10 | Coca-Cola is a perfect i answer to thirst that no | ?S imitation can satisfy. § $ Coca-Cola quality, recorded I N in the public taste, is what | i holds it above imitations. i ML —nicknamei encourage aubititution. r KT " THE COCA-COLA CO. I ATLANTA, GA. j [E^EBBBEEBBB SPECIAL LIMITED TIRE SALE BIG SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED, ALL NON-SKID TREADS INTRODUCTORY PRICES SIZE PRICE GRAY TUBE 30x3 $9.73 $1.83 30x334 $12.30 $2.10 32x334 $14.40 $2.30 31x4 $19.80 $3.30 32x4 $20.73 $3.10 33x4 $21.60 $3.80 34x4 $22.23 $3.90 33x434 $29.83 $4.90 IF YOU NEED A TIRE—BUY TODAY ANDREW REDMOND THIRD & HAMILTON STS. HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, Maypole and Folk Dancing Played Big Part in Annual Romper Day Exercises I SEES PEACE OF U. S. DISTURBED [Continued from First Pace.] goal of uniformity in the conditions of labor bat I question -whether it can be dome otherwise than by Truck ing: the standard the lowest, juad lev eling down to it. Strict uniformity in world labor conditions can be attained only at the expense of the American wage earner. I cannot avoid the concltoaom that these ar— " tides designed for hi* proposal and fl spiritual improvement may make him the equivalent of the continental i wage earner-.'* Referring to the pro-risiom that the credentials: of delegates to the in ternatioca:! conference may be . Doctor Tefls How to Strengthen Eyesight lion-Opto, yi ur-||KWlrf7lH Lewis, l|K£ill|n■ IlTUfl have seen eyesight strength- vHaHKadKY^W ened 60% Wj.'/lLj jlj [lay inaweek's wfl JEKfttSUBp time in many instances, and quick relief brought to inflamed, aching, itching, burning, work-strained, watery eyes. Read the doctor's full statement soon to appear in this paper. Bon-Opto is sold and recommended everywhere by Druggists. PEACHES Why not use more peaches? They can be had at the West End Electric Co., Green and Maciay, at reasonable prices, fresh every day from the orchard. Before a crowd of about 5,000 persons, playground girls yesterday afternoon presented a folk dance festival, the feature of the annual Romper Day program at Reservoir Park. The crowds witnessing the i dances were tho largest since the ' annual outings have been held for j the youngsters. About 700 partici pated in the dances and singing games, trained by Miss Margaret C. Turner, folk dancing instructor, and the young women who have been in charge of the various play plots this summer. ! paiOTecS mm try the coimffeireamce Itseflir. I he comaammedl: —FeiraaMMilllly I