-quart size., doz.. Hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads,. ' , 1 • #BC Snet'bU L ' $1.98 MATTING SUIT CASES Well I i Nil ill* JAlt TOPS i " Gnade, extra heavy; frames of wood, /PY ' r i- 30< j Extra fine grade Mercerized f $2.95 $3.95 ' $5.95 t J 1 HOT POINT .HO* ft i Tlll)le Damask, 6 4 inches gg c IJj |T M f \ fully guaranteed „ ill! |! I : MATTING SUIT CASES—Lighter JHL 11 Jj, C J d pd AC) < ~/If Remnant lengths of colored weight and stror.-g; two djl no k \ ' Voiles, all good patterns. 25c styles ' I n =3 Mercerized White Poplin, beau- BLACK 'KARATOL TRAVELING | tiful quality 39 C —Well made and (Jg L T ' CREAM Fancy Colored Voiles. OQ ~ " .* J ACA\E< it beautiful patterns. Yd. . . BLACK TRAVELING RAGS ! f -|- p j FIIICEZKHS Imitation leather, brass fit- tfJO QC , C ~ Beautiful Plaid and Striped tings und key ' Dress Ginghams, 27 inches 24c ? | (jljf 1 FINE DRESS TRUNKS —Hard ' * ■ jjk Apron Gingham, staple quality, wood slatted, deep tray, nicely lined, Jjjl < OtHJ , cßock *'22c SSCnT!S9-95'°517.95 1 HAimiSßtniG TELEGRAPH farms, and that as more than two thirds of the total 1918- exports of meat were pork products and more l than five-sixths of the animal fats exported were lard, there is a great | potential pork-absorbing ability in ' !.the densely populated European I | countries. I PROMPT REI.IVKKY WINS FOR ! I'. S. IN FOREIGN MARKET'S Geneva, American commer- j cial activity in Europe, which I j began immediately after the arniiu- ] j tice, continues successfully to ad-1 I vance on a largo seajo. The secret I lof the success of the Americans is' their prompt delivery of goods, rang ing from locomotives to sewing ma- . i chines, and the. long credit given. I The quickness of deliveries exceeds I | even that of the Germaps, who had j | prepared carefu ly fcr the after-tlic-I j war rush in trade, while English I and French firms, with their slower methods, already have b P en outdis-I '♦.•need. j AUGUST 29, 1915>- litirfTTT i; ' ir< * a!Sa rftlt(H I ftuyf JpOBCa wn TIES YET ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS ALL SHADES, hSM 'WS'A DEFIES DETECTION WHY HOT RETAIKYOUFI YOUTHFUL * I 1 WfF JTf .(MB- i AfTEARANCEI ASIC YOUR FAVORITE DEALER FOR N !'□ V'fr's Z L'/Jll "DARLINC" HOLD-TIGHT ROUGE, 3Se A ox 4 \\r\ Bin •••adolph klar 4 1,000 Girls' Dresses For Winter Wear and School Prices Mean Big Savings For Parents t Girls' Dresses at $1.29 900 Girls' Fine Gingham Dresses, it> pretty plaids, striped and checked pat-| terns, also solid colors; nicely trimmed;! ull cut; well tailored; shown In ten styles; wonderful values, and just in; time for school wear; sizes 6 to 14 years % Girls' Dresses at $1.95 Girls' Dresses, of genuine Amos-* keng ginghams, In beautiful plaids and checks; a number of very pretty, well made, full cut, perfect fitting; sizes 6 Girls' Dresses at $2.95 Wonderful Dresses for Girls, made ot the tlncst quality ginghams and cham brays in plaids and solid colors; very f attractive models in a large variety: full cut; perfect fitting and made; sizes 6 to 14 years. G n. s . presses $395 $2.45 sssa I sMhum. i„ nent , iiti ?„ Ir porreLl "tting, sizes pla , ds an(l soll(1 colors; a won -1-V2 o hi ,4. derful assortment of styles; in | LITTLE TOTS' QQ sizes 2 to i! years. PRESSES AT 3 ° c LITTLE TOTS' <t> 1 AK Dresses for the Little Tots— DRESSES AT Pretty tailored and trimmed Little Tots' Dresses —Made of styles. In plaids, checks and fine quality ginghams, in plaids solid color ginghams; all well and solid colors; full cut, beau- I made and full cut; sizes 2to 6 tifully tailored and finished; in years. sizes 2 to 6 years. ' ,1 : Kaufmnn'w, Iml i-'i""- Saturday 500 Pairs of O ri Women's Silk Hosiery (£j& gjjjft Women's Silk Hose (fiber and thread silk), fine quality, mock i 5! -*® (/ seam, full length boot, silk lisle re- BB F]j !'Q inforced heel and toe, silk lisle gar- H |lp!.|!| p ter tops, some have slight imperfec l ■ HwilW tions, but will not hurt the wear ™ and we consider this a wonderful white, brow n, gray and field mouse. 350 Pairs Women's Cotton Hose, t Q Pair !i7C Women's Black Cotton Seamless Hose, double sole and heel, garter top, tlrst quality. 250 Pairs Women's Silk Hose, &Q r* Pair U*7 C Women's Fiber Silk llose, seamless, fashioned feet, double sole and heel, garter tops, tirst finality, in wlnti, champaign, giuy and taupe. 300 Pairs Women's Silk Hose, $1.45 Women's Thread Silk Hose, mock seam, fashioned feet, lisle reln- forced toe and heel, garter tops, lirst quality, in black, cordovan, navy, * silver gray held mouse. 150 Pairs Women's Silk Hose . . $1.95 150' pairs Women's Black Thread Milk Hose, heavy quality, full length boot, mock Heain, fashioned feet, silk lisle garter top. llrst quality. School Hosiery at Savings Children's Ribbed OQ _ j Boys' Ribbed /IQ Stockings, Pair .. .mOC Stockings, Pair . ...T"OC 3 Pairs for <l7c 350 pairs boys' heavy ilbbed 300 pairs children's ribbed black black cotton llose, reinforced sole cotton Hose, reinforced heel and and heel, made of best quality toe, good quality, medium weight, yarn and recommended for wear, sizes 5 to 7%. slr.es 7 to 11. Girls' Ribbed Girls' Fine Ribbed HQ Stockings, Pair .... OHrC Stockings, Pair 0%7G 3 Pairs for 1.00. 200 pairs girls' ft me ribbed Silk 250 pairs girls' ribbed black cot- ldsle Hose, reinforced heel and ton Hose, reinforced heel and toe, toe, In white, black and brown, fine qualty, sizes 8 to 9V4. sizes 7 to BV4. 'lst riftn, - 5