16 $ NEWS ftNP NOTES OF THE BOY StOUTS $ AN OLD SCOUT TELLS HIS SIDE Gives Opinion on Boy Scout ing as an Economical Feature Tile reason for the astonishing growth In the Boy Scout movement baa puzzled a great many people, but when the question has lw-.-n studied on the basis of the economical eoixUtions and home life surrounding the present day boy all haziness es to this marvelous growth disappears. The average person does not real l* What an enormous change has oome over the economic and living conditions in America during the last half century. We have changed from a predominating rural popula tion, living under either rural or ■•nil-rural conditions to a popula tion which Is very largely centered In eities. The boys of the earlier Prt of the last fifty years played a much more important part 'n tho earning of a livelihood than they do to-day, with tho result that they wore kept busy and accordingly out of mischief. In the earlier days there was scarcely any home but had Its wood-pile, its kindling box, ls yard to be mown, chickens to be taken care of, cows or other animals | to be fed. etc, which occupied the larger portion of the time of boys after school. Compare this with our present day conditions, where a yard bigger than a postage stamp is a rarety, where thousands of boys gain their knowl edge of farm and out-of-door condi tions through entirely artificial means, where the milk is delivered at tho front door and the coal shot in the cellar, with the furnace a complicated machine, which only an adult can attend to, with the gro ceries delivered at the back door, wlthh houses so close together that ball gamee are a nuisance and noisy occaslons for grown-ups to become irritated. A Boy's Time The average boy Is awake about 5000 hours a year; he spends about 1200 hours in school, approximately 100 hours in Sunday school or in some other form of religious service, | and at the very best estimate not j more than 700 additional hours doing such chores as are left, which means ( that he has approximately 300 hours , of his time unoccupied and during which he plays. Ninety-nine times out of a hun dred when a boy gets in trouble it |£ while he is playing. From the foregoing it is readily seen that a ] program which can fill satisfactorily i theoe 300 hours of unoccupied time I will Immediately become popular and be ased to its greatest capacity. This , Is exactly what the Boy Scout pro- ; gram-does. It directs the activity of I the * boy along lines which are not j - ; New Home Treatment For Banishing Hairs _______ (Beauty Topics) With the aid of a delatone paste, WS an easy matter for any woman every trace of hair or Itol from face, neck arrd arms. I Enough of the powdered delatone and water Is mixed into a thick paate and spread on the hairy sui - j race for about 2 minutes, then rub- ; bed off and the skin washed. This completely removes the hair, but to I avoid disappointment, get the dela- | tona In an original package. Simple Home Remedy Advised For Rose And Hay Fever Araptio Can Make a Pint For - Trifling Sum and Used In Time May Prerent Annual Attack matter how severe your yearly attack be, ■•matter bow distressing or hu miliating— B*ttenslty can be reduced to a harm less, mildness," NjV a Kentucky druggist who believes IMS what he has seen that this simple bane made remedy la a most lm fSflant discovery. B* has seen the most severe and Wdfently unconquerable cases re taeea to what might be called a mild MM In twenty-four hours. E> many cases where the patient MMtal treatment a week or ten days MM* the expected attack the unwel- M yearly visitor failed to appear like Its usual Intensity. Iwple who want to try this new can make a pint In a few [ one ounce of Menthollzed Ar ■Mfl I°*° * P ,nt bottle then till the Pott!* with water that has been boiled. Bartfe dally as directed and snuff or the nostrils twice dally. " 7< Kiat's all there Is to the treatment Mich to many sufferers have found to b* a true friend. Hanthollzed Arclne In one ounce tin lß IS dispensed by all the better pharmacies. FASCINATING TEETH How Erery Woman Can Quick ly Charm Her Friends With LoTely Teeth, Clean, White and Brilliant If yoti want the cleanest of white )Ntk and healthy gums free from di- MM, an easy and quick way to get bath la to use a tooth paste so effective •ad perfect that astonishing results come In a week's time, i iJd the cost Is so little. Just go to Bar drug or department store, and get • large tube of SEN'IiECO TOOTII PASTE for 35 cents. ■ot only will It make your teeth glean and white, but It will at onca remove any filmy coating, help to check the ravages of Pyorrhea and banish acidity In the mouth. It, la used by thousands of dentists •Be- Its sale has been remarkable. When you visit your dentist, which yett should do at least twice a year, ask him about SENRECO. It's a roost dsUghtfol and refreshing tooth paste. ' FRIDAY EVENCMG, SCOUTING NOTES TROOP 28 Scouts Matter. Powers and Blotten berger together with Assistant Scout master Amos Nye took a hike re cently. i'hey started out Derry street to Poor House lane and south on that j around the Poor House. Then they went in the back end of Paxtang j Park, through the Park to Derry j street and east to Felpher's lane and i north until they came to a very i nice meadow- leading west. Scout j Powers found a small land turtle . which he put in his shirt pocket, ! but it became restless or the pocket i did not suit him. because lie began j stirring around and clawed Powers. ' Finally Boyer's Ice Dam was reach- j ed and they crossed the creek and j parked themselves on the bank. Scout Matter blew some fire into a pile of sticks. Scout Blottenberger I was the first to show signs of a I bit of supper. He fried a pan of , potatoes and after that an egg. Scouts j Matter and Powers followed with fried potatoes and Matter dug up a can of beans from his knapsack. A large bunch of pennyroyal tea was gathered. A few violets and some very fine ferns were seen. After cleaning up the place the j party came in by the old Paxton j Presbyterian Church and down I through Paxtang. Thanks to some j honorable citizen who must have a liking for Scouts, Assistant Scout-1 master Nye was brought in to Har risburg, after he left the boys. TROOP 10 Some crowd last Friday. Six fel lows were present, but the meeting was not so bad at that. We spent j part of the time discussing postage stamps. Then we had a quiz and closed with some games. This week we expect to have with us the fel lows who were at the Scout Camp ! and some others who were out of | town last Friday. We are looking ; forward to next month when all the | fellows will be back and we can , start something. The registration cards of Wm. sv.iyder and George Grove have been received and will be presented on F(j la". John Kid man, Kennard Markley and George Buller represented "Sixteen" at the War Camp Community Service pa- . gcant on toe Island last week. Henry ' Lutz was transferred from Pack Two ; last week, and is our newest member. , Come tonight at 7.30 and see what | is going on. Huston. Scribe. | only useful to himself but acceptable J to the other members of society. \ At the age which Scouting covers. I namely 12 to IS. a boy is particularly careful in guarding his honor. This is perhaps best evidenced by his re fusal to "snitch" on his pals or his gang. It is this age of adolescence when he more nearly approaches the animal stage than any other. This expression is used to convey the thought that a boy in adolescence is less mindful of the influence of his actions upon other persons or things than at any other age, especially so if he cannot secure satisfaction of his desires in any other way except ; a means which brings him into col lision with accepted terms of pro cedure as laid down by the grown ups. With this fact in mind the compilers of the Boy Scout tenets i have used them as a basis ajid ac cordingly insist that a Scout take I an oath to follow the laws of Scout- I ii.g on his honor, and they hold this j up before him as the most sacred j thing in his life. Governed lly I'uliltc Opinion. Scouting is also based upon the j gang spirit. Boys of the age of j Scouting are governed by public I opinion of other boys of their own I age more thoroughly and m,ore forei- | bly than they are by any other kind of public opinions, especially those [ of their elders. If their gang rules that white collars are "sissy" that ] goes. If their gang rules that cigar- | et smoking is not tho thing it has ! more effect than all the "Don'ts " of parents, teachers or laws. Boys as a rule are not particularly mindful of the niceties of what they do, as they are of the results which they are seeking. They are of a nature which must have action and whether this action is secured through ac ceptable or nonacceptable means is of little moment, so long as the ac ! tion Is secured. To them it is not j so much the question of stealing an ; apple from the corner grocery man. as it is the excitement of securing the ! apple and getting chased either by i the grocery man or the "Cop." On the other hand the tyiy will be Just as well satisfied and secure Just as much enjoyment spending a night in the woods, under a competent, clean, j wholehearted Scoutmaster and get Just as many thrills, i Boy Scouting, therefore, resolves ' itself into the simple statement of | furnishing action to the adolescent ! youth, under the guidance of clean, ! wholehearted men, which will be of a nature to satisfy the natural in • stincts of the boy and at the same • time be along lines which will be acceptable to the adult members of ! our social structure. It is the great [ est movement to-day, containing the • least theory and the most practical means of attainment. It is the most democratic and broad-minded move ment that has been developed, and i perhaps its greatest recommenda i tion is that it does not supplant any present work for boys, but on the contrary is an assistance and help to the schools and religious and so ( eial life of every boy who is a mem ber. Catholic Scouts Hike to Church From Camp In keeping with the cherished traditions of LaSalle, Marquette, loliet. Hennepin and those other sturdy Jesuit fathers who, in the -arly pioneer days, heiped blaze the trail of religion through for est and wilderness, boy scouts, members of Catholic troops on an overnight hike or at camp, an swer the call of their church every Sunday morning, no matter how far from a house of worship they may be. If the nearest parish be eight or ten miles'-away, or even more, the scouts will make away from their encampment early in the morning, and in steady tramp, hike over the country roads to some little briuk church where! they attend their Mass, just as hey would do if they were home. Often, some young priest, a coutmastcr perhaps, with a love for boys, will accompany them iver the trail. Sunday is never noro sacred, and rarely more hal lowed than by these scouts, un ier open skies, on the way to ievotional services. TROOP 28 We left 21st and Derry streets | about six o'clock, Saturday. August I i 16, with nine Scouts including my-I self, struck out Brookwood street, and met two more fellows at 23rd and Brookwood, We went north through what is known as "Rudy's woods" and I separated the boys into two groups, one of which went east toward Prospect Hill cemetery and t the other with me went north to Mar- t ket street and then east, then struck c out for Raysor's Church where we ■■ met the other group. We then pro- i reeded on what is known as the old a Telegraph Road. O-i the way to Oak- r dale school house we saw a large r aeroplane overhead. On leaving Oak- | dale we went south along the Bea- a ver creek lor about a half mile, s crossed the creek into the meadow 1 and a tire wis started. For supper f we each had tl'.r.e toasting ears which we prep,-,.a di y tying the ends c of the ears securely and sticking t the whole into the tire until the husk was burnt, then they were taken t lrom the Are, the husk stripped back, f and the corn toasted a bit. Eaten i with a little salt they were great. 1 We were sadly out of luck because e sumeone forgot to bring a two-quart kettle in which So make "Java" or I coffee. The beys borrowed my little I pint stew kettle after I had a cup of 6 coffee, bat it was slow work as the * kettle had to bo held over the Are with a pronged stick. There was a l variety of cats. Raasted "doggies" e proved the most popular. j r It had been cloudy when Me started, I f although e few stars had appeared ' j but gradually they were chased ! i away by a ruiny wind blowing north through the meadow. After a lot of • argument we packed up about 10 P. M. and struck north to the school i house where we spent the night. Two j of us slept in a coal shed, and the others on the porch of the school j house which had a cement lloor but j we tixed that by placing boards on the floor and covering them with , ponchos, raincoats and blankets. I took watch from 10.30 until 11.30 and then crawled in the coal shed ' and into my sleeping bag. I heard I some mumbling but in a few min utes was asleep. Nunemacher on the last watch wakened me to tell me it was raining. It was 5 A. M. I got up and the rest followed suit. At six a fire had been made with some dry wood we found under a pile as every- , thing exposed was yvet from the heavy rain between live and six ; o'clock. We slowly got breakfast one by one as it was still raining a bit and the fire was near the porch. | Breakfast also was a varied meal. Scnte had baked beans; others toma- . to soup; and there were even more ' roasting ears. As for me. 1 had fried ' potatoes and bacon, three "doggie" j sandwiches, and a piece of cheese, ; While the other fellows cooked their ! breakfasts, Nunemacher and l sneak- j ed over to a farm house where we : got a quart of milk for ten cents, j When we returned "Skeethim" Smith ; was monopolizing the fire with two j huge "doggies." It was still drizzling j Slowly we packed up, put out the j tire, and cleaned up tile place. Then ( I slinging on our packs and putting j I on raincoats and ponchos (those who j i were lucky enough to have them) \Ve started south through the m'eadov j | along the creek to Beaver Station I like a file of ducks. The rain had I stopped by the time we reached Bea- j Station and we waited tjiere for the car. We were a sad looking mess j to get on the car on a Sunday morn- i ing, but after having had such a good j time we did not care. Blottenberger was forgetful enough to leave liis j frying pan behind on the car. and I [ Red Harvord had to make it Just | jas good by leaving a package there I I also, but both articles were returned. Amos Nye, Ass't Scoutmaster, ] TROOP 14 i Monday morning in the mad scram- ! | ble each member of Troop 14 manured i |to get himself and his belongings j j aboard the truck and, although the | I truck produced its best bucks and | bumps, managed to stay there on the j long journey to Camp. On arriving | j at Camp our Troop was assigned to 1 1 ten* three and had the rules and j j regulations of Camp expounded to ) us, this included the way points were ] given and taken from tents. The I | rest of that day passed uneventfully, j (except for swimming eall that after-; I noon. The first night in Camp is al- | ! ways a sleepless night and a night j lof much roise. but tent three, for ; some reason, only had one point taken | ! off and the next day when we got !> j points on tc : nt inspection there was ' rejoicing, but not for long, for that ' I night and many nights to come a lit- , I tie boy by the name of | ! queered it and in the end tent three . I failed to get double ice cream on ( Sunday. The days passes quickly j ! with land marks in the shape of mess and swimming call, and believe me | those meals would have been a land ] mark in anybody's life, for we had an appetite 100 per cent, above nor mal, with Mr. Danner cooking, and Mr ' Virgin providing we sure had some tine meals. There were few accidents, chiefly being the heroic rescue when Russ Losvery fished Yingst out of the drink, and next when a piece of Dumm's head was removed by a sinker. There was a j great deal more fishing than fish, but | anyway we got some fish. I say we j as a consolation to myself, as 1 was j one of the unlucky fishermen. J. i Earnest passed his first-class test, | Groli Hostler, and H. Kline passed second-class tests and Martin and Dumm passed their tenderfoot tests. A few of our fellows onjy stayed for a week but th£ majority stayed the full ten days, and after meeting many fine fellows we bounced home in the ! truck, broke but happy. Joel Earnest, TROOP 2 The numerals have arrived and ! i will be sold to Tenderpad Cubs only 1 tonight. The price is a thin dime. ! We hope to have our new caps also land the four Cubs who nave already•. ; paid for theirs will be happy 1 know. , 1 Last Fridav we spent most all of . •our time playing games and very. I i.kelv that is what we'll do this week. ; 1 There are too manv fellows out ot ] ! town to take up any work only four- j teen were present on I- riday. and to j ■ start any one. star work with a group • of that size would mean doing it all | lover when the crowd comes in. ; Come for sure at b.3<> and we II ( do the rest.. cub cunkle. Scribe. i I i DIDN'T INTKUKKT HIM ; a gentleman he.e from Georgia. !avs the labor situation in- the South! •this year reminds him cf this story;! 1 A "negro app ied to a cotton plan tation manager for work. "All right," said the manager, j i "Come around in the morning and I'll put you to work and pay you 1 what you are worth." i "No, suh, I can't do dat," replied - the negro. 'l'se gittin' mo' dan dat inow."—Commerce and Finance, i &ARRISBURG TKLEGRIPH CAMP ECHOES STILL RINGING Ilacoboscam Passes With His tory When Tents Are Struck Camp Hacoboscam passed into his tory last Monday morning, and now there is nothing left but the mem ory of a successful camping season. All the goods are packed up and put into storage awaiting the arrival of another year when oW stunts will be revived, and the old camp lire re newed. The talcum powder was not opened all summer because there was no sunburn, and there was no sunburn because there was so little sun. it even liad to rain the last two days. Pishing was better at the end of camp than early in the season. Even the Chief caught a 14-inch pike. >lt. Holly people were sorry to see the Scouts go. The Invitation to return next year was pressing. That is the sort of record to leave behind. During the whole summer not one ease was reported where Scouts had acted in an ungentlemajily fashion in the village, nor was there one particle of unfavorable comment. Scouts are always gentlemen as well as a good many other things. Assistant Camp Director Sparrow has turned in records of hundreds of examinations given during the sum mer. It is going to take the Chief almost a week to record them all. Many Scouts are on the high road to higher rank. Frank Foose is building thiee or pi A D K"'C 300 MARKET ST. O 306 BROAD ST. Sample Perfumes Djer-Kiss 25c Azurea 25c Houbigant's Ideal 25c Fiancee 25c Coty's L'Origan 25c Sample Sachets Djer-Kiss 10c Azurea 10c Garden Fragrance 10c Fiancee 10c Ideal 10c Ointments Resinol Ointment 37c, 73c Mentholatum 17c, 33c Musterine 19c, 39c 30c Dony's Salve 19c 25c Sassafola 18c 60c Camphorole 43c Musterine 19c, 39c 50c Armstrong's Croup Ointment 39c 60c Doan's Ointment 49c 50c lodex 39c 25c Bucklen's Arnica Salve 17c 50c Hobson's Eczema Ointment 40c Vick's Vapo Rub 14c, 39c Palmer's Skin Success 19c Cuticura Ointment 42c Musterole 19c, 39c Poslam Ointment 40c, $1.45 Cuticura Ointment 19c, 39c Toilet Waters Djer-Kiss Toilette $1.45 Djer-Kiss Toilet Vegetale $1.19 Azurea Toilet Vegetale $1.19 Azurea Toilette $1.95 Floramye Vegetale $1.19 Mavis Toilet Water sl-19 Hudnut's Toilet Water ... 85c Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water 75c Mary Garden Toilet Water ...$3.59 Special Sale of Drugs F. E. Cascara Sagrada Aromatic, 3-oz. bottle 25c Ess. Peppermint, 3-oz. bottle ...60c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, 2-oz. bottle 35c Castor Oil, 2-oz. bottle 20c Sweet Spirits of Nitre, 2-oz bottle 35c Spirits Camphor, 3-oz. bottle ...60c Tine. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle 60c Tine. lodine, 2-oz. bottle 35c Comp. Licorice Powder, 1 oz. ..10c Ess. Pepsin, 3 ozs 40c Camphorated Oil, 3 ozs 45c Soap Liniment, 3 ozs 45c Special Sale of Tooth Brushes 25c Tooth Brush 20c 35c Tooth Brush 28c 45c Tooth Brush 33c 50c Tooth Brush 40c 60c Tooth Brush 50c CIGAR SALE Havana Tucks, 6 for 25c Counselor, 9 for 50c Roigs, 9 for 50c King Oscar, 9 for 50c Sweet Girls, 9 for 50c La Tiftons, 9 for 50c Even Steven, 9 for 50c 3 Mojas for 25c 3 La Carma for 25c 3 Girards for 25c four miniature bridges which will be placed on exhibition permanently at I Scout Headquarters. He and a num ] ber of other Scouts completed their Merit Badge in Pioneering at camp. 1 "Woody" gained 15 pounds in six I weeks. There is no reason why he | shouldn't have doubled that, con- S sidcrlng the size of his appetite. All the pictures the Chief took during the summer are being mounted | on a big card and will be on exhibl | tion at Scout Headquarters in a few days. Copies can be secured at Head quarters. Tent 4 had a watermelon feast last Saturday night. All officials were invited. A favorite combination at meals was bananas and peanut butter. There is no telling what the Scouts will learn to like next. Many boys learned to peel spuls and wash pots. The Chief recom mends that certain Scouts, whom ho could name, could be quite useful to their parents this coming winter. No more K. P. until next year. Mr. Danner, otherwise known as "Cookie" has gone oft to enjoy a well earned vacation. Prof. Rees has gone to Wlldwood to recuperate. TROOP 8 TO HOLD CORN' ROAST The corn ror-st which was supposed to be pulled oft by Troop 8 last Mon day evening was postponed because of the rain. It will be held tonight. The Scouts with their friends will meet at the Square and leave on the 6.20 car for Rockvllle. They will hike from there to Dauphin where they will be entertained at the cot tage of Mr. M. J. Wallis. The hikers will hit the trail again at about 11 o'clock and walk to Rockvllle where they will board the car for Harris burg. Edgar A. Spotz, Scribe. SHIPYARD STRIKK OFF Baltimore, Md., Aug. 22. The strike of the 4,000 union workers in the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corpo ration yards at Sparrows Point was called off last night and many of the men returned to work to-day. Baby Food Nestle's Food 45c, $2.47 Horlick's Malted Milk 38c, 73c, $2.7,5 Borden's Malted Milk 39c, 75c, $2.75 Imperial Granum 21c, 58c, 87c $3.75 Eskay's Food ... $2.79 SI.OO Eskay's Food 73c 75c Denno's Food 63c 75c Mellin's Food 52c 75c Peptogenic Milk Powder.... 59c 4 Cans Eagle Brand Condensed Milk 98c Merck's Barley, 1 lb 25c Sugar of Milk, 1 lb 77c Anti-Colic Nipple 5c Toilet Creams Pompeian Night Cream 27c De Meridor Cream 33c Pond's Vanishing Cream 32c Othene, Double Strength 67c Sanitol Cold Cream 24c Pompeian Day Cream 39c Mercolized Wax 69c Hind's Honey & Almond Cream 39c Frostilla 19c Oriental Cream $1.09 Orchard White 28c De Meridor Liquid Powder ....37c Mum Deodorant 19c Delatone Hair Remover 69c Toilet Soap Packer Tar Soap ...19c Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 for. .25c Colgate's All-Round Soap 10c Germicidal Soap 17c Colgate's Elder Flower Soap .. 10c Harfina Soap . 17c Lysol Soap 19c Palmer's Soap .19c Resinol Soap -.-.-.v -I® C Woodbury's Soap .• 19c Cuticura Soap .. 19c Poslam Soap ..v. •• • 19c Johnson's Foot Soap •<*><• • • 19c Carbolic Soap .... ••• •• • • ■ 2oc Pear's Scented Soap -22 c Pear's Unscented Soap ........14c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, 3 for 25c Palm Olive Soap, 3 for 25c Shaving Items $5.00 Gillette Razor $3.75 SI.OO Gem Razor 83c 6 Gillette Blades 45c Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal 75c Mennen's Shaving Cream 42c Durham's Duplex Razor 89c 1 Pt. Best Witch Hazel 38c 1 Pt. Imported Bay Rum 89c Lather Brushes 35c Blackhead Removers 10c Styptic Pencils 5c Babies' s!r Every true mnther realizes the fact that her babv's health de- ..<s#^ — -Nib yisjy, pends upon her own, that the very itality of her child is influenced n Rw jgw ""V.yKvvN by her own physical condition. How important it is, therefore, ' mßh/i ' ' lfPfe'" ff against any derangement of the female organs, which I~ ** Eo induce general weakness, nervousness, constant fatigue and utter tig/ JZ JMjiv inability to properly care for her child. Please remember, that *;. .'J®,"*" ' ''' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and jsSS'-'fu / \ strength to thousands of such asothers. ' y V A l Mitchell, Ind.—"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound helped me i\ OiV \V\\v?S\ V *° muc 'i during the time I wag looking forward to the coming of my little //J (WwSV\ one " Jut 'am recommending it to other expectant mothers, Before taking I ■■jKwßrirY. IffWsx it, soma days I suffered with nenrslgiaso badly that I thought 1 could not live, but after taking three bottles of Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com f V®<ifP ou "d i was entirely relieved of neuralgia, I had gained in strength and - -JiifcSy KWy) was able to go around and do ail my housework. My baby when 7 months Y/ Tsar"* old weighed 19 pounds and I feel better than I have for a longtime. I .SSf "*VWP ™* 80 muc ' l f°°d "—Mrs. PEARL MONYHAM, / JPP Good health after maternity is a moat Important factor to both tlwL( tjfc ■ | V\ % l v mother and child, and many letters have been received by the Lydia E. WvSfx . vugs XA. I \ \"' Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of health restored during this AuVje- NjCwV,* trying period by the use of Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. v^' f Lydia E. Pinkham's \f Face Powders Azurea Face Powder $1.19 Floramye Face Powder $1.19 Mary Garden Face. Powder .... 75c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 51c Laßlache Face Powder 42c L'Me Face Powder 19c, 39c Mavis Face Powder 37c Pompeian Face Powder 39c Carmen Face Powder 33c Woodbury's Face Powder 18c Pussy Willow Face Powder 39c Lady Mary Face Powder 37c Melbaline Face Powder ........21c Melba Face. Powder 43c Coty's L'Origan Face Powder $1.89 Dorin's Rouge 1249 39c Large, ripe Cordial Cherries, prepared by master confectioners, so that the full, rich flavor is retained, and covered with famous I.ady Helen Chocolate. A mouth melting, tempting confection. Kqual to any $1.25 per pound chocolates made in the world. Our Special Candy Sale Price, the full pound, 64c Chocolate Butter Scotch 29c % lb. Milk Chocolate Cherries 29c Va lb. Chocolate Covered Caramels . . 29c % lb. , Talcums Mennen's Talcum 19c Walz Dream Talcum 19c Jess Talcum 19c Riveris Talcum 19c Colgate Talcum 19c Colgate Talcum 18c Mavis Talcum 19c Mary Garden Talcum 45c Rigaud's Lilac Talcum 59c Djer-Kiss Talcum 33c Squibb's Talcum 17c Babcock's Cut Rose Talcum 14c William's Talcums 18c Hudnut's Talcum 18c Melba Talcum 21c Johnson's Baby Talcum 15c Babcock's Butterfly Talcum ...,19c Love Me Talcum 21c Massatta Talcum • 17c Lady Miry Talcum 39c As-the-Pe.tals Talcum 21c Tetlow's Pussy Willow Talcum, ,29c Home Needs Lavoris 19c, 37c, 77c 2 Packages Lux 23c Boric Acid l / 2 lb 11c Sani-Flush 21c Liquid Veneer 17c, 37c Chlorinated Lime 8c and 15c Witch Hazel, 1 Pint 35c Black Flag Insect Powder 21c Borax, 1 lb 12c Absorbent Cotton, 1 lb 68c Bay Rum, 1 Pint 75c C-N Disinfectant 19c Castor Oil 19c Listerine 19c, 37c, 69c Toilet Waters Hudnut's Rose Omar 85c Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet ... 35c Hudnut's Extreme Violet 85c Colgate's Eclat SI.OO Colgate's Robinia $1.35 Booth's Rose Toilet Water 45c Booth's Violet Toilet Water ....45c Hudnut's Violet Sec 85c AUGUST 22, 1919 Dental Preparations Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 37c Pyrrocide Powder 73c Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c Colgate's Tooth Powder 15c Calox Tooth Powder 18c Euthymol Tooth Paste 17c Colgate's Tooth Paste . . and 25c Forhan's Tooth Paste.. ,20c and 39c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c S. S. White Tooth Paste 17c Senreco Tooth Paste ...23c Steam's Tooth Paste. 21c Kalpheno Tooth Paste 21c Peroxide Tooth Paste 21c Hair Preparations Herpicide 39c, 79c Wildroot Hair Tonic 41c, 79c Hay's Hair Health 34c, 67c 50c Parker's Hair Balsam 39c 75c Q-Ban Hair Restorer 49c $1.25 Goldman's Hair Restorer, ,98c 50c Emulsified Cocoanut Oil 38c Danderine 21c, 41c Wyeth Sage and Sulphur, .45c, 67c 60c Parisian Sage 39c $1.25 Potter's Walnut Stain 89c 50c Palmolive Shampoo 39c 85c Barker's Hirustus 75c $1.25 Pinaud's Quinine 98c 75c Damschinsky's Dye 65c 50c Beta-Quinol 39c Patent Medicines SI.OO Syrup of Pepsin 73c Swamp-Root 39c, 71c 60c California Syrup of Figs .. . ,37c Glyco Thymoline 19c, 39c, 79c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 75c 85c Jads Salt 53c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 75c Scott's Emulsion 45c, 89c SI.OO Wampole's C. L. Extract..63c Sloan's Liniment 39c, 77c 50c Usoline Oil 38c SI.OO Vinol 79c Father John's Medicine ...39c, 79c sl.lO Miles' Nervine 79c $1.25 Pierce's Medicines 78c $1.50 Fellow's Hypophosphites, $1.05 60c St. Jacob's Oil 39c Tanlac ; 79c Pills and Tablets SI.OO Nuxated Iron Tablets 69c SI.OO Nature Remedy Tablets.. ,73c 75c Bellans 45c 50c Williams' Pink Pills ...37c 50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers ...34c 50c Cascarets 39c 25c Edwards' Olive Tablets 17c 25c Beecham's Pills 17c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 42c SI.OO Bliss Native Herbs 67c 25c Miles' Pain Pills 19c 100 5-grain Cascara Tablets 39c 100 5-grain Aspirin Tablets 85c 100 5-grain Blauds' Iron Pills ...19c 100 Alophen Pills 55c SI.OO Dewitt's Kidney Pills 67c 30c Grove's Bromo Quinine 19c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers