18 ! NEWS OF STEELTON : ELECTRICS WIN ROBBERS ENTER STEEL LEAGUE CUP EIGHT HOUSES Deciding Game Won on Cot tage Hill Diamond From Machine Shop In an interesting twilight game on Cottage Hill lust evening, the Elec tricians clinched their claim to first place by trouncing the Machine Shop to the tune of 8 to 3. This ends the season with the Electricians on top of the pile, tlfey having won 12 games and lost 2, while the Machine Shop finishes sec ond with a record of 10 games won and 4 lost. Only one more Steel League game remains to be played, which is between the Bridge Shop and the Coke Ovens and which can have no effect on the outcome of the race. The outstanding features of to day's game were the masterful | pitching of Peacock, who was just j recovering from a terrific blow on the head received at the steel plant | two weeks ago, which had rendered ; him unconscious for four hours, and i the heavy hitting of the entire Elec- j trical team, who landed hard and j opportunely on llackett, the former | Mechanical Department twlrler. J The final standing of ihe teams, with the exception of the game still'; to be played between the B. & C. j Dept. and the Coke Ovens, is as: follows: The Standing W. L. Pet. j Electrical Dept 12 2 .857 i Machine Shop 10 1 .714 ! B. & C. Dept 8 5 .815! General Ofilce 8 6 .572: Frog & Switch Dept. 7 7 .500 Boiling Mills 5 !t .357; Mechanical Dept. ... 3 11 .214' Coke Ovens 2 11 .154 j ELECTRICIANS AB.R, H. O. A.E.I Zerance, 3b. ... 3 2 0 1 l 2 j Horttberger, rf. 2 2 1110; Wagner, rf. .. . 1 0 o 0 0 0 ! Murphy, ss. .. . 4 1 2 1 2 0' Giblin. lb 4 1 1 So 0! Shaeffer, c 4 0 2 4 0 1 | Hempt, cf 2 1 0 2 0 0 j Reilly, If 3 0 0 2 eryresK. Handy package to carry in your pocket TPimr . Peppermint tftnlergreen Clovfe CinnaiDon WEDNESDAY EVENING, Find Windows Conveniently Open; Not a Single En trance Forced Some time after midnight eight ! homes were entered by robbers, | supposedly amateurs. In not a single case was it necessary to force an entrance. In each case the rob bers found the windows conveniently open for their entrance. In addition to the eight, the home of Jacob G. Meishey, 420 Pine street, was tried, but whi the window was found locked, the robbers departed with out forcing an entrance. In the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Imhoff, 342 Spruce street, a gold watch and chain belonging to Mr. Imhoff were stolen. At the Wren home, next door to the Imhoff a, food was taken out of the refrigerator and some money was also secured. in the row of houses on South I Harrisburg street, below Locust, j four homes were entered. In this I row tile biggest loot was secured in j the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ' Gillett, where a diamond stickpin j was taken. The robbers evidently < were in a hurry while in this home, i A purse with a considerable sum of | money was in the same drawer with i the diamond pin. The money was I found secure this morning. A bill [fold presented to Mr. Gillett in New I York was also in the drawer. This J was found on the front porch this ; morning. Mr. Gillett's name was | "ttrnt on the bill fold, and there was Ino money in it. The robbers evi dently finding it empty cast it aside. I Money was taken from the Cuddy ; home, 4.8 South Harrisburg street. ; and from the home of J. G. Cusaek, j3B South Harrisburg street. Al- I though the home of Eugene Suy i dam was entered nothing was missed i this morning. j Two homes on Pine street were i ' ered. Food was taken from the home of Frank Ho wells, 419 Pine j 1 1'eet. Tiie McCall home at 410 Pine | street, was entered but nothing was : taken. ' The robbers must have been a i hungry crowd. Apparently the re j frigerator was their first objective iin eaclt home. Banana skins and j crumbs of food were found this I morning on tiie poreli of the Zim- I merman homo. Reports from the i homes entered seem to show that all I of the homes were entered some time I utter midnight. In no case was the robbery discovered until this ntorn ; ing. N'o arrests have been made (thus far. Many Prizes Awarded at Big Moose Outing Steelton Lodge No. 382. Loyal ' Order of Moose, held its first annual | picnic at the White House Club, | Highspire, Saturday, August 16, with | nearly two hundred members pres | ont. The committee in charge of af- I fairs consisted of F. V. Meals. H. ! A. Brandt, B. F. Kelsey, P V. Low, T Vaughn, L. M. Glattacker, James Dunn, W. P. Funk, J. E. Shupp, Willis Miller, W. H. Davies, D. S. Wenrick, Samuel Weidman, N. Donatella. Jacob Eslielman, Dennis Hollern, Dennis Zalla. Music was furnished by the Moose Orchestra. The following prizes were awarded: French Briar pipe donated by Edgar Jiras, won by Grant llouck; traveling case donated by Moose Club, won by Grant Houck: •shaving set donated by Moose Club, won by V. Flanagan; mission clock j donated by Jacob Yoselowitz, won by Ralph Green; hobby horse do • nated by Mike Garonzik, won by I Harvey Smith; Moosehead leather j cushion donated by F. V. Meals, won ■by T. Vaughn; Moosehead leather cushion donated by B. F. Kelsey, won by S. Weidman; silk necktie do- j : nated by Abram Lehrman, won by | IH. H. Shipp; oil painting donated MAY REVIVE FAMOUS OLD RIVER CLUB \ Practicing For the Kipona Tub Race Few who will witiwss the big Kipona celebration on the river on Labor Day realize that thirty years ago Harrisburg had a boat club ranking among the best in the country—a club that sent its representatives to the largest regattas, at Philadelphia, Newark, Seneca Lake, Columbia, Sunbury and other places where races for the national championship were staged. The Harrisburg Boat Club in 1889 had in course of construction on the Island, immediately above the Market street bridge, a new and elaborate boathouse of tastefully designed brownstonc. Smith & Warner, who were then the leading architects of the city, were the designers of the beautiful structure. Charles F. Utter and Kdward C. Uauch were the racing members of the old association, which disappeared with the flood of 1889. The boathouse, not completed, was swept away and the entire equipment, consisting of two tour-oared shells, three double sctills arjd four singles, worth $2,500, was carried with it. Since then the association has been allowed to die u natural death, but there are some who are reviving the old taste tor the water, and a new club will be the inevitable result. Mr. Kauch said to-day that lie had been consulted i on this very matter. We use his words: "I have been consulted by several young men of athletic tastes as ' to the probable course to take in organizing it new boat. club. Wo would suggest that a club lie formed and' the first attempt at crew rowing be in a gig or it four-oared barge, until the men acquire proticiency enough I to sit in a shell. The construction of the dam has made the fiver fifty per cent .better for shell rowing than it was during the existence of the Harrisburg Boat Club." Among the members of the old club were such as Thomas T. Weirmur.\ W. L. Gorgas, 10. C. Kepple ' Theodore G. ('alder. Dr. C. Westhrook. C. 1". Utter, K. Uauch, O. M. Oopelin, Charles 10. Covert. W. K. Dene-' hey, I .11. Sites, Herman Knisely, Domer Harris, William K. Meyers, Charles Schriver, John D. Lcincr audi JO Bergstresser. hv Lec Wilt, won by James Dailcy; , oil painting donated by R. H. Wilt, I won by Charles Baughman; base ball bat donated by H. A. Coleman, I won by James Dunn; polo game do i nated by 11. A. Colemun, wou by [J. J. Callahan; polo game donated | by H. A. Coleman, won by 11. A. | Hulibs; quarter ton of coal donated ! by I>. <). Sultzabergcr, won by Moose i club; bronze clock donated by P. V. Low. won by Joseph Cover; elec tric toaster donated by M. J. Kane, won by William Rebec; pair of cuff buttons donated by Jacob Levin, won by William Grimes. Refreshments were served during the entire day, and n hot supper was served including chicken corn soup and roasting ears. W. A. Rupp Returns From Big Convention William A. Rupp, general agent of I the Merchants' Life Insurance Com pany, of Des Moines. lowa, returned la.,i night from a most Interesting convention of the agents at Ottawa Beach, Michigan. Mr. Rupp reports ! hoth a delightful outing and a very | profitable time with his colleagues, | his company having had the most i prosperous year in its existence and | as he personally stood close to the i top of his class in business accom plished. he is feeling justified in an j ticipating another big year of busi j ness. His itinerary included Chi cago, Ottawa Beach, a trip through Canada thence via Detroit, Niagara j Falls and of course Buffalo. Tunis and Lieut. Moyer Are Each Fined $lO William Tunis and Lieutenant Al bert Moyer, 414 Cumberland street, I yesterday were fined $lO in police | court, on a disorderly conduct charge. They were charged with having cn- I gaged In a iifht in the Tunis store on the morning of August 17. BiKRIBBURG TELEGRAPH! MARKETS I NEW IORK STOCK Chandler Brothers and I'-impany, j members of New York and l'liilaiici l phin Stool: Exchanges—3 North Mar j kot Square, Harrisburg; 133S Chestnut ■ street, Philadelphia: 34 Pine street. New A ork furnish the following quotations: Open Noon • Allis Chalmers 38 57% Amor. Beet Sugar 85% 35% l American Can 51 511% Am. Car and Fndry C0...127',4 131% Amor. Loco 85% 85% Amer. Smelting ........ 75% 75% American Sugar 125 130% Amer. Woolens 110% 11214 Anaconda 07% 57% Atchison JO 80% i Baldwin Locomotive ....101% 10(1% Baltimore and Ohio 41% 41% 1 %ethlehem Steel B S3 % 83% j Butte Copper IS 28 i California Petroleum ... 13 44% (Canadian Pacific 154 154 ~ j Central Leather 04 01 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 57 58% ■ Chi. Mil. and St. Paul ... 41% 41 I Chi. R. I. and Pacific 25 25 ( Chino Con. Copper 43% 43 ! Corn Products SO % "8% : Crucible Steel 148% 148% ! I'nited Food 75% 70% ; Kr 'o IB W General Motors 230% 228 Goodrich, B. F 73% 73% I Great North, pfd 80% 86% i Great North. Ore, suOS .. 42 1 42 ( Hide and Leather 3i 30% Hide and Leather, pfd...J17% 117% Inspiration Copper 60% 50% International Paper .... 55% 54% Kennecott 37 30% I Lackawanna Steel 77% 77% Lehigh Valley 4 0 -19 ! Maxwell Motor 47 46% j Merc. War Ctfs 55% 55'.. I Merc. War Ctfs.. pfd. ...115% 115% i Mex. Petroleum 175% 174% j Miami Copper 27% 27% I Midvale steel 50% 50 Mo. Pacific 27% 27% Mo. Kans. T 13 12 v. N. Y., N. H. and 11. ... 82% 32% Norfolk and West 100% 10i"4 | Northern Pacific 87b. 87%. , Penna. R. R 43% 43 [Pittsburgh Coal •.. .. 64 (1314 1 Railway Steel Spg 91 91 14 I Ray Con. Copper 24 23% Reading 7j % 71, Republic iron and Steel.. 87% 86% ! Southern Pacific 97 96% ; Southern Ry 25% 25 ! Studebaker 103% 102% Union Pacific 123% 123% IU. S. I. Alcohol 123% 127% j I*. S. Rubber 122% 123% IU. S. Steel 101% 101 % Utah Copper 83% 88'/, j Vir.-Caro. Chetn 87% 81% ; White Motors 6>% 60 | Westinghouse Mfg 53 52% i Willys-Overland 32% 32 " Western Maryland 12 n% CHICAGO CATTLE MARKETS | Chicago, Aug. 27.—Hogs—Receipts 1..000; lower; top $21.10; heavy weight $18.504r20.60: medium weight. $18.6044) 21; light weight, $18.754921.10; light lights, $18,754/ 20.50; heavy packing sows, smooth. $17.25@18.25; packing BOWS, rough, $16.30® 17.25; pigs, sl7 Cattle—Receipts 11,000; dull and lower; calves steady; beef steers, me dium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $16.25@18.75; medium and good. $12.25@16.25; common, slo® 12.25; light weight good and choice, sl4® 18.26; common and medium, $9.50 ©l4; butcher cattle heifers, $7.25®15; cows, s7® 13.50; canners and cutters. $5.75@7; veal calves, light and handy weight. $19.50@20.50; feeder steers, ; $7.75® 13.75; stocker steers. s7® 11; western range steers, $9.50@16.50; cows and heifers. $7.25© 13. Sheep—Receipts 30,000; lambs, slow to 25c lower; sheep steady. Lambs 84 pounds down. $13.75®17; culls and common, $9®13.25; yearling wethers. $10.25@12.50: ewes, medium, good and choice. $7.75© 9.25; culls and common. $3®7.26. Annual Meeting of the Harrisburg W. C. T. U. ; The annual meeting of the Har j risburg W. C. T. U. will be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Fourth Street Church of God. Officers will he elected and reports of superintendents read. SUES P. AND H. Counsel for George W. Banner to day filed a damage suit against th'- | Philadelphia and Reading Railway I Company and the Director General of Railroads. No statement was filed, but it Is understood the action is the re sult of an accident at the Rutherford vards in which Banner was injured. A case is pending before the Work men's Compensation Board Invo'ving the same facts, it is said, and the question of interstate commerce is in volved. STEELTON PERSONALS 1 Mrs. J It. Klugh and children and | Mrs. J. R. Iteider. Jr.. were guests of •friends in Ellzabethtown. ! Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. llartman, Miss Mary H.artman. Miss Margaret Mart-] man and Mrs. J. L. Ktrby have return led from an automobile trip to McCon inellsburg. 1 Generous Contributions to the Kipona Celebration ; The Ktwanis Club committee 011 I Kipona funds, headed by Charles I It. Beck ley, reported Ihat it is j making the rounds of tlie firms as- j [signed to it and is receiving ver> | generous contributions. The com-1 j mittce is us follows: A . H. Bergliaus, Jr., A 1 K. Thomas, ! I Frank G. Fahnestock, Jr., AV. 1.. | | Montgomery, T. H. Hamilton, I ■ Charles K. Boas, AV. H. Brown, I ! Frank S. Morrow, F. J. Wallis, C. i C. Merrill, Dr. R. D. Pratt, Dr. J. 1 ]C. Ludes, Abner AA'. Hartman, 1 ; Charles Rupp, ftobert T. Fox, Rossi jA. AA'alker Harry Perkins, E. H.' ; Sehriver, AVilliam L. Strouse, Irving! |E. Robinson, J. E. Rutherford! I Charles I?. Williams, Roy H. Stetler,; Ernest Eptiley, Herbert Parthemore, I Paul H. Furman, John A. Rose, 1 Charles E. Resser, Thomas E. Cleck- j ner, A. J. Sims, Thomas C. Black, Harry Lowengard, Frank R. Down-1 ey, Harry Perkins, Frank Blumen-I stein. Thornton Bell, James H. Lutz and P. B. Rice. Herbert to Decide on DeShong Jurisdiction i, 0 A !'!r m 2 n S' por F p D - Herbert said' 'whr .hei n ec,d r, . late thl " fternoon] whf tnei hp will issue a warrant in the case brought by W. H. Wilson against' Alderman James B. DeShong. eharg-1 .ng the latter with false arrest. i "My personal attorney, B. Frank Nead. is to confer with' Alderman De- I I .Miong s counsel and District Attorney 1 Michael E. Stroup, probably this aft ernoon, to decide whether 1 have jur . isdietion to act in the ease. AA'hatever' I they find the decisions of the court I permit. 1 will do." j AVilsor. in a statement made last , nitfht said he will not drop his action) against DeShong if Alderman Herbert; ; decides he has no jurisdiction. AVilson ! ] said lie will go elseAvhere and bring ai [suit. " j j JANITOR W il l, PACK SECOND CHARGE Charged with entering the rooms | of S. L. Gans in the Shope Apart- | ments, 1702 North Second street, ! and stealing \arious articles of ! clothing, Cecil Overton, colored. ' j janitor of the apartments, will be I given a hearing in police court dur- ' I ing the afternoon. Overton is now ! being held under S3OO ball for court i j on a charge of having entered the 1 rooms of other persons in the apart- 1 ments. I At the time of his arrest, Over ton's rooms are said to have con tained clothing valued at more than SI,OOO. Included were six dresses, 1 2.1 pais of women's shoes, ten men's suits and a bundle of approximately 130 neckties. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ralph Hhepley and Giace Silks, Up per Paxt,.n township. Albert Nenley and Virgie Brown, Stcoiton. ('ln lies E. Gulvin. Canandiagua, N. V. and Alice Mulvlhill, Penn Tan, Bon F. Hudson. Penbrook, and Flor ence Cunningham. Reading. Fraiko P. Grabolott and Mary Kell er, Harrisburg. NEW JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS OPENED [Continued from First Page.] which has been embodied in the or der recently issued. Handsome Buildings It was the concensus of opinion of those who inspected the Camp Curtin building that Mr. Kast, who made the plans for altering the I building us well as designed the new addition, has done a remarkably fine piece of work and that there arc few finer* buildings from point of de sign and equipment in the country. The architect has done particularly well with respect to light and sani tation. Even the old portion is light and airy, the halls are broad and the exits ample. It was impossible to build this of fireproof construc tion hut every facility for rapid 1 mptying of the school in case of j lire has been provided. Th Camp Curtin building is equipped with manual training I shops, domestic science kitchens, [ sewing rooms, rest rooms, drawing | rooms, gymnasiums for boys and j girls; shower baths, scientific lab ratories, study halls and a big audi- I torium capable of seating comfort ably 1,400 people. The hall has 1 ample light from skylights and modern electrical fixtures, and has dressing rooms for hoys and girls ; and a stage large enough for any | purpose that may be desired. Elee -1 trical clocks, hells and alarms make : ihat feature of the school one of ! the most modern in Hie State. It is the plan of the School Board to open this big hull and the gym nasiums an/1 shower huths to the peoide of Hie city, and $3,000 has been set aside for community work in this and the Edison building. Al- . i ready there is much interest among 1 the young people of the neighbor hood and it is believed that the "gyms" will fill a long felt need and prove very popular in both locali ties. Edison Building The Kdison building, designed by C. Howard Lloyd, is even more com plete than that in the Tenth ward, Mr. Lloyd having an entirely new plan to work out and not being troubled with the alterations thr,t made the work uptown very difficult from the standpoint of best results. It is fireproof. School authorities of other cities who have inspected the structure say it is not surpassed by any Junior High, or intermediate, school building in the country. It, too, has a wonderfully tine audi torium, with all that goes with a modern hall of the kind, big stage, footlights, curtain and dressing rooms. It has also a big gym nasium, which for class work can be divided in halves by a partition. Like the Camp Curtln school it has amply gallery room for the seating of those who desire to witness bas ketball or other gymnasium sports, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Three Hours for Thursday's Attractions STORE CLOSES AT NOON U omen's Sweaters Cotton Crash Reduced Housewares Reduced \\ omen s $13.95 and |g c heavy cotton crash in Crystal jelly strainers. $14.95 Shetland weave plain white or with red I hursday morning ..35^ wool sweaters, with brush- borders. Thursday morn- Brooms. Thursday ed wool trimming or in ) ar 'l morning 69^ plain models. Thursday Wear Ever preserving morning ~ . $7.50 Bed Spreads ' >onni .i • •. 63x90 inches, each, $2.00 Aluminum double roast- Boys $2.00 bathing suits 72x9Q inchcs each prs Thursd onl in body stripes. Ihursdav $3<25 - - morning $1.24 , c?nn Plain table tumblers. suits in combination colors Table Damask Thursday only, dozen Thursday morning, $1.35 „ , . , V /9c mercerized table Hylo Mazda Tungsten „ ~ damask. 1 hursday morn- lamps. Thursday only, children s Overalls ing, yard Children's 50c romper _ , Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, overalls in woven stripes White Goods Basement. of medium colors; sizes 3 Special Values to 6. 1 hursday morning, r 39£; 2 pair 75£ 25c stripe flaxon. Thurs- g Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. day morning, yard .15? Summer Gloves Mens store. ~g Q w hite mercerized Women's 85c white stripe madras shirtipg; 32 chamoisette gloves. Thurs- inches. Thursday morn- day morning 49£ „ . ' n S> > af d o9 . i"d e °r.: n D\=r g „s%oT- ?• n- s,^.„c. ■ erate on low grade fuel. Silent. flickering light. J v . y v : < [Automotive Mail Coupon Today For X ri • r>i ur latest Catalog , Electric Service Co. Name , 17th and KELLEY STREETS Address | Harruburg, Penna. state Z'ZZ'.'.'Z' 1 AUGUST 27, 1919 and shower baths to take care of a hundred or more at a time. Also like the Camp Purlin school it has two cafeterias, with refrigeration and kitchens sufficient to accommodate the entire enrolment of the building. Tbo pupils will be sold their food at cost but the cafeterias will not lie open for the first few weeks of school. Nor will the sewing or do mestic science departments be open at once. Particular attention has been paid to drawing and com ; mereial branches. The pupils of the two schools will have precisely the same studies, but the layout and light of the Edison ALL MAKES - STOVE and RPPAIDS FURNACE Ki^rAiKa MANUFACTURERS STOVE REPAIR COMPANY 29 li Washington Street, HAGEROTOWN, ll>. building would appear to be a litUe better than that of the altered Camp Curtin school, whore existing con ditions were a great handicap. The Camp Curtin school has ample fa cilities for the storage of a million pounds of coal. After the inspection the party ad journed to the Penn-Harris hotel, where President Rnders was host, having on one side of him at the head of the table, Lieutenant Gover nor 10. E. Reidleman and oh the other 10. C. Herman, chairman of the Planning Commission, both of whom arc deeply interested in high school developments in Harrisburg.