Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 22, 1919, Image 11

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Licenses of Those Who Sell
Above 11 Cents Are
to Be Revoked
nine cents., less two per cent, dls-
Waslilngton, Aug. 22.—Active con
trol of sugar prices has been re
sumed by the government, through
an agreement reached between the
Department of Justice and the food
administration, that licenses will be
revoked by the latter when it is
shown dealers have been profiteer
Sugar should reach the consumer
at approximately eleven cents a
pound, it was announced, based on
the ownership of the entire domes
tic and Cuban crop by the United
States Sugar Equalization Board,
which is selling to refiners at 7.2S
cents a pound. Refiners are under
contract with the board to sell at
Vigorous Men
and Women Are
in Demand
If your am biuou ruts left you, your
happiness pas gone forever uuieeS
you take advantage of your drug
gist's magnificent oftcr to refund
your money on the first box pur
chased if Wendell's Ambition Hills
do not put your entire system in
line condition and give you the
energy and vigor you have lost.
Be ambitious, be strong, lie vigor
ous. Bring me iuuuj gio.v or neu.ua
to your cneeks auu iue rlgat spai
kle that denotes perfect uiaunood
and womanhood to your eyes.
Wendell's Ambition Hills, the great
nerve Louie, uie spielidid for mat
tired feeling, nervous troubles, poor
blood, lieauueliea, ticula.gtu, tesliess
uess, Itemtiluig, nervous prostration,
mental depression, lorn ot appetite,
and kidney or liver complaints; you
taKe tncui Willi mis understanding,
in two days you will teel bettor.
In a week you will teel line, auU
alter taking one boa yen will have
your old-time conndenoe and ambi
tion or the druggist will refund the
price of the boa.
Be sure and get a 50 cent box to
day end get out of the rut Remem
ber your druggist and dealers
everywhere are authorized to guar
antee them.
Peaches Delivered at 1
Your Home
I will have on sale at my stalls to-morrow in the '
three local markets —Broad Street. Chestnut Street
and Allison Hill—a choice lot of Alberta and Belle '
of Georgia peaches. These are prime for canning. 1
I will send to your address this fruit in quanti-'
ties of one or more basket lots, delivery free. ,
Robert J. Walton
Collins Style Shop-^^- ,, f
The Cleverest Styles!
A I l l .Vl N |
Wearing Apparel ;
New Fall and Winter i
For Ladies and Misses
Wo are in advance vritli superb assort- ff
jSffll'fcftlVtCik ' 1,,e,,ts °f Ladles' and Misses' Wearing %
UTI lAxsRT Apparel for Fall anil Winter, featuring w
11 rtjrX' i*inTt-'vCb tl'c cleverest mixlels that will prevail %
during the eoming season. It Is not a J
hit too early to think of buying. Prices C
n, ° go '" K "P- nl,d U P- v\ill be wise J
\ foresight; yes, real economy, to take \
uflvantagc of present prices. 9
•difflih. Ladies' Suits, Misses' Suits g
strong, well-made / %
'y clothes that will give /n\ Iff iJT < \ M
tlie maximum of wear, i\ VW y til &
t and that are smart and ' I \J/ m
CS/-/T-* stylisli in appearance. l/g ]f 'jjfj&Sjg S
l.'ASk. win. SAVE YOU .r, Jl Vffi C
Distinctive Styles in |i \
Suits For Men and Young Men
Snappy up-to-the-minute models featuring 1 'AB^l
the latest style changes in suits for men and Villi
young men. ,* |H|
MIXTURES, E7TC. |j| 11 1 (
You might as well come in and make your , II 1
selection's early. There will be no advantage 11 Ml 1
in waiting. Our generous terms make it easy £ll II
to buy anytime. R' 1 Ijl
Our liberal credit system enables NR 1 |
you to dress stylishly aiul economic- \
ally without inconvenience in the hfA
matter of paying.
34 N. Second St. (
H. B. McCONNELL, Manager
count for cash, wholesalers and
jobbers are allowed a maximum of
I sixty-eight cents per 100 pounds
j for handling and retailers are per
-1 mitted a profit of one to one ai.d
one-half cents per pound, making
a fair price eleven cents, except in
! cases where dealers have purchased
at an •'unreasonable" price due to
! misunderstanding in the trade.
| When this is a fact, a reasonable
advance over the actual cost will
I be permitted.
I With the House Agriculture Com
-1 mittee's amendment for extension
' of the powers o fthe food control
i act before it, the Housje is prepared
j to take action to-day on the amend
j ment and thereby make its first ex
tensive step toward beating down
| living costs. The amendment, which
> was reported to the House by a
unanimous vote, includes retailers
i among those liable under the food
1 control act, and its enactment along
I with the control exercised over
' sugar, officials believe, will do much
: to curtail profiteering by retailers.
A north countryman, charged with
having set fire to a large hayrick,
was defended on the ground that he
j was not altogether responsible for
: his actions. One of the witnesses
testified to the belief that the prison
er was "wrang in his heid."
"Can you mention any occasion
on which the prisoner behaved in a
manner to warrant your statement?"
he was asked by the learned counsel.
"Yes." answered the witness.
"Once at work he got half a crown
too much for his wages, an'—"
"Well " said the counsel, as the
witness hesitated.
"He took it back to th' manager,"
concluded the witness. Edinburgh
Don't Spoil Your Hair
By Washing It
When you wash your hair, be
careful what you use. Most soaps
| and prepared shampoos contain too
I much alkali, which is very injurious,
as it dries the scalp and makes the
! hair brittle.
Tle best thing to use Is Mulsified
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is
pure and entirely greaseless. It's
very cheap and beats anything else
all to pieces. You can get this at
any drug store, and a few ounces
will last the whole family for
Simply moisten the hair with
I water and rub it in, about a tea
[ spoonful is all that it required. It
I makes an aboundance of rich,
creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly
I and rinses out easily. The hair dries
! quickly and evenly, and is soft,
j fresh-looking, bright fluffy, wavy
! and easy to handle. Besides, it
| loosens and takes out every particle
I of dust, dirt and dandruff.
Mrs. Josephus Daniels Presses
Button That Floods
Honolulu, T. H., Aug. 22.—With
j Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the
j Secretary of the Navy, pressing the
j button that flooded the structure,
i the great Pearl Harbor drydock was
dedicated by Secretary Daniels yes
' terday.
The drydock is one of the largest
in the world. It is 1,001 feet long
and has an inside width of 138 feet
land inside depth of 32Vi feet. It
I will accommodate any ship afloat.
| and represents an investment of
more than $5,000,000.
The dock and naval base have a
i setting in what is considered one
of the finest natural and most
beautiful harbors in the world. En
tirely landlocked in a Km of hills.
Pearl Harbor could anchor all the
naval fleets of the world out of view
from the open sea.
Pearl Harbor has an area of ap
proximately 10 square miles. Its
depth is approximately 60 feet. En
trance to the harbor has been made
safe for all time by dregging and
other work done by the United
The dry dock had been under
construction since 1910. Its open
ing had been planned to take place
long before to-day but various de
lays and the war caused postpone
The most serious delay occured
when the entire bottom of the dry
dock upheaved suddenly, ruining all
work that had been done and de
laying construction for a year. First
theories were an earthquake had
caused the mishap. Then engineers
decided the dredged out bottom left
a floor softer than surrounding
terrain and the pressure of the lat
ter caused the center to upheave.
The accident necessitated a new
plan of construction. Concrete was
moulded into huge blocks, sub
merged and securely anchored.
From this beginning the other work
went rapidly forward.
The dock is operated by the latest
type of machinery. Electrically
driven pumps free the dock of
water after entrance of a ship for
Women Will Aid
the Government in
Reaching Profiteers
By Associated Press.
New Y'ork, Aug. 22—Joining with
the Federal government in its drive
on corner grocery profiteering in
the necessities of life, the Women's
National Economic Committee to
day issued a questionaire to the wo
men of the country to take to the
Home economic teachers of note
in the East have assisted the com
mittee in preparing the quesUonaire,
a package of which will be sent to
every woman's club in America for
distribution at its next meeting.
When filled out. the information
giving slips are to be sent to head
quarters of the committee at New
Imports Increase in July
as the Exports Decrease
Wilmington, Aug. 22.—Imports
in July were the largest in the his
tory of the country, while the ex
ports were the lowest in any month
of this year, according to a state
ment given out to-day by the Bu
reau of Foreign and Domestic Com
merce, of the Department of Com
The July exports amounted to
$570,000,000, nearly $350,000,000
less than in June, the high record
month, but an increase over the
$307,000,000 exports In July, 1918.
For the seven months ended with
July the exports were $4,618,000,-
000 in 1919, and $3,482,000,000 in
1918, an increase of nearly 33 per
cent, in one year.
July imports were valued at $345,-
000,000 as against $293,000,000 in
June. 1919. and $242,000,000 in
July, 1918. They are the largest
monthly imports in the history of
our foreign trade, exceeding by $16,-
000,000 the previous high record in
May of this year. Imports for the
seven months ended with July were
$1,955,000,000 in 1919, against sl,-
788,000,000 in 1918, an Increase in
the last year of less than 10 per
The excess of exports over im
ports was $2 25,000;000 in July, and
$2,663,000,000 in the seven months
of this year, $969,000,000 more than
the excess in the seven months per
iod of 1918 of $1,694,000,000, an in-
I crease of 57 per cent.
No Trace of Train
Robbers Is Found
By Associated Press.
Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 22. No
trace had been found early to-day
of the four masked bandits who yes
terday held up and robbed Louis
ville and Nashville passenger train
No. 7, ten miles south of Columbia.
Officers were continuing the search
through middle Tennessee but It ap
pears the robbers had made good
their escape.
Booty amounting to $60,000 in
cash was reported taken from the
mail pouches by the bandits, al
though no official estimate could be
A boy with the medical corps of
the American Army of Occupation
in Germany writes to his mother:
"You see a beautiful girl walking
down the street. If she has silk
stockings on, she is feminine. If she
is singular, you become nominative.
You walk across to her. changing to
verban and then become dative. If
she's net objective, you become plur
al. You walk home together. Her
mother is accusative. You become
imperative. You go In and sit down.
The little brother is an Indefinite
article. You talk of the future. Bhe
changes to the object. You kiss her
and then she becomes masculine, her
father is present, things are tense
and yo.u are a past participle.—On
tario Post.
By Associated Press.
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 32.
Resolutions condemning prohibi
tion and the protracted war cen
sorship were adopted by the Penn
sylvania division of the Ancient Or
der of Hibernians at the closing
session of its annual convention yes
terday. The prohibition resolution
declared the enactment was a
"usurpation of personal rights."
Fashion Show Displays Wide
Latitude in Designs of
Feminine Apparel
New York, Aug. 22.—This is the
land of the free and the home of
the brave, and you may have any
kind of a "silrouette" that you think
is becoming next winter and still
remain a woman of fashion. In
other words, consult your own type
of beauty in having your clothes
The general tendency will be to
ward long, straight lines. The
coats of suits will be a trifle longer,
the skirts of evening dresses a trifle
shorter—quite short if you have a
pretty foot and ankle. Russian
blouses will be good and your tail
ored suits may abound in ripply
Such is the verdict of the fash
ion show which has just opened ill
the Ritz-Carlton ballroom under the
auspices of the Shelton Looms and
associated majiufacturere.
The purpose of the show, as ex
pressed In the catalogue is, "first,
to stimulate interest in garments of
American design, made from tex
tiles of American manufacture." A
special feature is an exhibit of more
than fifty coats -of cloth which
closely imitates the textures of the
popular furs. Imitations of mole
skin, cheetah, Persian lamb .and
sealskin were shown made up alone
and in combination with real fur.
A few of the garments were of
cloth of American manufacture
made up by Paris designers.
A group of unusually pretty
mannikins displayed the beauties of
the garments yesterday. A riding
habit of black and white, with
leather facings, a velvet dressing
gown with a little cap, and an even
ing gown of velvet, "illuminated" in
color by hand, were among the cos
tumes that elcited most applause
from the large assemblage of
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad.
"Harrisburg's Dependable Store"
A PPEARANCE is the factor that causes a man to
A decide on a certain suit—The way it brings out
JBSijSf HIS individuality; but unless this STYLISH
APPEARANCE is combined with VALUE, a man
seldom is foolish enough to waste good money for it —
/—A And no merchant—if he is the proper kind —should try
feCT" rfWL essentials —No one believes in VALUE giving more
wßk *- than WM. STROUSE & CO. and you have only to
,illj compare carefully our clothing with other stores at the
W-same prices to discover that.
SERVICE, and SATISFACTION go hand in hand
at ''Harrisburg's Dependable Store."
There are a few of these remarkable all-wool
W-' '* or su ' ts —they sold as high as $35
pi WWm ( P *ff now we are closing them out (for our racks
v< *f |l§ IllllliP ' must be clean) at $16.75. Be one of the far
' ' H■§ '<s sighted men to take advantage of this golden
JL• • iK opportunity —but come early to get the benefit
7p*i - * Every Palm Beach Suit Left Is $10.75
f i|f |1 —We are going to clean out and it's the smart buyers that know
'▼ 11 5? what this low price means next year they'll be more than
I 1 double that.
Have a Look At Our $2.50 Shirts
They are wonderful values and just the kind of patterns that every man de- I Ilk
lights in wearing—you cannot help but be impressed.
Real Russian Corded Madras Shirts Jm t
Are the newest thing they're typical of the kind worn by the best dressers 7/; Si I°!!II
and you will say they are just what you've been looking for / It Y-.lL f I MgLlljw^/Jj^///fl
Priced $4.00 and $5.00
Also a Beautiful Assortment of Satin Striped
Madras at $5.00. They're Fine!
In the Wm. Strouse Boys' Department
We are closing out the last of the Big Bargains in all Wool Suits—There are some of these remarkable gar
ments remaining—Those that sold as high as $9.50 are now $4.95 —Those that sold up to $13.50 are now
310 Market Street Urn. dtamar Harrisburg, Pa.
Famous Whistler Pictures
Now on View in
National Gallery
London, Aug. 22.—One of Whist
ler's most famous paintings, the
"Little White Girl," is now on view
in the National gallery to which it
was presented together with two
other Whistler paintings, "Cre
morne Lights'* and the "Fire
The "Little White Girl" was
painted in 1864 and exhibited at the
Royal Academy in 1865 where it
created a sensation and aroused
much hostile criticism. One critic
regretted that Whistler should
make the "most bizarre of bipeds"
out of the women he painted, and
an American critic described it as
a "powerful woman with red hair
and a vacant stare In her eyes."
Among the few who appreciated
its charm was Swinburne who after
seeing it wrote the poem, "Before
the Mirror." The picture, for
the model "Jo" sat, shows a
girl in a simple white gown leaning
against the mantle, her face re
flected in the mirror.
"Cremorne Lights" is a nocturne
When yon only remove hair
from the surface of the skin the
result Is the same as shaving. The
only common-sense way to remove
hair la to attack It nndcr the akin.
DeMlrncle, the original sanitary
llqnld, dors thla l>y absorption.
Only genuine DeMlrncle has a
money-back guarantee In each
package. At toilet counters In OOc,
1 and S3 alsea, or by mall from
as In plain wrapper on receipt of
FREE hook mailed In plain
sealed envelope on reqnext. Df
Miracle, 129 th St. and T-trk Are-
New York.
in blue and and silver, a twilight
scene with only two tones, the sky
and the water slightly in color, with
M. Brenner & Sons
The Opening of Their Wholesale
Cigar, Tobacco & Cigarette
At 1017 North Third Street
A complete line of the following Cigars will be
Also a Full Line of Tobacco,
Cigarettes and Pipes
Now Open For Business
Bell Phone 3255 Dial 4728
AUGUST 22. 1919.
I .the. ghosts of buildings and the re
flections of the lights of the old
| Cremorne Gardens.
The "Fire Wheel" Is a picture at
a fireworks display, a nocturne la
black and gol<}< .