Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 29, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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    " When a Girl Harries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
Copyright, 1919. King Feature Syndi- .
cate. Inc.
"If that isn't just like a woman!" 1
exclaimed Jim uneasily, turning
around with his tie slipped half way !
through the loop. "Why don't you 1
bow to the inevitable and call the
whole blooming performance off? It
isn't so important for us to keep
our date with Phoebe and Xeal to
night. The boy will save money and
you'll save that sprained ankle of j
yours. You can't jam it into any of ■
those fool slippers anyway."
I gingerly withdrew my swollen
foot from the third pair of slippers
into which I had tried to force it.
"No, I can't." I acknowledged. ;
wincing with pain.
"Just like a woman!" Jim mut
tered again. "I'll call Xeal and tell
him the party's off."
'I wouldn't disappoint the kiddies
for anything!" I protested. 'l'll wear
a pair of low-heeled sport oxfords
and clothes to match. Of course I
act just like a woman. Jim. Do you :
expect me to conduct myself like a
giraffe or a humming bird?"
Iwanted this to make Jim smile and
so to restore his mental balance. I
Ever since his failure in breaking the
news to Virginia that Pat was mak- i
ing her a present of the old Harrison
place. Jim had been irritable and mo-'
rose. Jim's pride and Jeanie's had i
clashed again and she had withdrawn '
from him in cold anger—the worst •
kind. Brooding over that had driven
Jim to the pass of nerves with which t
I was now dealing. So I tried not to '
let it hurt me too much when he j
whirled on me. jerking out curtly in i
response to my effort at facetious- I
"Don't be so all-fired cute, Anne! J
If you want to go out to a dinner '>
dressed for a day at a country club
have it your own way. But I've 1
started to dress like a civilized male
and I'm not going to pull off my dress '
shirt and get into a soft one and sport
things just to cater to your whims."
"But it isn't a whim!" I protested, i
"You see for yourself that I can't jam j
How You Can Remove
Every Trace of Hair
(Toilet Talks)
A stiff paste made with some pow- |
dered delatone and water and spread I
on a hairy surface about 2 minutes j
will, when removed, take every trace !
of hair with it. The skin should j
then be washed to free it from the
remaining delatone. No harm can j
result from this treatment, but be I
sure it is delatone you get and you 1
will not be disappointed.
See How Smoothly It Slices—
Doesn't crumble and fall to pieces when
sliced or spread with butter
Fineness and Cohesion without dryness is one of
the secrets of its making. A flavor and a palatable
and appetizing aroma. Instant popularity, nation
wide, attests the merits o r
No substitutes, just the best Hour made, sealed in
dustproof wrappers at the oven, it is neat, crisp and
delicious. All the nutrient qualities of a perfect
food, bone building and muscle developing. You'll
see its difference from other breads with the very
first taste.
: this swollen foot and ankle into slip
j pers. What am I to do?"
"Call it off, as I've already "'^l
- gested," snapped Jim." Or, if you're
so dead set on going, why in blazes
' don't you have some sensible dark
shoes that you could wear with that
1 chiffon "dress of yours? You spend
enough money on your footwear to
have the right thing when it's need
< ed."
I stared at Jim in astonishment.
It was funny to think of his insinu
ating that I was extravagant when.
| ever since our marriage, his pet
method of reproach had been to call
)me a little tight-wad. Before I
could reply, however, Jim went on
mumbling away at a great rate:
; "Catch me ever going to one of
those roofs again in anything but
dress clothes. I'm not forgetting the
way that fellow Booth swanked
| around the evening I was in blue
I suppressed a giggle so the
thought of Carl Booth still rankled
|in Jim's mind! But I repressed my
i thoughts and merely said:
"I'll find some suitable shoes and
i wear the violet chiffon."
"All right," said Jim. completing 1
the black bow to his own satisfac
j tion and shrugging his way into his
i dinner coat. "I'll wait for you in:
| the living room. Call a taxi when |
you're ready."
I He sauntered out, humming, "Love '
; is love in ermine or tatters, dear,
i Love is love and nothing else mat- j
: ters, dear." And I rummaged
1 around until I found some old suede
slippers into which, by dint or en
j during a little pain. I could squeeze
;my foot. The rest of my preparations
took only a few mindtes and pres- i
| ently we were chugging off to meet
j Phoebe and Neal our host and
: hostess.
Hardly had we finished our first
course of cherrystone clams, when
. Phoebe made a wrji little face and
leaned toward Neal
"Oh I shouldn't have eaten that
j last clam." she whispered, going
pale as she spoke. "It didn't look
j pink and smooth like the others, i
1 but they were so good that I was a
little piggy and risked the one that
j looked wrong."
"Poor little Phoebikins!" cried
j Neal. "Do you feel badly, dear?
| Put a big chunk of butter on a crust
' of bread and gulp it down, while I
j get the waiter to hustle some black
I coffee along."
i In an astonishingly short time Neal
had procured the coffee and was |
! pouring it for Phoebe to drink i
j steaming hot. And so urgently did j
he hurry waiters about that bicar- i
i bonate of soda and aromatic spirits ;
l of ammonia followed right along. ]
I But by the time they came Phoebe's i
soft, pink cheeks had recovered'
Bringing Up Father -Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus
THERE READING- |||* rvwr W M 1 U nl I 40Et>"b THE V/OULD "foU MIND TELLIN*
| RN ° °H •
from their temporary ashiness, and
she declared herself all right again
and ready to go on with the dinner.
Jim smiled, with a superior big
brotherly air.
"Nothing in the world the matter
with you Phoebe, but a loss of
nerve. Next time you don't like the
looks of a clam, either restrain your
appetite or your imagination," he said
with a smile that just took the edge
cff his malice.
Phoebe looked at Jim reproach
fully and replied with real spirit:
aren't very kind or sympa
thetic, Jim. If Neal hadn't been so
dear to me I might have had pto
maine. I hope you're nicer to Anne
than you were to me Just now
otherwise I'd be sorry for her if
she ever got ill."
Jim's color deepened and his eyes
"Now he's going to offend Phoebe,
too," I moaned soundlessly to my
self. But Jim suddenly grinned, boy
ishly; disarmingly and with the ut
most good humor. He laid his hand
on mine and I knew what the press
ure of his fingers meant.
"Right you are. little Miss Preach
er." he said. "I'm sorry. And I'll
be considerate of Anne's ankle Just
for you. Axe we .friends?"
"Oh, Jinimie. cried Phoebe, con
tritely. • "I'm sorry, too. As if we
could ever stop being friends."
"It is absurd, isn't it?" replied Jim
To lte continued
Daily Dot Puzzle
27 • J 5
V. 26 24-
• i -22* *23
,s - " J
30. S If "7
Si* 2., elk
x s. is
n -4 •
S3 ' \
IsL 7 ' * •
a-.*; 5
38. # 47
38* 4o*
Draw from one to two and so on
to the end.
The largest and best in Harrisburg—the Standard, Accredit
ed Business College—the School that MUST and does pro
mote individually; that MUST keep strictly up-to-date in
every respect—the School selected by the people who can
not be led blindly; the thinking people, who demand facts,
truth, and proof— not camouflage. Any MISREPRESEN
TATION or violation of methods, etc., cancel our
connection with the National Association of Accredited
Commercial Schools of the United States.
Term Opens—Day School, August 25 and Sept. 1
Uniform Rate of Tuition to All
School of Commerce
J. H. Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square
BELL 485 DIAL 4393
New York. Aug. 29. Railway
wages have increased more in pro
portion than the cost of living since
the war began, according to statis
tics published to-day in the Railway-
Age. President Wilson's action in
granting the shop employes only a
small part of the advance in wages
for which they asked is declared by
the Railway Age to have great sig
nificance because largely a recogni
tion of the fact that, on the basis of
increased cost of living they were
not entitled to a large advance.
"His attitude and utterances clear
ly indicate," it says, "that he has
decided to make no further substan
tial advances in railway wages un
der government operation. The claims
of the shop employes were based
partly on wages paid to similar
classes of workmen in other indus
tries and partly on the increase in
the cost of living. The advance of
four cents an hour given them makes
their wages slightly higher than
those of workmen in the principal
metal trades.
"As to the advance in the cost of
living since the war began, it cer
tainly cannot be shown as to rail
way employes in general that the ad
vances in their wages have not kept
pace with the increase in the cost of
living. The results of all the inves
tigations which have been made in
! dicate that the increase in the cost
| of living during the five years since
j the war in Europe began has been
I approximately 80 per cent.
"In the year ended June 30, 1914,
'the average earnings of a railroad
j employe were SSIO. In the year end-
I ed on June 30. 1915, they were $827.
! In January, 1919, the railways had 1.-
! 848,774 employes whose average
{ earnings for the month were $125.
i At this rate the average per employe
' per year would be $1,500, but addi-
{ tional advances have been granted
since then which make the average
| present earnings of a railroad era-
J ploye at least $1,533 a year. Com
pared with 1915, therefore, the aver
age inrease in earnings per employe
I is $5 per cent., while compared with
i 1914 the average increase is 89 per
cent. These increases exceed the in
crease in the cost of living.
! "As nearly as can be estimated,
| railway wages are now running at the
; rate of $2,834,600,000 per year. Di
! rector General Hines has estimated
j that if all the demands for advances
in railway wages recently made
should be granted the increase in the
railroad payroll would be $800,000,-
; uOO a year. This would make it a
total of $3,634,600,000 per year. For
i 1,848,774 employes this would make an
[ average annual wage of $1,965. The
j increase in the average earnings per
! employe over 1915, if this additional
i advance should be granted, would be
I 137 per cent., while the increase over
1914 would be 142 per cent.
"It is by no means improbable that
President Wilson's virtual announce
ment that no substantial general ad
vance in wages will be granted will
result in a general railroad strike.
; The older railway labor brother
hoods, which formerly were conser
vative, have passed into the control
of men who are as radical as the
Russian Bolsheviks and who are
drunken with the idea of their
power. Their advocacy of the Plumb
plan, which is nothing but the Rus-
sian soviet plan, shows how radical
these men have become. A general
railroad strike while the roads are in
the hands of the government would
be a strike against the government
iiself. if the strikers should win,
this would demonstrate that they
were stronger than the government.
Whenever a particular element in the
nation shows that it has become
stronger than the government it has
practically destroyed the government,
or, rather, has become the real gov
ernment itself. The American people
are not yet ready to see their gov
ernment destroyed. Therefore, there
would be very- little chance of a gen
eral railroad strike being successful.
Let us hope that the leaders of the
railway labor organizations will open
their eyes and recognize this fact."
Though the head of Abraham
Linhcoln has been modeled and sculp
tured in all imaginable sizes and ex
pressions, the recently completed work
of an artist in Tacoma, Wash, easily
takes first place for sheer bigness, if
nothing else, says the September Popu
lar Mechanics Magazine. The finished
head of bronzed plaster will be eleven
feet high. It is i hollow and braced
within by a timber frame, but the clay
model from which the piaster was
cast was solid, and weighed 40.000
pounds. While the artist worked on
the upper portions, an assistant threw
the clay up to him in handfuls, which
were j ounded into place with mallet
and fist. The hair of the forelock was
modeled with a shovel.
The young ladies were writing a
story of adventure, it being necessary
to describe the shooting of a leopard.
Alice—Would you say that Julius
raised his gun and shot him on the
Lucy—Lemme see I No better say
shot him through the heart. Somebody
might ask which spot.—Cartoons Mag
"This furniture antique?"
"Did you inherit it?"
"In a way. My grandfather bought
it from a man on the installment plan
and I took over the payments."—Kan
sas City Journal.
"Lend me article X, old man."
"Sorry, Joe. but the best I can let
you have is article V."
"Ratified without reservations I Slip
me the V."—Buffalo Express. I
2930—Plaid suiting and plain serge
in a matched color would be nice for
this style. It is also nice for velvet,
corduroy with satin, serge with taf
feta and for all wash fabrics.
The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes. 8,
10, 12 and 14 years. Size 12 will re
quire 3 3-8 yards of 44 inch material
for the dress, and one yard for the
A Pattern of this illustration mailed
t> any address on receipt of 10c. in
silver or lc. and 2c. stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
send pattern to the following
Size Pattern No. .......
City and State
Member Parliament Praises
America For Economic
j London, Aug. 29. The strike
I was characterized as "a two-edged
j weapon" which should be used only
j as a last resort in enforcing work
i ers' demands by .Tames Henry
Thomas, a member of Parliment for
| Derby and general secretary of the
I National Union of Uuilwaymen in
; his first public address after re
| turning from a visit to the United
States where he studied the labor
! situation.
America has strenghtened her ;
economic situation during the war j
and controlled or produced every- ;
thing that the rest of the world re- !
quired. Mr. Thomas declared. Un- j
less England at once repaired the
losses of the past four years, ho
said, disaster would stare the coun- '
try in the face.
The speaker said- he believed that ,
the government itself did much to j
popularize the strike by refusing at !
the conciliation table to-day what '
they would concede to-morrow .
merely on the threat of a strike.
"The first essential is that con- i
fidence immediately be restored to
the workihg classes," Mr. Thomas i
stated. "Employers must realize i
that the men and women who were |
responsible for saving the country
expected fair and square dealing
while workers on their part, must
not be carried away by the mis- '
taken notion that wealth consisted !
in mere paper money—but must j
remember that the nation had to i
regain not only self-confidence, but j
the confidence of the world."
London —lt is claimed for Mr. Tim
mins. the Shakespearean Scholar who :
has just died, that at the age of 21 he
recited the whole of "Hamlet" from
memory. Among professional reciters ■
such a feat would not be regarded as
very remarkable.
The late Samuel Brandram knew by
heart practically the whole of Shakes
peare, and Shakespeare was only one
of his many favorites.
In his "Nights With the Poets and
Humorists" Brandram drew from all
sources, read nothing and was never
known to forget a line.
Announcing Early Arrivals Of
New Fall Garments
Coats Suits Dresses Skirts Waists
The advanced showing of the new Fall garments discloses many dainty
and wonderful creations of Dame Fashion. Conservative models, neatly
tailored, some fur trimmed, form the larger part of the coats and suits.
Dresses are both plain and fancy. Skirts are neatly made up in various col
ors. Our stock is now about complete, so that, even at this early date, you
have an entire assortment to choose from.
of serge, poplin, silvertone, oxford, of silvertone, broadcloth, travel cloth
Poriet twill, tricotinc and broadcloth, and silver-tip Valour, some with swag
some fur trimmed, tailored and belted ger back, others belted and fur trim
models, med,
$24.95 " $84.95 $24.95 to $74.95
WAISTS—VoiIe, Georgette and Crepe de Chine 99£ to $14,95
of serge, tricotine, satin, tricolettc, taf- Q f serge, poplin, fancy plaids, Barnet
feta and georgette, straight lines, some sat j n , taffeta and plain satins,
fancy trimmed,
$10.95° $69.95 $6.95 10 $18.95
We still have a few Summer Wash Dresses and Skirts, which we are
closing out at about a quarter of their regular value.
- -
Buy Here I 1* 13 __ _ Buy Here
and You | 9QIGB and You
8-10-12 S.FOURTH ST.
'AUGUST 29,1919-
AVnsliington Even the Postal
Guide isn t bad reading, if there is
nothing else handy and you read It
with your sense of humor on tap. For
instance, what kind of humorists were
they who gave these names to post
offices, and what kind of communities
are they that accepted them?
Ace. Texas: Affinity, West Virginia;
Ai. Georgia ; A Itch, Pennsylvania ; Au
tumn Leaves, Pennsylvania: Barefoot,
Georgia and Kentucky, and Bigfoot.
Texas; Beefhide, Kentucky; Bird in
Hand. Pennsylvania; Blowout. Idaho
and Texas: Bluff Boom, Kentucky;
love Puddine! Let them
Kg have all they want for dessert. It's L 9
wholesome and delicious. Puddine is rich 0
3*NS and creamy—comes in a number of flavors, S
molds quickly in all kinds of weather. Use j
MM it for luscious cake and pie fillings, and ice
Pn cream. A 15c box serves 15 people, —and Jn
K7 you can use as much or as little as you FH
need. Have it tonight with dinner. YSM
For sale at your grocer's. y
Baltimore. Md.
fTiwinnimi wu 11 1 ■———i ■ i ^piMßf
Garments of Quality
| Braggadocio, Missouri; Chuckle, NorU|
i Carolina : Colt Neck, New Jersey ; Cu
j cumber. West Virginia; Defeated, Tew
| nessce ; Difficulty, Wyoming ; Domestic*
| West Virginia ; Horse Heaven, Wash*
j ington ; Mud, Texas and West Virginia
I and Peculiar, Missouri.
Visitor—Rastus Johnson is verj
' shiftless, isn't he?
| Sambo—No, sub. Dat man am dl
i most ambitious niggah what is.
"Yes suh. He says he woun't b(
satisfied until his wife am doin' all dl
I washin's in town."—Life.