Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 28, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
MOTIVE POWER WINS OVER TRAVELERS-SURE OF SECOND PUCE-FANS AWAIT REDS MOTIVE POWER HOLDS POSITION Take Decisive Game From Commonwealth; Brown Is Big Factor STANDING OF TEAMS W. L. Pet West End 21 10 .667 Motive Power 13 15 .559 Commonwealth 16 17 .457 E. and F 9 23 .281 It is all over but the shouting in the West End League. Motive Pow er last evening Jolted the Common wealth Travelers by a score of 1 to 0 and cinched second place. The West End leaders apd Enginemen Firemen, tailendcrs will play to night. This will in all probability wind up the West End Twilight series. West End will start the series with the Reading Railway team of the Allison Hill League lext week, for city championship honors. Fans Get Surprise Another big surprise was handed to the fans last evening when "Bibe" Brown, the centerfielder was sent into the box to twirl for the M. P.'s. It looked like a huge joke to the spec tators, who were of the opinion that the runners up were backing down. However, they soon learned that their dope was wrong. Brown is a pitcher, and he proved it last eve ning. He held the Travelers to two hits. Brown had speed and curves. The two bingles came in the fifth inning. In the final round Johnnie Smith connected with one of Brown's swift shoots and drove it to deep left field, j The ball looked as if it was labeled extra liases, but just as it was about to go over Garverich's head, this fleet footed little fielder leaped high into the air and caught it with one hand. Had this hit got away from Garverich, it would have, without a doubt, been a home run vhich would have tied up the score. Only One Run Washinger was on the mound for Commonwealth. He pitched a good game, but his support fell down at critical times. However, most of the niiscues were omission instead of commission. The five hits by the Motive Power were scattered. The lonely run came in the first In ning. Etter filed out to short, but McCurdy got safe on Winkle's error and stole second. Garverich Hied out to the catcher, after Wh Brown drove a fly to center whi 0 W. Smith misjudged and permitted to land safely. On this Lit, McCurdy crossed the plate. Hippensteel ended the in ning by flying out to Washinger. l.beul Series The first game in the local series will be staged on the Harrisburg Athletic Club grounds on Labor Day afternoon. The contest will be "called promptly at 3.30 o'clock. Edward Strieker, a star hurler of the West End team and premier pitcher of the West End League, will do the twirling for the uptown cham pions, while C. Mellinger, who is pitching a good game for the Kline Chocolate Company nine, and the ' Sunday Excursions TO Willow Grove August 31 Also September 14 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN From Fare Lv.A.M. Harrisburg .... $2.50 6.00 Hummelstown . 2.50 6.18 Swatara 2.50 6.24 Hershey 2.50 6.27 Palmyra ...... 2.50 6.35 Annville 2.50 6.45 Lebanon 2.50 6.57 Willow Grove.ar. 10.16 (War Tax 8 I'cr Cent. Additional) "RETURNING Special train will leave Willow Grove 9.00 P. M. for above stations. Tickets good only on date of excursion on above Special Train in each direction. Children be tween 5 and 12 years of age half fare. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad L .A I ii rp rule I I! WH PRINT H lIL PUNCH 8 XX ft I ¥ OOSE I | I EDGER I I JLrfEAVES • 1 ♦♦ ♦♦ H To Meet Your Specifications H H Prompt and Efficient Service |f H >4 Phone Call Will Bring Our ♦♦ || Representative || H SALES DEPARTMENT S S Telegraph Printing Co. H Printing, lifnriliiff, 1) slinilnpr. Photo-Engraving XX tl HARRISBURG, PA. g Hmummnmmmtmmmmmumml THURSDAY EVENING, leading pitcher on the Reading staff, will be the choice on the mound for the hill leaders. The second game of the series will be played next /Tuesday night at the grounds Seventeenth and Chestnut streets, while the third game will be staged at the Fourth and Seneca park on the evening of September 4. These two contests will start at 6 o'clock promptly. The score: COMMONWEALTH R. H. O. A. E. L. Bell, 2b 0 0 1 1 1 Hinkle, s.s 0 0 2 1 1 Geracs, 3b 0 0 1 1 0 N. Ford, r.f 0 0 0 0 0 Howe, 0 0 3 0 0 W. Smith, c.f 0 0 3 0 0 J. Smith, l.f 0 1 4 0 0 Fields, lb 0 1 7 1 0 Washinger, p 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 0 2 21 7 2 MOTIVE POWER R. H. O. A. E. Etter, r.f 0 1 1 0 0 McCurdy. lb 1 0 5 0 0 Qarverich, l.f 0 1 2 0 0 Brown, p 0 1 0 2 0 Hippensteel, 0 0 6 ') 0 Stewart, s.s 0 0 1 1 0 Weaver, 2b. 0 1 1 0 0 Eberly, 3b 0 1 2 2 0 Hiney, c.f 0 0 3 0 0 Totals 1 5 21 6 0 Motive Power 100000 o—l Commonwealth 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—o Sacrifice hit, Washinger; double play, Washinger to Fields to Bell; struck out, by Washinger. 2; by Brown, fi; base on balls, oft Washing er, 0.; oft Brown, 4; left on bases. Commonwealth, 6; Motive Power, 5; stolen bases, McCurdy, W. Smith. Et ter; passed ball, Howe. Time, 1.10. Umpires Shlckley and Van Riper. Scorer, McCahan. Boiling Springs Team Is Winner Over Local Elects Gcrmer held Boiling Springs last evening to three clean hits but four bunts that went for hits on a bad diamond anW coupled with a few errors caused the P. R. R, Electri cians to lose out, score 7 to 2. The Elects had a great chance in the sixth. Germer opened with a single and stale second, Cook doubl ed and stole third, Snyder walked and stole second, Richards singled, Cook scoring, Snyder going to third; Rannan hit a hot one at short which he stopped and caught Snyder at home with still two on. Rhinehart drove a long liner to left center which Whitecomb caught after a great run. .Owing to the Ilick-A-Thrifts can celling the Elects are without a game for Saturday and would like to schedule a game. Would like to schedule some twilight games for next week also. The score last eve ning: P. R. R. ERECTS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Gelbach, 2b... 3 0 0 1 5 1 Cook, cf 3 1 1 1 0 0 Snyder, c 2 0 0 8 0 2 Richards, 3b .. 3 0 110 0 Rannan, rf ... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Rhinehart, lb . 3 0 2 8 0 0 Wevodau, ss . . 3 0 0 0 2 1 Huff, If 4 0 0 0 0 0 Germer, p . ... 3 1 1 1 2 0 Totals 27 2 521 9 4 BOILING SPRINGS AB. R. H. O. A. E. E. Bretz, lb .. . 3 3 1 4 0 0 Giles, c 4 2 2 3 1 0 Zell rf 3 0 2 1 0 0 Enck, 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 Good, ss ..... 3 0 0 1 1 0 Whitecomb, cf . 3 0 0 1 0 0 Murphy, If .... 3 0 0 0 0 0 G. Bretz,-2b ... 3 1 1 10 1 Yost, p 3 1 1 0 1 1 Totals 28 7 7 21 4 2 P. R. R. Elects .... 0 0 0 0 0 2 o—2 Boiling Springs ... 102 40 0 x—v BIG GAME AT HERSHEY The Hummelstown Eire Company baseball team will meet the Hershey nine this evening on the Hershey grounds at 6 o'clock. A huge crowd is expected to witness this game, as there are two large picnics sched uled in the park—the Kiwanis af fair and the Harrisburg High School alumni picnic. I SAND for building purposes. Contractors' require ments promptly sup plied. Good quality River Sand. United Ice & Coal Co. Forster A Cowdcn Sts. SNOODLES By Hungerford (EuefcY TiMe i PcAV A fby H ,q, I S \ Cincinnati Red's Infield Champions It { (Copyright, Underwood & Underwood) CINCINNATI IS FAVORITE HERE Leaders in the National Lea gue RacelVleet Klein Team Tomorrow No matter how one figures Har risburg fans will not pick any other winner than Cincinnati, and the Reds will be the choice of local en thusiasts in the World's Series. Cin cinnati has been a big favorite here all season, and if the weatherman is good enough to give the fans an ideal day. Island Park will have a record baseball crowd. It does not often fall to the lot of local fans to get a real cham pionship team, but that is what is due to play the Klein Chocolate Company team here to-morrow. Fans will be here from surround ing towns. The upper end of the county will send a large delegation to give Jake Daubert their old standby a great welcome. The Cin cinnati team will arrive this evening from York. The game will be called at 3.45. Manager Pat Moran is not certain as to his battery. He assures the local fans that his stars will all be in the lineup and it looks as if he would put In threo of his best pitch ers. Manager Moran wants to keep his men in shape, and will play everyday from now until the world's series, weather permitting. Jake Daubert Coming His lineup will include the famous infield, Groh, Roth and Daubert. The latter was born .at Llewelyn, Pa., May 14, 1885. Ho bats and throws left handed. His height is five feet ten and one-half inches and weights 160 pounds. In 1906 he was with the Lykens team and played in the upper end of the county. Scouts at once sized him up as a comer., In 1907 he went to Marion, Ind.,'played with Cleveland and Nashville in 1908, Toledo and Memphis, 1909, drafted by Brooklyp 1'909, wliere he has been since, fig ured in a deal and joined Cincin nati 1919. Jake Is not only a great fielder but one of the best hitters In the business, leading the league two seasons and never hitting below .300. His last season record was: Fielding. .991; hitting. .308. He is another world's series player, hav ing been with Brooklyn in the world's series of 1916. He will more than fill the place of Hal Ctiase. Ilclnie Groh Heinle Groh, Cincinnati's third baseman, was born at Rochester, N. Y., 14189, bats and throws right handed, height five feet, eight inch es. weights 158 pounds. He start ed and played in Oshkosh, 1908-09- 10; Decatur, 1911; fanned out to Buffalo same season, with New York, 1912-13, traded to Cincinnati 1913, where he has been since, being captain of the Reds this season. Helnie is acknowledged by every baseball critic to be the best third sacker in either major league, be sides being a crack fielder he Is a great batsman, hitting around .300 every season he has been with Cin cinnati. His 1918 record is: Bat ting, .320; fielding, .969. Groh probably has the most uni que position at the bat of any player in the business, T>ut stings the ball just the same as his 1918 record shows. Besides being a star ball player he is a crack bowler and very popular. Manager John Brackenridge, of the Klein team, will have his star lineup. He will pitch Walter Harn ed. There may be one or two changes, but the boys who made a good showing against St. Car ■ dlnals and the Athletics will all be HARRISBURG TEEEGKXPHJ """"" •' '" " '- ' ■' - - - : . The above quartet has bpen instrumental in putting Cincinnati at the top of the heap. They are real and include, left to right, Groh, Kopf, Roth and Daubert. The latter is a Dauphin county product and began his career on the lots about Lykcns. He is seen in action in the lower picture. on hand to meet the big league champions. It was announced to-day that 15,- 000 bars of chocolate will be dis tributed to local fans, including the presentation of boxes of chocolate bars to holders of tag numbers. This distribution is free. Miss Dorothy Higbie Is Women's Golf Surprise Detroit, Aug. 28. Miss Dorothy Higbie, an unheralded Chicago girl,' furnished the surprise of the second round of the women's, Western Golf Association tournament here yester day by defeating Miss Frances Had fleld, Milwaukee, runner up in the western last year, 4 and 2. Their play on the first nine was strong Miss Higbie gained 1 up on the third hole. Both became wild on starting the second half and from then on played erratic golf. Poor putting at tfcUs stage cost Miss Had field two holes. Mrs. E. F. Byfield, of Chicago, col lapsed when Mrs. W. G. McGiveri'n, of Detroit, holed her putt on the sev enteenth green, fending the match 2 and 1. She recovered immediately, and was able to walk to the club house. The match was hard fought, and the strain told on Mrs. Byfield. Mrs. H. Arnold Jackson, of Chicago, former National champion, and Mrs. F. C. Letts, Jr., CTTicago, won their matches, the formei 1 from Miss Madge Miller, of Grand Rapids, 6 and 5, and Mrs. Letts from Miss Jennette Kin ney, of Cleveland, 7 and 6. \ Mrs. David Gaut, of Memphis, de feated Miss Edith Cummlngs, of Chi cago, 1 up by winninff the last three holes. Mrs. Gaut squared the match on the seventeenth green by holing a 12-foot putt. Golf Tournament Play at Reservoir Saturday The following teams, selected from the Harrisburg Park Golf Club, will compete in tournament plaj> for -the Clement cup. The matches must be played before Saturday: Zimmerman (captain) vs. Perry (cap tain), Longenecker vs. Shreiner, My ers, vs. Richards, Sauers vs. Shenk, Kelley vs. Pavord, Meikle vs. Trump, Cooner vs. Wade, Dr. E. N. Kremer Young. J. H. Thomas, vs. Smith, E. Henry vs. Runkle, Moyer vs. Stewart R. Free vs. McFadden, Attlcks vs. Stahlen, Henry vs. Corcoran. REBEKAH INITIATION Susannah Rebekah Lodge 247. I. O. O. F., will Initiate several candidates 011 Thursday evening. August 28. The members of the lodge are requested 1 to be present as business of import ance will be transacted. Junior Teams Tie Up in Fast Game at Lemoyne Marysville Juniors battled the fast moving Lemoyne Junior con tingent to a 4-4 tie on'the Lemoyne grounds last evening. Seven innings were played before darkness inter vened. Ensweiler was on the mound for Lemoynet and hurled a good game for Marysville with the ex ception of the fourth inning when Jill of the Lemoyne tallies were | scored. The Marysville Juniors will have ] a busy time this week.- On Friday evening they will meet the Evan gelical Publishing House on the Seidel Park grounds and on Satur day afternoon Halifax Juniors will be entertained. The box score of last evening's game: MARYSVILLE R. H. O. A. E. Roberts, lb 0 1 4 0 0 Bare, If 0 0 0 0 0 Glessner, 3b 0 2 2 0 0 Biever, ss 0 0 2 3 0 D. Clendenin, c. 7'. . 1 1 8 0 0 Lick, 2b 2 0 0 1 0 Miller, cf 1 0 3 1 0 Kocher, rf 0 1 0 0 0 F. Sauders, rf 0 0 1 0 0 G. Sauders, p 0 1 I 2 t) Total ...... 4 6 21 7 0 LEMOYNE R. H. O. A. E. Fair, c 0 0 9 0 0 Zimmerman, 2b. ... 0 1 I*3 3 Enswiler, p 1 l 3 2 0 Cocklin, 3b. ...... 1 0 1 2 0 Myers, ss 1 0 0 1 2 Thomas, lb 1 4 6 0 0 Fortney, cf 0 2 0 0 0 Kutz, rf ,0 0 1 0 0 Prowell, If 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4 8 21 8 6 Marysville 030010 o—40 —4 lemoyne 0 0 0 4 0 0 o—4 Champion Wilson Wins Over Local Billiardist "Farmer" Wilson, the eastern pock et billiard champion, last night de feated P. Reese, 100 to 62, on the Vic toria Cave tables. Wilson's high run was 35 billiards, while Reese's best was 22. To-night will be "Farmer" Wilson's last appearance here, and he will be matched with "Sunny" Marshal In what Is expected, to be a tight contest. DIELSBURG WAS WINNER The Dillsburg A. C. on Monday defeated the Elliott-Fisher Com pany nine, score 6 to 2. Smith pitched good ball for the winning team. _ , ANOTHER SHOW FOR RING FANS -> Promotor Leon Rains Has Big Bill Ready For Wednes day Philadelphia, Aug:. 28.—Another nll-( star program lias been arranged by' Promoter Leon Rains for the Phillies' 1 , baseball ground on Wednesday even ing, September 3. Every bout is a' windup in itself and well worth the! priees of admission. The following i card has been arranged: Joe Benjamin. Pacific coast light-; weight champion, vs. Joe Koons, Phil adelphia. Little Patsy Wallace vs. Walloping I Max Williamson, both of Philadelphia. Johnny Murray, New York, vs. K. O. Joe O'Donnell, Gloucester. Willie Jackson, New York, vs. Eddie Wallace Brooklyn. Benny Leonard, lightweight cham pion, vs. Soldier Bartfleld, New York, j Joe. Benjamin. the lightweight' champion of the PjKfifie coast. wilPbel seen in action Hi the opening bout. Benjamin, in his initial appearance in: Philadelphia, about a month ago, I made a hit by outpointing Al. Thomp- | son, the fighting Marine. In Koons, 1 Benjamin is facing a man who knows nothing but fight during the time that he is ii: the ring. The second bout will bring together two of the best flyweights in the East. They are the slugging Max AVilliam son and Patsy Wallace. Williamson recently easily defeated Battling Mur ray, while Wallace has met and de feated the best in his 'division. This bout is billed for the flyweight cham pionship of the East. Return Match The third match will be a return match between the hard-hitting Johnny Murray, of New York, and K. O. Joe O'Donnell, of Gloucester. Their last bout in this city last fall still is the talk of the town. Both men have been dissatisfied with the result and they believe that they can even do better than their last slugfest and they requested Promoter Rains to stage the bout. V The semifinal will bring together Willie Jackson, of New York, and Ed die Wallace, of Brooklyn. Jackson is the boy who knocked Johnny Dundee cold in less than a round in this city about two vears ago and twice drop ped Lew Tendler in the first round of their recent meeting in this city. In Wallace Jackson Is facing a clever and hard hitting opponent. Wallace has met the best in his class and each time has given a good account of him scl f. Benny Leonard, the world's light weight champion, fresh from his two victories over Johnny Dundee and Irish Patsy Cline, will be the attrac tion in the main bout. Soldier Bart field, the Slugging welterweight bat tler. will be the lightweight ruler's opponent. Bartfield arrived Saturday and immediately started training for the bout, and a victory over the cham- RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (12.50 Up Dly. sls Up Wkly. Am. Plan OSBORNE Cor. Pacific & Arkansus Aves. Safely built (no so-called fire-trap construc tion). wide halls and stairways; ele vator; hot ana cold running water in rooms; private baths; bathing from hotel; use of bathhouses and shower baths free; private walk to beach; orchestra; dancing; white service; fireproof garage. Booklet and auto map mailed. PAUL C. ROSECRANa THE ALII EM A II I, E Superior Moderate Itnte Hotel "Virginia ave.; close to beach; capac ity, 350; elevator, etc.: bathing from hotel: $3 up daily, reduced weekly, including excellent table and service. Special September rates; booklet. IVfOPmCELLO 1 HOCELSIN COMTORI.SERVICE AND CUISINE Kentucky av. & Beach. Heart of At lantic City. Cap. 000; modern through out. 3 up dally; sl6 up weekly; American plan. A. C. LKHOLM. $1.50 up dly. Sp'cl. wkly. Eur'pn. plan $2.50 up dly. $14.00 up wkly. Amr. plan LEXINGTON Pacific at Arkansas ave. Cap. 600; running water in rooms; private baths; extensive porches and dance floors; choice table. Bath houses on premises for guests; private entrance to beach. Garage. Bklt. W. M. HASLETT. HOTEL BOSCOBEL Kentucky Ave., near beach. Baths, elevator, fine table, bathing privi leges. American plan. Always open. Capacity 350. Booklet. A. E. MARION. NORTH JERSEY SHORE RESORTS Visit the NORTH JERSEY SHORE RESORTS A welcome always awaits you. Write the Mayor or any one. SAVE MONEY! . EAT AT v I; THE CAFETERIA , j ( r N . 3rd. & Walnut Streets \ OPEN LABOR DAY i >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA<AAAAAAAAA A.A AUGUST 28, 1919. pion means much to the soldier. Leonard claims that Bartfleld is in for a trimming for six rounds or less. SPORT RECORDS OUT The 1919 All Star Sport Record con taining the record of every champion' and regular participant in aquatics, | athletics. auto racing. aeroplune I fights, association football, baseball, bicycle, basketball, bowling, boxing, Igclf, hockey, ice skating, pacing, ped lestrian. racing. rowing, shooting. I swimming, tennis, trotting, wrestling land rugby foottall contests, from their (beginning up to the ever present per jiod, is out. / The All Star Sport Records have ' been compiled by experts. The book 'contains 400 pages and is full to the | brim with information of value in the ' sporting world, and is published by 'the All Star Sport Record, 127 N. i Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. • PENBROOK STARTS TUESDAY The Penbroolc football team wilV start practice Tuesday evening, Sep- I tember 2. All candidates are re | quested to report not later than 7 I o'clock for practice. There will be a meeting for the election of offi cers immediately after practice. I ARE YOU GOING TO "BECKLEY'S" IN SEPTEMBER? "IT'S THE BEST SCHOOL" SEE AD PAGE THREE Special Reductions on LAWNMOWERS, WAGONS and FRUIT JARS, During Entire Month of August GO value, special ...$8.75 The wagons we sell arc the , , __ best on the market. Roller $7.00 value, special SO.-5 gX=t theSies * 7 - 60 value " *° 7a LAWNMOWERS $8.50 Regular Style 14-lnch $7.50 We have a large stock of , 9 00 Regular Style 16-lnch SB.OO regular style and ball bearing mowers that we are offering $ll.OO Ball Bearing 14-lnch... .$8.75 mw prices.* 1 exceptlonally $13.00 Ball Bearing 16-inch $0.50 FRUIT JARS % pts., reg. price doz. $1.30, now $1.15 This is the cunning season. 1 Pt.. reg. price doz. $1.50, now $1.35 Everybody needs Jata. This j reg. price doz. $1.60, now $1.45 is your opportunity to get H ' FOSTER SEAL-FAST white Glass tops for Jars, n0w....35c doz. glass Jars at an exceptionally , l ow p r i Ce , Rubber Jar rings, now lOe doz. H. J. WOLFORD 1603 NORTH HIED STREET Open Evenings Hardware, Gas and Electrical Fixtures of All Kinds Say KING OSCAR to your dealer and pass him 7c, and then he 'will give you your money's worth of real smoke comfort. John C. Herman & Co. Harrwburg, Pa, . Try One To-day - ■—.— s. 15 Speedway Racers Will Run in Trials Saturday Uniontown, Pa., Aug. 28. —An- nouncement was made to-day by the Speedway management that the qualification trials in which four of the entries in the 225 mile automo bile race on Labor Day must be eliminated Will be held on Satur day. Under the Three A Rules but ; eighteen starters will be permitted in the big autumn classic, the Three A having granted a special dispen sation to start eighteen cars, the regular number permitted for the Uniontown track being fifteen. The fight for positions in the ' great race will be a spirited one and | new records are almost assured. | Milton no doubt will be out to win i the pole position which place will !be bitterly contested for by the | Frontenacs and other speed crea tions entered in the race. The pro ceeds from the qualifications trials I go to the drivers. Other Sporting News on Page 3