Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 29, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1891 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Tlerah Building, Federal Saare E. J. STACKPOLE Pretident and Editor-in-Chief P. R. OYSTER, Business Manager OVS. M. STEIN'METZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board I. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Kdmbers of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. t Member American Newspaper Pub- Associa- SIE Bureau of Circu- JHM latfon and Penn sylvania^Associa- M] Eastern SEflv Avenue Bu'ilding" Sf Shory, A -I Chicago, 111. B Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week: by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1919 O brother man! fold to thy heart thy brother; Where pity dwells, the peace of God is there; To worship riyhtly is to love each other. Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer. — Whittikr. THEN AND NOW HANIEL YON HAINHAUSEN will never be acceptable as German ambassador to the United States. He was a member of Von Bernstorff's band of con spirators, who were little if any better than murderers, and we had quite enough of their outrageous conduct immediately preceding our entrance into the war. The choice of Yon Hainhausen as their representative to this coun try marks those behind the present "reform" element in Germany as the same old crew that held the reins of power in 1914 and until the dethronement of the Hohenzollerns. The only difference would appear to be that then they swash-buckled up and down the center of the stage and their minions fawned attend ance, while now they pull the strings from behind the wings while their puppets merrily dfince. PAY FOR POSTAL CLERKS DURING the Burleson adminis tration of the postal affairs of the country the people have learned to appreciate more than ever before the importance of efficiency and vision in the handling of the mails. There lias been a constant inquiry in the public mind as to why all the insufferable failures in the postal administration, but no reas onable explanation has been vouch safed a long-suffering public. Re cent testimony before the House Committee on Expenditures in the Postoffice Department has thrown some light on the situation and Con gress will almost certainly provide remedies for the widespread defects in the postal system. Postmaster General Burleson has maintained throughout his direction of the department an arbitrary and inexcusable attitude toward the pub lic. He has been accused of using political influence to defeat needed improvements in the service, and the president of the Railway Mail Asso ciation declared the other day that the mail delays could be traced di rectly to terminal distribution. At the same hearing Representative Sells, of Tennessee, commenting on the testimony before the committee, said: "It seems to me that he (Burleson) has made a sweatshop of the Postoffice Department." Postal employes have been underpaid as no other class in the Government serv ice. Increases have meant little as compared to the increased cost of living. It has been openly stated that the present salaries of the pos tal clerks are less than the wages paid unskilled laborers in many cases. The Postmaster General is alleged to be out of sympathy with the re quests of the clerks for increased compensation and has upset the fa vorable action of Congress in some instances. It is suspected that the head of the department prefers to make a showing in the way of rev enue without regard to the effect of that policy on the postal service. If the people generally could ex press themselves they would make it quite clear that, as against a sur plus in Mr. Burleson's department, they would prefer efficiency. Many good men have already quit the postal service to engage in mord remunerative occupations, and this means a breaking down of the sys tem which most intimately concerns the people. Within the week it has been charged before a committee of Con gress that the Postofhce Department was never in a state of greater, in efficiency; that boys in knickerbock ers were employed in place of skilled men; that so much mail had been rifled in Chicago that even a FRIDAY EVENING, suit of clothes belonging to an offi cial had disappeared, that men in one of the terminals at New York had worked twelve hours per day for twelve weeks and that railway mail clerks receive less than negro porters on station platforms. Thomas S. Flaherty, head of the National Federation of Employes, declared in Washington the other day that in six years not a single constructive recommendation for bet terment of the postal employes had been made; that, on the contrary, their wages had been reduced and laws for their protection nullified. He declared the wages are so low that the department cannot get men to work for it. This witness told the committee Postmaster General Burleson's idea of granting relief to the employes when the mail service was so heavy last winter was to send down his Chinese cook and coachman to work in the Washing ton postoffice at night. It has been stated that the larger groups of postal employes had re ceived only a 25 per cent, increase over the maximum established twelve years ago, yet living costs had increased over 100 per cent. It has been further stated in the Wash ington investigation that the increase in work has been 60 per cent, and the decrease in the number of em ployes has been 11 per cent, during the last six years in the postal serv ice. Threats of resignation 'have been made in many places among postal employes unless relief is provided. There is a feeling among the men that they have been overlooked and Postmaster General Burleson has been accused of withholding the facts from the public. Delays in the mail service are due, it is said by those who have appeared aswit nesses before the Congressional com mittee, to the lack of experienced help and that higher wage standards were absolutely needed to overcome the unsatisfactory conditions. No class of public servants are more faithful than the postal clerks and carriers, and the people will not hesitate to favor Congressional action for their relief when the facts are more properly presented through the investigation now under way. Con gress seems disposed to do the right thing and the Burleson policies must give way before the enlightened judgment of those who favor fair treatment and substantial apprecia tion of a large body of faithful Gov ernment employes. President Wilson will spend twenty-five days, according to Wash ington advices, in laying before the people of the country his reasons for the immediate ratification of the Peace Treaty without change. Talk has been harder to suppress than the Hun. AS TO STRIKES ALL OYER the country social unrest is developing into strikes. There are excuses for some of them and absolutely none for others. One can understand that men be come restless and discontented when pay envelopes fail to meet the ex penses of decent living. It is the right of every American to aspire to a wage that will yield him a livelihood, with something to lay by for a rainy day. Nobody will deny that. But, since men strike to better their conditions, there are several questions they should ask themselves before they leave their work. Among them are these: "Is the industry for which I am working able to pay me more than I am getting, and if it is not, can I help to put it on a profit-making basis?" "Am I giving as much service for the higher wages I am getting to day as I gave for lower wages be fore the war, and would it not be better to try the experiment of hclp j ing the plant increase its output?" "If I lose my Joli can I go else j where and get one as good or better, and if I can't where do I come out I in the end." j And last, but not least "Have I I the sympathy of the public, with out which no strike ever has been I won?" I These are fair questions. They I are vital to the si ccess of any strike. ! If men would pause to consider them there would be fewer walkouts. Some times a strike does seem the only way out of the workm |'s striving for better tilings, but mostly it is bad for both sides, gains little and loses much. A little more rea son between employer und employe, a little more thought, co-operation and understanding on both sides and there Would bo fewer newspaper ac counts of labor troubles being settled bv resort to the strike. A LESSON IN THIS? IX VIEW of the agitation for re adjustment of our industrial re lations it may be well to study for a moment some of the recent happenings in Russia. As is well known, the Bolsheviki came into power on the promise to turn in dustry over to the workers, and they made good the promise. The indus tries were given to the manual labor ers, and the owners and executives were turned out. What has hap pened there in the course of this ex periment is told by Prof. g, noted Russian educator recently re turned from that country, in,the current issue of "Struggling Russia." "The Bolsheviki," he says, "are r.ow inclined to give up the so called workers' control, which has done more harm .than good to in dustry and to substitute State control for it. Having number of failures in their land and lal3Br policies, the Bolsheviki have begun to look for a way out of the intol erable situation. They would be ready now to accept even nonrevo lutionary measures in order to fix |up somehow the crumpled-up in dustries of Russia." By the Ex-Committee man It is very evident that more is going to be heard in the next Legis lature of Pennsylvania about "home rule" for cities than in any previous year and the manner in which the representatives of the third class cities discussed the proposition at the convention of their League at Allentown indicates that the smaller municipalities are going to be lead ers. The last Legislature passed for the first time a constitutional amendment to pave the way for enactment of laws which would pro vide a general scheme for govern ment of cities, leaving them free to prescribe the detailed system best suited to their own needs. This is what has been wanted for a long time and if it had been in effect in 1913 Harrisburg. which had oper ated very successfully under the old act of ISB9, would have been able to escape much of tlfe difficulties it has encountered under the Clark code. It is expected that third class city laws will be made an issue in most of the smaller cities next year. There may be an effort to restore the nonpartisan elective feature, but by that time it will have been so bedly discredited that a strong move ment will be under way to do away with it entirely. The big feature will be defnands for liberal amend ment of the third class city code, so as to include some of the things not put through this year, and the "home rule" constitutional amend ment. Undoubtedly certain inter ests will light the "home rule" prop osition. The amendment will have to be passed by the next Legisla ture and will be voted upon by the people in the fall of 1921. —Auditor General Charles A. Snyder, who was author of bills for "home rule" in third class cities while in the Legislature, has again aroused much interest among the officials of such cities by a sugges tion that an arrangement should be made for a State fund from which cities could borrow money for im provements such as paving, sewers and other objects for which it would not be advisable to wait for a local election on a bond issue. The State could advance the money which the city could repay by special taxes or a bond issue. —Discussing the propositions for amendment of the constitution to relieve cities, the Scranton Repub lican says: "Perhaps these amend ments would solve some of the prob lems that now confront Scranton and other cities of the State. Third class cities as well as Scranton now suffer from the restriction of only three groupings. The Electric City complains because it is mated with the municipal giant, Pittsburgh, and cities the size of Hazleton and Car bondale rtnd their needs are differ ent from those of Erie, Harrisburg and Wilkes-Barre. A larger classi lication would enable Scranton and Reading to get in a group by them selves and the other incorporated towns to group themselves accord ing to size. That would be fair and equitable for all." —Slackers in registration are as sailed by the Wilkes-Barre Record vigorously. It says. "It should not be necessary to urge citizens to qualify themselves for the exercise of the most sacred civic privilege that can be conferred upon them. Next to the slacker in time of war the most despised of slackers is the person who for no good reason ab sents himself from the polling place ou election day. when the fate of government —whether good or bad —depends upon the selection of men competent and honest and disposed to regard tax revenues as a high trust." --•Writing in the Philadelphia In quirer, George J. Brennan says: "Judge Harry White, of Indiana, jurist, legislator, iinancier and sol d er, on a visit to Philadelphia last week met a number of the officers of the American Legion and ho ac cepted their invitation to address a meeting to be held under the auspices of that organization at which Civil War veterans will be asked to recount their military ex periences for the edification of the young men who saw overseas service in the recent World War. Judge White has a fund of valuable anec dotes and personal reminiscences of historical interest covering his serv ices in the State Legislature at Har \ risburg, the lower House of Con gress, his career as a lawyer and u jurist and his services in the Union I Army and his Incarceration in Libby Prison and subsequent escape there from." Pome of the school hoards of the State are inclined to be some what indignant over the failure of the school teachers' increase layv to Ibe more specific. In certain sections of the State questions have arisen ' which solicitors for the boards have j suggested be referred to the State I authorities. There arc also some i districts where it is said that teach ers lnuy not get the salary increase at all because of the inability of the school boards to increase the tax limit or to borrow money. It rather seems as though the teachers' salary qui slion will figure consider ably in tin politics of Pennsylvania next year. —Assurances have been given to people in a number of departments of tlie Capitol that there will be no shakcups or reorganizations until after the primary election.. Rumors have been afloat of numerous changes to be undertaken next week. —Newspapermen throughout the State are sending congratulations to W. H. Schwartz, the editor of the Altoona Tribune, who is just 74 years of age. He works harder than the city editors of many a newspaper and the Tribune editorial page is always worth reading. —Congressman J. Hampton Moore is getting vigorous in his replies to the attacks being made upon him. He says Judge John M. Patterson was one of the character witnesses for Mayor Thomas B. Smith and that Thomas Robins, chairman of the Patterson committee of 1,000, which the Evening Bulletin remarks was oddly made up, should be taken down before he gets "a few blotches" on his face. Robins was one of the prominent Roosevelt men and Moore says of him: "I want to say _to that social leader who is trying to give respectability to the camp of the Vares down the street, that he is profaning the name of Roosevelt every time it passes his lips." Unless the World Toils [From the New York Herald] Mr. Hoover made one wise and sound statement when he said that "unless productivity is increased in Europe there will be nothing but political, moral and economic chaos, finally resulting in loss of life hith erto undreamed of." One great trouble with the European situation is that the people in many countr'es deceive themselves in assuming that their problems are political instead of economic. HJLRRJSBTIRG TELEGRAPH 1 IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES OH, MAN! Since. "THev v£. cyisi.uei> OFF I WON T TFLL HER HEt.l.© -HCLLR LUCY IMS dinme Tonickt Ths UIN4MI2R. is ofc T H ts IS Joe- SAV OH GOOOY'- Ipa l Guess ** weLU IT u^ ,NK ,-N/e - GoT SOMe JuiT HUNGRY FOR P nf-Tto .x" JUST HOMt .. GOO® wews FORYou- SooD NCwS I CREDIT FOH IT VVHA " P 14 ,T ' " vvcli-- >'ve Decide® •• ~ . . f ' " ~ \ (SOT lb Go To That . HOv/m VRoVoiYinG, I Jost Thousht 1 Dinner tonight but 'OH iSrv'T ' He maid oo_< Ar vD / jd raiTher I \ w^ss.* 0 " 6 ( <*&%*"* r/ / z%r) !nsteaU * . VNHY COULDN T Me V Luce J V ° y 0 have —" Pomerene on Plumb Bill United States Senator Pomerene j does not favor Government owner- I ship of railroads, telephones or tele- l graphs. When it was proposed that the Government take over the tele- 1 phone and telegraph lines, he I counseled against it until hearings upon the subject showed something j tangible to base a conclusion onr, ; but was overruled." Senator Pomerene's criticism of j the Plumb plan was drawn out by . a letter to him from a committee representing the Hocking Valley j Federation System, which advanced j arguments in support of the meas- ; ure and asked for the Senator's I opinion. Only a synopsis of what Senator Pomerene said in answer was telegraphed from Washington, j The following is a verbatim quota tion from part of the answer: "Are you quite sure that when the [ Plumb plan was devised it was in the | interest of 'the masses?' If so, j how does it happen that the bill is ! presented by the brotherhoods alone, j and their associates? Why were . not the interests of the general pub- I lie consulted? "In the history of railroad eco nomics do you know of any country anywhere under which any plan akin to the Plumb plan has been adopted? Are you quite sure that it is fundamentally sound to require the Government of the United States to invest 5 20,0f 0,000,000 —about one tenth of the total wealth of the country —in this enterprise and turn it over to the operatives for 100 years ? "If the Plumb plan is sound eco nomically and is for the interests of 'the masses,' why do you not sug gest that similar legislation be adopted whereby all public utilities, including water works, electric light plants, gas and l.eating plants, be purchased and turned over to their employes and operatives, respec tively? "If it is sound and in the interest of the masses, why do you not sug gest that all the coal mines, iron and copper mines be purchased by the Government and turned over to the operatives in the same way .' "Why do you not suggest that all the manufacturing and industrial plants of the country be purchased with Government funds or by the issuance of Government bonds and turned over to their operatives In the same way? "Why do you not advise tlint all the stores be purchased and turn ed over to their operatives in the same way? "Why do you not recommend that all the banks of the country be required by the Government and turned over to their operatives? "Why do you not ask, in the in terest of 'the masses,' that the Gov ernment purchase all the farms of the country and turn them over to the employes on the farms.' "And lastly, may I suggest that if one man should happen to own two house* one of which lie rents, whv do vou not ask that the sec omi house shall be bought by the Government and turned over to the renter? , "Where is this going to end . "Mv friends, permit me to say the Plumb plan has nothing akin to it outside Bolshevist Russia., "It is worse than socialism. Efficiency in Business [Kansas City Times.] The existing system of selecting heads of industry works by a pro cess of natural selection, like evolu tion The concerns that fail to ex ercise good judgment go to the It is because the Plumb plan of the control of the railroads by the einployes disregards this system of making the owners of the roads responsible for their efficient man agement that the public shies away from it An enormous amount of experience throughout the would has convinced most persons efficiency in the conduct of a busl ness is purchased only under the always present penalty of loss of property in the event of failure. EDITORIAL COMMENT"" Henry Ford gets even with Presi dent Wilson. The latter catapulted the former into politics as the Democratic nominee for Senator from Michigan and Henry got a trimming. Now. Henry nominated Woodrow for President of the whole world, assuming that the League of Nations is a fact, which it isn't—not yet. About all these two good men get done is to nomi nate each other for good Jobs. — Johnstown Tribune. For and Against "Good Old Days" One Writer Defends the Traditions, While Another Champions Jazz Against Simple Melodies. LITERATURE is decadent. Out side some histories, there hasn't been a book written in this generation that will live to the next. The flower perfumed plots of Ouida have given place to the trysts of Elinor Glyn on bear skin rugs imperfectly tanned and giving off odors of the wild. Poe is forgotten in the jingles of the syndicated versifier who writes an ode to a cabbage. "Cooper, who clothed the spring forests in verdure and the autumn woods in crimson and gold, who spangled the wild meadows with blue bells, who put a sheen on the waters and a purple glory in the sunset, sleeps on while we crowd our systems with the liyperbolous happenings of 'Ma Pettingill." "There hasn't been a poet since Bryant, Whittier, Whitman, Long fellow and Willis, with the possible exception of Markham, whose prin cipal claim to fame rests on his 'Man With the Hoe!' " So writes C. M. (General) Jack son in the San Francisco Bulletin. The General ife a newspaper man of the old school who still ably tills a place on the staff of the Bulletin. • That newspaper recently assigned I to him the defense of the "Good Old Days" and at the same time had its art and musical critic. Wil lnrd Hamilton Wright, champion the cause of the present against the past. The two articles appeared as a full page feature. More of Gen ; eral Jackson's review follows: The Old-Time Religion "The old-time minister knew lit tle of psychology. His idea of driv i 111 nails was to hit them on their heads with a hamper. He was >1 nick to perceive wrong and to de nounce it. The dominie of Patton's Church in Chicago, of Armour's lor Swift's would no more dare i tackle gambling in foodstuffs than ' he would dare tackle a grizzly with ' only his naked hands for weapons. "As a result of this dilution of truth with the lukewarm waters of sophistry and evasion, the church ; has lost much of the power it once I had and realizes it. j "Recently 1 looked over the ' schoolbooks used by a third genera i tion descendant of my own family. ■ In almost every instance the pro cesses of figures were devoted to problems explaining how much he could make by buying something cheap at wholesale and selling it j dear at retail. Nowhere did I en ; counter a line commending the j precept that it is more blessed to i give than to receive. I searched his . textbooks vainly for the story of j Robert Morris, who pledged his : private fortune that the Army of j Washington might be paid, but . found in a volume I presume was issued by the school library a con cise and commendatory review of the lives of those three great men — Rockefeller, Carnegie and Schwab. Mourns Old-Time Music "Music is as essential to the mind' as food is to the body. And what a mess your modern is making of music. Gone are the days when it was presumed to appeal to the sentiment of humanity. In its place we have conglomerations of electric storms and cackling hens, of rumb ling chariots and blazing buildings, of thundering cannon and nasal catarrh. Lord of Israel, what a mess! Instead of rythm. the poetry iof sound, we have movements. I Orchestral cathartics, symphonic I abstergents! And jazz! "Dancing is a first cousin to music. But it also has been in i oculated. Gone the dreamy waltz, j the vivacious schottische, the good, honest old quadrille, the merry pol ka and the stately minuet. In their places, what? An olla podrida made up of 'turkey trots,' 'bunny hugs' and 'shaking the shimme.' Sensuality set to music. "It is the same way with the old songs. 'Home. Sweet Home,' 'The Igst Rose of Summer,' 'Annie Lau rie' and other tender things that made a fellow's heart fill up, are ditched, while our sopranos shriek, 'He Took Me Out in an Auto, but I Rode Home in a Car,' and bary tones and tenors howl, 'lf She Rov ed Me as T Rove Her Money, How Quickly We'd Agree.' with Jazz or cliestra accompaniment and jazz chorus." And here, on the other side of the shield, is Mr. Wright's satirical picture of the old as contrasted with the beauties of the new: "Religion has become more sen sible, more intelligent, more human, and, above all, more tolerant. It no longer holds that whatever pleases and enchants is a wile of the devil and, therefore. to be avoided if one would lead a right eous life. "And as for education, it, too, has become broader and more hu man and more practical. The Gingerbread Whatnot "Gone is the gingerbread what not in the corner with its riot of shells, gone with the wax flowers in the glass case resting upon a knit ted wool doily, the marble topped center table with the plush album and the stereoscope with scenes from the Grand Canyon and Niaga ra Falls. Gone, too, is the haircloth furniture with its pricking stray hairs and its slippery surface. The stuffed owl has disappeared from the wardrobe, and the Moody and Sanke.v liymnbook no longer leans against the rack of the square piano which was always out of tune and which had at least four keys that didn't strike. "Surely the absence of these abominations is a sign of progress and advancement. To-day the shell covered whatnot has given way to the sectional bookcase, with here and there a readable book among its contents. A cloissone vase stands in the place of the wax flowers. A mission table, simple and sensible in design, occupies the center of the drawing room, and the album and stereoscope have been replaced by travel books. Better Furniture Now "One may now sit upon chairs and sofas without sliding off or hav ing sharp points penetrate one. "And regard the books that were once read and the authors who were held in high esteem. The great writers of Europe were un known. Our grandfathers content ed themselves with the pallid chirp ing of such mild and uninspired old gentlemen as Longfellow, Bryant and Whittier. 'Unclfe Tom's Cabin' was regarded as a literary master piece; and James Fenlmore Cooper was thought to be a greater genius than Balzac, Flaubert or De Mau passant. Why should one wish to return to such barbaric conditions? "All dancing was based on the theory that the emotions were criminal. Hence, the quadrille, the minuet and the preposterous polka. To-day's Mental Attitude Frank "The young people of to-day have outgrown their honor of all gen uine instincts. For this reason I think the modern dance is destr-, able. It is at least more honest, just as jazz music is more honest than the e*egant and genteel dance compositions of yesterday. "This honesty and frankness seems to me. to be the crux of the whole argument. The mental at titude to-day is cleaner than it was; it is less hypocritical and more . natural. "This is shown by the fashions of to-day as compared with the fashions of yesterday. What is there so terrible in the fact that a woman reveals her curves and angles? The false modesty of our grandmothers appears to me to be the real immorality. And do the weepers for yesterday really prefer a pretty woman swathed 'n bulging garments, which conceal and dis guise her utterly, to the close fit ting and abbreviate'd attire of the modern woman? Ix>ok at the Bathing Suits "And the bathing suit'! Come with me to the beach, General, and I will convert you to the modern standard! There js more freedom to-day than formerly a greater mental and physical tolerance. "As for comforts, there can be no comparison between the new and the old regime. Steam heat and open plumbing are not to be sniffed at. And I will wager that "even the old-fashioned gentlemen use elevators in preference .to the stairs, safety razors In preference to the naked blades, and typewriters in preference to quill pens. And what is this I hear, General, about your recent acquisition of an automo bile? What! With all the Dob bins available and all the one-horse shays?" AUGUST 29, 1919- No Wonder Germany Quit By MAJOR FRANK C. MAHIN Of the Army Recruiting Station "One night towards the end of I September my regiment came into the town of Dieulouard on the Mo selle river, about five miles above Pont-a-Mousson. We were just out of the St. Mihiel offensive where, being the pivot for the attack, we had caught the devil for four days and nights. At the entrance to the town my battalion billeting ofiicer met me and I went on ahead with him to look over the billets. I found my entire battalion was as signed to a large tannery on the north edge of town. While we were looking over the building there was a stunning concussion and 1 re marked that that sounded like a big one going. It was customary to speak of shells as coming or going, according to whether they were Boche or Allied. My lieutenant an swered that there was an Ameri can 14-inch railroad gun firing on Metz from a siding about a hun dred yards away. I asked him if the Boche had been searching with their guns for that nice little rail road gun, and he told me they had, ; but everything had been hitting in ! a field and on a hillside six or seven 1 hundred yards away. Nevertheless, j I didn't like the idea of putting ray I men in that building, but we were ! ordered to do it, so in we went. ! There was plenty of room, plenty jof straw for beds, and plenty of I water and we were' more comfort ' able than we had been for months except for one thing, and that was that the Boche started shelling the town itself. Our 14-inch friend pull ed out and left us, for which we were not a bit sorry, as every time it fired the concussion blew you out of bed and made the very ground tremble. However, that wasn't near ly as bad as the spasmodic shelling. I The Boche were using long-range ] 9.5-inch guns and they would drop | live or six shells into the town about a minute apart, then perhaps wait two hours and send over two more, I then wait 15 minutes and send one, j then wait four hours and send 20, land soforth. The shells came so fast, | dropping down out of the skies that | you hadn't even hit the ground after hearing the whoosh of the approach ! ing shell till it had burst. There | were still some hundreds of civilians lin the town, and during our first j week there several women and chil i dren were killed, but strange to say not a soldier was touched. Never- I theless, the shelling Was decidedly nerve-racking. Everyone felt the ! same, and as I heard it frequently I expressed, 'Wouldn't it be just hell I to be bumped off by a stray shell I after what we have just been through.' Finally we begun to get a feeling that since nobody had been hit in a week, nobody was going to be. But just the same, everyone was getting mighty sore at the Boche for this long drawnout harassing. You don't mind being harassed for a few hours, or I should say you .ex pect it occasionally, for you most certainly do mind it, but when the blame buincss keeps up for a week it gets your gout. But our exemp tion came to a sudden and disas trous stop. Just at noon on a bright, clear Sunday, one of those 9.5-inch shells lit right square in the mid dle of the big room in which .all four of my kitchens were estab lished. I was down at regimental headquarters when that shell hit, but I heard it and placed the smothered explosion in my tannery, so I start ed post haste to see what damage had been done. Believe me, it was plenty. That room was a sight be yond description. Rolling kitchens, tank carts, and ration carts, and kitchen paraphernalia were smashed and strewn broadcast, while inter mingled with that kind of debris were tons of brick, quantities of broken glass, twisted steel girders and the bodies of twenty-four dead. In addition to the dead there were 69 wounded, so that shell tempo rarily or permanently accounted for 93 Yanks. Of course, the Boche ex pected and hoped to demoralize us with the shelling, but if they could have seen us after that slaughter they would have carefully refrained in the future from long-range ha rassing of American troops. The whole outfit were so thoroughly en raged, there was no talk or demon stration, but everyone made up their minds that the Boche were going to pay for that shell with blood, and two weeks later they most certainly did, for in our next attack every man jack went over the top with a grim determination to get revenge for some friend or bunkie who passed out in Dieulouard. I am afraid very few prisoners came back out of our area, but I know the burial parties had plenty to do to put the dead under ground after we had Dassed on." Euttimg Cljat Harrisburg's twilight baseball." which has been in many respects one of the most remarkable outgrowths of the war In the way of will come to a climax during coming week when the leade.s of the two leagues which furnished such excellent after supper games will cross bats for the city cham pionship. There are pretty wet defined community sentiments in regard to these two leagues, one ing an up town affair with its root ers scattered all through the old part of the city, while the other v pn Allison Hill organization whit is supported by thousands of the folks in the highland part of the State Capital. And in between there are several smaller league whoso players and backers are partisans of the two larger organizations And all of these grew out of day light saving because last year when men found that there was an hour after supper baseball came into its own again and games, such as we used to see in the late eighties and early nineties, in years when Har j risburg did not have a professional ; nine, but some rattling amateur j teunrs began to be repeated. Owing | to its neutral position the big dia mond on the city's island will be I used for the opening game between ! the West End and the Reading i Railroad teams, which are at the peaks of the two leagues and the other matches will be played on the respective grounds. It will be a great chance for people to see just what daylight saving has brought to Harrtsburg in the way of groat j sport and just how firmly rooted is j baseball to this city of ours. Every now and then something turns up, ahout a Harrishurg man and a copy of the "Em and Ess Elec tric News" is just here with Frank Wert's name as editor. Mr. Wert is a son of Prof. Howard Wert and was formerly city editor of the. Harrishurg Patriot and also on the Harrisburg Telegraph. He was se lected for the publicity manager of the Mahoning and Shenango nail way, which operates in Ohio and Western Pennsylvania after some service on the Philadelphia Even ing Bulletin and was made head of some welfare work in addition. Now lie is editing the company's maga zine for its men at Youngstown among other things. You can get almost any kind of a sound you want up around the Capitol, declare people who work in the big building. There is a whistle on the big building and occasionally there is a rattle of tinware in the subterranean depths. Practice of an orchestra is not unknown and there is a good choir. But records •were broken yesterday when a horse which had been allowed to stand in one of the recesses of the build ings by a deiicery wagon driyer, neighed violently and aroused a rooster, which had been bought by an attache to take home. A good story is told by a com mercial man who travels "about the State a good bit. This man is a great rooter for Pennsylvania be cause he has been all over the State and knows its people and what they are doing. One day recently he met a fellow traveler, who haiied from New England. "I should think." remarked the man from Yankeeland, "that vou would have been much worried dur ing the early days of the war be cause of the possibilities in the at titude of the Pennsylvania Dutch. ' 'Why'.'" asked the astonished traveling man. "Well, they would naturaliy sympathize with Germany," remark ed the New Englander. "Say, let me tell you that there was more uncertainty about the at titude of some of you New Engend ers of English descent in 1770 than there ever was about the attitude of the folks you call Pennsylvania Dutch in days. They helped make up Washington's army. Just leave off the Dutch, they're Penn sylvanians and have been that ever since they settled here and tlio muster rolls of every war will prove Here's another train story. A Harrisburg businessman happened to get alongside a genial Irishman, who said that he was head of a big gang of men on construction work in Colorado, that part of Colo rado which furnishes the setting for some thrilling stories and "movies." "Me friend," said the Irishman, "I came East to see relatives and when I was going into Chicago a bullet hit the frame of the car window beside which I was sitting. When I got into Chi cago there was a race riot. When I got to New York I heard men spouting all kinds of raw stuff from corners. When I got to Brooklyn i they slammed bricks and rocks at the street cars I was riding in and I the cops were called out to stop the I riots. Say, me friend, I'm going back to Colorado. The wild and woolly west is safer." Citronella is almost at a premium in the upper end of Harrisburg. Owing to the failure of city author ities to take advantage of State of fers to help eradicate mosquitoes, that part of Harrisburg has been overrun with specimens of the ano pheles, culex and several other va rieties of "skeeters" with names al most as bad as their stings. People have taken to smoking "twofers," burning smudges, lighting punk and other expedients in order to sit out doors while citronella has been bought by the pint and handker chiefs and cushions sprinkled with it. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE I John F. Short, the United States | marshal at Pittsburgh, who is very I much in the limelight just now, used to be a newspaper correspon | dent here. Claude T. Reno, former Allen town legislator, is to be one of the I speakers at the welcome home of | Lehigh veterans. | Edward Wertley, Reading news paper man. has been given decora tion for his war service. Senator Edwin H. Vare, the Phtla ! delphig political leader, gets recre- I ation by horse back riding. Louis Frank, chairman of the nominating committee of the third class city league, is mayor of Johna ! town. | DO YOU KNOW ~j —That Harrisburg made silk for cartridge cloth for the Army? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —Harrisburg was one of the first places in the State to establish a cotton factory.