Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 22, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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Mississippi Valley Concerns to
Take Advantage of
Trade Conditions
Memphis. Tenn., Aug. 22. A
visit to Latin-American countries
by Mississippi Valley concerns in
terested in taking advantage of new
trade conditions since the ending of
the war and to include representa
tives of Chicago. St. Louis, Mem
phis. Cincinnati. New Orleans and
many inland cities, is planned for
this fall and winter. Not less than
300 commercial, financial and busi
ness establishments are to be rep
It is proposed to make an exten
sive trip to ascertain by personal
observation the business conditions
and possibilities in South America
and how the Mississippi Valley can
best develop its trading interests
with the Latin states.
The movement was started by
the New Orleans Association of
Commerce, which already has dele
gated a committee to interest other
similar organizations and which al
so has taken up with the United
States Shipping Board the question
of obtaining a vessel for the trip.
It is the intent to start about
November, on a tentative itinerary
that will take the delegation to
Cuba, Jamaica, Santa Domingo.
Haiti, cities in Venezuela, Colom
bia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile
and back through the Panama
It is quite certain from local in
formation, that Memphis and St.
Louis will bo well represented and
assurance has been obtained that
Chicago and Cincinnati will like
wise send a number of representa
tives. The proposal is of especial
interest in the lower Mississippi
Valley because of recent announce
ment and assurance that river
transportation is to be much im
proved as far north as Memphis
and St. Louis and likewise because
of rapid development of livestock
and agricultural progress in the
lower valley country.
Ovation Is Given
Prince of Wales as
He Lands at Quebec
Quebec, Aug. 22.—Welcomed by
strains of "God Save the King," and
a royal salute from the guns in the
old citadel, the Prince of Wales
landed here last night for his first
visit to the ancient capital of French
He was brought ashore from the
battleship Ilenown and landed on
King's wharf.
The Prince, who was followed by
Sir Robert Borden, prime minister
of Canada, was greeted on the wharf
by the Governor General of Quebec,
the Duke of Devonshire, Cardinal
Begin, head of the Roman Catholic
church in this country, and Mayor
While the big guns were booming
their welcome, a series of pyrotech
nic bombs burst in the air above
him and at each explosion a flag of
one of the Allies was unfurled. A
squadron of airplanes circled above
the royal party.
At 6.15 the Prince and the Duke
of Devonshire motored together to
Upper Town, through Mountain Hill,
and St. Louis street. The Prince was
cheered by large crowds along the
route while church bells tolled their
Dr. Karl Muck, Held
as Interned Alien,
Returned to Germany
Now York, Aug. 22.—Dr. Karl
Muck, former conductor of the Bos
ton Symphony Orchestra, who had
been interned at Fort Ogelthorpe,
Ga., for several months because of
his pro-German sympathies, sailed
yesterday for Copenhagen on the
steamship Frederick VIII. He was
accompanied to the pier by an agent
of the Department of Justice, who
warned the captain of the steam
shin to see that Dr. Muck did not
get off the vessel inside the three
mile limit.
Dr. Muck's name was not on the
passenger list and he was not recog
nized until an enthusiastic fellow
countryman called him by name and
threw his arms around his neck and
kissed him. The musical director was
very bitter against the United States
It has been reported that Dr.
Muck asked to be deported now to
avoid involuntary deportation later
with other interned aliens under
legislation now pending in Congress,
so that he may be able to return
later to the United States.
Shoe Retailers Deny
Profiteering Charges
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 22.
Officers and directors of the Nat
ional Shoe Retailers' Association in
special session here denied there
was any organized profiteering
among the retail dealers of the
United States.
Retail shoe dealers represented 1
in this association fear no investi- !
gation" declared A. H. Geuting,
president of the National body. "We j
have nothing to conceal and stand '
ready to place ourselves unreserved- j
ly at the disposal of the Govern- '
ment for the working out of any j
practical plan designed to solve the
price problem."
A statement authorized by the ■
meeting said that many styles of •
footwear would be eliminated for i
the spring season of 1920 in an ef- i
fort to reduce prices.
Prices of shoes this fall, it was '
announced, will range from $S to I
sl2 a pair.
Make Fight For
New Iron Mines
Paris, Aug. 22.—Disposition of the !
Iron mines and iron industries of
the part of Larraine reattached to
France by the Peace Treaty has be
come an object of„ competition be
tween important ii'n and steel cor
porations and a syndicate of 200
iron founders. The former seek to
purchase and operate the mines
and works, while the latter de
mands that both the mines and the •
works be acquired by the state to
remain its property and to be oper
ated under its direct control.
Washington, Aug. 22.—8y a strict
party vote, the House yesterday 1
passed and sent to the Senate a bill '
imposing a tariff of $lO a unit or'
'OO a ton on crude tungsten ore
$1 a pound on serro tungsten
ther tungsten salts. Democrats
Representative Kitchln, North
.sl uiiJlA. Uniivbt ■ Ak*
'Senator Fletcher Hurt
When Trolley Hits Him
By Associated Press.
Washington, A up. 22. Senator i
rletcher of Florida was struck by
| a street car late yesterday and I
Dainty Hand-Embroidered
Crepe Kimonos From
Imported Japanese crepe kimonos, hand-em
broidered—Copenhagen, rose, pink, lavender
and light blue, $5.00, $5.95 and $6.95
Pink Batiste Bloomers 60c to $1.25
Crepe Bloomers, white or pink SI.OO
Witchery Crepe Bloomers $1.50
White Satine Bloomers $1.50
Black Satine Bloomers SI.OO and $1.50
Cotton Taffeta Petticoats in color combinations, tai
lored and plaited flounces, French blue, navy, green
and black $1.95, $2.50, $2.95 and $3.50
Cotton Petticoats in satine or cotton taffeta, tailored
and plaited flounces $1.50, $1.95, $2.95 and $3.50
White Satine Petticoats, $1.25, $1.95, $2.95 and $3.50
Pink broche, low bust, elastic top, six supporters,
Pink brocade model for the slight figure, medium
bust $3.50
New Fall models in the American Lady Corsets,
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to 51.00
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Pretty New Cottons Coming
in For Fall Dresses
Cotton dress goods that find a welcome in
every home where sewing is to be done for the
new season.
Silk and Cotton Poplins, 36-Inch- Yard $1.25
Cotton Poplins in Fall shades, 27-inch, yd., 59c;
36-inch, yd., 69c.
Kimono Sattnes, 32-lnch, figured patterns. Yard, 500
Kimono Silks, 36-inch, figured styles. Yard ... 98c
Printed Tussah, 36-inch. Yard $1.25
Plaid Shirting, 36-inch. Yard 85c
Silk and Cotton Crepes. 34-inch. Yard 59c
Madras Shirting, plain and fancy stripes, 34-inch.
Yard 750
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Attractive Dining Room
Suites in the August
Suites of finest designing and cabinet work
specially priced in the August Furniture Sale.
Nine-piece mahogany Diningroom Suite In solid
mahogany $210.00
Nine-piece Jacobean Diningroom Suite, 6 0-inch
buffet $200.00
Nine-piece Queen Anne Diningroom Suite in mahog
any, 60-inch buffet, 54-inch table, six leather-seat
chairs $310.00
Nine-piece Queen Anne Diningroom Suite In Amer
ican Walnut $275.00
Nine-piece Sheraton Diningroom Suite In waxed
golden oak $200.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor.
The Advance Fall Hats Are Replete
With Delightful Innovations
f Strikingly original are the hats in this advance show
ing of Fall millinery. More than 500 new models are
on display, offering a matchless variety of styles,
shapes and shades in exclusive creations.
Fashioned of finest Lyons silk velvet, rich panne
velvet, suede-like duvetyn, hatter's plush and beaver, in
quaint turbans, tarn effects, Bretons, cavaliers, Chin
Chins, sailors and large picture hats of stunning
Special showing of Cupid hats in the new amber
shade, closely resembling the richness of the natural
A paradise. You will not see these hats anywhere
Smart Hatter's Plush Sailors
Of finest quality and in those smart new shapes that distinguish these hats as the high
est grades of tailored millinery—the equal in quality and styling of any hatter's plush
sailor shown in Harrisburg, $12.00
Showing of New Dress Hats For Girls—Models up to $16.50
Trimmed Hats at $6.50 and $7.50
Scores of styles featured at these moderate prices assuring a choice that is un
equaled for variety of shapes and modes.
Feature Hats of Superb Designing (Only one of a kind) at sls, $16.50, $lB
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front.
11,638 Pieces of Dinner Ware, With Gold Decora
tions, in a Basement Sale Tomorrow
It is not likely that so good a lot of dinner pieces will be found again this year at
such interestingly special prices. Each piece is offered subject to slight imperfections.
Sugar Bowls 40c Cream Pitchers in,.
6-inch oval Vegetable Dishes 17c 8-liieli Platters 17?
7-inch oval Vegetable Dishes 20c 10-inch Platters 'n
8-ineli oval Vegetable Dishes 30c 12-inch Platters xn?
6-inch round Vegetable Dishes 17c Egg Cups. Boston'shape'.' ! .WW L I!
7-Inch round I ogetabic Dishes 20e Dessert Saucers dozen
8-inch round Vegetable Dishes 30c Tea Plates, dozen W W W W" " " Site
®°jy ,S J ''l ■•• !7c Breakfast Plates, dozen ...'.' .'.'.'.' sllO
Individual Butter, dozen 40c Dinner Plates, dozen $1 ,0
Covered Casseroles, eaeli 80c Soup Plates dozen
Covered Vegetable Dishes, eaeli 70c Cups anil Saucers pair 15?.
j seriously Injured. He sustained a
i severe scalp wound, a contusion,
j and a badly bruised arm.
j The Florida Senator was on his
I way home from the capitol and as
j he alighted from a street car near
I his residence, he was struck by an
other car coming from an opposite
I direction.
At the Fletcher home to-night It
was said that his injuries while
quite severe were not regarded as
serious although his exact condition
could not be ascertained until a
more complete examination of the
scalp wound and the contusion was
made. He is 60 years old.
Saturday Hours 9 to 9
lET the wheels of industry hum!
Mankind turns, freed from the grip
of war, to rebuild the world.
"Construction" is the slogan of the
day. All the signs betoken expansive
development a busy world, resuming
old tasks and creating new ones.
There must be no shackles on produc
tion; no stinted labor; no idle hours.
A new Americanism moves the nation.
The spirit of Service, electrified by war,
stirs in every heart. A new faith prom
ises new ideas, new standards, new ideals.
Make way for progress!
There is a lawyer in Toledo, Ohio,
who finds zest in browbeating wit
nesses for the opposition. He rams
insinuations against the integrity of i
the persons he cross-examines, and |
unnerves them. And in at least one
court (where the judge is an old I
colleague of his), Mr. Browbeater'
Satins in
High Favor
Fall frocks of lustrous black
promise to be more highly favored
thaft they were even during war
times—and the most prominent of
the silks in black will be satin.
Our stocks are more complete
than they've been for rr!%ny a day.
36-inch Satin of extra weight. Yard,
36-inch Satin Duchesse. Yard,
$2.50, $2.75 and $3.00
36-inch Satin Majestic. Yard,
$3.00 and $3.25
3 6-inch Satin Riveria. Yard, $3.50
40-inch Charmeuse. Yard .. $4.50
40-inch Suiting Charmeuse. Yard,
$5.00 and $6.50
40-inch Satin Barre. Yard .. $5.49
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
1-1 ij_ Street Floor.
Stuffed Olives, dozen 5c
Lifebuoy Health Soap, cake .. 7^c
Lava Soap, cake 6c
Swansdown Prepared Cake Flour,
package 39c
Creamery Butter, pourM 61c
Swiss Cheese, poflhd 79c
Queen Olives, quart 40c
Lebanon Bologna, pound 29c
Pure Olive Oil, pint, 75c; quart, $1.49
Prepared Prunes, can 23c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
gets away with his deadly work.
But sometimes he slips, even in that
favorable court. For instance:
j An old negro whttewasher sat'
i trembling before him in the witness!
I chair.
"A'ou are Sam Harrison?" de-1
I manded the attorney.
"Yes, sah."
The New Fashions in
Suits, Coats and Dresses
Radiate Smartness in Every Line
Women who are early in wearing the '
good looking things which fashion creates
will admire, the new Suits, Coats and V f*T:
Dresses, which are now being shown for
the first time. They are superlatively well "IT t
made, with little touches which characterize /
Brown, overseas blue, taupe, burnt bis- |
cuit, reindeer and Navy blue are bound to a|< p ' , i &iL M
be tremendously well liked in their hand- '
some silvertoned and tinsel-toned woolens. "• (■ nTTrrjr r mwl
Among the dresses for morning and after- \ ' II IT' MM T*rfjj S
noon are to be found many notably pretty i 'W, ,f Sal li ( L.'j.l ' flfljft
styles of tricotine. One of the best of the j<< j j 1; \T IJM
new dresses is of handsome quality trico- W jj , ! j * '-f j H
tine, built on lines smart and correct and ( VI 'r. J L.J / /' j fl B
retaining the grace, of girlish outlines. In
ered in blue, with a narrow double girdle— jl ' Aj B 'fl <
a masterpiece of the tailored mode. L
Here in lovely groups are Autumn's bril- }■'%■ -N'lW&t
liant classics. Style is supreme, so those (\ \
who wish to select new wardrobes will find \ K ''V
in these displays an admirable opportunity.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. •■•'•A.
AUGUST 22, 1919
| "And you are the Sam Harrison
j who was sentenced to robbery?"
"No, sah, A'm not that Harrison."
"You are perhaps the Harrison
| who was sentenced to two years'
| imprisonment for grand larceny?"
"No, sah, A'm not that Harrison,
j cither."
"Were you ever in prison?"
Bath Robes and Sweaters
For Those Returning
to College
Wardrobes are being planned for the new
school term. Boys and girls who will soon re
turn to college will find the garments needed
this fall in splendid variety in our Men's Wear
Blanket Bath Robes in novelty patterns and beauti
ful color combinations $4.50 to $12.50
"Travelo" Knit Jackets—a lightweight knit jacket
for the traveler, the golfer and general wear; solid col
ors and heather mixtures $8.95 and $9.50
Boys' wool Pull-over Sweaters in combination's and
school colors $4.50 to $0.50
Boys' button-front Coat Sweaters .... S:S.SO to $6.95
Girls' Slip-on Sweaters in plain and fancy colors,
$2.95 to $4.95
Girls' belted Sweaters with Byron or sailor collar,
„ $4.25 to $7.95
Women's and misses' wool Coat Sweaters, sa'lor col
lar, belted styles $5.95 to $19.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Neva Voile. Waists With
Dainty Tucked Veslees
Voile lingerie waists with square neck, roll
collar finished with lace edge and tucked vestee,
sleeves trimmed with lace edge $3.50
Voile waists, tucked vestee, roll collar of or
gandy embroidery, sleeves' have turn-back cuffs
of organdy embroidery, $5.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Leather and Fabric Gloves
For Women-New Fall
New cape skin gloves with strap, $3.75
White washable kid gloves, overseam and
pique sewed, $3.00
Two-clasp silk gloves in white, black and col
ors '-• • • 85£ to $2.50
Chamoisette gloves in white and colors,
SI.OO and $1.50
Li.. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Human Hair Goods
An expert hair-dresser is here to match per
fectly the shade of your hair.
24-inch switches $1.49
26-inch switches $1.95
28-inch switches.., $2.49
Others up to $25.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
"Pes, sah." \
"How long were you In thereT**
"A whole afternoon."
"And for what?"
"Ah was whitewnshln a cell tor ft
lawyer, who had been locked up for
beatin' his clients."—Judge.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.