-COMMONWEALTH TRAVELERS JOLT MOTIVE POWER CRIMPING PENNANT CHANCES MOTIVE POWER GETS SHUT OUT Commonwealth Travelers Put Crimp in Chances of Runners-Up STANDING OF TEAMS W. L. Pet. West End 20 lb .086 Motive Power 18 14 .562 Commonwealth 15 16 .4 84 E. and F 9 22 .290 That the Commonwealth Travel ers are going to do their best to push Motive Power out of second i place was convincing proof last eve j nlng. The Travelers defeated the ' runners-up score 4 to 0. This de feat was rather humiliating, it be ing a whitewash, and a crimp in Motive Power's pennant chances. Of course in the old ball game the winner is not certain until the last man is out and the flag winner this year will come with the final game in the West End Twilight League. The Commonwealth, and Engine and Firemen are in to win every game, and what happened last evening to Motive Power is just as likely to come to West End. The M. P.'s we-e game losers. Win Game In First The Travelers won the game in the first inning, hitting Hart fr; five bingles and scoring four runs. On the other hand Herb Washinger, had a little more speed than Hartj and he used his puzzlers to an ad-| vantage, doing great work in pinches, i Pack of him was a bunch of speed hoys who went after everything and I robbed the Motive Power batters of many hits. It is a question whether West End could have beaten the Travelers with the game they play ed last evening. There was a boy in the Common wealth lineup last evening who had ginger to spare. He handed it cut. That was Gerdes. His work was a big factor in the pace set by the victors. Lochard was a new man on fhe Motive Power team and put up a good game. It was a great battle between pitchers after the first inning. Hart's bad start took away a lot of pep from the runners up. How Runs Came In the first inning Lightner drove a long fly to center field which was caught by Brown. Htnkle singled over second and Howe was safe on Eberly's error. Gerdes then ram* through with a triple to deep right and Hlnkle and Howe crossed the plate. Ford followed with a double; to right and Gerdes scored. When Lochard returned the ball to Stew art. the latter dropped it and Ford I took third. Hart then left loose a ■wild pitch and Ford added another j run. Fields singled and Smith; struck out. Killinger was safe on! his tap to Weaver, which the latter; fumbled, and on this error. Fields went to third. The inning and! scoring was ended when Washinger! struck out. The score: COMMONWEALTH R. H. O. A. E. | Liehtner cf 0 0 1 0 0! Hinkle ss 1 2 1 2 0! Howe, c 1 0 3 1 0| Gerdes, 3b 1 2 2 5 0 N. Ford, rf 1 2 1 0 o| Fields, lb 0 i 9 o o| J. Smith, If 0 0 1 0 0 Killinger, 2b 0 0 3 2 1; Washinger, p 0 0 0 2 01 Totals 4 7 *>l 12 l' MOTIVE POWER ! P. H. O. A. E. Etter, lb 1 i in o 0 : Stewart, ss 0 2 1 0 1 | Brown, cf 0 0 2 0 0 Lochard. rf 0 0 1 0 0 Oarverieh, If 0 0 0 0 0 Hippensteel, c .... 0 2 4 j o| Weaver, 3b 0 o 0 3 l' Eberly, 2b 0 1 o 2 1 | Hart, p 0 1 ,0 0 0 T? tals - 0 7 "l 8 6 31 Motive Power .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commonwealth ..4 0 0 0 0 0 x 4 I Two-base hit. X. Ford. Three-! base hit, Gerdes. Sacrifice hit ' Stewart. Struck out, bv Washinger'! "• b >*. Hart 5 - Base on balls, off \\ ashinger, 2; off Hart, 1. 1 sr. M4/?rs FOOTBALL TEAM WILL BE FAST GRID BUNCH;- FIVE VETERANS IN LINEUP St. Mary's C. C. foot ball team, of i -teelton. will again be represented on ! the gridiron with a strong team, in j spite of the fact that there is only five ! t eterans left from last season's lineup, i As there will be more foot ball teams this year with the return of many sol diers from overseas service, it looked 1 like the St. Mary's team wouldn't be able to get started this season, as 1 many players deserted the team to ' play on other teams. There are or.ly five of the regular '• men left from last season. They are ; A. McColic, the big full back, in the j bock line and is a big star. H. i Farina, as good a quarterback as they ' make them ; and Paul Towsen and Manager Nick Zerance, who will hold | down the left and right guards, re- j spectively. Stars who left the team are Nelson, j left end, who will play with Highspire ; i Metka, left tackle, with Enhaut; Wei- 1 comer, right tackle, quit the game as I did (Rabbit) Zerance, last year's end ; j Sundown, sub guard, at present away; j also Enney, last year's substitute end, ! Krasovic, the big right half back, at Sparrow s Point. The hardest blow i that will be felt is the departure of ! Captain Miller, last year's right end. 1 Ke was considered one of the best | amateur ends in this part of the State, j St. Joe's C. C., of Lancaster, was af ter Miller, and they got him a position . in Lancaster in order to have him on j their team. Another big loss to the j team is Mariney, last year's center. Service Men in Lineup The men that were in the service and will try for positions are ' service and will try for positions are ! Marsico, who played left tackle on the i team before going overseas; Kacmar, right tackle on Company G team while j stationed at Carlisle ,and Camp Gor- j don, before going overseas; (Hackey) Mihaty, former end on the Blue and ! White; Bartels, who played quarter- I back before going overseas, will try 1 fot center position. Konecsney and! Gales will try for front line positions. Now Men in Lineup Charles Conklin, who went through i a successful operation in the Harris- • burg Hospital a few months ago, is ! in good condition and will play right J halfback. Conklin was a former full j back on the Steelton High school team. , William Lick, a former college player, will play end ; Martin McColic. a j brother of the big full back, will try ! for a front line position, as will Charles 1 Calrneo, a former Oberlin star. It was announced that Joe Crawley, I SATURDAY EVENING, WAR COMMUNITY BOXING CONTESTS Lieut. Winston Has Sammy Schiff on Program For Monday ! The boxing carnival to be held at j Rocky Springs Park Theater. Lancas j ter, on Monday, August 25, Interests Ito a great extent, local devotees ot I the manly art of self defense, because I the same is to be held as a memorial J benefit by the Jubilee and Memorial Association, to raise funds for the erec i tion of a memorial for the "Soldier j Boys of the Seventh Ward." i More especially will this Interest Harrisburg followers of boxing be cause of the participation of many lo cal boys In the program. Lieutenant Winston, of War Camp Community Service, who has been keeping alive j an interest in recreational activities In this community, has arranged for j Sammy Schiff to box Nat Isaacman Ralph Leedy will either meet Toung Russell, of Lancaster, or a local boy, his weight, who claims to be a pro verbial dark horse. Leedy claims that he has no objection to taking on any j one selected by the committee. Two Wrestling Bouts Arrangements are being made for young Snoddy to wrestle a good 130 pound man If possible and also Ish : Cohen to wrestle a 170 pound competi- j tor, to be selected by the Lancaster j Committee. John Lindeman of the latter city has been very active in promoting this af fair and he has as assistants. Frank Erne, the old time boxer; Leo Houck, | another well-known middle-weight, be sides many other of the Lancaster bus- ! ir>ess men. Lieutenant Winston of this city, is booked to act alternate referee 1 j \sith Frank Erne. ! | Star Players Return to Teams in This Vicinity With Waynesboro iron Industries ; tied up in a bad strike, the Central , Pennsylvania baseball players who were with those industries and inci dentally played with the teams in the j Waynesboro league, have returned to j their homes in this vicinity and will j again be seen with local teams. "Bill" Euker, who was in the ser- | vice of the Emerson-Brantingham ' Company, Is again back with West I End. J. Lightner, who was with the ! I.andis Tool Company, will again be 1 seen in the outfield with Common- | wealth of the West End League, and I Marysville, of the Pauphin-Perry. Erroneous stories of fabulous sal- j aries have been circulated. The men j from this vicinity playing with | Waynesboro teams, went to the Frank- ! lin county town as workers and later I made the baseball teams. Harry Wagner, heavy hitting. New- j port outfielder, who was expected to j go to Waynesboro, may go with the j Klein Chocolate Company team, it is reported. Wagner Is said to have re- I ceive a good offer from the Eliza bethtown concern and is now holding' it under advisement. Joe Barrett Is Busy on His Opening Fight Bill j Joe Barrett, the Steelton boxing pro-' moter, Is a busy man these days. Be- j sides working at New Cumberland ! for the Government, he puts in sev- i eral hours every evening getting his t "gym" in shape for the opening box- j ing show on Wednesday night Septem- 1 ber 3. He will have five six-round bouts. ! The feature event will have Johnny j Gill, of York, as one of the principles, j and an opponent is now being selected | from the many challengers, through I the mail. It will be a treat to Steel ton. and local fight fans to see such a speedy boxer as Gill in action. Another soldier b6y, to be on the i card will be George Silar, and Bar- j rett is endeavoring to secure- Frankie ! Erne as his opponent. The full card will be announced In a couple days. ] one of the best ends that was ever ! turned out at the Steelton High School. will probably play with the St. Mary's, i It is understood that the University of ; West Virginia is after this boy. If he does not return to college he will likely play with St. Mary's. Wm. ; Rogers, a former Central High School star, will play. It Is understood that i Villa Nova is after him. It Manager Zerance is sucessful in landing these two boys, Crawley and Rogers, the i Blue and White would have two of the ! best ends in the State and Lick could be placed in the back line. Team's Probable Lineup A. McColic, full back; Conklin, Sos ! tar and Lick, half backs; Farina, quar i ter back ; Zerance and Towsen, guards; Marsico and Kacmar, tackles; Craw ! ley and Rogers, ends; Bartels, end. j Other candidates for positions are Mr. McColic, Mihaly, C. Cairnes, Konecsny I and Gales. I St. Mary's team has several open dates and would like to arrange games with first class amateur or profes sional teams in or out of the State, ; offering a fair guarantee. The St. I Mary's team will average about 155 ' lbs., and will play teams whose average doesn't exceed 170 lbs. All teams wish i ing games, address communications to I Nicholas P. Zerance, Manager St. j Mary's C. C., Steelton, Pa. St. Mary's J will probably open the season October 4th, with Mercersburg Academy, at that place. TKNNNIS CHAMPION' DIES London, Aug. 23.—Hugh L. Doherty former lawn tennis champion of Eng- ' land, died at Broadstairs, a summer i resort in Kent. | Hugh Doherty and his brother, i j Reginald F. Doherty, represented : Great Britain in several of the com- 1 petitions for the Davis cup, and held j titles in France and the United ' States. Hugh Doherty won the ! American singles championship in i 1903 and with his brother won the ! doubles championship in 1902 and I ' SPORTSMEN SELECT HONESDALE ' Willlrimsport, Pa„ Aug. 23. The . eleventh annual convention of the J I nitcd Sportsmen of Pennsylvania ! , ear.no to an end late last night, fol | lowing a banquet, at which Hones- I i dale was chosen as the place for ! I holding the next convention. The of- 1 j ficers chosen are: President. David! Pritcliard; recording secretary, Har- | iry Bird; corresponding secretary, H. W. Edgar; treasurer, J. I. Creveling. I SNOODLES -;- By Hungerford 1 11 ( LQOKY HERE I \ ce O M o N s) (Demons' LEADERS IN DAUPHIN-PERRY LEAGUE RACE V *■®? F T % Dauphin-Perry leaders will try hard to-day to make this season's pennont sure. Marysville has set a fast pace and have furnished good baseball. The team in the above picture includes, left to right, back row: Mower, pitcher; Gerdes, shortstop; Biever, pitcher; Harry Stees. manager; Herman, first base; J. Lightner, center field; Moore, second base. Front row: Mutch, substitute outfielder; Keller, catcher and outfielder; Rutter, third base; K. Stees, left field. YOUNGSTERS IN FINAL ROUNDS Jones to Meet Herron For Golf Championship Today; Great Playing Pittsburgh, Aug. 2 3.—John Wood Piatt, of the North Hills Country Club, Philadelphia, conqueror of Francis Ouimet, the Boston star, in the third round on Thursday, w.is swamped by Davidson Herron, the young Pittsburgh crack, in the semifinal round of the national amateur golf tournament, played at the Oakmont Countrj Club yester day. Piatt was off his game, evidently suffering from the reaction, inevit able after such a match as the one he had with Ouimet yesterday and FAMOUS CINCINNATI LEADER 1; '' ■ • - L> . jr--/- • : *• -V . I__V_ • J •, vtf Cincinnati, leaders of the National League, and this season's big win ners, will be In Harrisburg Friday August 29. With them will he Pat Moran and his stars. The Reds will play the Klein Chocolate Company team at Island Park. Game starts at 3.45. Every ticket purchased will fn title the holder to a bar of choco late. Much has been said about Pat Mo ran. This poplar leader has done wonders this season. He was born at Fitchburg, Mass., Feburary 7, 1876. Height 5 feet, inches, weighs 175 pounds. Degnn as Catcher He started his career as catcher with Orange Centrals, semi-pros., in 1895 and '96; Lyons, N. Y., 1897-98; Montreal, 1898-90; Boston Nationals! 1901 to 1905; Chicago Nationals, 1906 HXRRISBURG I TELEGRAPH! failed entirely to show the golf of which he is capable. Bobby Jones, the seventeen-year old Atlanta prodigy, played bril liantly against W. C. Fownes, Jr., the Oakmont veteran, and trimmed the former national titleholder by 5 up and 3 to play. As a result of yesterday's doings, two younsters, for Herron is only a year or so past his majority, will clash to-day for the amateur links championship of the United States. Not in the history of American golf has the championship ever been fought out in the final round by two such youthful exponents of the game. Jones, who is playing from the Atlanta Club is yet to see his 18th birthday, while Herron is not a pear or two past his majority. Neither has Qver figured so promi nently in a struggle for a premier golf title of the country, although Jones won the southern champion ship in 1917 when but a few months over 15. Herron, although older than his rival, has less general golfing ex perience than Jones and for that reason many expert followers of title tournaments are inclined to Ito 1909; Philadelphia, 1901, 'll, *l2 'l3 and 'l4, succeeding Charles Dooin, ! as manager November, 1914, where he I bought such stars as Alexander, Klll | ifer, Bancroft and several others, win | ning the Pennant in 1913 and partlci j pating in the World's Series. He was a great factor in shaping |up the Cubs and Phlllie pitchers. ] He knows how to handle men, and Cincinnati in securing his services made a master stroke, as like Mc- Graw, he is always setting the pace for the players. Moran can always be seen on the line coaching his team and often can be seen at ball parks when the team is on the road, mom | ing catching and steadying up twirl- I era, who need control to make them I finished pitchers. Pat is very popu i lar with both the press, public and | ball players, and is sure to have the | Beds contenders for the pennant. the opinion that Atlanta's youthful star stands the better chance of wearing the championship mantle lost by Chick Evans on Wednesday. Herron Has Backing Herron, however, has the almost unanimous backing of the Oakmont Club members, who are laying even money on him, although it is ad mitted that he has never played golf over the club course except on Sat urdays and Sundays until August 1. Then the firm by which he is em ployed, learning that he had entered the championship tournament, told him to take the month off and see what he could do. This and his golf play while a student at Princeton comprises virtually all of his real serious work with woods and irons. It was generally conceded that Herron played the best golf of the quartet, competing in the semifinal round. His card for thirty holes played showed a total stroke score of 129 as against a par of 12 4 fo the same distance. Jones, the other winner, took 142 against a par of 130 for his 32 holes, while the youth's opponent, Fownes, required 153 for 33 holes. Piatt, who sprang into national prominence by his de feat of Ouimet yesterday fell off again and showed 140 strokes against a par of 124 for the thirty holes he carried Herron along be fore the latter could clinch the vic tory. Jones Bents Fownes *™" Jones had too many shorts for Fownes. He hit with the confidence that marks the play of a cham pion. The ball was picked cleanly from tee or turf, and shot straight for its destination. When playing to the pin, Jones cut the legs from under the ball so it stopped dead and he had the punch behind his woods and long Irons. Fownes' shots lacked real snap. He depended more upon his experi ence and knowledge of the course, but it was not enough to overcome Jones, who during the past two years has been smashing shots at flags on golf courses in all parts of America. All golf pins look the same to Jones, as he cracks the ball up to the flag. The best golf of the Herron-Platl match was played during the third nine holes. At the close of the forenoon round the local player led his Philadelphia rival by five up. After luncheon the pair resumed the duel and the Philadelphian won the 19th with a birdie four, his third shot being dead to the pin, 482 yards from the tee. Thomas W. Murphy Has Three More Good Winners Poughkcrpsle, N. Y„ Aug. 23.—Fine weather, a fast track and good rac ing marked the third day of the Grand Circuit meeting at the Hudson River Driving Park. Thomas W. Murphy repeated his performance of Wednesday in driving three winners, among them Directum J in the free for-all pace. While Cox scored with Mignole in the 2.09 trot, and Natalie the Great secured revenge on Mr. Dudley for her defeat of last week in Philadel phia by taking the two-year-old trot, after losing the first heat with a bad break at the finish. When Ly man Brusie took Mr. Dudley to a 2.11 victory in the first heat, ha hung up the second fastest figures that have been made by a two-year-old trotter this year. Directum J's victory was in straight heats over Ben All, ttie only other entrant. Murphy also won with Goldie King in the 2.20 pace, and Esther R in the 2.08. Both outclassing the field. ORIOLES CLOSE WINNERS The Orioles yesterday defeated the Sons of Rest in a seven-inning ball game, score 7 to 6. Meek, with a two-bagger and a singe, while men were on the bases, featured the game. MURPHY TOPS LEAGUE HITTERS Sislcr Best Base Stealer For Americans; Casey Leads National Batsmen Chicago, Aug. 23. —Eddie Murphy, the star pinch hitter of the Chicago White Sox who had "delivered" with regularity in the past few weeks, is | topping the American League halters ' with a mark of .476, according to i averages released to-day. However, i he has participated in only 21 game.". Harris, of Cleveland, in 28 games, made an average of .403. Ty Cobh. of Detroit, is the real leader, mote titan 100 points behind Murphy. The Detroit star has been bagging safe blows consistently and has an average of .374 made in 90 games. Jacobson, of St. Louis, is the runner up to Cobb with .352. George Sisler, St. Louis, is sltowing the way of base stealers with 25 thefts, in addition to being the lead ing base stealer Sisler is in front in total bases with a mark of .210. which ( is better than that of "Babe" Ruth, I of Boston, the slugging home run i king, who has a string of 19 homers ] to his credit. farcy Leads Nationals Max Carey, of Pittsburgh, had a great week with the bat in the Na tional League and boosted his aver age to .301, but Carey has played only ' in 31 games. Barber, of Chicago,' also has been doing some timely It it- ' ting and is in fourth place with a mark of .315. i Gavvy Cravath, Philadelphia man- I ager, leading homo run hitter in the ; senior league is topping the batters j with .340. Jim Thorps, of Boston, is ! next with .336 and Roush, of Cincin j nati. is in third place with 323. Cra vath broke the time for home hon | ors which he shared with Kauft, New York, last week, by cracking out a ! pair of circuit drives. He has eleven, i Wheat, of Brooklyn, continued to ! lead In total bases with 175. Cut shaw, of Pittsburgh, stole his thirti eth base during the week and is top ping the base stealers. Springfied Giants Win Over Balm All-Star Team In a fast game at Seventeenth and Chestunt streets, the Springdale Giants defeated the Balm All Stais, score 13 to 6. A The lineup: -- Springdale Giants, Balm All Stars Brent, If. Reed, If. Harrison, rf. Ward, rf. Grigsby, cf. Curtis, cf. Brown, 3b. C. Johnson, 3b. iB. Strain, 2b. H. Jackson, 2b. I Diggs, lb. Miller, lb. R. Strain, ss Powell, ss. Cooper, p. T. Johnson, p. Williams, c W. Jackson, c. I Springdale Giants, R. H. E. 41022111 I—l 3 21 3 Balm All Stars, 001020300 6 12 7 KLEIN TEAM WINNER The Klein Chocolat Company ball team yesterday defeated Ephrata, score 5 to 2, on the Hershey diamond. The game wns played In conjunction with an outing given at Hershey by the Lancaster Auto Club. BERRYHILL TAKES GAME The Berryhill Giants last evening won over River A. C., score 3 to 2. Howers pitched good ball but was given poor support at critical times. MARYSVILLE TAKES GAME Maryßvllle defeated Duneannon last evening at Duneannon, score 9 to 3, in a heavy hitting game. The score by innings follows. Marysvtlle 0 5 1 0 0 3—9 Duneannon 0 0 0 3 0 o—3 Army and Navy Is Recruiting Many Men The Harrlsburg Recruiting Station stands ninth in the list of stations throughout the United States in the number of men enlisted. This an nouncement was made yesterday by Colonel Kemper. During July 319 men were enrolled and since the first of August 223 more have signed up. The Amciscan punitive expedition Into Mexico has given a stimulus to recruiting, and many are writing their names down to take part in the "Wacth on the Rio Grande." A drive has Just been started to recruit 26.000 men for bor der service. Of the 100,000 men recruited up to August 15. more than half are re enlistments. The Navy also has not been Idle in taking men from this part of the country. The Harrlsburg office signed up 37 within the last month. LEGION IS GROWING The organization of the American Legion in this district is proceeding rapidly in preparation for the Statu Convention of the Legion which ij to be held in Harrlsburg the 2d, 3d. and 4th of October. The latest Post to be organized and granted a charter ' is the Penbrook Post, No. 213, 'vhicn will hold its initial meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the town hall. At that time the organization of the post will be effeccted and officers elected. TO AID SOLDIERS The Central Y. M. C. A. is prepared to take care of all un-naturalizcd soldiers, honorably discharged, to se cure their naturalization papers. 11. W. Ewig, demobilization secretary, is looking after this feature of the sol dier's welfare nuder the direction of ElmerErb, it was announced to-day. AUGUST 23, 1919. Baseball Summary of Big League Games NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 7; St. Louis. 6. Chicago, 10; Philadelphia. 2. Cincinnati, 7; Boston. 4. tvnly three games scheduled. Standing of tile Clubs W. L. Pet. Cincinnati 76 34 .601 •New York 67 38 .638 Chicago 58 48 .54 7 Pittsburgh 51 54 .4 86 Brooklyn 51 56 .4 76 Boston 49 59 .454 St. Louis 39 65 .375 Philadelphia 38 64 .372 Schedule l-'or To-day Chicago at Boston. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at New York. Cincinnati at Philadelphia, AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 5; St. Louis, 2. Hetroit, 4; Philadelphia, 3. Chicago, 3; Washington, 0. Cleveland, 10; Boston, 7. Standing of the Clubs AV. L. Pet. Chicago 70 39 .642 Detroit 64 43 .598 Cleveland 61 46 .570 New York 57 49 .538 St. Louis 5 7 50 .5 32 Boston 49 58 .458 Washington 42 66 .389 Athletics 28 77 .266 Schedule Eor To-day- New York at Chicago. AA'nshington at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Philadelphia at Cleveland. West End Will Play Against Central Steel Champions Baseball fans may expect another fast game at Fourth and Seneca streets this evening. The West End, | leaders in the Twilight League will .play Mill No. 1, champions of the Central Iron and Steel League. A number of the players on the Mill team are associated with other fast teams in and about Harrisburg. The Central Iron and Steel League was as fast as any other circuit in the county. r ton, Ohio, Aug. 23. Marty Cross and Jock Malone fought fif teen rounds to a draw here. Malone did most of the forcing in the scrap, but Cross was too clever for him. CITBS WIN AGAIN In the Dauphin-lleckton League last night the Cubs defeated Heck ton, score 3 to 2, in a fast game. Say KING OSCAR to your dealer and pass him 7c, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke corufort. John C. Herman & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. Iry One To-day 19 World's Record Hung Up at Kutztown Fair Race Kulzlann, Pa.. Aug. 23. Lizzla March, owned and driven by John Lawrence, of Hoboken, N. J., estab lished a new world's record for a three-heat race over a half mile track here yesterday in winning the free for-all pace in 2.05 V* 2.02% and 2.04. The mile in 2.02% also establishes a new track record and a new heat record in a race. The little sorrel mare came within half a second of her mile track mark. For breaking the local track record of 2.03%, 3300 extra was paid. In winning the race in straight heats Lizzie defeated the pair of Reading sidewheelers, Roan Hal and Tommy D., outracing and outbrtishing them. Roan Hal took her up the first heat, but could not land. Then Tommy D was sent out for the sec ond, Hal trailing in last place. This was a well-rated mile. Lizzie finished strongly, entirely on her own cour uge, as neither of the other horses were near her at the finish as she flashed under the wire in 2.03%. KEYSTONE FORFEITS GAME The Keystone nine last evening forfeited a ball game to the Rain bow A. C. in the West End Junior League. "RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. sl.ro up illy. SpVI. vkly. Kur'pn. plnn up illy. sl-4.00 up wkly. Ainr. plan LEXINGTON ; Pacilic at Arkansas ave. Cap. 600; j running water in rooms; private i baths; extensive porches and dance j doors; choice table. Bath houses on | premises for guests; private entrance ito beach. Garage. Bklt. W. M. HASLETT. HOTEL BOSCOBEL Kentucky Ave., near beach. Baths, elevator, fine table, bathing privi leges. American plan. Always open. Capacity 350. Booklet. A. E. MARION. •K. 50 Up Dly. sl# Up Wkly. Am. I'lau OSBORNE Cor. Pacific &. Arkansas Aves. Safely built (no so-called fire-trap construc tion). wide halls and stairways; ele vator; hot ana cold running water in rooms; private baths; bathing from hotel; use of bathhouses and shower baths free; private walk to beach; orchestra; dancing; white service; fireproof garage. Booklet and auto map mailed. PAUL C. ROSECRANS. HOTEL CLEARVIEW 2217 Pacific Ave. 16th season. Ameri can Plan. Bathing from hotel. MRS. S. MEGAW. AT ATLANTIC CITY, N, J THE AI,II E MAIRE Superior Moderate Kale llofel Virginia ave.; close to beach; capac ity. 35u; elcvutor, etc.; bathing frotn hotel: 33 up daily, reduced weekly, including excellent table and service. Special September rates; booklet. MONTICELLO 1 £ EXCELS IN GQMrOWT.SERVICE XNB CUISINE Kentucky av. & Beach. Heart of At lantic City. Cap. 500; modern through out. 33 up daily; 315 up weekly; American plan. A. C. EKHOLM. NORTH JERSEY SHORE RESORTS Visit the NORTH JERSEY SHORE RESORTS A welcome always awaits you. Write the Mayor or any one. FRANKLIN COUNTY, I'A. A 'P* America — Puma Vista Springs. Franklin t 0.. Pa. A Distinctive Summer and Autumn Kca°rt- A strictly modern hotel with excellent table ard service. Altitude 2000 feet. Splendid ronds ; golf, tennis, etc. Will Keninln Orcn Until October