Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 29, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 CHARRED BODY OF NEGRO FOUND IN CHURCH RUINS Three Other Negro Churches and a Lodge Are Burned Eastman, Ga,. Aug. 29. —The charred body of Ell Cooper, a negro, was found yesterday in the ashes of a negro church, which was burned by Incendiaries early in the morn ing. Three other negro churches and a negro lodge in this section were burned Tuesday night. The acts of violence followed re ports that the negroes planned to rise up and "wipe out the white people." and that Cooper remarked the negroes had been "run over for oQo mu. fonou) IO mttttoK, people &atz "ten, Voters* tidt ol 'I&MSCLsCity ? „®- 000108 Real School Bring the Shoe SHOE MAKERS IteJP Young^s store 217—M ARKET STREE T—2l7 scho"' shoes OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, HAKRISBURG Ding! Dong! Now's the Time For MMI School Shoes 'K3 T tfAKgU/ % I In anticipation of a large school shoe business we HT. l have made special preparations assembling the Hp' \ finest line of school shoes in Harrisburg—and, as IVH usual, our prices are positively the lowest. V JP* Girl*' an d Boys' School Shoes I £r* yd&'' At $2.95 we are offering a won- A dTkl" 1 \ derftil line of Girls' and Boys' T|®|l ilk \ School Shoes. Every pair made totj/ B •*/%j B r\ wear of sturdy, serviceable leather. B = ———- c They're really $3.50 values. For our B®S2*i School Sale specially priced at.... Boys' Shoes MIBM iwwwm Girls' Shoes Fine grades for school or jyyjjjM All new Fall styles ; high dress. All new styles in lace English and wider toe dark brown and black -- V ~Y-A M , , .... 7 X ♦I i. button styles; tan, patent leather. All sizes; $5 val- Jtfr -y 2) B\ lies at and dull; all sizes, # $3.95 $3.95 You Save 25 to 30% on Shoes at Book's Children's Play Shoes Boys' Scouting Shoes Little Boys' Shoes Wide toe lasts A fine wearing shoe for school Sizes to 13%; (like picture) — tftn and black—all sizes to 2; comfortable madeofsoft, a * 2 - 50 value. blucher lasts; tough elk hide; well made of double sewed tP 1 fil L strong black , SB" IN OUR BUSY BARGAIN DEPARTMENT Girls' School Boys' Heavy Boys' School Little Girls' Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes Sizes for growing o, rnn ™ tan leather- A ® ood ' " low P riced " For the yourvgsters girls, 3to 6; patent and Strong tan leather. shoe for school; button /° r \ nc y° u "fPers dull leathers; low made to stand the hard model; sizes to 2. Spe- starting to school; neat heels; $3.50 value. knocks of school wear. cial, Styles; sizes up to 2. $2.45 $1.95 $1.50 $1.95 * * The First Showing of Ladies' New Fall Boots jjjjSl / Brown kid lace or button styles; Patent leather lace and button \ .. , , , _ _ styles, with black or colored top. piSsEy x high or low heels; sl2 dQ Qf| Long vamp QA [",£ / 1 values, per pair .. *P models /dt Money Savers in Our Bargain Department j jl Ladies' Shoes Worth Up to $7 |T" J [ High lace tops in gray, brown or black. ■ jprrjiK L " ~>j /-J with cloth tops; all sizes. In d*o QC 3 lili! I bargain department, per pr.,*PJ **7 ** I|||||j)l|||||j) 3 111\ Ladies' Shoes Worth Up to $5 1 WiWI jlllilllFwxjiil Small sizes only, 2y* to 4. Good styles in several leathers. On sale $1.50 J FRIDAY EVENING, fifty years, but this will all change In thirty dnys." The only explanations for the burning of the churches and lodge rooms was that these were said to have been the scenes of mass meet ings recently during which the up rising of negroes was discussed. Hundreds of copies of a Chicago negro newspaper were said to have been distributed at these meetings. Cooper was taken from hie home Wednesday night, according to his wife, by a crowd of about twenty white men. The negro was taken several miles by the mob and it is presumed that he was shot by the crowd and his body thrown into the burning church. The church was discovered in flames at 1 o'clock In the morning and residents of the neighborhood were aroused by shooting. GEOGRAPHTCALIiY, ANYWAY Hobo—Lady, will you help a sick in valid ?" Lady—Why, you're not an invalid. You look strong and healthy. Hobo—Looks is deceiving, raunn. How else could 1 be when my father was born In Cripple Creek, Col., and my mother in Painsvllle, 0., and I was raised in Eryslpilig, Ind.?—Detroit Free Press. LABOR UNIONS IN FRANCE PUT END TO STRIKE Attitude Is Swung by Big Gain in the Mem bership Paris, Aug. 29.—The recent col lapse of the movement for a gen eral strike is explained In some quarters by the saying that, while the extremists were getting control of the Socialist party, they were losing their hold on the labor un ions, which, 300,000 -strong before the war, now have a membership of more than 1,500,000. The 300,- 000 were well in hand, It is said but the 1.200,000 have brought with them a certain Independence of thought and action. The conse quence is that the vast majority of union men are not ready to accept sueh radical measures as a general political strike. The national committee of the Labor Federation has issued a sort of platform declaring that produc tion should be stimulated and in creased by all possible means, and demanding customs barriers be broken down, that inflated paper circulation be suppressed, that a national economic council be or ganized together with a national or ganization to control the provision ing of the country. HOPED NOT A popular singer received a song from a lady amateur song writer, which she played over to her husband. "Good heavens!" she exclaimed, when she had finished, "what does she call it?" "I Wonder If He'll Miss Me," was the reply. "Well," was the comment, if he does he ought never to be trusted with a gun again."—Dallas News. HABBISBURG TELEGRXPH! Scientific Discussions by Garrett P. Serviss Is there a new, 1. e., hitherto un known, form of matter? The assertion that there is'seems no more improb able, no more contrary to human ex perience than the other extraordinary assertion, frequently ventured nowa days, viz., that there is a fourth dimen sion of space, which is not subject to any of our familiar means of measuru rient. Roth propositions are difficult for a "layman" to understand, and perhaps both are equally likely, or un likely, to be true. It may be that the phenomena and the reasons on which they are based are so associated that if one of the two propositions is found on fact that other must also be fi unded on fact Some very surprising things have beeh coming out lately about the al leged "new" form of matter. Its most startling peculiarity if we ae cepi the claim that it exists at all is that it seems to oe formed out of the visible and weighable suostanco of the human body, and yet is itself gen [oially invisible and perhaps unwoigh able, alhtough capable of exercising astonishing force upon ordinary ma terial objects. In one case, that of the Golighers in Belfast, Ireland, a young woman sit ting on a chair supported by the plat form of a weighing scales, and not in direct contact with the floor or with any object around her, creates, accord ing to the testimony of an accredited physicist. Dr. Crawford, connected with the Belfast University, some wonder ful kind of matter, which appears to issue from her in the shape of a bean, ("a cantilever," Dr. Crawford calls it), and which passes under a table placed in front of her chair, forms an elbow beneath the table, turns up ward until it comes into contact with the under surface of the table, and then exerts an upward force sufficient to lift the table several feet into the air, and maintain it there for a con siderable period of time. Now, mark a very strange circum stance. As the table starts to rise the balance arm of the scales, on whose platform Miss Goligher sits In her chair, strikes the top with a sharp rap, as if a weight had suddenly been thrown on, and when the indicator is adjusted it shows that a number of pounds, corresponding with the actual weight of the table suspended in the air, have been added to the pressure on the platform. In other words, the young woman appears to have gained in weight just as many pounds as cor respond with the weight of the upheld table, exactly as site would have done if she had stretched out her arm and with it lifted the table. Dr. Crawford, in the course of many experiments, claims to have traced the mysterious "cantilever," not by seeing or by feeling, but by means of pres sure scales and spring balances, so placed along its course, between the medium and the under surface of the table, that he is able to infer from their indications the shape, and the general dimensions, of this beam of "psychic matter." While he cannot feel it as a continuous body, yet he dees experience, he says, a curious, cold clammy sensation, and something resembling a breeze or current of air, when his hand crosses the space where the invisible mystery exists. In another case, in many respects much more extraordinary, that of a Parisian woman named Marthe Beraud, the "new matter" is alleged to issue from the medium's mouth, and a little of it is said to have been col lected and analyzed, the final rcsidium consisting only of a few watery drops, "consisting mainly of cell detritus, highly bacterial, with vestiges of other organic compounds." This medium, it is declared by persons who are ac cepted by what seems on the surface good authority, as trustworthy, can not only create out of the strange mat ter human faces, figures, hands, lin gers, etc., which float about in the air, but can, on occasion, impart to them so much reality that a lock of hair from one of the mysterious heads was cut off, and examined under a micro scope, besides being submitted t chemical tests, which do not appear to have shown any decided difference be tween it and genuine hair from a liv ing human head. There are, however, so many sus picious circumstances about these Pa risian experiments that, notwithstand ing the fact that they have been seri ously set forth in responsible publica tions, no cautious investigator can, It seems to me, ascribe any scientific weight to them; but the Belfast ex periments, perhaps stand on a little better ground. If we take Dr. Craw ford at his word, every precaution ap pears to have been used to exclude deception, and if he were not so de termined to insist upon his entirely un proved hypothesis that "disembodied spirits" are at the bottom of the strange phenomena, I should feel little doubt that eh had disclosed something worth very careful study. It will be observed that the whole question turns upon the fuhdamental nature of matter, a subject of the pro foundest scientific thought at the present time. There are good auth orities who assert that matter and force, or energy, are simply different manifestations of the same entity, or thing. If the so-called spiritual ele ment in man approaches closer than ordinary matter to the fundamental basis of things, then 1t is at least con ceivable that in man the "two worlds", which are really only different phases of one world, possess a point of Inter change. Marietta Pleased With Its Welcome Day Plans I Marietta, Aug. 29. The people | of Marietta, from all reports, are sat ! isfied with the. arrangements made i relative to the welcome home cele | bration for our soldiers of the three | wars in September. The dates are Sunday and Monday, September 14 and 15. At the Sunday evening service every soldier will receive a suitable star to take the place ot the star in the service flag. On Monday there will be sports, including races, base ball. a parade with music by several bands, and dancing In the evening. The banquet to the soldiers of the three wars will be served in the din ing hall of the Fresoyterian <-uurch, at which Norman T. Pickle, proprie tor of Acornae, assisted by members of the Red Cross, will serve. Ad dresses and "toasts" will be given and nothing is going to' be left un done to make this a second Old Home Week celebration. SEEMED REAL HEARTLESS There were two Browns in the vil lage, both fishermen. One lost his wife, and the other lost his boat at about the same time. The vicar's wife called, as she sup posed. on the widower, but really upon the Brown whose boat had gone down. "I am sorry to hear of your great loss," she said. "Oh. it ain't much matter," was the philosophical reply; "she wasn't up to much." "Indeed!" said the surprised lady. "Yes," continued Brown, "she was a rickety old thing, I offered her to my mate, but he wouldn't have her. I've had my eye on another for some time." . And then the outraged woman fled.— I Edinburgh Scotsman. Cossacks Capture 13,000 Bosheviks and Disperse 20,000 By Associated Press. 'London, Aug. 29.—The Cossacks under General Kamontov, who suc ceeded in breaking through the Red army, captured 13,000 Bolshevik! and dispersed 20,00(1 mobilized, but untrained, men. A dispatch has been received to this effect from General Kamontov, which refutes the Bolsheviki claim that his com munications have been cut. According to a Bolsheviki com- I munication received by wireless in London August 27. the Cossacks broke through the Red army, whose heavy masses closed in behind them, cutting oft their communica tion with the antl-Bolshcvikl forces. A Red regiment with forty offi cers deserted to Kamontov who is forming a division made up of for- . mer Bolsheviki. He has evacuated Tambov and is proceeding north west towards Koslov, headquarters of the Bolsheviki southern front. Dcnikine Near Kiev General Denikine's advance is continuing rapidly; he is now within ten miles of Kiev and twelve miles from Petlura's forces. If a junction occurs, the entire old Bolsheviki forces remaining in the pocket, 250 miles deep on a fifty mile width, to the south of Kiev will be cut off. To the northeast General Deni- , kine has captured the important j railway' junction of Bakhmacs, j twenty miles west of Konotop. Denikine's cavalry and armored trains are leading the advance and : are not meeting with any opposition along the whole western front. The Bolsheviki, however, massing on his center and right, having captured Volchansk, Valuika, and Buturlin- | ovka. The plan of General Dcni kine is to clear the left flank, pre- ; paratory to a general advance. i Poles Advance on Dvinsk The Bolsheviki claim of the cap- ; ture of Pskov, southwest of Petro- j grad, is probably correct. Further to the south the Poles are advanc ing on Dvinsk, and. to the eastward have forced the Bolsheviki back to the Dvina near Polotsk, imperil ling their line. South of the Pripet marshes, the Poles have been checked on the line of the Sluch river. Heavy fighting i is going on at Novgorod Volinsk. Further eastward the Bolsheviki have retaken Jitomir. This success has been counterbalanced by the capture .of Fastov by the Ukrain- . ians. Parts From France With j Sorrow, Pershing Says on Eve of His Sailing Paris, Aug. 29. "When one has , known the generous French people, when one has seen them in trial and ] in time of rejoicing, one cherishes such respect and friendship for them | that one parts from them with real sorrow," said General John J. Per shing, the American commander-in chief, to a representative of the Journal. "I regret ?scceedingly that I shall be unable to be present at the un veiling of the monument. September | 6 at Pointe De La Grave, raided to j commemorate the arrival of the first American troops in France. Unfor- , tunately my departure cannot be ; postponed, the United States Senate j having expressed a wish to receive ! me as soon as possible." General Pershing is expected to "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN / \ "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Crdh." Always buy an unbroken BaylF package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, 'foothache, Ear- 1 ache, Nedralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost j a few cents at drug stores— ! larger packages also. Aspirin is the 1 trade mark of Bayer Manufacture.of j Monoaceticacidester of Salicyllcacid. , I A Quick and Harmless Rheumatism Remedy That Has Driven Ail Agony from Hundreds of Despairing Sufferers. Be fair to yourself, you sufferer from rheumatism, no matter what form. Get from your druggist a pack age of Rheuma, the guaranteed pre scription. Use the entjro bottle, and if you don't think it has given you quick and sure relief, say so, and you can have your money back. Isn't that a fair offer? Can you see any deceit about it? What chance do you take? Absolutely none. Then get a bottle of Rheuma today. It's a reputable physician's prescrip tion, altogether different from reme dies usually prescribed free from nar cotics, and perfectly harrulesß. Rheuma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uric acid from the swollen joints and other lodging places. It pleases you in a day; it makes you hopeful and happy in a week. It has released from bondage rheumatic sufferers who thought nothing would give relief. It should do as much for you—it seldom fails. Kennedy's drug store will supply you and guarantee money back if not sat isfied. FREE TO ASTHMASUFFERERS A. New Home Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. We have n new method tlint controls Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent development, whether it is present a* Hay Fever or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you nre troubled witli asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those appar ently hopeless cases, where nil forms of inhalers douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes." etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense, that this new method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms ut once. ) This free offer is too important to neglect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today. FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room EISX Niagara and Hudson Streets, Buffalo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: sail for home from Brest, Monday, j The monument at Polnte De La j Grave, which is situated at the I mouth of the Gironde river north- | west of Bordeaux, is near the spot j from which Lafayette sailed for the : United States in 1777. The unveil ing will take place on the annivers- | ary of the Uirth of Lafayette. IWe Are Now Ready Are You?| Buy Your Boy a Two-Pants Suit at Kaufman's 1 The two pants suit is the logical suit for the sturdy boy. The harder he l|l plays or works the more he will wear out his clothes and two pairs of pants with m a suit is real economy. These two pants suits are, without question, the biggest >! values in Harrisburg today. For Saturday we have three lots ready. No mat- ||( ter how much you thought you would have to pay for your boys' Suit, you will ivj find values here that will surprise you for economy. [AI Boys' Two-Pants Suits . . $7 OC !| i Regular Norfolk Waist-seam Models. The materials are ■ IV jT neat cassimeres and cheviots. The Pants are lined through- | I | Boys'Two-Pants Suits . . sf| fir Splendid new Norfolk Waist-seam Models. The Coats v i \ 1 , 1 are well made. The Pants are lined. The materials are ll _IB SB LH mixtures, Cassimeres and Cheviots. *ij |S| Boys' Two-Pants Suits sll fir [7 \j S j Sizes 7to 18 Years | ILi /'li I : ' Handsome new Norfolk Waist-seam Models. The I (Pi gj two pairs of Pants are lined. Good wearing cheviots I ■ ! i and cassimeres. ■ ' |y A Saturday Sale of Boys' Extra Pants S Hundreds of pairs to choose from at these Popular Prices Boys' Khaki Pants 69c Boys' Cheviot Pants $1.69 II Odd lots; sizes 6. 7, 8, to 9 years; made well; Sizes 6 to 17 years; splendid pants; lined ijAi cut full. throughout; taped seams. I s " Boys' Cheviot Pants $1.25 Boys' Cheviot Pants, $1.95 Sizes 6 to 17 years; every pair of good sturdy Sizes 8 to 17 years; every pair lined; made of cheviot; taped seams; cut full. * good strong cheviots..and casHlmeres. Fifty Dozen Boys' Blouses Boys' Hats and Caps pj IN A GREAT SATURDAY SALE For School Wear Little-One and Master Blouse Caps at SI.OO [m 89c and 95c New Shapes I Made of woven madras and fino percale; light HatS 51.29 211(1 $1.50 LM and dark shades, also blue chambray; sizes 6to „ _ _ . „ ... _.T_ .... t .. SSI 15 years. For Boys 6to 18 Years—AU New Fall Shapes KJ A Big Sale of Men's Pants 1 Over One Thousand Pairs at Remarkably Low Prices |] Men's Pants $1.95 Men's Pants $3.95 1 Khaki Pants, all sizes; Worsted and Cheviot 32 to 42 waist, worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres, Pants, sizes 38, 40, and 42 waist. belt loops, cuffs; neat mixtures and serge. IWJ Men's Pants $2.95 Men's Pants $4.95 |j 32 to 42 waist, the materials are cheviot and cas- The materials are cheviots, serges, worsteds and simercs handsomely made. cassimeres. A big variety of patterns. rj!| fhHere Is Good News 1 FOR MEN I | M \\/J\ Actual S3O and $35 Suits B aturc ' ay at [j! ® ILi fllll \ll ill You will save a $lO bill or more here on Satur- gj y | fil /|i WU I 1 j// day on a new Fall suit. While this price seems W til | II 111 nil 11| ridiculously low the proof of the pudding is in j|J iff lif Ij 1I eat * ng anc * ese su^s are h ere Hi nj l I i 111 11 1/ The materials are worsteds, cheviots, cassi- |j 111 ' 1111 IB HI I meres and velours. hi 17 11l ll lltf ill if These are the very latest models and are new || ffl yQIvK mi\ § fall goods. That is one reason why the surprise [i H W ijL Jl is all the greater to you. hj SH jgSJ Some of them are silk lined, others are lined with mohair or Sj I Every suit is and should be guaranteed to give good satisfac- pi JjU tion, regardless of the low price. |t| I Saturday Sale Men's Furnishings nj !§£ The final wind-up of all Summer wear for men and boys In the Men's Q •> Ni 'hi Furnishing Section. First Floor, Just inside the door. Everything reduced IIU In price for quick selling. !S .SS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR J&W// ,' hi nr . ••> Kft n,0.. en,!-,. Sinn Men's $1.50 Sealpax Athletic /ffMm / llil |iy Mens $2.50 Dress Shirts, 1.59 Union Suits 08c M[U f / .5 K| Men's *1.25 Dress Shirts 790 Men's $2.00 Black Union Suits.sl.s9 YJhJ [W\ \ vfl I .. . .. An II u MA Men's 89c Athletic Union Suits 59c ff/l\ I I Nl\\\p jIH (IM Men's SI.OO Khaki Work Shirts 59c Mens tl .oo White Ribbed Union /'(AY 1 \YJnh \T 9SJ 2)1 Men's and Boys' $1.25 Sport Suits 69c JyVm) ' I 4 1 iJJtI \ \ fil l|jU Shirts 79c Boys' 590 and 69c Union Suits.. 890 V\N\IhJ)LI I LoIW \ ■ (1^ auvaUST 29, 1919- j HOW OLD WAS THE TEACHER? j A school teacher who had been tell ii.g a class of small pupils the story of the discovery of America by Columbus (ended it with: "And all this happened i more than 400 years ago." j A little boy, his eyes wide open with wonder, said after a moment's thought: | "Gee! What a memory you've got!"— Boston Herald. GuiiGAS DRUG STORES v ;