8 ON WAY TO PARIS Harry R. Young, formerly of Pittsburgh, and a Dickinson college man. who has been abroad with the Peace Commission, is in the city to-day with his bride, a Washing ton, D. C. girl, on the way to New York. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miller at the Troup residence, North Third street. Mr. Young ls,-now in charge of the Hotel Crillott, Paris, France. Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If It lias to do with Mowers or anything that "grows," consult us— THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second Dinner Friday Eve., AUK. -- Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St 5 to 7.30 50? C'lnin Chowder Deviled Crohn—Chicken Croquettes ■lolled lln Illi ut-—lt on *1 liccf Mashed or I.yoimnlse Potatoes Stewed Corn, String limns, Entree lee Cream—Pie or Pudding ' Coffee—'Ten or Coeon Ladies' Fall Models in Coats, Suits, Dresses 8c Skirts Why It Will Pay to Buy Now Conditions in the markets are the most unusual ever experienced. Garments that are here could not be pur chased today for the prices we paid for them a few weeks ago. But despite these conditions we are basing our prices to you on those we enjoyed, rather than what we would have to pay now. That means that my many hundreds of patrons of past seasons may benefit materially now by purchasing their fall wardrobe needs. Every garment measures up to the usual Bloom high standard—and in addition you enjoy the benefit of my personal supervision and service. You are invited to come in now, inspect the new stvles and make selections. There is, however, no obligation to buy. 34 Summer Garments Still Left We've ordered them out —and to make their go ing the speedier, we are offering them at LF.SS THAN HALF WHAT WE PAID FOR THEM. On the Comer TAKE a 'wonderful piece of silvertip Bolivia cloth. Give it a blouse back, big kimono sleeves with deep cuffs, a gorgeous lining and a beautiful skunk collar. The result is a stunning coat with a style all its own. At least, that's the result obtained by he artist who, on hav ing the above-mentioned inspiration, designed a clever coat now hanging in the Cloos Shop at the Pen-n-Harris building. The blouse back is par ticularly fetching and the big skunk collar—well, you know just how irre sistible a big skunk collar can be! If you don't, a visit to the Cloos Shop is exactly what you need. SOMETIMES I wonder why I'm so forunatc as to be favored with the opportunity of helping people save money. Nothing de lights me more than to find a real, honest-to-goodness reduction that I' can pass on to the public in gen eral. And yesterday I discovered just the sort of an opportunity thai. 1 love to tell you about. Or.- visiting the Paul Shoe Shop, 11 North Fourth street, I learned that >lr. Paul had placed all his high white shoes on sale at a reduction of twenty-live per cent. Just think of the saving! That means you can purchase an $8 pair of shoes for SO. Next year they will be worth about double that sum. In other words, now is your chance to buy white shoes for next season at a ridic ulously low price. A word to the wise—! PERHAPS you have a beautiful pair of candlesticks for which you can find no suitable candles. Those you see in the stores are really quite common, and you want unusual, artistic on-es to harmonize with the decorative scheme of the room in which they are to stand. Now, there's one place where you can get just exactly the type you want. At Saltz giver's Art and Antique Store, 223 North Second street, hand-carved, hand-painted candles are a specialty. You can procure them in any size desired ar.-d Mr. Saltzgiver will design and paint them just as you wish them to be. Having seen many of the finished articles, I can vouch for their attractiveness. I WAS recently dining with a friend at a well-known Phila delphia lunchroom. The meal was delicious until we came to the coffee. And then —but why talk about unpleasant matters? Just the same, that coffee was undeniably poor. T swallowed mine with a lit tle grimace, but, ono sip, my friend pushed hers aside, remark ing. "I know I'm spoiled, and I ought to be ashamed it, I sup pose; but the fact remains tlfiit I'm so accustomed to drinking the de licious Grand Union Tea Company brands that I just can't enjoy the ordinary varieties." r confessed thi-t I. too, prefer the Grand Union coffees, both for their purity and fin or and for the fact that you pro cure more cups per pound than from any other kind. GET the Doutrich habit. Everyone has it, at least so it seems. And it's a wonderful habit to have. By buying at Doutrichs you help yourself in more ways than onf. Take, for instance, such an occa sion as the famous "Mark Down" sale now ur.-der way. It presents a remarkfible opportunity to the people, and the people know it! You can scarcely meet a person in the street who does not have a kindly word for this establishment. That is why its volume of business is ir.-creasing with such remarkable rapidity. And that is why its purchasing power is so great that customers can always get better values from the large assort ments found therein than at any other store in Pennsylvania. FRIDAY EVENING. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF INTENSE INTEREST MISS HAHN GIVES SURPRISE SHOWER Miss Getha' High Is Guest of Honor With C. A. O. Mem- • bers and Friends Miss Getha L. High, whoso en gagement to Harry McFadden was re cently announced, was the guest of honor at a surprise shower given by Miss Caroline Hahn. 2221 North Third street, last evening. "A late supper was served after an j informal game of cards. Corylopsis j formed the centerpioee and a color j effect ot blue and white was carried out by the shaded candles and table I appointments. Large vases of hy- | drange were arranged throughout j the rooms in tasteful harmony. . Miscellaneous gifts were showered upon the bride-elect by the fol lowing club sisters and friends: Miss Gertrude Weston, Miss Mary Alma Allin, Miss Margaret Landis, Miss Katherine Kelly, Miss Eliza beth Watts. Miss Helen Cook. Miss Dorothy Bothwell, Miss Helen Fer-, guson, of Pittsburgh; Hiss Helen Owen, Miss Katherine Simonetti, Miss Helen Wall, Mrs. Ralph Hesser, Miss Lillian Speakmar., and Miss Caroline Huhn. THE average person in buying upholstered furniture is con- j fused by the many styles die- i played and cannot distinguish the | | good from the bad. Now, there is i a big difference between the ordi-1 nary ones you find in the stores and \ the kind you are sure of obtaining r when you go to J. Porter Harris & Son, 221 North Second street—ami : here it is: The average upholstered] j chair or davenport contains springs ! or floss, but in the J. Porter Harris I ; & Son variety real down is used. | 1 No wonder one sinks so luxurious-1 ;ly into their depths! If, by any ; chance, a cushion happens to get | wet, a good sunning will bring it back to normal. In nothing can make them flat and uneomfort ' able. ARE you accustomed to buying expensive depilatories, think ing them safer than the cheap er ones? If you are, you are throwing money away In a foolish manner. All depilatories are made of the same thing, for there is only one chemical that really dissolves hair. The only difference lies in the price, some people charging more than others on the strength of their name or because of exten sive advertising. Now, Dr. George C. Potts, the Third and Herr streets druggist, puts his depilatory up in 10-cent bottles. He has discovered that all varieties become weaker to ward the bottom, and advises the j purchase of a small size to prevent 1 the waste thereby resulting with the purchase of a large bottle. LOCAL GIRL WEDS IN READING MR. AND MRS. GEO RGE WALTER SMITH Miss Catherine E. Matehett,a blue silvertone suit with black daughter of Mrs. Samuel G. Match-tailored hat and a corsage bouquet ett. 2137 North fourth street, and of sweetheart roses and maiden hair George Walter Smith, son of Mis. fern with a shower of yellow rib- Amanda Smith, 1727 North Fourthbons. street, were united in marriage on The bridegroom is an employe of Saturday, August 16, at noon, in S : .thc Pennsylvania Railroad. Andrew's Reformed Church of After a wedding trip to Reading, Rending, with the Rev. Mr. RomigPhiladelphia and Atlantic City they officiating. will reside at the home of tho The attractive young bride woie bride's mother. Miss Katharine Middleton Honor Guest at Luncheon Sirs. Christian L. Siebert, of Camp Hill, entertained to-day at an ir fornial luncheon of tweive covers in compliemtn to Miss Kathertne Mid dleton, whose engagement to Ar thur Ford Jackson, of Port De posit, Md., was recently announced. The table was graced with a cen terpiece of summer flowers and the favors were in pink. Mrs. Siebert's other guests were Miss Helen Kates, of Chicago, wl.o is the house guest of Miss Middle ton, Miss Helen Patterson, Miss Craige Patterson, Miss Francos Smith, Miss Sarn Cooper, Miss Katharine Hart, Miss Margaret Ro land, Mrs. Curzon Fager, Mrs. Wil liam H. Middleton and Mrs. Elmer E. Siebert. I<M it IIM. i\i OFFER Gold- Filled /t 1 , Spectacles or sL I Nose -Glasses, tP W I fitted with ' W spherical lenses | for far or near I vision. Special at ..... only A * D 11 \ Charles M. Rogers 1 itrKlfttcrrri Optometrist I Over Cluster's Jewelry Store 1 301* MARKET ST. | Open Saturday to 0 I*. 31. & CLEAN CLOTHES Arc a Necessity—Plenty of them arc needed. The VOSS ELECTRIC permits you to have plenty. —Easy Payments— Neidig Bros., Ltd. 21 S. Second St. IT PAYS TO i DEAL AT THE 2M-2ndU THE DEPENDABLE New Fall Dresses and Skirts HAVE JUST ARRIVED $25 A FOR SPECIAL DRESSES $1 £JS .CNew long; lines; advanced Mll models; all leading colors Jmm ' USUI \S Dresses, surpassing in style, grace ljj||§g and beauty those of any previous season. l| New Fall Skirts Exceedingly smart style all Jjt wool plaids in rich colors, if £* pleated with wide girdles and A | plain cuffed hems. Special, i Women's Silk Hose; $2.00 Women's Silk Clocked value, for Hose; $2.50 value, for $1.25 | $1,95 Voile Waists; $2.50 value, Silk Georgette Waist; for $6.50 value, for $1,95 $4.95 HAJFtRISBURG TELEGKXPH Ladies' Aid Society Is Entertained at Cornroast Members and friends of the ladies' Aid Society of the United Brethren Church of Rockville, were entertained last evening at a corn loast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Blosser, of that place. Those present were: The Rev. and Mrs. Li. Gottschall and daughter, Mrs. Parsells, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Care and son. Miss Jane Care, of Llnglestown; Miss Swartz, R. Bren ner, Miss Madeline Markle, Miss Eliza Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hoer ner, Mr. and Mrs. Eloyd Wagner, and sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Har ris, Mrs. David Stine, Mrs. J. A. Cliristman, Mrs. Evans, Miss Brenda Badders, Miss Ina Badders, Miss Ferena Moyer. Mrs. A. Moyer, Miss Ruth Sellers, Miss Pauline Kaufman, Ha'rry E. Gorges, .C. H. Stine, Miss Elizabeth Blosser, Mrs. William Straw, Mrs. L. Weavadeau and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Shaler, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. .Blos ser. Enjoy Cornroast Along Banks of Conodoguinet A number of people enjoyed a cornroast along the Conodoguinet creek yesterday afternoon wheie they were the guests of Mrs. Jen nie lAndsey and her daughters, Miss Catherine Lindscy and Miss Anna Bindsey, who are camping at Twin Oaks Camp. The following persons were in the party: Mr. and Mrs. James Jacobs and daughter. Miss Eleanor Jacobs, Mrs. W. Coulson, Mrs. Jennie Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Ensmingcr and daughter, Miss Rosanna En sminger, Miss Anna Lindsey, Miss Catharine Bindsey, Miss Irene Bit tie, Miss Mildred Rishel, Warren Cotilson, Bee Myers, George Myers, Robert Murray, Russell Good, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mumma, George Mumma, Eloyd Mumma, Miss Mar garet Mumma, Miss Helen Mumma, John O. Edmondson. MISS COIIEX ENTERTAINS Twelve • members of the Merry Herats Club spent a pleasant even ing at the home of the club secre tary, Miss Lena Cohen, 2120 Green street. The girls played games and danced, after which refreshments were served to these members: The Misses Pearl Cohen, Mildred Cohen, Tillie Williams, Helen Handle.', Helen Freedman, Edith Marcus, Louise Veaner, Lena Jossel, Anna Cohen, of Lebanon; Sara Cohen, Reba Jossel, Mildred Baturin and Lena Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. George Ernest Foss and son Bradbury Foss, of the Riverside apartments, are home af ter a three weeks' automobile trip to New England, visiting relatives in Springfield, Mass., and New Hamp shire. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard Cochran, Of 122 State street, are enjoying an outing in Atlantic City. fOtlicr Social News on Page 10 j STORYTELLERS WILL MEET HERE Ninth Annual Conference of National League' to Be Held Here in September Mrs. David J. Reese, president of the local Stou-y Tellers League, an nounces that the ninth annual con ference of the National Story Tell ers Leugue in conjunction with the third annual conference of the East tern District will convene in this city, September 4, 5 and C. The ma jority of the meetings, will be held in the hall of the House of Repre sentatives. Among the speakers for the con ference sessions will be Alexander Belenko, of Moscow, Russiu; Richard Thomas Wyche, of Wash ington: Miss Minnie Ellis D'Don ncll, of Brooklyn: Miss Lucille Cor bett, of Clarion: Miss Anna Curtis Chandler, of the Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, N. Y.; .Miss Anna Locke MacKinnon and Steplinni Schhtze. of New Orleans. Mr. Schutzc will be remembered for his appearance here on May 13, In an evening of story telling at Fahne stock Hall and those who vfjre privileged to hear him then arc eagerly waiting his return. The Hrst evening of the confer ence will be devoted to lectures for active and associate members 'only. The second evening will be a night of story telltng at Fahncstock Hall. The public in general is invited to attend this event and tickets will be placed on sale at a nominal price. •The artists for the occasion will be Richard Thomas Wyche, of Wash ington, D. C., president of the na tional league; Miss Minnie Ellis O'Donnell, of Brooklyn; Stephanl Schultze, of New Orleans; Miss Lu cile Corbett, of Clarion; Miss Anna Curtis Chandler of New York, and Miss Anna Locke MacKinnon. Never before in the history of the city has such an opportunity been presented to the people to hear ar tists of national and world-wide fame in a program such as will then be presented. Harrlsburg is Indeed fortunate to have been selected as the meeting place for a gathering of such" talented personages. On Saturday ufternoon there will be a free story hour for the children when they will be given the' oppor tunity to hear old and new stories so dear to the hearts of all kiddies. The place of meeting will be an nounced later. Capt. Dismukes Returns After Long Sea Service The Mt. Vernon, United States transport bringing home the com mander-in-chief of the A. E. F„ is commanded by Captain Douglas Eu gene Dismukes, U. S. N. Captain Dismukes has been holding this rank for four years of sea duty, whereas the customary length of timo for this service to which a captain is assigned is about two years. Mrs. Dismukes, who is spending ; some time with her mother, Mrs. N. ' I. Hench, 107 Locust street, will ! await her husband here, expecting j him the middle of September. The ' captain will then be given leave of absence, when he and Mrs. Dls- I mukes will spend some weeks in the South. Later Captain Dismukes will take command of the famous train ing school at Newport, R. I. Miss Ratherine Enright, and Miss Anne R. Enriglu, of 1314 Vernon street, are some after a trip to At lantic City and Philadelphia. Miss Margaret Sullivan of White hall street, is home after completing the summer course at Columbia Uni versity. Miss Genevieve Rurkle, of 1335 Ver r.on street, is home from Philadel phia. Mrs. Charles Kuhn, of 1348 Vernon street, is visiting at Mount Holly Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilmer, of Paxtang. are spending the month in Southern California. Mrs. Samuel Sh*oy, and son George, of 1316 Vernon street, are at Griers Point, Pa. Miss Ella M. Kreidlor, 1707 Green street, left for a two weeks' visit with relatives a't, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and West Chester. Harvey Elmer Miller has returned to his home in Perdix after serving as a member of the Medical Corps in both France and Germany. Miss Kathryn Holtz has returned to her home at Washington Heights, after spending her vacation at De troit, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls Miss Marion Towsen, 616 North Second street, is vialting friends at Newville. Dr. and Mrs. George Burton Ptull i and family returned home to-day af- I tor a pleasant three weeks' vacation •at West Chester ard various utltei I places. 1 Miss Martha A. Lawton, 1923 Mar j ket street, is spending about five I weeks with friends at Cass, W. Va., | and Cfordonville, Va. I Miss Margaret Atkinson, of 537 j I'effer street, is spending a fort | night's vacation In Wildwood, N. J., with Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. De- I laney. Rudolph M. Jackson left for Mor | gantown, Va., this morning after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. I Dana M. Long of Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Davis went , home to Poughkeepsie", N. Y„ to-day jrftir visiting their relatives, Mr. and \ Mrs. Howard Andrews, of North Third I street, for a week or two. ' | Mrs. Florence Zellors of Lebanon', j spent yesterday here with her hus ■ band, who is connected with the | Philadelphia Division of the Penn sylvania Railroad. Miss Irma Jenkins of Green street, | went to Washington to-day for a week-end stay among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gillespie, of I Ontarion, Canada are in the city for j a little visit on the way home from j Washington and Richmond. | Miss Lettie Craig, of 1517 Walnut j street leaves to-morrow for a visit I with her brother in Boston and au • tomoblle trip through New England Miss Celeste Roscoe, of Baltimore! | will be in town for a short stay with I relatives on Market street, on the : way to New York and Boston. ! , Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Houser and j two children, of Elmira, N. Y.. are i stopping for a few days with Mr. and ! Mrs. Duane Jackson, of North Front ' street, Miss Marguerite Jauss, Miss Mtr -1 iam Book, and Mrs. Edgar Shull, are spending some time at Atlantic City. Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton and sons, of 2515 North Front street, have re turned after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. I ,B. Wallace Hamilton, of New York. j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Backen • stosß have returned after a ten days' ; trip to New York and Atlantic City. Miss Claire Johnston, of Spring Lake, N. J., is a guest of her aunt. : Mrs. Lucius Coleman, of Market, I street. - 1 AUGUST 22, 1919. BOWMAN-THOMAS BRIDAL IN CHURCH Quiet Wedding Solemnized at St.Paul's Episcopal Church Wednesday Afternoon - ■ . I . i* . ' • ■ i —* ■ • ■ MRS. RALPH BOWMAN The marriage of Miss Rachael Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomas, 3212 Green street, and Ralph Bowman, of this city, was solemnized Wednesday after noon at 3.30 o'clock in the St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the Rev. J. Fred erik Virgin officiating. The bride wore a taupe traveling suit and large, black picture hat. Her only attendant was Miss Eva Punch, of Steelton. Irving Thomas was best man. Tho bride is well known In this city. For some time past she has been a member of St. Paul's choir and was a nurse at the Danville State Hospital and the Harrlsburg Hospital. After the ceremony the couple left for Atlantic City. The guests at the wedding were Miss Anna Hepsehmidt, Miss Mary Markley, Miss Clara Book, David Thomas, Harmon Thomas, Osborne Thomas and Thomas Thomas. WED IN NEW YORK Dr. and Mrs. George Murray Klep fer, of 230 Lewis street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Paulino Klepfer, to Lieutenant Lonnie Ot's Field, Friday, August 15, The marriage was solemnized at Grace Episcopal Church, New York City. Lieutenant and Mrs. Field will make their home in lndianupolis, Ind. EYon Always I'ay Ijcss ut Lane's lj Fricolette I e of the very new 1 lette Dresses we just received is a de Negre Yictorie C •lette, made in a I ian blouse effect, I the new skirt. The e is embellished I self color and tinsel I ciiTuroidery. T Pure Thread 1 f Silk | 1 Tricolette i r Dresses I J mab to $89.95 ? ( /aneh> I I SHAFT /MM I 3 SIX SOUTH FOURTH STREEI S FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS OF OUR AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE We Offer the Biggest Values in Town Woman's Gun Metal, Patent Leather, \IS Vici Kid Oxfords and Pumps. Also 9BD| White and combination color canvas Shoes. Sizes 2]/i to 4. Values to $5.00. M At si£o Mi All Summer Footwear reduced. See windows and tables for big values. 20th CENTURY SHOE CO. Shoes That Wear 3 South Market Square A'_ DEICHLER, Mgr. Everybody's Shoe Store J|s Vep Final Reductions on Women's Low Shoes Your last opportunity this season to get white footwear at this low figure. All this season's standard Walk-Over lasts. White Canvas Oxfords Built on our Solace last —a nature shaped shoe. Sold formerly at $6.50. All sizes and widths. $2.95 White Canvas Pumps A white canvas pump which we have sold all sea son at $7.00. Covered wood Louis heel. All sizes and widths. $2.95 White Kid Pumps Regular SIO.OO white washable kid pump with turned sole and Louis heel. All sizes and widths. $5.95 Large sizes only in Black Kid Pumps, $3.95 Walk-Over Boot Shop 226 Market Street • , • j This Stout Woman j o Values Specialized Service o A • • V Q "Well, it's a relief to find someone who l 1 • realizes that just because a woman is stout " 0 is no reason she should look dowdy." 0 A Thus exclaimed a woman who called re- • cently. "So many stores refuse to take 0 0 pains with a stout woman: seem to assume ft a she's beyond hope. But I saw your adver- • V tisement addressed to us and I thought I'd 0 Q see what you could do for me." a • V A • • J • Twenty minutes pass dur- ; 11 ing which the customer is • 0 carefully fitted to a dress 0 a which in color, in pattern Q 1 and in line is designed to a V . minimize her weight. • • • 0 • U • • 0 "There! I knew it could be done," she V a exclaimed as she surveyed herself in the 0 V mirror. "I look 30 lbs. lighter and you've Zi 0 really given me some lines. My husband 0 a will think I've been banting." ft 1 • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers