SHRINERS PLAN "HIYU HEEHEE" Portland, Oregon, Lodges Pre pare Big Time For Visiting Nobles Portland, Ore., Aug. 28. —Just two months following .the award at Indi anapolis of the honor of entertain ing the Imperial Council of the Alys tic Shrino in June, 1920, Portland, Ore., Shriners have 24 committees at work on the plans of the big week of joy, and are beginning to shape their program of events. Tho city council has ordered the construction of adequate comfort stations to care for a crowd of 100,000 wearers of the red fez, the county commission ers are moving to appropriate $45,- 000 from the county treasury to help put on the two special parades that will supplement tho daylight and night pageants staged by the Shrine itself, and throughout the city and State there is exisiting an intense desire to make the Portland meeting the "hiyu hcchee," or biggest time, in the history of the Imperial Coun cil. The medicine men of the Indian tribes .say that the bands of deer on the hills will be fat enough to fur nish the best of venison for tho game dinner, and that 1920 should see the return to the Columbia river of the great run of salmon that hap pens once in every five years. That means unusual quantities of shell fish along tho Pacific Coast, and that ttio Allah of the berryiields and the orchards will be in this vicinity to cover the land with luscious fruits. Tliero will be a large rest room, ample facilities of all kinds, a post office, an express office, a battery of free telephone booths and half a hundred typewriters with a hand some girl at every one of them. It will probably be a plain board build ing of temporary construction and it may occupy a strct, but it will bo there as tha center of all activi ties. One of the =vo unique features already assured ior Portland will be a cowboy patrol on horseback. It will be made up of members of Al Kader from Pendleton, Ore., all ex pert riders and representatives of the "wild West that use to be." The other is to be composed of Indians, with a band of their own. playing their tribal musical instruments so that their red-skinned Gertie lloff raans and Pavaiowskis can exhibit their conceptions of what real danc ing should be. Polynesian Boys Fought in Soissons Sector With Yanks Papeete, Tahiti. Aug. 28.—Many Polynesian boys, returning as veter ans of the World War wear the Croix dc Guerre and some the French Alilitary Alcdal. They have many friends among the American Expeditionary troops. In the last great battles they were in the Sois sons sector beside the United States fighting men. THADREUS RIPPLE DIES Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 28. —Thad- deus Ripple died at the home of Herman Hess, Roadside, near Way nesboro. Ho was 63 years of ago. He was born at Rouzervillo. For some years ho resided in Philadel phia. KEEPS MYHAIR HEALTm , "By using Wildroot regularly, I keep my i , scalp entirely free from the itching crust | of dandruff, the cause of most hair trouble. I owe my luxuriant hair—the envy of ' 1 my friends—to this guaranteed dandruff remedy." WILDPOOT THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC □ For stale here under a 13 money-bock guarantee H. C. Kennedy J Wildroot: Rhsmpoo Poap, used In connection with, will hasten tho treatment. IF THEN AND NERVOUS, TRY PHOSPHATE Nothing I.lke Plain llltro-Plioinli,,te to Put on Firm, Healthy ami to Increase Strength Vigor ami \orve Force ' When one stops to consider the host of thin people who are searching continually for some method bv which they may increase their flesh to normal proportions bv >he filling out ot ugly hollows, tho rounding off of protruding angles with the at tendant bloom of health and attract iveness, it is no wonder that many and varied suggestions along this line appear from time to time in publ c print. While excessive thinness might be attributed to various and subtle causes in different Individuals it is a well-known fact that the lack of suf ficient phosphorous in the human sys tem is very largely responsible for this condition. Experiments on hu mans and animals by many scientists have demonstrated beyond question of doubt that a body deficient in phosphorous becomes nervous, sickly and thin. A noted author and profes sor in his book. "Chemistry and Food Nutrition," published in 1918. says: "* • * that the amount of phos phorous required for the normal nu trition of man is seriously underes timated in many of our standard text books." it seems to be well established that this deficiency in phosphorous may now bo met by the use of an organic phosphate known throughout Eng lish speaking countries as Bitro- Fhosphate. Through tho assimilation of this phosphate by the nerve tissue the phosphoric content when absorb ed in the amount normally required by nature soon produces a wei ume chango in our body and mind. Nerve tension disappears, vigor and strength replace weakness and lack of energy, find the whole body soon loses its ugly hollows and abrupt angles, be coming enveloped in a glow of per fect health and beauty and the will and strength to be up and doing. CAUTION:—-While Bitro-Phosphate Is unsurpassed for the relief of nerv ousness, general debility, etc., those taking it who do rot desire to put on tiesh should use extra care in avoid ing fat-producing foods. THURSDAY EVENING,' TAKES ACTION ON WHEAT PRICES Head of Grain Corporation Discusses Situation in Regard to Grading New York, Aug. 28. —Announce- ment that the United States Grain Corporation would at once declare the basis on which it will purchase the various lower qualities of wheat was made to-day by Julius H. Barnes, United States Wheat Direc tor, following an all-day meeting, during which Mr. Barnes discussed wheat grading and prices received by farmers for wheat with various members of Congress, representa tives of farmers' organizations and vice presidents of the grain corpora tion. At the close of the meeting Mr. Barnes stated that the grain corpor ation would follow this course as a protection to tho producer against under-payment of the proper rel ative value of his wheat and in order to reassure country buyers of the ultimate value of lower grades on arrival at the terminals. For two years it has not boen necessary for the grain corporation to annpunce a basis on which it would buy lower qualities because of tho preponder ance of high grades of wheat in past crops. Consider Producer First The Wheat Director urged that every possible consideration be given the producer, unfortunate now in tho character of his yield, and the establishment of a basis as close to the guarantee price of No. 1 as could be justified by interpretation in favor of tho producer of each practical doubt. In discussing the conference, Mr. Barnes pointed out that the relative prices which the grain corporation might fix would bear a relation to the guaranteed price at the terminal markets only and not to the current price, which in such markets as Minneapolis is ruling 30 to 40 cents above the guarantee basis and that no attempt would be made by the grain corporation to reflect any premium basis above tho actual guarantee price. He added that with the execution of 170,000 contracts between the grain corporation and country mills and dealers, any pro ducer who felt that he was not being fairly treated in grades and price could, by submitting a sample through the mails, receive a de cision, binding on the buyer, as to the proper relation to the guaran tee No. 1 price at tho terminals, but not as to its relation with any premium basis currently ruling in the terminals and outside of the grain corporation buying. Threshing and marketing in the Northwest have now reached a stage demonstrating the large proportion of the crop shrunken and damaged by heat, and premature ripening. Flour qualities of much of this wheat appear io be excellent owing to its high gluten strength and low per cent of moisture content. Be cause of this shrinkage in the berry, many producers in the Northwest arc securing yields as low as four to six bushels, where fifteen to twenty had been confidently expected. Dr. Ladd, of North Dakota, pre sented at the conference tables showing exhaustive experiments made in 1916 by the Agricultural College of North Dakota. He ex pressed the conviction that the quality of No. 4 wheat in the North west indicated a value for actual milling of within 10 cents per bushel of the No. 1 price. The grain corporation will an nounce a scale of relation to their No. 1 price for lower qualities, prob ably tomorrow, and thereafter country buyers must pay to the pro ducer not less than the freight and handling charge relation to the j grain corporation terminal prices so j given. Will Give 3-Year Credits to Belgians Brussels, Aug. 28. Several American and English houses have arranged to give credits for three years to tho Belgian buyers, who, now that industries are beginning to work again, arc in need of a great variety of raw materials and many manufactured articles. The Minister of Economics has prepared a report in which are list ed the materials wanted. They in clude materials for lining coal mine shafts, cables and machines used in coal mining, steel and galvanized wire, sulphuric acid, heavy tar oil and special coal for coke to be used in coke ovens; iron ore and tools for blast furnaces and rolling mills, "ax for textile industries, sulphate of soda for glass works, hides of a quality not found in Belgium for tanneries; pulp, spruce and Norway pine for paper mills. Will Discontinue Old French Army Quarters Paris, Aug. 28. The General Headquarters of the French Army, established August 2, 1914, at Vitry le Francois, soon will be discon tinued after five years of varying foi tunes, vicissitudes, reverses and victories. It will now be supersed ed by the old French Supreme War Council, with headquarters at the Military School in V iris. Marshal Pot:, l-v, it is understood, will drop the title of Commander in-Chief to take that of Chief of Staff, which JofTre held at the be ginning of the war. Mexico to Welcome Immigrants of Europe Mexico City, Aug. 28.—The news paper Excelsior says it learned of ficially that Mexican consuls in the principal European capitals have been Instructed to give all possible aid to prospective immigrants and that during the month of Septem ber "excursions" will be run from both Germany and Belgium. The Secretary of Agriculture told El Excelsior that the Japanese, about whose alleged colonization schemes there have been so many rumors, would be admitted on equal footing with other foreigners. NEW CUMBERLAND Mrs. Levi Ebersole, of Hummels town, is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shank and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Detra, and E. Ebersole, of Eliza bethtown, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cook in Market street, New Cumberland, this week. Airs. John Sweoney, New Cumber land, spent several days at her homo In Penbrook. Mrs. ATay Free, of Philadelphia, is visiting friends at New Cumber land. Mrs. Louise Swartliout. of Coates vllle, who have been visiting Mrs. S. AI. Smith at New Cumberland, re turned home. Robert Senseman, of Detroit, Mich., was in New Cumberland this Gas Turbine, Now Made by Germans, Is French Discovery Paris, Aug. 28.—The gas turbine, which a large German company is reported to be manufacturing, it, I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I That you give the deepest consideration to your gp clothing needs. Don't be misled and carelessly put off buying with the idea that perhaps, after all, the manufacturers are mistaken when they foresee higher prices on all clothing. The fact is, they know for a certainty already what they have been compelled to do in adjusting their prices. They can't help themselves any more than the individual. They're up against the most serious conditions that have ever confronted them; they don't know which way to turn. The shortage is giving most ' // iK. manufacturers many a headache; they are anxious to please their clients, but can't /7i j // |\ 1 deliver the goods unless they are made. //| R I That's where the rub comes in, getting them made, 1/ k\ J fffj\\\ J keeping up with the demand. The small manufacturers will have all If / \\l 111/ \\\ kinds of trouble to deliver merchandise. The big operators are in a better position, // J \\ |II I V\l but, even so, it's no picnic for them to keep supplies coming through in sufficient quan- / A I|| tities to satisfy everybody. If you use good judgment, you'll buy clothing now or in I / hml\ vwXsSar the early Pail; but, if you are anxious to save on good clothing, you had better decide I \\ || to come to this "Live Store's" Semi-Annual. |ll| J n j Mark-Down Sale I II I Where Everything Is Marked Down (Except Arrow Collars and VjSM J//I Interwoven Hosel vSM /Ml We know it's going to cost more to replace our II II stocks, but, regardless of all this, we are disposing of all Spring and Sum- jIL mer stocks in order to make room for incoming Fall goods. We have an established \u| / >jl policy to carry nothing over from season to season. That's why you can buy at such In I jll low prices in our final Clean-Up Sale. You make the profits. They're bore for you / iw and your friends, and, if you buy now, you'll save a handsome sum that can be used to V I 111 many advantages these days. n $25.00 Suits $18.75 $40.00 Suits $31.75 $30.00 Suits $23.75 $45.00 Suits $35.75 $35.00 Suits $27.75 $50.00 Suits $39.75 co P rrtghtH^chff n er&Mx FI | 1 1 All IMA AA O •. ™ 4 % Do you need Work Shirts? You can buy the best Blue { i All SIO.OO Boys Suits $7.89 C I Chambray and Black Sateen Shirts that are our regular | ' All $12.00 Boys' Suits $8.75 I | sl-25 Shirts at I i All $13.50 Boys' Suits $9.75 4 J fiO r* X | All $15.00 Boys' Suits $10.75 2 I J/jC 2 All $16.50 Boys Suits $11.75 r $ Men are buying Work Shirts Here as nev r before, r I All SIB.OO Boys Suits ...$13.75 K I Thousands of them have gone from this "Live Store" dur- ( ' I All $20,00 Boys' Suits $15.75 ( ing the Mark-Down Sale. No wonder, at our low prices 1 * 5, t^lCy arc^to res ' st - CGtRRISBTJRG TETIGICSPH it la claimed here, a practical ap plication by Germans of French discoveries. The principle of this turbine was worked out by French inventors but the trials and experi ments were interrupted by the war. Briefly, the engine consists of a spherical combustion chamber to which vaporized gasoline and air I are admitted by separate pipes and exploded, as in the ordinary gaso line motor, by an electric spark. Another pipe conveys the jet of gas against the vanes of a turbine enclosed in a metal casing to which the propeller is directly attached. It Is claimed that the turbine motor gives the same power as a piston motor on half the gasoline. Tho engine is said to be much lighter than tho ordinary airplane engine and to make little noise. TAKE CENSUS OF MEXICO By Associated Press Mexico City, Aug. 28. —President Carranza has ordered that a gen eral census of the republic be tak en next year. AUGUST 28, 1919. RURAL CARRIER QUITS Cliambersburg, Pa., Aug. 28.—Be cause the wages of mail carriers have not been advanced in propor tion with those in other industries and in proportion to the cost of liv ing, C. W. Durr, carrier on rural route No. 5, has resigned. tiypl A CntiairaSoap /Svll Complexion Au druggists- Soap 21, Olntmsnt 28 nd80,Tataom25. B ample —eh frte of "Oatteur*. Dept. K, Batten." 11