Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 29, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 Market Square Folks to Hold Cornroast Tonight The pavilion at Wildwood Park will be the scene of a jolly party to night when the young people of Mar ket Square Sunday School make mer ry at a corn and wiener roast. The crowd will meet at the church at 5.30 o'clock. Those wishing to go directly to the park may take the Sixth street car, get off at Division street and go fWedding Flowersj i; Plant Decorations If it has to do with ? 11 Flowers or anything that S > "grows," consult us— < j THE BERRYHILL i L Locust Street at Second f " u Always Suits for Fall ? Here you may view i the mode for Winter J and buy with the as- f surance that your A purchase is not a be- f tween seasons' fad. f but a really authentic £ example of the new T season's mode. | * i 1 I Navy Tricotine in | Mandarin Style t The tablier front f i is held in place by 2 J narrow sashes that J 9 tie in the back. The 5 I skirt oi the coat is J I long and the sleeves I i are fitted with open a S cuff. The collar is ? J of squirrel. # I Fall Suits, i $29.95 to Slls J T f * SMART J SIX SQ'ITH FO JRTH STREET C ? . I? f Masterpieces ? S In Millinery 5 j5 Designing millinery will always remain an Q •jO It can never be reduced to the rigid • !• formulae which would make it a science. 0 ■0 It can never be standardized. Beautiful A R millinery win always be the expression of • V the talent and taste of some one artist. 0 5 M A beautiful hat is in a very real sense an • Z inspired product. And a girted designer of 0 () hats is likely to be subject to all the baf- A £ fling moods, the ebb and flow of inspira* • X) tion, to which all true artists are victims. 0 R But the conscientious artist of high aes- i A 5 thetic ideals always discards his less ■ • P worthy examples. 0 s So it is with Miss Golden. To me there : J is a fascination in watching her at work. to To see a masterpiece develop under the Q 5 magic touch of her deft fingers. To watch • ■C her fling aside with a gesture of disap- 0 6 proval some experimental effort. The Q C public sees only her masterpieces. She is JO her own most severe critic. Our new Fall 0 £ hats are now on display. A i ' 5 jfl X. B.—Store closed Labor Day. Beginning I ft Bf Saturday. September 6th. store will remain ■ . open Saturdays untU 6 o'clock. FRIDAY EVENING, straight to the Pavilion. After sup per. which will be served about 6.50 o'clock, games and contests will be participated in. Aiding the assistant pastor, the Rev. Howard Rodgers in planning for the picnic, is the following committee: Miss Aline Fisher. Miss Catherine Fisher. Miss Marjorie Hause. Miss Marguerite Gipple. Miss Pauline Hauck. Miss Sara Nunemacker. Miss Blanche Raine. Miss Reed. Miss Mary Schupp, Miss Ruth Stoner, Miss Mary Wills and Miss Mabel Wright. C. S. Anderson, Edward Green. C. Arthur Hibler. Jr.. Donald Miller. F. Gerald Moyer, Robert D. Walker. Mr. and Mrs Ross Derick Will chaper ons. Miss Katharine Dubbs. SO6 North Third street, returned this afternoon after spending a week in New York as the guest of Miss Mary Buttorff. Miss Buttorff accompanied Miss Dubbs to this city. The Kindergarten Taught By Miss Violet Stauffer Will Reopen Tuesday, September 2 Fifteenth and Regina Sts. f \ How are Your Eyes Or.e pair of eyes in a lifetime. Don't neglect or abuse them. Your eyes may need attention. If so call to see me. Glasses properly Sued will relieve headaches, diz ziness and nerve strain. C. M. Rogers Registered Optometrist 302 MARKET STREET Over Claster's Jewelry Store Harrisburg. Pa- Open until 0 P. M, Saturday V > , ' ' Candy Is a Food a Each day a new customer comes into our store and remarks up on the delicious ness of our candy. "I've just learn ed how delicious your candies are through a friend who gave me a "Fife 10 answer is m ~ ~ ~ r simple enough, the Messlmer quality is in the goods and that standard is maintained. Special for th:s weekend. Old-fashioned cocoanut squat es. 45c lb. Jelly Drop. 50c lb. Assorted Caramels. 50c lb. Chocolate Almond sheet, 65c lb. MESSIMER'S The House of Homemade Candies, Third St. at Brigtfs. SHOP UPTOWN New Fall Styles The new favored models for fall and early winter now ready. You'll: appreciate the styles and low prices. Betty Lend Shop 120S NORTH THIRD STREET Open Evenings Until S P. M. INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS STORYTELLERS TO MEET HERE Ninth Annual Conference of National League to Be Held Here Next Week The people of Harrisburg are. indeed, most fortunate to be favored with the rare treats in store for them next week, when the ninth annual conference of the National Story Tellers League convenes here in conjunction with the third an nual conference of the Eastern Dis- trict. Never before in the history of the city has a similar opportunity been offered the residents to hear such artists as will be presented in an evening .of story telling at Fahne stock Hall on Friday. September 5. The program for the entire three days' sessions, beginning Thursday, September 4, and ending Saturday, has been completed, and was made public to-day by Mrs. David J- Reese, president of the Harrisburg Story Tellers League. On Thursday the delegates will register at the Hall of the House of Representa tives and both the active and asso ciate members of the local League are requested to register some time during the day, in order to receive their badges. In the afternoon, from 2 to i o'clock, a reception will be held in parlor C of the Penn-Harris, when the active members here will greet the visiting delegates. The evening session, to be held in the Hall of the House of Represent atives. may be attenedd by all mem bers of the local League. Mrs. Da vid J. Reese, president, will make an address of welcome, followed by a lecture. "Story Telling As An Ancient and Modern Art." by Rich and Thomas Wyche. president of the National Story Tellers League. Anna Curtis Chandler, official story teller at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, will speak on "Story Telling in the Metropolitan Museum of Art," and a lecture. "Story Telling As An Interpretative Art." by Stephani Schutze, Held sec retary of the National League, will complete the program. Friday'* Events Friday morning at 9.30 o'clock there will be a business session in the Hall ot' the House of Representatives, when reports of the delegates will be made. At 11.30 Mr. Wyche will lecture and at 12.30 a luncheon will be served at the Penn-Harris. At 2 o'clock an im portant business session is schedu,ed for the Hall of the House, when the election of National officers is to oc cur. At 3.45 there will be a story, "Her Friday's Work." by Edna Groff Diehl. and at 4 o'clock Lucille corbett will letcure on "Story Telling from the Platform." Plans have been made for an auto mobiie tour of the city from 4.30 to 5.30 for the visiting delegates. The evening's event is the one looked forward to with keenest an ticipation by the people in general, for it is then that the public is in vited to a night of story telling at Fahnestock Hall. Six distinguished artists of national repute will enter tain with stories of unusual interest and power. The program is as fol lows: __ •St. Christopher." Richard Thomas Wyche: story, selected, by Minnie Ellis O'Donnell; "The Five Men of Prayer." Annie Locke MaKinnon; "The Silver Hen." L%cille Corbett: "A Japanese Rip Van Winkle." Anna Curtis Chandler: and 'The Butterfly that Stamped," Stephanie Schutze. Final Day On Saturday a business session at 9.30 o'clock in the Hall of the House of Representatives will start the day's activities. At 11.30 Laura Kready, of Lancaster, is scheduled to lecture on "Dramatization as a Return From Story Telling." The conference will close at 2 o'clock with a free story matinee, for school children only, to be held in the Hall of the House. MARRIAGE AXXOI'XCED The marriage of Miss Susan Thomp son. of 208 South street and Foster Bressler, of Oberlin. was solemnized late yesterday afternoon. The bride who was unattended wore a traveling suit of navy blue with a hat to har monize. Mrs. Bressler was formerly an employe of the Automobile Di vision of the State Highway Depart ment. Mr. Bressler has recently been discharged from the service. TO HOLD BLOCK SOCLVL The Sunday school class of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, taught by Mrs. Harry C. Devor, will hold a block social this evening irt Granite street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Delicious pies, cakes and candies will be sold and the proceeds given as the Rally Day of fering. Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Garfinkle and daughter, Tina Garfinkle, returned to their home. 1219 Xorth Second street, after spending two weeks at Wildwood, X. J. Mrs. Bessie Rich-wine. 1625 Xorth Third street, and Mrs. Clara Yocum, 1721 Green street, are spending some time at Buaffo. Xiagara Falls, Oleans and Xew York City. The Rev. and Mrs. Edgar E. Sny der, and son, Edgar E. Snyder, Jr., 2317 Xorth Third street leave early next week to spend several weeks at Stone Harbor, X*. J. Mr. and Mrs TV. H. Burns, 1623 Xorth Third street, left to-day for Xiagara Falls, Buffalo, Oleans and Xew York City. Miss Katherine Keene, 1843 Ber ryhill street, has returned to her home after a month's visit in Milwau kee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Klopp, 239 Xorth street will return to this city to morrow after summering at Mt. Gret na. Mrs. George S. Comstock and Miss Katharine Comstock, of Cottage Hill, Steelton, are visiting at Bayhead X. J. Richard Heagy, of Camp Hill, has returned after a brief stay at Phila delphia. Mrs. Paul Fager and small son, John, are at their home in Coates ville. after spending the past week in the city as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. John H. Fager, 1243 Xorth Sixth street Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilklns, of Phil adelphia, will spend the week-end here as the guests of Mrs. J. E. Cash mer, 33 Xorth Seventeenth street. Miss Frances Broome, Miss Florence Stephens, and Miss Anna Shingle, of Germaptown, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers, 265 Peffer street. Miss Etta Kilbenschlag and Miss Cleckner will return to this city to morrow after a stay in Xew York. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Willis, 1646 Mar ket street are spending some time at Ocean City, X. J. HJLRRISBURG TELEGRAPH W.C.T.U. HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTION Meet at Fourth Street Church of God Yesterday Afternoon A meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held yesterday afternoon in the Fourth Street Church of God. when reports were made by these depart ment superintendents and officers: Mrs. W. H. Cooper, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Margaret Ellenber ger, chairman of jail work; Mrs. Charles Smith, flower department; Mrs. Annie Kreider, literature: Mrs. Carrie Mulligan, evangelistic; Mrs. C. E. King, social; Mrs. H. B. Hartzler. purity: Mrs. Samuel Gard ner. treasurer, and Mrs. Walter Da vis. L. T. L. Mrs. Stewart Dunmire reported that $261.52 has been raised to wards the million dollar fund. Nine social gatherings were held during the year, most of which were for war funds or for soldiers. The annual election of officers re sulted in the following: President. Mrs. R. A. Ronemus; first vice-pres ident. Mrs. J. C. Kinter; second vice president. Mrs. Carrie Mulligan; third vice-president, Mrs. C. E. King: corresponding secretary, Mrs. ■ "■ Cooper: recording secretary, Mrs. ft alter Davis: assistant record ing secretary, Mrs. G. M. Steinmetz; treasurer. Mrs. Samuel Gardner. The following delegates were c..osen to attend the county con vention at Hummelstown. Septem ber 11. Mrs. H. B Hartzler. Mrs. Hair.len, Mrs. Stewart Dunmire. Mrs i harles Smith. Mrs. Himes, Mrs. Carrie Mulligan. Delegates elected to the State convention at Easton. October IS. are: Mrs. R. A. Ronemus, Mrs. ''i-'mlen: alternates. Mrs. Stewart Dunmire and Mrs. Carrie Mulligan. The next meeting or the Union will be held September 25. WED IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roberts, of Quincy. Florida, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss C. Georgia Roberts to R. Raymond Chambers, of this city. July 31. 1919. Mr. Chambers, who served for 22 months on the Mexican border as sergeant major in the 3Tth Regular Infantry i s now an employe of the Masterland Mullin Construction Company of Cleveland. Ohio. For the past six months he has been en gaged in bridge construction in Florida. He formerly resided at 142 5 Shoop street and was a mem ber of the Rosewood Club. QUIET WEDDING The marriage of Mrs. Florence Cunningham and D. F. Hudson wa3 solemnized Tuesday in St. Andrew s Reformed Church. Penbrook. Mr. Hudson, a former engineer on the Middle division, is a prominent member of the A. A. S. R. and the late William Morn Lodge of the E. L. F. and E. The bride is a resi dent of Reading Mr. and Mrs. Hud son will be at home to their friends at 1334 Herr street, this city. CVtsHind dheßft HAVE you read Emerson's essay on gifts? If you have, you know that gift-giving is an art and that a hastily purchased article, bought without a thought as to its appropriateness, is never ac ceptable. Many well meaning people shove veritable "white elephants" onto their helpless friends simply because they fail to make a careful selection at the proper place. Xow, for those of you who suffer with the don't-know-where-to-go ailment, let me say that at Saltzgiver's Art and Antique store. 223 Xorth Second street, a complete line of gifts is ever ready for your inspection. Candlesticks, pictures, mirrors and candles, all decidedly "different," possessing individuality and personality of their own, confront you there in artistic array, satisfactorily silencing the query of "O, what shall it be?" WHILE diplomats and states men wrestle with titanic prob lems of world-wide interest, we combat the lesser ones which eeem to spring from every side. And to us they are most vital and acute. Yet to each and every one a satisfactory answer can be found. Take for instance, the perplexing shoe problem. It disappears com pletely after a visit to Paul's Shoo Shop, 11 X. 4th St., where new and snappy styles for autumn are arriv ing daily. Hundreds of La France shoes for women, combining com fort, style, and wearing properties, are on their way to this store, and every one knows just what satisfac tion is back of the words, "La France." Let me add, they sell for from $lO to sls. EVERY college man knows just how heavy college expenses are. Tne incidental expenditures arising unexpectedly at various times throughout the year add up in a truly amazing fashion, and eveiy cent saved on the essentials is a cent gained toward that dwindling fund of "spending money." Someone's pocketbook—ofttimes it is poor Pad's —groans at the very mention of the supples necessary, and the slightest saving is welcomed with open arms. Therefore. I know that every boy who contemplates going away to school In the autumn will give a rousing "Hurrah" when I say that Doutrichs are offering reallv substantial reduc tions on bathrobes, pajamas, shirts, hosiery and underwear. And the money saved thereby can well be used in a hundred other places TRAVELIXGMEX coming from the Carolines tell us that the "flu" is raging there once more, leaving in its wake an awful toll of death and suffering. Now, it be-! hooves us to take every precaution towards preventing a simi'ar out break in our own dear State. Doc- ! tors claim that there is great dan ger of its return in the autumn, and advocate the use of various methods j of prevention. The burning of sul- j phur candles is particularly recom- : mended, and Dr. George C. Potts, the Third and Herr streets drug gist, has on hand a large number with which to supply the coming demand. These, used in conjunc tion with his own Laxative Quinine Pills, will successfully wa'rd off the dreadful disease if used in time. I There is Good Fishing at Goody ear's Drug Store Nineteenth and Derry Sts. GOLD FISH Assorted Sizes. 25£ MANY PRIZES ARE! AWARDED GRADS Central High School AlunHii Turns Out in Large Numbers More than 1.000 persons were in at tendance at the first annual picnic of the reorganized Central High School Alumni Association, held yes terday at Hershey Park. The class of 1918. had the largest percentage of its members in attendance at the event and was awarded a silver lov ing cup as a trophy. Mrs. W. C. Armour, a graduate in the class of 1866, received the prize offered to the member of the oldest class, in attendance at the picnic. Miss Elizabeth Selson. 15 years old. captured the prize for the youngest student on the grounds. Mans Meeting The big mass meeting in the park theater in the afternoon, was the ; main feature of the event. Addresses were made by Dr. F. E. Downes. city superintendent of schools, and Lieu tenant Governor E. E. Beidleman. Both emphasized the importance of the Alumni Association exerting its influence in behalf of the city schools. Harold Eckert, secretary, led the cheering. The next meeting of the Association will be held in the Cen tral High chapei on Thursday night. September 11, it was decided. The committee in charge of the ar rangement had events moving all day for the entertainment of the former students. In addition, park amuse ments were in operation. The morning was devoted to sports of various kinds, which were conducted under ' the direction of Clarence Cooper. president of the class of 1916. Prizes | were awarded as follows: The Prize Winners Fat women's race, won by Sarah ' Beck. Prize, box of writing paper. One hundred yard dash for men. won by William Rodgers. Prize, bath ing suit. Thin women's race, won by Marga ret Emmanuel. Prize, bottle of per fum. Twenty-five yard backward run for men, won by Richard Robinson. Prize, set of cuff links. Potato race for women, won by Elizabeth McComsey. Prize, box of candy. Two hundred and twenty yard dash for men, won by William Rodgers. •Prize, silk shirt. Girls relay race, won by team cap tained by Ann Emmanuel Twenty-five yard swim for girls, won by Ann Emmanuel. Prize $5 box , of candy. Twenty-five yard dash for women, i won by May Voder. Prize, hanker i chiefs. Fifty yard swim for men. won by Lewis Rimer. Prize, bathing suit. Xovelt race, won by Harold Con nor and John Koch. Prize, neckties. Three-legged race, won by Richard Quigley and Kenneth Williams. Prize. : neckties. * i Mrs. Edward H. Rice and daughter Miss Mary. Rice, 1218 Swatara street. ! have returned after a visit at Car -1 lisle and Mt. Holly Springs. DO you know that, while the cof fee tree is a native of Abys sinia, Arabia and many parts of Africa, it is, nevertheless, most extensively grown in Brazil? The trees are allowed to become from six to ten feet high, bearing many branches, and the fruit is dark scarlet when ripe, possessing two cells with one seed in each. It is from these seeds that our well known drink is made, the quality of the coffee depending on the care bestowed in preparing the beans for the market. For that reason-, some brands are much better than oth ers. And there you have the ex planation of the reason why the cof fees sold at the Grand Union Tea Company, 208 Xorth Second street, are far superior to those you find elsewhere. WHAT a lucky little flying squirrel! How fortunate he was to bo picked from all his brothers as the one to adorn the beautiful taupe veiour suit shown at the Clooi Shop in the Pcnn- Harrls building. And what an at tractive collar he makes—for that ; is his mission :i? life, to serve as a i collar fo one of the most modish 1 garments I nave seen in many and many a dav Tucks, lucks every where, with here and thee a group of small bone buttons help to make it so. They are ab'y assisted by a j light tan vest and distinctive, grace ful lines. Once more 1 say, -'What a lucky, lucky little flying squir- I rel." Miss Estelle Crone Weds* 1 John Steffer, of Elkton A pretty wedding was solemnized | last evening at the parsonage of the 1 Tr'H'ty United Brethren Church, when i Miss Estellc Crone, daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. Milton C. Crone, of Altine. lork, county, and John H. Steffer-' i were united in marriage, the Rev. A. ! R- Ayres officiating. Mr- Steffer, a son of Mr. and Mrs. ! illiam Steffer of Blkwood, is an j employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. After a wedding journey to Nor- I folk. Ocean View. Va., and other. ] southern points the young couple will ! reside in New Cumberland. Miss Ruth WlUoughby, 223 South : Thirteenth street, is visiting friends at Pittsburgh. Expect High Water Mark j in Labor Day Traffic With favorable weather condl- j ! tions, all indications point to the establishment of a new high water i mark in passenger transportation i during the Labor Day period, and , the Philadelphia & Reading Rail- j ! road is making plans to the limit; |of its facilities accordingly. In addition to those taking ad van- j ! ta Se of the three-day holiday to- 1 morrow, Sunday and Monday, it j will be necessary to handle an un ; usually large number of returning | vacationists; furthermore, in order] Ito provide for those who will take I only one-day outings, all of the spe- ; cial excursions previously announced i will be run. All available equipment, inelud : mg troop and industrial cars will be ; pressed into service and used back 1 and forth, over and over again, so j .as to avoid crowded conditions as i far as is possible. A WORD FROM THE WISE [Buffalo Express.] Rover—l haven't seen a bone in a dog's age, brother. I won dor what is up? f Xero—Meat, you poor boob; Why, I I became a vegetarian more thai," two months ago. Witmer, Bair & Witmer—Witmer, Bair & Witmer New Fall Blouses 150 "'lain Tailored and Semi- Tailored Voile. Batiste ar.d Dimity. All colo.u and Bizes $1.95 t0 $3. Rr% Special 8 New Blouse Models Wash Satins, Printed and Plain Georgettes, Striped Pussywil low Taffetas and French Voiles, c'l sizes; but not all sizes in every style, to sell Special $4.95 at 2 Models French Voile Blouses Lace or embroidery trimmed. Special $6.95 at 4 Dainty Blouse Models French voiles; Filet lace, hand hemstitched and hand em broidered. $12.50 " $14.95 Suit Blouses Navy blue, henna and gray Georgette, trimmed in print ed Georgette, beads and em *"'> $5.50, $29.75 ery .. Novelty Blouses Fine assortment in all the desirable shades for F *" $6.95 *> $18.50 wear Satin Petticoats Straight line, in navy, sand, plum, green, gray and black. Regular sizes $6.95 Extra sizes $8.95 Witmer, Bair & Witmer—Witmer, Bair & Witmer AUGUST 29, 1919- Miss Shor, of Reac! ng, i Is Honor Guecl at Party Miss Rcba Michlovitz > ntertalned at her home, is North Thir.eenth street, on Wednesday eVi-ntng. In compli ment to her house-Kuost. Miss Frltzie Shor. of Reading;. Da cing games, and music afforded the evening's en tertainment. and refreshments were served to there guests: Miss Rose hack. Mi Mary Kop | lovitz. Miss Lena Garonrik. Miss Sara Cohen, Mits Rose Shulman. Miss Bess . Dinner Friday Evening, Aug. 20 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 X. Court St. 5 to 7.30 500 Clam Chowder Dolled Halibut—Deviled Crab Dreaded Veal Cut let—Kon.si Beef Ma*ticd or Creamed Fotntoea I Stewed loniatoe.H— Macaroni and ChcoKo—-Knt ree Ice Cream. Pic or Pudding Coffee. Ten or Cocoa^ i DR. G. A. ZIMMERMAN, j having returned from the ' Army, announces the reopen ! ing of his offices^t 1409 Market St. Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froehlich's • SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 State Street Harrisburg, Pa. Term of 1919-1920 Begins TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1919 A complete graded course In piano playing, theory, harmony and history of music. Diploma upon graduation. Those desiring to enroll may apply at any time by mail or in person on and alter August 29, between 10 o'clock A. M. and 5 o' lock P. M. Bell telephone 1543-R. 200 Garments Summer's Late New Models 5 Full Racks In the center of store In a Sale Rack No. I—High-gradel—High-grade p'ain and figured Silk and Georg ette Dresses; dark shades; values, $21.50 to $95.00 Re duced Sjy.so to S^y.so Racks Xos. 2 and 3—White, figured, gray and pastel shades; high-grade Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Taffeta; $15.00. 020.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00, reduced prices. First prices average double the asking price, some more, some less. Xos. 4 and 5 Racks contain— Gray Silk Cape. U'7 Eft • $24.50, for & * •*-" Copen Velour Cape, silk lined, " r "°; SIO.OO Check Velour Sport Coat, size iU $7.50 Tyrol Wool Sport Coat, size / 0 6 r : ,32 ; 50 ' $19.75 4 Tan Velour Dolman; fl *7 CA $35.00, for * ' " J " Tyrol Wool Suits, sizes 18, 36, 40 and 44; $32.50, s2l 75 2 Tweed Suits, size 18; • $19.95 2 Navy Serge S'uits, sizes 20 and 36; $38.50, $25 75 Navy Serge Suit, size 44; Vor' 50 : $21.75 Black and White Hairline Suit, hand tailored, size 42; The above are only a few items on Racks Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Compare styles with new Fall styles. Frank. Mtss Blanche Truss, Miss Lena Yoflfee. Miss Reba Michlovitz, Herman Singer, Samuel Morris, Lew Sharosky, Albert Morris, Michael Heckert, Ben Yoftee, Arthur Baturin, Holman Bren ner, Abe Arch and Samuel Arch. CLEAN CI.OTEES i Ar' a Necessity—Plenty of them ii." needed. Tito VOSS ELECTRIC permits you to (inve plenty. —Easy Payments— Neidig Bros., Ltd. 21 S. Second St. New FaH Suits, Coats & Dresses Only a few described to show you we are prepared to supply your needs at early season's prices. Hun dreds of every kind now on the racks We cannot promise to reorder for the present prices. Many bills, coming through to us now, bought in June and July, are marked "$25.00, future price, $28.50; $30.00, future, $35.00; $38.50, future, $45.00; no reorders, out of this material," and so on up the scale. But you nor we need not worry as we bought early heavily and marked them our regular profit on the June and July prices not on to-day's prices. New Suits For Fall and Winter Taupe Velour Suit 50 for misses Tweed Suit, goo<~ style for women $52.50 women Brown Velour Suit, d>CO CJA fur trimmed 3>o£.OU Taupe Suede Velour Suit, nu tria fur . $98.50 trimmed • Very elegant Brown Cashmere Suede Suit, largo '1 42' 50 nutria collar *•*< New Coats For Fall and Winter Velour Coats, navy, QQ brown and plum Taupe Polo Cloth $44.50 Brown Bolivia Coat, $73.50 belted % Taupe Silvertone Coat, rac- c f °° n $98.50 Beaver Imperial Velour Coat, large Hud-$lO5 (J© sor? seal collar. New Fall and Winter Dresses Navy Satin, embroidered in gray; Georgette sleeves; K? $21.50 Beaver Wool Jersey Drees, model": 1 . 1 ! 16 , $22.50 Navy Tricotine Dress, straight -1T,,, $32.50 Navy Georgette Dress, with knife pleating overdress; Brown Satin Dress, combined with beaver-colored Georg f0 te; 6ize . $95.00