Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 27, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 | _ Ine gf Way's Classified 5s lay Carry ffcws jje^lntSlofeajj Deaths ARMPRI ESTER Died August. 27. 1919, George W. Armprlester in his 79th year, at his late home, Brigge street. . • ~. * Funeral services will be held at the above address on Saturday at 3.30 to which relatives and friends are invited. Interment private in bast Harrisburg cemetery. Pottstown papers please copy. REED—Susan Minerva Reed, widow of the late John Reed, died August Funeral' Friday, August 29, at 2 o'clock from the residence of her son-in-law, Albert Millard, lou9 Liberty st. Relatives and friends are requested to attend without further notice. Burial at Shoop's cemetery. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Daniel Mader, Coxestown, desire to extend their thanks to those who so kindly assist ed them in their recent bereavement, and also those who sent floral tributes. LOST AND FOUND FOUND—-Auto tire August 21 on Carlisle Pike near Camp Hill. Inquire M. S. l ; .tter. Shiremanstown. Pa. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL 1 BAR. Enter at any time. Del! 125 Dial 4016. BECK LEY S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market tit Chus. K. Becklcy. BOOKKEEPERS. CLERKS AND OFFICE MEN Distinctly individual private in struction under suitable direction and a training that is linked up wi-u actual business and without mterler ing with present position, you can se eure marked advancement and suo stuntiai increase in income in a rela tively sliori time. CAN YOU AFFORD TO STAND STILL. Bookkeeping, Higher Accounting, Business Administration. Business Letter Writing. Law. Full Inlorination without obigation. laicalle Extension University. Blanch olfice 21 X. ISth St. Bel', 4940.> , H171.1* WANTED—MALL I ANTED ' Unemployed men who are first class j mechanics in the following lines of, -vorlt: 2 Layers out. 1 Vertical boring machine opera-j tor. 6 Lathe operators 30-40-in. 2 Horizontal boring machine operators. 2 P-S milling machine operators, j 2 Shaper machine operators. 7 Machine shop handy men. 2 Machine tool grinders. 1 Planer operator. 2 Tool makers. ' I Universal grinder 7 General machinists. 100 Good laborers. Information concerning these posl-' tions i : :y be secured at the Pennsyl vania State Employment Service, j Third and North Streets. Harrisburg, Penna. SEVERAL experienced news .,i per canvassers foi out-of town campaign. Salary and • uses. Apply MR. J. C. YOUNG. ••',•; North Sixth Street. Between G and 7 P. M. i RAILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds! wanted SIIOU-SISOO. Age, IS-35; ex-; perienn. unnecessary. For free par ticulnis ,t examinations, write R. • Tcrrv. (former government examiu-! or). 513 Continental Bldg.. Washing ton. WANTED —A competent salesman! and fi'licitor who will work in Harris- • burg ann vicinity. He must be able to operat* an automobile and if he can furnish his own automobile it Is pr - •erred The pay can he a fixed salary or roniinission. as may be agreed upon. Address C. Salesman care of Tele graph office. Harrisburg. WANTED—Men if you want to learn the l'iul.t way to sell and hold a higli gri de sales position, state age. where employed.tphont number and full par tteulai r. confidential. C-7572 care Tele giai-l . TWO men over 21 to learn sales manship in spar-time, positions guar anteed I- those qualifying. Address 1 P. O. Box Hill Station. City. : DRUIi i .ei!< ••ant-d. Address A-SI7S can- Ton . h. YOUNG man work at soda foun tain. ACdriss It 1. T care Telegraph. WANTED —Di clerk. Thorley's Drug Store. 404 w.oad at. WANTED —Boy to work in drug store. Apply Camp Hill Pharmacy, Camp Hill. Pa. , IF YOU are a good oii and paint sa esmau. We will pay well. Only the b-st -f taimt need apply. Parker Re-; fining Company, Cleveland. Ohio. W \NTED —Man over 3u years of age to it urn assistant managership,' i. .■ i • fumlab good refer-' enei a ah" bond. Apply Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second St. A MAN and boy lor day labor in count; v near city Apply 17(10 North! Second St.. after 7 p. m. WANTED —Stair workers, cabinet makers. yard foreman; lumber inspec tor. . i<.."di work. Address, staling •aas's. • xperietv e. age and reference.' .'•■ me" Lumber Co., Atlantic City, V. J- (Cuntjn:'*d In Xevi Celuiuni f > For Sale No. 934 Norwood St. D'tS'hed, 2'j-stor.v frame house. | I living S rooms, bath and pantry, rout, side and back porches: gas d electricity: furnace; lawn and j ~ . e v. itli shade a:id fruit trees; jio IXl'd ft.. With 20-ft. side and | l'm.i alleys. ! filler Brothers & Co. | ME.lis ESTATE INSURANCE ( . Jt IST AND COURT STS. SvilETk BONDS ' .Member** iibtf. aienl Entuie Hoard s, ...... .. i ■ .i 0 WEDNESDAY EVENING, kihiLv wanted—male WANTED FIRST CLASS PATTERN MAKERS IN A NEW AND UP , TO-DATE SHOP. NO J LABOR TROUBLE, i FIRST CLASS UP-TO DATE HOUSES CAN BE HAD AT NORMAL RENT WITHIN TEN MINUTES WALK OF THE PLANT. APPLY OR WRITE THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. ■! ERIE. PENNA. I i ' WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division j Street Transfer, Harrisburg, PP.. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Roekville car I to Sixth and Division , < Streets. : j. L ASKIN & MARINE CO. Requires the services of a salesman and a young man. ! \pply to Mr. Julius at once. ;,6 North Second St.. corner I Walnut Street. |< r I _ . , ! High School boy wanted. must be 16 years old or over. Apply The Photo Art i-hop. Thirteenth and Market Sts. ; ■ ji ,| ! CLERKS. ACCOUNTANTS } AND BOOKKEEPERS - A large organization of certified! • public accountants wants to get in < touch with a few capab e men who 1 ; have had some bookkeeping, account ing experience or knowledge, and who would like to qualify for advanced ac ' counting positions. This is an oppor- 1 tunity to learn auditing, cost account- j 1 ine and public accounting proeoditfe. - in spare time. Give age, present po.I --tion phone number and hour con- i venient for interview. Confidential, i. I Address P. O. Box 3. Hill Station. City. ( Bell 4940 R. WANTED Experienced window trimmer and card writer in men s clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 120.000. Good oppor-; itunitv for right man; must be steady I and reliable; state reference and sal ary. L-9018 care Teiegrapn. J - i GUARDS with police or watchman!] experience for guard duty at a large _ industrial plant out of to™"' on l> steady and reliable men well be con- , •sidered; l'lhour shift; good salary. 1 transportation paid; $3 per day .allow- |. led room and board: state age and ref lerence; booze artists, bums and bench , warmers need not apply. Address Box B 8174 care Telegraph. t I TY'PIST —Young man between 18 and 121 who can operate Remington ma- , 'chine for general office work with . ! large concern; good chance for ad- . ] vancement; state age. experience., ! wages expected. Address Box I 31ia < care Telegraphy > WANTED —Two neat appearing m n !to work the following towns, Me-! ( ehanlcsburg, Middletown, Highspirc, Hummelstown. Dauphin, Millersburg. ' Elizabethville and Lykens, selling ex- > nerience preferred but not essential, ! references required. This is a proposi tion of real merit on an entirely new I basis' it vou are a hustler and want . to make money. Apply or write b. E. - Denris manager, 114 South .-• conu .t. INSURANCE opportunities. Desi"- t able territory throughout Pennsylva- j nia open for assignment to men quail- : | fled for present or eventual general agencies. Liberal contracts to produc-' ers Standard, up-to-date, low priced accident and health insurance. 1- uner-• , al benefit. Write National Accid.nt • Society. 320 Broadway, New york ] City. Established 15So. ~ Ii 11LROAD traffic inspectors want- . ed' sllO a month and expenses to rtqrt' short hours; travel; three months' home study under guarantee.. , We get you position. No age limit; , ,sk I.IV booklet N-273. Standard Busi-i. ness T.aining Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y. | SOLICITORS for industrial fire in surance by the largest company in . Mnerica. e'ither full or part time; reg ular instil anee men can easily earn! Sou per week. Apply Managers office, : room 5. 29 North Second St. ! WOODWORKERS Machine and ; bench on cedar chests; also men to Spta'y varnish. Federal Equipment Co., Carlisle, fa. I ' MEN WANTED —Woodsmen, team- ] '•tern and saw mill hands at my saw ' mill's iem Rock-llle; good wages and , steady work. Address riamuel Witten- ( 1 myer. Hun isburg. j, GRASP the opportunity to-day to! become an expert mechanic and chaur- '| i for We teach you between your , working hours to become an expert . i and for only seven dollars a woek. , i Learn a practical trade. Make appu- . cation at once. Automobile and Aero-j plane Mechanical School. Office 25 X. ramei'n st.. Harrisbuig. Training,! Quarters 260 S. Front St. Steel ton. , WANTED —Two young men to learn sal■■•siiiarship and make ?20 per week , v.-hile learning. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. j WANTED —Two first class meat;' •cutters and countermen. Apply at once i" Buehler Bros., 432 Market St. t WANTED —Experienced newspaper ' and magazine men to represent large ' New Yovlt publishing house. Six orders per day pays $36 per week. Call 41c ' ; Patriot Bldg. WANTED —Young man experienced ! With electricity for a position with! Pcnn-Harrls Hotel. See chief engineer. \ WANTED —First class metal work- j ■ er hammer man on aluminum automo- | bile bodies; best wages and steady 1 job. Joseph J. Derham, Kosemont, J-a. j' (Continued in Next Column) HKI.P WANTED—MALE WANTED Boy over 16 years of age to work in lumber office. Ap ply to UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Sts. MOULDER, thorough all around me chanic. accustomed to both large and small work; gray iron and steel; ex cellent permanent position; first class working conditions In modern, well I lighted shop, out of city; high wages to man meeting requirements. Give ! complete details of experience and age. Address H-SSOS cale Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced truck driv ,er; steady work. Only sober man need I apply. Harrisburg Lumber Co.. 17th ' and Berry hill Sts. PRINTER All around country, printer wants work evenings after 6 o'clock and Saturdays. State hourly rate paid to Box PBBOI eare Telegraph. WANTED—2S Sheet metal workers, tir. roofers, skylight workers and steel sash glaziers; highest rate of wages: transportation and board paid, j Apply Mr. Weckesser, General Deliv ery. Milton. Pa. HELP WANTED—FLMAI.L WANTED Competent child's nurse; (white). Apply with reference to Box H-5326 care Tele | graph. GIRLS wanted from 16 years up to learn cigar making. Pay $7 per week while learning. Good opportunity to earn oig money after learning. Apply | i General Cigar Co.. Inc., 50li Race, 1 Street. I • ; WANTED Five or ten experienced rag sorters. Apply KEYSTONE IRON & METAL CO.. i Broad and Wallace Streets. WANTED—MiddIe aged housekeep er foi family of two; out of city. Call at 2206 N. Sixth St. or 2SIBR Bell. WANTED lmmediately young woman for waitress. Apply Stouffei's Restaurant. 4 Nortli Court St. WANTED Woman for general housewcrk. from 7.30 to 12 a. m. each day. Apply 813 N. Second St. SHOES experienced vampers, tippers and operators, good, steady job. I Smalt,'. Goodwin Co., 315 N. 12th St.. Philadelphia. ATTENDANTS wanted. State Insti tution lor the Feeble-Minded, Penn hurst, Chester County, Pa. Apply Wil liam J Steward, chief physician. LIVE young woman for oudoor edu- 1 rational workf substantial salary and bonus. Box 103, Camp Hill. COOK wanted who is willing to do general housework; must sleep at j house, good wages if competent. Ap ply 229 Forster street. WANTED—MiddIe aged white wom an as housekeeper in small family. ! Apply 2623 Boas st., Penbrook after! 6 p. m. j WANTED Wearers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL. Second and North Streets WANTED Experienced markers, and sorters on rough dry; good wages paid. Apply Royal Laundry, 1354 i Howard St. WANTED Woman for laundry i work, $8 to start. Apply Sanitary Washing Co.. 16th and Elm Sts. j WANTED—GirIs for work in fold- | ing and other departments of the mill, V p. I week paid to beginners. Bel grade Knitting Mill, New Cuniberla.nl. WANTED—White woman for gen eral housework. Apply 20 North Fifth street, afternoon or evenings. WANTED —Experienced housekeep er; good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 Scutli Fourth st. I WANTED—Dishwasher. Apply at; once Alva Hotel. 19 South Fourth st j WANTED Experienced saleslady for ear.dy counter; also dishwasher; and experienced chocolate dipper. Ap ply Me eel and Confectionery Store, 313, Market. WANTED —Girl or woman for cook and general housework in family of three en River Drive above eity. Bell phone 378R-3. or write R. u. Box 6x7. [Harrisburg. OPERATORS wanted at Harrisburg! Ypparel Co.. one experienced on over look work; bonus paid every week.! Apply Third tloor City Star Laundry; Building. Sixth and Heir Streets. WANTED —Probationers tor train ing school, two years' high school for . entrance. Affiliated with the New Yoik Hospital. N. Y. Apply Superin-j Undent White Plains Hospital, White i Plains. ! WANTED —Girls for all kinds of laundry work. Apply Palace Steam; Laundry. 2103 Logan St. I OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and Sleeving Machines. JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO, j 2012 N. Fourth Street, HE7LF WANTED —Male ami reniule , MALE AND FEMALE HELP Expel it-need cooks, husband and wife without children who have had experience in cooking for large num bers. Will provide comfortable modern ! living quarters and pay good wages.' Call at Harrisbuig Academy and bring j good references. I WHITE man and wife to cook at | fraternity house at State College, good I pay; good living conditions. Call phone 2648W or address Box G-8299 j cure Telegraph. THOUSAND, men, women, 18 or 1 over now wanted. Government posi- i tions. Railway mail clerks, city car-; : i'iers, census clerks, slluu-sl6uu year; ' I vacation; common education suft'i- ! dent' big chance for soldiers, sailors. ; List positions free. Write immediate-! ly; urgent. Franklin Institute. Dept. | 413-S. Rochester. N. Y. ; WANTED —Responsible men and ; women to handle our accident and ! 1 health insurance policies. Liberul I commissions. Disability benefits range lrtm s' to $lO6 per month. Premium; si a month upward. All occupations. 1 Also limited policies at $5 and $lO a year National Accident Society, 32u Broadway. New York City. Establish ed 34 years. SALESMEN WANTED j 1 *IOO per month and expenses and 1 ■ bonus to represent the Globe Refining - Co of Cleveland, Ohio. Call at 102 ilaxtung Ave., Pax tang. Pa.. 29th from, 1 1-5 p. m. and 30th from 8-12 a. m. hahkisburg TFT.FGRAPH 1 ' i 63 ra M FINDING A POSITION is some- qjj times a most disheartening task. Just jtffj to rely upon friends, or upon going j-K' about and making personal applica- i ill tions, often lead to utter discourage- kd | £0 ment. The quick road to a position is fcJ' yy through the classified. Sometimes this (£o road requires more than one day to j'ft travel —hut it leads inevitably to the i desired goal if followed. 1 i 1 . 1 •S3 9 iffi • n AGENTS WANTED | WANTED—County rights given to hustler. Convenient cash and cany I delivery. Every householder needs it; |no capital required; liberal commls sions. Inquire A. H. Allen, Pen-Harris. , i Thursday evening between 7 and S. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE j I ACCOUNTANT. AUDITOR, 'OFFICE I MANAGER; long and varied experi-I er.ce,, desires connection with firm or' corporation; active, capable, trust worthy. Highest New York City ref erences. Address H-5294 care Tele- j graph. | I YOUNG man desires position as : ishjpping. receiving and stock clerk.; I has five years'experience, can furnish 1 ! references. Address Box G-5172 care: Telegraph. j ! EXPERIENCED accountant employ ed, wishes extra work evenings, rial-I jurday afternoons or Sundays, as book keeper for a small business, can also [ I audit and open new set of books. Ad- j ; dress R-849S care Telegraph. j SITUATION S W ANTED —EE MA LE EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires) sewing by the day. Apply Anna Moz ingo, 1622 Penn rit. Beil 1179-A. WANTED—Day's work of any kind I ; by coiored woman. Inquire 122 a Aloti-i roe rit. I WANTED—Day's work for Monday.] Wednesday and Friday. Apply litu i Wood rit. I EXPERIENCED cashier desires po-1 sitioti. Wilt consider night work. His knowledge of typewriting and book keeping. Address H-S3Ol care Tele-| ' graph. ; WANTED—A reliable middle aged ] i woman wishes position as housekeep- : ler in a widower's home. Address A-S3OO care Telegraph. WANTED —Young woman wishes; position as housekeeper in a widower's ] ; home. Call 1611 Hunter rit. j COLORED woman wishes day's 'work. Apply 1717 N. 7th St. I WOMAN wishes day's work of any [kind. Apply 1729 N. 7th rit. WOMAN desires any kind of em- i ployment at once. Day's work or work : in laundry. 1229 Monroe St. j I GIRL desires clerical work, with I knowledge of typewriting, can give; best of reference. Call Bell 1342 J. WHITE woman with s-year-old boy j wishes position as cook or housekecp jer, has had experience. App.y 1612; Susquehanna St. ■ 'l ROOMS roll KENT ROOMS for rent; all conveniences.] Inquire 242 Hamilton St. FOR RENT —Rooms; all conveni ences: use of phone. Inquire 1268 Market St. i FOR KENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; heat; lights j and use of bath; no children. Apply: 'la 19 Walnut St. ; FOR RENT —Two unfurnished looms] lon third lloor for light housekeeping;] : running hot and cold water; use of: 1 bath light and heat; references re-; [quired. Inquire 1414 Market rit. j FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms' for lighi housekeeping, second floor; front in children preferred; a christian home. Inquire 1932 N. 3d St. i FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms and one small storage room, suitable for light housekeeping; all latest ini- [ proveinents. Apply 1521 Wallace rit. FOR RENT —Rooms for light house keeping; no children. Inquire 29 South[ Cameron St. : I NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— for gentlemen only. Dial 499u or 912; North Third street. i .. | At 1511 North riixth street, one large ,' second floor, front room; all conveni ences. Beil phone 3671-W. NICELY lurnlshed, clean. cool [ j rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 I riouth Third street. | I FOR RENT Furnished front! rooms; all conveniences; men prefer-1 [red; 1549 State street, cor. 16th st. I Bell 1476-W. |_ 1 ROOMS WANTED ' WANTED—By a young couple, three I or four furnished rooms for light; housekeeping; location riteelton or Hill section Harrisburg. Address Box ; B-5298. ' WANTED—Two or three furnished] looms for light housekeeping; must be 'first class condition; state full particu-] j lars; rclerence exchanged. Address 1 I Box L-8297 care Telegraph. | BY business man. well furnished I room with strictly privute family, in; j apartment or residence; preferably! ; centrally located. A-8295. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment, four rooms' and bath, modern, pleasant; references, | required and rent in advance. Keisteri Apartments. Fifth and Market, second I j flight. Mr. Morreil. : ! FOR RENT —1814 State St., second! 'floor apartment newly furnished; com-I pietc for housekeeping; living room,! [two bed rooms; tile bath; dining room! and kitchen; large enclosed porch. All' 'rooms large, cheerful; three bay win-, dows: steam heat; electric lights; gas range; rent *6O per month. Bell 2323. I . APARTMENTS WANTED ] WANTED —Apartment or house, on or befote October 1, by young man and wife; no children. Address W-9081 [care Telegraph. 1 (Continued In Next Column; | APARTMETS WANTED FURNISHED apartment or flat or I suite of rooms with private bath, for light housekeeping; references ex-, ] changed. Write particulars. Address , Bpx 11-8177 care Telegraph. TWO young married couples( no [children), desire furnished apurt | ment of two bed rooms, living room jor kitchenette and bath. Address Box [G-8176 care Telegraph. ; I WANTED—An unfurnished apart ment of Ave rooms and bath; three adults; must have all conveniences, 'cmtrall) located. Address Box A-S2Ol ;care Telegraph | WANTED—SmaII furnished apart-1 I ment of four or live rooms by family of three must be up-to-date and nice-: 'ly furnished; will consider small [house, either in city or suburbs. Ad dress Box H-9037 care Telegraph. HOARD AND ROOMS _,! YOUNG man employed, desires room! and board in private family. Call Bell ] phone 14G-R. i ROOMERS AND HOARDERS Yi'ANTED —Roomers and boarders all conveniences. Inquire 291(1 Boas St.. [ Penbrook. j BOARDERS wanted: a widow, with , out children, is desirous of adding a few boarders. Apply 2141 Atlas ave. J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT. 3-storj stucco, nine rooms and bath. ] steam heat; gas and electricity; front , and rear porches; balcony and roof garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a looming house; SSOO cash; balance in monthly payments. ] HARRIS ST., 630—VACANT; 3-story I brick; nine rooms; all improvements; small amount down: balance same as rent; no questions as to race or na j tionality. FIFTH ST.. N„ 2148—3-story brick; 1 9 rooms; gas and electric lights; nice front and rear porches; side entrance; • must bo seen to be appreciated; price right to quick buyer. [ GREEN ST.. 1017—3-story brick. 19 [rooms and bath; the best of location for a rooming house; can be convert ed into three apartments at a very j small expense; A 1 investment. i DERRY ST., 2143—3-story brick; [9 rooms and bath: gas and electricity; all modern improvements: nice front [and back porches; cement cellar; a ] very nice home; ea,n be bought with j S3OO cash. 17TH AND PAXTON STS. —NEW: ; VACANT. 2ti-story; six rooms and ibath; steam heat: gas and electricity; 'front and rear porches: side entrance with a nice big yard; will be tinished ir. u lew days; can be bought with : SSOO cash. FULTON ST.. 1832—3-story frame; j eight rooms; some improvements; all nice large rooms; very reasonable; no ; money down; $25 per month. D. ASA SANDERLIN. ' Room 1, Security Trust Building , 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1290. Dial 357 3 FOR SALE For Sale—3-story brownstone and illicit house, 12 rooms; all conven | iences; lot 117x81 feet: hedge fence, ; shrubbery; room for garage; steam I heating system; house built 1914;, (hardwood floors; Could not be built to [ day for $22,000. Possession at once; lo cation near Reservoir Park, Whitehall street. Price $15,000. SIO,OOO can remain at 6 pel cent. A fine home and a bar- I gain. ! State St.. 1700 block; 8-story brick; I all improvements; side entrance and drive alley. Price $5,200. ! Penbrook. S. 28th St., 8-room frame , : house; garage; fruit; line garden; | I por_V.es; lot 28x180. Bargain. $2,500. i Penbrook, S. 29th St., 7 rooms and [bath; all improvements; lot 20x190, (to 30th St.; chicken house. Only $2,3a0. , I Penbrook, 2805 Canby St., 7 rooms, [and bath; all improvements; lot ISX [150; drive alley. Price $2,500. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE. | 1549 State St.. cor. 16th. Bell 1416- > BUY YOUR HOME on the rental] payment plan. Small cash or Liberty . 'Bond tlrst payment required, balance l as rent. We have houses In every i part of the city and suburbs. Apply lA. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—On Green street be tween Reily and Harris, a 3-story brick house; improvements; 8 rooms land bath, one front and two rear! | porches: cemented cellar; lot 16%xS0> to 3-toot alley; A 1 condition; posses-! ] ston. September 1; newly painted. Ad-] , dress Box W-8240 care Telegraph. I FOR SALE—Two lots on Market! I Street Camp Hill, 50x200 feet. A bur- , iguin. I-rice SBOO. 107 Chestnut St. near] ] P'ront j DESIRABLE corner residence in] I Paxtang. having 8 rooms and all im-| Iprovements. Lot 90x125; price reason-1 able. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. VACANT property for sale, corner j 16th and State streets, brick construe- [ tion, 9 rooms and bath, brick garage. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOK SALE—B3 N. 18th street, brick house, 8 rooms and bath, also other improvements, desirable location. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. j (Continued In Next Column) ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS LOCATION West Falrview—2Vi-story brick. In heart of town with small out building. I suitable tor business of any kind. Very cheap. 1 Enola Homes—All imp.; corner uouse; Ltmoyne homes, all imp.; sin- I gle corner. New Cumberland, tine ] home; al imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; ] large lots. ! City homes of all kinds; easy terms. | pay as rent; some for cash. ! Farms—6. 10. 16. 30. 40. 75. 96, 125. : and 170-aere farms, from 3 to 12 miles ot Harrisburg. riome of these [farms with crops, stock and tools iu cluued. Possession at once. j Market Street—Three-story brick. ' store room front, on Hill. [ Apartment Houses—One or two cf • the finest in the city. | Building lots at Camp Hill, Worni- Jleysburg, -Enola, Riverside, Paxtang. j Progress, Belvue. uptown and sev eral good factory sites. Investments Several rows of houses paying tig interest. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, Bell phone 560-J. ] [! FOR SALE | 2405 Derry St.. 2-story brick; six; :rooms and bath; steam heat; electric light; hardwood lloors; drive al.'ey jon rear. I-l'timmel Ave., Lemoyne; double [frame dwelling; corner; all improve ments; price very attractive; will sell separate. 401 Kelker St.; corner Fourth St.; apartments and store room; rental income S7O per month; price $7,000. j Retail coal and feed business; well located in a good growing community. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. __ i FOR SALE AT ENOLA ] 5-rooin frame house; improvements; ! lot 27x150 on Columbia Road, along ,[trolley line. Price $2,000. • 9-roorn frame house; all improve ,'ments. Columbia Road; S3OO cash will give you possession; easy terms. West Fairview; 12-room frame 'house, large lot. This house can be made into two houses. Price $4,500. Located on State street along trolley. , Several other properties on west ! side of river, for sale. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE, [1549 State Street Bell 1476-W j LOOK [ 83-85 WAGNER ROAD—Double Fr. Rented sl4. S9OO cash. 1811 GEORGE ST.—2-story fr. Rent ;ed $lO. $950. Easy terms. ; 319 KKLKKU ST. —3-story cor.; S rooms end hath; hot air and gas. A cov.y home. $3,100. [ 2427 N. SIXTH ST.—Bk.; 9 rooms and l.nth: -t ill heat; modern in every respect. $6.0u0. Desiiiibie •properties in other parts ] of tiie city and in Steelton. GEO. W. JACOBS, Real Estate and insurance, 17 N. Third rit. Bell phone 1539 .! j FOR SALE—A six roomed frame house; all (niprovements; possession soon; corner of Brisban and Park 1 Driveway. Paxtang. Apply 3307 Bris ban street, Paxtang. Well Located PAXTANG LOTS For Sale Four lots—a plot 120x120 ft. 'j cor. Kelso and Montour sts. Harry C. Knouse, 234S Derry St. j Bell phone 1720, evenings 4949W HOUSES AND LOTS In all sections of city and suburas, (some very attractive propositions. ROHRER & SON, BERGNER BUILDING. Real Estate. General Insurance j FOR SALE —30 a limestone soil; smooth level land; between Lincoln 'and Trindle highways; good house, i hi.g pen, chop house, well of water, milk house, fair stable, I$J miles Ironi Camp Hill. F. S. Mumnia & Son, Meehanicsburg, Pa. , BUILDING lots for sale on 6th, sth, 4th, 3d. Green. 2d and Front streets. I for sale separate or In plots as large as two acres. For particulars see D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Rc-al Estate and Insurance FOR SALE—Corner Third and Lew is streets 10-room and bath, detached house, lot 53x100 feet; first floor fin ished in hardwood maple floors; steam heat; excellent location; splendid view to river. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. : Real Estate. Insurance CAMP HILL—2% story brick, slate roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, fac ing south with large porch, fine view •up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, 'nice tiro place, chicken house and gar bage ii rear, witli fruit trees in bear ing, oa lot 50x150. or on lot 100x150. ! Possession given in two weeks time. 'Lawn planted in evergreens and How lers. vines covering house. Located on ' Logan street, just west of Bowman [avenue. Can be inspected at any time. A. E. Strode, Bell phone 3180-It. : FOR SALE —On Market street near 13th .a large 3-story brick house; fine [for business or apart.; reasonable I price. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. Second [at 801 l 2575-J. ! NORTH Sixteentn; 9 room brick; I gas; electricity; hot water; steam 'heat; brick garage on premises: streets paved front and rear; school nearby. E. T. Selig, 920 North Six teenth. FOR SALE Three-story brick' house: 8 rooms and bath; all improve ments. Inquire 1921 North Fifth St. ! FOR SALE—Modern 10-room brick house; Mooreland section of Carlisle; ! immediate possession if desired. C. M ] Liggett. Carlisle. Pa. • j $2200 will purchase a dwelling with i eight rooms and hath, gas, furnace, cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co.. Berg nei Bldg. I FOR SALE—I9IB Chestnut street, (brick dwelling with 8 rooms and hath, iall modern improvements including steam hc-at, screens and shades go I with the property. Bell Realty Co., | Bergr.er Bldg. [ $2500 will purchase a two-story [ brick dwelling on Crescent street, having all modern Improvements. Bell -I Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. | . • SIBOO will purchase 621 Forster I street, frame house. 7 rooms, lot 25x70. (Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. (Continued In Next Column) AUGUST 27, 1919 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J Fine residence, North st $20,000 I Brick property, Camp Hill .... 42.U00 | Paxtang residence 17,0001 2421 N 6th, brick 6,000 ' 1012 N. Sixth st„ brick 4,500 11631 Swatara, frame 2,400 j 1043 N. 4tli, brick 3.000 ! Brick building, garage 15,000'| D. A. CALEY, ! Bell 580. 707 Kunkel Bldg. [ FOR SALE On easy terms. 2012 ' to 2ulß Susquehanna street. Apply \ ! P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. "| FOR SALE—S4 Second street. High spire, 7-room liouse, lot 110 feet front by lOS feet deep; line location. Will I sell at a bargain. W. J. Reeves. 221 Market St., Highspire. Dial 9801. FOR SALE—Cor. Third and Lewis Sts., 10 rooms and bath; detachable! frame house; lot 53x100 ft. First 1100.- Unished In hardwood; maple floors;' steam heat; all other conveniences; j excellent location; splendid view to river 1020 Penn St., 9-room brick house; bath; gas; furnace heat; cemented! cellar; large box porch; possession! soon after sale thereof. 2611 Agate St., tine brick house; 6! rooms and bath; electric light; gas.! furnace heat; cemented cellar; front I nnd back porch; owner will vacate I September 1 if sold within a few davs. ! D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance l\)R SALE—IOI7 Derry street, a very rtesiißbb: house; all hardwood : floors except kitchen which is all cov-j It-red with linoleum: hardwood in one! I room * r second floor; ail convent- i tences; awnings to porches and storm I doors to all di.ois; buck porch en- 1 closed for winter, doors and windows; iali have window shades and screens*! new heating | lant and up-to-darj' sewage installed last fall; lot 35x15) | feet; inquire on remises. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ! FURNISHED cottage for rent at Perdix. 20 minutes from Harrisburg; ! rent lt-asona'oie for remainder of sea ! son. Maynard M. Fulton, Real Estate 'and Insurance, 14 S. Market Sq. Bell ; 3 26J. j FOR RENT—House with 8 rooms and bath: all conveniences; also store- i I room for rent at 631 i Boas street; im- i j mediate possession given; only reli- ! able people need apply. Keystone Iron! and Metal Co., Broad and Wallace sts. 1 ' ! FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from 1 | September 1; furnished up-to-date; | only reliable people need apply to; | Louis, 414 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent ' 11-room stone house at foot of 15th St., New Cumberland, along the rait road and river, large parks on three | sides, beat of water, all but S acres I of good ground, line home, could sell | building lots off half of it to have bal ance clear, vacant now. Would be an excellent location for a club home; ' Ave minutes' walk to trolley. Inquire jef Chas. H. Miller, 1338 State Street, i Harrisburg. Also a tine bungalow at Enola for rent or sale. On premises every ufternoon. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange I VACANT—3-story brick corner, on Hill; elect, lights, front and side porches; side yard; cheap to quick buyer. i VACANT —3-story frame on Hili;| i porches; nice yard. VACANT—2 \4-Story brick on Hill;) .all improvements; electric lights; t porches; large yard to drive alley, j VACANT —3-story brick on Broad I 'st.; all imp. j VACANT —North Sixth St., 8 rooms; all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win-1 • dows, 7 years old. VACANT—New brick on Hill; 6 i rooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered, i FINE large brick house on Derry 1 • street. Several large homes uptown and on Hill. Some of these homes can ■ be bought with two or three hundred | dollars down, balance as rent. Will take light touring car in exchange on some of the above homes. C.H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J Real Estate For Sale—Suburban ; i FOR SALE—STEELTON j Double frame houses, corner Fourth and Pine Streets, 344-346 Pine Stre.it. 1346. the corner house, has all improve ments; S rooms and bath; 344 has range, bath, gas and electric. Will sell ; ! either side or both. Can be seen on i application. Possession soon. Price , right. Easy terms. ! i CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street, j Bell 1476VV. Harrisburg, Pa. I j Real-Estate For Rent—Suburban , ' FOR RENT—White Hill duck farm. Sirs. George Smith, 3208 N. Fourtli st. REAL ESTATE W ANTED < | LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTIES , j We have a large list of prospect! /e ' ! buyers. ROHRER & SON, 211 BERGNER BLDG. i Real Estate and General Insurance [ i WANTED—To buy an eight-roomed I house in West End for about $4,000. ] One built three or four years; steam. j heat preferred. Address Box 14-8296 j j care Telegraph. j i 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop ! erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- j ' tate and Insurance, 10u2 North Third' , street. ; | Olllces and Store Rooms for Rent i j I FOR RENT—Two vacant office. i rooms, in modern business building,! ; one on second, one on third floor; j elevator service. Apply Miller Bros. & , | Co., Court and Locust. FARMS ' Farms for sale; easy terms, with or ' without stock and crops. 784 a. near Annvllle, SBOO. 16 a. 6 mi. to Hershey. $2400. 24 a. near Harper's Tavern. S2IOO. 40 a. near Grantsvllle, $4500. 68 a. 5 ml. to Hbg„ '6500. 77 a. near Harper s Tavern, $4500. 94 a. 16 mi. to Hbg.. $4600. 110 a. Cumberland Co. SSOOO. 120 a. near Hershey. SBSOO. 160 a. Cumberland Co.. S6OOO. 107 Chestnut St. FARM —95 acres of level limestone land; line producer. Brick house; bans barn. Well of never failing water. Lo- ' ' cated ten miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county. For further de- Iscrlption, call on E. W. Yohn, one of ' the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es | tate. at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris burg. Pa. I (Continued In Next Column) J | FARMS FARMS 1 For Sale—Near Penbrook, 12-acra truck and poultry farm; 8 room frame house and outbuildings; best of joll. Price $5,000. Also four 4-acre lots; running water; line building sites; good truck soil- price and terms right. I For Sale—2 acres along trolley, op ! posite Colonial Club; lots of fruit; ! tine building sites; will cut 18 lots, j Price right. ! Also 3-acre truck and fruit farm east of Steelton; 6-room house; porch iest; lots of fruit and outbuildings; 10 minutes walk to Oberlin car line. ; Price S3,SUO. 115-acro farm, one mile west West Fairview. 3 miles from Harrisburg; x tooni farm house; bank barn and all j kinds of outbuildings. This farm w ill increase in value. Price now slls per acre. See this place. j 188-acre stock, grain and fruit j farm, 8 miles northeast Harrisburg; ■ large bank barn; S-room stone house, J 135 acres under plow and 53 acres in wood and pasture. A money maker. Price $47 per acre. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE, jls 19 State St., cor. 16th. Bell 1476-W - FARM FOR SALE I 71 acres, 5u acre fields, 21 acres wood land; 7-room good liouse; sum mer liouse; good bank barn; oth< r buildings; 5 miles northeast Lingles |town, one mile north l'iketowu. the 'Joseph Hoenshelt farm; pure running (water at barn; great running spring at house. Price $2950. The buildings | are in good condition. Will sell crop land stock and give immediate posses sion. C. B. Care & Son.. 409 Market |St.. Harrisburg. Care's Grocery, Lmglestown. | SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FOR SALE • 20-acro fruit and truck farm; 8- ( house; barn 60x20; chicken and hog house; cold storage cave; 800 bearing fruit trees; running water; located -n i York county 3 miles west Dillsburg on. 'Gettysburg Pike; tine home; the fruit j income 1918 was $3,000. Price $6,000. $3,000 can remain at 584 per cent CHARLES DAVIES, 11549 State St. Bell 1176W | FARM for sale. 165 acres, 70 acres under cultivation; 95 acres timberland. Don't ntiss this big opportunity; must be sold to settle estate. Price $1,600. Three miles northwest of Duncannon. inquire 2132 North Fourth Street. City. 100 ACRE FARM ! 17 miles from Harrisburg. wi'h or without stock and crop; all imple j ments; 4 horses; 7 head of cuttle; 6 hogs; 200 chickens; 20-ton hay; iy acres of wheat and rye; 16 acres oats; 10 acres corn. Farm must be sold at once. Price $5,800. 107 Chestnut St.. | near Frc-nt. Cumberland County Farm Seven miles from Harrisburg near Lisburn ! 111 acres farming land in good stute of cultivation; all necessary buildings in tirrt class condition. Apply J. s Lefever. Lisburn, Pa. Bell phone 912-u! FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS —— _____ MOTORS FOR SALE i We have the following motors we 'are offering for sale. We guarantee ] these motors to be in tirst-class con dition and can make immediate de : livery. One 84 H. P. 220 V. 450 14. P. M. ! One V: H. P. 220 V. 380 14. P. M. j One 8i H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One Vi H. P. 115 V. 800 U. P. M. One H H. P. 220 V. 370 14. P. M. One 84 H. P. 120 V. 275 14. P. M. I <>ni- '.i H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., 1 Printing Binding Designing | Photo-Kngrnving Die Stamping Plate Printing. Harrisburg. Pa. j FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35 selling price $25; Brussels rug, 9x12, value SSO, sale price $39. FORN WALT'S, 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. 1 FOR SALE—Large white reed coa' h. iin perfect condition. Apply 214 Forster ! (Street. I FOR SALE—An oak roll top desk. !in first class condition. Address Mrs. IC. G. Marschner, Highspire, Pa. j FOR SALE—Baby coach; good as i new. Call at 944 Paxton St. ] FOR SALE—Dining table, chairs, buffet, china closet, serving table. I book cases: ladies' desk, rugs, hall 'I runners and other household goods. Ml in first class condition. Call Bell 'IR49R. | FOR SALE Statue of Liberty. ! wired and medallions of Pershing and i Sims, suitable for float or window dts | play. Half price. W. 11. Kissinger & !Co.. Wiconisco. Pa. i CARLETON canoe for sale; in fine 'condition; newly painted; only two I years old: used very little; reason for I selling, owner has two canoes. Ad dress Box F-5072 care Telegraph. I FOR SALE —Beautiful ivory bed room suite, practically new. consisting of a bed with cane panels, dresser 'toilet table with bench and chair, (price $125. Call between 5 and 7 p. m. (or by appointment. Apply 29 North | 17-th St. i FOR SALE— A baby stroller; good j as new. Apply 1737 N. Fourth St. ! FOR SALE —Complete hot air fur ( nace with piping and one coal range, i Inquire between 6 and 8 p. m„ 1605 I Market St. j FOR SALE—One soda fountain; one : large show cause in llrst class condi ition; ten tables, white tops; one cash ! register; other restaurant fixtures. . Apply 802 Cowden St. BLOCK reed, gray enameled baby coach; first class condition. Inquire 121 State St. PAINTS, all kinds. Order to-day. save $1 to $1.50 per gal. No war price. Agency Forest City Paint Co., 315 S. Front St. FOR SALE—Gasoline engine, 2 and 3 H. P.; gasoline builders' hoist, lathes, planer, drill press, electric mo tors. 1 to 15 H. P. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc.. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire. Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris ! Schmortx, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page i